HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-09-18; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: September 18,2002 TIME OF MEETING: 4:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Library Board Room - 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Tarman called the meeting to order at 4:OO PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Trustees Gleason Huss, Kamenjarin, Page, Swette, and Tarman Absent: None Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Heather Pizzuto, Principal Librarian, CCL Dove Lane Chris Holt, Principal Librarian, Cole Dana Hartshorn, Library Sr. Management Analyst Susan Simpson, Sr. Librarian, Division Hd, Collection Development Lizeth Simonson, Community Library Servcs Supervisor Bee Koons, NSDCGS Liaison Arthur Wood, Friends of the Library Liaison APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the July 17, 2002 meeting were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORTS: Trustee Gleason Huss for some additional information on the proposed changes in protocol for the IT help desk. Principal Librarian Pizzuto explained that the library is working with IT to develop a procedure wherein the process is more streamlined when there are computer problems, especially with any public access computers. On occasion, unknown to Library staff, the IT staff needs to work on a computer in the lab that is not “down” and therefore when the IT person arrives that particular computer could already be in use by a patron. In that case the options are to either have the patron log off and move to another computer (only an option if there is a vacant computer) or the IT staff person must wait until the patron is finished or time has expired. Neither solution is very desirable. c- Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of September 18,2002 Meeting Trustee Gleason Huss also had a question about the fingerprinting policy for library hourly staff and volunteers and Principal Librarian Pizzuto responded that it was a new policy adopted on the heels of the State law requiring fingerprinting of all recreation employees and volunteers who work with youth. Full time employees are already fingerprinted at the time of employment so the new policy only impacts the hourly employees who work with youth and the Home Bound services volunteers. Trustee Swette commented on the” fantastic” Summer Reading Program this year, noting the number of kids that participated as well as the number of volunteer hours reported in the statistics. He said he had also received a couple of unsolicited comments from friends and neighbors about how great the program was this year. Trustee Gleason Huss asked if anything had been done about the sound interference in the classrooms at Adult Learning and Library Director Lange responded that Senior Librarian Lynda Jones had located a source for suitable material and had received an unexpected donation of $1,000 from the Oceanside WalMart store, which she will use towards its purchase. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT POLICY: P Library Director Lange introduced Senior Librarian Susan Simpson, Head of Collection Development and Acquisitions for the Library. Ms. Simpson explained that the purpose of the Collection Development Statement is to set forth the general principles and philosophy that we use in developing the collection. The last edition was written and approved in 1999 and part of the library’s strategic plan was to write a clearer facility scope statement. That goal evolved into the rewriting of the entire Collection Development Statement. She pointed out that she added the demographic information and library history to the front of the document. Additionally she included in the appendix the Library’s policy regarding access by minors to motion picture videotapes and DVD’s, previously approved by the Board. Trustee Page asked for information on the vertical file and Sr. Librarian Simpson explained that the remaining vertical files were folders of reference materials; pamphlets, maps and career information, accessible to patrons and the cabinets are currently located on the west wall upstairs opposite the Reference Desk in the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane. The Trustees asked about a “deposit collection” mentioned in the statement and were told that the Carlsbad City Library does not actually have a deposit collection. Some libraries are designated as “deposit libraries” either by the State government or the Federal government to receive all documents produced by the designating government and are obliged to keep the documents. The Carlsbad City Library is not a deposit c - Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of September 18, 2002 Meeting library and therefore can pick and choose which reports or documents we want in the collection. The closest government deposit library is at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). Trustee Kamenjarin asked if a patron could utilize the Inter-Library Loan program to request any of the documents and Sr. Librarian Simpson responded it would depend on whether the document(s) in question were items that would be routinely loaned. Items classified as reference material often are not circulating items. Trustee Kamenjarin commented on the statement that 11 % of the total library budget for 2002 was used for materials and wanted to know what “materials’ encompassed as well as how that percentage compared historically for the past five years. Ms. Simpson responded that materials included all the books, magazine subscriptions, microforms, audio materials, video materials and subscriptions to on-line databases, and the percentage has remained fairly constant for the period in question. Trustee Kamenjarin also asked for information on how this library compares in terms of budget allocation with the other libraries in our population categories. He referenced the report that ranks Carlsbad City Library as1Oth in the nation and 4th in the state. - Assistant Library Director Armour responded that according to the report, there is one category “Expenditures on Children’s Material, per capita” and the Carlsbad City Library is #I. Sr. Librarian Simpson offered to research the question further and provide the Board with additional information at a later date. Trustee Tarman suggested that a copy of the Collection Development Statement be given to each new Trustee as appointed to the board because it gives such a comprehensive overview of the library. There was a question about whether or not the philosophy and policy needed to be approved or reviewed by the City Attorney’s office and Library Director Lange responded that it only required the approval and adoption of the Library Board. By proper motion and vote, the Collection Development Statement was approved and adopted, 5-0. MATERIALS POSTING AND DISTRIBUTION POLICY: - Library Director Lange reported that the proposed policy as attached was a revision of the existing policy, which has been approved by the City Attorney’s office. The fundamental problem is lack of space and the necessity to treat everybody the same. - Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of September 18, 2002 Meeting Trustee Tarman asked about current procedures for monitoring the materials and Principal Librarian Pizzuto responded that at the CCL on Dove Lane the Information Desk staff routinely monitors the areas and the Office Specialist at the Cole is responsible at that site. Assistant Library Director Armour gave "The Reader" as an example of the necessity for a posted policy. This publication is free and the patrons want to be able to pick up a copy in the library but we cannot allow distribution of the "Reader" if we don't allow all other similar publications, and there is not sufficient space within the library. By proper motion and vote, the Materials Posting and Distribution Policv was approved and adopted, 5-0. ANNUAL REPORT TO THE STATE LIBRARY: The board reviewed the annual report as prepared by Assistant Library Director Armour. Trustee Kamenjarin asked about the projected jump in revenue and Sr. Management Analyst Hartshorn responded that the Xerox revenue, added this year with the acquisition of the new vend machines, was included in that number. F Trustee Kamenjarin also asked about the nearly 50% jump in operating expense and Ms. Hartshorn responded that it was attributed to the Xerox machines as well, the projected expense is about $120,000 annually. The library contingency money is also included in the figure. Trustee Swette asked about the purpose of this report to the State and Assistant Library Director Armour responded that the statistics are required by the State to compare libraries within the state and also reported to the Federal government. Trustee Tarman commented on the increase in programming, especially adult programming possible due to the improved facilities. CENTRO DE INFORMACION: Library Director Lange advised that this item was on the agenda at the request of Trustee Kamenjarin to discuss the letter to the Mayor and City Council and the response received. The letter requested additional hours for the Centro and the response from the Mayor and Council was to wait until budget time to consider the change. Although Trustee Kamenjarin had not received a copy of the response, the remainder of the Trustees reported they had received theirs. - Library Board of Trustees Minutes of September 18, 2002 Meeting Page 5 The board discussed the response in detail with some members expressing surprise at the decision of the City Council. Trustee Tarman suggested that the Council needed additional information not included in the original letter. He feel't the board needed to provide more backup for their request, to include the requests from the patrons of the Centro for the needed additional hours, and the zero budget impact to cover the hours this year. There was additional discussion over the expressed need for the additional hours now, and possibly a separate issue of hours and a permanent location. The initial letter failed to identify the request for the additional hours as coming from the community and not just the Library Board. The board agreed to respond to the City Council letter and provide additional information to substantiate the request. Trustee Kamenjarin asked Lizeth Simonson, Community Library Services Supervisor, to provide copies of letters to the Centro that were requesting the additional hours and the reasons for the request (translated into English by Ms. Simonson). Chairman Tarman will write the letter on behalf of the Board and will include the letters - from the Centro patrons. Trustee Swette suggested the Board offer to track the usage during the proposed extended hours, if the Council will approve them for the remainder of this year, and use those statistics to justify the added hours and additional budget next fiscal year to con ti nue the service. Trustee Kamenjarin commented on the need for safety lighting at the Centro once the demolition of the Pine school buildings is complete. Assistant Library Director Armour responded that Recreation is now using the other modular for their after school program and he will bring up the issue of additional lighting with the committee working on the park site. LANDSCAPE AND MAINTENANCE ISSUES: Library Director Lange reported that the overall condition of the Childrens' garden at Dove Lane and the Cole Library has improved. The City is currently negotiating a contract for landscape maintenance with a new company. Principal Librarian Holt reported that the lawns at Cole had been fed and were greatly improved but the trees have not recovered as well. She added that the plan for the dry streambed loose rocks is to gunnite that area and secure the rocks. _c- 7 Library Board of Trustees Page 6 Minutes of September 18, 2002 Meeting In response to a question about the evaluation of the Children’s garden at Dove Lane, Principal Librarian Pizzuto reported that library staff had met with facilities staff to determine issues and concerns regarding landscape maintenance in that area. Following that meeting the library staff discussed possible changes in scheduling for the use of the garden. Ms. Pizzuto pointed out that the air in the garden is very still and there is no protection overhead so that it can get very hot in the afternoon, but on the other hand, in the morning there is no sun and it stays to wet too use. L I B RARY STAT I ST IC S F 0 RM AT : Library Director Lange asked the Board for clarification on the format for the monthly statistical report and the information they would like to have. At present the statistics included in the agenda packet are for the current fiscal year only. Some members of the Board had requested figures from the previous year in order to compare the statistics, and Senior Management Analyst Hartshorn provided the Board with copies of the past two-year’s statistics broken down by month. ANALYSIS OF CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY 2002 STATISTICAL SURVEY: .--- Assistant Library Director Armour reviewed the report, which focuses on the most significant categories comparing the Carlsbad City Library to other libraries throughout the State in our population category. Trustee Gleason Huss asked for a comparison between Carlsbad City Library and the other libraries in San Diego County that may or may not be our competition, like Oceanside, Coronado, Chula Vista, and National City. Trustee Swette suggested this information be made more public to let the City know how well the library compares. ANALYSIS OF 2002 PLA STATISTICAL SURVEY: Library Director Lange reviewed this report that is based on a nationwide survey that includes a total of 218 participating libraries (21 in California) in our division. Trustee Tarman pointed out that in seven categories the library ranked in the top 11% and in eleven categories the library ranked in the top IO%, which is commendable. There was some discussion about the ranking of expenditures per capita compared to the book holdings per capita and Assistant Library Director Armour explained that larger libraries, with many branches, will have more book holdings due to the number of duplicate titles. Trustee Kamenjarin asked for a list of the non-California libraries that were in our category. rc - Library Board of Trustees Page 7 Minutes of September 18,2002 Meeting LIBRARY PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT: Assistant Library Director Armour explained the Citywide performance measurement process which for the library is two part - the ranking measurement and a fill rate measurement. This report is based on the State Library ranking report. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: New Staff- Library Director Lange announced the hiring of Callie Ahrens, a 16-year library employee, as the new Senior Librarian and head of Reference Services at the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane. Meetings Schedule- The director asked the Board to approve the meeting schedule for calendar year 2003 has been modified at their request, so that for the most part the meeting location will be alternated between Cole and Dove Lane. The Board also approved changing the location for November 20, 2002 and December 18, 2002 meetings to Cole. ..-- CALTAC Training - The director reminded the Board that the CALTAC training they had requested will be on Saturday, September 28'h from 9:00 AM to noon in the Board Room. Artsplash - Saturday, September 28'h is the first day of the event up on Armada Drive. SIRSI- The director brought the board up to date on the status of the contract negotiations with SIRS1 and the City.. Now under review, again, in IT and the City Attorney's office, a joint meeting is scheduled for next week with all the parties to try to reach agreement on a contract acceptable to all parties. Once the language of the contract is established and SIRS1 signs the contract, it then has to go to City Council in an agenda bill for Council approval to award and execute the contract. Only after that will we be able to establish a new timeline for installation and transition. Best guess at this point would be mid 2003 before we have it up and operating. The director pointed out that possibly in some ways this time-frame could work better for the library as it would solve some of the concerns regarding the acquisition software. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Friends' liaison Arthur Wood reported that the Friends have not held a meeting since May but have one scheduled for tomorrow. They have selected the dates for the next Silent Auction, November 16'h and 17'h and at the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane. - Library Board of Trustees Page 8 Minutes of September 18, 2002 Meeting GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: NSDCGS Liaison Bee Koons reported that the next seminar is scheduled for October 19* and the speaker is Barbara Rennick, who is well known in the genealogy community as an authority on genealogy and the computer. She was pleased to announce that membership is increasing each month with Society membership numbering nearly six hundred now. They have a meeting scheduled for September 24fh in the City Council Chambers featuring Joan Lowery, also a well known in the community, who will present a program on locating German ancestors on the Internet. Ms. Koons said the Society asked her to express their delight with the hiring of Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol as the new full time Division Head for the Genealogy Section. _- The nominating committee is working on the slate of officers for next year, the current president having served the maximum term, and Carolyn Hoard will take over Ms. Koons position as liaison to this Board at the end of the year. Ms. Hoard may step in earlier should Ms. Koons health issues make it necessary. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 510 PM. Respectfully su&itted, Cissie Sditon Administrative Secretary