HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-08-16; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved 'ITEM #2 MINUTES MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: August 16, 2006 PLACE OF MEETING: Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Chair Rob Swette called the meeting to order at 4:01 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Kamenjarin, Lignante, Swette, and Tarman Absent: Trustee Bradley Also Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Lisa Hildabrand, Assistant City Manager Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Devin Castel, Library Business Systems Specialist Children's Librarians Audrey Jones and Barbara Chung Randal Hopwood, Friends of the Library liaison Gordon Hoard, NSDCGS liaison Carolyn Taylor, League of Women Voters observer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the May 24, 2006 meeting were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Tarman asked for an update on the RFID tagging project and Library Director Pizzuto responded that the collection is 75% to 80% done. The majority of the collection at both the Dove Lane and Cole Libraries has tags and the remaining areas to be tagged include some audio visual items, the Reference Collection and those items at Adult Learning and Centre. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if there were plans for recognizing the service of Sr. Librarian Lynda Jones as she retires and would her retirement affect the Library Learning Center project schedule. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of August 16, 2006 Meeting Library Director Pizzuto responded that Sr. Librarian Jones had requested no formal retirement event but instead requested anyone wishing to recognize her service to the Library do so with a donation to the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation in support of the Library Learning Center. As for the Learning Center project, Library Director Pizzuto announced that the Library has made an interim appointment of Carrie Scott as the program coordinator for the Adult Learning Program. Ms. Scott has been with the program for many years, first as a volunteer and later as an employee and has a strong background in literacy. Director Pizzuto continued that the Library is working with Human Resources to analyze the position in relation to the long-range needs of the Learning Center before any recruitment efforts are initiated. Deputy Library Director Smithson added that the change in program coordinator will not create any delays in the construction project. Chair Swette commented on the relatively small number of teen participants in their summer programs, averaging about 15, and Deputy Library Director Curtis responded that the number met expectations and is pretty consistent throughout the year. The size is a good number for that age group. Chair Swette asked for clarification on some July statistics which were significantly lower than last year and in some cases lower than the previous month. Both Library Director Pizzuto and Deputy Library Director Curtis addressed his concerns noting that some teen programs had been eliminated due to poorer than average attendance and the implementation of the PC Management system had impacted the availability of some of the computers in the Library during the month of July. Before moving to the next agenda item, Library Director Pizzuto welcomed the Assistant City Manager to the meeting and confirmed that all the present members of the Board had been introduced to her. One of the duties of the Assistant City Manager position is to oversee the operations of the Community Services MSA, which includes the Library. SUMMER READING PROGRAM 2007: Library Director Pizzuto introduced Sr. Librarians Audrey Jones and Barbara Chung, Children's Division Librarians for Cole and Dove Lane, respectively, who presented an overview of the Summer Reading Program for this year. Sr. Librarian Jones explained the planning process for this year's program while Sr. Librarian Chung discussed the final statistics. The total number of participants signed up system-wide was 3,415 and they logged more than one million pages read over the Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of August 16, 2006 Meeting course of the program. There were a total of 116 programs this summer attended by 6,483 over all. Trustee Kamenjarin asked how the statistics compared to last year and Sr. Librarian Chung responded that the number of sign-up was somewhat higher but that the number of participants coming in to report what they read was significantly higher. Sr. Librarian Jones added that Cole saw a huge increase in program attendance this year. Trustee Kamenjarin also asked if the Library tracked participants as to Carlsbad residents or non-residents and Sr. Librarian Chung responded they did not track this for program attendance but did keep track of non-residents who signed up to participate in the program, but she did not have that information with her today. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if there had been any problems with the recall of the toy containing too much lead. Both Sr. Librarians responded that a few had been returned for exchange with another item. Library Director Pizzuto explained for those who may not have heard the particulars that there was a nationwide recall of the bendable toys given away as prizes during the Summer Reading Programs when it was discovered they contained an unacceptable amount of lead. There have been numerous newspaper stories warning parents about the toys as well as posters and flyers in all our library locations. LIBRARY LEARNING CENTER: Library Director Pizzuto advised that City Council approved the awarding of the contract and we are currently waiting for the notice to proceed so the contractor can hopefully begin the estimated 18 months construction period on September 5th. As part of the communication plan for the Learning Center, the Library will host an open house on August 23rd. Door hanger invitations have been distributed to the surrounding neighbors inviting them to stop by and learn about the plans for the facility and the new Learning Center brochure will be available at that time. She continued that Library staff and volunteer tutors from the Adult Learning Program will be on hand at the event to answer questions but there is no formal program planned. The tentative date for the Hard Hat Ceremony (in lieu of a groundbreaking) is Wednesday, September 27th at 6:30 pm. Drawings of the elevation and the floor plan diagrams were available for the Board's review. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of August 16, 2006 Meeting LIBRARY STAFF DEVELOPMENT DAY: Library Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that on August 31st the Library will be closed between the hours of 9:00 am and 1:00 pm. This is only the third year the Library has closed to bring the entire staff together for training. She explained that the Library has more than 200 employees, many of whom are part time and have other jobs or attend school, and the entire staff is never all together except for this once-a-year event. The focus this year is to bring everyone up to date what we have learned from our customers about what they are looking for in our Library. Much of the information gathered through the surveys is fascinating and has caused us to want to take a step back and consider ways to change library services to align with what our customers want. Joan Frye Williams, an internationally renowned consultant in library services and technology, will be the facilitator for the day helping us connect where we've been, what we know about our customers, library service trends, and where we go from here as we enter into our next phase which is our strategic planning process. STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS: Library Director Pizzuto continued onto this agenda item reminding the Board that the Library's previous strategic plan only took us through June of this year. The Library wanted the new strategic plan to reflect the work that's been done around the balanced scorecard. Joan Frye Williams has agreed to return and work with a cross-section of staff and representatives from the Library Board, The Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation board and the Friends of the Library to lead us in developing the plan. The workshop is scheduled for a full day and a half and the tentative dates are November 1 & 2, 2006. Library Director Pizzuto asked the Trustees to please check their calendars for availability and get back to her as soon as possible. Chair Swette commented that he has attended several seminars and workshops in the past, led by Joan Frye Williams, some at the Carlsbad City Library. Library Director Pizzuto added that Joan Frye Williams had been the consultant for this Library's technology strategic planning and more recently had facilitated a workshop wherein they identified how the balanced scorecard could provoke strategic planning. Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of August 16, 2006 Meeting ELECTION OF BOARD CHAIR & CO-CHAIR: By proper motion, discussion and vote, current Chair Rob Swette was unanimously elected to serve as the chair for the next year, and Trustee Kamenjarin agreed to serve as the Co-chair. BOARD REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE CARLSBAD LIBRARY AND ARTS FOUNDATION: Chair Swette advised the Board that the newest trustee, Marie Bradley, had volunteered to serve in this capacity and the Board supported her serving in that manner. BOARD REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE COMMUNITY GRANTS COMMITTEE: Trustee Tarman agreed to serve another year on this Committee. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: RFID Project - Library Director Pizzuto reported that tagging of the collection at Dove Lane and Cole is nearly complete with the help of volunteers who have devoted over 2,000 hours towards the project. At the same time, Library staff has been working on modification plans necessary to accommodate some of the RFID equipment. The Circulation Division at the Dove Lane Library will be reconfigured for the installation of the conveyor belt. The plans around that project are much more extensive than those for the Cole Library but not as complex as originally considered. She explained that due to rising construction costs and following discussions with several other libraries that have implemented RFID, they recommended and we have decided to make the modifications in phases rather than at the onset. Changes in the public areas will be determined by the actual use of the area after self-check is implemented. Modifications for the Cole are very limited, mostly changes in the height of the circulation desk and the configuration of the area behind it. The City Facilities staff will be able to handle this project eliminating the need for an outside contract. We are working with Facilities staff to align scheduling of this work with modification at the Dove Lane location. Tentative timeline for the construction phase of the project is December to January in hopes of minimally impacting the public, and based on that date, it is anticipated the Library will begin using the equipment around March or April of 2007. She said the additional time is necessary after construction to bring in the equipment and train staff before the Library can begin using RFID. She added that we still have to go out to bid for the construction work for the Dove Lane facility and the results of that process will produce a more definite completion date. Library Board of Trustees Page 6 Minutes of August 16, 2006 Meeting Trustee Tarman asked the Director to run through the process once the equipment is fully installed and in operation and Library Director Pizzuto gave the board a brief explanation of the procedure of the automated check-in and sorting. Chair Swette asked how the automation would affect staffing and Library Director Pizzuto explained that part of the plan for implementing RFID included a reduction in staff of eight FTE and this reduction will occur over the twelve-month period from the point we being using RFID. This reduction in staff is expected to occur by way of attrition as the positions involved historically have a steady turn-over. At the outset we will have staff readily available to assist the public with the self-check equipment to get the users comfortable with the change. Library Director Pizzuto asked the Board if they would like to review the construction drawings and the Board was unanimous in their decision to "wait until it was done" for a demonstration. Staff Development day invitation - Library Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that they are invited to attend the training on August 31st. Balanced Scorecard - At the last Board meeting the representatives from SBRI were on hand to present their analysis of the surveys to the Board, and then met with the Library Division Heads at their next meeting. At that meeting the Division Heads asked for some additional analysis and questions to be answered. As a result, we now have what we believe is the final survey results which are being printed for release to the Board as well as presented to the City Council, probably in September. Following the release of the survey results, the next step is the revision of the scorecard based on what was learned and some decisions on the targets for performance measurement. Library Director Pizzuto added that the Board will be asked to provide some feedback about how the balanced scorecard has been helpful as a tool in assessing the performance of the Library over the course of time since it was implemented. FY 2006-07 Budget - Library Director Pizzuto confirmed that the budget as submitted to City Council was approved. CLAF Naming Opportunities proposal to the City Council - Library Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that the Foundation had asked that their proposal be considered by the City for naming opportunities that they might use in the course of their capital campaign for the Learning Center. Trustee Tarman reported on the proposal at an earlier meeting of this Board during his routine Foundation report. Library Board of Trustees Page 7 Minutes of August 16, 2006 Meeting The proposal was submitted to the City Manager and Library Director Pizzuto attended a City Council workshop today where the proposal was introduced. There was some preliminary discussion and questions from the Council Members and the next step is to craft a resolution explaining how naming opportunities could be made available and seek Council approval of the concept. Library Director Pizzuto advised the Board that the final proposal and resolution would be brought before this Board as well. Chair Swette asked for questions and Trustee Kamenjarin asked for some explanation of the recent e-mail error message identifying overdue materials. Library Director Pizzuto referenced the recent e-mail sent to the Board which provided a brief update about the e-mail notification which went out to a number of our e-mail notification users containing inaccurate information about overdue items on their account. She asked Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel to give a description of what occurred and what has been done in response. BSS Castel explained the notices were sent from the test system which is a static system used for testing patches, new functions, etc. in a somewhat safe environment. As part of a new process to refresh the test box, which will update the data to match the production box (which contains the live data), the vendor accidentally turned on the report functionality prior to the refresh which caused the e-mail notices to be sent: The Library has sent out 16,400 e-mails to all e-mail patrons with a statement of apology for the incident. Trustee Kamenjarin pointed out that his concern was not that the mistake occurred but that the Library had kept the data regarding what materials the patrons had checked out in the past which violates the Library's position on privacy. He added that he had received several telephone calls from concerned patrons asking why the Library still had a record of something checked out and returned six months ago. BSS Castel explained that the information contained in the test box was a snapshot in time of several records and that the information is actually not in the production box data and not attached to anyone's record. Because it was necessary to have a test environment as we implemented the system, the static information was captured and then as we went live, our focus was on the production box and its operation. Once that was stable, then we could turn to cleaning up the test box. The new procedure is to refresh (wipe out the data) in the test box every month. Library Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that the Library has been working for the past year on auditing of records retained by the Library containing patron information, determining what records we keep and the length of time we need to keep them for business purposes. The Library has been working with an outside consultant and attorney in developing a Library policy based on library law. Additionally we are working on the methodology for purging records to be sure we don't have unnecessary data. Library Board of Trustees Page 8 Minutes of August 16, 2006 Meeting Chair Swette asked when the policy would be ready for the Board to review and Library Director Pizzuto responded that the retention list is about 70% complete and referred to all patron records, not just circulation. Chair Swette asked if the Library or other Trustees received any calls about the notices and there were none reported. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Tarman reported that the last meeting was in July as the Foundation canceled the August meeting. The Foundation approved the policy for the use of the Gartner Endowment Fund. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Friends of the Library Liaison Randall Hopwood reported that the Friends held their annual meeting in June at which time they approved the latest funding requests from the Library. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: NSDGS Liaison Gordon Hoard reported that the lecture series presented by Sr. Librarian Mary Van Orsdol has been well attended as well as the education sessions being taught by Marilyn Reed. Their annual pot luck is tonight and the Board was invited. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Kamenjarin pointed out the trip potential of the landscape lighting out in front of the Cole Library and Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that the issue has already been addressed and the Facilities is looking for a solution. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:07 PM /O Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #3 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for MAY 2006 Systemwide ... 1. Nearly 350 people attended the May "African Experience" films, scheduled to complement the Cannon Gallery exhibition of South African art. 2. Thirty people attended the Magee Park Poets poetry reading featuring the work of local Pulitzer Prize-nominee, Sam Hamod. 3. Audiences enjoyed the May 22 Carlsbad Playreaders' performance of "The Pavilion." The Playreaders season has wound down for the summer and will begin again on September 18,2006 with "The Glass Menagerie." 4. The Library's part-time employees were honored at the Hourly Appreciation Party on May 19th. The evening event was held at the Senior Center where awards were given to 47 employees and was very well attended. There to recognize the hourly staff were Mayor Bud Lewis, Library Board Member Bill Kamenjarin, Friends Board Member Taffy Cannon, and Library and Arts Foundation President Jim Comstock. Part-time employees were acknowledged for 3, 5, 7,10,15, and 20 years of service. The Staff Development Committee put together this annual event. 5. Migration to Sirsi.net (outsourced hosting of our automated system) occurred in May with staff performing rigorous testing. During the transition, staff did not have use of the circulation system or a live catalog, but they were able to meet the public service needs with other tools. Sirsi.net went live on May 18th and staff is pleased with the results to date. 6. RFID - During May, most of the Cole Children's print collection was tagged The goal was to complete the Children's collection before the start of the Summer Reading Program and expiration of the lease on the additional battery-powered tagging equipment. Many Genealogical Society volunteers were also anxious to help. As of the end of May, 30% of the Cole collection and 72% of the Dove collection had been tagged. Overall, 174,746 items have been tagged to this point, or 53% of the total collection. Sr. Librarian Susan Simpson, Deputy Library Director Dave Curtis and Library Community Coordinator Jessica Padilla worked with students from Carlsbad High School to create a spot for CHS TV to recruit students to perform RFID tagging as a way to satisfy their community service requirement. (This news story aired 6/2/06 on CHSTV and can be viewed at chstv.com.) Monthly Library Reports for May 2006 Overall, volunteers spent 301 hours doing RFID tagging during May. Those volunteers working more than 10 hours since the start of the project in January were given a thank-you letter and a gift certificate to the Friends of the Library bookstore, donated by the Friends. 7. All public services staff are working toward the installation of the PC Management system which is scheduled for late July. During May, furniture to hold the equipment in Cole Reference and Dove Children's was ordered; cabling and electrical work at Cole was completed. Adult Learning ... 8. Staff member Helen Lindner was the Team Captain for the Carlsbad City Library team that participated in the Union-Tribune Race for Literacy on May 7. The 8K race benefits the San Diego Council on Literacy, of which the Adult Learning Program was one of the founding Network literacy programs. The team, which was the largest library team, consisted of 74 members representing Cole, Dove and Faraday, as well as Adult Learning Program tutors, learners, family, and friends. 9. The Technology Integration Mentor Academy hosted California Department of Education representatives and adult educators throughout the state for a presentation of technology projects. Staff member Carrie Scott presented the results of a class taught by herself and AmeriCorps member Margaret Bradley, which integrated learners' writing with Microsoft Publisher. Carrie is the only technology mentor from a library literacy program selected for the academy. 10. The Adult Learning Program welcomes 2 new part-time Literacy Program Assistants — one as a replacement for Amanda Bird who just completed her MLIS program and moved to Oregon. Erin Thomas was a pre-K and K-2 special education teacher who recently moved to Carlsbad with her husband David. Susan Empizo began her literacy career as a volunteer in 1995. Since then, she has been an AmeriCorps volunteer, a computer lab coordinator, and tutor trainer with the Chula Vista Literacy Team. She is concurrently the assistant to the literacy program coordinator in Chula Vista. Centre de Information ... 11. Lizeth Simonson and the Centre staff participated in many outreach activities during May. On May 9, Lizeth met with and rewarded Head Start parents that brought their children to the Library and read to them as part of the ongoing Partnership in Reading Program and informed the parents about Summer Reading Program 2006. The Centre also participated in the Buena Vista School Annual Festival on May 13. The Centre had tables with information about the children's programs at Cole and Centre and the Summer Reading Program. Buena Vista students participated in the Clifford ABC Bingo game and won Monthly Library Reports for May 2006 small prizes. Staff also participated in the Jefferson Elementary School Multicultural Festival on May 20, staffing a booth with information and games. Parents and children received information about the Summer Reading Program and other children's programs at the libraries. 12. On May 18th, two computer class series taught in Spanish started at the Centre. The two groups meet on Thursday mornings before the Centre opens to the public. The courses being taught this session are Writing on the Computer 2: Word Processing, and (for) Writing on the Computer 3: Internet and E-mail. These groups are made up of the adults who already completed the beginning courses. 13. Regular bilingual story-craft, Puros Cuentos y Pan Dulce, and 2006 All Star Readers had their last session this month and will resume in the fall. CCL, Dove Lane ... 14. The Carlsbad City Library Hour's May programming, produced by Media Services, featured the "An Evening with Ray Bradbury". This event was recorded live in the Schulman Auditorium, and shown on Adelphia Channel 3. Library programs are also aired on KOCT Oceanside and Del Mar Access TV. 15. The Children's Division presented two special story times at the City's annual Public Works Fair held in the north parking lot of the Library on Dove Lane on May 24th. 16. The 3rd Annual Teen Talent Show was held on May 4th in the Schulman Auditorium. Nine groups competed for prizes and recognition before an audience of 80. First place went to a young violinist. 17. The Library held two Rock the Library concerts featuring winning bands from the City's 2006 Battle of the Bands competition. On 5/11 the second-place band, Kamchatka, played a concert of eclectic rock with worldwide influences to an audience of 80. On 5/25, 230 people came to hear the winning band, The Last Revival, play a concert of hard rock featuring classic covers and original songs. Georgina Cole ... 18. The Genealogy Division and the North San Diego County Genealogical Society presented 3 programs during May: two on the software, Family Tree Maker 2006, and one on using information from Lineage Societies in genealogy research. The NSDCGS also held its annual book sale in the Cole Library Community Room on Saturday, May 20. Senior Librarian, Mary Van Orsdol, spoke to 78 members of the Temecula Valley Genealogical Society about the resources at the Carlsbad City Library. Monthly Library Reports for May 2006 19. The Reference staff hosted their two regular book clubs, four Basic Internet classes, two Tips and Tricks classes, and one Email Basics class. 20. The Children's staff presented many programs while preparing for the upcoming Summer Reading Program. Out of 31 days in the month of May, there were Children's programs on 25 days. Programs ranged from Toddler and Preschool Story Times to special events. The Summer Reading program preparations included recruiting, interviewing and training volunteers, transforming the Children's area into a park-like setting and ordering supplies. 21. Children's staff also weeded the collection to stay ahead of the RFID tagging. At the end of May, the Children's Room had been completely weeded. Monthly LIBRARY Reports for June 2006 Systemwide ... 1. Carlsbad City Library was featured in the June/July 2006 issue of the publication American Libraries, the magazine of the American Library Association. The Library received national recognition for its community-wide reading program, "Carlsbad Reads Together" with a photo of Ray Bradbury speaking at the Library. 2. RFID tagging: At Cole, 72,820 items have been tagged. This is 55% of the Cole collection. The Cole Children's, Large Print, Spanish and Genealogy collections have been tagged. At Dove, 146,392 items have been tagged. This is 78% of the Dove collection. All print circulating materials are now tagged at Dove; only audio-visual and reference items remain untagged. Overall, 219,212 items have been tagged, or 66% of the total collection. Volunteers spent 267.5 hours doing RFID tagging during June. 100 volunteers have assisted with the RFID tagging project since January, donating a total of 990 hours. The RFID project has been getting some press. The coverage has outlined the general project and helped the Library recruit volunteers to assist with the tagging effort. 3. Reference staffs at Cole and Dove are coordinating and preparing for the implementation of PC management. The trainers have now been trained and are scheduling training sessions for all Reference and Children's staff in the "lab setting" created in a staff area at the Library on Dove Lane. Preparations for the installation of the new equipment are being finalized at library sites. Implementation is currently set for the last week in July. Signage and FAQs for staff and the public are being reviewed and notices have been posted on the Library web page. 4. The Summer Reading Program began at all facilities on June 19th. The theme this year is "Paws, Claws, Scales & Tales" for children, ages 3 to 12, and "Creature Feature" for teens. Staff anticipates another record setting amount of reading! 5. On Thursday, June 15th, approximately 25 people attended a book talk and signing with local author Tom Morrow, a columnist for North County Times. The talk was held at Cole Library. 6. On June 15th, Library staff had the opportunity to express great appreciation to the Friends of the Carlsbad Library for their tremendous support at the Friends' Monthly Library Reports for June 2006 Page 2 Annual Membership Meeting held in the Dove Library courtyard and Schulman Auditorium. 7. The Library's free Summer Concert Series kicked off on Sunday, June 25 with vocal jazz artist Rosemary Watson. 150 people attended the performance. Additional Sunday afternoon concerts are scheduled for July 23 and August 20. Adult Learning... 8. On June 26, Senior Librarian Lynda Jones announced her retirement effective September 1, 2006. Lynda has been with the Library's Adult Learning Program since it was created 23 years ago and has built one of the finest literacy programs in the state. She will be greatly missed. 9. Adult Learning staff and 9 volunteer tutors attended READ/San Diego's 16th annual Tutor Conference. Participants attended workshops focusing on technology, comprehension, and tutoring strategies. Participating on a panel at the Conference was Senior Circulation Supervisor, Penny Thompson. She was on a panel discussing what can be done to influence the greater library environment so that literacy program coordinators have the internal support that they need to operate their programs successfully. Other panelists with Penny were the Deputy Director of the San Diego County Library, the Head of Orange County Reads, and the Literacy Coordinator for the Escondido Library. Learner Dolores B. represented the Adult Learning Program at the California Library Literacy Adult Learner Leadership meeting held in Sacramento on June 23 and 24. Dolores has been a learner in the program for nearly 3 years and has been active in our computer and writing classes. The purpose of the meeting was to develop a mission statement for adult learner leaders throughout the state, examine their supporting role within their literacy programs, and develop a strategy for keeping adult learners connected and motivated throughout the year. Centre de Informacion ... 10. Nine bilingual students started volunteering at the Centre's Summer Reading Program enrolling and taking reports from participants. In addition to the children and teens at the Centre, parents are also participating in the program in the same manner as their children by reading and then reporting to our volunteers and staff on what they read. Monthly Library Reports for June 2006 Page 3 CCL, Dove Lane... 11. The Carlsbad City Library Hour's June programming, produced by Media Services, featured "The Human Revolution with Raymond Lee Parker", a popular regional musician. This event was recorded live in the Schulman Auditorium, and shown on Adelphia Channel 3. Library programs are also aired on KOCT Oceanside and Del Mar Access TV. 12. June's Pizza and a Movie program was held on June 2nd and featured the anime film "Spirited Away". 13. On June 8th, two bands, Unchained and Tri-Force, which had appeared in the City's Battle of the Bands competition, appeared in a Rock the Library concert playing classic rock covers and original songs. Georgina Cole ... 14. The Genealogy division sponsored many enriching classes this month. Most notable was the success of the weeklong "Beginning Genealogy Course for Young People." This class has been taught for several summers but this year attendance increased with 12 youth completing the course. 15. The Homework Zone tutor program and the Children's computer tutor volunteer concluded for the summer after the first week of June. 16. The History Room received requests for information from Carlsbad Magazine, North County Times, Carlsbad City Communications Department, and the California Surf Museum. 17. The back issues of periodicals at the Cole Library are now an attractive site in their new, very visible area. Their old cardboard holders have been replaced with new green plastic containers. 18. Cole Library had many part-time employees celebrating graduations this month: five high school graduates all with plans for college both near and far, one graduate from San Diego State with a B. A., and one employee completing his MLIS degree from San Jose State's CSU Fullerton extension. Monthly LIBRARY Reports for July 2006 Systemwide ... 1. The Summer Reading Program is in full swing. Thus far at Cole, 1,060 children and 80 teens have signed up to participate in the program. In July, children have read over 238,142 pages and the teens have read over 80,273 pages. Regular storytime programs have continued at Cole as well as several special programs and "Late Night" programs that have taken place after regular operating hours. We have had 53 teen volunteers helping with the program logging 702 hours in July. 2. At Dove, close to 2000 participants have signed up, coming in an average of 1200 times each week of the seven week program. Dove Summer Reading Program volunteers donated 805 hours during the month of July. 3. Self-service public computer access has come to the Library in the form of PC Management. The system was implemented the week of July 24 after much preparation and effort over a number of months. The new service provides for queued reservations on public access computers in the Adult, and Children's Computer Labs at the Georgina Cole Library, the Carlsbad City Library at Dove Lane, and the Centro de Information. There is walk-up access to 16 computers on the 1st and 2nd floor adult areas of the Dove Library. 4. The Library's free Summer Concert on Sunday, July 23 with jazz group Hot Club of San Diego was a big hit, with more than 200 people attending the performance. The Summer Concert series concludes on Sunday, August 20 with Venezuelan harpist, Carmen Elena Barreiro. 5. Twenty-five people attended the July Magee Park Poets poetry writing workshop taught by local poet Sylvia Levinson. 6. RFID tagging is making good progress. At Cole, 103,173 items have been tagged. This is 77 % of the Cole collection. At Cole, all juvenile print materials and all adult fiction, genre fiction-and adult nonfiction have been tagged. Staff and volunteers continue to work on oversize nonfiction, large type, and audio items. Reference items at Cole have not been tagged yet. 7. At Dove, 148,436 items have been tagged. This is 79% of the Dove collection. All print circulating materials are now tagged at Dove; only audio-visual and reference items remain untagged. 8. Overall, 251,609 items have been tagged, or 76 % of the total collection. 9. Volunteers spent 312 hours doing RFID tagging during July. 130 volunteers have assisted with the RFID tagging project since January, 2006, donating a total of 1,342.75 hours. Monthly Library Reports for June 2006 Page 2 Adult Learning ... 10. With the upcoming retirement of Senior Librarian, Lynda Jones, Carrie Scott has been appointed Interim Literacy Coordinator for the Adult Learning Program. Carrie has worked at the Adult Learning Program for 18 years, first as a volunteer and, for the past five years, as a Library Technician. Carrie earned her MBA at San Diego State with her final project focusing on workplace literacy. Carrie has been active with the San Diego Council on Literacy having served on its Board, as President of the Board, and as Acting Executive Director. 11. The Adult Learning Program's fiscal year-end statistics show that volunteer tutors contributed 11,903 hours to helping learners improve their literacy skills. That represents a staggering 43% increase from the previous year and is attributable to increased participation by tutors in both the high school and adult programs. 12. Tutors and learners at the Adult Learning Program are taking advantage of several new programs being offered by the Adult Learning staff. Tutors receive support and share new ideas at monthly Tutor Brown Bag sessions. Learners can participate in new classes on topics such as home safety, banking skills, and correspondence. Centre de Information ... 13. During the month of July several special programs were presented at the Centre as part of the Summer Reading Program 2006 ranging from animal programs to a magic show and a movie night. All the events were well attended by children and adults. 14. Lizeth Simonson attended a network meeting sponsored by San Dieguito Alliance for Drug Free Youth. Several youth organizations and libraries from the city of Del Mar, Encinitas, Solana Beach, and Carlsbad shared information about their services and programs for children and young adults available in their area. CCL, Dove Lane... 15. On July 22nd, the Dove Children's Division hosted the 9th Annual Library Sleepover. 54 parents and children participated in this fun event. In addition to movies, popcorn, and games, there were special animal guests, including a baby alligator, a hedgehog, and a chinchilla. 16. The Carlsbad City Library Hour's June programming, produced by Media Services, featured "Radio Racers", a popular local band, and battle of the bands finalist. This event was recorded live in the Schulman Auditorium, and shown on Adelphia Channel 3. Library programs are also aired on KOCT Oceanside and Del Mar Access TV. Monthly Library Reports for June 2006 Page 3 17. On July 10th, 15 teens attended "Superman Revealed", a program on the amazing story of Superman's history, presented by Stephen R. Sanders. 18. On July 13th the Pizza and a Movie program was attended by 15 teens. The featured movie was The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. 19. On July 17th, 17 teens attended an Ice Cream Social. Georgina Cole ... 20. The decorations in the Children's Room have been so successful that many patrons and staff have suggested leaving decorations up after summer reading. Other divisions are also excited about the decorations and have been brainstorming with Children's Staff as to how to make a more permanent entrance into the Children's Room. 21. Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol presented the first of five monthly lectures for "Library Skills for Genealogists". The topic was "Online Catalogs" and focused on the Carlsbad City Library Catalog, the Sutro Library Catalog, and the Family History Library Catalog. The Genealogy Division also sponsored their regular Beginning Genealogy Class, a class on Family Websites and Research, and a lecture entitled "Genealogy: The Chinese Perspective." 22. The History Room received photo donations from the Kelly family documenting Rancho Los Kiotes and Agua Hedionda and worked with the City Communications Department on the "State of the City" video. 23. New concrete picnic tables were delivered to the West patio at Cole and have created a welcome space for staff and public. Four large planters in the area will soon be blooming with new greenery with assistance from the Parks Department. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - MAY 2006 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours May-OS 11,660 70,408 36,821 14,021 6,541 33,957 21,842 5,409 202/56 922/97 2,042/* 173/* 23 400 8 308 90 2,311 8,949 ** ** ** 120 4,017 51 1,080.75 Apr-06 11,788 74,041 38,743 13,952 6,199 30,655 20,089 6,785 176/172 905/118 1.828/* 189/* 32 404 10 277 86 2,431 8,318 784 5,533 7,673 258 1,389 120 4,058 45 1,025.15 May-06 11,310 70,997 38,542 13,631 6,761 30,520 20,910 6,604 201/98 717/116 2,004/* 1621* 32 509 12 488 108 3,276 9,052 683 3,041 8,356 165 1,554 113 5,503 25 1,498.6 * ALP not reported.**Email/Telephone Notification not reported last year. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - JUNE 2006 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours June-OS 11,957 75,158 40,430 16,955 5,905 36,129 22,255 6,641 181/54 1,048/100 2,3 87/* 198/* 21 277 10 371 33 1,167 8,948 ** ** ** 90 3,703 21 1,367.9 May-06 11,310 70,997 38,542 13,631 6,761 30,520 20,910 6,604 201/98 717/116 2,004/* 1621* 32 509 12 488 108 3,276 9,052 683 3,041 8,356 165 1,554 113 5,503 25 1,498.6 June-06 8,185 76,335 42,536 14,188 6,121 31,457 21,180 7,173 205/97 821/148 2.159/* 200/* 26 329 6 113 45 2,433 8,596 959 5,414 9,315 193 1,747 76 4,851 11 1,634.15 * ALP not reported.** Email/Telephone Notification not reported last year. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - JULY 2006 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours July-OS 11,878 77,672 45,385 15,776 5,884 35,300 22,057 6,450 241/42 988/84 2.190/* 233/* 20 253 14 167 73 1,849 8,892 ** ** ** 43 2,229 8 1,028.3 June-06 8,185 76,335 42,536 14,188 6,121 31,457 21,180 7,173 205/97 821/148 2.159/* 200/* 26 329 6 113 45 2,433 8,596 959 5,414 9,315 193 1,747 76 4,851 11 1,634.15 July-06 11,859 85,638 49,942 17,494 6,430 34,318 21,053 7,613 171/62 719/88 2,03 8/* 182/* 15 275 6 91 69 3,897 7,036 959 5,719 10,274 238 1,985 56 3,369 10 2,765.25 * ALP not reported.** Email/Telephone Notification not reported last year. ITEM # 5 Simplified Outline of Learning Center Construction Phases Construction tentatively scheduled to begin September 5, 2006 Schedule will be finalized by contracto after they receive "notice to proceed" from City Construction will last approximately 18 months concluding Spring 2008 "Hard-hat" Ceremony tentatively scheduled for September 27 at 6:30 p.m. MOU between Head Start and City as a formal agreement to work together during this project is scheduled to be on the City Council Agenda on August 15 Library will update Parks & Recreation Commission regarding Holiday Park usage agreement at meeting on August 21 Phase 1 • Head Start remains in main building with surrounding fence o Head Start uses a portion of Holiday Park M-F from 9 -11:30 a.m. • Demolition of small house on southwest corner of property • Dismantle Head Start's playground equipment and store for re-installation after construction • Grade and prepare for installation of modulars on northeast portion of property, including preliminary parking lot work • Install modulars • Head Start moves into modulars Phase 2 • Head Start operates from modulars o Head Start uses new parking area south of modular for outdoor activities • Fencing is moved to surround modulars & play area • Construction work on main building (bulk of project & time) Phase 3 No fence around any part of construction area or property Complete landscaping including re-installation of play equipment Complete paving and parking lot Head Start again uses a portion of Holiday Park for outdoor activities Project completion Centra de Informaci6n and Adult Learning move into new facility Grand Opening Celebration! 8/9/2006