HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-03-16; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: March 16,2005 TIME OF MEETING: 4:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Community Room - Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive CALL TO ORDER: Chair Rob Swette called the meeting to order at 4:04 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees, Lignante, Page, and Swette, Absent: Trustees Kamenjarin and Tarman Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Arthur Wood, President, Friends of the Library Carolyn Hoard, NSDCGS liaison APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held February 16,2005 were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Page asked if the move date for the Centro was firm and Library Director Lange responded that flyers have been distributed throughout the neighborhood that they are closing March 24'and reopening on April 4, 2005. Chair Swette asked for more information on the water damage in the Schulman Auditorium. Library Director Lange reported that Facilities believes that they found the cause, a plugged drainpipe, and there is a meeting tomorrow to discuss the damage. They discovered water damage under the stage and the new curtains absorbed a good amount of water at the bottom. The curtains may need to be replaced in order to remain flame-retardant. Fortunately the water damage did not cause any major disruption in the programming. Trustee Swette also questioned the statistics that indicated an overall drop for the Cole Library. Deputy Director Smithson suggested that the HVAC problems often leave the Library Board of Trustees Minutes of March 16,2005 Meeting Page 2 building too cold for the patrons and possibly don’t come back until the weather improves. Carolyn Hoard from the Genealogy Society also reminded the Board that a number of the regular genealogy researchers were in Salt Lake City during the last month doing research there. Library Director Lange asked to make an announcement before moving on to the next agenda item. He announced that Suzanne Smithson had been selected as the new Deputy Director at the Cole Library. She introduced Elyse Roy who was recently hired as a three-quarter time Library Assistant for the Cole Library. Elyse has been a part- time employee of the Library for over thirteen years. REVISED POLICY/PROCEDURE: Library Director Lange explained the changes in the language on the Internet and Computer User Agreement, previously approved by the Board, asking for approval of the changes that require an adult (not necessarily a parent) remain with any child using the Internet. The application for a library card has been modified to include a place to request alternative methods of notification (e-mail, telephone or mail) and place for parents to agree to assume responsibility for the user of a card for an underage patron. Chair Swette had some questions about the “constitutionally protected material’’ reference on the Internet and Computer User Agreement. Library Director Lange explained that this library does not utilize any filtering software that supports an individual’s 1”Amendment rights to information. The first sentence on the form is directly related to the one that follows, which states the responsibility of the parents to monitor their children’s use of materials and resources. Trustee Swette asked if the majority of the staff would be able to explain that statement to a patron as to exactly what is constitutionally protected material and perhaps the form should include an example to clarify. Library Director Lange explained that the library is developing another goal for next year that will deal with this issue in a broader context of confidentiality and privacy. Plans are to revamp current policies and clarify them to be sure we are covered under the law. The Patriot Act stirred up a lot of controversy about access to information and a violation of privacy rights. The Board unanimously approved the change in content on the Internet & Computer User Agreement with the proviso that the first paragraph be expanded to clarify it. By separate motion and vote, the board unanimously approved the changes to the Library Card Application form. PROPOSED BUDGET FOR FYO5-06: Library Management Analyst Mast distributed copies of the proposed budget as submitted to the Leadership Team. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of March 16,2005 Meeting Page 3 Library Director Lange explained that there were no significant changes to the block budget from last year except for a 3.6% adjustment plus the increased PERS costs. Trustee Swette asked if the cost of the HVAC for Cole was included in the M&O and Library Director Lange explained that the replacement of the HVAC is a Capital Improvement Project (CIP) not included in the budget in front of them today. The Board asked for a breakout of the allocation by facility for acquisitions for next year and tabled approval of the proposed budget until the May meeting. COLE LIBRARY SPACE: Library Director Lange reported that staff has figured space for 21 1 additional shelves added as suggested during the last tour. Left over shelving from the construction of the library on Dove Lane will be used in the Cole and should provide adequate space until the end of 2006. DIRECTOR’S REP0 RT: RFlD Proposals - The RFP was sent out which resulted in six responses. Staff has been evaluating them and has scheduled demonstrations from the top three. All the bids came in at about $5 million including all the tags and equipment. Children’s Garden renovations at Dove Lane - The five bids were opened on March 8‘h and base bids range between $77,000 and $119,000. Staff has a meeting scheduled with the engineer managing this project to review the bids as there appears to be a problem with the lowest bidder and the amount of work he intends to subcontract out. At the same time staff will review the costs for the add/alternates and make decisions on each of those. Cole HVAC project - The replacement is in the CIP budget for next year (05-06). It is still not determined how long the Cole building will be closed and still under discussion is the methods available for providing service to the patrons during the project. The project is planned for the fall of this year to avoid any disruption in the Summer Reading Program . Cole Landscape project - This project is currently underway and anticipated to be complete tomorrow. Cole Break-in - On President’s Day there was a break-in at the Cole through a window in the kitchen area. Deputy Director Smithson said she has spoken to the Police Department and is waiting for a copy of the report. There did not appear to be anything significant missing and the only damage was in the kitchen area. CALTAC Workshop - Library Director Lange and Trustee Page will be attending the workshop up in Commerce this weekend and will report at the next meeting. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of March 16, 2005 Meeting Page 4 New Community Coordinator - Jessica Padilla will start on April 4* and comes to us from the La Jolla Playhouse where she has served as the public relations manager for the past couple of years. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Tarman, liaison to the Foundation Board was not present to report. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: President Arthur Wood was on hand and announced that he would have a report next month following their Board meeting scheduled for tomorrow. GENEALOGICAL SOCl ETY: Society Liaison Carolyn Hoard referred the Board to the last news letter and had the sad duty to report that long time society member Bee Koons had lost her battle with cancer this past month. Ms. Koons was previously the Society’s liaison to this Board. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Chair Swette reminded the Board of the May lgth workshop coming up with Joan Frye Williams to begin the new strategic plan and encouraged all the trustees to attend. He asked that staff send to the members of the board an advance packet of information on the structure for the workshop as well as proposed content as soon as it was decided. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 455 PM Respectfully submitted, . Cissie Sekton Administrative Secretary Monthly LIBRARY Reports for FEBRUARY 2005 System wide ... 1. Departmental interviews were held the week of January 14 for the Deputy Director and Community Coordinator positions. Jessica Padilla was selected to fill the latter position, and will start April 4. Selection of the Deputy Director position is in the final stages. Elyse Roy, an hourly Library Tech in Dove Reference, was selected to fill the %-time position in Reference at the Cole Library. Loretta Moak, an hourly Library Tech in Technical Services, was selected to fill the full-time Library Assistant position there. 2. The Eleventh Annual Whale Art Contest brought out about 500 artists in grades 1-6 to the Cole Library. The award ceremony, for both Dove and Cole artists, was held at the Schulman Auditorium and reflected an incredible collection of extremely talented young artists. 3. The Homework Zone is expected to see an increase in student participation in the coming months. Volunteer Services Coordinator, Jenny Okamoto, contacted the Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services for the Carlsbad Unified School District. As a result, the Superintendent personally presented Homework Zone information packets to each principal , information will be printed in the CUSD March newsletter, information will be emailed to parents, and the Homework Zone information packets will be presented to PTA Presidents. Adult Learning . . . 4. Two Tutor Orientations and two Tutor Trainings were held during February, resulting in 9 new tutors. Four of these will be working in the high school program. 5. Tutor News, a bimonthly newsletter for tutors in the program, was mailed during February, after a lapse of several months. Staff member Stacey Weigleb is taking responsibility for this project. 6. Several times during February, all tutoring spaces were being used simultaneously and pairs were also using staff desks. Some pairs have had to change their schedules in order to come when space is available. 7. Staff member Amanda Bird attended the publication party in Boston for the reference book Notable American Women: Completing the 20th Century. Amanda was a researcher and contributor to this fifth and final volume in the series. Centro de Inforrnacion ... 8. Centro the Informacion will be closed from Friday March 25th to Friday April 1st. On March 25th and 26th, Facility Maintenance personnel and Centro staff will be removing furniture, equipment and the collection to a moving truck for temporary storage. The relocation of the modular, the utility connections and moving the furniture and the collection back to the modular will take place from Monday, March 28th to Friday April 1 st. The Centro will resume normal operations on Monday, April 4th. CCL, Dove Lane ... 9. Circulation Supervisor Beverly Wade retired at the end of February, after 16 years with the Library. Monthly Library Reports for February 2005 10. Heavy rains during late January and February brought water into the Auditorium twice. The source of the water is still being investigated by the City’s Facilities Division, which responded quickly to remove the water and dry out the affected area. Recovery efforts did not prevent programs from being held as scheduled in the Auditorium. Insurance coverage, possible disaster relief and damage recovery are all being actively pursued. 11. A pre-bid walkthrough was held February 24 for contractors interested in bidding on the Garden redesign project. A number of contractors attended. Bids are due March 8. 12. A variety of recruitment activities for hourly employees were conducted in February, to fill positions in the Reference, Circulation and Media Services Divisions. Eight positions have been filled or are in the final selection process. Collection Development & Acquisitions . . . 13. Attempts to use the electronic invoicing function of the Sirsi Unicorn Acquisitions program have been unsuccessful, and so staff has initiated manual invoicing procedures, which they will use for the rest of this fiscal year, at least. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Georgina Cole ... Bonsall Construction began work on the landscaping project for the front of the Cole Library on Tuesday, February 22. Cement was poured to replace the decomposed granite walkway and picnic area on Friday, February 25. Paul Meadows, Parks Department, is the staff liaison coordinating the work. The Cole Library had a break-in situation on Monday, February 21, when the Library was closed for President’s Day. The intruder got in by breaking a window next to the staff lounge kitchen. This person created a mess in the staff lounge and used up most of the supplies in the First Aid kit but there was not any major damage or major items missing. The officer in charge of this event believes they know who did it but did not say if the person was in custody. By the alarms set off, it seems‘as if this person was in the building from around 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Our alarm company, CAPS, notified Police, but CPD did not enter the building to investigate until our custodian called on Tuesday morning. Facilities had our glass window replaced early Tuesday and are working on getting the sprinkler fixed that was broken during the entry. A CPD Detective Greg Koran has been assigned to the case. Cole Library’s Fifth Annual Chapters for Chocolate was a big hit again. From February 1st through 14th children and teens were awarded Hershey kisses for every picture book or chapter that they read. Participants were given a bookmark with spaces to mark off for 10 books-each child was allowed to complete up to three bookmarks. On February 8, Library Technician Judy Michaels and Bob Mixer spoke to the North San Diego County Genealogical Society Computer Group on “Trade Her in for a Slimmer Model,” a discussion of the uses of PDAs in Genealogy research. 89 people attended the program that was held in the Cole Library Community Room. A 6-week Monday evening Beginning Genealogy Class presented by Margaret Read began on February 28. The course of classes is co-sponsored by the Genealogy Division and the North San Diego County Genealogical Society. Revised CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS Dove Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation In-House Use of Materials People count Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children’s programs Children’s program attendance Computer Use All Facilities Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours: Jan-04 7,468 74,176 39,184 17,673 7,280 36,483 29,246 6,026 194* 768* 151* 1766* 35 1,497 5 88 88 3,302 *** 71 3,940 *** 296.5 **** Jan-05 13,100 74,535 39,084 14,092 6,136 35,557 22,089 4,693 16611 8 762187 1561** 16331** 27 381 50 85 2,969 10,184 97 2,748 17 933.35 * Centro numbers only. ** Data not reported. *** Not reported last year. * * * * ALP not included. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS Dove Librarv Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials CentroIALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children’s programs Children’s program attendance Computer Use All Facilities Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours: Feb-04 8,298 67,921 37,743 12,788 6,888 36,916 25,254 7,376 190 774 1,658 120 20 81 1 2 13 44 1,729 *** 92 4,s 18 *** 353.25* * * * Feb-05 12,656 70,249 38,557 14,087 4,369 32,811 21,800 4,942 20811 8 84811 24 1,818/** 168/** 26 353 43 51 813 8,369 94 4,491 16 943 * Centro numbers only. ** Data not reported. * * * Not reported last year. * * * * ALP not included. I ITEM # 4 Y- O z 0 Y Q) Q) L M cd W E cd E Y i 2 5 2 5 4 E Q) Q) L L L Q) Y a Y Q) a Y E n k U x Y 5 3 a .- N c t 4 F f; a + c1 3 > L + .r m m , ITEM # 5 Budget Policies Fiscal Year 2005-06 Goals: 0 Annual balanced budget and a long-term plan for remaining in balance. 0 Wait and see attitude towards State Budget - many cards on the table. Need to take a cautious position. 0 Identify new revenue generation opportunities. 0 Identify and propose budget reductions and efficiencies. Policies for FY 2005-06 0 No new programs. o No ongoing money will be allocated through the goals or other processes except for new facilities shown in the CIP. o Any one-time money for Goals greater than $10,000 will be considered for additional funding from outside the block budget, if necessary. o A very limited amount of new positions may be approved. Positions . Only request new positions if they are required to maintain service levels or as part of an overall reorganization resulting in budget decrease. o Carefully review any vacant positions before filling them. o Block budgets will be set based on the 04-05 budget. Adjustment amount will be 3.6% plus additional amounts will be given for misc employees PERS costs. Everyone is responsible for keeping their budgets to what is needed. If you have excess, you can budget less than the block. o Any unspent funds at the end of each fiscal year will continue to be carried over into the following year. o Contingency funds should only be used to pay for one-time events or purchases or to fund an unanticipated spike in expenses. You cannot “budget” contingency amounts for next year. Your unspent funds will roll over and will be available to spend as of July 1. 0 Capital outlay - Any capital outlay up to $10,000 will be funded through the block. Requests over that amount can be submitted for additional funding, if necessary. 0 Generally, be prudent in your spending. Money saved this year may help to balance your budget next year. Think about ways to save. Review travel budgets and other amounts spent on discretionary items (food, supplies, etc.). 0 Block Budgets LJ * 0 Contingency Funds