HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-01-18; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved ITEM #2 MINUTES MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: January 18, 2006 PLACE OF MEETING: Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Chair Rob Swette called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM. ROLL GALL: Present: Library Board Trustees, Kamenjarin, Lignante, Swette, and Tarman Absent: None Also Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Randal Hopwood, Friends of the Library liaison Marilyn Hoffman representing NSDCGS liaison Summer Murphy, League of Women Voters observer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the December 21, 2005 meeting were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Kamenjarin questioned the statistics reported for In-house use for November and Library Director Pizzuto responded that staff had only recently discovered a glitch in the system in capturing this number. Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel is researching the problem and looking at previous months to determine their accuracy as well. Once the review is complete, if the previously reported statistics are incorrect, staff will present a revised statistical report for those months affected. Trustee Tarman asked about the special Respectful Workplace training recently completed by selected staff members and Library Director Pizzuto responded that the training was an additional level mandated by law for those individuals who met the new definition of supervisor. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the Library was still considering creating a separate entrance through the Children's Garden. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of January 18, 2006 Meeting Library Director Pizzuto responded that the Library was looking at that as a possible solution towards noise abatement to allow patrons with children the option of transacting all their library business in the Children's area. She continued that no final decision had been made as staff was still exploring several factors, including safety and security. Chair Swette asked for more information about Adult Learning Program employee Carrie Scott's involvement with the California Adult Education Technology Plan. Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that Ms. Scott had been invited to attend the work group developing a strategic plan to integrate technology into all aspects of adult education in the state, and was the only library literacy representative among community college and adult school participants. REFERENCE SERVICES PART II: Library Director Pizzuto asked the Board to table this item until next month as the staff members who were to present the information were unable to attend the meeting. The Board so moved and approved the request. RFID PROJECT OVERVIEW & TAGGING DEMONSTRATION: Senior Librarian Susan Simpson joined the Board meeting to report on the status of the tagging of the collection at the Dove Lane location. She explained that staff estimates the first phase of the tagging process will take between six and nine months but that further along in the process they may need to reassess that prediction based on our progress. Currently Dove Lane Library staff and a large contingent of Cole Library staff not working in the modular are doing the tagging. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the tagging included the non-book material and Sr. Librarian Simpson responded that only the print material is being tagged initially. She explained that tagging the audio visual material was more complicated and required evaluating a couple of tagging options so the Library had not made a final decision for that process. The Trustees had several questions about the process and technology, and Sr. Librarian Simpson was able to respond to each question in detail. She explained that the current barcode on thejtem is electronically imprinted onto the RFID tag and the bar code is the only information on the tag. Each item has a different identifying barcode and the Library does not reuse barcode numbers. The barcode on the RFID tag is transmitted to the record in Sirsi only when an item is checked in or out. There was more discussion about the security provided by the tags and the antennae reading range for the self-check stations and gates at the entrance. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of January 18, 2006 Meeting Sr. Librarian Simpson stated that in addition to the tagging teams working in the stacks, the Circulation staff was also tagging books as they are checked in before they are shelved. She continued that when the Cole Library reopens and Cole staff return to their routine assignments, the plan is to augment Dove Lane staff with volunteers to continue the tagging process. Chair Swette suggested the Board volunteer to work a shift tagging. Sr. Librarian Simpson agreed to have a station set up prior to the Library Board meeting next month for that purpose. At this point the Board adjourned to the first floor of the Library to watch a team in action. When the Board reconvened, Library Director Pizzuto explained that part of the implementation of the RFID project involves the reconfiguration of the Circulation area at the Dove Lane facility to allow for the conveyor belt installation for checking in and pre-sorting items as well as adding self-check stations for the patrons. Sr. Librarian Simpson concluded her report by promising to return with periodic updates on the progress, stating she anticipates it will take at least 9 months to complete the tagging of the entire collection. CALTAC MEMBERSHIPS: Library Director Pizzuto explained this item was informational only to let the Board know that their memberships had been renewed, including the vacant position, continuing their classification as an "honor board" with the organization. Chair Swette commented that this organization provides valuable training in advocacy for Library Board members throughout the State. CALTAC WORKSHOP: Library Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that information on this workshop, scheduled for March 11th in Burbank, was provided at the last meeting and is on the agenda to see if any of the Trustees are planning on attending. Chair Swette, who sits on the CALTAC Board, and Trustee Tarman expressed interest in attending, as did Library Director Pizzuto. The deadline for reservations is February 25h DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto asked Deputy Library Director Smithson to update the Board on the Cole HVAC installation project. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of January 18, 2006 Meeting Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that the project is progressing as expected and staff has been able to retrieve and reshelve items in several areas during this period. Currently they have no access to the audiovisual portion of the collection and access to the building is through the emergency exit door on the north side of the building off of Laguna into the Children's area. Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that the modular facility does not have a door counter but that staff did a manual count on the hour and estimate approximately 300 patrons per day during the week a^ compared to 550 a day when Cole was open. She pointed out that the modular closes at 6PM during the week instead of 9PM. She reported that they are continuing to provide full service to the patrons and although the number of items and computers are significantly less than before, the patrons seem to be satisfied. Trustee Kamenjarin congratulated Deputy Library Director Smithson on the excellent job she and her staff are doing. He had witnessed first hand the loyalty of the patrons including one who was parked at the loading dock with his laptop on the hood of his car using the City's wireless connection. Deputy Library Director Smithson complimented her staff on the flexibility they have shown during this period and some of the innovations they have suggested for providing services. Chair Swette asked if there had been any complaints from patrons and also if the deviation from certain policies had created any problems. Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that she had not received any complaints. As far as deviations from existing policy, she explained that because of the reduced number of computers, adults were being allowed to use the computers in the Children's section until about 2 PM, when children are in school. Another change initiated is the "self-serve" holds, which is being considered for all locations. She continued that this has given staff the opportunity to try new procedures based on the special circumstances, which could result in recommendations for changes in current procedures. Library Director Pizzuto reported that there had been no negative feedback on the closure either at the City level or Library Administration and that she attributed that to the^ advance publicity on the closing and the outstanding planning by Deputy Library Director Smithson and her staff for the smooth transition. Water damage at Adult Learning Program - Library Director Pizzuto advised the board that the Library had lost about $500 in materials due to a leak in the roof at the building leased for the program. The owner has made the repairs to the exterior and City facilities is taking care of the damaged carpet and shelving. The materials lost will be replaced with collection development budget. Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of January 18, 2006 Meeting Children's Garden on Dove Lane - Library Director Pizzuto reported that most of the landscaping is finished and the gazebo is scheduled for deliver the end of February, in plenty of time for the Friends of the Library's planned grand opening party in April. Library Learning Center - Final costs estimates and funding mechanisms are being determined in preparation for the agenda bill to City Council to seek permission to go to bid on the project. Challenges to Children's collection items - Library Director Pizzuto advised the Board that challenges had been received to two items in the Children's collection this past month. Both challenges went through the established process and neither title was removed, and the patron was advised of the outcomes. Although the patron did not dispute the current process, the staff is taking this opportunity to look at the Library's policy and compare it to that of other libraries. The Board asked for specifics on the titles challenged and the content as well as findings of the review committees. There were also inquiries as to the number of challenges to the collection over time. Library Director Pizzuto offered to provide more information at the next meeting, including a review of the existing procedure, particulars of these challenges and information on previous challenges. The Board asked that this item be on the agenda for discussion at the next meeting. Library Donations - Library Director Pizzuto was pleased to announce that the Library had received a $20,000 donation for additions to the collection, from a patron who asked that his name not be publicized, and a $4,000 donation from Mr. Ziglar which will be used towards the general operation of the Dove Lane facility. Balanced Scorecard - Progress on the balanced scorecard project continues with the development of the telephone resident survey and in-house survey, both scheduled for March following the reopening of the Cole, with the results available in April. The Mystery Shopper element of the project will take place between March and June. Once information from all three sources is compiled, the team will analyze the information and make recommendations for any indicated changes. Business Cards for Board Members - Library Director Pizzuto mentioned that a member of the Board had asked about business cards for the Trustees. Staff checked with the City's Purchasing department and was advised that it was no longer a practice for the City to provide these for the members of the Boards and Commissions. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Tarman reported that he had attended the last meeting where the Board developed guidelines for accepting and recognizing donations to the Foundation. Library Board of Trustees Page 6 Minutes of January 18. 2006 Meeting The Foundation is still working on the preparation for the capital campaign and has been very successful at getting some public exposure. The Foundation's home tour was featured in a recent issue of the Carlsbad Magazine and professional photos of the featured homes would be unveiled at the opening of the next Cannon Gallery exhibit. Currently they are working on a new brochure to increase awareness in the community. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Friends liaison Randy Hopwood reported that the Friends have not had a meeting since the last Library Board meeting and therefore he had no report. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Marilyn Hoffman was once again substituting for the Society liaison who is in Salt Lake City doing genealogy research. She reported the Society is planning for their large seminar for March and have sent flyers to area libraries and societies in hopes of duplicating last years' attendance. She also reported that the Society had recently received a sizable bequest from a former member. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Kamenjarin commented that he had been at the Cole Library on December 31st when the staff was busy preparing to move and again when they were operating out of the modular. He compared the service to that of a small town library and commented, "the place was packed." Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that one day recently the staff counted 64 patrons in the modular and every seat was taken. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the Library was planning to provide more computers for patron use in the future and Library Director Pizzuto responded that the new Learning Center will have a large component of computes for patron use. Chair Swette reminded the Board to take a look at the Children's Garden on their way out. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:22 PM. Respectfully submitted, Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary