HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-02-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesARP^ved: |TEM #2 MINUTES MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: February 15, 2006 PLACE OF MEETING: Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Chair Rob Swette called the meeting to order at 4:02 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees, Kamenjarin, Lignante, and Swette Absent: Trustee Tarman Also Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Randal Hopwood, Friends of the Library liaison Gordon Hoard, NSDCGS liaison Summer Murphy, League of Women Voters observer Newly appointed but not yet sworn Library Trustee Marilyn Bradley Prior to moving to the formal agenda, Chair Sweete introduced and welcomed Marie Bradley as the newly appointed Trustee for this Board. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held January 18, 2006 were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Kamenjarin wanted to know if this was the first time the Library had volunteers from AmeriCorps and if there was a cost involved. Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that this was the first year the Library had taken part in the program, which requires the staff to attend some training and the Library to provide matching stipends of $1,000 per AmeriCorp volunteer for the year. Trustee Kamenjarin also inquired as to the status of the water damage resulting from the roof leak at the Colonial Mall and Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that repairs were underway, the roof was reported to be repaired and items that were ruined were being replaced. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of February 15, 2006 Meeting Chair Swette asked for clarification on the "in-kind" donation mentioned in the item reporting on the Summer Reading Program workshop sponsored by the Serra Cooperative Library System Childrens' and Teen Services Committees. Library Director Pizzuto responded that the Library would receive recognition on the California Library Association website as having donated the location and time and resources to videotape the event. She continued that there is a lot of statewide publicity about these workshops that are being held in several places across the State, and the California Library Association had entered into an agreement whereby these workshops were funded through a grant but with the assistance of individual libraries providing support in the programs. Chair Swette commented that the numbers reported for e-mail and telephone notification "new users" were impressive and asked if he could have the cumulative total as part of the report next month. REFERENCE SERVIES - PART II: Chair Swette explained this item was a carryover from the last meeting and Library Director Pizzuto acknowledged that was the case, adding that the reference staff member scheduled to make this presentation was regrettably again unavailable; however, Deputy Library Director Curtis was prepared to talk about Reference Services in her absence. Deputy Library Director Curtis reminded the board that the last time the Board was briefed on Reference Services it was more an overview of general services and probably did not offer many surprises. He continued that today the presentation was focused more on computer and technology related services that the Library provides, specifically through Reference. Deputy Library Director Curtis began with identifying all the information available on the Library's home page on the web, including access to the Library catalog and a service called "Ask Now" which gives the patron immediate access to professional librarians for a chat session to assist with their research or question. Chair Swette asked if the "Ask Now" service was provided by the State or was it a local Carlsbad Library program and Deputy Library Director Curtis explained that the service is offered through a consortium and because the Carlsbad Library participates in answering questions, we do not pay for the service. He further explained that sometimes the "Ask Now" librarian cannot answer the inquiry live and the question is then sent to a participating library to research and respond; Carlsbad City Library provides that service when it is requested. Deputy Library Director Curtis continued with information on the more than 25 databases the Library provides, allowing patrons to access them within the library or Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of February 15, 2006 Meeting remotely. Cumulatively those databases received more than 10,000 hits in the month of January alone. The Library actively promotes the use of the databases in the community and Young Adult Librarian Darin Williamson has made several visits to Aviara Oaks and Calavera Hills middle schools to educate and instruct the students on the use of the databases. Deputy Library Director Curtis announced the newest service being offered by the Library, downloadable audio and e-books. He explained that in the spring the Library will go live with the downloadable audio books and e-books, enabling the patron to download them from the Library's website with their library card to their computer or hand-held device. He further explained that this new service is being offered through the Library's membership in CALIFA, a library purchasing consortium. Another recently provided service for Library patrons is the WIFI access, which has been a huge hit. Deputy Library Director Curtis said that patrons have been vocally appreciative of the service, which is fast and easy for the patron and fairly inexpensive for the City to provide. Both Library locations provide computer classes to the public for free and these classes include basic Internet, Internet searching, e-mail, Microsoft Word, browser essentials and a "manage the mouse" class. In January there were nine workshops at the Dove Lane facility with an average attendance of between 4 and 5 at each. Chair Swette asked if there were more advanced classes offered, and Deputy Library Director Curtis responded that the staff had been considering adding an advanced "Internet searching" class. Chair Swette asked about more advanced Microsoft programs such as PowerPoint and Excel and Library Director Pizzuto interjected that scope-wise, the Library's purpose in offering the computer classes is to educate the patrons so they can use the tools the Library offers to find and process information. She explained that the Library does not intend to provide advanced computer classes that are available through other departments within the City and other educational organizations for a fee. Deputy Library Director Curtis pointed out that the Library does have tutors for computer use, who are volunteers, and provide one-on-one instruction in the Career Lab at the Dove Lane facility and in the Children's computer area at Cole. Deputy Library Director Curtis continued that the primary use of the Internet is in the labs which are also equipped with two scanners and the computers will accommodate USB port flash drives and of course the option to print. January statistics indicate that over 7,000 individuals used the Library computers that month. The Library is hoping to have the long-awaited PC Management software system up and running in the near future, providing an automated system that will not only allow Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of February 15, 2006 Meeting patrons to use their library card to reserve time on a computer, but it will also manage the assignment to specific machines and time-out the user when their allotted session has ended. Installation of the service is being intentionally delayed in an effort to combine this installation with the migration to Sirsi.net, which is the remote hosting service provided by Sirsi/Dynix. Another service provided is the Career Lab. Located behind the Reference Desk, it contains two computers with specific software as well as two typewriters to assist patrons in improving their skills, finding jobs and writing their resume. The Library also circulates CD-ROM software with 295 titles available at Dove Lane, 220 at the Cole and 39 in the collection at Centre. Trustee Kamenjarin asked who was in charge of computer services at the Library and making sure we are meeting the needs of the community? Library Director Pizzuto responded that there are a number of staff members involved in providing the computer services as it represents a very large part of what the Library delivers as we become more and more technology dependant. The Library's Business Systems Specialist, Devin Castel is primarily responsible for coordinating systemwide use of technology in the design, implementation, and managing of projects as he assists the Library to move in a broad way towards realizing new goals that are technology dependent. At the Dove Lane facility, Librarian Dion Sobin, is our Technology Librarian and is responsible for managing the on-line databases and adult Computer Lab and is in charge of the Public Access Computer Committee (PACC). Librarian Karen Maynor in the Reference Division at the Cole Library serves those patrons in a similar manner. The PACC is a cross section of Library staff representing all locations and whose responsibilities involve management of public access computers and recommendations for policies relative to their use. As there were no further questions, Library Director Pizzuto thanked Deputy Library Director Curtis for stepping in at the last minute to provide this very informative report. She also asked the Library Board if they had a specific Library Division they would like to hear about at a future meeting. Trustee Kamenjarin responded that we seem to rotate the Divisions through the year and therefore have covered them more than once. Library Director Pizzuto suggested that Media Services has routinely provided a report on the use of the meeting space, and could be scheduled for the next meeting and expanded to include their overall operation in addition to just activities. Chair Swette suggested that staff provide a list of options to the Board from which they can select reports for future agenda. Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of February 15, 2006 Meeting CHALLENGED BOOK - POLICY REVIEW: Library Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that at the last meeting she had reported the Library had received two challenges to two children's books and the Board had some questions about the Library policy for handling challenged material. The Board also asked for specific information on the challenges at hand. Senior Librarian Susan Simpson, who is in charge of Collection Development and Acquisitions, was on hand to review the current process and answer any questions from the Board. Senior Librarian Simpson walked the Board through the process from the complaint form available at all the public service desks, through the research of published reviews of the material, selection of a staff committee to review the complaint, the decision of the committee and finally the letter to the patron explaining the disposition of the item. Senior Librarian Simpson distributed a chart covering the last fifteen years and showing the number of challenged materials and disposition of each. For the most part, the challenged material was either kept where it was or moved to another part of the collection, with very few titles removed totally. The Board had an excerpt from the Library's Collection Development Statement describing the process for responding to challenges and Sr. Librarian Simpson reported that after checking the American Library Association (ALA) and the California Library Association (CLA) guidelines for similar policies and guidelines, she had determined that the Carlsbad Library process was in line with their recommendations. Chair Swette said he found the information very helpful and asked if the Library ever checked with other libraries on a particular item that is challenged? Sr. Librarian Simpson responded that the Library subscribes to a periodical from the America Library Association Office of Intellectual Freedom that contains information about what challenges are being raised all over the country, not just in libraries but in other arenas as well. She said that after receiving two complaints, from the same patron, she had checked with ALA to see if there were challenges on these two items anywhere else, which might be indicative of a larger movement, and they were not aware of any. She added that she_does not routinely check with ALA and/or CLA on _.. every challenge. Trustee Lignante commented that the statistics spoke well of the collection in that there had only been sixty-three challenged items in fifteen years and only eleven were discarded, especially considering the overall size of the collection and the diversity of the patrons served. Library Board of Trustees Page 6 Minutes of February 15, 2006 Meeting Library Director Pizzuto responded by adding that nearly 1.2 million items circulate at the Carlsbad City Library in a year during which time only 8 items were challenged. Trustee Kamenjarin looked at some pages from the challenged titles, and asked Sr. Librarian Simpson if the chart of challenged material indicated a trend of any kind. She responded she did not believe so but that the most frequently challenged material is in video and childrens books. Library Director Pizzuto pointed out that the Collection Development Statement had been adopted by the Library Board in September 2002 and is reviewed periodically for the need for revision. A natural opportunity to again go through the document and consider broader changes would be sometime prior to the opening of the Learning Center in 2008. The merging of the Adult Learning Program and Centro collections into one facility will most likely change the way in which we currently collect materials. Library Director Pizzuto also read from the Collection Development Statement the paragraph that states the Library acknowledges that many materials are controversial and that any given item may offend some patrons. She explained that the Library recognizes that the community is made of a diverse range of individuals with diverse opinions and we accept and appreciate all of those opinions. It is therefore not the goal of the Library to create a collection that is defined by any one area of the population, but rather one that serves all and for that reason every year the Library participates with libraries across the United States in recognizing "Banned Books Week". The Library makes a point of celebrating that we have the freedom in this country to have diverse opinions without being judged or censored. Trustee Lignante asked if the Library accepted a challenge if only from one patron and Senior Librarian Simpson responded absolutely. That if the patron was serious enough to fill out the form and sign it, the committee would respond according to the policy. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if there had been any instance where the patron took their complaint beyond Library Administration and Library Director Pizzuto responded that she had checked with retired Director Cliff Lange, who said that during the entire time he was Library Director we never had anyone pursue a complaint beyond the review procedure. Library Director Pizzuto_concluded the discussion by explaining the Library has no immediate plans to change the current policy but if in the future there were changes considered, we would first consult the City Attorney's office before bringing any proposed changes before the Board for approval. LEARNING CENTER UPDATE: Management Analyst Cheryl Mast advised the Board that Library received approval from the City Council at their meeting on February 7th, to advertise for construction bids Library Board of Trustees Page 7 Minutes of February 15, 2006 Meeting for the Learning Center Project and approved additional project funding in the amount of $1.5 million. The Council's approval was unanimous; bringing the total project budget up to $4.5 million, with about $3 million as construction costs. The bid package is ready and available now and the pre-bid walkthrough is scheduled for February 23rd. Bids will be opened on March 22nd with hopes of returning to Council in April for approval of the contract. Depending on the awarding of the contract, tentative ground breaking for the project is anticipated to take place in July 2006. The approximate construction time is eighteen months, with construction estimated to be completed in December 2007 and actual opening sometime in the spring of 2008. Library Director Pizzuto added that there were about six members of the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation at the February 7th Council Meeting and two members chose to address the Council to express the Foundation's support for this project. COLE LIBRARY UPDATE: Deputy Library Director Smithson announced that the last day the Cole will be operating in the modular is Sunday, February 19th, and that staff will be working over the Monday holiday to begin moving back into the building. They will remain closed on Tuesday to allow City IT staff to restore the telephones and computers and reopen with full services on Wednesday, February 22nd. The project was completed on time and within the budget and they have tested the new HVAC system with no problems. Most of the work has been completed, including bypassing the leaking gas line and replacing the broken glass in the atrium. Facilities has arranged to thoroughly clean the building interior and shampoo the carpets and Yamada will be on hand to transfer the shelving in the modular into the Cole along with the additional shelving purchased. Still remaining is some exterior work on the south side of the building, replacement of some of the landscape trampled during the project, removal of the modular and construction fence, repairing some damage in the parking lot and repositioning the book drops. Deputy Library Director Smithson also advised the Board that institution of self-serve "holds" was such a success in the modular that they have decided to continue to offer that service after they move back into the Building. Chair Swette asked if it would also be available at the Dove Lane facility and Library Director Pizzuto responded that is was under consideration for this location but it would not occur immediately. Further experience in the full-service eavironment at Cole would be useful in making that decision. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: In-house usage statistics - The Business Systems Specialist has been successful in analyzing the problem with the program capturing those numbers and corrected it. He is able to retrace the information and will be extracting the correct numbers in a report to this Board at the next meeting. Library Board of Trustees Page 8 Minutes of February 15, 2006 Meeting Surveys for Balanced Scorecard project - In order to measure the Library performance and assess the value the Library brings to the community and other stakeholders, the project team is working on fact-gathering to determine what is considered to be priority services the Library provides, information about how the Library might be more competitive or other services the Library might offer, and the quality of the service the Library provides. To gather this information the Library will be launching three different surveys in the month of March. A telephone survey of Carlsbad 400 residents, chosen at random, will be conducted through the CalState San Marcos Social and Behavioral Research Institute (SBRI). An in-house survey, called an intercept survey, will target approximately 400 patrons using the Library facilities. The final tool will be a "Mystery Shopper" service from March through June, where individuals who do not identify themselves as "shopping the library" will walk through and experience a number of services and then their independent ratings will be collected into a report of the result. These surveys should give the Library quite a bit of feedback, which will be extremely important as we move forward on the Balanced Scorecard. Chair Swette expressed his support of the surveys and asked if there were any "awareness" questions as part of the telephone survey to test the person's knowledge of library services already offered? Library Director Pizzuto said there was an opportunity for the respondents to provide feedback in a general way and the awareness will be a by-product of the survey by nature of the fact that several questions ask the person to identify the importance of particular services and their use of a variety of services. By laying out ten items and asking a respondent to state whether they use those services or not, we are going to create awareness of the services offered. There is also a section devoted to assessing the respondents experience and satisfaction with our web presence and electronic services as well as with our physical plants. Chair Swette asked for copies of the surveys to be provided to the Board at the next meeting. RFID Update - Several Trustees experienced the RFID tagging of some of the materials today prior to the meeting and Library Director Pizzuto thanked them for participating and allowing photographs to be used in the marketing and communications about the project. To date, with the help of a large_segment of Cole staff members, we have tagged, approximately 53,000 items in just over a four-week period. As the Cole reopens and we redeploy that staff we will be making a transition from a work force of primarily Cole staff members to a combination of Dove Lane Library staff and volunteers. Chair Swette suggested a special recognition of some type for those volunteers and Library Director Pizzuto said we have several recognition opportunities for Library Library Board of Trustees Page 9 Minutes of February 15, 2006 Meeting volunteers and these RFID volunteers would of course be included but staff could explore a unique form of recognition for this group. Library Reorganization of Services - The Library is looking at reorganizing services where it would be valuable to the community to provide them in different ways. In the last few months, various staff focus groups have been meeting and visioning and providing recommendations on how we might organize our services differently. The focus groups are specific to areas of service we might change with the implementation of RFID, such as the Circulation desk and new book area. There is also a group looking at the noise issue we have, particularly at the Dove Lane facility. There are other areas where the Library can change the way we deliver service and this week several staff visited two different library systems, the Chula Vista and National City Libraries, both of which already use either RFID or the "marketplace approach" to marketing materials laying out library services. City Facilities staff is assisting in the design and reconfiguration of the Circulation desks and work area to accommodate the installation of additional self-check units and the RFID conveyor belt at the Dove Lane location. Children's Garden on Dove Lane -The Children's Garden is progressing rapidly towards completion and delivery of the gazebo is scheduled for March 1st. Library Staff Recruitments - Interviews of candidates for the two Librarian l/ll openings at the Dove Lane facility were completed and offers made to the selected candidate for each. The Children's Division candidate has accepted and we are waiting .for the results of the physical exam before making the announcement. We have not heard back from Human Resources yet as to whether the offer for the opening in Technical Services has been accepted. The orakboard for the Senior Librarian position in Cole Reference is scheduled for tomorrow. Carlsbad Reads Together - Author Ray Bradbury has consented to participate in the program this April and will be here on Saturday, April 8th at 7:00 pm. This is the only event to feature Mr. Bradbury but a variety of other associated programs are planned and more information will be forthcoming. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Tarman was not present at the meeting to report. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Friends' liaison Randy Hopwood reported that at the last Board meeting they voted to approve the Library's request for $33,000 in support of the Summer Reading Program and approved the request for $5,000 to cover the honorarium for Ray Bradbury's appearance. The board also voted to donate $500 to replace the materials that were lost to water damage as a result of the leak in the roof at the Adult Learning Program. Library Board of Trustees Page 10 Minutes of February 15, 2006 Meeting The Children' s Garden party is scheduled for April 1st and plans are moving forward to include a variety of activities and food. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Liaison Gordon Hoard explained his absence last month as he was in Salt Lake City with a group from the Society engaged in research, and at their general meeting yesterday, Sr. Librarian Mary Van Orsdol's announcement that Cole was reopening was met with a rousing "hoorah" from those genealogists who were experiencing "research withdrawal" during the six weeks period the Cole was closed. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Chair Swette distributed a copy of the report on literacy nationwide that he presented at the latest CALTAC Board meeting on literacy, which indicates that there has not been a lot of progress in the last ten years. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:05 PM Respectfully submitted, Cissie Se> Administrative Secretary ITEM #3 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for JANUARY 2006 Systemwide ... 1. RFID tagging of the existing collection began January 17. The process has been refined along the way to maximize efficiency. Permanent tagging stations are set up in Technical Services (for new materials coming into the collection) and in the Dove circulation area (for items coming through as they are checked in). Five mobile tagging stations are out in the stacks, with members of the Cole Library staff tagging in various areas of the collection. In the first two weeks of tagging, more than 24,000 items were tagged. 2. Children's staff at Dove and Cole spent much of the month weeding the Children's collections in preparation for RFID tagging. This is making for a much cleaner, attractive collection and relieving the burden of tagging materials that have exhausted their usefulness on the shelves. 3. On January 15, nearly 40 people participated in a free poetry writing workshop sponsored by the Friends of the Library, making it one of the most popular workshops of the last year. 4. The library-sponsored performance of the Pat Stein North County Concert Series, featuring Alpin Hong, played to nearly a full capacity crowd on January 20. 5. The free January 29 Raymond Lee Parker jazz concert, sponsored by the Friends of the Library, had an audience of 150. 6. Jessica Padilla was asked to join the board of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), San Diego chapter, to serve a two-year term. Chartered in 1947, PRSA is the world's largest organization for public relations professionals. Adult Learning... 7. On January 3, after the New Year's long weekend and heavy rains, staff discovered that leaks in the roof had resulted in flooding a classroom and the computer lab. Parts of the nonfiction collection, shelving, a light fixture, and carpet were soaked. Susan Simpson, head of Collection Development, Facilities Maintenance staff, and Adult Learning staff assisted in cleanup and damage assessment. Forty-seven books (valued at $500) and some instructional materials had to be discarded. Tutors and learners were shifted around while a large fan and dehumidifier dried the area for several days. No lessons were cancelled. 8. The two new AmeriCorps volunteers, Bin Dawson and Margaret Bradley began their year of service on January 3. Along with Senior Librarian Lynda Jones, they attended several training sessions. Both have been assigned areas of focus and will also be working on learner and tutor recruitment as the year progresses. 9. On January 25, the entire staff watched the State Library's archived webcast of the National Assessment of Adult Literacy 2003 (NAAL 2003). The first study in more than 10 years of the literacy skills of America's adults, the NAAL 2003 was released in Monthly Library Reports for January 2006 December 2005. NAAL concluded that nationally 30 million adults (14% of the population) have "Below Basic" literacy skills, meaning their skills are so limited that they live in poverty, cannot participate in their children's education or in a democratic society. It is important to note that adults who do not speak English were excluded from the study. Another 63 million (29% of the population) are at "Basic Literacy" level and likely not economically self-sufficient and do not have the skills to participate in the information age or perform jobs of the future. These are the 2 groups that library literacy programs serve. Adults in the intermediate group also often lack sufficient skills to help their children and advance in the workforce and increasingly come to library literacy programs for help. 10. January 28, several staff members attended the annual Southern California Library Literacy Network (SCLLN) Conference in Los Angeles. A bus was provided without charge for attendees from the San Diego area. Centro de Informacion ... 11. The first eight-week session of "Writing on the Computer I," a computer class in Spanish, ended on January 19. All 5 participants received a certificate of completion and enrolled in the next course called "Writing on the Computer II: Word Processing" that will start in February. CCL, Dove Lane... 12. The oral board for Children's Librarian I/II took place on January 11th. Six candidates rated as qualified or highly qualified and were scheduled for departmental interviews February 2nd. 13. The Children's Division Canine Craft took place on January 17th. The program highlighted the Chinese New Year (the Year of the Dog) by giving children an opportunity to make a dog craft and read to the trained therapy dogs provided by the organization Love on a Leash. Twenty children and parents attended this after school program. 14. Technical Services' departmental interviews for Cataloging Librarian I/II were held on January 17th. A job offer is currently being processed. 15. Carlsbad City Library Hour January programming, produced by Media Services featured "Skelpin". This popular Irish-inspired local group was recorded live in the Schulman Auditorium, and shown on Adelphia Channel 3. Library programs are also aired on KOCT Oceanside and Del Mar Access TV. 16. On January 19th, the Carlsbad City Library hosted a workshop sponsored by the Serra Cooperative Library System Children's and Teen Services Committees, focused on preparing for the Summer Reading Program. The workshop presented ideas for incorporating this year's theme, "Paws, Claws, Scales, and Tales," into programs and activities. The event took place in the Schulman Auditorium and Gowland Meeting Room, and was attended by about 150 library staff from throughout the region. Media Services coordinated with the workshop's organizer to video tape the event. Workshop segments will be viewable from the California Library Association website to help Monthly Library Reports for January 2006 support the statewide Summer Reading Program consortium. The Carlsbad City Library is credited with an in-kind donation for hosting and videotaping the event. GeorginaCole ... 17. The Cole Library staff and patrons experienced a very interesting January, with services provided out of a temporary modular facility in the parking lot while the Cole building is closed to replace the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system. The temporary facility is quite crowded with library materials, patrons, book trucks, and computers. Staff describe the new environment as "like camping" and "cozy." Wearing headlamps and using flashlights, staff has retrieved items from Cole frequently when there was no power. This situation has created an invaluable team-building experience, with staff from various divisions getting to know one another and performing tasks that they would not ordinarily do in their home division. Circulation staff members in the modular have acted as liaisons between the Public Works Supervisor, construction teams, the port-a-potty company, the staff, and patrons. 18. Patrons have expressed their appreciation for the "Herculean" effort involved with setting up and operating from the modular. While staff is looking forward to returning to the Cole building, the overall experience in the modular has been a lesson in flexibility, cooperation, improvisation, resourcefulness and camaraderie. 19. As of the end of January, the HVAC project is on schedule and the Cole Library should re- open ne,ar the end of February. 20. When not needed to provide library service from the modular facility, displaced staff have focused on RFID tagging, collection development and weeding, working at the service desks at the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane, and working on projects from remote sites including the computer training lab at the Faraday Center and available workstations at other facilities. Many staff members also took advantage of various classes and in -service training opportunities. 21. The Mother/ Daughter programs continued this month even with the closure. The 8th grade and older group, met at one of the members' homes. The eight mothers and daughters in attendance discussed She Said Yes. Seven members of the 6th and 7th grade group met at the Cultural Arts Office to discuss Twelve Again. 22. The Reference Division continued their book clubs for adults. Tuesday evening book club met on January 3 and discussed the book Mid wives and the Thursday afternoon book club met on January 12 and discussed The Confederacy of Dunces. 23. Though Genealogy print collections were unavailable to the public during January, the Genealogy program schedule continued. Three classes were offered to the public in the City Council Chambers: • The Beginning Genealogy Class taught by Margaret Read on Saturday, January 14, with 32 attendees, • The Genealogy Computer Group had Tom Underbill speak about "Saving an Hour a Day on Your Computer" on January 10 with 72 attendees. Monthly Library Reports for January 2006 • Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol spoke to the North San Diego County Genealogical Society on "Using Periodical Literature in Genealogy Research" with 94 people attending. 24. Library services to the Homebound continued through the Cole closure with 109 items delivered to patrons who are unable to visit the Library in person. 25. One staff member attend Supervisor's Academy, several others attended Microsoft Excel, Publisher, and Word classes, and still others attended a Maintaining a Safe Workplace class, CPR and First Aid training, and InfoPeople workshops. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - JANUARY 2006 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials [•^»iliJ"J.WWlVI«rl,,lc,r (iorviooc t /VnA_1 11 1 /HA^^^H Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Use All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) Telephone Notification New Users Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Jan-05 13,100 74,535 39,084 14,092 6,136 35,557 22,089 4,693 166/18 762/87 1,6337* 1561* 27 381 3 50 85 2,969 10,184 ** ** ** 97 2,748 17 296.5* Dec-05 9,473 64,698 31,574 10,661 3,761 28,195 17,513 5,067 162/117 476/122 1,599/* 13 1/* 8 131 3 36 51 1,982 4,649 655 4,045 458 66 2,514 17 903.1 Jan-06 13,494 78,498 42,260 15,772 2,529 8,803 8,680 1 155/178 684/174 1,9427* 1267* 18 331 4 56 69 1,890 7,041 861 4,028 202 80 3,390 19 1,034.25 ALP not reported.** Email/Telephone Notification not reported last year. ITEM # 5 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT STATEMENT The purpose of the selection process is to obtain materials in print and other formats to further the library programs of providing information and reference assistance, to help those ':-. engaged in educational pursuits, and to provide general reading. Tin tell erftial Frampwrrrk The Carlsbad City Library endorses the Library Bill of Rights, the Freedom to Read statement, and the Freedom to View statement. The full text of these statements is in the appendix to this Plan. The library asserts its responsibility to keep on its shelves a representative selection of materials on all subjects of interest to its readers, including materials on all sides of controversial questions. Materials on any subject are properly acquired by the library. The library will not acquire materials that have been declared obscene by the courts. In support of the goal of providing free and equal access to ideas and information, the Carlsbad City Library is committed to the following: 1. Opposing censorship and all other barriers, limits, or hindrances to ideas and information. 2. Protecting the privacy of the library user. 3. Creating, in the library staff and in the public, an awareness of the issues of intellectual freedom. 4. Providing the broadest coverage of ideas and opinions in the materials acquired by the library. 5. Cooperating with other organizations that are committed to the free flow of information and free access to ideas. Adopted by the Library Board 9/18/02 10 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT STATEMENT The library recognizes that many materials are controversial and that any given item may offend some patrons. Selection decisions are not made on the basis of anticipated approval or disapproval, but solely on the merits of the work in relation to the balance of the collection. In most cases, and certainly for controversial subjects, materials added to the library's collections should be supported by reviews in reputable journals. The responsibility for use of library materials by minors rests with their parents or legal guardians. Selection decisions are not influenced by the possibility that materials may be accessible to use by minors. T.aheling The library will not indicate particular philosophies outlined in materials by using labels or other devices. To do so is to establish in a user's mind a judgment before the person has had the opportunity to examine the material. PnirmlaJTifs nf Patrons and .Staff Forms are available sa that patrons and staff can indicate that they-would like a-particulair item to be reclassified or discarded by the library. The library will review challenged material only upon receipt of a signed, written complaint form. Rnnk A patron wishing to challenge a book must fill out the form and sign his/her name. Then three reviewers will read, listen to and/ or view the material. The Collection Development Adopted by the Library Board 9/18/02 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT STATEMENT Librarian will serve as a coordinator of the review process. Each reviewer will submit in writing to the Collection Development Librarian her/his opinion regarding the item and whether it should be discarded or retained. A majority decision of the reviewers determines the result. The Collection Development Librarian will notify the complainant of the decision. If the reviewers decide to discard an item, it will be disposed of with other library refuse. for TVTatprials The final authority for the determination of policy to guide the selection and acquisition of library materials is vested in the Board of Trustees. The responsibility for all materials selected rests with the Library Director, who operates within the framework of policies determined by the Board of Trustees. The Director generally delegates selection of materials to the Collection Development Librarian and selectors on the staff. Budget O Annually, the Director will establish budgets and objectives for the purchase of books and other materials. (Grants When available, grants may be applied for in order to increase or upgrade the collection. Adopted by the Library Board 9/18/02 12