HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-07-20; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesA proved: 4-j 17- XOS 1 lTEM#2 1 MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: July 20,2005 TIME OF MEETING: 4:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Community Room- Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive CALL TO ORDER: Chair Rob Swette called the meeting to order at 4:Ol PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees, Kamenjarin, Lignante, Page, Swette, and Tarman Absent: None Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Jessica Padilla, Library Community Coordinator Arthur Wood, President, Friends of the Library Carolyn Hoard, NSDCGS liaison APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the June 15, 2005 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Trustees asked about total participants in the Summer Reading Program for this year and Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that the numbers at ail three locations are up over last year. She pointed out that at the time the enclosed report was prepared, the program was just in its second week but now is in the seventh week and participation numbers have exceeded those at this time last year. Library Director Lange distributed the revised statistics report that will become an attachment to these minutes. In reviewing the report provided in the agenda packet staff discovered a typographical error in the total for Children’s program attendance in June 2004. The actual number should read 2,136, NOT 12,136 as shown. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the numbers for reference questions were correct and Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that in previous years the questions at the Library Board of Trustees Minutes of July 20, 2005 Meeting Page 2 Information Desk were not included in the total reference questions, but that changes in the reporting for the State library report to capture those numbers resulted in a change in this report which appears as a significant jump in that category. ADOPTED BUDGET FOR FY 05-06: Library Director Lange explained that the submitted budget as approved by this Board was the budget approved by the City Council without any changes and that the enclosure in the agenda packet was from the Capital Improvement Program dealing with the Learning Center project and identifying the sources of the funding. He continued that the Library has an agenda bill on for next Tuesday's City Council meeting where the Council will formally and publicly accept the offer from The Carlsbad Library Foundation to raise the money to support the Learning Center. UPDATE ON THE LIBRARY LEARNlNlG CENTER: Library Director Lange reported he had met with the architects and engineers to review the final plans for the building. The next phase will be the completion of the construction drawings that are due at the Planning Department by November 18'. Trustee Tarman asked if the estimated cost was $3 million, not the $1.6 million the Foundation had pledged to raise. Library Director Lange responded that the initial cost estimate was $1.6 million, and the Foundation did pledge to raise that amount, but in the meantime the plans for the building were changed with the addition of a second floor and the cost of materials continues to rise. The $3 million is really only an estimate since we won't really know until the job goes out to bid. Trustee Swette asked about the groundbreaking for the project and Library Director Lange responded it would probably take place sometime early in 2006. TECHNOLOGY UPDATES: RFIDISelf-check - Library Director Lange reported that the Library received final approval from the Information Technology Governance Committee and the Leadership Team for the project. The contract is being prepared for Integrated Technologies, the company selected from the six bidders. Trustee Swette asked about the the cost benefit analysis for the RFlD project and Library Director Lange responded an estimated 1.28 years to recover the costs. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of Julv 20. 2005 Meetina Page 3 PC/print/copy manaaement - The contract with Xerox is still being reviewed at the City Attorney’s office Sirsi Unicorn upgrade - The installation was successfully completed over the July 4th weekend and is a key in the launching of the telephone notification capability. E-mail notification - This option has been in the test stages, and actual notices to patrons with items on “hold” were recently sent to those in the database who had e-mail addresses. It appears that the service is working and the library will soon launch a PR program to promote the new option. Trustee Kamenjarin commented that he has an account with the San Diego County Library and not only does he receive e-mail notification on items on hold, he also receives a reminder of items that are due within 72 hours. Library Director Lange said he would investigate the possibility of offering this service to our patrons Telephone notification - The server for this service is currently at Sirsi in Huntsville where they are loading the software. UPDATE ON BALANCED SCORECARD PROJECT: Library Director Lange distributed the final version of the Vision and Mission Statements and the strategy map used to develop the scorecard together with the worksheet. He explained that the scorecard is the strategic plan for the library with its outline of objectives, measures and initiatives. One of the management goals for FY 05-06 is the implementation of the balanced scorecard action plan. Trustee Kamenjarin referenced the Financial Perspective theme where the objective is financial support from the City and the target is “not less than $80 per capita per customer”. He asked what was the current per capita expenditure and Library Director Lange responded it is about $85. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if there were any established national or state guidelines for this ratio. Library Director Lange said there was not but that the Sirsi Company has launched a “Normative Data Project” and have solicited all their library customers to contribute data from their systems, which will then develop an entire database of library statistics. He continued that one way to measure how you are doing is to compare yourself to other libraries of similar size. Currently this library has the highest per capita support of any library in a city this size within the state of California. Trustee Swette commented that he had both observed and participated in this project and it represents an excellent platform for making this library what it should be in the City of Carlsbad. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of July 20, 2005 Meeting Page 4 Trustee Tarman asked about projected dates for those targets marked “TBD” and Library Director Lange explained that would be an on-going process throughout this next year. The primary focus this year will be on the customer satisfaction surveys and opinions as the starting point. Library Director Lange explained that under the Public Value measurement, the 4:l ratio, for every dollar spent for the library the City gets back 4, was based on the value of the items checked out divided by the budget. The library plans to use more than just circulation statistics in this measurement. MANAGEMENT GOALS FOR FY 200546: Library Director Lange asked the Trustees if they had any questions about the goals for next year that were included in the agenda packet. Trustee Kamenjarin asked about the Naming Rights goal and asked if this was part of a nationwide trend? Library Director Lange explained that the goal was written to address the development of a Citywide policy and process for naming City facilities in view of the new parks and community centers planned. There will be naming opportunities that represent potential for generating revenue. SENIOR LIBRARIAN RECRUITMENTS: Deputy Library Director Smithson announced final interviews for the Reference Senior Librarian were held on July 7* and an offer was made and accepted. The announcement will be made once the other candidates have been notified of a selection. The final interviews for the Children’s Senior Librarian were held July 12” and one candidate selected. Human Resources is following up on notification and reference checks for that individual. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if there was any news on the recruitment for the new Library Director and Library Director Lange responded that Human Resources has not heard from the firm handling the recruitment yet. ELECTION OF A CHAIR FOR FYO5-06: Library Board Trustee Kamenjarin asked if Chair Swette would serve again. He consented and by proper motion and vote was re-elected to the position for another term. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of Julv 20. 2005 Meetina Page 5 Also by proper motion and vote Trustee Tarman was elected to serve as the co-chair for FYO5-06. COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANT REVIEW COMMITTEE: Trustee Kamenjarin volunteered to replace Trustee Tarman, who served for the past two years on this committee. The Board accepted his offer to represent them this year in that capacity. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Library Director Lange explained that architect Norm Luker had been hired to address the relocation of the handicapped parking spaces and book drops for the library on Dove Lane. The library continues to receive complaints over the current location of the handicapped spaces and drive-up book drops. Mr. Luker is also working on a design to mitigate the noise-level inside the facility, which continues to be a subject of patron complaints. The Cole HVAC system is working fine at present and the replacement project is not scheduled at this point. Facilities expects to go to City Council next month for approval to go to bid on the project. The tentative schedule calls for closing the building in mid December for four weeks. Interim services will be provided at that location in a modular building. At a council meeting next month, the City Council will be asked to formally accept the donation of the Dodge Sprinter Van from the Board of the Carlsbad Girls Club to the Adult Learning Program. This week the library has added MP3 CD’s to the collection but only for audio books at this point. The compressed content greatly reduces the number of CDs required for the book. The initial collection of this format is 150 total representing a mix of fiction and non-fiction and nearly half of the titles were on the “holds” list. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Tarman announced the Foundation has hired a consultant to assist with the capital campaign. The recent move to Fidelity for their investments has proved to be a good choice according to the recent financial report. Planned programs for October are a Richard Glazier concert on October 1’‘ and the Castles of Carlsbad tour on October 22“. Preceding the Glazier concert, the Foundation will host a reception for the hosts for the home tour and corporate sponsors. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of July 20, 2005 Meeting Page 6 Trustee Tarman also mentioned that there had been some recent resignations from the Board. He asked that if the trustees knew of anyone who might be interested in serving on the board to let him know. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Friends President Arthur Wood reported they had their annual meeting last month where they presented Library Director Lange with a gift from the membership. The treasurer’s report included the $139,000 donation to the library for this year that brings the total donations to the Library over the past ten years to over $1 million. The membership approved the changes to the bylaws and elected the proposed slate of officers for the next year. The next meeting will not be held until September. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Society Liaison Hoard reported a change in the total amount the Society made on the book sale. After the last meeting a book dealer purchased the remainder of the inventory, which brought the total closer $1300. She also reminded the Board that they were invited to attend the annual potluck on August 17th at 6:OO prn at the Carlsbad Senior Center. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Kamenjarin asked about the whereabouts of the plaque with the quote from Richard Armour that had been on the Cole library building. Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that she would check with facilities and locate the plaque, which was removed during the remodel. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 455 PM. zT;.md, Cissie Se on Administrative Secretary REVISED CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS CCL. Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Use All Facilities Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Jun-04 7,250 76,9 16 43,543 15,050 6,132 39,209 22,823 6,425 204* 938" 2,474* 183" Jun-05 11,957 75,158 40,430 16,955 5,905 36,129 22,255 6,641 18 1/54 1,048/100 2,387/* 198/* 21" 21 235" 277 6 10 295 371 42 33 2,136JLr 1,167 ** 8,948 72 90 5,198 3,703 21 ** Volunteer Hours Total hours: 674*** 1,367.9 * Centro numbers only. ** Not reported last year * * * ALP not included. * Does not include program statistics from the Library Programs division. 3r Number revised after error discovered in the June 04 Board packet. I I Monthly LIBRARY Reports for JUNE 2005 Systemwide . . . 1. 2. 3. All library facilities were closed June 7 until 1 pm , so that staff could attend a systemwide workshop introducing the Library’s new employee training program. The workshop covered an array of information that all staff need to know, and provided important feedback on preferred learning styles as well as identifying additional training needs. The Summer Reading Program began at all facilities on June 20, 2005. The children’s theme for this summer is “Dragons, Dreams, and Daring Deeds” and the teen theme is “Joust Read.” Special SRP Programs held at all facilities included a puppeteer group called Swaule, and a great mime show with Jan Stuart. The Library received approval from the City’s Information Technology Governance Committee and the Leadership Team to negotiate contracts for two systems: printlpc management and RFlD technology. These were important milestones in the Library’s technology plan that have been the focus of intense planning over the past fiscal year. Centro de Informacion ... 4. At the Centro de Informacion, volunteers enrolled 128 children, 9 adults, and 8 teens by June 30. The Centro has five bilingual middle school students helping as SRP volunteers with enrolling participants and taking reports. CCL, Dove Lane . . . 5. The final “Rock the Library“ concert was held June 2, featuring the band Personae; 50 people attended. On June 9, 130 people attended another popular teen event, the Teen Talent Contest. This included 14 acts performed by teens. 6. In the first 11 days, 1391 children and 98 teens had registered for the Summer Reading Program. About 115 teen volunteers have been trained and are supporting the program. 7. A number of staff in the Circulation Division celebrated graduations, including Andres Gonzalez, Carly Toyer, Jennifer Gaitan, Jesse Nathason, and Giselle Ordaz. Madelyne Horton and Sarah Bahreinifar in the Reference Division also graduated. Collection Development & Acquisitions . . . 8. The selectors of materials for adults met for their annual meeting to discuss allocations for the new fiscal year and plans for the new weeding program. 9. Final reports for the Global Languages Materials Grant were submitted to the California State Library. This grant of $6,000 added 600 items to the collection at the Centro de Informacion. These items were in addition to the regular allocation for materials that the Centro had during FY 2004/05. Georgina Cole ... IO. During June (the first two weeks of SRP) Cole Children’s signed up 640 participants in the children’s program and 75 participants in the teen program. Cole Library had a pizza Monthly Library Reports for June 2005 kick-off social for all Summer Reading Program volunteers, a K-9 Tales program, and a movie night showing “Pete’s Dragon”. 11. The Genealogy Division held two successful programs in June. On June 14, Tom Underhill spoke on “Intermediate Photo Retouching” with 87 people in attendance. On June 28, Steven Cassedy, UCSD professor, spoke on “Turn of the 20th Century in the West, Part 1” with 57 people in attendance. 12. Oral Board Interviews for the two Senior Librarian positions (Children’s and Reference) were held on June 20. Departmental Interviews will be held in July and we hope to have the positions filled during August. 13. An article in the North Coast section of the San Diego Union-Tribune on June 30, 2005 titled “History Mystery” highlighted three unidentified photos from the Local History Room’s collection. The article had contact information if readers knew anything about the photos. Susan Gutierrez reported receiving a lot of calls and good information. 14. Elyse Roy, Library Assistant in Cole Reference, completed the replacement of all of the 222 Periodical Covers displayed in the periodicals display area and in the Children’s Division, with new locking periodical covers. Hopefully, this will alleviate some of the theft and damage that has been occurring with the current issues of periodicals. 15. Staff Education News . Melinda Courtney, an hourly library tech in Cole Children’s, graduated from UCR with a Master‘s Degree in History. Molly MacDougald, an hourly library tech in Cole Children’s, currently attending the San Jose State / Fullerton Library Science program is spending her summer doing an internship at Boston Public Library. Stacey Wiegleb, an hourly tech at the Adult Learning Program, received notice of her acceptance to the San Jose State/Fullerton School of Library Science. She joins coworker Amanda Bird both working on their Master’s Degrees. Tech Services ... 16. Technical Services staff devoted a lot of time to serials in June. A serials training manual was developed documenting procedures for adding serials control records, and over 100 records were added. This is preparation for the Library’s periodical vendor to scan in data for individual issues of periodicals and other serials into the records in August. This will enable the Library to begin using the Serials module of Sirsi to manage periodicals and other types of serials. 17. In June, OCLC discontinued its support for two software products long used by Technical Services: Passport and CatME. All catalogers are now using OCLC‘s Connexion Client software instead. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS CCL. Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Use All Facilities Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours: Jun-04 7,250 76,9 16 43'543 15,050 6,132 39,209 22,823 6,425 204* 938* 2,474* 183* 21" 235" 6 295 42 12,136 ** 72 5,198 ** Jun-05 11,957 75,158 40,430 16,955 5,905 36,129 22,255 6,64 1 181154 1,04811 00 2,3871* 198/* 21 277 10 37 1 33 1,167 8,948 90 3,703 21 674* * * 1,367.9 * Centro numbers only. ** Not reported last year *** ALP not included. " Does not include program statistics from the Library Programs division. ITEM ## 8 MANAGEMENT GOALS 2005-06 Cliff Lange/Library Director # 615 Service Reorganization (Team Leader) # 618 Library Information Privacy/Security # 616 Library Balanced Scorecard # 617 Learning Center (Team Leader) Heather Pizzuto/ Deputy Library Director - Dove Lane facility # 615 Service Reorganization # 618 Library Information Privacy/ Security (Team Leader) # 616 Library Balanced Scorecard (Team Leader) # 604 Revise Employee Orientation Program - R Suzanne Smithsod Deputy Library Director - Cole, Centro, ALP # 615 Service Reorganization # 61 8 Library Information Privacy/ Security (Resource) # 616 Library Balanced Scorecard # 617 Learning Center Cheryl Masmanagement Analyst # 599 Cash Handling/Refunds Process Improvement # 616 Library Balanced Scorecard # 615 Service Reorganization (Resource) # 617 Learning Center #596 DMS Bill Richrnonrnedia Services Specialist #672 CEMAT # 693 Production Technology # 593 Film Production Policy & Agreement Jessica Padilla # 590 Improve Internal Communications # 589 Web Enhancement # 621 Naming rights for City Facilities @CARLSBAD I 2005-2006 Goal Print Screen .i ,. .". . . . . - .. .,, ...... ^,-I .. - .-. - .I. . . . .. .. ~ .... I." . - _. - __ . -. ,-. ,- , ~ .,~ __._ . . .__. __. . 2005 - 2000 Goals ., Goal Short Name: DMS Master Plan Goal ID: 596 Individual Name: Team Leader: LORRAINE WOOD MSA: ADMIN SERVICES Reviewer: JAMES ELLIOTT Council Goal: Learning, Culture & Arts Last Revised: 06/27/2005 Goal has fiscal impact? Yes One Time Costs: Amount OrgKeylExplanation Dept Contingency $2,000 00 0011610 __ ~ Dept Block Budget $0 00 Other City Fund $0 00 Other Source $0 00 Total $2,000.00 ___ -" _- ___.I - _I__ I ~~ _I ___ l_ll Est. Recurring Costs: Amount OrgKeylExplanation Dept Block Budget $0 00 Other City Fund $0 00 Other Source $0 00 I Total $0.00 Team Goal: Yes Team Members: KAREN KUNDTZ MICHELE MASTERSON SUSANNE PARSONS INGRID LENZ CHERYL MAST JUNE LONG Team Resources: RECORDS PLANN I N G CITY ATTORNEY FIRE ADMIN LIB(D0VE) ADMlN ENGINEERING I __ --I _I __I I I---_II ___--_I ~ - - I -. - - I Describe your goal stating the outcome for the first year of a 2 year goal: Implement Document Management System Master Plan __ - Target Implement the DMS Master Plan by formal training and publicity, to ensure that the DMS is used to its fullest capabilities and ensure system ,security and accuracy Implementation also includes the preparation and submittal of a report to the Administrative Services Director, which contains recommendations regarding optimizing system usage, security enhancements and system audits, and plans for design of additional document types for the DMS I- ;Collaborate with departments regarding use of the DMS and evaluate user needs Analyze options for utilizing existing document types, poter 'additional document types for the DMS, DMS secunty levels, and design of audit system, and Additional Information Employee Resources Ronna Stickrod and Brenda Ortega -___ 11~ __--_ --- _-__ ~ --__l_ll ___--- -_____- http://cityweb/print.cfm?ID=OOO7l &GID=596 7/14/2005 @.CARLSBAD 1 2005-2006 Goal Print Screen I. -~ -1 ~ I. 2005 - 2006 Goals Goal Short Name: Web Enhancement Goal ID: 589 Individual Name: Team Leader: DENISE VEDDER MSA: POULEADERSHIP Reviewer: RAYMOND PATCHETT Council Goal: Communication Last Revised: 06/27/2005 Goal has fiscal impact? No One Time Costs: Dept Contingency Dept Block Budget Other City Fund Other Source Total _ll.l --I_" I .-___l_l--l__l_lllllI Amount Org KeylExplanation $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0.00 Est. Recurring Costs: Dept Block Budget Other City Fund Other Source Total Amount $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 OrgKeylExplanation I Team Goal: Yes Team Members: ALETHARAUTENKRANZ INFO TECH ANNA TAM PW ADMlN LOLLY SANGSTER CS RECREATION I I REBECCA MELILLO HUMAN RESOURCES CHERYL GERHARDT FINANCE MARILYN STRONG CITY COUNCIL JESSICA PADILLA LIB PROG,EXHIB KARYN VAUDREUIL FIRE PREVENTION Team Resources: i KARL VON SCHLIEDER GIS I INFO TECH : _-__ --_____-- _- l--l__-- - I_ - llll^_l_-lll___ -- ^-_- -^-I -_ Describe your goal stating the outcome for the second year of a 2 year goal: ;Irn~rove the use of the City& Web Site as a tool to communicate with the public ~ ________ -__-I_-_______II__-____ Target i Establish and implement system and procedures to ensure ongoing site and content review. Develop program to ensure procedures are b communicated to employees. 'Threshold ;Implement Phase II of the Implementation Plan that was developed in 2004-2005. ,Additional Information i Goal may have fiscal impact depending on recommendations. Employee Resources: Greg Wallace _____ll_l_ "" l._____l_ll_ll.l-__l_ _____l_ll-____l_ll~__~.~_lll __lll~- http://cityweb/print.cfm?ID=OOO7 1 &GID=589 7/14/2005 @CARLSBAD I 2005-2006 Goal Print Screen ....... .I - .-...- . ........... ._.^_._.. ,*,.., ,II_ ..-7..__, ........... ,-.. ~_,_ ...... X_r_ .. .. ... 2005.- 2006 Goals Goal Short Name: Employee (Internal Communications) Goal ID: 590 I _I __ -_- - 111 lllllll_ll _l-_l I--I_ ____I-111_" Individual Name: Reviewer: RAYMOND PATCHETT Team Leader: DENISE VEDDER Council Goal: Communication MSA: POL/LEADERSHIP Last Revised: 06/27/2005 Goal has fiscal impact? Yes One Time Costs: Amount Org KeylExplanation __ ll_l ~ - ~- Dept Contingency $0 00 Dept Block Budget $0 00 Other City Fund $0 00 Other Source $30,000 00 General Fund Total $30,000.00 __ __ I I__ _I _-__-_ __ _. I -- - - - - _I I 8 Est. Recurring Costs: Amount Org KeylExplanation ; Dept Block Budget $0 00 Other City Fund $0 00 g Other Source $0 00 Total $0.00 - - ____-_____ _____ - -_________- ____ - I______- Team Goal: Yes Team Members: I JEFFREY SPRAGUE EMERGENCYOPS JAYNE STROMMER PW-STORMWATER , BONNIE ELLIOT REC HARDING GORDON PETERSON INFO TECH DEBORAH HARVEY HUMAN RESOURCES KEVIN BRANCA FINANCE JESSICA PADILLA LIB PROG,EXHIB Team Resources: LYNN DIAMOND POLICE ADMIN Describe your goal stating the outcome for the first year of a 2 year goal: I Employees are well informed about City news and information. Target .- 111" ......... ... . ___.___I_ "_l" l"ll.ll I "l."_ ......... ...l. _. ....... ".l .. I. I Using research and information gathered from employees and research on best practices, make recommendations for implementation and 'specific vehicles for employee communications. Implement changes with a fiscal impact less than $5,000. Work with IT to plan phased implementation of changes to lntranet Threshold ~ I-- Assess employee and organizational information needs. Identify preferred delivery methods for targeted and general communication. Researc ,approaches to employee communications to enhance Cityns delivery of information. Recommend changes to city lntranet site and strategy fc ~ implementation. Additional Information ll_l_.__________..____I".I_ I" - l.l - -- .-"" I" ..l.ll .."..."ll.. " .____ .... "" .II _lll _I_ .I.." - Library Community Coordinator will be added to Team Goal has possible fiscal impact Depending on IT staff work load, an outside consultar my be necessary to implement some or all recommended changes to lntranet "--em-- ------ ------ http://cityweb/print.cfm?ID=OOO7 1 &GID=590 7/14/2005 @CARLSBAD 12005-2006 Goal Print Screen Goal Short Name: Film Production Policy & Agreement for City Facilities Goal ID: 593 Individual Name: Team Leader: DENISE VEDDER Reviewer: RAYMOND PATCHETT Council Goal: Top Quality Services MSA: POULEADERSHIP Last Revised: 06/27/2005 Goal has fiscal impact? No One Time Costs: Dept Contingency Dept Block Budget Other City Fund Other Source Total Amount Org KeylExplanation $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Est. Recurring Costs: Dept Block Budget Other City Fund Other Source Total Amount OrgKey/Explanation $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Team Goal: Yes Team Members: ERIN LETSCH JEFFREY SPRAGUE WILLIAM RICHMOND RANDEE HARLIB Team Resources: KELLY CAIN DOMINIC CALARCO MICHAEL SHIPLEY SUSANNE PARSONS CYNTHIA HAAS RISK MGMT EMERGENCYOPS LIB MEDIA SVCS CITY ATTORNEY POLICE FIELD OP CARRILLO RANCH POLICE FIELD OP CITY ATTORNEY ECON DEV l______l_l_".___l"_~_----ll__l__l_---^-_~ ~ Iescribe your goal stating the outcome for the first year of a 1 year goal: )evelop a cohesive policy describing the permit process for photography, motion picture, video and multi-media production occurring in City c :arkbad% facilities and properties. -arget _l-l.-_.l__.._____l__l--^--.l_---__l- _-I-__.--I haft policy to be presented to the LT for review Incorporate recommendations and proceed with Council adoption, if LT determines this IS thc iext step 'hreshold tesearch policies and best practices examples to determine the City's liabilities, risks, safety issues as well as the review of legal, economic ind risk management concerns. Based on findings develop a draft policy which identifies all the necessary aspects of the process. Included a isurance considerations, available sites, contacts, appropriate revenue fees, staffing etc. Policy implementation and process oversight ecommendations will be included. . ". . ..-. ._ ... __. ." .__l._-_" l____.__l____l__ ^" "," " idditional Information http://cityweb/print.cfm?ID=OOO7 1 &GID=593 7/14/2005 @CARLSBAD I 2005-2006 Goal Print Screen Goal Short Name: Cash Handling/Refunds Process Improvement Goal ID: 599 --- - - - - - l-l_ I - -11"- I I - Individual Name: Reviewer: JAMES ELLIOTT Team Leader: COLETTE WENGENROTH Council Goal: Financial Health MSA: ADMlN SERVICES Last Revised: 05/31/2005 Goal has fiscal impact? Yes __I ~-1- _" ~- One Time Costs: Dept Contingency Dept Block Budget Other City Fund Other Source Total Est. Recurring Costs: Dept Block Budget Other City Fund Other Source Total Amount Org KeylExplanation $0.00 $0.00 $41,000.00 General Fund $0.00 $41,000.00 .I".-...I I__.__ ..l"_l."ll.". ._._.I .._._.___-._._...__II._ l_ll - ................. _"._ ... Amount OrgKey/Explanation $3,375.00 0014010 $0.00 $0.00 $3,375.00 Team Goal: Yes Team Members: KEVIN BRANCA CHERYL MAST Team Resources: DONNA HARVEY FINANCE LIB(D0VE) ADMlN ENGINEERING Iescribe your goal stating the outcome for the first year of a 1 year goal: Standardization and strengthening of cash handling processes for the Citycs libraries, and standardization of the Cityrls refund process, in or to provide increased effective and efficient service to our customers, while strengthening financial controls Target Implement the process developed at Threshold. !Threshold !Review the Libraryvs current cash handling process, including evaluating current available technology, identifying improvements to be made the process and preparing a procedures manual incorporating the improvements. Identify items refunded by the City, and develop a uniform process for handling these refunds and document it in the cashiering manual. i Additional Information _..._"I_-_____-__. ~ I_____,__I--.--.-.-_ -I_--------.-__-_--1_-- I^._I..-__ _______.__ ,"__ .. ._..".l^"l"_l_ .I"..I""_"._" ............ "_"."lll ".l ............... ""l""_"ll"l._""l_".l" .ll"-l-".l"l.l.~-l" I- .-.-.-."I --- . ...... ........................................ Sirsi, the Libraryr Is computer software, does not have the capability to effectively process payment transactions As a result, the library currer must duplicate all transactions, inputting information in both Sirsi and in manual cash registers The manual registers offer no ability to produc reports and do not allow for strong internal controls http:/lcityweb/print.cfm?ID=OOO7 1 &GID=599 7/ 1 4/2005 @CARLSBAD 12005-2006 Goal Print Screen .* - .~~~ - . . 2005 - 2006 Goals - Goal Short Name: Revise Employee Orientation/Experience Carlsbad Program Goal ID: 604 -_^_ 111 _I_ __ - -l___llllll ll__~l I _- I-11111_ __ 111 _~__ Individual Name: Reviewer: JAMES ELLIOTT Team Leader: DEBORAH PORTER Council Goal: Learning, Culture & Arts MSA: ADMIN SERVICES Last Revised: 05/31/2005 Goal has fiscal impact? Yes ~ - _I_ _lll___l_ll_-____- ~ __I-_ One Time Costs: Dept Contingency Dept Block Budget Other City Fund Other Source Total Amount OrgKey/Explanation $4,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,000.00 001 -1 550-81 1 1 Est. Recurring Costs: Dept Block Budget Other City Fund Other Source Total Team Goal: Yes Amount Org KeylExplanation $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Team Members: SUE IREY MICHAEL SHIPLEY GlAN LAURO DEBORAH HARVEY Team Resources: HEATHER PIZZUTO CITY MANAGER POLICE FIELD OP REC STAGECOACH HUMANRESOURCES LIB(D0VE) ADMIN 111111 ~- I---_ Iescribe your goal stating the outcome for the first year of a 1 year goal: ivaluate existing Employee Orientation/Experience Carlsbad Program. Design a revised program that addresses issues of timeliness, resour nanagement, and focus. Prepare report that outlines recommendations for this program. ~ Target Redesign Employee OrientationlExperience Carlsbad Program to address issues of preferred delivery, timelessness, applicability, focus, and of resources. Submit recommendation report to the Leadership Team regarding future presentations of Experience Carlsbad Program. Threshold Review existing Employee OrientationIExperience Carlsbad Program, analyze and make recommendation for changes. Submit report for approval of recommendations. -_-___-- 1"" _lll.l.l.l-._,--- ~ - . ". ."""l_l -_ _..-.__.____"I l_"l l.-lll ll__l_l_-_..__._-__-~--.----.--~.._...... .... -. . .~ . "_ . . . .......... ..... ... . .. . __ .- .~. . , .. .... . . ..-.. . . - . .- . - .. ,Additional Information 'Employee Resources Sheryl Keller and Jim Boylan -. - -_ __ -- - __ - - - - http://ci tyweb/print.cfm?ID=0007 1 &GID=604 71 1 4/2 00 5 @CARLSBAD 1 2005-2006 Goal Print Screen -._ ,.A 2005 - 2006 Goats Goal Short Name: Library Service Reorganization Goal ID: 61 5 Individual Name: Team Leader: CLIFFORD LANGE MSA: COM SERVICES Reviewer: RAYMOND PATCHETT Council Goal: Top Quality Services Last Revised: 06/27/2005 Goal has fiscal impact? No One Time Costs: Dept Contingency Dept Block Budget Other City Fund Other Source Total Est. Recurring Costs: Dept Block Budget Other City Fund Other Source Total Team Goal: Yes __ __ - _I __ I - -I--- Amount Org KeylExplanat ion $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 .. . Amount OrgKeylExplanat ion $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Team Members: HEATHER PIZZUTO SUZANNE SMITHSON Team Resources: CHERYL MAST LIB(D0VE) ADMIN LIB (C0LE)ADMIN LIB(D0VE) ADMIN lescribe your goal stating the outcome for the first year of a 2 year goal: Ifficiently delivered and effectively presented service layout that improves the customerfls library experience __I __I_ rarget levelop a plan for reconfiguration of services and improved access to collections and facilities that complements technology improvements 3lready in planning or implementation. Redesign services such as Circulation and Reference to take maximum advantage of the changes nev echnologies will bring. Market services and collections to improve access and visibility. rhreshold Analyze service delivery and access problems that may be overcome in tandem with the implementation of new technology. Review current ;pace usage and organization of services at all library facilities. Research trends in library service delivery that have led to greater productivit] md relevancy of library services to the community. idditional Information ____I --,___- ~^_____ ____l_l__.._l__ _________-.-____I---.---- ~ .I_______ Employee Resource: Suzanne Smithson - New technologies such as the PC reservation system in implementation now and RFlD provide opportunities to change the way the Library delivers services. Trends toward a marketplace approach (bookstore-style marketing of collection consolidation of like services, accessible staff) should be considered when major changes provide opportunities to do business differently. Th' Library would also like to respond to concerns expressed by patrons about noise, accessibility and effective delivery of its collections and services. http://cityweb/print.cfm?ID=OOO7 1 &GID=615 7/14/2005 @CARLSBAD 1 2005-2006 Goal Print Screen --.. 1 .'. __.- I. .* _, . ' .* ~ 2005 - 2006 Goals-. - Goal Short Name: Library Balanced Scorecard Implementation Goal ID: 616 Individual Name: Reviewer: CLIFFORD LANGE Team Leader: HEATHER PIZZUTO Council Goal: Top Quality Services MSA: COM SERVICES Last Revised: 05/19/2005 Goal has fiscal impact? Yes One Time Costs: Dept Contingency Dept Block Budget Other City Fund Other Source Total Amount OrgKeylExplanation $5,000.00 001 -4070-8700 $5,000.00 001 -4070-7490 $0.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 Est. Recurring Costs: Dept Block Budget Other City Fund Other Source Total ! Team Goal: Yes Team Members: CLIFFORD LANGE CHERYL MAST JOSEPH GARUBA SUZANNE SMITHSON Amount Org KeylExplanation $10,000 00 001 -4070-7490 $0 00 $0 00 $10,000.00 I I_ - ~~ -I___-____I___ ~ ___^ - - LIB(D0VE) ADMIN LIB(D0VE) ADMIN CITY MANAGER LIB (C0LE)ADMIN Team Resources: -____l~lll ___- ___ ___ Describe your goal stating the outcome for the first year of a 2 year goal: ,The value of the Library to the residents of Carlsbad IS demonstrated through targeted performance measures "---~ Communicate with stakeholders, re-evaluate measures, develop action plans for implementation, and evaluate resource allocation plan with outcome results. ._ Threshold Coordinate with the Performance Measurement Team, develop performance measurements and collect data, develop and conduct survey(s), develop and clarify citizen values relating to library services, analyze performance measure outcomes, submit measures for inclusion in State Effectiveness Report ,Additional Information ;The Library is interested in determining the value all stakeholders derive from using Library services. Our plan is to gather that information i through targeted performance measure tools. Outcomes will be shared, and fiscal resources will be aligned with areas of citizen value. -- http://cityweb/print.cfm?ID=OOO7 1 &GID=6 16 7/14/2005 @CARLSBAD I 2005-2006 Goal Print Screen v ~ .** I. 2005 - 2006 Goats Goal Short Name: Library Learning Center Goal ID: 617 Individual Name: Team Leader: CLIFFORD LANGE MSA: COM SERVICES Goal has fiscal impact? No Reviewer: RAYMOND PATCHETT Council Goal: Top Quality Services Last Revised: 0511 9/2005 One Time Costs: Dept Contingency Dept Block Budget Other City Fund Other Source Total Amount $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Est. Recurring Costs: Dept Block Budget Other City Fund Other Source Total Amount $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 OrgKey/Explanation Org KeylExplanation Team Goal: Yes Team Members: WILLIAM PLUMMER FRANK BOENSCH CHERYL MAST SUZANNE SMITHSON Team Resources: ENGINEERING SOC SVS-CDBG LIB(D0VE) ADMlN LIB (C0LE)ADMIN :Describe your goal stating the outcome for the first year of a 1 year goal: ,Construction of the Learning Center is underway, and rnodulars for Headstart are in place and operational i Target ;Construction contract is awarded and notice to proceed is issued. FF&E is authorized to go to bid. Plans developed for grand opening. 1-111~--~ _--,-I -I_.- -- -- - _-. ---- --~ ~ Threshold ,Plans and specifications completed and approved. City Council authorizes project to go out to bid. Construction project manager is hired. Additional Information Employee Resource: Suzanne Srnithson - Fiscal Impact TBD - ----- http://cityweb/print.cfm?ID=0007 1 &GID=6 17 7/14/2005 @CARLSBAD 1 2005-2006 Goal Print Screen 2005 - 2006 Goals Goal Short Name: Library Information SecurityiPrivacy Goal ID: 618 __ -_- ". - ---I ---- I ___- lllll_ I - __-_II 11-11111111 - ---I-_ ~ lI-l--llll__^l__llll_ _-___- "11 __ Individual Name: Reviewer: CLIFFORD LANGE Team Leader: HEATHER PIZZUTO Council Goal: Top Quality Services MSA: COM SERVICES Last Revised: 031 912005 .- Goal has fiscal impact? Yes ___-l_-_ll_l_-ll__ ~--"-" _lll__l_-l_-____ll_l^ ll_l I__-- ~ ------___ ~ ~l^ll_l_l One Time Costs: Dept Contingency Dept Block Budget Other City Fund Other Source Total Amount Org KeylExplanation $2,000.00 001 -4070-7490 $0.00 so.00 50.00 $2,000.00 Est. Recurring Costs: Dept Block Budget Other City Fund Other Source Total Team Goal: Yes Team Members: I____ ____ - __ I - I I - - - - - I - Amount $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ^" I CLIFFORD LANGE LIB(D0VE) ADMIN SUZANNE SMITHSON LIB (C0LE)ADMIN Team Resources: ALETHA MUTENKRANZ SUSANNE PARSONS INFO TECH CITY ATTORNEY Describe your goal stating the outcome for the first year of a 1 year goal: ;Library records are appropriately protected and retained. I -. . --.-....__-_I^__ "-." .I,..-_-.-1 .. .-- "__"_ ^^ Target Develop and implement policies on the protection, retention and release of Library records Institute safeguards in paper and automated systc 'to protect information Train staff on policies and procedures Threshold Audit all Library records containing patron information. define those that require protection for privacy or security reasons Analyze busrness needs for retention of information vs privacy rights of patrons Research best practices in the privacy and security of Library records Additional Information -~-- -~ Employee Resource Suzanne Smithson - The Patriot Act and recent changes in privacy laws have made it critical to establish specific policie for the Library on the protection, retention and release of records that also meet the business needs of the City and the Library P ---- --- http://cityweb/print.cfm?ID=0007 1&GID=618 7/14/2005 @CARLSBAD I 2005-2006 Goal Print Screen . I. *.~ >. "--I .. 1 ,.._. -. . ~. 2005 - 2006 Goals Goal Short Name. Naming Rights for City Facilities Goal ID: 621 - - I - I -- 11111 I- 1-1111--1111--- I_ l__~-lllllll- ~ - -_--lllll__l___l_I Individual Name: Reviewer: RAYMOND PATCHETT Team Leader: DONALD BEVERLY Council Goal: Top Quality Services MSA: COM SERVICES Last Revised: OW1 912005 ' Goal has fiscal impact? No ~I ~ ~~ One Time Costs: Amount Org KeylExplanation 1 Dept Contingency $0 00 Dept Block Budget $0 00 Other City Fund $0 00 Other Source $0 00 ! Total $0.00 - I I - __ - __- - -. - - - I I I I___-___ I I I I___ __ ____- _i - -_ I i Est. Recurring Costs. Amount OrgKey/Explanat ion Dept Block Budget $0 00 Other City Fund $0 00 , Other Source $0 00 Total $0.00 Team Goal: Yes Team Members: -_ __ - - __ - - - - __-______ ~ I _I___ -_--______ I_^_ _I-______ ~ ~ DOMINIC CALARCO CARRILLO RANCH GAIL LYNN CS SENIOR CTR KENNETH PRICE CS ADMIN JESSICA PADILLA LIB PROG,EXHIB i Team Resources: I SUSANNE PARSONS CITY ATTORNEY DENISE VEDDER CITY MANAGER Describe your goal stating the outcome for the first year of a 1 year goal: Develop a Naming Rights Policy for City facilities. Target j Define criteria, which will allow individual or corporate participation in a Naming Rights Policy. Research and assess values associated with ,Naming Rights to determine the true market value. Develop recommendations to the Leadership Team in order to establish a Naming Rights ;Policy for Council consideration. i Threshold ,~--~~ -. " .. . .-. . . - . .I..1_.._._. __..._lll_." . " _"_ __ j Research and evaluate existing Naming Rights policies, internally and externally, to establish best practices for Carlsbad. Develop criteria by ;which a Naming Rights Policy is created based upon a Mission, Vision and Values statement. Define the types of facilities eligible to receive j Naming Rights. ,Additional Information - http://cityweb/print.cfm?TD=0007 1 &GID=62 1 7/14/2005 @CARLSBAD I 2005-2006 Goal Print Screen . . . . . . , . .. , . -, . , , . .. -, 2005 - 2006 GoaIs Goal Short Name: CEMAT Goal ID: 672 Individual Name: Team Leader: DANIEL PAPP MSA: PUBLIC SAFETY Reviewer: THOMAS ZOLL Council Goal: Top Quality Services Last Revised: 04/18/2005 Goal has fiscal impact? No One Time Costs: Dept Contingency Dept Block Budget Other City Fund Other Source Total Est. Recurring Costs: Dept Block Budget Other City Fund Other Source Total _- - - __ __ __ Team Goal: Yes Amount OrgKey/Explanation $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 .................................................... lll_________-...___. _._____ Amount OrgKeylExplanation $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Team Members: JAMES BALL KELLY CAIN JOSEPH GARUBA MICHELE MASTERSON WILLIAM RICHMOND DENISE VEDDER LORRAINE WOOD Team Resources: PW WATER & SEWE POLICE FIELD OP CITY MANAGER PLANNING LIB MEDIA SVCS CITY MANAGER RECORDS I Continue to enhance City disaster-related services and public safety through planning, preparation and training of City Staff. I Target i Establish a procedure for communication and coordination of city resources and employees to deal with potential or long-term incidents from I onset through conclusion, to include identification of field assistance teams and develop citywide notification procedures and guidelines. ,_lll_l."" .__-._.___..ll____ "_l_ ~ ~ i Threshold :Train city staff on procedures, disseminate to city staff, incorporate into emergency operations plan for the city. !Additional Information l_llll-ll__l.ll_.l-lll_lll ~ ____ http ://cityweb/print.~fm?ID=O007 1 &GID=672 7/14/2005 OCARLSBAD 1 2005-2006 Goal Print Screen 2005 - 2006 Goals " Goal Short Name: Presentation Technology Goal Goal ID: 693 Individual Name: WILLIAM RICHMOND Reviewer: HEATHER PIZZUTO Team Leader: Council Goal: Citizen Connection and Partnership MSA: COM SERVICES Last Revised: 04/11/2005 Goal has fiscal impact? No One Time Costs: Dept Contingency Dept Block Budget Other City Fund Other Source Total Amount OrgKey/Explanation $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Est. Recurring Costs: Amount OrgKey/Explanation Dept Block Budget $0.00 Other City Fund $0.00 Other Source $0.00 Total $0.00 Team Goal: No Team Members: . - __" --I__.._....-______-_______ Team Resources: Describe your goal stating the outcome for the first year of a 1 year goal: The Library[ s role as a community gathering place is supported by appropriate and effective presentation technology Target ~- ~ --~- ~111 _-_1_-_1-_-I_I-__-__1_^___^__I_II__I____I_______1______^x__ ~ _______ _- __ -I_._____ A long-range plan for providing presentation technology that meets Library programming goals and customer needs is developed An acquisit and replacement schedule including cost estimates IS prepared Staff involved in delivering and supporting programming is trained appropriatl on the use of exrshng and improved presentahon technology 'Threshold A Library-wide inventory, customer and staff needs assessment, and evaluation of existing presentation technology is completed Best practic for presentation technology supporting library programming are researched 'Additional Information /Appropriate and well-maintained presentation technology enhances the quality of programming and results in a satisfying experience for 1 members of the community attending programs. The expense and constant improvement of presentation technology requires strategic plan nii I and fiscal responsibility for effective use, replacement and upgrading of presentation technology. http://cityweb/print.cfm?ID=0007 1 &GID=693 7/14/2005 I ITEM # 111 ! June 22,2005 TO: CITY COUNCIL VIA: FINANCE DIRECTOR FROM: Senior Accountant COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANT CITIZEN REVIEW COMMITT’EE It is once again time to begin the annual Community Activity Grant Process. An important part of the process is the establishment of the Citizen Review Committee, which is to consist of a representative from each quadrant of the City, one member of the Senior Commission, one member from the Library Board and one member from the Parks and Recreation Commission. Attached is a list of the members that served last year. Please forward to me the names of the citizens (one for each quadrant) that you would like to have serve on the committee. I would like to have the recommendations by August 15‘h so that the committee can begin its work for the 2005-06 funding recommendation. We will have the Library Director and the Recreation Director seek volunteers for this panel from the appropriate Boards and Commissions. It is anticipated that the $30,000 that Council appropriated for the 2005-06 grants program will be distributed in November 2005 as shown on the following ‘‘tentative schedule”: Council to appoint review committee Grant applications due to Finance Department Recommendations on funding made to Council August September 1 November , Committee to review applications September/October Note that we have moved the schedule up one month from how we have done it in past years. Please feel free to call me at extension 2428, if you have any questions. Thank you. CHERYL GERHARDT Attachment Cc: Recreation Director Library Director ’