HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-01-19; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesI lTEM#2 I MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: January .19,2005 TIME OF MEETING: 4:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Community Room - Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive CALL TO ORDER: Chair Rob Swette called the meeting to order at 4:lO PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees, Kamenjarin, Lignante, Page, Swette, and Tarman Absent: None Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Acting Deputy Library Director, Cole Library Susan Simpson, Sr. Librarian, Collection Development Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Arthur Wood, President, Friends of the Library Marilyn Hoffman representing NSDCGS Jane Schatt, League of Women Voters observer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the December 15, 2004 meeting were approved as presented. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Kamenjarin asked if there was still a waiting list of learners for the Adult Learning Program and Library Director Lange explained that the recruitment for new tutors was very successful and there are seventeen tutors ready for the training, which should take care of the list. Trustee Kamenjarin also asked for more particulars on the theater upgrades for the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium. Library Director Lange responded that the project includes the installation of a larger movie screen, a new 6500-lumen projector and a surround sound system. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of January 19, 2005 Meeting Page 2 Trustee Swette commented on the significant drop in the number of adult programs between last year and this year and Library Director Lange explained that programming was a primary job of the Library’s Community Coordinator, who has been out for several months due to illness. COLE LIBRARY SPACE USAGE: Library Director Lange distributed a list of suggestions prepared by the staff at the Cole Library to make better use of existing shelving as well as a statistical survey showing the number of patrons in the Genealogy division during the month of September 2004. Also provided was a list of pros and cons and issues to be addressed if we were to move Genealogy out of the building. Acting Deputy Director Smithson was on hand to conduct a tour with the Board to point out the suggested modifications to the shelving and furniture configuration. Trustee Page asked if the statistics representing genealogy patrons was as expected and Library Director Lange responded that although it would no doubt vary from month to month, he thought it represented a substantial use of that collection. Senior Librarian Susan Simpson mentioned that library staff had conducted informal surveys of the different areas of both Cole Library and the Dove Lane facility and found that the number of patrons in the various divisions were comparable to those in the genealogy section. Trustee Kamenjarin questioned the results of the informal survey. Trustee Tarman said he was opposed to transforming the Community Room into space for shelving and asked if it were feasible to move Genealogy into a modular building. Library Director Lange responded that the staff is working on a comprehensive plan to address several issues without moving Genealogy. Moving that portion of the collection would create staffing and hours issues just to begin with. Another consideration would be to use a modular building for a bookstore and Community Room and use the existing Community Room for collection expansion. He continued that an organized more vigorous weeding would also help with the overcrowding. Library Director Lange commented that the City would need to start planning to replace the (Cole) building, which is in the CIP for 2009. Prior to that, the staff would need to revisit the space standard developed with the Growth Management Plan in 1986. Over the past nineteen years the ways that libraries serve the public has so changed with the impact of the Internet and computers that space needs and utilization have also changed. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of January 19, 2005 Meeting Page 3 Trustee Kamenjarin expressed concern as the statistics indicate that it is inevitable that the library will run out of space, and the solution needs to be based on priorities and usage; what serves the majority of the patrons. He suggested that some of the collection be moved back upstairs to share the mezzanine with genealogy space as opposed to other options such as weeding old books or storing a portion of the collection off site. He also expressed concern over inadequate computer space in the future. Library Director Lange responded that the space standards identified in 1986 are probably inadequate to address the way we deliver services now in terms of square footage needed to serve the given population. It is clear that a computer workstation for electronic research takes much more room than the shelf space for a book. Chair Swette commented that there is a broader issue that should be addressed in the strategic plan, which is identifying what library services our community expects and then determine what is needed to meet those expectations. Trustee Lignante asked about the accuracy of the projections and Senior Librarian Simpson responded that there is a formula used to project space needs which includes the average amount spent in each subject area, the average cost of an item, how many we are likely to add in that category in a given year, and the amount weeded out in the last year, to reach an average net gain. Trustee Kamenjarin referred to the projected 11 % increase from 2004 to 2006 and suggested it somewhat mirrors the population growth of Carlsbad and if the library is to continue to provide services to the population it would need to keep up. Chair Swette asked that the space issue be added to the agenda for an update each month on the short-term problems as well as long-term solutions. The Board decided to take the tour of the Cole after the meeting is adjourned. CHILDREN’S GARDEN AT DOVE LANE: Library Director Lange reported that the project is out to bid and includes bid alternates on all the furniture. Bids are due back in early March and the newest projection for costs is $72,000 without any of the bid alternates. The target date for completion is early summer, before the start of the annual Summer Reading Program. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Technolow Goal - The RFP for the RFlD and self-check equipment is out to bid and bids are due back February 18, 2004. The RFP was only sent to those vendors who partner with Sirsi in an effort to avoid any compatibility issues. Following the review of Library Board of Trustees Minutes of January 19, 2005 Meeting Page 4 proposals, the library will then have the top vendors come in and demonstrate their product to staff before the final decision. The committee working on the PCIPrintlCopy management has not made a decision yet between the two vendors who bid the job. The initial hardware problems connected with the telephone notification service to patrons has been resolved and the service will be available soon. E-mail notification will also be available soon giving the patron the option of choosing mail, telephone or e-mail notification on holds, past dues and fines. Learning Center - Final floor plans are due from the architect this week but the date to brief the City Council on the project has not been determined. Recruitments - The Library has been involved in four major recruitments this month; Deputy Library Director for Cole, Community Coordinator, two Library Assistant positions, and a Librarian. Two oral boards are scheduled next week: the Deputy Director position involving nine finalists from the twenty-two applicants; the Community Coordinator position with seven finalists from the 139 applicants. The oral board for the Library Assistant positions was last week and departmental interviews are scheduled for early February. Interviews for the Librarian position have not been scheduled. Strategic Plan - Plans are for a l-day workshop facilitated by consultant Joan Frye Williams and we are waiting for a call back to confirm a date, possibly in late February or early March. Auditorium upgrades - The particulars of this project were mentioned earlier and the official unveiling is scheduled for Wednesday of next week (Jan 26th) with a 500 pm social followed by the movie “Chicago”. City Council - While the City Council Chambers are being remodeled, the Council is meeting in the Ruby B. Schulman Auditorium on Dove Lane and it is expected they will continue to hold Council Meetings there through February. IMLS Grant - Consultant Joe Matthews has been interviewing “stake-holders” including the Mayor, City Manager and some Council Members. The committee continues to meet once a week to work on this project. Foundation - Saturday (Jan 22) the Foundation is participating in the Gallery Reception for the new exhibit and will unveil a framed picture of the 2004 homes tour houses and their owners as a promotion for the third annual “Castles of Carlsbad” tour scheduled for October 22,2005. The last two tours have been proven successful fund- raisers and the Foundation has already received offers from several residents to include their homes in the next tour. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of January 19, 2005 Meeting Page 5 FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Tarman reported that the Foundation has taken on the Learning Center as their primary project and the last meeting was spent reviewing the final recommendation to refine their investment policy . They are committed to raising $1 million for the Learning Center and plan to contact the Mayor and City Council with a proposal on the financing to get the project underway now. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Friends President Arthur Wood reported their next meeting it scheduled for tomorrow at which time they will vote on the proposed by-law changes. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Publicity Chairman Marilyn Hoffman was sitting in for board liaison Carolyn Hoard and reported that Ms. Hoard and a host of others were in Salt Lake City conducting genealogy research. The society members are very excited about the new microfiche recently purchased with a donation from the society and once it has been cataloged she will be notifying area genealogists of its availability at the Cole Library. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Lignante commended Chair Swette on the letters recently sent to retiring Council Member Finnila and newly elected Council Member Sigafoose, and Trustee Kamenjarin concurred. PUBLIC COMMENT: None ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 455 PM. Respectfully submitted, Cissie Sextofj Administrative Secretary I I Monthly LIBRARY Reports for December 2004 Systemwide ... 1. The Library said a very fond farewell to Geoff Armour, Chris Holt, Carol Tico, Marie Garvey and Mira Vendler, all of whom retired in December. The retirees were honored at a City Council Meeting and various events during December. 2. Several staff from various divisions attended the San Diego County Library’s training academy as an example of a comprehensive training program. The format and content will help in the design of a similar program here, which is one of the Library’s goals this year. A committee of staff representing all divisions has worked intensively to develop competencies for all staff as a foundation for training. 3. A holiday open house was held at the Cole Library December 9 to thank and honor all of the Library’s volunteers. Library staff had a chance to help out volunteers at this event, by doing some gift-wrapping for them. Adult Learning . . . 4. With learners waiting, tutor recruitment was a priority. Staff member Bob Steuernagel and volunteer tutor Wendy Weisman contacted businesses, the media, professional offices, and others, with the following results: -article and photo in the San Diego Union-Tribune, north coastal section, on Dec. 30, 2004. Seventeen prospective tutors contacted the office as a result, and an additional tutor training has been scheduled. -listings in the volunteer opportunities sections of the Union-Tribune, North County Times, and Today’s Local News. -new tutor recruitment flyer designed, printed, and distributed to coffee houses, doctor’s offices, other public locations. -insertion of a box ad in the Winter edition of the City’s Community Services Guide 0 0 0 0 5. The City’s annual 2005 Calendar and Community Guide, mailed to all Carlsbad homes, contained a page about tutor Betty Groves, encouraging people to volunteer, along with a photo of Betty and high school learner Oscar Medellin. 6. The popularity and success of the ”Writing on the Computer” small groups resulted in the formation of a Writing on the Computer Team, composed of 3 volunteers and 6 staff to develop more curriculum and schedule and teach 10- week sessions. 7. Adult learner Les Jenkins was accepted to the 2005 Henry Huffman Leadership Institute. The Institute, sponsored in part by the State Library, is a training Monthly Library Reports for December 2004 program designed for adult learners by adult learners to improve their leadership, communication, and advocacy skills. Les will attend one all-day session a month for 6 months in northern California. The State Library pays all expenses. Centro de Informacion ... 8. 9. 10. On December 12th, Centro staff members Beatriz Flores, Gisela Rivera, and Lizeth Simonson participated in the Holiday Tree Lighting in downtown Carlsbad. Carlsbad Evening Rotary club and the City of Carlsbad Community Services presented this community event. During the event, Lizeth read a Holiday story several time in both English and Spanish to groups of children. Each reading was followed by a craft activity related to the story. On December 9th and loth, children and adults enjoyed making ornaments to decorate the Christmas tree at the Centro. Children also had the chance to make ornaments to take home. On December 15th, Santa visited the Centro de Informacion and children of all ages came to have their pictures taken with Santa. Children also received a new book donated by the Friends of the Library as a gift for the holidays. Collection Development and Acquisitions.. . 11. Susan Simpson finished a 3 1/z year term as chair of the Library Staff Development Committee. Library Assistant (Dove Children’s) Allyson Goodwin will now chair this committee. CCL, Dove Lane . . . 12. Holiday programs abounded during December, including tree trimming, a visit and photo opportunity with Santa, Hanukkah celebration, and a white elephant gift exchange for teens. 13. The absence of one Circulation Supervisor for approximately six weeks’ medical leave and multiple staff vacations around the holidays left the Circulation Division short on supervisors. Cole Library Circulation Supervisor Candace OConnor graciously covered a number of days during December as part of an ongoing exchange of staff between the two libraries. Georgina Cole ... 14. The Genealogy Collection and Services were featured in three newspaper articles during December: 0 Jim Stewart. ”Want to trace your family history?” Carmel Valley Marianne Peterson. ”’Roots Day’ event is growing hobby.” Local News, December 12,2004, page A3. News/Del Mar Village Voice, December 10,2004, page 12. 0 Monthly Library Reports for December 2004 15. 16. 0 Barbara Henry. ”Carlsbad genealogy collection to expand.” North County Times, December 26,2004, page B1. The last article focused on a donation of $18,000 from the North San Diego County Genealogical Society for the purchase of American City Directories Prior to 1860. This is a 6,292 microfiche set. The microfiche arrived late in December and is now being cataloged. Many staff members have been very involved with several projects including new Print-Copy-PC Management Services, Core Competencies leading to an employee training program, RFID implementation, and incorporation of the Sirsi serials module. Media Services ... 17. 18. 19. Production Technician Greg MacLellan is the new Chair of the City’s Strategic Change Team. Media Services produced a video of the auditorium program on December 12th featuring the Harmony Bell Ringers. Bill Richmond spent much of the month coordinating the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium theater upgrade project with various City departments and contractors. This project is partially funded by the Carlsbad Library Foundation. Tech Services ... 20. The departure of long-time staff member Mira Vendler on Dec. 30 left Technical Services with less than half of the cataloging staff. Recruitments are currently underway for the two vacant positions. In addition, Library Assistant Michelle Sagnimeni is out on medical leave possibly for several months. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS Dec-03 Dec-04 Dove Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Librarv Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation In-House Use of Materials People count Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Use All Facilities Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours: 5,517 8,964 64,349 64,947 32'35 1 3 1,722 11,431 11,311 5,104 4,746 31,581 28,940 22,27 1 18,841 6,027 5,552 136* 161/14 647* 6 10/70 142* 147/* * 1,609* 1,9721" * 27 13 729 127 4 5 62 49 55 56 1,943 1,367 *** 8,451 74 81 2,390 2284 19 *** 288 683 * Centro numbers only. ** Data not reported. * * * Not reported last year. I ITEM ## 4 Sheet 1 Carlsbad City Library COLE Collection Growth 2003 - 2006 percentage of shelving in use I I