HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-05-18; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: L - / r-30 Q 5 b. I lTEM#2 I MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: May 18,2005 TIME OF MEETING: 4:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Community Room - Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive CALL TO ORDER: Chair Rob Swette called the meeting to order at 4:06 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees, Kamenjarin, Lignante, Page, and Swette Absent: Library Trustee Tarman Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Heather Pizzuto, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Susan Simpson, Sr. Librarian, Collection Develop. & Acquisitions Arthur Wood, President, Friends of the Library Carolyn Hoard, NSDCGS liaison APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held April 20, 2005 were approved with one correction to the list of attendees. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Page referenced the item in the report on the Council’s scheduled review of the Capital Improvement Projects (CIP), which included the funds for the Learning Center, and asked if the Council approved the application. Library Director Lange responded that the Council only reviewed the projects list at last night’s meeting and the Capital Improvement budget would be approved along with the City’s operating budget at the City Council meeting on June 21, 2005. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of Mav 18. 2005 Meetina Page 2 NSDCGS liaison Carolyn Hoard asked if the library has plans to allow patrons to download audio books to i-Pods like some other libraries in the area. Senior Librarian Susan Simpson responded that the library is currently only researching and investigating the addition of downloadable audio books to the collection. She did say that in their initial research, one sales representative told her that his company did not allow their product to download to the i-Pod as it could violate the copyright and contract agreements with their authors. Trustee Swette asked for more information on how it works. Senior Librarian Simpson explained that the book is stored on the company’s server, the Library provides a link to that server and the patron can chose an audio book and download it to their PC. From there they can transfer it to a portable listening device (like an MP3 player, but not an i-Pod). The Library pays for the service, which allows unlimited “copies” to be downloaded by patrons at anytime and at no cost to them. The downloaded item remains available to them for three weeks and then either must be renewed or it becomes unusable. She reiterated that staff is just in the preliminary stages of investigating this option as it is very costly. LIBRARY MATERIALS BUDGET: Library Director Lange remarked that this item on the agenda was at the request of the Board last month and that Senior Librarian Simpson was on hand to answer any questions. Trustee Kamenjarin thanked Senior Librarian Simpson for the spreadsheet provided in the packet that detailed the materials budget according to the classification and location, and asked how she determines the budget allocation each year. Senior Librarian Simpson responded that it is a combination of science and art. The selectors look at what items are circulating and what space is available at each facility for circulating items. Other determinations are based on their overall familiarity with the collection and experience in what it costs to keep the reference materials up to date each year. The selectors also look at the percentage guidelines for expenditures for each area of the collection as reported in several library publications. I Trustee Swette commented that costs for subscriptions and the on-line databases represent a quarter of the total budget and asked if the library has a method to track the use to determine the cost effectiveness. Senior Librarian Simpson responded that we do collect the use statistics from each of the on-line database subscriptions. They are used both in-house and remotely and support the library’s efforts to provide information 24-7 for our patrons. The Library Board of Trustees Minutes of Mav 18. 2005 Meetina Page 3 subscriptions for standing orders include the magazines and newspapers, and the standing orders for reference materials ensure that we always have the latest edition. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the fees for the on-line databases were annual or based on usage and she responded that the library pays an annual fee that provides unlimited use in-house and remotely for nearly all of them. Principal Librarian Pizzuto added that the databases do not all use the same criteria to collect usage statistics but we do have the information they collect and can provide that to the board next month. LIBRARY STAFF TRAl N I NG : Deputy Library Director Pizzuto explained that this is only the second time the library has closed to provide training to the entire staff. This particular training is to rollout a comprehensive library employee training program which has been in development for nearly a year. The first step was to identify a list of competencies and then develop the curriculum to provide the training in those areas. This half-day training session will allow us to test the curriculum developed so far as well as help to identify the best methods to train new employees and those promoted to different positions. LIBRARY LEARN I NG CENTER: Library Director Lange reported on the approval of the Conditional Use Permit application by the Planning Commission, which represented a major step in this project. The Council has reviewed the Capital Improvement Program for next year, which includes funds for the Learning Center, and final approval is slated for June 21, 2005. There is a meeting scheduled for next week with the architect and the City staff involved in the project at which time they will develop a timeline and move forward to go to bid for the construction. The preliminary target date to open the new facility is spring of 2007. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the building will be open during the construction phase and Library Director Lange responded that it would be closed. The plan is to demolish the house, currently occupied by the HeadStart program. This will require Headstart to move first to the existing building and then into modular buildings at which point construction will begin on the renovations and additions to the existing building. CHILDREN’S GARDEN PROJECT; Library Director Lange reported that the City Council accepted the bid for the project at the meeting last night. Plans are to begin construction in the early fall. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of May 18, 2005 Meeting Page 4 LIBRARY RECRUITMENTS: The recruitment for two Senior Librarians for the Cole Library, Children's and Reference Divisions is underway and closes on Monday, May 23rd. Tentative time line for the hiring process is an oral board in June, departmental interviews in July and two new librarians on board by early August. STRATEGIC PLAN WORKSHOP: Library Director Lange reminded the Board that the workshop is scheduled for tomorrow and Trustee Swette will be attending to represent the Board. SUMMER READING PROGRAM: Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that the Serra libraries decided to take part in a nationwide collaborative Summer Reading Program (SRP) theme and as a result, the library has a jump start on preparation. Along with a huge packet of resource material including clip art, program and craft ideas and instructional pages, came the added benefit of a huge discount on tokens and prizes from Upstart, and a professionally produced Public Service Announcement (PSA) in both English and Spanish. The PSA was provided in both audio and video formats and several area stations have agreed to air the PSA. The Library Board watched the English video version. Deputy Library Director Smithson thanked the Friends of the Library for again purchasing the SRP tee shirts and offered each of the Board members their choice of shirts. The SRP this year begins the Monday following the last week of school for Carlsbad schools, June 20', and continues for seven weeks with the final event on August gfh. The children's program is open to children from 3 years old through 6' grade and the Young Adult program involves the 7'h - 1 2'h grade students. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Election of Chair and Co-chair for FYO5-06 -The director reminded the Board that the terms of two members will expire in June and they will need to submit letters to the Mayor requesting reappointment if they wish to remain on the board. The election of the new chair will be tabled until the July meeting to allow for those two Board positions to be filled. Annual Literacy Grant Application- The City Council approved the application for the grant at their meeting last night. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of May 18, 2005 Meeting Page 5 PC/Print/Copv Management contract - The team working with Xerox is negotiating the contract and hope to have the final version executed this month. Technoloqy projects: - The e-mail notification process is being tested on selected staff. The telephone notification is dependant on the update to the system, tentatively scheduled for installation in July. The RFlD vendor has not been selected yet and this project still has to be approved by the ITGC before they can move forward. Cole HVAC - Facilities is working on the schedule and it appears the building will have to be closed sometime during the months of December and January. The staff has been investigating options for providing interim services to our patrons, including leasing a bookmobile and e-Bus, installing some modular buildings or leasing some commercial space at a nearby location. NSDCGS liaison Carolyn Hoard asked if the genealogy collection would be available while the building is closed and Deputy Library Director Smithson responded thatthe databases currently available in genealogy will be available on the computers in the interim facility and that she is working with Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol to determine what print material needs to be available. Webpage redesign - The City has had their webpage redesigned and intends to premier the new look at the end of June. The Library is also working on a redesign of our pages to integrate with the City’s new look but will not be ready until well after the City’s roll out. Trustee Swette asked the reason for the redesign and Library Director Lange said it was at the request of the City Council following several complaints from residents that the current design was not user-friendly. The guidelines for improving the site include making it easier to navigate and providing more current information. Adult Learning Annual Proqram - At the annual celebration which took place over the weekend, Robert Richardson, Chairman of the Board for the Carlsbad Girls Club announced that the board had voted to purchase a twelve-passenger van for the Adult Learning Program, primarily for transporting the special needs students from the high school who are participating in the program. FOUNDATION REPORT: No report. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of May 18, 2005 Meeting Page 6 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Friends President Arthur Wood reported that the Budget Committee had met and reviewed the Library’s requests for funds for FYO5-06 and, for the first time ever, they would be presenting the requests to the entire Board for approval. In the last issue of the Community Services Guide, the Friends included a membership form, which produced several new members and increased the total membership to over 500. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Liaison Carolyn Hoard reported the Society made $477 on their duplicates sale partially as a result of sales to members of the Chula Vista Society who were conducting some research in our Genealogy collection that day. She also reported that a group of twenty Society members were taking the train up to the Los Angeles Public Library to conduct research at that facility. She reminded the board to check their copies of the newsletter for this month’s programs and also noted that she will be on vacation in June but will send a replacement representative for the meeting. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Kamenjarin took this opportunity to mention he had attended the Adult Learning Program annual celebration and as usual the testimonials were wonderful. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:02 PM Respectfully submitted, Cissie se$on Ad min ist ra tive Secretary Monthly LIBRARY Reports APRIL 2005 Systemwide . . . The Library has submitted a Capital Improvement Project (CIP) application for the Learning Center with an estimated budget of approximately $3 million. Upon Planning Commission approval of the Conditional Use Permit on April 20*, the City was able to purchase modular buildings expending Community Development Block Grant funds before April 30th. The City Council is scheduled to review Capital Improvement Projects May 17th. Pending Council approval of CIP funds, bids for site work will be requested after July 1st. Children’s Services partnered with Borders to support National TV Turnoff Week with activities for parents and children, April 25-30. Programs included pajama storytime, Family Game night and a special storytime. National Library Week (April 10-16) was also celebrated with a variety of special kids’ and teens’ programs. The Carlsbad Library hosted staff from all four libraries participating in the Balanced Scorecard project April 5*, for a workshop where each library presented and explained the content of their draft scorecards. A variety of staff attended RFID vendor demonstrations, April 21 -22. Volunteer Services hosted its annual Volunteer Appreciation event on Thursday, April 14, at the Senior Center. For the second year they sponsored the Bingo for Books program with books donated from the Friends of the Library. The event was hosted by Garcia’s restaurant and was also attended by Library staff who work with volunteers. Adult Learning ... Through their Newspapers in Education Program, the North County Times now delivers free copies of the paper to the Adult Learning Program. Tutors and learners use the paper in a variety of ways, such as vocabulary development and comprehension. The Adult Learning Program received a $500 donation from a grateful adult learner who prefers to remain anonymous. Centro de Informaci6n ... 0 Centro de Mormaci6n users and the community in general are pleased with Centro’s new location. They all agree that the new location is more visible and safe. CCL, Dove Lane ... On April 1, Teen Services held a successful pizza and movie program which included an Easter egg hunt. On April 14, the second Rock the Library concert featuring two winning bands from the 2nd Annual Battle of the Bands contest was held in the Schulman Auditorium; 130 people came to hear Cemetery Swingers and Load. Media Services videotaped the bands and included them in the ”Library Hour” program airing on Adelphia & KOCT. 1 Monthly Library Reports for April 2005 During April, Media Services worked with technicians to diagnose intermittent problems with the Auditorium’s master control system related to damage from the flooding in January and February. They also arranged for replacement of the flood damaged stage curtains and associated fire alarm modifications. 0 20 video taped programs held in the Schulman Auditorium and produced by Media Services were cataloged and added to the Dove and Cole Library circulating collections in DVD and VHS format. Collection Development, Reference and Technical Services staff met with sales representatives from companies that provide downloadable audiobooks. No decision has been made about adding this format; staff is in the information-gathering stage. 0 Susan Simpson has developed a plan to produce regular weeding reports for the selectors. This will start in September, 2005. 0 Susan Simpson produced bibliographies for several May programs scheduled in the Schulman Auditorium. She will work with Media Services and the Community Coordinator to do this regularly throughout the year as a means of connecting programming with other library resources. Kamling Tsang was selected by Technical Services to fill the cataloger position. She will begin May 17. Kamling has most recently worked at the library of the Art Institute of California, San Diego, where she was primarily a cataloger but also maintained the library’s web site, provided reference services, and conducted in-class library instruction sessions. Georgina Cole ... During April, The Local History Room had contact with many city departments. Among these, the Carlsbad Fire Department Historian proposed a collaborative project to maintain relevant Fire department history items. And the Engineering Department requested materials relating to Calavera Lake. Librarians from the San Diego Public Library California Room also met with Susan Gutierrez regarding methods of preservation and recall of resources. The Genealogy Division held several successful programs in April: o o On 12 April, Dan Fults spoke to the NSDCGS Computer Group on ”Back Up Your Computer!” 47 people attended. On 26 April, Dr. Stephen Baird spoke to NSDCGS on ”Diseases on Our Ancestors.’’ Dr. Baird is one of the group’s most popular speakers. 87 people attended. o On 16 April, NSDCGS and the Genealogy Division held the Spring Seminar. Lloyd Bockstruck, head of the Genealogy Division of the Dallas Public Library, presented a series of lectures designed to ”Get a Boost over a Brick Wall.’’ 110 attended at the Senior Center. 2 Monthly Library Reports for April 2005 0 Because the Genealogy Division’s microfiche collection had become so large, staff has consolidated the microfiche into half the original space, thus providing growth space for the next 10 years. This project took about six months to complete. Volunteer Coordinator, Jenny Okamoto, left during April to move to Illinois. We will miss her greatly. A job announcement to fill her position will be posted in May. 0 The Children’s Division sponsored an Origami Day for mothers and children, which was very successful. The professional origami artist worked with the moms to make intricate flowers while the staff worked with the kids and made less intricate objects. We have traditionally held origami workshops in April in conjunction with National Poetry Month, focusing on Haiku poetry during the workshop. The program was written up in the North County Times. 0 The vacant Senior Librarian position in the Cole Children’s Division was posted on April 28 and applications are due by May 23,2005. Cole Reference Division is recruiting for a Senior Librarian to lead that Division. Applications are also due by May 23,2005. 0 The Cole Library celebrated its 5th anniversary after its renovation and re-naming on Thursday, April 14th (even though the actual anniversary was Friday, April 15th). We celebrated with cake and drinks and a1 wall poster of memorabilia created by the Staff Development Committee. 3 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS CCL. Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children’s programs Children’s program attendance Computer Use All Facilities Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours: Apr-04 6,470 68,920 37,180 14,211 6’29 1 36,646 29,952 5,956 197* 1,151* 1,888” 163* 34 1,024 8 157 84 2,999 ** 98 3,610 ** 720*** Apr-05 8,160 72,337 38,859 15,549 4,707 34,677 2 1,605 4,800 21 1/35 1,27011 16 1,9541* 152/* 20 379 4 156 43 784 8,589 111 4,044 24 1,139 * Centro numbers only. ** Not reported last year *** ALP not included. ITEM # 4 I I I I I 0 0 LD j t9 I - I C C d n 7 C C a a M C C d I a a I C C lc 6 I C C C u: u: e C C C u: u: I w I s m 7 - 0 0 0 9 ? 7 b9 I v) c 0 n t 2 c.' 3 92 a, v) m a m m 3 a, E c.' - 5 - C C a ;? C u: C n v: 4 (A v) m m 2 I U 0 U U Lc e I a a I - I- v) 0 Q) 0 > m Y 0 0 m L .- - Ti$ I. 1 ITEM # 5 Library Employee Waining: Building Your Toolbox What: Carlsbad City Library introduces a comprehensive Library Employee Training program When: Tuesday, June 7,2005 from AM to 12~~ (ALL LIBRARY LOCATIONS WILL BE CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC 9AM TO 1PM) Where: Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium, Dove Library 1775 Dove Lane Who: ALL Library staff, including part time are expected to attend and will be paid for their time. Why: The Library is committed to helping each employee develop and grow. A comprehensive Library employee training program builds upon employee’s talents and skills and ensures that all staff members are well-informed and provide effective delivery of high-quality service. Refreshments: Snacks will be provided beginning at 7:30~t1 and at the ~OAM break. If you are unable to attend, please let your supervisor know ASAP The City of GARLSBAD Planning Department PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us Council Chambers Wednesday, April 20,2005 6:OO D.m. 1200 Carlsbad Vi1 laue Drive NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: 1. It is the Planning Commission’s Policy to adjourn the meeting no later than I 0:OO p.m. 2. Meetings are divided into categories shown below. 3. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address. 4. All persons requiring assistance or auxiliary aids in order to effectively participate may contact the Planning Department at least 24 hours prior to the meeting to arrange for reasonable accommodations. PUBLIC COMMENT: If you desire to speak about an item not listed on the agenda, a “Time Reservation Request” form should be filed with the Minutes Clerk. A total of 15 minutes is provided for the Public Comment portion of the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. In conformance with the Brown Act, no action can occur on items presented during Public Comment. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Please file a written request to speak on items listed on this agenda as Public Hearings. ALL OTHER CATEGORIES: For all other agenda items a “Request to Speak” form must be filed with the Minutes Clerk before the item is announced. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. CALL TO ORDER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES April 6.2005 COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON ITEMS NOT LISTED IN THE AGENDA. comments to three minutes. (A total of five speakers may be heard.) Please limit your PLAN N I NG COM M l SSl ON AGE N DA April 20, 2005 PAGE 2 PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. CUP 213x4 - VILLAGE KITCHEN & PIE SHOPPE - Request for an extension of Conditional Use Permit CUP 213x3 to continue allowing the on-premise sale of alcoholic beverages at an existing restaurant at 950 Tamarack Avenue in Local Facilities Management Zone 1. Resolution No. 5862 Staff Recommendation: APPROVAL PLANNER: Chris Sexton ENGINEER: David Rick PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: 2. CT 00-19x2/HDP 00-10x2 - CARLSBAD PROMENADE - Request for approval of a one year extension for a Tentative Tract Map and Hillside Development Permit to subdivide a 30.9 acre site into thirty two residential lots and five open space lots generally located on the north east corner of Aviara Parkway and Poinsettia Lane, in Local Facilities Management Zone 20. Resolutions No. 5867,5868 Staff Recommendation: APPROVAL PLANNER: Van Lynch ENGINEER: David Rick PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: 3. CUP 04-29 - LAGUNA RIVIERA PARK - Request for a conditional use permit for the existing Laguna Riviera Park, which is located on a four acre site at the northwest corner of Park Drive and Kelly Drive in Local Facilities Management Zone 1. Resolution No. 5877 Staff Recommendation: APPROVAL PLANNER: Scott Donnell ENGINEER: Clyde Wickham PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: 4 4. CUP 04-12 - LEARNING CENTER - Request for adoption of a Negative Declaration and approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a City Library Learning Center on a site located on the east side of Eureka Place between Basswood Avenue and Chestnut Avenue and within Local Facilities Management Zone 1. Resolutions No. 5893,5894 Staff Recommendation: APPROVAL PLANNER: Elaine Blackburn ENGINEER: Bill Plummer PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: CITY OF CARLSBAD Invites You To Apply For SENIOR Annual Salary: $50,573 - $61,472 Filing Deadline: Monday, May 23,2005 THELIBRARY Our Library system has two full service facilities, each open 68 hours a week, and two additional facilities providing literacy instruction and services to Spanish speaking residents. The system also has an art gallery and a 215-seat audlttorium. Our Library ranks among the most successful in the state. We are positioned to move ahead with plans to implement a public access computer management system as well as the installation of a radio frequency identification system. The Georgina Cole Library has a collection of 150,000 print and non-print materials, a staff of 13.5 fulltime and 24.4 part-time FIE, and an operating budget of over $2 million. The two immediate job openings are at the Cole Library. ~ THE POSITIONS I __ ~~~ One position d supervise Children’s Services at the Cole Library. The primary responsibility is the management of services and resources for both children and young adults. Duties include recruiting, training, scheduling, and supervising staff, managing and working at the Children’s service desk providing assistance to children and parents, managing the children’s computer area, plantllng and executing Children’s programs, coordinating the selection of materials, and prepanng and manapg the Children’s Division budget. The incumbent is also responsible for community outreach and liaison with local schools, and will serve on a variety of Library and regional teams and committees. The second position wdl supervise Adult Reference Services at the Cole Library. The primary responsibility is the management of services and resources for adults. Duties include recruiting, training, scheduling, and supervising staff, managing and working at the Adult Reference service desk, managmg the adult computer area, planning and executing programs for adults, managmg the periodcals collection, participating in the selection of materials for the library collection, and preparing and managmg the Reference Division budget. The incumbent will serve on a variety of Library and regional teams and committees. THE IDEAL CANDIDATES WIU possess the following qualifications: An appropriate education and broad library experience. Experience supervising staff, including professional staff, in a public library setting. Knowledge and experience providing a wide range of public library services. Experience preparing budget recommendations and monitoring expenditures. Good understanding and competency with computer systems and applications. Strong commitment to excellent customer service. Excellent interpersonal, problem solving, team building, and communication skills. Strong knowledge of current reference resources and research practices appropriate to the service area. Additionally for the Children’s Position: 0 0 Experience with children’s library services and children’s Experience working with young adults. Experience planning and executing a variety of library prt youth. Additionally for the Reference Position: 0 0 Strong knowledge and experience with online databases. Strong commitment to adopting and adapting new technl public library setting. literatu 3grams ologies ire. fo to r the 0 Experience supervising reference services in a public library setting. QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: Principles and practices of professional library work; automated library systems and databases; principles of supervision and public service. Ability to: Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing; supervise, train, and delegate work assignments; exercise independent judgment in accomplishing both daily tasks and special projects; deal effectively with both staff and public on issues relating to library policies and procedures. Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifymg. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Education: Completion of a Masters of Library Science or Information Science degree from an American Library Association accredtted library school. ExDerience: Three years of professional library work experience and, ideally, supervisory experience in a library setting. FILING DEADLINE Application materials may be obtained from and submitted to the City of Carlsbad, Human Resources Department, 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2440. www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us/hr Application Deadline: Monday, May 23,2005,500 PM. Tentative Schedule for those who continue in the selection process: 0 0 Oral Interviews June 14,2005 Background and Experience Questionnaire due June 6,2005 h SELECTION PROCESS _;r It is important that your application show all relevant education, aaining, experience, knowledge, abilities and s!ds you possess that qualify you for the position. All application materials d be reviewed and the most qualified candidates will be invited to continue in the selection process. The selection process may consist of a background and experience rating, written exam and/or oral exam. Those candidates who successfully complete the selection process will have their names placed on an eligibility list that will remain in effect for one year. Final candidates d have experience and educational background verified and will be required to furnish references. I CITY MISSION STATEMENT I Our mission is to provide top-quality services to our citizens and customers in a manner that enhances the quahty of life for all who live, work, and play in Carlsbad. LIBRARY VISION The Carlsbad City Library is the first choice for information, ideas, and knowledge for those who live, work, and play in Carlsbad. I LIBRARY MISSION I The Library provides all members of the community with convenient access to high quality resources and services to inform and enhance individual and community life. Human Resources 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone (760) 602-2440.Fax p60) 602-8554 Job Line (760) 602-2480 www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us/hr Any of the provisions in &us bulletin may be modified or revoked without notice. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Carlsbad City Library Customer-Driven Strategic Planning Thursday, May 19,2005 1O:OO am - 4:OO pm Faraday Building - Room 173B Joan Frye Williams, ConsultanVFacilitator AGENDA 1O:OO - 10:30 Context o Current Status of the Balanced Scorecard project o Review of service initiatives 10:30 - I1 :30 A “Customer’s Eye” View o Walkthrough of core services o Identification of critical performance points 11:30 - 12:15 Lunch 12:15 - 1:30 The Library’s Contribution to Quality of Life o Cost of Living o Jobs o Transportation o Education o Health care o Crimekafety o Arts o Recreation o Climate 1~30 - 2:30 2~30- 2~45 2:45- 3:30 Adapting the Balanced Scorecard to the Customer Perspective o Recasting service initiatives o Filling in gaps o Reviewing outcome measures Break Trends Likely to Affect Library Service Delivery in the Future *Ik LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED **