HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-18; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesI ITEM # 2 MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: June 18,2003 TIME OF MEETING: 4:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Georgina Cole Library Community Room 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Jerry Tarman called the meeting to order at 4:Ol PM. ROLL CALL: Present : Library Board Trustees, Kamenjarin, Page, Swette, and Tarman Absent: Trustee Gleason Huss Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Fred Spong, NSDCGS President Arthur Wood, Friends of the Library Liaison ,- APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the May 21, 2003 meeting were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORTS: Library Trustee Swette referenced the instances where Library personnel participated in events at Jefferson Elementary School and Legoland's "Mommy & Me" and asked how the library became involved. Library Director Lange explained that often the facilities approach the library to participate and we try to accommodate any reasonable request. Trustee Page noted the increase in the number of volunteers as well as volunteer hours and correctly deduced the increase due to the most part on school being out of session. Library Director Lange responded that the part time volunteer coordinator was also a factor. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if he could receive a copy of the newest library fines and fees. Library Director Lange responded that this list was not published yet since the City Council just approved them as part of the budget at last weeks meeting. - - Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of June 18,2003 Meeting Trustee Kamenjarin asked it the library was going to initiate a “one book program. That he had spoken with the Friends of the Library president who voiced their interest in sponsoring a program of this kind. Library Director Lange replied that the library is planning to sponsor such a program in conjunction with National Library Week next April. Library Community Programs manager, Carol Tico, has requested information from ALA (American Library Association) as they have a “How to” kit for this purpose. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the total cost of the Summer Reading Program had been determined and Library Director Lange responded that the total cost, which included material and staff time, comes to about $95,000. This is the total cost, and includes donations. Trustee Kamenjarin also mentioned how impressed he was at the Hourly Employee Recognition party held last month. He said that the number of long time employees (as many as ten years) speaks well of the library and the loyalty of its employees.. Trustee Kamenjarin noted that under the monthly circulation statistics, the Centro circulation has gone up over 250% since last year and wondered when the extended hours would go into effect. Library Director Lange responded that the newly approved extended hours would be in effect July 1, 2003. r CENTRO DE INFORMACION: Library Director Lange repeated his earlier statement in that the City Council approved the budget for FY-03-04, which included the request for an additional eleven (I 1) hours for Centro, which will be effective July I, 2003. He also reported that staff has narrowed the search for relocating the Centro to three possibilities: Vacant property at Pine and Roosevelt that is large enough to accommodate the modular at this time with plans to build at a later date. There probably are not sufficient CDBG funds to purchase the property and build. A 4500 square foot building at Jefferson Elementary School that Carlsbad Unified School Board might consider selling to the City, as the enrollment has dropped significantly. Although the building in consideration already has a computer lab and is fairly new, there are no rest rooms within the building and there is not adequate parking to meet the City’s parking standard (1 space for every 200 sq.ft.). This would become especially significant should we combine Adult Learning and Centro. P Recreation staff currently occupies the Harding Center, which has potential, but when and if they plan to vacate those spaces is currently unknown. 7 Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of June 18, 2003 Meeting Library Director Lange said he had sent the information to the City Manager who has shared it with the City Council but so far there has been no direction back to the library. He expressed concern over the length of time left to spent the CDBG money. Chairman Tarman asked if the movement of the School District offices from the Senior Center had any impact on relocating the Recreation Department staff currently at Harding Center. Library Director Lange explained that he had spoken with Recreation Department Head, Ken Price with regard to the move and that the plan is to relocate to the vacated space at the Senior Center but there may not be sufficient space to move ALL the staff out of Hard i ng . Chairman Tarman voiced his reluctance to relocating the modular and explained his preference for the Harding Center since the City already owns the property and the CDBG funds could be used for remodeling. Trustee Page asked for square footage dimensions for the Harding space and although Library Director Lange did not have actual measurements, he explained he has been inside and the space is considerably smaller than what might be available at Jefferson School. ,- The lack of adequate parking at Jefferson School was then discussed as well as possible alternatives other than on the premises but the building being considered is at the front of the campus and there are no other options. Trustee Kamenjarin asked for more information on the vacant lot and Library Director Lange explained it is the entire block from Roosevelt to Tyler on Pine and about 11,000 square feet. The board then discussed the pros and cons of this location, such as access from three sides, a nice frontage, and the ability to include on-street parking as part of the parking requirement. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if any of the three potential locations included the potential combination of Adult Learning and Centro and Library Director Lange responded that all three locations could accommodate a “Learning Center”; Harding Center could be remodeled and expanded; the Jefferson School site is more than large enough; and although the vacant lot could handle a two story building, there probably will not be sufficient money to purchase the lot and construct a building. Trustee Page asked if the Library could apply for CDBG funds next year should all the funds in this year’s grant be used in the acquisition of the property. F r- Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of June 18, 2003 Meeting Library Director Lange responded that was a possibility as well as asking the Carlsbad Library Foundation to get involved in some fund raising for the project, and researching some grant money. The board then discussed the process regarding a decision on one of the options, next steps, and by whom. In discussing which location was preferable, the consensus of the Board was the Harding Center in spite of the uncertainty of its availability and the necessary renovations. The board liked the location, the abundance of parking available and the fact that all the CDBG funds could be used for renovations since the City already owns the property. Trustee Swette asked if the Board should provide any formal input to the City Council regarding its preferred site and Library Director Lange said he did not think it was necessary. The City Council has already made a commitment to keep the Centro in the neighborhood. - Trustee Page expressed the importance that any new site has potential for growth. SIRS1 UPDATE: Library Director Lange responded that Senior Librarian and project manager, Chris Pickavet was scheduled to make this report but is ill and therefore her report has been postponed until another date; however, he could report on some of the progress. The Sirsi Implementation Team is made up of ten staff members and each member is responsible for a subcommittee to deal with each aspect of the system, Technical Services, Circulation, Public Services and Reference. Each subcommittee will be responding to a variety of questions pertaining to their specific areas which will in turn create the policies that will be reflected in how the public uses the catalog, how the library runs it collection management systems. The Implementation Team met with the City’s consultant to discuss and establish conflict resolution processes at the recommendation of Sirsi. Typical areas of conflict are, as an example, between Technical Services who decide what goes in the catalog and how it looks and Public Services needs from the Reference staff as to how it should operate based on their dealings with the public. The implantation manager from Sirsi is scheduled to come and spend three days with this committee to walk them through the beginning process and the impact of each decision during set-up. - r Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of June 18, 2003 Meeting October 29‘h is still the date to go live and we will have someone from Sirsi on site at that time. Staff has surveyed several other libraries who have migrated to the Sirsi system and they highly recommend having Sirsi staff available for the “go live” date. CHILDREN’S GARDEN, CCL DOVE LANE: Library Director Lange reminded the board that the lack of functionality of the garden and dissatisfaction on the appearance of the garden had been discussed at several board meetings in the past. In an effort to rectify the problems, City Parks Designer, Scott Bradstreet provided a conceptual design of the current space. The Friends of the Library have approved a donation of $45,000 to fund the proposed design. The board examined the drawing of the proposed changes and discussed them at length. Once the City Council formally accepts the donation from the Friends sometime in early July, the project will go out for bid. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if there was any progress on solutions to the problems at the Cole library. He pointed out that frequently patrons are running into the light bollards and causing damage so perhaps some concrete parking stops, or something similar should be installed. Also, the dry streambed rocks are really looking terrible, rocks have been removed and the black plastic tarp underneath shows in several places. Finally, the grass is starting to burn out again in places. - LIBRARY BOARD APPOINTMENTS: After discussion among the Board members, Trustee Kamenjarin volunteered to sit on the Carlsbad Library Foundation to replace Trustee Page. She currently is involved with the Development Committee and two projects, the Glazier Concert and the Homes Tour. She plans to see those two projects to completion but does not need to sit on the Board for that. Trustee Swette agreed to replace Chair Tarman on the Gallery Committee. The board accepted both offers and staff will notify the respective staff members of the new appointments. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Library fees - The City Council approved the increased fees which will be effective the first of August and the Library is working on some public relations efforts to let the patrons know it is coming. _- F Library Board of Trustees Page 6 Minutes of June 18, 2003 Meeting Bomb Threat at Cole - Last Monday the Cole was closed for two hours following the discovery of a bomb threat note in the video section. The police came and evacuated the building and called the EOD Team from Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base to come and clear the building. Staff followed the established procedures that fortunately resulted in a successful “drill”. Summer Reading Program (SRP)- Monday was the first day of the program and over 1,000 children signed up to participate. The theme this year is based on the jungle and the San Diego Zoo is sponsoring it in part. The Friends of the Library have given us significant money in on-going support of this program. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Board Liaison and new President of the Friends, Arthur Wood reported that at their last budget committee meeting they discussed the advisability of funding major capital projects for the library and suggested the project for the Children’s Garden be renamed to either the Friends’ Children’s Outdoor Reading Room or Story Time. The annual meeting is next week with a social before the actual formal meeting and then followed by the Wednesday night movie. ic- The budget committee approved in excess of $1 10,000 in support of library programs and the Children’s Garden. The Friend’s intend to establish a committee to work with library staff member Carol Tic0 to develop and launch the “one book program for next April. The bookstore on Dove Lane will be opened Wednesday nights in July. The revenue from the bookstore is about $70,000 a year, the used book shelf at Cole brings in about $10,000 and the three Silent Auctions about $2,800 each. Currently there is no shortage of donated materials. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: President Spong was sitting in for Liaison Carolyn Hoard who is currently on vacation. He reported that he had made a plea to their membership for donated materials for the bookstore. / They recently held their second Family Tree Conference with 43 attendees for the all- day session. The first one was held last February with 95 attendees and the Society made about $1500 from the program. They generally hold three meetings each month, a business meeting, a computer program, and a general interest program, and one major seminar in the Fall. He reviewed the topics for the coming months and invited the members of the board to attend and offered to add their names to the mailing list. ,--- /c Library Board of Trustees Page 7 Minutes of June 18, 2003 Meeting He also reported that Bee Koons is still teaching the junior genealogy classes both beginners and intermediate, and Margaret Reed is now teaching the beginning adult classes. The Society was pleased to note that the Genealogy section of the library received a bequest of $10,000 for the collection and have been notified that there are two other bequests to the Society but the amounts are not yet known. PUBLIC COMMENT: none ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:OO PM. Res pectf u I I y s ubm itteq Cissie sfton Adminis ative Secretary