HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-10-20; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesITEM #2 MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: October 20,2004 TIME OF MEETING: 4:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Georgina Cole Library Community Room 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive CALL TO ORDER: Chair Rob Swette called the meeting to order at 4:04 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees, Kamenjarin, Lignante, Page, Swette, and Tarman Absent: None Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Heather Pizzuto, Principal Librarian, Dove Lane Cheryl Mast, Management Analyst Bill Richmond, Media Services Specialist Greg MacLellan, Production Technician, Media Services Devin Castel, Business Systems Specialist Arthur Wood, President, Friends of the Library Carolyn Hoard, NSDCGS Jane Schatt, League of Women Voters observer Prior to the agenda, Chair Rob Swette asked newly appointed Library Board Trustee, Bill Lignante to introduce himself. Library Director Lange took this opportunity to also introduce the library's newest staff member, Devin Castel, recently hired as the Business Systems Specialist. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting of August 18, 2004 were approved with one correction. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Page asked to confirm that there was a contract for the design of a new HVAC system for the Cole and also asked for details on the new landscaping plan. 8 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of October 20. 2004 Meetina Page 2 Library Director Lange explained the plans for the landscaping include removing the loose rocks in the dry-streambed out front. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the leak in the Cole Library over the Local History collection had been repaired and was told it had been. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the Board could see the time-lapse video of the construction of the Library on Dove Lane that was shown to the staff on the five-year anniversary celebration. Library Director Lange offered to bring the video to the next regular meeting for the board's viewing. Trustee Kamenjarin also wanted to go on record congratulating the Library on the success of the two events in conjunction with the Carlsbad Reads Together program and the Friends of the Library who provided the financial support. He attended both the author talk and the panel discussion and his only reservations are that this will be a hard act to follow. Library Director Lange reported that between'300 - 350 people attended the event, and although the final wrap-up meeting has not been held, a quick look at the evaluation forms indicates an overall positive reaction by the attendees. Trustee Swette responded that he was impressed with the manner in which the Library handled the over-flow crowd by providing a live video feed into the meeting room. Friends of the Library President Arthur Wood promised the Friends of the Library would provide the financial support for a like event whenever the Library has plans. MEDIA SERVICES SIX-MONTH REPORT: Library Media Services Specialist Bill Richmond reminded the Board that part of the charge by the City Council when the policies and procedures for the use of the George & Patrica Gowland Meeting Room and the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium were approved, was to report every six months on the usage. In addition to the information provided in the agenda packet, Media Services Specialist Richmond distributed a detailed statistical report from the event database reporting a total of 1,059 events in FY-03-04 and over 46,000 attendees for the combined events. Of the 1,059 events, approximately 60% involved the library in some aspect. Chair Swette expressed concern over the high number of cancellations and asked for an explanation. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of October 20. 2004 Meetina Page 3 Media Services Specialist Richmond reported that a number of cancellations are attributed to the "speculative booking" practice utilized primarily by the Library and Arts Office. Chair Swette asked what that translated into as far as the number of potential programs that were turned away because the date was booked at the time they requested. Media Services Specialist Richmond responded that his division does not capture that information because of the nature of the booking process. The Board discussed possible options to reduce the number of cancellations and asked for more information at the next meeting. Media Services Specialist Richmond turned the program over to Production Technician Greg MacLellan who had prepared a brief video highlighting the programs produced during the last year. He explained that as the benchmark for their productions, they have entered several programs into the National Association of Telecommunications and Officers Awards (NATOA) each year. The Patriot Act Program produced in September as a joint effort with the League of Women Voters took first place in the regional award, and second in the national competition. Media Services also took third place overall in the national competition. The Board then viewed the video and received copies of the schedule for the Library Hour program. Chair Swette asked to add the cancellation statistics be included in the monthly statistical report. USER PROFILES IN SIRSI: Library Director Lange distributed a copy of his memo to the Library Board last November that reflected proposed changes in Library circulation policies. The second paragraph dealt with the classification of library users into the profiles required by the new software. The Board approved the changes at that meeting but due to an equipment malfunction, the vote and information was not included in the official minutes of that meeting. The item has therefore been put on the agenda today to get it into the record. Principal Librarian Pizzuto explained that in Inlex, the software previous used by the Library, each patron record could contain a variety of options that could be turned on and off for each person. When the Library migrated to the new software, Sirsi, it was necessary to change the way patrons were entered into the database. Each patron had to be assigned a user profile. The majority of the patrons fall into either the public user profile or juvenile user profile. In order to continue the library policy for Library Staff, it Library Board of Trustees Minutes of October 20. 2004 Meetina Page 4 was necessary to create a separate profile to identify paid staff. Currently the Library paid staff does not incur fines and fees and are restricted from placing holds on or checking out any new material. As previously explained, creating the specific staff profile to continue current practice, was brought before the Board last November and approved. Trustee Kamenjarin asked why it was necessary to group the patrons and give up the ability to customize each patron record and Principal Librarian Pizzuto explained it was a requirement of the new software to develop general patron profiles. Trustee Page asked if there were a large number of profiles and Principal Librarian Pizzuto explained that there are only four actual user profiles, Public User. Public Juvenile User, Homebound User and Library Staff. There are some additional internal profiles that help track materials, such as damaged items, but are not connected to individuals. Chair Swette asked who determined the appropriate profile and Principal Librarian Pizzuto responded that the Circulation staff was responsible for assigning the profile when the library card is issued. Staff accounts are specifically changed when a new employee is hired and the account changed back when that individual is no longer employed by the library. Trustee Tarman moved that the Board approve the current library circulation policy with regard to user profiles and Trustee Page seconded the motion. Trustee Kamenjarin asked what profile was attached to the Library Board Trustees and Principal Librarian Pizzuto responded the trustees are “Public Users”. Trustee Kamenjarin asked that the motion be amended to include a profile for members of the Board giving them special privileges. Trustee Tarman did not agree to the suggested amendment. Chair Swette called for a vote on the original motion and it carried 4-1, Kamenjarin voting no. Trustee Kamenjarin then asked to make a motion to either include the Trustees as “staff” or create a specific user profile for the Board. Several members of the Board expressed concerns over this proposal and action. As this was not part of the agenda, staff asked to be allowed to research his request and return at the next meeting with information, and Trustee Kamenjarin and the rest of the Board agreed. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of October 20, 2004 Meeting Page 5 PRELIMINARY BUILDING PROGRAM FOR THE LIBRARY LEARNING CENTER: Library Director Lange displayed the architects drawing of the proposed tenant improvements, which includes the demolition of the old house and the addition of modular buildings in the rear. The real challenge is to meet the Federal requirements for space for the Headstart Program as well as the parking standard. Trustee Page asked if the building would be divided into Centro and Adult Learning? Library Director Lange pointed out on the drawing the area planned for the Resource Center that will include the story telling area and homework center, the 2-person study rooms for the Adult Learning tutors and learners and meeting rooms. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if Headstart would remain tenants and Library Director Lange responded that their lease does not expire until the end of 2006 and they have an option to renew for up to two more years. Library Director Lange concluded that the final version of the Learning Center would be the addition of a second floor, and the Carlsbad Library Foundation intends to take this on as a capital fund raising project. Trustee Kamenjarin asked for a time-line for the renovations and Library Director Lange responded that the tentative date to appear before the Planning Commission to get a CUP (conditional use permit) is April 2005. Following that, the paperwork has to be prepared to go out to bid and the contract prepared, all of which will take between 4 and 5 months, making it late 2005 before we can move in. Chair Swette asked if we had met the conditions for the CDBG money and Library Director Lange responded that we needed to spend some more money before April 2005. Trustee Page asked if the Carlsbad Library Foundation still had the $20,000 from last year's Castles of Carlsbad tours earmarked for the Learning Center. Library Director Lange responded that the Foundation still has those funds as well as a $25,000 grant they recently received for this project. APPOINTMENT TO THE CARLSBAD LIBRARY FOUNDATION: At the request of the Board this item was postponed until the November 17'h meeting. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of October 20, 2004 Meeting Page 6 UPDATE ON LIBRARY STRATEGIC PLAN: At the request of the library director this item was also postponed until the November 1 7‘h meeting when Assistant Library Director Armour, who prepared the report, would be present. REPORT ON CALTAC WORKSHOP: Chair Swette reported that he attended the workshop in September at the Cerritos Library and found it very valuable. It was intended for Trustees and Board Members and he came away with three main themes. Does the Library meet community needs? What is the Library’s competition? The Board is responsible as the voice of its community. He commented on many features of the Cerritos Library, which are unique, and also the quality of the workshop overall as led by Joan Frye Williams. LIBRARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES: Chair Swette requested the Board consider the many proposals suggested at the last meetings and choose a project to focus upon over the next year. He proposed the board take an active role in the development of a new strategic plan for the Library, and include representation from the Friends of the Library and Carlsbad Foundation Board as well as staff. Library Director Lange commented that he thought it was an ideal time to start looking at creating a new strategic plan for the Library and the Library Board could play a very important role in that. Trustee Page commented that she would like to promote and encourage Library volunteerism in the Community. She would also thought a facilitated workshop would be helpful. Trustee Kamenjarin pointed out that with the State’s budget crunch, the departure of key library staff and a new City Council Member it is important to keep the continuity and advocate to the City Council to fund the Library for the community. By proper motion and unanimous vote, the Board decided to assume a major rule in the initiation of a new Library Strategic Plan, within the next twelve months. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: State Report - Copies had already been distributed. The report does not affect our funding but instead is used as a measurement to compare the libraries within the State. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of October 20, 2004 Meeting Page 7 Trustee Kamenjarin asked about the 13,000 drop in number of registered borrowers in the report. Library Director Lange explained that it is common practice to purge the database of accounts that have not been used for three years. Principal Librarian Pizzuto explained that prior to the migration to Sirsi we purged all records inactive for the last two years, as it was important to have very accurate records and not carry over any that were not truly necessary. It was also valuable to remove data that was taking up space on the system but of little value, and It was financially favorable in the contract Sirsi. Principal Librarian Pizzuto also pointed out that the timing of the purging of the records was different this year from last so that statistics may have been collected for last year’s report prior to the purge. IMLS Grant - The Library was awarded a grant in the amount of $241,000 to develop a scorecard for outcome measurements. Also taking part in the project are the Cerritos Library, the Newport Beach Library and the San Diego County Public Law Library. Local resident and author Joe Matthews is an expert in this field and will be the Project Manager. The final product will be a workbook for public library outcome measurement. Retirements and Vacant Positions - -Assistant Library Director Armour, Principal Librarian Chris Holt, and Community Coordinator Carol Tic0 are all retiring at the end of this year, and there is an agenda bill scheduled for City Council on November 2nd to approve the new position, Deputy Library Director. This new position is the result of last year’s staffing plan goal. The City will be recruiting for the vacant positions at the California Library Association’s annual convention in San Jose next month. Of the three Librarian positions open, two have been selected for Reference and interviews for the third position, in Technical Services, are being held today. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: President Arthur Wood reported that the Friends of the Library were pleased with the response to the Carlsbad Reads Together program this year and they are prepared to sponsor another bigger and grander event next year. At their Annual Meeting they presented Presidential Volunteer metals to some of their volunteers. An additional two metals will be presented at the Book Store Volunteer event this month. The finance committee is scheduled to meet again to discuss additional funding for the Children’s Garden project since the latest estimate is more than double the initial one. The annual book sale on the green will be held on Saturday at the Cole Library Trustee Page asked that in the future would the Friends of the Library coordinate the date for this event with the Carlsbad Library Foundation to prevent the sale and Homes Tour from occurring on the same date. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of October 20, 2004 Meeting Page 8 GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: NSDCGS liaison Carolyn Hoard advised the Board of the failing health of Genealogical Society member and previous liaison to this Board, Bee Koons. Ms. Hoard also advised that following the last Library Board meeting she had reported to her Board the discussion of the space needs at the Cole Library and the statement made that perhaps the Genealogy Division did not warrant the space it occupies based on usage. Their Computer Chairperson included some of this information in her monthly newsletter, which regrettably initiated rumors of inaccurate information throughout the State about closing the Cole. The Society distributed information about the Genealogy collection and their society at the recent Family History Fair in Escondido. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Chair Swette asked that the Administrative Secretary send out a reminder each month to the Trustees prior to the development of the agenda for suggestions on its content. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 550 PM Respectfully submit d, 0 /%@ Cissie Sextoh Administrative Secretary I ITEM #3 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for August 2004 Adult Learning . . . 1. New staff member Bob Steuernagel began developing a marketing plan to raise community awareness of the program and recruit potential learners and tutors. Bob’s professional background is in corporate marketing. 2. On August 31, staff members Helen Lindner and Amanda Bird piloted a new orientation for potential tutors. Orientations will be held 3 times a month, separate from the training in tutoring methodology, to acquaint more potential volunteers with the program and the opportunities for volunteering. Trainings in methodology will be held once a month, more frequently than in the past, with the goal of providing a steady flow of tutors into the program. 3. During the summer, staff and one experienced volunteer piloted small group instruction in Phonographix (intensive phonics program) and Writing on the Computer (keyboarding, mouse operation, basic functions in word processing). During August staff began recruiting experienced tutors to continue leading these small groups and begin others. By the end of August, 5 volunteers were ready to lead small groups, starting in September and October. CCL, Dove Lane ... 4. The Summer Reading Program ended with a huge celebration on August 3. This year, children and teens systemwide were invited to attend a shared event, held at Valley Middle School. The Olympics theme lent itself to the games that took place there, which attracted a total approximate attendance of more than 1700 children and their families. Teens who volunteered during the Summer Reading Program also celebrated their efforts at a potluck dinner on August 27. 5. Beginning in August, patrons were surveyed about their preferences for email, ground mail or telephone notification of holds and overdue materials. This survey wilt help determine the relative value of different notification methods to patrons, as we prepare to offer email notification and consider investing in an automated telephone system that patrons can also use to renew items and check the status of their account 24/7. Georgina Cole ... 6. Staff changes at Cole have been swift and furious. The Senior Office Specialist position vacated July 30th, was filled August 4th by Michele Hardy. Michele has worked for the City of Carlsbad the last 7 years, first in Human Resources and then the last 6 years in Planning. She has proven to be a quick learner, adaptable, extremely efficient and well liked by her fellow workers. 7. Volunteer Coordinator, Cyndi Juarez has given her notice to leave the second week of September to work in a family business. Jenny Okamoto will be taking her place. She comes from the Recreation Department where she organized a volunteer program at the Carrillo Ranch. Previously she managed volunteer programs for the Boston Bar Association. Monthly Library Reports for August 2004 8. Over 70 applications were screened to narrow the field of Librarian candidates for 3 vacant positions. Cole Library is working to fill a Reference Librarian 1/11 position; the Dove Lane facility is seeking to fill a vacancy for a Technology Librarian and a cataloger. 9. Facility issues concerning HVAC and landscaping progressed a bit further in August. The Facilities Department is still working with Dahl-Taylor & Associates on the design of the new Cole HVAC system. Landscape Plans were received by Parks Department from the architect Booth & Suarez. Hardscape plans will follow before bids are put out for contractors this fall. 10. On Wednesday, August 18th, a leak was discovered in the newspaper area. The wall directly behind the newspapers, the sofit above and the carpet below were also wet with trails of water bubbling up under the painted surface on the wall and overhead. With the History Room directly behind, precautions were taken to protect the many primary source documents such as letters, photos, manuscripts, etc. After investigation by the Facilities Department, it was established that the drain for the HVAC condensation above had been clogged and backed up the water that in turn drained into the ceiling space, down the walls and on to the floor. The walls and ceiling need to dry out before repairs can be made. Collection Development . . . 11. The Carlsbad City Library was awarded a $6,000 grant from the State Library’s Global Languages Materials Grant program. The money will be used to purchase children’s materials for the Centro de Informacion. This money will be in addition to the regular budget for the Centro. Monthly LIBRARY Reports for SEPTEMBER 2004 Adult Learning ... 1. Staff member Bob Steuernagel is concentrating on marketing of the Adult Learning Program. He drafted a marketing plan, completed an extensive statistical analysis of current and past learner and tutor demographics, arranged for GIS maps plotting where current tutors and learners live, and met with Library Director Cliff Lange and City Communications Director Denise Vedder. He has been contacting City government and community locations about posting posters and displaying brochures, as well as submitting copy to run on the Adelphia cable channel. 2. In recognition of International Literacy Week, the San Diego Council on Literacy and Borders Bookstores co-sponsored the World Record Reading Marathon September 9 - 13. At the El Cajon Borders bookstore, 5 volunteers read aloud nonstop for 86 hours, earning a place in the Guinness Book of World Records. At the other Borders location in the county, including the Carlsbad store, tables with information about literacy programs were staffed, special story hours were held, and customers were given coupons to donate 15% of their purchase to the Council on Literacy. 3. On September 18, the Library Foundation hosted a reception and concert for Foundation supporters. At the beginning of the program, Foundation President Jim Comstock spoke about and showed slides of the future Learning Center. Coordinator Lynda Jones and volunteer tutors in the audience were introduced. 4. Staff members Helen Lindner and Amanda Bird developed an entirely new tutor training, which they taught for the first time on September 21 to 8 new tutors. After much evaluation, staff had decided to shorten the initial tutor training and to - focus more staff time on coaching and training of individual tutors after they are matched with learners. This allows staff to put the most energy into those volunteers who actually end up tutoring and also to individualize the training to suit the learning needs of the learner being tutored. 5. Carlsbad High School students returned for the fall semester on September 7, starting the seventh year of this cooperative program. Eleven volunteer tutors are tutoring 30 high school students, who are divided into 4 classes. High school teacher Judy Gaitan, who provides transportation in her own van, must make 2 round trips bringing and 2 round trips returning the students for each of the afternoon classes. This cuts into instruction time. Transportation continues to be a concern. CCL, Dove Lane ... 6. On September 27, the Library observed the 5th anniversary of the opening of the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane. A collection of photographs documenting Monthly Library Reports for September 2004 the opening was mounted on walls, a time-lapse video showing the entire construction process in about 10 minutes was shown repeatedly, and refreshments were served during the day. 7. The Library’s first Carlsbad Reads Together program was held on September 28 and 30. Funded by the Friends of the Library, the first session drew over 300 people to hear the author, T.C. Boyle talk about the Tortilla Curtain and his other writings. Both the auditorium and the meeting room were filled and Mr. Boyle’s presentation was well received. On the 30th’ and competing with the first Presidential debate, a panel discussion moderated by Eric Larson was held with about 50 in attendance. The discussion was lively and of great interest to those present. Both events were taped and will be broadcast over Adelphia Cable TV channel 3 the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 7 PM. A planned showing of the film, El Norte and multiple book discussion group meetings rounded out the series. Written evaluations were very positive and staff will likely begin planning for a second Carlsbad Reads program next year. 8. A number of recruitments are in process. Interviews have been scheduled for two Reference Librarian vacancies and will take place in early October. A total of five Library Pages were hired in the Circulation Division during September where recruitment is ongoing, since several additional vacancies have resulted from students leaving for school and two promotions to Library Clerk positions. Georgina Cole . . . 9. Jenny Okamoto from the Recreation Department (Carrillo Ranch) replaced Cyndi Juarez as Library Volunteer Coordinator. Since coming to the position Jenny has interviewed new volunteer candidates, launched the Homework Zone program for the school year, helped staff develop new volunteer program job descriptions and interacted with Sue key, City Volunteer Coordinator. During Jenny’s first month 826.75 volunteer hours were provided to library programs and services. IO. A new wall to help secure Children’s Senior Librarian, Susan Smithson’s office was nearly completed. When the installation is complete, it will allow Susan to have a secure office and provide clear public access to the outside emergency exit door on the north end of the children’s room. REVISED CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS Dove Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Computer Use Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Computer Use Jul-03 7,024 79,834 47,678 15,818 6,843 39,204 25,275 1 1,044 Centro/ALP Reference questions 236 Circulation 1,317 In-House Use of Materials 224 People count 2,455 Computer Use 212 Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children’s programs Children’s program attendance Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Volunteer Hours 26 333 9 243 83 3,787 109 2,177 Total hours: 1,464.75 JuI-04 12,050” 75,546 35,081** 14,877 3,793 5,643 37,482 23,169 6,561 4,380 22 1 1,062 222 2,082 207 22 302 6 334 77 3,391 73 3,209 715 *Effective July, 2004, reference questions asked at the Information Desk are included **Door Counter malfunction for approximately seven days affected count CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS Dove Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Computer Use Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Computer Use Centro Reference questions Circulation In-House Use of Materials People count Computer Use Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs . Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children’s programs Children’s program attendance *SRP final program *SRP systemwide final party attendance Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Volunteer Hours Total hours: AU~S t-03 5,753 68,727 38,282 1 1,662 6083 33,108 23,155 8,030 6083 156 520 117 1531 130 28 445 8 117 20 1,203 92 2,123 ***325.5 Aumst-04 10,777 68,65 1 36,156 14,216 4,490 5957 34,148 21,586 6,469 4,813 153 606 123 1430 179 20 79 2 140 8 278 1 1700 47 1,540 **387.25 *Summer Reading Program final party attendance is a combined number for all three facilities at one program held off-site (first time this has been done) **ALP and Dove Children’s count only. ***Does not include ALP volunteers. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS Dove Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation In-House Use of Materials People count Sept-03 7,06 1 71,617 37,004 1 3,974 7,225 36,622 21,820 8,82 1 231" 711" 127* 1,921* Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs 42 Adult program attendance 1,730 Young Adult programs 4 Young Adult program attendance 59 Children's programs 75 Children's program attendance 2,426 Computer Use All Facilities Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Volunteer Hours ** 127 4,206 Total hours: 636.25 Sept-04 1 1,459 68,782 36,819 13,389 6,950 33,982 21,421 6,502 192119 636163 1701- 1,6911- 26 407 4 42 91 1,736 9,332 88 3,235 1.255 * Centro numbers only. ** Not reported last year. Facts at a Glance: Summary of LibrarylMedia Division Report Findings FY 03-04 Event Summary: a There were a total of 1059 events conducted by all organizations during FYO3-04. a The Auditorium was used for approximately 38% of all bookings; the Meeting Room was used for over 59% of the events o 60% of all events were presented by the Library Of the 636 Library presented programs: o 9 100 were presented by the Children’s Department 217 were presented by the Arts Office 89 were presented by Programs and Exhibits Attendance Summary: o There were a total of 46,453 attendees at all events held during FYO3-04. 0 60% of the total attended events were presented by the Library Of the 30,678 attendees at Library events: . 8,569 attended Children’s events . 8,742 attended Arts Office events . 9,049 attended Programs and Exhibits events o Event Cancellation Summary: o There were a total of 197 booking cancellations during FYO3-04. o There was an overall cancellation rate of 19% The greatest number of cancellations came from Library and Arts Office at 102 o o 59 reservations were canceled by the Arts Office, representing 27% of their total proposed bookings 21 reservations were canceled by the Children’s Division, representing 21% of their total proposed bookings Time Summary: o The Auditorium was reserved a total of 1,245 hours during FYO3-04. o The average amount of time spent by Library Media Division staff pre-setting stage technology and break down of the Auditorium before and after an event: 75 minutes. Total hours the Meeting Room was reserved during FYO3-04. 1,716 hours and 15 minutes. o The average amount of time spent by Library staff setting up and breaking down the Meeting Room before and after an event: 66 minutes Financial Summary: R A total of $48,918.50 in revenue was collected from FYO3-04. o $15,400 in cleaning deposits o $33,518.50 in room fees, equipment rental, AV Tech charges, and video production Greatest Period of Activity The latter half of FYO3-04 had the greatest amount of activity o 555 events o 26,586 attendees o $22,652.08 in financial revenue ITEM#7 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STRA7ECIC PLAN 200 7 -2006 INTRODUCTION Carlsbad City Library has a substantial history of planning. In the past, the Library's strategic plans have guided the development of the new facility, creation of the Library Foundation, a variety of community partnerships and new technologies for library patrons. At the beginning of the 21' century, this new strategic plan builds on the accomplishments of the past. The plan has been created with library user and community involvement. Library users contributed ideas and suggestions by completing a survey; over 1,300 surveys were returned and analyzed by the Social and Behavioral Research Institute at California State University San Marcos. Consultants then conducted a series of public and staff focus groups designed to further develop the ideas obtained from the survey. During two all-day planning sessions, the Library Division Heads along with representatives from the Library Board, Library Foundation and Friends of the Library sifted through the results of the community participation and developed this plan with its customer-centered vision, mission, core values and strategic goals. The plan presented here is grounded by a solid history of accomplishment, but inspired by the vision of the community that created this library. The plan is intended to guide library development over the next five years. VISION The vision of the Carlsbad City Library is to create a dynamic learning environment accessible to all community members. LIBRARY MlSSION The Library strives to provide all members of the community with convenient access to a variety of high quality services, programs and materials that support the quest for knowledge and the enjoyment of reading. VALUES STATEMENT Every Library staff member is committed to the essential values identified in the City’s Values Statement: Integrity Trust Competence Accountability Teamwork Empowerment Quality Every Library staff member is committed to demonstrating the following additional values in their daily tasks: Respect for others Cooperation Courtesy Creativity STRATEGIC GOALS 1. Services The services provided by the Carlsbad City Library will reflect expressed community needs and interests, and will be accessible to all. Objectives A. Develop a plan of service for library programs. B. Coordinate the Library’s programs and services with other City C. Evaluate the Library’s programs and Services through a regular series D. Define the scope of each Library’s collection and its relation to the services to avoid confusion and duplication of services. of surveys and measurements and make appropriate changes. other collections throughout the system. 2. Community Role The Carlsbad City Library will be recognized as a major cultural and informational resource for the community. Objectives A, Evaluate the Library’s public communications and make B. Develop outreach programs and collaborative eEorts to encourage C. Define and communicate a clear identity for the Library and all its improvements as needed. library use. facilities and services. 3. Technology The Carlsbad City Library will provide and use technologies and equipment suited to community needs and consistent with the Library’s goals. Objectives A. Provide an active program of public training in the use of a variety of technology and information resources. B. Consider the varying ways community members use technology and their different levels of comfort when making technology acquisitions. C. Encourage staffto explore and evaluate new technologies; at the same time, maintain a program to train staff in basic competency arm. D. Evaluate new integrated library systems and replace the Library’s current system. E. Provide Internet access to all of the Library’s collections, data bases and online resources, so that community members can obtain information at any time from a location convenient to them. 4. Resources The Carlsbad City Library staff will seek ways to maximize all resources to the benefit of the Library and the community it serves. Objectives A. ClarifL the appropriate uses of Friends and Foundation knds in B. Investigate and pursue grants and other finding opportunities. C. Analyze all tasks performed by staff and volunteers to determine that they support the Library’s goals. D. Take advantage of cost savings opportunities offered by Tierra del Sol, Serra, the Library of California and other library cooperative ventures. E. Evaluate Library resource needs in relation to Library goals and priorities as part of the annual budget process. relation to the City’s Eunding base. 5. Staff Development Carlsbad City Library staffwill have opportunities for growth and training so they can develop creative approaches to provision of services, materials, information and programs. Objectives A. Provide an active program of staffdevelopment, training and cross- B. Provide staffwith adequate equipment, collections, and resources to C. Develop a forum and process to acknowledge staff accomplishments D. Foster and facilitate an effective staff communication program. E. Develop policy guidelines to assist staff in decision-making and training. serve the community. and reward excellence. responsibility for such decisions.