HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-07-18; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesI ITEM ## 2 Approved MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: July 18,2001 TIME OF MEETING: 4:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Library Board Room - 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Chair Bill Kamenjarin called the meeting to order at 4:OO PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees, Baron, Gleason Huss, Kamenjarin, Page and Tarman. Absent: None Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Heather Pizzuto, Principal Librarian, Dove Lane Chris Holt, Principal Librarian, Cole Library Dana Hartshorn, Library Management Analyst Anne Sypien, League of Women Voters Observer Bee Koons, NSDCGS Liaison Arthur Wood, Friends of the Library Liaison APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the June 20, 2001 meeting were approved as submitted. M 0 NTH LY LI B RARY DIVISION H E ADS RE PORTS : Chair Kamenjarin asked for an update on the Summer Reading Program participation. Principal Librarian Chris Holt reported approximately 650 younger children and 80 teens signed up at the Cole, and Principal Librarian Heather Pizzuto reported approximately 1200 younger children and 100 teens s of this date. Library Director Lange added that there are over 100 signed up at the Centro. Trustee Gleason Huss asked for a report on the status of the HVAC system for the r Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of July 18, 2001 Meeting Adult Learning Program spaces. Library Director Lange responded that although the new unit was installed it only affects the two classrooms, so the remaining rooms are still very uncomfortable. Currently the lease is at the City Attorney’s office for review to determine if we have any way to apply more pressure on the landlord. Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the windows in the facility do not open making it impossible to create any sort of cross-ventilation. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: By proper nomination and election, Trustee Kamenjarin was re-elected to the Chair and Trustee Page elected as the Vice-chair for the Board for the year. LIBRARY BOARD REPRESENTATIVE TO CARLSBAD LIBRARY FOUNDATION: Trustee Tarman expressed his desire to be replaced as the Board’s representative to the Foundation, having served for two years in that capacity. Library Director Lange explained that the Foundation meets the first Tuesday of each month, here in the Board Room at 4:OO PM. The Board requested this item be tabled and brought back at the next regular meeting to give the Trustees time to consider. Trustee Tarman agreed to continue for one month. F CENTRO DE INFORMACION STATUS: Assistant Library Director Armour reported on the recent meeting with Public Works and Parks and Recreation to discuss the Pine School property. They expect to be involved in the park planning phase by the end of the year and finished by the end of this fiscal year. Actual construction will then take between 18 and 24 months. He also reported that the City has just recently purchased some additional property across the street from the site. The Interim for the Centro will be the period that they occupy a modular building. The focus of the meeting was to determine when that could be accomplished. To begin with the library may need to apply for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) in order to install the modular buildings and there are utility issues (sewer, water, electricity). The plans are for two modulars, one for the Centro and one for the Recreation Program’s Stay and Play. Currently the location being considered is towards the western boundary of the property near the facility yard. Restroom facilities are a big issue, requiring sewer and water hook ups, but also being considered is to locate an upgraded portable facility. It is anticipated that the Centro would be operating out of the modular facility for two years. The modular will be approximately the same size as the current facility. He continued that if they can speed up the CUP process they hope to have the modulars moved onto the site as early as September and no later than November. The City Council has approved keeping the Centro on that property for two years. Beyond the two years is undetermined since a lot will depend on the Public Hearings and the results of the Park Planning phase. t r- Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of July 18, 2001 Meeting Trustee Tarman asked what the plans were for the existing buildings and was told that they will all be demolished. Assistant Library Director Armour pointed out the need to locate the modulars in a safe area, away from the old buildings and prior to the start of the demolition work at the end of this calendar year. There was some discussion about the School Board maintenance yard and when it might be vacant. Assistant Library Director Armour said they expect to stay on that site for at least another year. Chair Kamenjarin expressed his appreciation for all the work Assistant Library Director Armour is doing on this project. He continued that according to his notes, the City Council approved the funds for the project back in March of this year. Assistant Library Director Armour responded that the money is not the issue at this point, but the City’s process. Library Director Lange commented that the other issue is the long-term solution as there are a lot of competing interests as to what should be located on the property. Since the site is very small, clearly it cannot incorporate everything everybody wants. His goal is to try to find another location still in the neighborhood for the permanent F location for the Centro. Trustee Page asked what the City planned for the residential lots recently purchased adjacent to the Pine School property and Assistant Library Director Armour responded that the exact use of the property has not been determined but it will be incorporated into the Park site development. Chair Kamenjarin asked the Board’s indulgence as he introduced another issued regarding the Centro and the collection there. He said there is a marked contrast between what is available there and what is available at the other two locations. He brought a sampling of children’s books from the Centro, very worn and obviously well read. He suggested diverting books from the collections at Dove Lane and the C ole Library to the Centro during the Summer Reading Program, as a temporary solution. He also expressed concerns that the hours of operation are so limited, only open 23 hours a week, never open on the weekends, and never open at night. There is currently no air conditioning or heating and no plumbing. But of even greater concern is the lack of English language books in that collection. If the purpose of the facility is to serve the community and make the transition from Spanish to English, we need to provide the materials. Friend’s Liaison Arthur Wood interjected that at a recent Friend’s Board Meeting they approved $5,000 for new books for the Centro. Principal Librarian Heather Pizzuto commented that from her past history of purchasing Spanish language materials, there is a limited number of items that are available and - F Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of July 18, 2001 Meeting often the binding far inferior to what is printed in English and therefore do not hold up. She continued that often it is necessary to purchase Spanish language materials off the shelves in bookstores. Assistant Library Director Armour responded that we had made a request to the City to expand the hours without any impact in budget or staff but the request was denied for the present. Chair Kamenjarin and Trustee Baron both commented on the inaccessibility created by the limited hours of operation at the Centro. Trustee Tarman expressed surprise at the lack of English language books at the Centro since the trend and the push in the State education system is to have the children read in English. He continued that even though there are school libraries, the need for English language materials, not just bi-lingual materials, at the Centro is essential. LIBRARY STRATEGIC PLAN: Library Director Lange explained that this item was on the agenda again this month in its final form together with some of the research material derived from the surveys and the staff and public focus groups. Trustee Baron asked to what extent were the strate ic goal objectives consistent or inconsistent with the images of the library in the 21’ Century as projected by the survey, particularly as it related to technology, and what functions currently provided by the library will be replaced by the access the patrons can have from home. ,- ? Library Director Lange pointed out that one goal has the heading of technology with several objectives listed beneath it, one of which is the selection of a new automated system for the library. He explained that most of the newer systems allow the patron to access our catalog as well as other library catalogs, and also access to on-line databases and Internet links. Assistant Library Director Armour pointed out that the prevailing theme in the patron survey was more books, more videos, more of the hard collection in the library. There was some discussion about the adverse impact technology had on the use of the Law Library and the differences between the use of that facility (primarily for reference) and the services and use of this library. ENERGY CONSERVATION: Assistant Library Director Armour reviewed the outcomes from the test of the emergency generator at the Dove Lane facility, with the most significant issue being the loss of the HVAC system. Following the test, both he and Principal Librarian Heather Pizzuto consulted with Facilities staff, the Fire Marshall, the Senior Building Inspector - 7- Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of July 18, 2001 Meeting Risk Management and the City Attorney’s office for direction on evacuation and closing of the facility in the case of a power outage. It was determined that there was sufficient emergency lighting, the public elevator remains in operation and the loss of power in no way creates an emergency or life threatening situation, therefore, the library should be able to remain open and in service to the patrons. Assistant Library Director Armour did indicate that there would be appropriate signage to keep the public out of some of the poorer lit areas and to warn staff to avoid the staff elevator when blackouts are anticipated (the staff elevator is not on the generator). Additionally, the library is purchasing more surge protectors for the electronic equipment in the production room for the auditorium. The only remaining concern to be addressed is the necessity of temperature control in the main computer equipment room. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Concert - The director reported the Carlsbad Library Foundation sponsored another piano concert by Richard Glazier earlier this month. Currently they are planning a concert by singer Sarah Lopez to be held on August 26th at 3PM. The program will consist of some opera and Broadway show tunes. F New Automation System - Library Director Lange reported that staff involved in the selection has already had several overview demonstrations from different companies. The next step will be to hire a consultant to assist in the development of an RFP. There is a budget of $51 0,000 approved for the project. ADA Compliance - The library hired a consultant to conduct an ADA compliance review of the facilities at Dove Lane. The final report recommended making some changes to the seating in the auditorium, and the director has already met with a representative from the seat manufacturer to discuss the changes. The modifications will provide companion seating for the wheel-chair locations as well as some adaptable seating for the semi-ambulatory disabled. The handicapped parking spaces are in compliance and therefore no changes will be made. The final issue involves additional signage to include the availability of assisted listening devices for the auditorium. These have been ordered as well. Donation - The Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary Club recently donated $2,500 through the Carlsbad Library Foundation to support the Summer Reading Program this summer. The Library- Check It Out! - The director distributed copies of the flyer provided for the statewide campaign. San Diego County served as one of the test sites for a similar campaign last year to test its effectiveness. The results were favorable so the California State Library has launched a year long campaign that will utilize all forms of media. F P Library Board of Trustees Page 6 Minutes of July 18, 2001 Meeting Photocopier and Printer Vend Service for the Public - Library Director Lange asked Principal Librarian Heather Pizzuto to update the Board on the status of the contract negotiations for public copiers and printers in the library. She responded that as a result of the RFP, we received three proposals, with the most favorable being from Xerox. The most significant issue is the change in the industry which results in the necessity for the library to front funding for equipment and services as opposed to the vendor collecting the revenues from the vend system to cover the costs. It appears it is no longer possible to recoup the costs through the revenue generated by the vend system. The committee is still negotiating with Xerox as well as working with Finance for solutions to financing this venture. The board discussed the costs associated with the lease and maintenance as well as the overall level of service desired. Principal Librarian Heather Pizzuto also explained that the committee is looking at other options for the future to include the possibility of a Countywide contract with Xerox. Library Senior Management Analyst Dana Hartshorn explained the difficulty in trying to analyze the potential profits since the information on current copier and printer use may not be accurate, as the current vendor must provide it. Annual Report for 1999-2000 and Historical Walking Tour Brochure - Both brochures were part of the agenda packet and the Library Director pointed out that the Historical Walking Tour brochure produced by Assistant Library Director Armour and Senior Management Analyst Dana Hartshorn has become the most well received publication we have ever produced. He was pleased to report that Brian Parmalee, Manager of the Four Seasons Aviara Resort, took an entire box to the hotel for distribution. F Assistant Library Director Armour reported that ConVis downtown has 1,000 for distribution and they are also available at Magee House and both library locations. There was some discussion about charging for the publication and including a price on the cover of the next printing. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Friend’s Liaison Arthur Wood reported that the Friend’s Board is in recess for the summer but he did want to report that the recent silent auction at the Cole Library raised in excess of $2,000. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: F- NSDCGS liaison Bee Koons announced that she has stepped down as the beginner teacher but Suzanne Spector has taken her place and taught the July class of 47 - Library Board of Trustees Page 7 Minutes of July 18, 2001 Meeting students. The children’s class was held the last week of June attracting 9 students, and based on their response, the society will probably teach a beginner as well as an intermediate class next summer. She also expressed gratitude for the copies of the library survey since there were several requests for genealogy computer classes and she will take these suggestions to the Society board for consideration. Also, several members are participating in the Brigham Young project that involves the collection of DNA samples (anonymous) and putting them together by familial groups. Ms. Koons wanted to respond to the earlier concerns about using the internet for research work and said that most genealogy researchers would prefer the print as there is so much unsubstantiated and misinformation on so many of the genealogy sites. PUBLIC COMMENT: NONE LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Chair Kamenjarin commented on how great the Cole Library looks. He commented that the landscaping was beautiful and he loves the lighting although he has had a few comments from patrons who think we should be more conservative. ,-- Trustee Page asked if we had a firm date for the installation of the sculpture for the Cole and Library Director Lange replied it would be sometime in August. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 535 PM Respectfully submitted, Cissie Sexton Ad mi n ist rative Secretary