HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-02-20; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesI ITEM # 2 MINUTES Approved: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES --v+==) MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: February 20,2002 TIME OF MEETING: 4:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: Library Board Room - 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Trustee Gleason Huss called the meeting to order at 4:20 PM. ROLL CALL: Present : Library Board Trustees Gleason Huss, Page and Tarman. Absent: Library Board Trustee Kamenjarin Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Dana Hartshorn, Library Management Analyst Pat Dresselhaus representing NSDCGS Arthur Wood, Friends of the Library Liaison r APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the January 16, 2002 meeting were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORTS: Trustee Page asked if the Adult Learning offices computer problems had been resolved and Assistant Library Director Armour reported that IT has installed a new server, which has solved their communication problems, and they are working on resolving the software problems. Trustee Gleason Huss asked for more information on the potential financial shortfall for this year's Summer Reading Program. Library Director Lange explained that the committee is still working on sponsors for the program so that is too soon to predict the shortfall amount, if any. He estimated the annual cost for the program is between $25,000 and $50,000 depending on the number of items ordered, printed, etc. The Board expressed concern over the possibility of the program being cancelled for lack of a sponsor and Library Director Lange assured them this would not be the case. In the past, Serra Cooperative Library System has been successful in getting sponsors for the Summer Reading Program throughout the entire system, such as SDG&E and the San Diego Padres but each year it has been more difficult. He also said that he has - r Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of January 16, 2002 Meeting approached the Friends of the Library for funding if necessary. Trustee Page asked why there were no student- volunteers working at the Centro when the public services reports for the Dove Lane facility indicated an increase in volunteers. Library Director Lange explained that until we have a coordinator for volunteer services, it is too staff intensive to track needs and resources. Currently the individual wishing to volunteer contacts a specific facility and is scheduled there. The library offers the opportunity to volunteer during evening hours, which is convenient for students trying to fulfill their requirement and the hours at the Centro are much more limited. The library is currently recruiting to fill a part time position to oversee the volunteer programs. One of the duties of the position will be to assign the volunteers where they are needed. Trustee Tarman mentioned the statistical report that indicated that the number of patrons has decreased but the number of items circulating has increased. Library Director Lange said that our circulation for the first six months of this fiscal year was up 200,000. He also mentioned that we had a near record day last Sunday when we had 800 plus patrons through the door within four hours. Trustee Gleason Huss asked what steps were being taken to market the homebound program since the report from the Cole library indicated the program has more volunteers than participants. Library Director Lange explained that the President of the Friends of the Library is highly motivated and has a group who are visiting the assisted living facilities throughout the City to promote the service. r Trustee Gleason Huss offered to take a supply of the flyers for distribution to the attorneys in the Elder Law Section of the San Diego Bar Association. “AMERICA” SCULPTURE: Trustee Gleason Huss read a statement received from Chairman Kamenjarin who was not able to attend the meeting. Chairman Kamenjarin expressed his opposition to the placement of the piece at the Cole Library due to esthetics (piece is too large for the proposed site), potential for visual clutter and traffic accidents, and liability issues (“attractive nu isa nce”). Trustee Tarman asked about the size of the piece again and Library Director Lange explained it is approximately 30 feet long and the letters are each about four feet high. The Arts Commission was recommending installing the piece on concrete pads but the artist wanted it mounted on top of a three or four foot wall. Trustee Page was not in favor of the installation at the Cole Library, especially the damage to the lawn for the placement of the concrete pads. Trustee Gleason Huss also expressed reluctance to support the placement at the Cole Library for the same reasons as stated by Chair Kamenjarin in his statement. c- r Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of January 16, 2002 Meeting By proper motion, the board voted unanimously to object to the placement of the sculpture at the Cole Library. Further, the Board wished to go on record as not objecting to the piece, but only the proposed location, and felt that other City properties would be better suited. LIBRARY COLLECTION GROWTH ANALYSIS: Senior Librarian Susan Simpson distributed corrected versions of the charts that had been included in the packet. She explained the reason for the study was the growing concern over a lack of space. Over the past year the adult collection at Cole has been significantly increased both with books from storage and new acquisitions. The Dove Lane facility has sufficient room for growth, possibly utilizing the top and bottom shelves; still there will be sufficient room five years from now. The situation at the Cole is not the same. There is not sufficient room to move all the collection currently in storage to the shelves at Cole and she has asked the “selectors” to evaluate the items currently in storage to determine which ones should be out in the collection, but continue to use the storage for those items in less demand, She was quick to point out that items in storage are in the catalog and can be requested by the patrons. The items are retrieved from storage within 24 hours. r Additionally, the Children’s collection at the Dove Lane facility is very heavily used and the shelves in the Children’s division at Cole are very full. They have decided to move duplicate copies of some of the titles down to Dove Lane to open up some shelf space at Cole for new acquisitions. Since the Growth Management Plan would not require for several years the construction of a new library building to replace the Cole, the ideal solution to the shortage of shelf space would be to remove the Genealogy Section from the building and relocate it to the current City Hall building complex, provided the City moves those offices to the newly acquired Farmer‘s Insurance Building. Trustee Tarman asked if the library was still receiving complaints about the collection at the Cole and Senior Librarian Simpson replied that we were. However, she said that the complaints were more specific in nature as to depth in certain subjects and the librarians on the desk are keeping a written record of these complaints. The selectors are using that information for purchasing additional material as well as reassigning current assets to create a better balance. She did point out that 65% of the total shelving space is located at the Dove Lane facility so there is no way the two will have equal collections. Trustee Page asked if all the items in storage are part of the Cole collection and also how storage items were selected for storage. Senior Librarian Simpson explained that those items in storage are assigned, in the computer, to the Cole. When the items are pulled from storage to be put back on the shelves, some could be reassigned to the Dove Lane facility based on the collection. The - r Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of January 16,2002 Meeting collection in storage was a gradual accumulation of items such as extra copies and items from the old Branch collection when the shelves got too full. Most of the collection in storage is adult fiction, of the approximately 5,000 items, less than 2,000 are nonfiction. Library Director Lange explained that the collection in storage would eventually be moved back onto shelves, but not until we either build the new building or have the opportunity to relocate the Genealogy Collection. The Board asked if there has been a decision about when the City would move to the Farmerk Building and were told that the City Council has not made any decisions about the utilization of the property. Trustee Page asked if the patrons know that items marked “storage” are available or even that items listed at one location can be requested at the desk and will be retrieved and brought to the other location. She suggested that the library create signage to be used near the catalog and at Circulation explaining these options. CITY BUDGET CALENDAR FOR 2002-2003: I- Library Director Lange explained that the calendar was provided for their information only and that Senior Management Analyst Dana Hartshorn would explain the process. She reminded the Board that we were given an Expenditure Control Budget last year, essentially a block of money that we have to allocate for personnel, maintenance and operation costs and capital. Each year we will receive an increase to the block based on inflation and growth in the City. This year the increase is 6.5% bringing our block up to about $8 million. By the next meeting she expects to have the preliminary budget figures and will brief the Board on any significant changes in service or personnel. CALTAC TRAINING &WORKSHOP: Library Director Lange reminded the board of the on-site training workshop offered by CALTAC, which was on the agenda previously, as well as the annual CALTAC workshop scheduled for April 13, 2002 at the Cerritos Millennium Library. Trustee Gleason Huss asked when the new Trustee would be appointed by the City Council and suggested that any training be postponed until after the new member was appointed. The Board agreed and unanimously voted to table any decisions on the training opportunities until the next meeting, in hopes that the new trustee would be appointed at the March !jth Council Meeting. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Cultural Arts Office Manager - Recruitment for the position closed last week, and there were over 138 applicants. The preliminary interviews and screening is being accomplished by the “Head Hunter” hired to assist with the recruitment and he hopes to reduce the field to ten or twelve for the local interview board. - /c- Library Board of Trustees I Minutes of Januarv 16.2002 Meetina Page 5 RFP for New Automated System - The responses from the various vendors are due today and Purchasing had advised that they received bids from the five major firms. The five task forces will be reviewing the proposals to meet with the consultant on March 28fh to narrow the field down to two or three finalists. Those finalists will be invited to come here in April to provide a demonstration of their product. The goal is to have negotiated a contract by mid-May. Windows on the Past history book - The book has been sent to the publisher and we have seen the layout of the first chapter. Art Gallery - The Audubon exhibit ends this weekend and the next exhibit will open on March 9, 2002 and will be Russian Icons from the Timkin Museum in San Diego. Citizens Academy - The academy will be here on March 7, 2002 which will be the Community Services, Recreation, Library and Arts presentations. There are fifty in this class and the class tentatively scheduled for the fall is already full. Local author- Library Programs Coordinator Carol Tico is working with Susan McCarthy, author of “Lay That Trumpet Down” to schedule a presentation evening and book signing at the library. Ms. McCarthy is a long-time Carlsbad resident and this, her first novel, has been well received. ,- City Residents Survey- The survey has been completed for the second time, of IO10 residents and in the ratings of City services the library ranked at 95.9% favorable. 24/7 Reference - The service is now on the website and provides chat service with a reference librarian. The program is a pilot project until the end of June or until we have 1400 questions, whichever happens first. The program will be re-evaluated at the end of June to see if it is a worthwhile program to continue at which point the costs will be determined and contract negotiated. The Tierra del Sol Library Network at no cost to participating libraries is funding the pilot program. The service applies to ready reference questions only, not in-depth research. Trustee Page recommended that the 24/7 Reference service be promoted through some signage in the library. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Friends Liaison Arthur Wood reported the Board approved a donation of $5,000 for the purchase of additional large type books. The book store sales for the past six months were $43,308 and from the Cole, $3,852. Current membership has reached 541 of which 148 are active volunteers and will be treated to a Volunteer Recognition luncheon next Monday. The Silent Auction held last November brought in several hundred more dollars than the last, indicating their popularity has increased. The book sale “On the Green” is set for May 11,2002. - /- Library Board of Trustees Page 6 Minutes of January 16, 2002 Meeting I GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Pat Dresselhaus from the Society was present at the meeting and although did not have a report she did voice several concerns. With regard to the current genealogy collection she wanted to know the process for selecting those to be discarded and the location of the storage facility. She asked if the date had been set for the hiring of the full time librarian for genealogy. Assistant Library Director Armour told her that the library was not discarding books from the genealogy collection and that the library storage was an off site, climate controlled facility off Palomar Airport Road. In response to her question about the full time position he said the date has not been set, but anticipate a hiring board within the next two months. Other concerns expressed by Ms. Dresselhaus were: Difficulty in accessing City Hall buildings due to excessive stairs; Condition of the elevator at Cole; Moving circulating genealogy collection to first floor to make room for more genealogy reference materials on the mezzanine; Insufficient number of “for sale” books on the Friend’s shelf at Cole; Need for more experienced reference librarian at Cole; Inadequate non-fiction collection at Cole r She also reported that the Society is planning a “duplicates” sale in April 2002. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 528 PM Respectfully submitted, I,