HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-06-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: June 15,2005 TIME OF MEETING: 4:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Library Board Room - 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Chair Rob Swette called the meeting to order at 4:02 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees, Kamenjarin, Lignante, Swette, and Tarman Absent : Library Trustee Page Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Heather Pizzuto, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Susan Simpson, Senior Librarian Marilyn Hoffman, NSDCGS Jane Schatt, League of Women Voters observer Prior to proceeding with the agenda, Senior Librarian Chris Pickavet, Division Head for Technical Services, introduced Librarian Kamling Tsang, who joined the staff in May of this year as a cataloger. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held May 18, 2005 were approved as presented. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Kamenjarin asked for additional information about the music CD’s the Library received as settlement of a national lawsuit and Senior Librarian Simpson responded. There was a class action suit filed several years ago against several CD manufacturers and distributors for overcharging for the materials and as a settlement of the case, libraries, public schools and some individuals across the country received CD’s to compensate. This library received over 1,000 but there were many duplicates and those that are not going to be added to the collection may be used as prizes in the Summer Reading Program or sold through the Friends’ Book Store. The shipment Library Board of Trustees Minutes of June 15.2005 Meetina Page 2 contained a mixture of all kinds of music, some classical but mostly popular, and the library did not have a choice in what we would receive. Trustee Kamenjarin also asked for an update on the status of the HVAC system at Cole and Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that the repaired compressor was just reinstalled after three weeks and the temperature in the library this week has been quite pleasant. Trustee Swette asked for an update on the status of the Children’s Garden renovations at Dove Lane and Library Director Lange responded the City Council approved the awarding of the contract for close to $120,000. Trustee Swette asked for more information on the school visits by the Teen Librarian and Library Director Lange explained that the library tries to visit all the schools to promote library programs, and has been doing it for years. Trustee Tarman, speaking from his previous occupation, commented that the library would contact the principal of the school for permission to bring the information and get on the agenda for staff meetings. Deputy Library Director Pizzuto commented that the library also responds to special requests for classroom visits and presentations, especially this time of year when the teachers are looking for things to keep the students interested. ON-LINE DATABASE USE REPORT: Library Director Lange explained that Senior Librarian Susan Sirnpson was on hand to answer any questions they might have on the data contained in the agenda packet. Trustee Kamenjarin asked about the database titled, “Informe I‘ and Senior Librarian Simpson responded that it is a Spanish language database containing an index to Spanish magazine articles. Trustee Kamenjarin also had questions about the cost for the databases and if the library renewed them on an annual basis. Senior Librarian Simpson responded that the library pays a flat fee, usually based on the population of the city and to estimate the “cost” of providing this service she takes the fee the library pays divided by the usage. The library collects monthly statistics on in-house and remote usage, if the site provides that information, to determine the cost. The selection committee and technology librarian review these statistics each year and decide which ones to renew. Trustee Swette commented that this report was a good starting place for the Board to become acquainted with the cost for this service as some of them are very expensive and wondered how it compared with other libraries. Senior Librarian Simpson responded that we really could not compare the cost to other libraries as they pay a different price depending on their population and number of facilities, while some purchase the access through a consortium. Most of the ones this library provides are cost effective with the exception of the Spanish language ones. The technology librarian plans to spend some time with the staff at the Centro to do some training on the use and to be sure they are logging on and off for each search. Another factor could be a population that does not have the capability for remote access, which is a strong component for the use of the other databases. In spite of the statistics, the library plans to continue to offer the Spanish language ones, hoping to encourage greater usage and making sure these are the ones most useful to that population. Trustee Kamenjarin asked about newspapers in the “Proquest” database and if there was a similar site for magazine articles. Senior Librarian Simpson responded that the library chose the four newspapers available through “Proquest”: San Diego Union, Los Angeles Times, New York Times and Wall Street Journal. The “Gale General Reference Center Gold” site is an index to magazine articles, many of which are available in full text. STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION: Library Director Lange referred the Trustees to the enclosures in the agenda packet which contained the agenda, notes and revised Mission and Vision Statements from the workshop on May lgh. The workshop participants were given a general review of the Balanced Scorecard project that resulted in some changes to the initiatives. The group working on the scorecard will meet one more time to finalize the library’s scorecard and plans for the next fiscal year. The workshop produced a lot of “food for thought” on how you demonstrate the value of the library to the community and quality of life. Trustee Swette commented that he attended the workshop and concurred that it was thought-provoking, especially about how the library fits into the quality of life and asking what are the other things we could do. LIBRARY LEARNING CENTER PROJECT: Library Director Lange had the architects’ renderings for the new building and the floor plans displayed for the Board ‘s review. He said the architects will not have construction documents prepared for four to six months, probably November or December, which would mean the job would go to bid late spring of 2006, postponing the opening to fall in 2007. The architects estimate the project will take about 18 months to complete all phases of the construction. Bill Plummer from the City’s Engineering Department has agreed to be the project manager and the team is meeting Library Board of Trustees Minutes of June 15,2005 Meeting Page 4 every other week. LIBRARY STAFF TRAINING SESSION: Library Director Lange explained the library was closed from 9 AM to 1 PM on June 7‘h for the training presentation and there were 165 staff members attending, and the City Manager was there for the first hour. The Director then asked Deputy Library Director Pizzuto to report on the event. She explained the primary purpose of the morning was to introduce the concept of creating a comprehensive employee training program. The library has grown in the last years which has made it difficult to systematically and uniformly educate the staff on what they need to know to represent the library well and keep up with new systems, processes and policies. The Library has entered into a long-range project to create an entire program of training that starts with the general components introduced on June 7“, The program began with the “big picture”: what is this library, what are we trying to accomplish, and what are the important philosophies of the library. Following the break, the program was about the “nuts and bolts” of working for the library. The current staff was used to test different methods of presenting the information and to provide feedback on the effectiveness as well as content. She continued that the next part would be to develop the more specific learning tracks based on the core competencies. Library Director Lange commented that the event was very successful. The development of the employee training program was a goal for the year and involved a manager from Human Resources. The Trustees were each iven a new Employee Information Packet, like those given to every attendee on June 7 . % Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the Library or the City had an employee handbook and Deputy Library Director Pizzuto responded that the City does have a handbook for full time employees and the Library has an Orientation Manual but it is very difficult to keep it up to date. She continued that the training team is looking at other methods of delivering this information, such as the Intranet. LIBRARY DIRECTOR RECRUITMENT: Library Director Lange distributed a copy of the recruitment advertisement that will run in the Library Journal Hotline for three weeks. Dubberly/Garcia Associates is the firm the City hired to conduct this recruitment and they will be attending the American Library Association conference in Chicago the last week in June. June Garcia from the firm was here and interviewed members of the staff, City Council, Library Board Trustees, Friends of the Library and the Library Foundation. The recruitment closes on Library Board of Trustees Minutes of June 15, 2005 Meeting Page 5 July lgth and the headhunters will conduct the initial interviews to reduce the applicants to probably no more than ten finalists who will then be interviewed by a City interview panel. Library Director Lange felt it was highly unlikely that the new director would be on board before September. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: RFlDlSelfcheck - The project is making progress with plans to appear before the ITGC (Information Technology Governance Committee) on June 28fh to get their approval. The Leadership Team is scheduled to review the proposal the following day. Leadership Team approval is necessary in order to negotiate a contract with the selected vendor. Other technology p roiects - The e-mail capability is in the testing stage and will probably be offered before the next meeting of this Board. The telephone notification is dependant on the software upgrade and the return of the server, which had to be sent to Sirsi for some configuration. The PC/print/copy management contract is still in negotiation but hopefully will be finalized by the end of the summer. Cole HVAC - The replacement of the system is scheduled for mid-December and the library will probably be closed for a minimum of four weeks. The final decision on interim services has not been made. The bookmobile from San Jose is no longer available for lease but the City Facilities staff has received a bid for a modular at a greatly reduced price. Whether or not to lease the e-bus has not been determined. Girls Club Donation - The Board of the now defunct Carlsbad Girls Club is giving away their remaining assets and have purchased a Dodge Sprinter IO-passenger van for the Adult Learning Program to use to transport the high school students. The anticipated delivery is in about three weeks. Richard Glazier Concert - The Carlsbad Library Foundation in conjunction with Greene Music will be sponsoring a concert on October I, 2005 at the Schulman Auditorium, probably playing his Gershwin program. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Tarman reported that the Foundation is continuing to work on the capital campaign and have hired a consultant to assist with the plans. Plans are also underway for the Castles of Carlsbad home tour for this year in October. One of the board members put together a detailed notebook to be used to obtain sponsors and solicit homeowners to participate in the program. Li bray Board of Trustees Minutes of June 15. 2005 Meetina Page 6 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: There was no representative from the Friends but the Trustees commented they had all received invitations to the Friends Annual Meeting and Reception taking place tomorrow at 4PM here at the Library. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: SDCGS member Marilyn Hoffman reported that the Society continues to have a good turnout for their programs and member Margaret Reed will be teaching the children’s genealogy class this year using Bee Koons book. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Swette asked if Trustees Kamenjarin and Lignante had been reappointed and was advised their re-appointment was scheduled for the June 28* City Council agenda. PUBLIC COMMENT: Jane Schatt, the observer for the League of Women Voters announced this would be her last meeting. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 450 PM. Respectfully submitted, 7 Cissie Sfion Administrative Secretary I I Monthly LIBRARY Reports for May 2005 Systemwide . . . 1. 2. 3. 4. All Division Heads and other key staff attended a strategic planning session with consultant Joan Frye Williams May 19, along with representatives of the Library Board and Library Foundation. This session, entitled ”Customer-Driven Strategic Planning,’’ focused on checking the Balanced Scorecard measures and initiatives against trends in library customer behaviors and expectations. Some adjustments to the mission and vision statements were suggested, resulting in revisions to the statements. The Library’s annual Hourly Employee Appreciation celebration took place Friday evening, May 20 at the Senior Center. Many staff were recognized for years of service ranging from three to 20. Children’s Services hosted its second Author Festival the week of May 9, featuring nationally recognized authors Gary Soto and Pam Muiioz Ryan. An upgrade to the Library’s automation system softwareis being tested by Library staff during May and June. This upgrade is expected to resolve several issues with the acquisitions module, improve functionality in the circulation module, and make it possible to begin offering telephone notification of overdue items and holds. If the upgrade meets expectations, it will be loaded on the Library’s system the weekend of the 4th of July holiday. Adult Learning ... 5. The Union-Tribune Race for Literacy was held on May 8 in Balboa Park. Adult Learning Program staff organized a team of 43 runners and walkers to represent Carlsbad Library in the 8K race. The team included literacy staff, tutors, learners, family members, staff from Dove and Cole Libraries, and other City employees. 6. The annual celebration for tutors, learners, and their families was held at the Senior Center on May 15. The 144 people attending listened to testimonials from adult and high school learners about their experiences in the program. Floor plans of the Learning Center were displayed. At the conclusion of the celebration, Robert Richardson, on behalf of the Carlsbad Girls Club, presented the library with a van to be used to transport Carlsbad High School students to and from their reading lessons at the Adult Learning Program and to help with future transportation needs at the Learning Center. For the past 8 years, Carlsbad High School teacher Judy Gaitan has used her personal van to transport 2 classes daily to and from the Adult Learning Program. 7. On May 17, the City Council approved submission of the library’s application for a 2005-2006 California Library Literacy Services grant from the State Library. Monthly Library Reports for May 2005 8. A new small group started in May, focusing on conversation and writing skills. The Adult Learning Program is experiencing a heavy demand from bilingual adults who are conversational in English and who want to continue improving their spoken English skills (vocabulary, pronunciation, sentence structure, idioms) while also focusing on writing skills. This is the most common pattern of new adults entering the program. The conversation and writing group is a pilot, which may become a model for future groups, especially when more small- group space is available at the Learning Center. Centro de Informaci6n . . . 9. 10. 11. 12. The Centro de Informacidn staff promoted library services to the community at many various events during May. On May 14th, Centro staff participated in a community event called “Carlsbad Loves Kids” at Holiday Park. The Carlsbad Village Optimist Club and the City of Carlsbad Community Services Department sponsored this event. The library had a booth with craft activities for the children and information about children’s programs at Dove, Cole, and Centro. On May 18tth, Library Director Cliff Lange and Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson attended the monthly meeting of the Carlsbad Youth Enrichment Services. Dr. Lange updated the group on the progress of the Learning Center and answered questions from the audience. On May 21st, the library was invited to participate in the Jefferson Elementary School Multicultural Festival. Centro staff provided a booth with information and games. Parents and children received information about the Summer Reading Program 2005 and other children’s programs at the libraries. CCL, Dove Lane . . . 13. 14. 15. In May, Acquisitions and Collection Development staff held their annual meeting with the Children’s material selectors regarding budget allocations; they also went over the new weeding project for FY 2005/06. More than 1,000 music CDs arrived as the Library’s part of a settlement of a national lawsuit against CD producers who overcharged consumers. The CDs will need to be sorted and checked against the Library’s current holdings before they are processed into the collection. In celebration of Public Works Week, the City’s Public Works Department held its annual Public Works Fair May 16 in the north parking lot of the Dove Library. Children’s services contributed to the event by offering a ”Big Rig” storytime. Monthly Library Reports for May 2005 16. The City Council approved award of the contract for renovation of the Children’s , Garden on May 17. After contract award, a construction schedule will be developed that delays actual demolition of the garden until after the Summer Reading concludes in the second week of August. 17. Continuing the popular teen concert series ”Rock the Library,” the Devine Guitar Academy performed to an audience of 120 on May 7. 18. Reference/Teen Services Librarian Darin Williamson spent time out in the schools in May, introducing the Library’s online databases to 150 students at Calavera and Aviara Oaks Middle schools. 19. Recently hired Cataloging Librarian Kamling Tsang began work May 17. Library Assistant Michelle Sagnimeni also returned to Technical Services on a 3/4-time basis from extended medical leave. This restores the Technical Services Division nearly to full staff after being at less than 50% of its cataloging staffing for an extended period due to retirements, vacancies and illnesses. Georgina Cole . . . 20. As the weather warms up, the need for a new WAC system at Cole is once again becoming more apparent. One of OUT compressors is currently being repaired to try to hold us through the summer until the WAC system can be completely replaced near the end of the year. 21. The Genealogy Division held several successful programs in May: . On 7 May, the Society had its annual book sale at the Cole Library and made approximately $2000, which will be used to purchase materials for the Genealogy collection. On 10 May, Jerry and Phyllis Young spoke to the Computer Genealogy Group on ”Publishing Your Family History.” 72 people attended. On 24 May, Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol spoke to NSDCGS on ”Treasures of the Genealogy Division.” 94 people attended On 21 May, Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol gave a presentation on the Genealogy Division to the Sons of the American Revolution, San Diego Chapter in San Diego. . . 22. The Homework Zone (after-school tutoring program staffed by volunteers) is still experiencing great success. We are grateful to our dedicated group of volunteers. The North County Times interviewed Nolan Davis, our star math tutor. 23. Applications for the two open Senior Librarian positions (Cole Children’s and Cole Reference) were due by May 23. Background and Experience (B&E) questions were sent out to the top applicants. An Oral Board is tentatively scheduled for June 20. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS CCL. Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Librarv Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children’s programs Children’s program attendance Computer Use All Facilities Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours: * Centro numbers only. ** Not reported last year * * * ALP not included. May-04 6,761 65,612 36,605 12,45 1 6,325 33,685 31,196 5,555 219* 676* 1,731* 171* 38 1,466 8 219 84 2,966 ** 83 4,198 ** 671.25** * May-05 1 1,660 70,408 36,82 1 14,02 1 6,541 33,957 2 1,842 5,409 202156 922197 2,0421* 173/* 23 400 8 308 90 2,3 1 1 8,949 120 4,O 17 51 1,080.75 ONLINE DATABASE USE REPORT Curr icu lum Resource Center K-5 Curriculum Resource Center 6-12 Gale General Ref Center Gold Grolier America the Beautiful Gro lier Encyclopedia Americana Grolier Lands & People Grolier Nueva Enciclopedia Cumbre Health & Wellness Resource Ctr Heritage Quest Informe Learn-a-Test Nove I is t Novelist K- 8 Opposing Viewpoints Proquest Newspapers Rand California Reference USA Science Online Searchasaurus Value Line Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia 248 $ 1,450 $ 5.85 289 $ 1,450 $ 5.02 738 $ 777 $ 1.05 973 $ 1,340 $ 1.38 474 $ 675 $ 1.42 63 $ 927 $ 14.71 1,841 $ 8,868 $ 4.82 10,167 $ 1,850 $ 0.18 37 $ 2,150 $ 58.11 2,859 $ 906 $ 0.32 724 $ 906 $ 1.25 2,637 $ 5,742 $ 2.18 10,165 $ 8,000 $ 0.79 2,608 $ 396 $ 0.15 22,739 $ 15,614 $ 0.69 1,022 $ 2,600 $ 2.54 6,316 $ 1,946 $ 0.3 1 12,597 $ 12,420 $ 0.99 696 $ 1,340 $ 1:93 540 $ 2,878 $ 5.33 12,063 $ 3,500 $ 0.29 Carlsbad City Library Customer-Driven Strategic Planning Thursday, May 19,2005 1O:OO am - 4:OO pm Faraday Building - Room 173B Joan Frye Williams, ConsultanzYFacilitator AGENDA 1O:OO - 10:30 Context o Current Status of the Balanced Scorecard project o Review of service initiatives 10:30 - 11 :30 A “Customer’s Eye” View o Walkthrough of core services o Identification of critical performance points It30 - 12:15 Lunch 12:15 - 1:30 The Library’s Contribution to Quality of Life o Cost of Living o Jobs o Transportation o Education o Health care o Crimekafety o Arts o Recreation o Climate 1 :30 - 2:30 Adapting the Balanced Scorecard to the Customer Perspective o Recasting service initiatives o Filling in gaps o Reviewing outcome measures 2:30- 2:45 Break 2:45 - 3:30 Trends Likely to Affect Library Service Delivery in the Future * LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED * Fr; F9 U 1 F9 pr; 0 F4 z 0 F: 4 z E n x b k w 5 0 LI z w z- F: 0 4 k3 0 F4 z n z 4 z 0 1 0 x b k w E m 4 0 m d z H z 0 H v3 v3 E k 1 t z 1 E E 0 c) m n H 0 I4 m c4 c-1 U 4 4 F9 E L4 E 4 c4 0 b m c) c) 4 c-1 z L4 U z 0 c) E z U P c) 5 p4 w n Lzi n 1 E z U m 0 L U z s E 0 c) n z 4 Notesfiorn Strategic Plan workshop 5/19/05 re: Vision Statement Fun programs Enrichment ”first choice” ? aspire to premium choice reading quality of life youth services simple access/ engagement easy re: Mission Statement enrich (instead of enhance?) of all ages? 5/ 241 05 page 10 COST OF LIVING: return on tax investment 1 free stuff ' low cost free tutoring/ homework help 9 entertainment/programs . classes meeting rooms . internet access . increased property values 9 community amenity . computer - word processing, office 5/ 24/ 05 page 10 JOBS = appeal to educated workforce - recruiting I I I I I I I I D I volunteer opportunities job search good sized employer youth job experience entry level employer community service career center skill improvement --+ better job computer classes resume software and help reading/ writing skills 5/24/05 page 10 TRANSPORTATION 2 facilities + Centro + ALP . remote access/ service . co-located w/ other destinations = local gathering place - . cablecast programs . art gallery/cultural programs right in town programs taken to schools home delivery "walkable" destination . "off peak hours w on bus route - provide bus schedules groups don't have to travel so far 5/24/05 page 10 EDUCATION w collections - all formats w classes - book clubs support for schools . entire ALP support for study groups, tutoring . partner with Head Start summer reading program support for home schooling families . college, application, grant information library hosts other City departments use to educate the community homework assistance helping immigrant parents understand education system w opportunities for Library continuing education . educational grants for library staff pro-reading programs recognition for importance of learning support for free choice learning . employee training program 5/24/05 page 10 HEALTH CARE I I I I I I I I I I I medical/ health/nutrition information directories of physicians programs for children - dentist Centro - speakers from community clinics CPR training AED (defibrillator) in library medical lectures/ partnership w/ Scripps mental health benefits of reading point of contact for.. . .. referrals safe comfortable ADA accessible emergency shelter preparedness information part of City's disaster plan service from Braille Institute "Love on a Leash" restrooms 5/24/05 page 10 CRIME/SAFETY safe environment - alert, responsible, proactive staff - panic buttons make friends w/gang members (Centro) tutoring for high-risk kids teen programs better education -+ jobs -+lower crime community service d for offen ers staff training - coping/response Centro partners w/Recreation after-school program Distribute crime prevention information Kid-safe policies 51 241 05 page 10 ARTS gallery + programs "3 part art" library programs - performances, films, etc. auditorium for others to put on programs in-libr ary exhibits storycraft program poetry booklet poetry writing workshop performances archived (circ-able)/ distributed over cable arts related materials wide video collection CDs Cinema Society launched jazz concerts beautiful buildings public art student recitals artists - hands-on experiences for children 5/ 24/ 05 page 10 RECREATION recreational reading I’ audience” experience film programs instructional materials - sports, coaching summer reading as ”camp” vacation/ travel sleepovers book clubs teen programs 5/24/05 page 10 CLIMATE I- environment sauna - Cole . a/c-Dove . children’s garden . landscaping/ atrium . energy efficiency commitment . 60% green . outdoor programming no flooding 0 . rainy day destination plastic bags at Circ information T 5/ 24/ 05 page 10 x $ 3 v) E 0 E Q a, Q) 0 3 V C 0 0 U C m Q 0 - + - 9 0" - m 0 m E E E 8 - m m- m C .- 5 P - c ?& $0 a 5 U a, U C 3 U C m c L P U a, Q (1 m v) C m 0 Ll 3 C m .- - c E & E c $ $ C - I ITEM Q 7 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LIBRARY EMPLOYEE TRAIN IN G : BUILDING YOUR TOOLBOX Tuesday, June 7,2005 AGENDA Please complete the pre-assessment survey on the front of your packet as soon as you are seated! 1. Welcome - Heather Pizzuto 2. Introducing the Employee Training Program - Heather Pizzuto 3. Competencies ... What are they? - Callie Ahrens and Penny Thompson 4. Purpose and Function of a Public Library -Cliff Lange, Library Director 5. Organizational Structure - Cliff Lange 6. Intellectual Freedom, Censorship and Challenges - Susan Simpson Break - 20 minutes 7. Communications - Suzanne Smithson 8. Payroll - Cissie Sexton 9. Staff Borrowing Policies - Heather Pizzuto IO. Appearance Standards - Cissie Sexton 1 1. City Policies - Harriet Gena, HR Manager 12. Safety and Security Basics - Susan Simpson 13. Library Committees - Heather Pizzuto 14. Library Goals and Strategic Planning - Cliff Lange 15. Closing Remarks - Cliff Lange Thank you for coming; please complete the post-assessment before you leave!