HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-05-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: May 15,2002 TIME OF MEETING: 4:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Library Board Room - 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Chairman William Kamenjarin called the meeting to order at 4:05 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Gleason Huss, Kamenjarin, Page and Swette. Absent: Trustee Tarman rc Also Present:Cliff Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Heather Pizzuto, Principal Librarian, Dove Lane Dana Hartshorn, Library Management Analyst Bee Koons, NSDCGS Liaison Arthur Wood, Friends of the Library Liaison Bill Richmond, Media Programming Specialist APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the April 17, 2002 meeting were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORTS: Trustee Page asked if the installation of the INLEX computer for Adult Learning was completed and was told that it was. Trustee Gleason Huss asked if the rabbit problem in the Children’s garden had been solved and Principal Librarian Pizzuto replied that the matter had been turned over to the Parks Department. Trustee Page commented on the cleverness of the “Check-it-out Yourself’ campaign organized by the Circulation Staff at the Dove Lane facility and asked if they had won anything in the contest. Principal Librarian Pizzuto responded that they had sent in the report for the judging, the third week in April but have not heard back. - +- Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of May 15, 2002 Meeting Trustee Swette asked if the increase in patron count at the Cole could be attributed to anything in particular. Principal Librarian Pizzuto reported that seasonally March and April are extremely heavy months for school reports. Trustee Page commented on the continual high numbers for new registrations at both facilities. Library Director Lange responded that there is a continued stream of new Carlsbad residents moving into the new housing being built, and that we have a large number of Encinitas residents applying for cards. There followed a discussion of the number of residents versus non-residents who utilize the library and the state reimbursement for non-resident use. Library Director Lange reported that our revenue from the State Library for this year would probably reach $350,000. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if that revenue had remained consistent over the last five years and Library Director Lange responded that it dropped for awhile when the Cole Library was under remodel, and had been cut 10% for a couple of years when the State did not have sufficient funds. F LIBRARY AUTOMATION SELECTION SYSTEM: Library Director Lange had intended to provide a demonstration of the new system but due to problems with the laptop the demonstration was postponed to the June 2002 meeting. He distributed some printed information from SIRSI, the company selected, and reported that the City is in the finishing stages of finalizing the contract language in hopes of getting the contract on the June 25~‘~ City Council agenda for approval. The tentative schedule would have the system operational by early December of this year. Library Director Lange explained that we would have to migrate all the existing data to the new system and there are requirements for intensive staff training both here and back in Huntsville, Alabama, at the SIRS1 home office. He complimented the staff involved in the evaluation of the proposals, and the amount of time devoted to the decision. The final cost for the SIRS1 product was $1 50,000 less than the second choice vendor. Trustee Swette asked if the library would move gradually into the new system , operate parallel systems or just “cut the cord”, and Library Director Lange responded that there are no plans to run parallel systems at this time. Library Director Lange said there would be a test database, which we would use as a training database and also as a test site for software upgrades to the system. e - Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of May 15, 2002 Meeting Trustee Swette asked if there would be training for library patrons and Library Director Lange responded that we would provide training for library users but that the new system is web-based and would not create a challenge for routine Internet users. Additionally, the library will have the option of customizing the screen and plans to subscribe to the enriched content which provides not only the information available now in INLEX but also pictures of the book, table of contents for some, book reviews and other websites for additional information on your search. Trustee Swette asked if there would be any tech support for patrons accessing the system from home. Library Director Lange said tech support would be available to the remote user either via e-mail or telephone. Trustee Swette asked about policy changes and Library Director Lange responded that the library would be reviewing current policies regarding circulation with the installation of the new system. AUDITORIUM AND MEETING ROOM USAGE REPORT: Trustee Swette commented that the report was very well done and asked if the fee structure was intended to make a profit or break even. He also asked if there was a fee for cancellations, noting there were several cancelled events shown in the report. c Library Director Lange responded that all the fees were modest and might need to be readdressed in view of the proposed increase in fees for the City’s Recreation Programs. He continued that the fee schedule was not intended to make money but rather to discourage no-shows for reserved dates. Media Programming Specialist, Bill Richmond, explained that the current policy includes a fee for cancellations of less than 2 working days prior to the event. He also explained that what appears as a high rate of cancellations is actually the result of a City department practice of block booking the locations while developing their programs. Once the programs are finalized, they would then cancel the reservations for the dates they did not need. Trustee Page asked if these policies and fees applied to the community room at the Cole and was told that both locations were included in the agenda bill and the policies and fees approved by the City Council applied to both. CENTRO DE INFORMACION: /z Assistant Library Director Armour reminded the board that the Pine School property is a Park issue, but that we are interested because the Centro is currently located on the F Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of May 15,2002 Meeting site. The City Council and Parks Department have scheduled two community forums for the development of the property. May 28’ at 6 PM is a special council meetin where the council will adopt some guiding principals for the park and the June 17 community forum will be at the Senior Center. Flyers in both English and Spanish have been distributed throughout the neighborhood and are also available at City Hall, Centro, Cole Library, and Lola’s Market, and there will be an interpreter for the Spanish- speaking attendees. t? The biggest challenge for the park development for this site is the size of the property, and the neighborhood does not necessarily want the Centro on the park site, but they do want the facility to remain in the general area. Once the City occupies the recently acquired Farmer’s Insurance building, there will be several city-owned properties left vacant, and Assistant Library Director Armour explained there is a committee of city staff working on a reuse plan for the vacant properties. One consideration might be the Harding Community Center. Current plans are for the Centro to be closed the week of June 17-21 and reopening on Monday, June 24‘h. The shelving installation is scheduled for the week of June IOth. The actual move has three components: the existing furniture, including the circulation desk, which will be accomplished by the City’s facilities staff; the collection itself which will be moved by library staff; and the IT component which includes the computers and telephones and the cabling and wiring required. Assistant Library Director Armour explained that the original time frame was to complete the move one week earlier since the Summer Reading Program (SRP) begins on Monday, June 17‘h; however, we decided to delay the move one week to give facilities and IT a little more flexibility. The SRP at the Centro will begin one week later than at the Cole and Dove Lane facility. - Assistant Library Director Armour also explained the plans to announce the re-opening of the Centro, including flyers throughout the neighborhood and also a large banner that will be hung along the back of the modulars and clearly visibly from Harding Street. The current monument sign will be relocated but signs in both English and Spanish will be placed along the fence, near the current entrance, explaining the move and dates. Also additional signs with arrows will point to the new facility’s entrance. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the date for the move could be moved out another week if necessary without interfering with the scheduled demolition of the buildings on the site Assistant Library Director Armour said the demolition was scheduled for sometime in July or early August. Trustee Swette asked if the Centro was in jeopardy and Assistant Library Director Armour explained that it was up to the City Council. They could elect to build the park around the Centro or they could elect to move it, and the park development process is expected to take at least two years. /- - Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of May 15,2002 Meeting There was some discussion of the handout, which had been prepared for the public hearings and showed all the different components residents have asked be included in the new park, including the approximate square footage each would require. It was obvious that the requests exceed the space available many times over. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Governor’s May Revised Budget - The director advised he has received information from the State Library that the governor has removed significant amounts of money from three library programs. The Library of California had a budget of $3.9 million but he has cut that to $990 thousand dollars for the next fiscal year. The State Library has called a special meeting of the network contacts to discuss how to deal with the cut. He also cut $660,000 out of the CLSA (California Library Services Act) funds, which support the existing library systems, like the Serra Cooperative Library System. Thirdly, he has almost cut in half the money for the PLF (Public Library Foundation) fund, which is the per capita money we receive from the State Library. The only direct impact on the Carlsbad City Library will be in the reduction of the PLF Fund, but indirectly, what happens to the Serra and Tierra del Sol networks could be significant in relation to the services they provide. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if it would be appropriate for the library to publicize the impact of these budget cuts and provide the names and addressed of the governor and legislators for those patrons who may wish to contact them. Library Director Lange responded that only the State Library personnel are restricted from that type of action. /-- History Book - The publisher has notified the library that the book will probably be shipped somewhere around May 25‘h and will arrive here probably the first week in June. We will continue to sell them for $27(the pre-publication price) until June 30th after which the price will be $32, as previously advertised. Personnel Issues - Library Director Lange asked Principal Library Heather Piuuto, from the Dove Lane facility, to report on the personnel changes at that facility. She advised the board that following the resignation of our Technology Librarian, Human Resources initiated a recruitment to which they received 26 applicants and have scheduled two days for screening and interviewing the most qualified. Additionally, another reference librarian has resigned, effective in mid-June, and Human Resources will be looking for his replacement from the same group of applicants who responded to the recent recruitment. Also this month, the Senior Librarian and Reference Division Head has announced her intention to retire in June, after 24 years. Assistant Library Director Armour interjected that currently at the Cole Library they are recruiting and interviewing for the Senior Librarian for the Genealogy Division full time position. Interviews for the top nine or ten applicants have been scheduled for May 23 and the board includes the current President of the North San Diego County _- ,- Library Board of Trustees Page 6 Minutes of May 15,2002 Meeting Genealogical Society as well as the previous full time, now retired, Carlsbad City Library genealogy librarian. He continued that many of the applicants are from out of state and will take part in telephone interviews. Arts Director - Library Director Lange announced that Peter Gordon has accepted the position of Arts Office Manager and will start on July 1 5‘h. He is currently the executive director of the Evanston Arts Center in Evanston, Illinois. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Liaison Arthur Wood reported that the Friends’ have not had a meeting since the last Library Board Meeting but that the Book Sale on the lawn at the Cole raised $2,900. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Liaison Bee Koons reported that although their annual yard sale did not make as much as it had in previous years, when it was reported to the membership, they received several donations, which made up for the profit shortfall. Junior genealogy classes have been scheduled for June 23-28 at the Cole and Intermediate classes will be July 8-12. She was pleased that the problems previously encountered over her book have been resolved and she is ready to meet with a publisher. Margaret Reed from the society will be teaching the adult beginning classes starting in June. The society is hosting a free lecture on Saturday, May 18th on Islam in the Middle Ages and a beginning computer class is being offered on June 2gfh. The fee for the computer class is $9.00 and seating will be limited to 94. She also reported that the society seems to have outgrown the City Council Chambers and may be moving their programs to the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium for future programs. - PUBLIC COMMENT: None ANNOUNCEMENTS: Assistant Library Director Armour reminded the board that the annual Hourly Employee Recognition Event will be this Friday night, May 1 7th, at the Faraday Center at 530 PM. Trustee Gleason Huss announced that she and Trustee Page would be attending the conference in Sacramento at the end of the month together with Friends’ of the Carlsbad City Library President, Carolyn Taylor. /-- Trustee Kamenjarin asked for the meetings to be moved to the Cole Library or another meeting facility in the north end of the City occasionally. Staff will research possibilities r Library Board of Trustees Page 7 Minutes of May 15, 2002 Meeting for July as the June meeting needs to be in the Board Room for the technology necessary to run the SIRS1 demonstration. Library Director Lange announced that election of officers for fiscal year 2002-2003 will be on the agenda for next month. AD J 0 URN M ENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 505 PM Res pectfu I I y s upm itted , Cissie Sdton Administrative Secretary