HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-10; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: /- 2 1- 206 4 MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: 4:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES December IO, 2003 Library Board Room - 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Chair Laurie Page called the meeting to order at 4:OO PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees, Kamenjarin, Page, Swette, and Tarman Absent: Trustee Gleason Huss Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Carolyn Hoard, NSDCGS Liaison Arthur Wood, Friends of the Library Liaison Susan Simpson, Sr. Librarian APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion, the minutes were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Copies of the library report and statistics were distributed at the meeting and there were no questions or comments. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT GROWTH: Library Director Lange introduced Senior Librarian Susan Simpson who distributed a spreadsheet indicating the current number of items in the collection and shelving in use. She had then used averages to project the number of items in the collection in years 2004 and 2006 and the shelving requirements. According to her projections the space at the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane is adequate but the shelving for Cole is not. She continued that part of the solution for the shortage at Cole is more weeding of old material. The library has certain criteria for weeding the collection, which includes discarding worn out or damaged materials, items whose intellectual content is no longer Library Board of Trustees Minutes of December IO, 2003 Meeting Page 2 accurate or useful, and items no longer in demand according to circulation statistics. Another possibility is the shifting of some material from Cole down to Dove Lane in order to have shelf space for newer material. A third option is to reallocate the money spent for materials from the past 60/40% split, CCL Dove Lane/ Cole, to a 65/35% split, which more closely represents the shelving split (Cole having 35% of the overall shelving space for the library). Sending some of the collection to Library storage is a last resort as it takes those items out of immediate access. Trustee Tarman asked how often the Community Room is utilized and Library Director Lange responded that the room is heavily used, for all of the Children’s programs and other groups, including this board. Library Director Lange reminded the board that prior to the construction of the new library the fiction collection was in that room but only because there were no other options. The construction of a new Cole library will most likely be driven by the Growth Management Plan, which calls for a population of about 1 15,000 to trigger the need for additional library space. The Board discussed other possibilities such as moving either the Childrens Library or perhaps the Genealogy Section to City Hall when that building becomes vacant once there is a new Civic Center several years from now. Senior Librarian Simpson pointed out that the projected growth and needed shelf space is based on the continuance of the library’s generous materials budget and in view of the current State budget situation and probably impact at the City level, the materials budget could be reduced in the future. . Trustee Swette asked if the online databases reduce the shelf requirement for reference materials and Senior Librarian Simpson explained that in most cases we have found the databases are supplements to the print selection. They are heavily used, many by remote access, which affects circulation but not so much as to eliminate the need for the printed material. Trustee Swette offered to assist in the evaluation of some of the materials in the Business Management collection as well as make recommendations for acquisitions. Chair Page suggested shelving the materials spine up on the bottom shelves which makes it easier to read standing up. Trustee Swette commented that possibly by 2006 DVD’s would replace tapes and they are smaller and take up less space. Senior Librarian Simpson responded that currently the library’s video and DVD collection is fairly heavy with videotapes, mostly because that is what we had. In the past two years the library has greatly increased the portion of the budget that is spent on video DVDs. The entertainment videos purchased are a 50150 split between video Library Board of Trustees Minutes of December IO, 2003 Meeting Page 3 tapes and DVDs, but the non-fiction video purchase ratio is more like a 65/36 split partly because not all of the non-fiction video that we want in the collection are available in DVD format. The library has not purchased music tapes in years but does purchase both formats for audio books. Trustee Tarman asked if the figures in the chart under adult audio represented only books on tape or did it include music and was told the figure includes both. CHILDREN’S GARDEN RENOVATIONS: Library Director Lange reported that we had received two bids and both proposals meet the qualifications but there is an issue with the cost. He briefly explained the City’s selection procedure as not being cost driven and the City Attorney will be involved with the final choice. Once the selection and award is made, it will take about a month for the design work phase to be followed by an RFP for a minor public works contract for a landscape firm to do the work. The goal is to have the project complete by the end of this fiscal year. REPORT ON THE CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE: Library Director Lange and several other staff members attended the conference in Ontario. Attendance appeared to be only about half the number as in the past, probably due to budget issues. The news from the State Library was grim, with a loss of 58% of their staff over the last two years and an anticipated budget cut this year of another 20%. Library Director Lange attended several sessions on technology and visited all the radio frequency identification vendors as the library is considering that as a possibility. A more detailed explanation of this technology will be on the board’s January agenda. He also attended a session on succession planning since there are several key library personnel retiring relatively soon and one of the management goals is to develop a possible reorganization and replacement plan. Reportedly there are a massive number of librarians retiring throughout the country and there are not enough librarians to replace them. This has resulted in a huge recruitment for library school and the Carlsbad City Library currently has six part time employees who are in library school. A new organization, CALIFA, has been created by a grant from the State Library of LSTA federal money. This membership organization will be negotiating statewide contracts for databases and offering discounts to the members. The Tierra del Sol Regional Library Network voted to become the Southern California Regional Office of CALIFA, which will generate some revenue and help to promote membership in southern California for the new organization. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of December 10, 2003 Meeting Page 4 DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Learning Center - The project is moving forward with the assistance of the Planning Department while the library staff continues to look at other possible options and properties. Neighborhood House - At the last Board meeting Chair Page asked for additional information on Neighborhood House. It is a social service agency based in San Diego and includes the Head Start Program that falls under the auspices of that organization. Sirsi/Unicorn - The staff has had some training and previewed use of the software for the catalog as well as the internal functions for Reference and Circulation. Some of our data has been loaded on the test server and a demonstration will be on the January agenda for this board. IT has had to rework the Internet access in order to use the Sirsi catalog and external access has been down for two weekends. Literacy Grant - The City council accepted the grant from the State Library In the amount of $28,851 , which is more than we have received in the past. The Patriot Act - The videotape of this forum has been schedule for airing on Alelphia this month and will also appear on Oceanside’s KOCT. CALTAC- The next workshop will be in Fullerton, Saturday March 27‘h. Registration material has not been received yet. Holiday Movie - The Carlsbad Village Business Association in co-sponsorship with the library will provide a free movie, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”, on December 20th at 2:OO PM at the historic Carlsbad Theatre on State Street. 1 Book/l Community Program - The committee has been meeting and soliciting suggestions from the community for titles but at this point that does not seem to be working very well. . Citvwide Goal Team for 5-Yr Budqet Forecast - This team has been meeting to try to find ways to offset the loss of the vehicle license fee, which means roughly a $4,000,000 reduction in revenue for the City, as well as any future impacts as a result of the State budget deficit. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: President and Board Liaison Arthur Wood reported the Board voted to no longer host a volunteer event during National Volunteer Month but instead host an event in the Fall. Also of note, long time board member Evelyn Pullen-Philip resigned her position on the Friends’ board as well as the Carlsbad Library Foundation board, and the new Centro Library Board of Trustees Minutes of December 10,2003 Meeting Page 5 Liaison is Aureliano Mendoza. The annual financial report shows the Friends with over $215,000 in the bank, with $45,000 of that allocated for the Children’s Garden at Dove Lane. The board also decided to purchase copies of “The Secret Garden” to be given away at the grand opening of the redesigned garden. Chair Page asked about the proceeds from the recent silent auction and was told they made a net of $2,800. Liaison Wood said this was about the average for these events and that although the silent auctions were not nearly the moneymaker as the bookstore, they are a lot of fun and the volunteer love them. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Liaison Carolyn Hoard reported the annual meeting was yesterday with the installation of officers, and reminded the board that they now receive the Society newsletter containing most of the information previously reported at this meeting. PUBLIC COMMENT: No public present. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Chair Page asked that “Library Board Comments” be added to the formal agenda each month. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 504 PM. Respectfully sub ry i tted , -. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary