HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-09-20; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved:ITEM #2 MINUTES MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: September 20, 2006 PLACE OF MEETING: Community Room - Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive CALL TO ORDER: Chair Rob Swette called the meeting to order at 4:03 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Bradley, Lignante, Swette, and Tarman Absent: Trustee Kamenjarin Also Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Randal Hopwood, Friends of the Library liaison Gordon Hoard, NSDCGS liaison Carolyn Taylor, League of Women Voters observer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held August 16, 2006 were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Tarman asked about the staff workshop held on August 31st and Library Director Pizzuto responded that attendance was great, 165 staff were present, and more information would be forthcoming under agenda item number seven. Chair Swette asked for an update on the parking lot issues at the Colonial Mall where the Adult Learning Program is located. Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that the City Attorney's office is working with the attorneys for the property owners in an effort to settle the dispute. The new owner of the restaurant installed some parking lot barriers restricting access to the lot in violation of an existing agreement that established the lot as shared parking. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of September 20, 2006 Meeting Library Director Pizzuto added that in the meantime the Adult Learning staff, tutors and learners have been given permission to use the parking lot adjacent to Fire Station #1, up the hill from the Colonial Mall. Chair Swette asked about the open house at the site of the new Library Learning Center and Library Director Pizzuto responded that it was a success and they received no negative feedback from the neighbors who attended. She added that the majority of the attendees were tutors and learners from the Adult Learning Program who were excited to see their prospective new home. CENTRO DE INFORMACION: Library Director Pizzuto explained that Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson was scheduled to make this presentation to the Board but was not able to attend due to a staffing emergency. Library Director Pizzuto invited the Board to accompany her to the Centra following this meeting to see the facility first hand and ask any questions they might have. Library Director Pizzuto explained that the purpose for showcasing the Adult Learning Program and Centra was to ensure that the Board feels well informed about these programs and the Learning Center. The board received an information packet about the two programs and a new brochure outlining what the Learning Center will offer. Deputy Library Director Smithson quickly reviewed the fifteen year history of the Centra de Informacion whose purpose was to create a bridge for the Spanish speaking community to public library services. The effort has been highly successful due to all the outreach efforts of the staff who attend community events, visit the schools and host a weekly program for Head Start children. All the staff are bi-lingual and the facility has both Spanish and English materials. Centra continues to play a vital role in the community. There was some discussion about the uniqueness of the Centra program and the expanded services that will be available in the new Library Learning Center as well as the importance of keeping the services within walking distance of the patrons who use it the most. Library Director Pizzuto pointed out that the Library and the City have been committed to responding to the needs of the community in a more complete way and that in the initial planning stage of the Learning Center, a search of the surrounding area revealed that there is no existing model for what the Learning Center will offer. Chair Swette added that the last CALTAC board meeting he attended was focused on literacy and the Carlsbad program was held up as the model in that the program was supported by the Library/City budget and not dependent on grant monies alone. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of September 20, 2006 Meeting LIBRARY LEARNING CENTER UPDATE: Deputy Library Director Smithson announced that construction began on Monday, September 18 with the demolition of the house and removal of the tree in the rear. She added that there are still some issues with a playground area for Head Start and the Hard Hat Ceremony is scheduled for October 4 at 6:00 pm. Chair Swette asked for some additional information on the format for the event, and Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that since the project is an addition to the existing building it did not lend itself to the traditional "ground breaking" and therefore the Library decided to have a "Hard Hat" event instead with attendees signing a large header beam to be incorporated into the construction. Library Director Pizzuto added that the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation would also be using the event to officially kick-off their capital campaign to raise funds for the Learning Center project. NAMING OPPORTUNITIES: Library Director Pizzuto explained that the Foundation has identified several areas of the Learning Center that would lend themselves to naming opportunities for donors interested in making a large donation. The Foundation has requested City approval to offer these naming opportunities as part of the Foundation's capital campaign. Library Director Pizzuto distributed a copy of the Foundation's list of potential naming opportunities and suggested having a representative of the Foundation attend a Library Board meeting to explain the capital campaign and the use of naming opportunities as well as identify what role they would like the Library Board to take. Library Director Pizzuto continued that research indicates that the Foundation's proposal is consistent with practices across the country for naming opportunities within other libraries. The City Council will be presented with some principles and guidelines for the offering of the naming opportunities, and if approved, a formal agreement will then be crafted for the process and will probably include the Library Board, Foundation and City representatives in the approval of any naming opportunity. There was some discussion about the guidelines, the Foundation's responsibility for record keeping, and the Foundation's investment policy as it relates to donations for the capital campaign. Library Director Pizzuto suggested the Board ask these types of questions when the Foundation representative attends the Board Meeting as previously suggested. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of September 20, 2006 Meeting There were questions about any donations that exceeded the $1.5 million pledged by the Foundation and where those donated dollars would end up within the City. Library Director Pizzuto explained some of the particulars of the unique funding for the Learning Center and offered to bring back more detail at the next meeting. LIBRARY STAFF DEVELOPMENT DAY: Library Director Pizzuto reported that the workshop was well attended and distributed copies of the audio recording of the event. Joan Frye Williams, the facilitator for the workshop, shared the information from the recent Library surveys related to the balanced scorecard as well as identified trends in services internationally. The workshop established the basic themes of what she sees as strategic directions the Library should consider and she will return in November to lead the Strategic Planning Process. At this time Library Director Pizzuto distributed copies of the final results of the recent surveys containing some additional information and analysis requested by the Library Division Heads after they reviewed the first report. Library Director Pizzuto suggested the report as good preparation for the strategic planning process and asked if the Board would like to discuss the survey report and the staff workshop at their next meeting? The Board unanimously agreed it would be helpful to have it as an agenda item next month. LIBRARY STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS: Library Director Pizzuto announced the dates for the strategic planning process are confirmed for Noveml yet to be determined. confirmed for November 1st and 2nd, beginning with a half day, but the exact times are Library Director Pizzuto expressed the importance of having representation from the Board, the Foundation, the Friends and Library staff. She added that those who attend the sessions in November will be asked to assist with the writing of a document and will need to attend a subsequent workshop sometime in the late winter or early spring. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Statistics Report on Computer usage - Library Director Pizzuto pointed out the change in the computer usage and explained that at Dove Lane there now are an additional 16 walk-up internet computers. The additional walk-up access is not available at the Cole Library because of the limited number of computers the building can support. Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of September 20. 2006 Meeting PC Management - Staff began using the program the last week in July with some glitches which have been worked out. Due to the manner in which PC Management captures computer use data, which is different from the way we previously reported usage, and some changes in the way we report internet usage for the State Library Report, staff is investigating reports available through the new system. Once the most useful statistics are determined, plans are to revise reporting back to July 1st so that the same method of measurement will be used for the entire fiscal year. RFID - The Adult Learning collection is about 50% tagged and the start on the Centra collection is scheduled for September 28th. The plans for the facility modifications are final for both locations with the majority of the work required for the Dove Lane facility. The Circulation workroom at Dove Lane will require extensive modification to allow for the installation of the conveyor belt for automated check-in and sorting. The modifications for the Cole primarily involve the circulation desk to accommodate the self check machines. e-Books and Audio -The Library initially selected "Overdrive" as the provider for these products but after some testing by staff members decided to look at other options including "Net Library". Public Library Fund (PLF) - The State has recently notified us that the estimated distribution of PLF funds for this year will be approximately $56,000 but final distribution will depend on the condition of the State budget at the actual time of distribution. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Bradley reported that the Foundation has adopted a new logo which will first appear on the invitations for the kick-off for the capital campaign. There are already three homes signed up for the May 5th 2007 Castles of Carlsbad tour, one of which will be featured in the next issue of Carlsbad magazine. The Foundation Board has arranged for their investment counselor from Fidelity to attend the next meeting to review all of the Foundation's investment portfolio, their investment strategy and the Gartner Endowment investment activity. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Friends' board liaison Randy Hopwood had no report as their Board did not meet over the summer and the next meeting is tomorrow. Library Board of Trustees Page 6 Minutes of September 20, 2006 Meeting GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Board liaison Gordon Hoard reported that the beginning genealogy classes have become so large that the library tours have to be split into two. Also very popular are the Library catalog classes being taught by Senior Librarian Van Orsdol. He also reported that the NSDCGS fall seminar was well attended and featured five case studies by the Society's members. Current membership in the Society is 435. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: None PUBLIC COMMENT: None present ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:34PM Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #3 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for August 2006 Systemwide ... 1. On August 31st, the Library held an all-staff, half day, in-service workshop. The theme, "On the Same Page: Working Together to Create a Customer-Centered Library" was well received and well attended, with more than 150 library employees coming together for the event. Joan Frye-Williams, a universally in demand library consultant, was the presenter. 2. Nearly 30 people attended the poetry reading with San Diego poet Jackleen Holton on August 9 at the Cole Library. The event was featured in the August 18 issue of local weekly publication, The Coast News. 3. More than 200 people attended the Library's August concert with Venezuelan harpist Carmen Barreiro on Sunday. August 20. The next concert will take place on Sunday, October 29 and will feature a premier Celtic American group, Skelpin'. 4. The August 28 author talk and book signing with James Gurney, writer and illustrator of the Dinotopia series, was well-received by a crowd of more than 100 people. The talk was attended by many families, children and adults of all ages as well as a group of art students. Mr. Gurney gave a wonderful talk with photos demonstrating how he creates his work and did a number of illustrations on the spot. 5. RFID tagging is almost finished at Cole and Dove; only audio-visual items and the reference collections still need to be tagged. The collections at Centra de Informaci6n and at ALP will be tagged during September and October. Volunteers contributed 68 hours to finish up the RFID tagging project at Cole in August. Plans for the renovations needed for RFID at the Dove and Cole circulation areas are nearly complete. Dale Schuck from Public Works is finalizing the plans and the contract documents. Library staff is starting to work out the details of how circulation will be handled while it is displaced during the renovations. 6. End of Summer Reading Program parties were held at all three locations on August 3rd with more than five hundred participants at both Cole and Dove Lane. In keeping with the animal and pet theme for this year, activities included stories and crafts as well as a petty zoo. Monthly Library Reports for August 2006 Page 2 The Summer Reading Program volunteers were also treated to a celebration of their own in appreciation for the thousand plus hours they worked this summer. Adult Learning... 7. The Adult Learning Program was approved for the California Library Literacy Services AmeriCorps initiative for a second year. Adult Learning will benefit from the work of 2 part-time AmeriCorps volunteers for calendar year 2007 to provide direct services to learners in the program. 8. There are new parking lot issues with the Adult Learning Program's current leased space because of a shared parking area's new limitations. Library and City staff are working on the issue. It is a difficult situation for the tutors, learners, and staff. A temporary solution of parking in the Fire Station lot to the east of the fire station on Carlsbad Village Drive has been put in place while discussion between the property owner and the City continue. Learning Center... 9. The Library hosted an Open House at the site of the new Library Learning Center on the evening of August 23 for community members to let them know what changes would be happening to the former Girls Club before construction actually begins in September. The public was notified by door hangers delivered to the residences surrounding the site, flyers at library locations, and the press. Approximately 40 guests viewed design plans for the new building and went on tours of the existing building where displays highlighting the future uses of those areas. Library administration and staff were available to answer questions. Centre de Information ... 10. A very successful Summer Reading Program concluded with a final party for participants on August 3. Program participants at the Centre totaled 128 children, teens and adults. Together they read 31,289 pages in the seven-week reading program. 11. The Centre also hosted an appreciation event for the Summer Reading volunteers. The ten bilingual volunteers dedicated 316 hours to the program and listened to a total of 1,200 reports from participants. CCL, Dove Lane... 12. The Carlsbad City Library Hour's August programming, produced by Media Services, featured a "40th Episode Clip Show" highlighting 40 programs recorded live in the Schulman Auditorium. This program was featured on Monthly Library Reports for August 2006 Page 3 KADL Channel 3 (Time Warner formerly Adelphia). Library programs are also aired on KOCT Oceanside and Del Mar Access TV. 13. Production Technician, Greg MacLellan received his Masters in Business Administration from San Diego State University in August. 14. Production Technician, Greg Maclellan attended The National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors annual conference in Orlando, Florida from August 22nd through the 26th. While there, he accepted the national award (3rd place), Excellence in Government Programming for the "Carlsbad City Library Hour" series that is produced by the Media Division and shown on local cable television stations. 15. There were two Pizza and a Movie evenings during August. On August 10th, twenty five teens attended a screening of Shanghai Noon. On August 17th, twelve teens attended the showing of Ella Enchanted. 16. The Dove Lane Library's End of Summer Reading Program Party was held on August 3rd. There were 590 children and parents in attendance, despite the rain. There were stories in the storywell, crafts and snacks in the Gowland Meeting Room, and a petting zoo in the north parking lot. Georgina Cole ... 17. Cole Library Summer Reading Program participants celebrated the End-of- Summer-Reading Program with an event in which over 520 people participated. This year's animal and pets theme concluded with a petting zoo (including a llama), a wandering puppeteer, face painting, crafts, snacks, and a bean bag toss to win the remaining summer reading prizes. The teen volunteers also celebrated a successful summer reading program with a pizza party. The 53 volunteers worked 1124 hours this summer. 18. After the conclusion of the Summer Reading program, Children's staff used the balance of August to prepare for the upcoming school year's programs and services. Both regular and new programs will resume beginning September 11. A new series of programs have been planned for Fridays. These programs are called "Finally Friday" and will consist of a Knit-n-Needles group once a month for people 8-88, Teen Karaoke, Teen Games (board games), and Awesome Art. 19. Genealogy Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol presented the second lecture in the series "Library Skills for Genealogists" on August 3 featuring the topic "Source Citations." Other Genealogy programs in August included Joan Lowrey's presentation to the Computer Genealogy Group on "Steve Morse's Monthly Library Reports for August 2006 Page 4 Website", Nancy Carlberg's presentation to the NSDCGS on "British Isles Research", and the NSDCGS annual Potluck at the Carlsbad Senior Center on August 16. 20. The History Room was quite busy this month. Library Technician Susan Gutierrez assisted the Recreation Department with development of Pine Park historical displays, assisted Val Brown in the City Manager's office with the State'of the City 2006 video, worked on projects with the museum director at Camp Pendleton and the historian for the Oceanside Historical Society, worked with the Carlsbad High School classes of 1965 and!966 on their class reunions, and helped Carlsbad Magazine with research questions for upcoming articles. 21. Library staff frequently has the opportunity to touch the lives of patrons on a deeply personal level. One such experience occurred in August, when Cole Reference staff responded to a request from an elderly woman to be married on the spot, while her son (who objected to the marriage) was out of town. Although the Library does not offer wedding services, Reference staff identified that the County Assessor's office could perform the ceremony, provided the relevant information along with directions, and aided the patron in locating the groom who waS' searching the Library for her. We wish them many years of wedded bliss. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - AUGUST 2006 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Total Summer Reading program registrations (Jun 19-Aug 2) Total Summer Reading program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Aug-05 11,655 73,820 40,243 14,496 5,743 33,412 20,525 8,044 140/91 718/123 1,5947* 1577* 21 437 3 170 34 3,316 1,800+ 9,629 456 ** 456 ** ** 66 3,118 14 917.5 July-06 11,859 85,638 49,942 17,494 6,430 34,318 21,053 7,613 171/62 719/88 2,03 8/* 1827* 15 275 6 91 69 3,897 7,036 959 5,719 10,274 238 1,985 56 3,369 10 2,765.25 Aug-06 11,219 74,204 40,587 14,611 6,922 32,743 20,614 6,984 148/67 5007125 1,9857* 1327* 22 376 3 41 9 1,484 3,462 6,483 18,023s"** 857 6,383 11,131 257 2,242 67 2,821 12 1,076.45 * ALP not reported. ** Email/Telephone Notification not reported last year. ***Reporting period 7/24/06-8/31/06; PC Management effective 7/24/06. Dove users increased significantly due to 16 walk-up stations. ITEM #7 Carlsbad City Library On the Same Page: Working Together to Create a Customer-Centered Library August 31,2006 Staff Training Agenda 8:30 - 8:50 Welcome - Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Introductions - Joan Frye Williams, Library & information Technology Consultant 8:50 - 9:30 What We Know: the Current Environment 9:30-10:00 Break 10:00-11:00 Key Issues to be Addressed 11:00-11:15 StaffInvolvement 11:15-11:30 Strategies for Success 11:30-11:45 Next Steps