HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-09-21; Library Board of Trustees; Minutes. Approv d: /op/4/3ws 1 lTEM#2 1 MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: September 21,2005 TIME OF MEETING: 4:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Community Room - Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive CALL TO ORDER: Chair Rob Swette called the meeting to order at 4:06 pm. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees, Kamenjarin, Lignante, Page, Swette, and Tarman Absent: None Also Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Mary Van Orsdol, Acting Deputy Library Director Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Arthur Wood, President, Friends of the Library Carolyn Hoard, NSDCGS liaison APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the August 17, 2005 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Page commented on the newly awarded federal Americorps volunteers and Chair Swette asked for more information on that program. Library Director Pizzuto explained that Americorp is an organization that provides minimal salaried volunteers for projects. The award is for volunteer hours, not actually a funding grant and Senior Librarian Lynda Jones who coordinates the Adult Learning Program is in the process of recruiting for the two positions. Library Community Coordinator Jessica Padilla reported that Senior Librarian Jones is currently attending a series of workshops about the use of the Volunteers and the two of Library Board of Trustees Minutes of SeDrtember Meetina Page 2 them are working on a press release about the award, which will be distributed closer to the actual recruitment effort. Trustee Kamenjarin asked to have the Americorps volunteers introduced to the Board. Trustee Kamenjarin asked about the month-to-month lease for the Adult Learning Program spaces in the Colonial Mall and Library Director Pizzuto asked Library Management Analyst Cheryl Mast to address this issue. Management Analyst Mast explained that about a year ago the lease ended around the same time as the building changed owners. The Library was in the design phase of the Learning Center anticipating the Adult Learning Program and Centro moving into the building within the year, and decided not to renew the lease. Once it was decided to pursue a more extensive remodel and renovations project, the City approached the new owner to negotiate a new lease. The new owner was initially uncooperative and then not responsive to inquiries regarding a new lease. The City’s Economic Developer recommended the Library continue to rent the space on a month-to-month basis until approached by the owner. Trustee Kamenjarin expressed concern over the possibility of a 30-day notice to vacate, which would interrupt service, and Management Analyst Mast responded that the owner has assured the City that he has no plans for the space. In addition to his assurances, there are a couple of other factors that weigh in our favor. First, there is a new office building under construction in the lot almost adjacent to the Colonial Mall, and second, before he can enter into a lease with any new tenant he must bring the building up to code, which would be quite expensive. Trustee Kamenjarin asked for a change in the format of the statistics form to include the immediate prior month’s figures for this year as well as the current month and the current month last year. Library Director Pizzuto commented that the Division Reports for this month were more detailed and contained more information in response to the Board’s request at the fast meeting. She asked the Board to continue to make suggestions for change and improvement. Chair Swette suggested the report from Circulation on the number of patrons signed up for email notification would be interesting to track and asked that it be added to the statistics report each month instead of included in the narrative. Chair Swette asked for more information about the Library Info Fair for Educators (L.I.F.E.) and Library Director Pizzuto responded that the event is an opportunity for the Library to showcase its services, along with other City departments and organizations supporting educators. Set up in the Library courtyard on Dove Lane, it resembles a Library Board of Trustees Minutes of SeDrtember Meetina Page 3 street fair with a variety of booths providing educational opportunities and information, and is open to the public. This year is the sixth annual event, which the Library publicizes widely to teachers, parents, and all groups who would benefit from the information provided. There are 20 organizations participating in the fair this year including three schools that asked to showcase some of their programs. At this point Library Director Pizzuto asked to digress from the agenda so she could introduce Senior Librarian Audrey Jones, recently hired as the Children’s Division Head for the Cole Library. Ms. Jones is a resident of Carlsbad and comes to us with over sixteen years of library experience with the San Diego County Library. GENEALOGY SERVICES OVERVIEW: Library Director Pizzuto reminded the board that at their last meeting they expressed an interest in remaining acquainted with services provided by the various divisions of the Library. Reports from the various divisions will be on the agenda each month and this month the focus is on Genealogy, based on the recent interest in the collection and its allocated space, as well as the location of this meeting this month. Acting Deputy Library Director Mary Van Orsdol provided an in-depth report on the division to include information about the staff, the budget, the collection and the support from the North San Diego County Genealogical Society. She identified the various types of training available through classes and seminars and the research tools provided by the Library. Chair Swette asked her for the demographics of the genealogy patrons and Deputy Library Director Van Orsdol responded that, based on a survey taken three years ago, 40 percent of the patrons are Carlsbad residents and the majority of the remaining 60 percent are from San Diego and southern Orange counties. She added that the Genealogy Collection here at the Carlsbad City Library is very well know with an excellent reputation and that many out of state researchers come to use the collection. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the collection contained any unique items and Deputy Library Director Van Orsdol responded that there are some indexes created by patrons and some copies of self-published genealogies that were donated. Trustee Kamenjarin then asked if she tracked usage and attendance on a daily basis and Deputy Library Director Van Orsdol replied that we collect statistics in a number of areas that track usage. Since the collection does not circulate, we track in-house usage and computer users but do not, on a daily basis, count the number of patrons. She did offer to pull statistics from her files, compiled last year when staff recorded the number of patrons in the division, on an hourly basis, for 1 month. Both Chair Swette and Trustee Kamenjarin asked her to please provide that information. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of Seprtember Meeting Page 4 Trustee Tarman asked if it was possible to track a family history back to a foreign country using this collection and Deputy Library Director Van Orsdol said it is almost impossible to conduct that research from this collection; however, there is a resource within Carlsbad that would allow them to do that research, the Family History Center, which is associated with the LDS church. In addition, the Library maintains a collection of reference materials for foreign country research, and several members of the staff specialize in research in the British Isles and Canada, and can assist the patron with how to conduct that research. Chair Swette asked about the future of the collection in this library in terms of expansion and changes. Deputy Library Director Van Orsdol responded that she anticipates the use of technology will create changes in trends for the genealogy collection the same as in other areas of the Library. The availability of research materials on the Internet and remote access through the Library’s databases will impact in-house use. She also anticipates that the format for the items in the collection will change. Library Director Pizzuto pointed out to the Board that the monthly statistics report in the packet includes numbers from the Genealogy Division with regard to reference questions and program attendance. Library Director Pizzuto also announced that staff would be available following the meeting if any of the Trustees wanted a tour of the genealogy area upstairs. CLA & CALTAC OPPORTUNITIES: Library Director Pizzuto explained this item is a follow-up to the information distributed last month on the CALTAC fall workshop on technology as well as information on the CLA Conference in November. The CALTAC annual luncheon is held at the conference and there are several CALTAC sponsored events. Provided in the packet was information on those events as well as the website for further information. Trustees who would like to attend need to let library staff know as soon as possible in order to meet the early-registration deadline. Chair Swette reported that he will be attending CLA as he had agreed to serve on the CALTAC board for next year and was asked to chair the Literacy Committee (of I), whose responsibility is to report each month on literacy issues in the State of California in relation to libraries. RFID PRESENTATION: As an introduction to a brief PowerPoint presentation on RFID, Library Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that this is a technology improvement for the Library thatpresents Library Board of Trustees Minutes of Seprternber Meeting Page 5 the opportunity to greatly improve efficiency and continue to provide outstanding customer service. The Library has proposed the purchase of the RFlD technology in an agenda bill for the City Council's approval at their regular meeting scheduled for Tuesday, September 27". The Board viewed the presentation and received a copy of the FAQ's that had been prepared for the Library staff in addition to the several informational meetings held over the course of several weeks. DIRECTOR'S RE PORT: Staffing update - There is a meeting scheduled for tomorrow to discuss the process to select a Deputy Library Director to fill the position at the Dove Lane location. The Board was already introduced to the new Senior Librarian Audrey Jones earlier in the meeting. Announced at last month's meeting was the scheduled retirement of Children's Librarian at the Dove Lane facility, John Quartarone, and to fill that position the Library has chosen Librarian Barbara Chung, who currently works in that division. Her promotion will create a vacancy for a Librarian in Children's but there is already a list of potential candidate applications on file at Human Resources as a result of the recent recruitment for a Librarian in Technical Services. Sadly, long time staff member Library Assistant Michelle Sagnimeni was recently diagnosed with cancer, is currently in hospice and the City is processing her retirement papers. Dove Lane Libran, Emergency Evacuation - On Friday, September 9", the library on Dove Lane was evacuated due to a short in an electrical panel. The evacuation went smoothly, the Fire and Police Departments responded quickly and Facilities staff was on site right away and identified the source of the problem. There were no injuries and all of the minor patrons were reunited with their parents. The evacuation occurred at about 3:30 in the afternoon and the library did not re-open for the rest of the day but it was not necessary to cancel the program scheduled in the Schulman Auditorium that evening. The cause of the electrical malfunction, located in a low voltage panel, has been identified and Facilities is replacing parts and testing the remaining electrical equipment. Balanced Scorecard and Strategic Planning Process - The Library anticipates conducting customer surveys in the spring as surveys are not usually successful when conducted during the holiday season. That includes atelephone survey of residents, library users and non-users; a customer service and satisfaction survey conducted in the library; and Mystery Shoppers who will come to the library and test our services anonymously. The material collected will be used to analyze the next step for strategic planning and what our initiatives are for the next balanced scorecard we develop. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of Seprtember Meeting Page 6 Children’s Garden on Dove Lane - The contractor should be on site next week and the completion date is the end of December. Staff members are currently involved in finalizing the design of the gazebo. Wireless access - Both the Dove Lane and Cole library locations are currently being outfitted with the infrastructure necessary to provide wireless access to our patrons. Testing of the system has been underway for over a week and we anticipate offering the service possibly as early as next week. Telephone notification - The server that will support this service was configured yesterday and can make outbound calls to notify patrons by phone of items on hold and past due materials. The next process is to configure incoming calls, how they will be handled so that a patron can call in to find out what is on their account. Currently the messages are being translated into Spanish and we anticipate a “go live” date of mid- October for this service. Migration from Macs to PCs - Another major project undeway at present is the migration from Macs to PCs in our graphics division. The new PCs are on site and staff is working on a migration plan to transfer files, which could create some delays in some of our print materials. The Division Head has been working with our graphics artist to prioritize projects to meet the need for the highest demand items. In conclusion of her report, the Library Director circulated a sample permanent name badge used by several other City Commissions and Boards and asked if the Trustees would like to have similar badges. The Trustees agreed they would like the badges. At this point Library Director Pizzuto distributed copies of the statistic report that Deputy Library Director Van Orsdol had retrieved from her files at the earlier request of Chair Swette and Trustee Kamenjarin. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Tarman reported that the Foundation is officially changing its name to the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation effective immediately. They are hosting a reception on October lst preceding the Richard Glazier concert, both events by invitation only. He reminded the Trustees to please RSVP by September 23rd. The purposes of the event are a kick-off for the annual home tour and to recognize the five homeowners who have offered their homes for the tour and the sponsors of that event. GENEALOGICAL SOCl ETY: Liaison Carolyn Hoard referred to the monthly newsletter for program information and the upcoming Saturday seminar. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of Seprtember Meeting Page 7 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Friends President Arthur Wood reported that their meeting scheduled for last week was postponed but he had brought to this meeting one of the new shopping/browsing baskets purchased with a donation from the Friends of the Library. The plastic baskets are available at both library locations. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Library Trustee Laurie Page announced her resignation from the Board as she and her husband are moving to Tucson, Arizona at the end of the month. Trustee Kamenjarin was most pleased to learn that the City would be providing wireless and asked about the range it would encompass, for instance out in the Children’s Garden on Dove Lane. Library Director Piuuto explained that there were several hot spots within each building in areas identified as most commonly occupied by patrons with laptops but basically wireless bleeds into other areas so it is entirely possible there will be other locations of access. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:21 PM Respectfully sub itted, d”/ Cissie Seiton Administrative Secretary Monthly LIBRARY Reports for AUGUST 2005 Systemwide . . . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Summer Reading Program concluded August 5. Children’s and teen staff from all locations organized an end-of-Summer-Reading-Program celebration for all participants, held at Valley Middle School’s lower field. Since the themes for the summer were ”Dragons, Dreams, and Daring Deeds” and ”Joust Read,” the final party was appropriately titled the ”Fairy Tale Festival,” and featured bounce houses, a make-a-hat craft, ”castle wall” rock climbing, snacks, pictures with life-size Medieval characters, face painting, a lance- throwing contest, and party favors. The event attracted over 1800 participants. 3,268 children, teens and adults participated in the Summer Reading Program systemwide, reading a total of 1,036,037 pages. This represents an increase of 8% over 2004 Summer Reading Program participation. Several retirement events were held for departing Director Cliff Lange during August. A dinner at the La Costa Resort and Spa August 14 featured a formal program including a video and performance by pianist Richard Glazier. This event was open to the public and attended by approximately 170. A two-part reception was held August 16 for Library staff, followed by City staff, to spend time with Cliff. Many Library staff contributed to making these events memorable. Library staff as well as representatives of the Library Board, Friends and Foundation participated in a two-day Library Director recruitment process August 25-26. The process included tours of library facilities and important community features, interviews with the Library Administrative team, lunch, and a reception. Many staff member participated and were invited to provide written feedback regarding their interactions with the candidates. Seventeen hiring supervisors from throughout the Library attended a city-sponsored workshop held at the Dove Library August 31, entitled “Competency-Based Behavioral Interview Training.” This was a two-hour session on creating interview questions that are most effective in selecting future employees. Partnering with the City’s Human Resources Department to provide targeted training to support the Library’s competencies is one initiative of the Library’s comprehensive Employee Training Program. Carlsbad City Library patrons now have the option of receiving notices of available holds and overdue items by email instead of U.S. mail. This service began in August, and by the end of the month, 421 patrons had signed up to receive email notices using the online form. Approximately 35 more were signed up at the Circulation desk. Staff members are now meeting to begin the process for planning and implementing telephone notification as another option for patrons. On August 30 and August 31, Mary Van Orsdol and Dione Sobin offered staff training on using the genealogy databases that are now being offered to patrons; several staff members from both the Dove Lane and Cole Libraries attended. Monthly Library Reports for August 2005 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Adult Learning . . . On August 16, the City Council officially accepted the donation of a 2005 Dodge Sprinter van for the Adult Learning Program. Donated by the Carlsbad Girls Club, the van will be used primarily to transport Carlsbad High School students between the school and Adult Learning for reading tutoring. Attending the presentation were Girls Club Board members, administrative staff, Adult Learning staff, high school teacher Judy Gaitan, and 2 high school students. Also on August 16, volunteers who will be tutoring high school students met with high school teacher Judy Gaitan to plan for the coming school year. Tutors were introduced to new methodology emphasizing comprehension. The State Library notified the Adult Learning Program on August 30 that Carlsbad City Library would be one of five California public libraries newly awarded federal Americorps volunteers for 2006. Carlsbad will have 2 volunteers, each contributing 900 hours of direct service, such as tutoring, teaching small groups, and doing outreach in the community for adult literacy. The volunteers will start in January 2006 and serve for one year. After repeated attempts by the Program Coordinator to contact the building owner, Library Director Cliff Lange decided that the Adult Learning Program would continue on a month- to-month lease until contacted by the owner about a longer-term lease. The building manager has been told that the Adult Learning Program will remain at the present location until at least August 2007, and the building manager has indicated that the owner has no plans to evict the Adult Learning Program. Lynda Jones and Lizeth Simonson (Centro) met with Janie Anderson, fundraising consultant for the Library Foundation, and Gina McBride of the Foundation Board August 3, to learn more about the services offered by the Adult Learning Program and the Centro. This information will be used to prepare materials used in the fundraising campaign for the Learning Center. Centro de Informaci6n ... 12. On August 12, an appreciation event for Summer Reading volunteers was held at the Centro. Five bilingual volunteers dedicated 245 hours to the program and listened to a total of 1,311 reports from participants. 13. On August 31, at the Head Start Program in Carlsbad, Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson gave a presentation to a group of parents with new children enrolled in the 2005-2006 school year. Lizeth explained to the parents how the children will be involved with the Library throughout the year by attending once a week with their class one of the bilingual story- crafts at the Centro. Lizeth also encouraged the parents to get involved in family literacy and to visit any of the three Carlsbad City Library sites. Story time schedules were distributed to the audience. Monthly Library Reports for August 2005 CCL, Dove Lane ... 14. Saturday storytimes are now being offered weekly by the Children’s Services Division. This program is conducted primarily by volunteers. Three new volunteers were trained during August. 15. Preparations are underway for the annual Library Info Fair for Educator’s (L.I.F.E.), which takes place Saturday, October 8. This program is held at the Dove Library, but Children’s and Teen Services staff all contribute, in addition to there being information booths showcasing other city services that may be of interest to educators and families. 16. The majority of Children’s Computer Lab patrons have now grown accustomed to presenting their library card in order to use a public access computer. This enforcement of the Library’s standing policy comes in preparation for introducing a public access computer management system that will enable patrons to reserve their own computer time, using their library card number. The system is expected to be implemented in the fall. 17. To celebrate the efforts of our volunteers during the 2005 Summer Reading Program, Teen Services hosted a recognition event August 10. 36 teens attended. 18. On August 3, author Gayle Brandeis attended the First Wednesday Book Club to read from and discuss her award-winning novel, The Book of Dead Birds; 30 people attended the program 19. Fourteen teens attended a Pizza and Movie program for young adults August 5, and watched ”Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events.” 20. On August 10, 2005, 120 teens attended a free screening of ”Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”at the ultrastar La Costa Theater. 21. Eight new Pages were hired in August. Two Pages were promoted to the position of Clerk. Several Pages left for college. Collection Development & Acquisitions . . . 22. Susan Simpson met with Terry Jacobsen, a librarian with the Santa Monica Public Library, to discuss experiences coordinating opening day collections for new libraries. Georgina Cole ... 23. Cole staff and patrons alike have been very pleased with the building temperatures this We started off quite warm in May and June whiIe a compressor was being summer. repaired (again!) but July and August have been comfortable. 24. Volunteers, coordinated by Cole Circulation, delivered 92 items to the homebound patrons that are unable to visit the Library. Monthly Library Reports for August 2005 25. The two book clubs sponsored by the Adult Services Division continue to be popular. On August 2 our Tuesday Evening Book Club discussed The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri and on Thursday, August 11, the Thursday Book Club discussed East of Eden by John Steinbeck. 26. Cabling for an additional public access computer in the Genealogy area was installed during August. The four current computers will be rearranged to allow for more workspace and a fifth computer will be added in the near future. 27. Genealogy continues to have many successful programs: . On 9 August, Dorothy Miller spoke to the Computer Genealogy Group on using Excel in genealogy research. 90 people attended. . On 17 August, NSDCGS held its annual potluck. 38 people attended. . On 23 August, Nancy Carlberg spoke to the NSDCGS on “Tracing Your Colonial Ancestors.” 75 people attended. 28. The History Room assisted many patrons with projects during August. One of particular interest was a request by SDG&E consultants for material on date and placement of holding tanks at the Encina power plant. Through use of historic photos, and some detective work, the History Room was able to pinpoint the age of the tanks in relation to geography around the site. 29. Cole Circulation Supervisor Candace OConnor retired in early August. Human Resources will begin the recruitment process to fill the vacancy in September. 30. Two new Senior Librarians began their employment with the City of Carlsbad in August. Dave Curtis, Senior Librarian in Reference Services, started on August 15 and Audrey Jones, Senior Librarian in Children’s Services began work on August 22. We are very pleased and excited to have these two new additions to the Cole Library. Tech Services ... 31. Sandy Karl has been hired to replace departing Library Technician Beth Davis. Sandy has worked for the Library’s Circulation Division since 1994. 32. Representatives from Ebsco were here on August 3,9, and 10 to assist in completing control records in preparation for using the serials module. They scanned in barcodes with the vendor ID and periodical title ID so that we would not have to enter those numbers manually. This was a great savings in time and effort for us. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS CCL. Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Proprams Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Summer Reading Program Final Event SRP Final Event Attendance Computer Use All Facilities Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours: AUE-04 10,777 68,65 1 36,156 14,216 5,957 34,148 21,586 6,469 153* 606" 1,430* 123* 20 79** 2 140 8 278 1 1700 9,482 47 1,540 ** 387.25" Aun-05 11,655 73,820 40,243 23,980 5,743 33,412 20,525 7,252 14019 1 718/123 1,594/*** 1571*** 21 437 3 170 27 1,089 1 (1,800+) 9,629 66 3,118 14 917.5 * Centro and ALP combined. ** *** ALP not reported. * Genealogy program attendance and events cancelled not reported last year Dove Children's and ALP count only. PlKs New Planning for Results: Just What Your Library Needs Pat Taviss, Pat Tavlss Consuitlng; CaMornla Assodatton of library Trustees and Commissioners Management This session will provide an overview of PIA'S New Planning for Results: A Streamlined Approach, with emphasis on the role of library trustees, commission- ers, directors and other key dedsion makers. The benefits of community-based library planning are now available for libraries of all sizes. Sponsored by CALTAC CALTAC Annual Awad Luncheon Sunday, November 6,2005 B:OO Noon - 1:30 PM This is CALTAC's annual opportunity to recognize IndMduals who have made outstanding contributions to the library community. Come meet our eward-winncrs and hear from them what libraries mean to them and their communltfes. Tickets by advanced regktratlon..only. ! Sponsored by: GWbtnia &oci.aUon of Ubrary Tiustees and Commissioners cost: $35 2000-2010: Public library Bonds, Buildings, Books and Bytes Anne Cain, Contra Costa County Library; Linda Springer, Office of llbrary Construction; Anne Campbell, Ann Couslneau, CAlTAC representative, Natlonal Clty Libraw, Solano County Library; panel of 3-6 representatlvles from Bond Act BOO0 grant rcdpfent agencies Management This program will provide an overview of the Bond Act of 2000, including what the Bond Act achieved in terms of library improvements and changed commu- nities, and will present highlights of the 2006 Bond Act You'll leam what to expect between now and June 2006 on the Bond Campaign. Sponsored by the Leghlathe Committee and CALTAC More Effective Library Advocacy: The Definitive Guide to Relationships Between Cities, Counties and the State David Janssen, CAO, Los Angeies Co. Management How do dties and counties work with the state In effecting positive change for ilbraries? How can library advocates communicate with their elected officials effectively at all levels of government? What is the relationship between dties and counties and the state? David E. Janssen, Ph.D., public adminis- trator for over thirty years at all levels of government, will tell you this and more. Sponsored by the Legisiatlve Committee and CALTAC v) 0 0 cv & n 0 u E Q 0 0 u 0 .. Y -. -. 111 LL I E 111 s 111 U W -. ro .C L 3 U 111 v) u Q, P 0 0 .. OI VI m 0 0 ln 8 2 '5 e % d L VI r m a, c L .- 2 a, a, L 5 5 W 0 cv 0 0 Z Z no 0 c 3 L 0 00 0 x CL no > >- -0 c m 2 5 4 0 .w a e a 2. m d m n 0 a$ 0 02 nn Y U a E U 6 8 Y rc Y m U C al v) a x s E 0 In m OI '1? p. In 0 F .. F mo 0- p.0 FF .. v- F .. .. NN FF P m Y 2 e X a I 2 0 z Lu > a a, m m - n - .- >r