HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-08-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: August 15,2001 TIME OF MEETING: 4:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Library Board Room - 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Chair William Kamenjarin called the meeting to order at 4:Ol PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees, Baron, Gleason Huss, Kamenjarin, Page and Tarman. Absent: None Also Present: r Cliff Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Dana Hartshorn, Library Management Analyst Lizeth Simonson, Centro de Informacion Susan Simpson, Collection Development Carolyn Hoard for NSDCGS Arthur Wood, Friends of the Library Liaison Anne Sypien, League of Women Voters Observer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the July 18, 2001 meeting were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORTS: Trustee Gleason Huss asked for a copy of the Tutor News newsletter mentioned in the Adult Learning Program monthly report. Trustee Page commented on the impressive number of children that participated in the Summer Reading Program this year. She also asked for an explanation of the donation clerk position mentioned in the Collection Development report. F ‘ ’Llibrary’Bioard of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of August 15, 2001 Meeting Library Director Lange explained that the clerk transports the donations received but that Senior Librarian Susan Simpson makes the determination of which donations are added to the collection and which ones are given to the Friend’s to sell. Trustee Tarman asked if the “all hands” staff meeting at the Cole Library was a result of any of the focus groups and the strategic plan feedback. CENTRO DE INFORMACION UPDATE: At the request of the Board of Trustees, Senior Librarian Susan Simpson and Community Services Librarian from the Centro, Lizeth Simonson, were present to provide some additional information about the Centro’s collection and answer questions raised by the Board. Senior Librarian Simpson had prepared several charts showing the division of the materials budget over the last two years, charting the acquisitions and circulation statistics for all three locations. Also provided was a chart showing the average percentage of materials checked out at any given time. Trustee Baron asked for another circulation chart covering FY 99-2000 in order to make a comparison. Senior Librarian Simpson promised to have the information at the next board meeting. r Also discussed by both Senior Librarian Simpson and Community Services Librarian Simonson was the timeline for ordering and processing of Spanish language materials as compared to English language materials. For the most part, Spanish language materials take nearly five weeks longer to receive the order. In addition to the lag time to receive the materials, Senior Librarian Simpson emphasized the additional staff time necessary to add the dust cover, security strips and to augment the catalog information in the utility database by adding Spanish language subject headings to the records. Trustee Kamenjarin expressed concern in the differences in quality and quantity of materials between the three locations and questioned the reduced allocation for materials at the Centro for next year. Senior Librarian Simpson explained that the budget for materials for the Centro for this year ($14,000) includes the $5,000 donation from the Friends of the Carlsbad Library expressly for the purchase of children’s fiction for Centro. She also pointed out that at the time the budget allocations were made, the future site and size of the Centro was undetermined and therefore it did not seem prudent to increase that collection until we had an idea of shelf capacity in the newhnterim facility. Chair Kamenjarin asked for a detailed report listing the numbers of English language, Spanish language and bi-lingual materials in the Centro collection, and expressed his concern over the lack of adequate English language material in the collection. /c F Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of August 15, 2001 Meeting Community Services Librarian Simonson responded that she has a good working relationship with the students and teachers at the area schools, and that for the most part they are interested in English translations of Hispanic authors or English language books that are related to Hispanic culture. She stressed that she was diligently seeking those types of materials as well as other Spanish language materials but that there was a limited amount available from the vendor. At this point in the meeting Chair Kamenjarin opened the floor for public comment on this agenda item from those present who had submitted a request to speak form. First to speak was Ofelia Escobedo who explained her part in the original government grant for the establishment of the Centro. She expressed the importance of the Centro in the Barrio community and asked the Library Board to be proactive in keeping the Centro open and in the neighborhood. Next to speak was Martha Law-Edwards who explained her concerns over the future of the Centro. She asked the Library Board to pursue upgrading the facility for the Centro to at least provide restrooms and to work towards a permanent facility for the Centro in close proximity to its current location. F Last to speak was AI Monzano who asked the Library Board to support the continuation of the services of the Centro, in its current location, and to increase the size and hours of operation. He expressed concern over inadequate space for adults and the need for a larger adult collection. Chair Kamenjarin asked Assistant Library Director Armour to brief the board on the status of the Pine School property. Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the committee working on this project had decided to locate modular buildings at the rear of the property for Centro as well as the Recreation Department Stay & Play program. The new facility will have restrooms, heating and air conditioning and they hope to have them in place in October. The current buildings are scheduled for demolition in December 2001. He pointed out that the interim facility is expected to be in use between 18 months and 2 years. What has not been decided is a permanent location for the Centro once park construction is underway. Several members of the Board expressed concerns over the location for the modular, including visibility, accessibility and signage as well as permanent alternative locations. There were questions over possible alternatives such as the area in the Senior Center currently occupied by the School Board or the two residential properties across from the school and recently purchased by the City. P r Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of August 15, 2001 Meeting Trustee Baron expressed her concern over the disparity between facility provided for our senior citizens (Senior Center) and that provided for the Hispanic community (Centro) and pledged her support towards the continuation and improvement of the service provided by the Centro. Chair Kamenjarin proposed the board adopt a minute motion requesting to increase the size for the Centro interim modular facility. Trustee Baron moved that the Board request a larger facility than the 900 square feet presently planned for the modular. Trustee Page seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously (5 to 0). Chair Kamenjarin then proposed the Board adopt a minute motion requesting an increase in the hours the Centro is open to the public. Trustee Baron moved that the Board request the hours of operation for the Centro be expanded to remain open more than the current 23 hours per week. Trustee Gleason Huss seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously (5 to 0). Chair Kamenjarin and the Board asked that the minute motions be forwarded to the City Manager and City Council and that action on the two items take place by the end of this calendar year. Trustee Baron asked for a report of the projected budget impact resulting from an increase in hours at the Centro. F COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT BUDGET: Library Director Lange provided this as information only but pointed out the library materials budget has doubled the last ten years. LIBRARY STRATEGIC PLAN: Library Director Lange asked the board to approve the plan before it is submitted to the City Council. Also included in the packet was the preliminary implementation action plan. Trustee Tarman moved for approval of the strategic plan, the motion was seconded and passed unanimously. LIBRARY PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Library Director Lange explained the methods the library plans to use to measure the quality of services in compliance with the City’s new Performance Measurement Process. r Library Board of Trustees Minutes of August 15, 2001 Meeting Page 5 LIBRARY BOARD REPRESENTATIVE TO CARLSBAD LIBRARY FOUNDATION BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Library Director Lange reminded the board this item was continued from last month and Trustee Tarman has already served two years in that capacity. The Board unanimously accepted trustee Page's offer to serve in that capacity. LIBRARY BOARD REPRESENTATIVE TO THE CITIZENS REVIEW COMMITTEE: Trustee Gleason Huss, who served in this capacity last year, volunteered to serve on the committee but will be traveling during the month of November. As the dates of the meetings have not been set, Trustee Kamenjarin offered to serve as her back-up should it become apparent that she will be out of town. SUMMER READING PROGRAM: Library Director Lange distributed the final statistics on the program this year, indicating another increase in number of participants. CALTAC WORKSHOP: /c Library Director Lange asked if any of the trustees were interested in attending the workshop and tour of the Cerritos Library. Library Trustee Page volunteered to attend and Library Director Lange will coordinate departure times in order to use the City ve hicle . DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library Director Lange reported that the Library of California Board is meeting in San Diego this month and he attended a reception for them last night with Trustee Gleason Huss. The challenge for next year will be delivering the services without the benefit of the $5,000,000 augmentation funds, which the governor cut from the budget. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: No report. GENEALOGICAL SOCl ETY: Ms. Hoard extended an invitation to the Board to attend the North San Diego County Genealogical Society annual potluck dinner on Wednesday, August 22"d at 6:OO PM at the Carlsbad Senior Center. Attendees are encouraged to bring a dish representative of their heritage. r Library Board of Trustees Minutes of August 15, 2001 Meeting Page 6 ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 545 PM. Respectfully subqitted, Cissie Sextdn Administrative Secretary