HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-06-19; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: June 19,2002 TIME OF MEETING: 4:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Library Board Room - 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Chairman William Kamenjarin called the meeting to order at 4:OO PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Gleason Huss, Kamenjarin, and Swette. Absent: Trustees Page and Tarman Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Heather Pizzuto, Principal Librarian, Dove Lane Chris Holt, Principal Librarian, Cole Dana Hartshorn, Library Management Analyst Bee Koons, NSDCGS Liaison Arthur Wood, Friends of the Library Liaison Anne Sypien, League of Women Voters Observer - APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the June 19, 2002 meeting were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORTS AND LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Gleason Huss asked if the Centro relocation to the modular facility was on schedule and was told it would open on Monday, June 24'h. Trustee Gleason Huss asked for additional information on the Workplace Security Workshop recently held by the City and referenced in several of the reports. Library Director Lange explained that the City had hired the Barron Center to provide this training for all City employees as a precautionary measure to ensure proper training and procedures for handling violent individuals. Trustee Gleason Huss mentioned the wonderful donation to the Genealogy Collection t -.c-- Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of June 19, 2002 Meeting from the North County Genealogical Society and there followed some discussion over acknowledgements of contributions, especially of this size, and whether there were any press releases issued. Trustee Gleason Huss also mentioned she had spoken to several patrons recently who were for the most part very complimentary about the library facilities. They did request that some sort of pull-down shelves should be installed in the ladies restrooms so that they would have a place to put down their books, purses, etc. other than on the floor. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the library had any policy regarding plaques on the walls to honor donors and Library Director Lange responded that in many cases, donated books have a book plate inside the front cover and all donors are in the donor kiosk (currently undergoing some repairs). Significantly large donations are noted on the library’s donor wall in the Dove Lane facility. Trustee Swette asked about the library collection development process and Library Director Lange suggested Senior Librarian Susan Simpson explain the process as part of the agenda for next month’s board meeting. c Trustee Kamenjarin recently checked out a multi-disk item only to discover that one of the disks was missing, apparently not returned by the last patron. He asked if the library had ever considered an amnesty program for past due items, and Library Director Lange said the library had done it once but the success was not readily measurable. He also pointed out those libraries that routinely schedule amnesty periods have determined that patrons, who might otherwise return an overdue item as soon as discovered, will instead hold the item to wait for the next amnesty period. Trustee Kamenjarin also commented on how terrific the two children’s divisions looked for the Summer Reading Program, but that the children’s garden at Dove Lane was not looking to good. He said that parts of the lawn at the Cole are also brown in spots. Assistant Library Director Armour explained that the landscape services for the garden is contracted out and facilities is aware of the problems we have been having since this building opened. Although no solution has been determined, facilities and parks are working on the problem. Principal Librarian Holt said that parks was aware of the problem at the Cole and were out there recently trying to determine the cause. Trustee Kamenjarin mentioned that he had complaints from some individuals who had been trying to book some meeting spaces within a thirty day span and had not been able to find any available. They even offered to pay more if they could reserve the rooms as they felt our fees were “a bargain”. - rc Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of June 19,2002 Meeting Library Director Lange explained that the facilities are booked up to six months in advance at the library. As for the fees, Library Director Lange said that the City’s Recreation Department had recently asked the City Council for an increase in fees for their facilities and that the library should consider a revision as well. Trustee Swette asked if the facilities we offer are to make money primarily or as a public service? Library Director Lange replied that it was never intended to be a moneymaker and primarily the spaces are for library programs use and available to the community only when we are not using it. We also try to limit the access to those facilities to hours when the library is open. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: This item was postponed until the July meeting in hope of having the entire board present for the election. SIRS1 INTEGRATED LIBRARY SYSTEM: Library Director Lange provided a demonstration of the Sirsi system by logging on to the Sirsi demo site and took the board through several of the different screens and using various search modes. - Trustee Swette asked about promotion of the new system to the community and was told there would be information in the next Community Services Brochure that is mailed to every household in the City. There were several questions regarding updating the information, customization of some of the screens and displays, and protection of confidential information. Trustee Gleason Huss asked if the privacy issues could be a presentation for the board at a future meeting. Trustee Kamenjarin noted that the statistics report for March, April and May indicated that Cole had more patrons than Dove Lane and Principal Librarian Holt suggested that the numbers were inaccurate due to their counter which was broken, repaired and finally replaced. CENTRO DE INFORMACION UPDATE: Assistant Library Director Armour explained that the Centro is closed this week and with the assistance from staff from the Cole Library, they have moved the collection into the modular and expect to open next Monday. New signs have been ordered and the old monument sign is being refurbished and will be installed at a new location. There will - /c Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of June 19,2002 Meeting not be a ceremony on Monday morning when they open, but an open house is being planned for later in the month. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the board could address increased hours for the facility again and asked that the matter be on the agenda for the next meeting. STATE LIBRARY CONFERENCE FOR TRUSTEES AND FRIENDS: Trustee Gleason Huss reported on the conference, which she and Trustee Page attended along with Friend’s of the Library President, Carolyn Taylor. They participated in a workshop where they were to list three goals they would like to accomplish for their own organizations. Those three things were: to educate both the Friends and the Carlsbad Library Foundation on fund raising; to get consensus of focus for all three boards, Friends, Foundation and Library; and to keep the Centro in the barrio and focus on those needs. They then developed a “to do” list in order to accomplish their three goals. Their list included hiring a fundraising speaker to come and address the board of the Friends and Foundation; to plan a summit meeting of the Friends and the Foundation; and to provide additional support for and promotion of the Centro. She suggested a marketing theme of “Literacy, Liberty and Libraries”. r ClPA UPDATE: Library Director Lange referenced the most recent update, which was part of the agenda packet making the next step the Supreme Court. A date for that hearing has not been set. NEW LIBRARY STAFF: Principal librarian Pizzuto reported that two new Librarians have been hired for the Reference Division at the Dove Lane library and will report in July. The recruitment for the Senior Librarian position in Reference, created by the retirement of Senior Librarian Char Kennedy, has been postponed for the present as the library looks at a possible reorganization. Trustee Swette asked if the budget approved by the City Council was the same as the preliminary one approved by this board. Library Director Lange explained that with the exception of the removal of the MAC computers requested, the budget remained unchanged. The request for the MAC’S was not approved, as the City IT department does not support the Macintosh product. The budget approved includes the addition of a full time Librarian in the Children’s Division at Dove Lane and a three-quarter-time position of Circulation Supervisor for the Cole. The Children’s librarian may be chosen from the recent recruitment for the r* - Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of June 19, 2002 Meeting reference division staff openings and the recruitment for the circulation supervisor has not been scheduled. Principal Librarian Holt announced that they had made a selection for the Genealogy librarian for the Cole and were waiting for Human Resources to notify the applicant. AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE REPORT: Principal librarian Pizzuto reported on the conference that she attended earlier this month in Atlanta, Georgia. She noted that the recent court decision on ClPA impacted the conference significantly as there had been several sessions planned to focus on compliance with the law. Of special interest were sessions on Privacy in the electronic age, simplifying web portals for patrons, and the challenges of leadership in this perpetual state of chaos. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Caltac traininn - They are asking that the board select two potential Saturdays and they will try to schedule the training as requested. The session customarily lasts from 9:00 AM to 1 :00 PM. Library Director Lange suggested we try to schedule the training in September and the trustees were asked to check their calendars and e-mail his secretary with their preferences. - SIRS1 Contract - The contract is currently in the City Attorney’s office for approval and an actual timeline for migrating to the system cannot be determined until all the legal issues are ironed out. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Liaison Wood reported that the Friends silent auction is scheduled for July 27‘h and 28th and their annual meeting is scheduled for tomorrow at the Cole Library. At their last meeting the Board approved a donation of $1 19,000 bringing the total donated this year to over $1 60,000. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Liaison Koons reported the children’s classes will begin next Monday with the intermediate classes in July. They have scheduled a computer class for June 2gth that is open to the public and carries a fee of $9.00. At their last meeting the approved a change in the Bylaws to allow a past president to remain on the Board for an additional year. /- Library Board of Trustees Minutes of June 19, 2002 Meeting Page 6 PUBLIC COMMENT: None ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 526 PM Respectfully submitted, ./I Cissie Se&n Ad m i n i st ra t ive Secretary ,-