HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-16; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesITEM # 2 I I MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: July 16,2003 TIME OF MEETING: 4:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Library Board Room - 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Jerry Tarman called the meeting to order at 4:OO PM. ROLL CALL: Present : Library Board Trustees Gleason Huss, Kamenjarin, Page, Swette, and Tarman Absent: None Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Heather Pizzuto, Principal Librarian, Dove Lane Chris Pickavet, Senior Librarian Liza Blue, Librarian Carolyn Hoard, NSDCGS Liaison Arthur Wood, Friends of the Library Liaison Anne Sypien, League of Women Voters Observer - APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the June 18, 2003 meeting were approved with modifications. MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORTS: Trustee Gleason Huss asked for an update on the HVAC system at the Cole Library. Library Director Lange responded that no date for the replacement has been set although Facilities is getting estimates on the cost. They have determined that the system is beyond the “fix it” stage and once the scheduled the replacement date is determined, we may have to close the building for a time. CENTRO DE INFORMACION UPDATE: Library Director Lange reported that he had attended a meeting with the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Recreation Director, Community Development Director, and the /c - Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of July 16, 2003 Meeting Economic Development Director to discuss the three possibilities mentioned in his memo to the City Manager last month. At that time they also discussed the possibility of utilizing one of the Madison Street properties recently acquired by the City. One of the issues is the reuse of the space at the Senior Center recently vacated by the School District. The Recreation Department needs to determine if there is room in the vacated space on the second floor to move all of their staff from the office spaces at the Harding Center. The discussion is now focused on the Learning Center concept, combining both Adult Learning and Centro in one location. The next meeting of this newly formed committee is scheduled for July 2gth and the City Manager has already discussed the Learning Center concept with the City Council members informally. Trustee Tarman expressed concern that in a previous discussion, it did not appear that the Schilling property would be large enough to accommodate a Learning Center, and Library Director Lange responded that the City had learned that there was already a bid on the property, for probably more money than the grant. Trustee Swette asked about the other possibilities pointing out the problems with the Jefferson School property and the issue of when and if Recreation would vacate the space at the Harding Center. Library Director Lange responded that the school board is still interested and they had also mentioned the possibility of using the portable classroom buildings on the back of the property. c- Trustee Tarman reiterated his support of the Harding Center site as most ideal. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the second floor of the Senior Center was being considered for the Centro/ALP Learning Center? Library Director Lange explained that it was only being looked at as the future location for Recreation staff who currently occupy the space we would like to have at Harding for the Learning Center. Trustee Kamenjarin commented that he noticed a two building site on the northeast corner of Roosevelt and Pine which is for sale. He continued that he is very concerned that with all the “musical chairs” within the City departments, it could be January before you know it and we could lose the CDBG money. He said the Carlsbad Library Foundation is very interested in getting involved in raising more money for the project. Trustee Page asked for more information on the Madison properties as she had been under the impression that early on we had been told they were off limits. That the property was for increased space for the park and they did not want Centro in the park. - c- Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of July 16, 2003 Meeting Library Director Lange responded that she was correct that in the original plan submitted to City Council, the Centro was not included but there are a lot of issues to deal with. Construction on the park (without the Community Center) is scheduled for January 2005, and he could make a case for the Learning Center to occupy the corner at Chestnut and it could be a shared facility so that Recreation could use part of it as well, like for the Stay and Plan program. Trustee Tarman pointed out the advantage of using City property and using the CDBG money to build the facility. There was more discussion about the usage of the CDBG funds for purchasing property or design work as well as building a facility and support for the Learning Center instead of just relocating the Centro. Trustee Swette asked about the time constraints in using the grant and Library Director Lange said the real deadline is April 1, 2004 at which time we have to either have it spent or at the very least, heavily committed to the project. Trustee Kamenjarin expressed his opposition to the Jefferson School property as it seems fraught with major problems, and both Trustee Tarman and Trustee Page agreed. - SIRS1 UPDATE: Library Director Lange introduced Senior Librarian Chris Pickavet who is the project manager and asked her to bring the Board up to date on our progress. She mentioned that it was sixteen years ago in July that the library began the move from the previous system to Inlex, the current system, and it is very unusual for a library to spend that long on one system. Moving to a new system back then was much easier, there were only two library locations instead of four, there were fewer employees and the collection was less than 200,000 items whereas today the collection is approaching 350,000. She explained there are three parts to the migration: the hardware/software portion (which the City IT Department is handling for us); the data part; and the people part. She explained that in lnlex there were a number of ways for us to organize information. To get this information into the new system we are doing what is called data mapping, a process which so far has involved 7 spreadsheets - one of them containing over 600 lines, representing the 600 possibilities or combinations for the way our data is organized. The process requires that we analyze each of those 600 combinations as to how it is set up in our current system, is this the structure we want to keep in the new system and if not how do we want to move it over. A representative from Sirsi met with the committee for three days fast month to help explain what needed to happen in this process. Our initial portion must be finished by Friday and the following Monday (July 21") they will initiate the first extraction of data from lnlex and run it against these ,- - Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of July 16,2003 Meeting charts. Following the test migration, they will come back and tell us what went wrong and have us go back and look at the data and see what changes we want to make. This process is expected to take a couple of months. The third element - the people part -will really start in September and October. The Training Team is being chaired by Senior Librarian Callie Ahrens and they will be training the staff. The current sixteen-year-old system started out as a DOS based software using dumb terminals and we are moving to a much more elaborate client server structure that will require much different skills. The plan is to use the City’s training room, located at Faraday and containing 12 PC’s for hands-on training during the months of September and October. We will have Sirsi trainers here for two weeks to train a total of 36 staff members on the various modules of the Unicorn software, and those 36 will in turn train the remainder of the staff. Trustee Kamenjarin asked how the public would receive training on the new system and Senior Librarian Pickavet responded that the public is pretty sophisticated about catalogs on line and probably will not require much training. She did say that the Public Services staff members are looking at publicity and training materials for the public from Sirsi as well as from several area libraries who recently made the same migration. NSDCGS Liaison Carolyn Hoard interjected that Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol will teach a class on the new system at the Society’s October 14‘h meeting, in the City Council chambers and it is open to the public. - Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the new system would allow patrons to access other library databases and she responded that the Sirsi system has that capability but carries a price tag in excess of $50,000. The Library has not purchased that project but the patron will have links to other databases, the same as now, but not access to other library catalogs. LIBRARY ON-LINE DATABASES: Principal Librarian Pizzuto introduced Librarian Liza Blue, the technology librarian at the Dove Lane location and the coordinator of the on-line databases. Ms. Pizzuto explained that this year the library added a whole new range of available databases. Librarian Blue identified the various databases currently available to library patrons and explained that a database is a collection of published material that is available on line, like “google” only better with authoritative information, sort of librarian approved content that has been published in newspaper, magazines, and reference books. The information can be used for reports and research when the library is closed - for example on weekends or at 4 in the morning before the report is due the next day. She said the library is seeing a fair amount of use of the databases at that hour. /--- 1 Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of July 16, 2003 Meeting Using the projector and laptop, she was able to take the board through several sites using various methods of search, that can be accomplished by the patron from home from twenty-three of the twenty-five databases available. Two of them, “The Title Source” and “Value Line Research Center” can only be accessed within the library. Trustee Tarman asked if students in the Carlsbad City Schools were aware of this resource and Librarian Blue responded that the Teen Librarian and the Children’s Librarians have both been out to the schools and are planning a big outreach and promotion this fall. In addition, Librarian Williamson only this morning taught the first class open to the public on the use of the on-line databases. Principal Librarian Pizzuto explained to the Board the difficulty the library is having in trying to accurately track the usage of the various sites because the various sites report usage in different ways. We need an across the board picture of activity to be able to evaluate the relative return on the investment. The costs for access to the databases are expensive and we need to subscribe for at least a two-year period to judge the value. SUPREME COURT DECISION ON CIPA: - Library Director Lange referenced the articles included in the packet, which represented the huge variety of opinions on the impact of this decision. The American Library Association has scheduled a meeting on August 14* to discuss the issue because it is not easy to “shut off the filter at the request of the adult patron as the filter is run off the server and you can’t shut one down and leave the others filtered. There are still problems with the filtering software and ALA will probably chose to work with the software companies to try to improve the product. Library Director Lange also went on to explain that the decision does not affect this library because we do not use any federal money to provide Internet access, and we have not had any major problems with inappropriate sites. Trustee Tarman expressed his concern about children being exposed to an inappropriate site by it “popping up” after the adult has left the workstation. Principal Librarian Pizzuto distributed copies of the current policy and procedures for Internet use, as approved by the Library Board and pointed out that we provide staff oversight of all the terminals in use. The board discussed the various pros and cons of the use of a filter and for the most part felt that the current policies and procedures on Internet use is adequate. t Library Board of Trustees Page 6 Minutes of July 16, 2003 Meeting DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Manaaement Goals for 2003-04 - This year two of the goals are focused on the library and the Library Security Goal is one that will focus on adequate building security at all sites as well as other security issues to follow up on the Baron study completed last year. The other is the Library Services Plan which includes looking at the current organization of the staff and the use of technology as well as how to provide better services through the use of newer technology. Richard Glazier Concert - The Carlsbad Library Foundation is holding another Richard Glazier piano concert on August 16‘h, featuring Scott Joplin and Gershwin music. Tickets are available through the Foundation Office. Next Regularly Scheduled Library Board Meetinq - The director will be on vacation during the week of August 20th and Assistant Library Director Armour will attend this meeting in his place. One-Book Program - Library Director Lange and Friends of the Library President, Arthur Wood met last week to discuss the proposed program and Library Community Coordinator will be using a guide put together by ALA to plan the event for National Library Week next April. - Trustee Gleason Huss asked for an explanation of this program and Library Director Lange explained that many of the programs chose a classic and the entire community reads the same book but there are many ways to plan the program and no decisions have been made for ours. He also said that usually you try to involve area bookstores and book clubs to increase the interest. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Friends’ Liaison and President Arthur Wood announced their annual meeting was on June 25*, consisting of a meeting and program. The attendance was good and they expect to use the same format again next year. The Silent Auction is scheduled for this weekend, Saturday and Sunday at the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane. The City Council accepted the Friend’s donation at last night’s Council Meeting, including the money for the redesign and construction of the Children’s Garden at Dove Lane. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Society Liaison Carolyn Hoard invited the Board to participate in the annual pot-luck scheduled for August 20th at 6:OO PM at the Senior Center. She also announced the programs for next month will include “E-mail features as a basic task ‘I and “United States Naturalization Records”. - rc Library Board of Trustees Minutes of July 16, 2003 Meeting Page 7 PUBLIC COMMENT: None ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 514 PM Respectfully submitted, n Cissie ~ekon Administrative Secretary