HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-04-19; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved |JEM MINUTES MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: April 19, 2006 PLACE OF MEETING: Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Chair Rob Swette called the meeting to order at 4:07 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Lignante, Swette, and Tarman Absent: Trustees Bradley and Kamenjarin Also Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Library Media Services Supervisor Bill Richmond Media Production Technician Greg MacLellan Gordon Hoard, NSDCGS liaison Summer Murphy, League of Women Voters observer PUBLIC COMMENT: Item #16 was moved to the top of the agenda and Renata Breisacher Mulry of 7010 Nutmeg Way in Carlsbad expressed her concerns about the handling of the "Carlsbad Reads Together" author talk by Ray Bradbury. Ms. Mulry was of the opinion that the Library could not provide sufficient seating for an event that would potentially draw attendees from all over the county, and that any future plans should include a change in venue. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held March 15, 2006 were not approved as there were not sufficient members present who had attended the March meeting. Item # 4 taken out of sequence Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of April 19, 2006 Meeting INTRODUCTION OF NEW STAFF MEMBERS: The two newest additions to the Library staff were present at the meeting for the purpose of introductions to the Board. Library Director Pizzuto introduced Senior Librarian Glynn Birdwell who is in charge of Reference Services at the Georgina Cole Library and joined the staff this month. Senior Librarian Barbara Chung introduced the new librarian for Children's, Amanda Kalish, who joined the staff in March of this year. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Tarman asked what percentage of the collection has been RFID tagged and Library Director Pizzuto responded that as of April 15th the Library has completed the tagging on 105,539 items which represents 33% of the total collection. Trustee Swette mentioned the recent partnership between Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation Board Member Anne Luke of the Union Bank in Carlsbad in providing kits that teach skills for handling checking accounts to the learners in the Adult Literacy Program. Trustee Swette also expressed support for the two new after-school children's programs at the Cole as well as the success of all the programs provided as evidenced by the statistics. BUDGET FOR 2006-07: Library Management Analyst Cheryl Mast reviewed the high points of the Library's submitted budget for next year, including the 6% index which brings the total budget for the Library up to $9.4 million. This increase will cover proposed part time salary increases and the Information Technology Department charge-backs for support of library technology. There are no plans for any additional positions, no increase in FTE and no new programs or services planned. There was some discussion over the possibility of a salary range increase for the part time employees in the City, following the routine bi-annual salary survey conducted by the Human Resources Department. Results of the most recent survey found the City of Carlsbad salary ranges for some part time library positions lag behind comparable positions the county. Library Director Pizzuto explained that the City Council's practice for full-time positions is to remain mid-range within the region and that the Library remains consistent in analyzing the part time salaries. She added that when the budget is prepared and Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of April 19, 2006 Meeting submitted, we allocate sufficient funds to cover those increases should the Human Resources Department recommend the range changes to the City Council. This would be accomplished through a separate agenda bill which would apply to part time positions throughout the City. The Library would know if there would be an increase prior to final submission of the budget for the next year. By proper motion, the Board voted unanimously to approve the submitted budget. MEDIA SERVICES REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto introduced Media Services Specialist Bill Richmond and Production Technician Greg MacLellan who were on hand to deliver the annual media services report to the Board and highlight some of the services the Media Services Division provides. Media Services Specialist Richmond distributed to those present, a copy of a detailed report containing both statistical data as well as information on the types of programs supported by this Division and the variety of groups with whom they work. They concluded the presentation with a video collage of clips from some of the programs from the past year. There were questions from the Board about the current fee schedule and cancellation rate. Media Services Specialist Richmond responded that changes in the fee schedule brought the fees into parity with those of other City facilities and instituting the cancellation fee had reduced the frequency of block-bookings by some groups. INTERCEPT SURVEY UPDATE: Library Director Pizzuto explained that this survey is a compliment to the telephone survey completed last month and is currently being conducted at the two major facilities, the Cole and the Dove Lane. The surveying of the library patrons is scheduled for completion by the end of this week, with a target quantity of 400, selected by a scientific method recommended by SBRI. The results of this survey will be added to the results of the telephone survey and analyzed by SBRI, hopefully before the next Library Board Meeting. LIBRARY LEARNING CENTER: Library Director Pizzuto announced that the bids for the project were opened on March 29th and all were significantly higher than the previous estimate. They ranged from $1.5 to $2.25 million more than projected. In the interim, there is a group of City staff, including engineers and public works staff, involved in carefully analyzing the bids and Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of April 19, 2006 Meeting why the bids came in higher and possible modifications to bring the costs closer to the estimate without significantly changing the goals of the project. This process has been on-going for the past three weeks as they look at construction standards and the specifications that are needed for this particular building. The outcome will hopefully provide several different options to the City Council for consideration and it will be their decision as to how we move forward. Trustee Swette asked for the Library Board to have a chance to review the options presented to the City Council at the Board's May meeting. ALA/PLA CONFERENCE REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto reported that she and Deputy Library Directors Curtis and Smithson all attended the annual conference in Boston last month, along with 10,000 other librarians from all over the country. Both she and Deputy Library Director Curtis gave brief overviews of some of their favorite sessions that included presentations on the marketplace approach to delivering services, mobile reference, and a nationwide survey providing findings on the perception of libraries and changing demographics of library users. Library Director Pizzuto distributed a list of handouts and programs that were audio- taped at the conference as well as the website where the handouts can be downloaded. In addition, she said that the Library had purchased the CD of the audio presentations which should be forthcoming. PROPOSED DATE CHANGE FOR MAY 2006 MEETING: Library Director Pizzuto explained that she will be attending the California State Library's Public Library Director's Forum in San Diego on the regular date for the Library Board Meeting and asked the Board to consider moving the meeting to May 24th, one week later than the usual third Wednesday of the month. The Board tentatively agreed to the change and asked that staff send a reminder of the date change so that all of the Trustees can check their calendars and respond to confirm they can attend. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto shared a thank you note to the Board from retired Library Director Cliff Lange for the photograph sent to him by the Board. Carlsbad Reads Together - She also shared some very complimentary e-mail comments received from author Ray Bradbury's family and representatives following his visit to the Library for the Carlsbad Reads Together. Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of April 19, 2006 Meeting Library Director Pizzuto commented that staff was overwhelmed with the interest and outpouring of the community for the Ray Bradbury event, noting that a great deal of planning was involved in that event so that it could be enjoyed and attended by as many individuals as possible, and that all the press releases and publicity contained the information that seating is limited, on a first come, first served basis. She said one of the challenges for programming is to balance our role as a City Library and our focus area, residents of the City of Carlsbad, while providing programs that may also be of interest to the regional community. She pointed out that there is always a choice to be made in terms of the resources that are invested and the manner in which the program is delivered so that we meet the needs of the community that we serve, and we constantly face the challenge of what community that is. A great deal of effort was invested in expanding the accommodations, allowing as many individuals as possible to experience the event, including the web-streaming of the program from the Library's website. She acknowledged that the Library will continue to face the challenge of not having a facility that can accommodate what ends up being a regional opportunity like the Ray Bradbury program; however, the Library needs to stay true to our goals and focus on what we are trying to accomplish for the people of Carlsbad. Trustee Tarman pointed out that the same issue of a regional draw for a local event is the case with the TGIF Jazz in the Park series for Carlsbad, as the crowds get larger each year. Library Director Pizzuto took this opportunity to thank Community Coordinator Jessica Padilla Bowen for the outstanding job she did in the planning and publicity for the event as well as other staff members who volunteered to work the event, and promised to share the wrap-up meeting outcomes with this Board next month. Library Organization Chart - Library Director Pizzuto distributed the latest organization chart to the Board for their use in determining which Divisions they would like highlighted at future meetings. Trustee Swette suggested a report from the Arts Office, specifically the Cannon Gallery. Leadership Team Representative - Library Director Pizzuto advised the Board that since September of last year the Library reported directly to the City Manager when the Assistant City Manager retired. The City has filled a number of key positions and has now affirmed our organizational structure and we are once again reporting to the Assistant City Manager, Lisa Hildabrand. Technology report - This past week fiber optic cabling was installed at the Library on Dove Lane in preparation for the migration to the Sirsi.net solution, outsourcing the maintenance and management of our library system. Testing of the fiber begins next week and if all goes well then the transition to Sirsi.net will take place around May 18th. The by-product of going to fiber is that the Internet connectivity speed will improve. Library Board of Trustees Page 6 Minutes of April 19, 2006 Meeting After the transition to Sirsi.net we will bring up the PC Management system as it uses the same structure of going outside the network to connect with another system. RFID Tagging - As mentioned earlier, as of April 15th the tagging of the collection had exceed the 100,000 mark which represents 33% of the entire collection and 56% of the collection located in the Dove Lane facility. Next week the tagging will begin at the Cole Library in an effort to get the children's collection tagged before the start of the Summer Reading Program. Library Service Reorganization Goal - Staff is working with an architect on the design for renovations of the Circulation area in preparation for the use of RFID and expect to have preliminary drawings shortly from the architect. Trustee Swette asked for those drawings to be shared with the Board before the final design was selected. Library Director Pizzuto explained that this month the focus is on the merchandising aspect of the service reorganization goal and how we organize the collection. The Division Heads and other Library staff will be asked to complete a "walk around" of each facility, analyzing the services and layout from a customer's perspective and making suggestions for ways in which we might want to reorganize our services. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Tarman reported that at the April 14th meeting the Foundation was advised that the Robert Gartner Endowment funds will be received shortly from Mr. Gartner's estate. The disbursement is about $1.4 million and will be used to fund programs for the Schulman Auditorium. They also received a report on their investments which have done very well this year since switching to Fidelity. The home tour fundraiser has been held in the past in October but the committee managing this project has decided to change the date to the first Saturday in May, beginning in 2007. The Committee already has three or four homes committed for that tour and the Foundation will use the home tour to promote the capital campaign. Plans for the capital campaign are still underway with the consultant and they have applied for and received a $4,000 grant for furniture and fixtures for the Library Learning Center. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: No report. Library Board of Trustees Page 7 Minutes of April 19, 2006 Meeting GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Society Liaison Gordon Hoard reported that the Society had received a bequest from long-time Society member, Marie Quisenberry, for additions to the genealogy collection and the Society hosted her family last week. The final figure is expected to be between $30,000 and $35,000. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: None. PUBLIC COMMENT: (see beginning of the minutes - Item taken out of turn) ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:45 PM Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #3 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for MARCH 2006 Systemwide ... 1. RFID tagging progress continues as 27,784 items were tagged in March. The total number of tagged items is now over 95,000. During March, 38 volunteers contributed 219 hours to the project. 2. On March 24th, Young Adult Librarian, Darin Williamson hosted the popular Friday program, Pizza and a Movie Night, for 14 teens. They enjoyed the hit movie, Spiderman. 3. In anticipation of library wide upgrades to Microsoft Office 2003, many staff have attended classes on the new features of the suite. Classes were provided through the City's Human Resource Department. 4. The March 13th performance by the Carlsbad Play readers of "Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune" played to a standing room audience in the Schulman Auditorium. 5. The Friends of the Library sponsored jazz concert on March 19th featured Yavaz and played to a standing room only crowd. 6. Audiences continue to grow for the Wednesday evening movie series. Nearly 400 people attended this month's films, programmed to complement the Cannon Gallery exhibition of Mexican photography. 7. The "Opera Humor" talk by author Stephen Tanner attracted thirty five attendees. This presentation was designed to complement the Arts Office's opera lecture series. 8. The 13th annual Multicultural Arts Festival was held March 4-11. Cole had over 200 people attend the Saturday programs, which included bagpipers, Highland dancers, a Celtic storyteller, and the San Diego Symphony Instrumental Petting Zoo. The Centro de Informacibn celebrated with a multicultural storytelling program of animal stories told in Spanish and English by storyteller Linda Whiteside. Despite inclement weather, 573 people attended and enjoyed song, dance, puppetry and a demonstration of Brazilian Capoeira (Capoeira is an Afro- Brazilian martial art developed initially by African slaves in Brazil) at the Dove Library. Adult Learning ... 9. On Sunday, March 26, the Adult Learning Program held its annual Tutor and Learner Celebration at the Senior Center, with 141 adult and teen learners, Monthly Library Reports for March 2006 volunteer tutors, family members, City dignitaries, and special guests in attendance. After a meal, the audience heard moving testimonies from learners whose lives had been changed by the Adult Learning Program. 10. Anne Luke, manager of Union Bank in Carlsbad and member of the Board of the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation, partnered with the Adult Learning Program to help adult learners improve their understanding and skills handling a checking account. Anne obtained and donated 100 kits consisting of sample check registers, sample checks, and sample deposit slips. These are being used by tutoring pairs and will also be used in small groups. 11. Participating in a statewide technology mentoring project, ALP staff member Carrie Scott has been mentoring AmeriCorps member Margaret Bradley as they developed and implemented a basic technology curriculum called "About Me." The course started in March with 5 adult learners who had already completed introductory key boarding, mouse, and formatting skills and is introducing them to "MS Publisher" incorporating the learner's photo from a digital camera. Centre de Information ... 12. Lizeth Simonson attended the monthly meeting of the Carlsbad Youth Enrichment Services (Y.E.S.) at the Barrio Museum in Carlsbad. Kathleen Scabolt from the Carlsbad Education Foundation and Aly Mancini from the Carlsbad Recreation Department gave a presentation to the audience about after-school programs offered by their organizations. 13. Centre staff Gisela Rivera and Lizeth Simonson attended the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) at Calavera Hills Elementary School. They presented information about library services in general, homework assistance, and how the libraries can support their families in the process of learning English. Parents also received tips and handouts on how to read to their children, how to help them with homework at home, and information about the Library. CCL, Dove Lane... 14. New Children's Division Librarian, Amanda Kalish, started work on March 13th. She spent most of the day in Human Resources, but then arrived at Dove to a very warm welcome. 15. The Carlsbad City Library Hour's March programming, produced by Media Services, featured the popular local musical group Hip Graffiti. Hip Graffiti was recorded live in the Schulman Auditorium, and shown on Adelphia Channel 3. Library programs are also aired on KOCT Oceanside and Del Mar Access TV. Monthly Library Reports for March 2006 Georgina Cole ... 16. Two new after-school children's programs began in March: a monthly "Passport to Adventure" which will feature a "trip" to a different country every month and a monthly "Awesome Art" program which will highlight famous artists. 17. The Genealogy Division sponsored many programs this month in addition to their regular courses. Senior Librarian, Mary Van Orsdol spoke to the DeAnza Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) on online resources from home and to the North San Diego Genealogical Society's Computer Group on using online catalogs. The NSDCGS also held its annual all-day Spring Seminar with 132 people in attendance. The speaker was John Phillip Colletta. The NSDCGS also hosted a program by Gene Cheney on Old English Handwriting. 18. The Genealogy Division created a new display area for part of the Genealogy Circulating Collection. For their first display, the staff pulled out the "how-to" books and shelved them in the new display area. The staff hopes that the increased visibility of the books will increase circulation of these items. 19. The Carlsbad History Room continues to report a dramatic increase in the number of contacts made with the public. With the re-arrangement of shelving at the completion of the Cole HVAC project, the History Room is now more visible. Staff members are receiving comments from patrons reflecting that the patrons didn't know the History Room was there. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - MARCH 2006 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Mar-05 13,304 76,622 41,130 16,337 7,455 37,435 24,578 6,261 216/40 910/142 1,7931* 165/* 24 374 3 113 89 3,307 10,218 ** ** ** 105 3,125 25 1,069.75 Feb-06 11,761 72,614 36,633 13,946 2,899 12,260 9,230 1,616 172/198 770/145 1.783/* 1161* 17 294 4 51 69 2,333 6,732 671 4,151 5,983 197 857 76 4,540 12 1,179.75 Mar-06 13,959 82,797 44,991 15,234 6,536 32,691 20,384 7,713 164/231 1,312/129 2,348/* 153/* 36 577 6 50 119 4,209 9,296 906 5,937 6,889 274 1,131 108 5,856 24 1,396.5 * ALP not reported.Email/Telephone Notification not reported last year. ITEM # 6 Facts at a Glance: Summary of Library/Media Division Report Findings FY 04-05 Event Summary: a There were a total of 1108 events conducted by all organizations during FY04-05. a The Auditorium was used for approximately 36% of all bookings; the Meeting Room was used for over 61 % of the events a 72% of all events were presented by the Library/City department o Of the 796 Library/City presented programs: • 101 were presented by the Children's Division • 302 were presented by the Arts Office • 98 were presented by the Reference Division • 69 were presented by the Programs & Exhibits Attendance Summary: Q There were a total of 38,478 attendees at all events held during FY04-05. a 69% of the total attended events were presented by the Library o Of the 26,394 attendees at Library events: • 7,897 attended Children's events • 8,622 attended Arts Office events • 5,345 attended Programs and Exhibits events Event Cancellation Summary: a There were a total of 267 booking cancellations during FY04-05. a There was an overall cancellation rate of 24% Time Summary: a The Auditorium was reserved a total of 2,144 hours during FY04-05. a The average amount of time spent by Library Media Division staff pre-setting stage technology and break down of the Auditorium before and after an event: 90 minutes. a Total hours the Meeting Room was reserved during FY04-05. 2,346 hours and 30 minutes. a The average amount of time spent by Library staff setting up and breaking down the Meeting Room before and after an event: 66 minutes Financial Summary: a A total of $44,189.80 in revenue was collected from FY04-05. o $10,400 in cleaning deposits o $33,789.80 in room fees, equipment rental, AV Tech charges, and video production Greatest Period of Activity The latter half of FY04-05 had the greatest amount of activity o 617 events o 22,128 attendees o $21,672.50 in financial revenue