HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-01-21; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: January 21,2004 TIME OF MEETING: 4:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Library Board Room - 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Chair Laurie Page called the meeting to order at 4:04 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees, Gleason Huss , Page, and Tarman Absent: Trustee Kamenjarin and Swette Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Heather Piuuto, Principal Librarian Terry Bradshaw, Library Assistant Bee Koons, NSDCGS Arthur Wood, Friends of the Library Liaison Jane Schatt, League of Women Voters observer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Gleason Huss pointed out the large reduction in the “In house use” of materials at the Cole library as well as a significantdrop in volunteer hours overall and asked for additional information. It was explained that we are as yet unable to track Internet use and on-line database usage so the “in house” use statistic represents print material and the volunteer hours report for this month may not have included those at Adult Learning. At the request of the Library Director, Item #5 was taken out of order. INTERIM CHANGES TO THE LIBRARY’S INTERNET USE POLICIES: Principal Librarian Pizzuto advised the Board that the Library is transitioning to the new system in February and there are new public access computers being provided which Library Board of Trustees Minutes OF January 21, 2004 Meeting Page 2 will allow patrons to save information to disks and CDs, attach external devices to the external USB port and upload and download files. These are technical hardware changes that have opened up opportunities for patrons to be able to do more with our PCs than they were able to before. The installation of a new software, “Deep Freeze”, basically wipes the computer clean each time it is rebooted and enables us to be able to offer these additional services without risk to our network or leaving things for some other patrons to come across. Another change is the legitimized use of chat rooms. Used now by businesses and professionals, for interactive tutoring sessions and web casts, they are an accepted method of delivering information. We would like to eliminate the language in the policy that restricts those usages because they really are no longer valid with our new PC’s and the current industry. Previously a stand-alone document, the plan is to reproduce the Internet and Computer User Agreement on the reverse side of the new application for the library card. She also distributed a copy of the proposed guideline for use that the library gives to everyone who uses the Internet. Most of the changes suggested were in the equipment use section, and were the same type of changes as reflected in the user agreement. In conclusion, Principal Librarian Pizzuto asked that the Board review the changes and approve them as the interim policy and guidelines. The Public Access Computer Committee (PACC) will be assessing the impact of the new PCs and the new system, and will submit a final version for Board approval at a later date. Following some discussion, the Board unanimously approved the changes for the lnterim Policy by proper motion and vote. DEMONSTRATION OF THE LIBRARY’S NEW CATALOG: Library Director Lange introduced Library Assistant Terry Bradshaw who gave the board a demonstration of the new library catalog. She gave them a quick look at “Workflows” which is the portion of the system that the staff will use and then took them through the iBistro portion, which is what will be available to patrons. She explained that the catalog screens will look the same from home as they do on the terminals within the library and look more like other websites on the Internet. The new product is much more user friendly than the old lnlex system and allows the patron more options. She concluded the demonstration with the announcement that the “Go Live” date is February 11 th within the library and the next week for remote access. DEMONSTRATION OF THE CHECKPOINT RFIDlSELF CHECK SYSTEM: Library Director Lange introduced the Radio Frequency Identification system to the Board with a demonstration CD, which is the newest technology for library materials security as well as automated check-out and check-in. A small tag is attached to the Library Board of Trustees Minutes OF January 21,2004 Meeting Page 3 item and then read by a radio frequency reader that eliminates a lot of the repetitive motion used in the checking in & out process. Trustee Gleason Huss asked if the publishers would insert the RFlD chips in the materials and Library Director Lange responded that probably it would become a service but one of the larger costs for the library to transition to the RFlD system is the purchase of the devices and the staff time to insert and affix them to all the current collection. Most libraries have used a combination of staff and volunteers to accomplish the task, much as we did when the library changed to the bar code system. She also asked about patrons removing the chip from the book and Library Director Lange responded that the Cerritos Library uses the RFlD system and they have not experienced any problem with removed tags. He also explained that the chips are "disguised" in many instances. Library Director Lange explained that the library is considering the RFlD system pretty seriously and there are several companies marketing the systems and offer different options. Total costs are not yet determined but the tags cost about 75 cents each and we would start with the current collection of 300,000 items. In addition there will be the costs for the hardware: additional self-check machines, the security gates, and the reader devices for the check-in process at the book drops. The system is marketed as reducing staff time by 30% that represents a long-term savings as well as the elimination of the repetitive tasks involved in checking in materials. Trustee Gleason Huss asked if the tags were re-usable and Library Director Lange responded that although we would probably remove them from discarded materials, they are not reusable. CHILDRENS GARDEN AT DOVE LANE SITE: Library Director Lange announced the awarding of the contract to California Landscape and Design of Upland. Currently the contract is with the City Attorney's office for approval, hopefully by next week. THE LEARNING CENTER; Library Director Lange reported on the ongoing negotiations between the Board of Directors of the Girls Club and the City of Carlsbad for the acquisition of the property for the' Learning Center. He and the Adult Learning Program Administrator, Lynda Jones, met with the Girls Club Board recently to explain the Learning Center concept and vision, following approval from the City Council to pursue the idea. It is anticipated that the City Council will consider the proposal in closed session next month. The property is over an acre and offers the opportunity for expansion to include some revenue opportunities as well as the Learning Center. Library Board of Trustees Minutes OF January 21,2004 Meeting Page 4 Trustee Page asked if the Library Board could tour the facility and Library Director Lange said that could be scheduled if the City Council and the Girls Club come to a formal agreement. Trustee Page asked about the CDBG funds and Library Director Lange explained that the grant could be used for tenant improvements and modular buildings until we had the money to expand the current building, and we are hoping to get an extension from HUD if all of the grant funds have not been spent but are marked for specific costs. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: ALA Mid-Winter Conference in San Dieno - Library Director Lange attended the conference and reported that he visited every company represented in the Exhibit Hall who offered RFlD systems and self-check machines. He also attended a seminar on Automated Systems for the library. Budget - The director reported he has been working with the City’s Five Year Budget Forecast Goal Team and it is anticipated that we will be required to reduce the budget for next fiscal year (04-05) by 2%. Since the new governor has stated he intends to take $1.3 billion of property tax away from local government, the City is going to lose a little over $1 million. The City has already lost $1.3 million in VLF funds in owed back-fill money. Tutor.com - Congressman Cunningham obtained a $1 00,000 grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services for the Serra Cooperative Library System to allow the libraries within his district to have free access to this website for a year. A chat-based interaction site between the student and the tutor, they employ over 500 tutors, 30% of whom have PhD’s in various subject areas. They are mostly retired professors and teachers from all over the United States, Canada, and South America. The service will be available from home as well as in the library through an icon on the library webpage sometime in late February. Librarian Recruitment - There were 26.applicants for the opening in the Children’s Division at Dove Lane, and 11 were selected for the oral board today. Final interviews will be scheduled for February 27‘h. Librarv Donation - Ms. Barbara Hallman donated $2,500 to the library in memory of Margaret and George Brownley. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Friends President Arthur Wood reported their balance as quickly approaching the one quarter million dollar mark. The book sale at the Dove Lane site made $1 100 in one Library Board of Trustees Minutes OF January 21,2004 Meeting Page 5 day and magazines sales at the Cole are heavy. They are considering a sale on the lawn at the Cole sometime in the Spring but not to conflict with the annual NSDCGS yard sale. Bee Koons, sitting in for Carolyn Hoard of the NSDCGS interjected that they would not be holding a yard sale this year. The Friends have met with a sign designer for some ideas for the new garden, and he concluded his report by announcing the new Library Board liaison from the Friends would be Vicki Countreman. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Ms. Koons reported the Society is focusing on increasing the membership. The results of their October seminar was disappointing, they did not clear $1,000. They are planning a combined seminar in March with the British Isles Genealogy group. She announced the election of new officers and the retirement of their Hospitality Chairman of 25 years. The genealogy teacher’s manual and workbook for children has been edited and is being published, for free, and the society will receive 10% of all the sales. It should be out sometime this spring. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: None. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 532 PM Respectfully subqitted, Cissie Sextoh Administrative Secretary Monthly LIBRARY Reports for DECEMBER 2003 Adult Learning ... 1. On Saturday, December 6, the staffs of the Adult Learning Program and Centro de Informacion and high school teacher Judy Gaitan held the second staff retreat to prepare for the future Learning Center. Facilitated by Adult Learning staff member Gisela Rivera, the retreat took place at the Hacienda de Vega in Escondido. 2. On December 9, Coordinator Lynda Jones and staff member Gisela Rivera met with Human Resources directors at TaylorMade Adidas Golf in Carlsbad. They discussed several possibilities for cooperation between the library and Taylor Made, including recruiting library volunteers, publicizing the library’s literacy services, and linking TayIorMade to the library’s databases. Centro de Inforrnacion ... 3. On December 7th, all Centro staff members participated in the Holiday Tree Lighting in downtown Carlsbad. Lizeth read a holiday story in both English and Spanish to groups of children and adults. Each reading was followed by a craft activity related to the story. 4. Two family craft programs were held at the Centro and were well attended by children and adults. Participants made ornaments for the Christmas tree. Santa visited the Centro de Informacibn and more than 150 children came to have their pictures taken with Papa Noel. Children also received as a gift for the holidays a new book donated by the Friends of the Library. CCL, Dove Lane ... 5. During December, most staff from both the Reference and Children’s divisions participated in intensive training on use of the Library’s new automated system. Staff from these divisions were also heavily involved in developing and conducting the training as well as many other teams working on design, implementation and publicity related to the new system. 6. Another impact on staff activity during December was the closure of the San Diego County Library system between Christmas Eve and January 4. Ordinarily a quiet time, this closure period particularly affected public access computer use. Monthly Library Reports for December 2003 Georgina Cole ... 7. 8. The Head of the Circulation Department at MiraCosta College, San Elijo campus library demonstrated some of the finer points of the SIRS1 Circulation Workflows operation to Cole and Dove Circulation staff. Cole Library hosted the workshop. New officers were installed at the North San Diego County Genealogical Society (NSDCGS) annual Holiday Luncheon held at the Lake San Marcos Country Club on December 9th. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS CCL, Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Georgina Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library- Sponsored Pro grams Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children’s programs Children’s program attendance Facility Meeting; Room Use Events booked Event attendance Volunteer Hours DEC- 02 5,418 63,182 32,654 1 1,327 4,849 36,615 24,220 9,098 171 794 129 1,767 28 762 3 23 65 2,273 DEC- 03 5,517 64,349 32,35 1 11,431 5,104 31,581 22,27 1 6,027 136 647 142 1,609 27 729 4 62 55 1,943 72 74 2,350 2,390 Total hours: 603 288 0 I- a & 22 3 fi a 1 8 h 3 a v3 I%) 9 'I \\ .i The Internet workstation is for information searches and educational activities. Downloading to the hard drive, chat rooms, instant messaging, an@any illegal jL' activities are not permitted)Only Web-based e-mail is available. Copying files to diskette is permitted. The library cannot be responsible for information gathered on the Internet. Children under 12 years of age must have parent remain with them while they use the Internet. Computers are not equipped with filtering software. Users, or parents of minors who are users, are liable for damages to the equipment. Failure to use the workstation appropriately and responsibly, as defined in this agreement, may result in revocation of equipment use privileges. Library facilities are shared community facilities. You, as a user of computing resources at the library, must not display on library computer screens, messages, images or sounds that might reasonably create an atmosphere of discomfort or harassment for others. For security purposes, the City of Carlsbad Information Technology Department monitors activity on all computers. User assumes no right to privacy. User is responsible for any and all activity that occurs on the computer to which they are assigned. Policies are subject to change without notice and at the library's discretion. "I have read and understand this Internet & Computer User Agreement and agree to abide by its terms. Signatu re Date Parent's Signature Date (If user is under 18 years old) Verification of Parental Consent Staff Initials, See other side. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Internet & Computer User Agreement Name Age If under 18 Address City Phone Number ( 1 State Zip Carlsbad Library Card Number PATRONS MUST HAVE AN ACCOUNT IN GOOD STANDING WITH THE CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY IN ORDER TO USE A COMPUTER WORKSTATION. The Internet is a ne ork connecting thousands of computer systems around provide information be$md the confines of its own collection, It allows access to ideas, information andcommentary from around the globe. It is, however, an unregulated medium, Yhile it offers access to a wealth of material that is personally, professionally, apd culturally enriching to individuals of all ages, it also enables access to some, material that may be inaccurate, offensive, disturbing and/or illegal. the world. As an info "s. mation resource, the internet enables the Library to The Internet changes daily; information is often not verifiable as accurate and patrons should be aware that errors and intentional misinformation may be found. The Library cannot be responsible for information gathered on the Internet. \ I' The Library upholds and affirms the right of each individual to have access to constitutionally protected material. The Library also affirms the right and responsibility of parents to determine and monitor their children's use of Library materials and resources. Staff are avhable for assistance, however, anyone using the Internet workstation is expected tovve basic Windows knowledge. Computer classes are available for beginner and intermediate users. See other side. 510 1 Pkask not& itaff when leaving a computez Computer Workshops The Dove and Cole Libraries offer a number of workshops, including beginning and intermediate Internet. Please call each location for additional details. Equipment Use -.A+facwd Ww largv Assistance Staff is available for assistance; however, anyone using a computer is expected to have basic Windows knowledge. Closing The computers areeby staff 15 minutes before the Library closes. A verbat;notice will be given one half hour before the library cl‘oses. Users will then be advised to complete their work and necessary printing. Reserving a Computer Computers at Dove and Cole may be reserved up to one day in advance, either by phone or in person. Reservations are made at one-hour increments. Reservations will be held for ten (10) minutes only. Ifthe user is late, the entire reserved time period will be forfeited. The Library and its staff assume no re p““” ponsibility for loss or damage of any data,- diskettes,arising from a patron’s use of computers, library software, or equipment. User assumes no right to privacy while using computers. Not all information found on the Internet is accurate, complete, up-to-date, legal or philosophically acceptable to all individuals. The Library assumes no responsibility and shall have no liability for any direct, indirect or consequential damages arising from the use of information found on the Internet. tordgedcur Disclaimer CENTRO DE INFORMACldN ... (760) 729-6907 COLE LIBRARY Children’s Computers ....... (760) 434-2897 Adult Computers .............. (760) 434-2871 DOVE LIBRARY Children’s Computer Lab .. (760) 602-2047 Adult Computer Lab ......... (760) 602-2039 Suggested New Language for “Equipment Use” Section of PACC Handout EQUIPMENT USE All usem must follow the guidelines in the Carlsbad City Library Internet and Computer User Agreement. Diskettes and CD’s may be purchased for $1 .OO at the Reference Desk. Any files saved to a public access computer’s hard drive will be purged upon shutdown and restart of that machine. This will happen once a day, or upon patron request. 4/01