HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: MINUTES + MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: 4:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday January 15,2003 Library Board Room - 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Jerry Tarman called the meeting to order at 4:OO PM. ROLL CALL: Present : Library Board Trustees Gleason Huss, Kamenjarin, Page, and Tarman Absent: Trustee Swette c Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Heather Pizzuto, Principal Librarian, Dove Lane Chris Holt, Principal Librarian, Cole Dawn Tacker, Management Assistant Carolyn Hoard, NSDCGS Liaison Arthur Wood, Friends of the Library Liaison Anne Sypien, League of Women Voters Observer Cindy Juarez, Volunteer Coordinator, Georgina Cole Library Fred Spong, President of Genealogical Society APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Approval of the minutes was postponed until the next meeting. MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION REPORTS AND LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Gleason Huss referred to the statement in the report for the Adult Learning Program that they had developed guidelines for the supervision of high school students to assure safety and appropriate behavior of student staff and volunteers. Her question was, had there been problems or was this a preemptive measure? Library Director Lange responded that to his knowledge there had been no problems and this was a preemptive measure. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of January 15,2003 Page 2 c Trustee Gleason Huss then asked if there had been any problems with the installation of the new rain gutters, and was told there had been none. Trustee Page, also with regard to the ALP report, asked if there had been any further word about the delay of the literacy grant that we usually get from the State. What would be the consequences if we do not get the grant? Library Director Lange reported we had not yet heard as to when or if the grant would be forthcoming. If, due to the governor’s budget cuts, we do not get the money, the library would have to make up as best it can from the library’s current budget. Trustee Gleason Huss referred to a student completing I00 volunteer hours at the Georgina Cole Library, asking if that was a requirement for graduation. Volunteer Coordinator Cindy Juarez responded that there was no high school graduation requirement for community service, and that there are no statistics available on the average number of hours accumulated by the high school students who do community service. Trustee Gleason Huss asked if the student who had completed the 100 hours of service was recognized in any manner. Ms. Juarez responded that her supervisor had presented her with a pen and a card. - Trustee Kamenjarin suggested that in view of the budget cuts and possible cutbacks in staffing, that it would be a good idea for the volunteer coordinator to contact local schools and colleges and ask that the library be considered as a place for volunteers to accumulate community service that they need for their resumes, etc. Ms. Juarez responded that the library has an abundance of volunteers; the real challenge is finding a place in the library where we can utilize their services. HOMEWORK ZONE PROPOSAL: Principal Librarian Chris Holt from Georgina Cole Library introduced Cynthia Juarez, the Volunteer Coordinator for the library, who explained her Homework Zone proposal. She has been working with the children’s librarians at both the Cole and the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane. This Homework Zone proposal would be to use the community service volunteers. It would be an after-school homework program, two afternoons a week, at three locations: the Georgina Cole Library, the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane, and at Centro. There would be designated hours when the Homework Zone would be open, and the tutors would have t-shirts identifying them as Zone leaders. The proposal is based on a very successful program in the King County Washington library system. Trustee Tarman asked where the tutoring would take place and how many students would be involved. Ms. Juarez responded that the program would be open to children K through 12, and each location would manage their own hours, days of the week, and - Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of January 15,2003 the area of the library that would be designated as the Homework Zone. This was to better accommodate the patrons at different sites. Her research showed that in the first year there could be as few as two students they could help in the Zone, and as it became more popular a larger number was anticipated. At this point, the number of students who would take advantage of the program was undetermined. This was another reason to allow each facility to determine its own days and hours, so that they could be structured around the need as well as the volunteer availability. She said that currently recruitment is being done through flyers that were sent to the high school, and that the high school has also offered to promote the program through the PTA and their parent newsletters. NEW TEEN AREA TOUR: This item was trailed to the end of the meeting. CALTAC WORKSHOP: Library Director Lange canvassed the Board to see who would be interested in attending the workshop. He reported that the State Librarian would be there. Trustees Page, Gleason Huss and Tarman all expressed an interest in attending. Library Director Lange will check further on the length of the session as well as any deadline for reservations and get back to the various members. -. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library Director Lange reported that he had received a message from SIRS1 that they are ready to sign the contract and we hope to have the agenda bill for the City Council either February 4'h or I la for their approval. Once we have approval from the City Council, it will be a six-month process. Grant Proposal - On the agenda for the City Council this week is the approval of a grant proposal for approximately $342,000 to the Institute of Museum and Library Services for a two-year study on the development of a new approach to outcome measurements for public libraries. Local consultant Joe Matthew has developed the proposal, and the Carlsbad City Library will be fiscal agent for the grant. Other libraries participating will be San Diego City, San Diego County, Chula Vista, and the Public Law Library. Application deadline for the grant is February I". Normally awards are made in the summer. If awarded the grant, the project would start October 1"of this year. State Budget Update - Library Director Lange reported that the governor's proposed budget has eliminated all the funding for the Library of California and significantly cut the funds for CLSA, which supports the systems and transaction based reimbursement (TBR) money we receive for lending materials to non-residents. The governor's position is that the library should simply charge non-residents and take that burden off the state. - Library Board of Trustees Minutes of January 15,2003 Page 4 The Carlsbad City Library has been receiving between $300,000-$400,000 per year from that fund. There were no more proposed cuts to the PLF fund, but the State Library has been asked to cut their budget by 20% and they have already lost 27 positions. Library Director Lange went on to say that these are the governor’s proposed budget cuts. It still has to go through the State Legislature and be approved before we will know the final results. Library Statistical Report - Library Director Lange asked Assistant Library Director Armour to explain the change in the format of the Library Statistical Report in the packet. Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the spreadsheets the Board has been receiving for about the past two years had 79 different categories of statistics, and the new format is a snapshot of the more critical data, comparing the current month’s stats with the same month one year ago. The statistics would report such things as activity levels and programs as well as circulation and reference questions. He pointed out the library would still collect all of the data in the larger report, should anyone have any questions, but the report that would be in the Board packet would be a one-page, considerably smaller, statistical report. Trustee Gleason Huss commented that she would like to be able to see an entire year‘s worth at least once a year. Assistant Library Director Armour said that would be no problem. Trustee Gleason Huss commented on the absence of the computer usage statistics. Assistant Library Director Armour responded that the state does not collect that information. Trustee Tarman commented that he had always felt these reports possibly had more information than he needed. He was primarily interested in circulation statistics, the people count, and the number of reference questions. Routinely, those were the numbers he felt were most significant. - Trustee Page asked if they would receive the annual report of statistics at a specific time. Assistant Library Director Armour suggested after the fiscal year ends June 30fh. The actual report to the state is not due until August or September and the Board is always provided with a copy of that report as well. There was some discussion between the members of the Board and there seemed to be no objection to the new format, which will be forthcoming for the next Board Meeting. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Liaison Arthur Wood reported that the Board had not met since the last Library Board Meeting, but that they did have the volunteer party with only 30 of their 120 volunteers attending. cc Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of January 15,2003 GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Liaison Carolyn Hoard introduced guest Fred Spong, who is their newest president. He commented that the Society now has 600 members. They are contemplating several new projects. One they may take on is to abstract and index records from churches and abbeys in the Carlsbad area. Carolyn reported that in response to their donor letter sent to the members, they received $465 in donations. The next program scheduled for the 28'h of January will be about Persi and other library sources. PUBLIC COMMENT: No public was in attendance. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 p.m. to take the tour of the new Teen Area. Respectfully sumitted, Cissie shton Administrative Secretary