HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-06-16; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesI lTEM#2 I Approved: 7-2 I- ZD~ MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: June 16,2004 TIME OF MEETING: 4:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Community Room - Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive CALL TO ORDER: Chair Laurie Page called the meeting to order at 4:05 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees, Kamenjarin, Page, Swette, and Tarman Absent: Trustee Gleason Huss Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Sr. Librarian, Cole Children’s Arthur Wood, President, Friends of the Carlsbad Library Fred Spong , President, NSDCGS Jane Schatt, League of Women Voters observer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the May 19, 2004 meeting were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Chair Page asked for an update on the Cole HVAC system and Library Director Lange explained that they had installed two new compressors, both failed, and were out for re pair . Trustee Swette commented on how great it was to have the 5K race team participate in the San Diego Council on Literacy annual event. In reference to the scheduled training with Betty Stallings, Trustee Swette wanted to know if the training was for all Library staff members at all the locations and was assured that it is. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of June 16, 2004 Meeting Page 2 Trustee Swette asked if there was an explanation for the decrease in the numbers, in almost all areas, in the statistics this month but no specific reason could be discerned. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if there was any estimate on when the Cole Library building would have to be closed for work on the HVAC system, and what alternative venue would be available. Library Director Lange responded that it is unclear when that project will get underway. The RFP is out for the design of the new system and is due back in July sometime and it is estimated it could take as long as four months to get the system designed. Once that phase was completed the City would release an RFP for bids on the installation. The earliest date actual construction would start would probably be this fall. Alternatives to closing the library entirely are being considered, such as operating out of just the Community Room, as we did during the remodel. The real determining factors include how much demolition work has to be done to get to the system and the impact on having people in the building. The liability issues would increase the cost for the project as well as making it more difficult for the contractor to try to work around people in the building. The majority of the equipment is located over the entrances. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the collection would have to be removed for the project and Library Director Lange said probably not. Chair Page asked what would be done about the staff and Library Director Lange said it would depend on whether we could continue to provide the services at this building; otherwise we would use the full time staff in other areas. Assistant Library Director Armour reported that he had met with facilities staff and discussed the possibility of installing portable air conditioning units in the interim. The project is in the CIP for 2005-06 but facilities will most likely go to Council and request it be moved up a year. The challenge at this point is to get through the summer. Currently there are fans in use and when the main entrance doors are open, the bottom floor is not bad, but the upstairs areas lack adequate ventilation. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: By proper election and unanimous vote, Trustee Rob Swette was elected as the Chair for FYO4-05, and Trustee Kamenjarin was elected as the Vice Chair. LIBRARY SERVICES AND STAFFING GOAL: Library Director Lange explained the goal team has been working on the goal since last July and the final report for the optimum level, a summary of everything accomplished, will be available next month. The staffing plan has been driven by approaching retirements, new technology and budget constraints. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of June 16, 2004 Meeting Page 3 Trustee Swette asked for an explanation on the context of the goal, and Library Director Lange explained that the managers within the City are required to have specific goals each year, which support the City Council’s goals. Two of the goals this year are directly related to the library, the security goal, and this technology and staffing goal. The purpose of the technology portion of the goal was to examine the new technology which could reduce the repetitive tasks related to circulation, make it more customer self-service with self-check machines, and automating as much as possible the use of computers, migrating to an RFlD product which greatly reduces the burden on staff. Trustee Swette asked if the next step would be a proposal to the City Council to implement this technology and Library Director Lange said that was correct and the goal for next year is to act on the information gathered and suggested plan in the current year goal. Trustee Swette then asked if the plan had been approved and Library Director Lange explained that the City Manager has approved all but the RFlD and self-check, which will require additional approval from the Leadership Team. The City also has an Internet Technology Governance Committee (ITGC) that will have to approve the RFlD as well. Prior to that the library will have to do a cost benefit analysis to show that there will be considerable savings and the buy-back time. There are up front costs in the $500,000 range. The RFlD portion is the most expensive; the first pieces, the PC management, print management and telephone notification carry a price tag of about $61,000 for the software, server, hardware and equipment. The tags cost about 75 cents each for some 300,000 items. Trustee Tarman mentioned that the RFlD tags would require a lot of work and Library Director Lange agreed, saying it was the most labor-intensive part of the project but he thought we could utilize volunteers to assist with that process, and if timed right, it would be a great project for the Cole Library staff during the installation of the new HVAC system. Library Director Lange continued that there is plenty of evidence out there in other libraries that have implemented the RFlD technology and the savings are significant with automatic check-in and a wand that reads the shelves for inventory and mis- shelved items. There was some discussion about security for library cards, whether there should be a requirement for identification in addition to the card or perhaps a pin number. Trustee Swette asked if the organizational charts from the various libraries were an important factor in determining the changes in the new library organization and Library Director Lange responded that at best they were “interesting” as many were based on local custom and history. The goal for this library is to “flatten-out” the organization by Library Board of Trustees Minutes of June 16, 2004 Meeting Page 4 eliminating the Assistant Library Director position and boosting the two Principal Librarian positions to Deputy Library Directors with additional duties. Assistant Library Director Armour explained that the first phase, once approved, is the conversion of a three quarter time position in Circulation at Cole into a three quarter time cataloger for Technical Services. The other is a full time Library Assistant position in Technical Services, which will be converted to a Business Systems Specialist position. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if this would mean the Library would have its own IT person and Library Director Lange said that was correct but that the Business Systems Specialist would manage and support the technology that is unique to the library and act as liaison to the City’s IT Department. Assistant Library Director Armour explained that a major element in the new staffing plan is that the library is not increasing the FTE and will be reducing costs as he retires possibly by the end of this year. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the duties of the Deputy Library Directors would be different from those of the Principal Librarians and Assistant Library Director Armour explained that they would assume more responsibilities in dividing the areas currently the responsibility of the Assistant Library Director. Trustee Swette asked how the goals supported the Strategic Plan that included providing a place for community, for people to come, since moving to this technology seems less personal? Library Director Lange explained that the idea is to get the staff out of the back room and into the library interacting with the patrons and providing assistance and better customer service. SUMMER READING PROGRAM: Senior Librarian Suzanne Smithson, Children’s Librarian at the Cole Library, briefed the Board on the Summer Reading Program. She explained the theme and logos for both the children and teen programs, and the manner in which they are promoted through the Carlsbad Schools and other school districts supporting children who live in Carlsbad. She said that this year, after the first two days of sign ups, there are 884 children and teens registered, compared to last year, after the first two days there were 470 total. This year the end of the program party will be a combined event off site, at Valley Middle School athletic field. She said the program is sponsored primarily by the Friends of the Carlsbad Library who donated $30,000, but in addition there are several local sponsors who provide coupons as “in kind” donations valued at nearly $20,000. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of June 16, 2004 Meeting Page 5 Trustee Swette asked if there were any major sponsors for the program this year and Senior Librarian Smithson responded that the committee had tried to find one but had not been successful. Library Director Lange also explained that the Serra Cooperative Library System has experienced a huge staff reduction and did not have the same amount of manpower to devote to the project. Sr. Librarian Smithson concluded her presentation by presenting the Board with Summer Reading tee shirts and a participant packet. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Carlsbad City Library Learning Center- The property closed escrow on May 28fh and the City Council met in closed session to discuss the existing tenant leases. The Church plans to relocate by the end of August and the Montessori school will stay until the end of December. The RFP has been released for an architect with close of bids on July gth. The CUP process is lengthy and will probably take until at least November to get on the Planning Commission agenda and notice a public hearing. There was some discussion about the move-in date for the Centro and the possibility of the construction of Pine Park forcing an interim move. Library Director Lange explained that it could be a problem but we were required to hire an architect for the site plan for the placement of the modular buildings as well as tenant improvements and the project will take longer than initially anticipated. At the request of the Board, the July meeting will be held at the former Girls Club site. Children’s Garden at CCL - Dove Lane - The projected cost for the project was nearly double the estimate due partially to the overall increase in constructions costs. Of concern is whether or not we will have any bids on the job due to the size. Principal Librarian Pizzuto has been spearheading this project and is currently working with the City’s Parks Department to see if they can do some of the work to help bring down the cost. Carlsbad Reads Together prowam- Plans for this one book/one community program are progressing and the author of The tortilla curtain , T. C. Boyle will be here on September 28‘h, for the main event. The committee is working on a publicity program now that we have a firm date for his appearance, as well as a resource package for book clubs and participants. Volunteer Program- Library Administration recently met with Betty Stallings, a consultant and well known authority on volunteerism, and is developing a volunteer philosophy for the Library. Ms. Stallings will return in July to conduct a workshop for library staff members on the “care and feeding” of volunteers. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of June 16, 2004 Meetina Page 6 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Friends President Arthur Wood was on hand to report that the board voted to provide financial support to the Carlsbad Reads Together program mentioned in the Director’s report. The Friends annual meeting is scheduled for next Wednesday where they will be presenting awards from the Federal Volunteer Program, two gold awards and twenty-eight bronze. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Society President Fred Spong was in attendance and reported that the society has continued to purchase research materials for the library that amounts to between $15,000 and $22,000 annually. In support of their goal to teach the community how to do genealogical research, they continue to schedule two programs a month and a newsletter. This summer they are again offering a beginning and an intermediate class for teens. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Kamenjarin commented on the City’s new Volunteer brochure as very gky ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 509 PM. Respectfully submitted, Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary Monthly LIBRARY Reports for MAY 2004 Adult Learning ... 1. April 22, staff member Gisela Rivera and Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson made a presentation about library services, including the Adult Learning Program, to parents of bilingual children at Calavera Hills Elementary School. 2. May 12, Gisela and Lizeth made a similar presentation to over 20 Headstart parents in Vista. Claudia Hernandez, the Parent Involvement Aide for regional Headstart programs, requested the presentation because of the benefits to parents of having both the Centro and Adult Learning services available from a single source. 3. The San Diego Council on Literacy’s annual Union-Tribune 5K Race for Literacy fundraising event was held on May 2. Staff member Helen Lindner organized a team of 29 walkers and runners representing the Carlsbad City Library (with imprinted T-shirts) to participate in the event. The team included staff members; 3 learners; tutors; spouses; and City staff from the Dove Library, Information Technology, Human Resources, and other City departments. Volunteering as part of the race crew were staff member Carrie Scott and tutor Stacey Wiegleb. 4. City Volunteer Coordinator Sue Irey arranged for an article about the City’s new volunteer office to be in the North County Times. The article appeared on May 6 and featured a photo of tutor Diana Walters with learner Aira Harris, who is now studying to be a nurse. Centro de Inforrnacion ... 5. The library Centro de Informacicin was invited to participate in the Buena Vista School Annual Festival on May 1 and the Jefferson Elementary School Multicultural Festival on May 22. At both locations the Centro had a booth with information and games. Parents and children received information about the Summer Reading Program 2004. Children also participated in the games and won small prizes. 6. On May 27, Lizeth was invited to attend the English Learner Advisory committee (ELAC) joint meeting at Jefferson elementary School. Parents from Jefferson, Magnolia, Buena Vista, Hope, and Calavera Hills Elementary Schools, as well as parents from Valley Junior High and Carlsbad High School attended the meeting. During this meeting Lizeth spoke to the audience about the library in general and promoted the Summer Reading Program 2004. Monthly Library Reports for May 2004 7. On May 19, Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson a teacher form Magnolia Elementary School, conducted a Parent Reading Workshop for Spanish-speaking parents at Magnolia School. Handouts and informational materials about services at the library were distributed to the audience. CCL, Dove Lane 8. A very successful talent show for teens took place May 17. Thirteen acts were presented to an audience of about 100, an impressive attendance for a teen program. Collection Development ... 9. The Library Staff Development Committee put on the 9th Annual Library Hourly Employees Party at the Carlsbad Senior Center on May 14, 2004. 125 guests enjoyed Italian food and 54 hourly employees received service awards for service ranging from three to 25 years. 10. Susan Simpson completed a semester-long class at Palomar College on Library Collections and Services for Children. The class was very beneficial, with a great deal of information about children’s literature and services for children in libraries. Georgina Cole ... 11. Volunteer Services contracted internationally known speaker and author Betty Stallings to assess and design training for the Library’s volunteer program. Betty met with the Library’s Administration team on May 18th. She will follow up with a scheduled session for Division Heads and staff who supervise volunteers on July 27th. 12. Mary Van Orsdol, Senior Genealogy Librarian, Reference Librarian, Karen Maynor and Genealogy Library Technician, Judy Michaels attended the 5 day National Genealogical Society Annual Conference in Sacramento. A major theme was accessing California records with an emphasis on the California State Library archives and Sacramento City Library. 13. Good news about the Cole HVAC (Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning) came in May when money to complete the major renovation project was made available for fiscal year 2004/ 2005. The Facilities Department has obtained a design and has let Requests for Proposals (RFP) for selection of a contractor. Meanwhile a rebuilt compressor was installed the week of May 10th replacing the one that had previously failed. By the end of the week both the old and new compressors were not working and temperatures were in the 80’s inside the building. A week later the system was cooling again but only temporarily. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS . CCL, Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Georgina Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children’s programs Children’s program attendance Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance MAY 03 6,594 72,058 40,359 13,313 6,602 38,429 25,452 9,468 229 95 1 1,834 157 38 1,080 6 67 101 3,165 97 4,272 MAY 04 6,76 1 65,612 36,605 12,45 1 6,325 33,685 31,196 5,555 219 676 1,73 1 171 38 1,466 8 219 84 2,966 83 4,198 Volunteer Hours Total hours: 796.75 671 -2.5