HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-08-17; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved 9-2 I- 3465 MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: August 17,2005 TIME OF MEETING: 4:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Chair Rob Swette called the meeting to order at 4:OO PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees, Kamenjarin, Lignante, Page, Swette, and Tarman Absent: None Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Heather Pizzuto, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla, Library Community Coordinator Dave Curtis, Senior Librarian John Quartarone, Senior Librarian Devin Castel, Library Business Systems Specialist Arthur Wood, President, Friends of the Library Carolyn Hoard, NSDCGS liaison APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the July 20, 2005 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Deputy Library Director Smithson introduced Senior Librarian Dave Curtis, recently hired as the Division Head for Reference Services at the Georgina Cole Library. Trustee Kamenjarin and Swette had several questions regarding the inconsistencies in the monthly statistics report. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of August 17,2005 Meeting Page 2 REPORT ON SUMMER READING PROGRAM: Senior Librarian John Quartarone reported on this year’s Summer Reading Program with a PowerPoint presentation for the Board. The final count for this year was 3,268 children who read an estimated 1,036,037 pages and 205 volunteers signed up to help with the program. Total enrollment exceeds last year‘s number by nearly 8%. Centro also ran a reading program for adults and had fourteen participants. The end of the program party held this year at Valley Middle School involved nearly sixty volunteers and over 1800 attended. Trustee Lignante asked how they tracked the number of pages read and Sr. Librarian Quartarone explained that each participant has a log and when they come in to report on the books read, the number of pages is written in the log. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the Summer Reading Program generates a significant increase in the library card registrations and Sr. Librarian Quartarone responded that there are a few requests for lost card replacements at the beginning but most of the children already have library cards. Trustee Swette asked if the number of participants has reached the maximum capacity the Library can handle and if the staff is considering other methods to deliver the program next year. Sr. Librarian Quartarone responded that the Dove Lane Library Children’s staff had met today to discuss various elements of the program, and that a joint Children’s staff meeting is scheduled for August 31”to recap the successes and challenges of the program this year and begin the planning for next year. Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that the library has decided to participate in the nationwide cooperative program again next year and the theme selected is “Paws, Claws, Scales & Tales” for the younger children and “Creature Features” for the teens. UPCOMING LIBRARY PROGRAMS: Library Community Coordinator Jessica Padilla distributed a list of Library events and programs scheduled for the FallNVinter 2005 season. Trustee Tarman asked about attendance numbers for the film series and Community Coordinator Padilla responded that, depending on the subject matter, it varies from 50 to 200. The concerts usually draw an average of ninety people, depending on the artist. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of Auaust 17. 2005 Meetina Page 3 PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND FY 2005-06: Library Director Lange referenced the letter from the State Library included in the agenda packet and noted that the check for this year’s allocation should arrive in February of 2006. Historically this fund has never been fully funded and the State’s budget cuts this year have reduced the total amount again. This year’s proportionally funded amount represents only 16% of our total allocation if the program was 100% funded. UPDATE ON LIBRARY PROJECTS: Balanced Scorecard - Library Director Lange distributed the latest version of the balanced scorecard worksheet and explained that implementation of the strategic plan initiatives are a management goal this year. The focus will be primarily on the customer service aspects of the plan. Immediate plans include the telephone and in-house customer surveys and the “mystery shopper” results. RFlD & Self Check - This project is still in the contract negotiations stage. PC/Print Management - Deputy Library Director Piuuto reported that this project is also in the contract negotiation stage and we hope to have a final contract soon. The contract is an extension of the current one the Library has with Xerox for the photocopy/print services but adding a software component which will allow patrons to reserve and self-register for the use of a public access computer. That represents a new service to our patrons and will require them to enter their library card number at a walk-up reservation terminal. For this reason, the Library is currently reminding patrons that they must have their card for public access computer use. The implementation date is subject to the execution of the contract. E-mail and Telephone notification - Library Business Systems Specialist Castel reported that e-mail notification is “live” and patrons can sign up on line by accessing “My Account” on the library’s web page. The patron will then receive notices for holds and overdue items online. Thus far there are 231 patrons who have signed up for the service and information about the service as well as a “FAQ” sheet are available on the library web page. The question about the possibility of a 72-hour advance notice on materials coming due was mentioned at the last Board meeting and Business Systems Specialist Castel reported that initially the e-mail notification for over due items will be generated only after the due date. Once the service has been available for a significant time and we are able to clean up e-mail addresses that have “bounced back”, the library will investigate providing the 72-hour advance notice service. Business Systems Specialist Castel reported that Sirsi has just returned the server for the telephone notification service and the target date to “go live” is October 14, 2005. Library Board 05 Trustees Minutes of Auaust 17.2005 Meetina Page 4 Trustee Swette asked what is being done to promote either of these new services. Business Systems Specialist Castel responded that there will be at least three weeks of testing still on the telephone notification option and following that there will be a link on the Library’s home page explaining the option and including a “FAQ” element. There is already a link there for e-mail notification. Trustee Swette asked that the number of patrons signing up for these options be included in the Library’s monthly statistics report. Learning Center - Management Analyst Cheryl Mast reported that the Learning Center is also a management goal for this year. The architect is currently working on the bid set of plans that are due on November 18*. The next step will be to get approval from City Council to go out to bid on the project. Tentative time line for this project is to award the contract in July 06 and complete the project in October 07. Children’s Garden on Dove Lane - Management Analyst Mast reported she has met with the inspector for the project and expects the pre-construction meeting to be scheduled by the end of this month. The work is scheduled to begin next month and is estimated to take three months to complete. LIBRARY BOARD FOCUS OR FY 05-06: Meetinn auenda content - Chair Swette announced that this item is on the agenda at his request in an effort to ensure the Trustees receive the information they need and want each month. He asked if there was anything specific that the Trustees would like on the agenda each month that would help them to do their job properly. He asked if having the Division Heads rotate onto the agenda to give the Trustees an update on each specific division would be helpful. The Trustees agreed that having the Library Division Heads attend meetings to review services within their respective areas was a good method to keep the Board informed. Trustee Kamenjarin commented that there have been a series of revisions to the. agenda packet during the time he has served on the board. Initially there was too much information in the packet and now perhaps there is too little and he would like to see more information included each month. Additionally, he would like longer lead-time on action items on the agenda that would require a decision by the board. Meetinu locations - Chair Swette referred the Trustees to the proposed meeting locations for 2006 which continued rotating the location between the Board Room on Dove Lane and the Community Room at the Cole. Trustee Tarman stated he liked rotating the location and that perhaps after the Learning Center is completed the Board could meet there on occasion as well. Trustee Kamenjarin questioned if it was realistic to schedule the Board to meet at the Cole in March of 2006 and Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that the work on the HVAC was supposed to be completed in late January so scheduling the first Board meeting at the Cole in March of 2006 was realistic at this time. Action Plan for Strategic Plan (Balanced Scorecard) - Chair Swette asked for suggestions from the board for ways in which the board could take an active part to promote the strategic plan and represent the community’s interest. Library Director Lange suggested that the surveys mentioned earlier would provide information from the community as to their interests and desired changes. Trustee Tarman suggested the role of the Board is to evaluate the information provided as a result of the surveys, make recommendations based on that information and monitor the progress as the library staff follows the “roadmap” provided in the balance scorecard worksheet. Chair Swette asked if the Library Board has ever prepared a report to the City Council on the “State of the Library.” Library Director Lange explained that the management goal process includes a report to the City Council on the goal achievements and that in the past the Library has sometimes submitted a new strategic plan for Council approval. Routine information on Library and Library Board activities are included in the minutes and the Council receives copies of the minutes for their reading file. Chair Swette responded that he was thinking more in terms of a report from the Board as opposed to a report from Library staff. There followed a discussion about the role of the board as an advisory group and its advocacy role in times when lobbying and support is needed to make a change. New Director - Chair Swette asked Library Director Lange for an update on the recruitment and suggestions on how the board can work the most effectively with the new director. Library Director Lange began with an update on the process for the recruitment of the new director. Of the 21 applicants, six finalists for the position will be here on Thursday the 25* and Friday the 26* and the Trustees have been invited to the Reception on Thursday night to meet and talk with the candidates. There will also be comment sheets available at the reception for members of the board to provide input. The schedule for Thursday will include a tour of both library facilities, a driving tour of the community and a I-hour discussion session for each candidate with some key library and arts office staff members. On Friday, the candidates are scheduled for individual meetings with the City Manager and the oral board interview. Members of the oral board are Julie Clark, Director of Human Resources, Debbie Fountain, Director of Library Board of Trustees Minutes of August 17, 2005 Meeting Page 6 Housing and Redevelopment, Kevin Crawford, Fire Chief and Frank Mannen, retired Assistant City Manager. Trustee Tarman asked who would make the final decision and Library Director Lange said the oral board will rate the candidates as to qualified or highly qualified and present their findings to the City Manager who makes the final decision. Library Director Lange said that typically the City Manager would invite the top two candidates back for a more in-depth interview. Library Director Lange announced that the City Manager has appointed Deputy Library Director Pizzuto as the Interim Director during this period and that usually a Library Director would give a month’s notice before leaving a position, which would probably mean November before a new director was in place. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if there would be information on the candidates prior to the reception and Library Director Lange said Human Resources was collecting a data sheet from each of the candidates and we would forward those to the Trustees as soon as they were available. Trustee Kamenjarin also asked Library Director Lange if he had any information about the outside candidates and he responded that one candidate is a former student, all are currently Library Directors, and two are finalists for positions in other cities. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: The Director distributed a copy of an article about the Carlsbad City Library, which appeared in The Book Standard newsletter. Cole HVAC -The project is on target so far and the interim facility will be a modular building located in the existing parking lot with portable restroom facilities. The interim facility will be able to provide public access computers. It is estimated that work on the project will begin in mid-December and the library building will be closed for approximately four weeks. New Van for ALP - The City Council last night formally accepted the Dodge Sprinter Van as a gift from the Carlsbad Girls Club Board for the Adult Learning Program, to be used primarily to transport literacy students between ALP and the high school. CALTAC Workshop in Santa Clara - This item an informational one only today, but should any of the trustees wish to attend the Technology workshop, the library would cover the cost of the workshop registration as well as their roundtrip airfare but no overnight stay. t Library Board of Trustees Page 7 Minutes of August 17,2005 Meeting FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Tarman reported that there was no quorum for the last scheduled Foundation meeting but that work continues on the capital campaign, the Castles of Carlsbad home tour and the Richard Glazier concert for October 1st. The Foundation will host an invitation only reception preceding the concert for sponsors and hosts of the homes tour fund raiser. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: No report. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Liaison Carolyn Hoard referred the board members to the monthly newsletter and reminded them they were invited to the annual potluck immediately following this meeting at the Carlsbad Senior Center. She also expressed her best wishes to Library Director Lange as he retired. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Kamenjarin complimented the City staff and contractor on the renovations to the landscaping at the entrance to the Cole stating is was a major improvement. The Trustees each expressed their appreciation to Library Director Lange for his leadership over the years. Trustee Kamenjarin also commented on the life and untimely death of Carol Tico, long time loyal library employee and Carlsbad resident who was lost to us in June. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 521 PM Respectfully submitted, Cissie Sextdn Administrative Secretary I I Monthly LIBRARY Reports for JULY 2005 Systemwide . . . 1. As of the end of July, 1958 children had registered for the Summer Reading Program at the Dove Library, 858 at Cole, and at Centro 134. 190 teens at Dove, 98 teens at Cole, and 24 teens and adults at Centro had registered for the Teen Reading Program. These numbers continue to exceed previous years, and account for heavy circulation of children’s and teen materials during the summer. 2. The Library’s Sirsi Unicorn system was successfully upgraded on July 3. Applications Specialist Doug Kappel, from the City’s Information Technology Department, put in 12 hours that day to ensure that the Library’s downtime would be as short as possible. 3. The Library began sending email notifications for holds and overdues in July to patrons who had previously indicated that they wished to receive notices by email. There have been many favorable comments. Beginning August 8, the option of changing to email notification will appear when patrons check their account online. These test groups have enabled the Library to discover and resolve minor glitches before broadly marketing email notification, which will begin in August after a sufficient period of testing in this smaller market. 4. During July, the Library’s first balanced scorecard was finalized and will be posted shortly to the Balanced Scorecard web page available on the City’s website. Work has already begun on some of the initiatives identified for the first year. 5. The State Library sponsored a focus group workshop in San Diego on July 19 on “California Reference Service Focus Groups: First and Second Level Reference: Current Trends and Future Needs.” Callie Ahrens (Dove Lane) and Kimiko Morita (Cole) represented the Carlsbad City Library in both contributing to the discussions and bringing back new perspectives. Adult Learning ... 6. On July 14, Library Director Cliff Lange, Program Coordinator Lynda Jones, and adult learner Kevin Blair were guests of the Evening Rotary Club. Lynda and Kevin presented a program about the Adult Learning Program and plans for the new Library Learning Center. 7. Staff met on July 15 to pool the research done individually on materials and methods for improving comprehension skills. Staff chose one software program, 3 text series, and one methodology to explore further. Identifying and incorporating materials and methods for directly teaching comprehension skills is one the Adult Learning Program’s priorities for 2005-2006. 8. The library was notified by the State Library that the first installment, $10,000, of its 2005-2006 California Library Literacy Services grant was being awarded. The amount of the second installment will not be known until the State Library receives final fiscal year reports from all libraries for 2004-2005. 1 Monthly Library Reports for July 2005 Centro de Informaci6n ... 9. A significant element of the Summer Reading Program at Centro this year has been adult participation. Parents have very actively checked out, read and reported on books at the same time as their children. This is a way for the Centro to promote family literacy year-round. A special event in July was the Royal Fiesta, an afternoon for moms and daughters to become queens and princesses, share in crafts and a storytime; meanwhile, Dads and sons worked together on a castle craft and donned the costumes of kings and princes. The goal was to provide educational activities focusing on the Renaissance period that complement the academic curriculum on this topic. CCL, Dove Lane ... 10. A new audiobook format, MP3 CD audiobooks, debuted in the collection in mid-July, 2005. This format allows for condensed data on each CD, so that the average audiobook can be on 1 - 3 MP3 CDs, instead of the usual 10 - 17 regular CDs. This means a reduced price for MP3 CDs compared to regular CDs, so that the library can buy more audiobooks. The library will be carefully monitoring the use of this new format, and will be adding gradually to the collection until the use patterns are known. 11 Library intern Dave Schmidt visited a number of divisions during July to acquaint him with their activities and responsibilities. He is working primarily in the Reference and Children’s Divisions for the period of his internship. The Library periodically hosts interns completing this requirement for their master’s degree in library and information science. Internships are mutually beneficial to the intern and the Library, providing valuable hands-on experience and exposure to the Carlsbad City Library that helps to attract future recruits here in a sometimes-limited professional market. 12. Children’s weekly special events associated with the Summer Reading Program drew heavy attendance during July. Those featuring live critters were the most popular, with audiences exceeding 300. Teens enjoyed an ice cream social, Pizza and Movie nights, and a Behind-the-Scenes Movie Magic program at La Costa Ultrastar Cinema. 13. On July 27, a class of tenth graders from Rancho San Dieguito High School was given a tour of the library by Teen Librarian Darin Williamson, conducted mostly in Spanish. The experience was so positive for the class that the teacher wrote a letter commending Darin for his engaging manner and the contribution he made to the lives of the students. 14. Senior Librarian John Quartarone announced his plans to retire in October, after 24 years with the Carlsbad City Library. Recruitments for multiple Circulation Pages and Clerks as well as part-time Reference Librarian commenced in July. Typically there is a large turnover at the end of the summer, with the start of the new academic year. 15. Pamela Clarke, who has been a cataloger with the Library since August 2000, has resigned to take a position with Loyola Marymount University. Her last day will be August 19. Also departing for the master’s program at UCLA is temporary cataloger Christopher Anderson, who volunteered to stay an extra week to help out at this busy time. Existing eligibility lists for Librarian 1/11 are being reviewed to fill the full-time position. 2 Monthly Library Reports for July 2005 Georgina Cole ... 16. The Summer Reading Program continued through July. Popular programs at the Cole Library and at the Centro de lnformacion included Falcon’s Court (especially when the hawk flew over the heads of the children barely missing some spikes and ponytails), Schoolhouse Chess, John Abram’s Animal Magic, two “Late Night at the Library” programs-one for school-age children and one for teens, movie nights, and craft programs. 17. Final departmental interviews were held in July for two new Senior Librarians at the Cole Library. Dave Curtis was selected as Senior Librarian in Reference Services and Audrey Jones as Senior Librarian in Children’s Services. They will both begin their employment mid-August. Staff members from the Children’s and Reference Divisions participated in the selection process and are very excited about these new appointments. 18. The Genealogy Division held several successful programs in July. On July 12, Jeanette Shiel spoke to the NSDCGS Computer Group on “RootsWeb.” with 72 people attending. On July 26, Prof. Steven Cassedy from UCSD spoke to NSDCGS on “Turn of the Twentieth Century: Part 11’’ with 35 people in attendance. On July 9, Margaret Read taught the Beginning Genealogy Class with 16 people attending. During the week of July 11, Margaret Read taught the Junior Genealogy Class with 2 youth attending. 19. Susan Gutierrez from the Local History Room was invited by the Kelly family to attend the Kelly Family Reunion at Carrillo Ranch and at the Rancho Agua Hedionda Adobe. She recorded interviews with family members and took photos that will greatly enrich the Local History collection. 20. As of the new fiscal year, the Children’s pages were transferred to the Circulation Division. All pages at Cole are now part of Circulation and will shelve in every area of the Cole Library. This is in keeping with the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane. It also affords paging in the Children’s area during some part of every shift. 3 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS CCL. Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Use All Facilities Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours: July-04 12,050 75,546 35,081" 14,877 5,643 37,482 23,169 6,561 221 * 1,062* 2,082* 222* 22 302 6 334 77 3,391 8,380 73 3,209 ** 715 Jul-05 1 1,878 77,672 45,385 20,626 5,884 35,300 22,057 7,911 24 1 /42 988/84 2,190/** * 233/*** 20 253 14 167 73 1,849 8,892 43 2,229 8 1,028.3 * Centro and ALP combined. ** Not reported last year * * * ALP not reported. A Door counter malfimction for approximately seven days affected count. CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY FOUNDED 1850 TO: Public Library Directors FROM: DATE: July 28,2005 SUBJECT: ESTIMATED Allocations for the Public Library Fund (FY 2005-06) I ITEM ## 6 - The purpose of this message is to provide you with initial estimates of the Public Library Fund (PLF) allotments to be sent to you for FY 2005-06. As authorized in the Governor’s budget message regarding SB 77, the appropriation for PLF this year is $14,360,000. The attached table presents the California State Library’s preliminary allocation estimates for fimds to be distributed for the 2005-06 fiscal year. These estimates are subject to revision because of state budgetary conditions or fluctuations attributable to jurisdictions not being able to meet the maintenance of effort requirement due to local budgetary issues. The final determination of the allocations will be made following confirmation of eligibility based on the submission of the annual certification by public libraries of their respective local appropriations. As background, the timeline for certification and distribution of fimds is included in the state budget act through which the funds are made available. The 2005-06 Budget Act states the following provisions concerning PLF: 1. 2. 3. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for the 2005-06 fiscal year, the date.on or before which the fiscal officer of each public library shall report to the State Librarian the information specified in Section 18023 of the Education Code shall be December 1,2005. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for the 2005-06 fiscal year, the date on or before which the Controller shall distribute funds to the fiscal officer of each public library as specified in Section 18026 of the Education Code shall be February 15,2006. It is the intent of the Legislature that the hds appropriated in this item be allocated consistent with the provisions of Section 18025 of the Education Code. If you have any concerns about this process, the target dates, or any other questions, please contact Sharon Gomez at (916) 653-6492 or email snomez@library.ca.nov. Enclosure Library - Courts Building P.O. Box 942837 Sacramento, CA 94237-0001 PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND FY 200512006 Estimates (Payment based on population) 1 2 3 4 5 At 100% Funding Percentage Total Cost of Proportionally Public Library Population Meets of Total PLF Program Funded Est. FY 05/06 MOE Y/N Population 1 x $2.434 1 x 0.3903208051 Alameda Alameda Co. Alhambra Alpine Co. Altadena L.D. Amador Co. Anaheim Arcadia kusa City Banning Unif. S.D. Beaumont L.D. Belevedere-Tiburon Benicia Berkeley Beverly Hills Brawley Buena Park L.D. Burbank Burl in game Butte Co. Calabasas - Calaveras Co. Camarena (Calexico) Carlsbad City Carmel (Harrison) Cerritos Chula Vista Coalinga-Huron U.S.D. Colton Colusa Co. City of Commerce Contra Costa Co. Corona Coronado Covina Daly City Del Norte C0.L.D. Dixon Unif. S.D. Downey City El Centro El Dorado Co. El Segundo 7/25/2005 74,581 520,909 90,561 1,262 54,876 37,574 345,317 56,320 48,520 30,470 36,998 10,904 27,323 104,534 35,969 24,042 81,066 106,739 35,602 21,4,119 23,123 44,796 36,274 95,146 4,078 55,074 21 7,543 26,870 51,627 20,880 13,504 917,886 144,070 26,973 49,565 104,661 28,895 25,224 1 13,607 41,030 173,407 17,024 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 0.0020272 0.01 41 589 0.0024615 0.0000343 0.001491 6 0.0010213 0.0093861 0.001 5308 0.0013188 0.0008282 0.001 0056 0.0002964 0.0007427 0.0028414 0.0009777 0.0006535 0.0022035 0.0029013 0.0009677 0.00582 0.0006285 0.0012176 0.000986 0.0025862 0.0001 108 0.001 497 0.0059131 0.0007304 0.0014033 0.0005675 0.0003671 0.0249492 0.00391 6 0.0007332 0.001 3472 0.0028448 0.0007854 0.0006856 0.003088 0.001 1152 0.00471 34 0.0004627 181,530 1,267,893 220,425 3,072 133,568 91,455 840,502 137,083 11 8,098 74,164 90,053 26,540 66,504 254,436 87,549 5831 8 197,315 259,803 86,655 521,166 56,281 109,033 88,291 231,585 9,926 134,050 529,500 65,402 125,660 50,822 32,869 2,234,135 350,666 65,652 120,641 254,745 70,330 61,395 27631 9 99,867 422,073 41,436 29,111 203,322 35,348 493 21,419 14,666 134,784 21,983 18,938 11,893 14,441 4,256 10,665 40,802 14,039 9,384 3 1,642 41,662 13,896 83,575 9,025 17,485 143 58 37,137 1,592 21,497 84,912 10,488 20,151 8,150 5,271 358,270 56,234 10,528 19,346 40,851 11,278 9,845 44,343 16,015 67,684 6,645 f- PLF Estimates 2005-06 a CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Aug 17,2005 MEETING DATES AND LOCATIONS FOR 2005 3rd Wednesday of each month 63 4PM CCL Board Room - Dove Lane Date I Location -an 19,2005 I Cole Library Community Room CCL Board Room - Dove Lane I Feb 16,2005 I 1 Mar 16,2005 ! Cole Library Community Room CCL Board Room - Dove Lane 1 Apr 20,2005 I I j Cole Library Community Room 1 May 18,2005 I CCL Board Room - Dove Lane un 15,2005 I 1 Jul20,2005 1 Sep 23., 2005 Cole Library Community Room 1 Oct 19,2005 CGL Board Room - Dove Lane 1 Nov 16,2005 Cole Library Community Room 1 1 Dec 21,2005 CCL Board Room - Dove Lane I 2006 Proposed Meeting locations Library Board of Trustees Library Board Room - Dove Lane January February April J une August October December Cole Community Room March May July September November