HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-11-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: MINUTES ITEM #2 MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: November 15, 2006 PLACE OF MEETING: Adult Learning Program Conference Room Colonial Mall - Suite "O" - 1207 Carlsbad Village Drive CALL TO ORDER: Chair Rob Swette called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Bradley, Kamenjarin, Lignante, Swette, and Tarman Absent: None Also Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Carrie Scott, Adult Learning Program Interim Coordinator Randal Hopwood, Friends of the Library liaison Gordon Hoard, NSDCGS liaison Carolyn Taylor, League of Women Voters observer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the September 20, 2006 meeting were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Kamenjarin asked about the status of a Citywide policy on naming opportunities and Library Director responded that currently there is a group working on a policy to go to City Council. She added that the reason the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation moved forward with their proposal for naming opportunities for the Learning Center capital campaign was that there was no current policy in place. Trustee Tarman asked to call attention to the item about the Adult Learning Program Volunteer, Betty Groves, who recently received an award from the North County Philanthropy Council for her fourteen years of service in the City of Carlsbad. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of November 15, 2006 Meeting Chair Swette commented on the large number of programs provided and asked for some additional information on the "Food for Thought" program and the Internet Librarian Conference. Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that the "Food for Thought" program is sponsored by In-N-Out Burger through the Serra Cooperative Library System. The sponsor provides all the supplies (sign up cards and stamps) and children receive vouchers for food in exchange for books read. The Library has been participating in the program for about six years and it has proved very popular with the children. Library Director Pizzuto responded to his request for information about the Internet Librarian Conference explaining that it is the leading technology conference for librarians which several Library staff members attend each year. She added that she will cover the conference in some detail under the Director's Report. Chairman Swette also asked about the statistics report in which the number of e-mail notifications has significantly increased along with the number of outbound notices (holds and overdue) and asked if there was any recognized correlation between the two? STATE LIBRARY REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto referred the Board to the previously distributed copy of this year's report and asked if there were any questions about the content. Several Trustees had questions ranging from changes in some numbers between last year and this year to the methodology for collecting some of the data. Library Director Pizzuto and Library Management Analyst Mast addressed each question with explanations containing specific details for each question posed. Chair Swette asked about the purpose and use of the State Library report and Library Director Pizzuto responded that the statistics are submitted by public libraries throughout the state and then grouped according to population ranges. The State and some libraries use the information to analyze how public libraries are delivering service and this Library uses our ranking with comparable population-serving libraries as part of our Performance Measurement each year. Chair Swette pointed out that there are no demographics divided by age group and Library Director Pizzuto responded that the Library only captures "adult" or "child" in the patron database. Chair Swette suggested that capturing more age-specific statistics might provide a valuable tool in determining programming content and frequency based on the numbers Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of November 15, 2006 Meeting in each age group we serve, and Library Director Pizzuto offered to look into the possibility as well as current practices at other libraries. ADULT LEARNING PROGRAM; Interim Program Coordinator, Carrie Scott, gave the board a brief overview of the current program which is serving 57 adult matched pairs (tutors and learners) as well as the 32 students from Carlsbad High School's Special Education classes. She explained that in addition to the one-on-one tutoring, the program also includes small groups learning sessions on various topics. More recently they held sessions on public speaking, taking & leaving telephone messages, and voting in the recent election. In response to some questions about the partnership between the Adult Learning Program and the Carlsbad High School special education students, Ms. Scott explained that the Special Education teacher identifies who is appropriate for the program and the high school and student's parents establish individualized "success" measures. Chair Swette commented that he is the Literacy chair on the CALTAC Board and that Carlsbad has the reputation of having a great literacy program. LIBRARY STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS - STEERING COMMITTEE REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto reviewed the structure of the workshop and shared the agenda with the members of the Board who could not attend. She explained that the purpose of this workshop, representing Phase I of the three-part process, was to begin by comparing the Library's direction in relation to the City's strategic goals, in a very broad sense, and identify the Library's role with respect to each. The group identified and developed a broad range of possibilities from which we will begin to look at which should have our focus. Library Director Pizzuto asked Trustees Tarman and Bradley, who attended the workshop, to comment on their experience. Trustee Tarman commented on the diversity of the group attending the workshop, and the value of having lots of ideas from different perspectives. He said he was most impressed with the way in which the consultant tied it all to the City's goals so we are all moving in the same direction. Trustee Bradley agreed and added that the focus on new technologies was most informative as well as the information on changes in the age of our population and the impact on the services we provide now and in the future. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of November 15, 2006 Meeting Library Director Pizzuto added that the notes from the brainstorming session were transcribed and sent to Joan Frye Williams, the consultant, who will collapse them into a manageable format for endorsement by the Steering Committee and then shared with the Board. The next phase from that very broad discussion of strategic directions is to compare those directions to the Balanced Scorecard so we are assured that how we measure our performance and success is aligned with our directions. The third phase will be to take those focus areas on the broad list and translate them into activity and work and to determine our priorities in how we resource services. RFID UPDATE: Library Director Pizzuto reported that the contract has been awarded for the remodel work at Dove Lane with the construction tentatively scheduled for mid-December. She added that the RFID vendor, Integrated Technologies, will be on site tomorrow to take a look at how the conveyor belt will fit in that area and go over the final details of the installation. In preparation for the transition, the Library has received a self-check unit and initial tests have been satisfactory. Still to be scheduled is the installation of the security gates at both locations. Plans are to take advantage of that time to perform some additional work at the Dove Lane facility on the overhead lights. It is necessary to bring in a lift to get to the light fixtures and that requires removal of the gates so every effort is being made to try to coordinate that work for the period that the gates are out. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library Learning Center - The modular facility to be occupied by Head Start is scheduled for delivery within the next few weeks which will allow Head Start to move during the holiday break. The project schedule has been updated and there has been a small amount of slippage in the first phase and some minor budget adjustment but neither is significant. Internet Librarian Conference - The conference was held in Monterey, October 23- 26, and three staff members attended this year. They came back with a lot of good information about upcoming technology and its impact on the Library. The Library will need to look at how we will use that technology and provide access to our patrons in the Library now and in the future. California Library Association Annual Conference - The CLA conference was last weekend and three staff members attend this conference as well. The theme of the conference was "Raise Our Voice" and the topic was advocacy, how to get the word out about how libraries impact lives. There was a lot of discussion about changes in the Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of November 15, 2006 Meeting library environment and leadership and Library Director Pizzuto presented a workshop "Preparing for Leadership Change" which was about our experience here at the Carlsbad City Library over the past several years and how we have transitioned as a result of significant retirements in our organization. Library Director Pizzuto announced that she is the incoming president of the Management Services Section of the California Library Association and she will be leading that organization next year. Carlsbad Reads Together- The committee met and decided on the book, Night by Elie Wiesel, for the 2007 program. The group was unanimous in its decision on the book and is now looking at what programs and activities will be offered. Elie Wiesel is a survivor of the Holocaust and the book is the story of his experience. The program is scheduled for National Library Week, and will overlap with the exhibit in the Cannon Gallery, called "Never Forget," a collection of photographs of the camps fifty years later. State Literacy Grant - The Library has received notice of the second installment of the grant for this year which raises our total for the year to $36,815, an increase over last year. Event Management System - The upgrade to the software used by our Media Services division to schedule events in the Auditorium and Meeting Room has been successfully completed and will allow on-line reservations. Public access through the website should be available by next week. Centre de Informacion - The Centre has been on notice that there may be some interruptions in their power due to the installation of underground utility lines for Pine Park. It has been tentatively scheduled for over a month, now confirmed for November 20. The Library does not anticipate any significant interruption in services although there may be a short period of time that the public computers are not accessible. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Bradley reported that the Foundation has scheduled its annual retreat for December 5 and will discuss the capital campaign. Plans for the home tour, Castles of Carlsbad, continue with the date set for May 5, 2007. Members were selected for the nominating committee for the new officers. Library Board of Trustees Page 6 Minutes of November 1 5, 2006 Meeting _ FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Friends Liaison Randy Hopwood reported that the Friends' last meeting was in September where they spent the majority of the time reviewing the treasurer's report, which indicated they were in good shape. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: No report. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Tarman reported that the Community Grants Committee will be meeting within the next two weeks to review proposals. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:06 PM Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #3 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for October 2006 Systemwide ... 1. The poetry writing workshop led by Pulitzer Prize-nominee Sam Hamod attracted 40 writers at Cole Library on Sunday, October 15. 2. The Library's Fall Concert Series kicked off on Sunday, October 29 with the Irish-American band Skelpin'. They played to an enthusiastic audience of nearly 220 people in Schulman Auditorium. 3. Approximately 120 people attended the Carlsbad Playreaders' "Boy Gets Girl" on Monday, October 30 at 7:30pm in Schulman Auditorium. 4. The Library's call for entries for its seventeenth annual Magee Park Poets Anthology resulted in more than 50 submissions from around the county. The Anthology will be released on Wednesday, December 6.i\ 5. The volunteer-based Homebound book delivery program delivered 89 items to patrons unable to visit the Library. 6. October 15-21 marked the 9th Annual Teen Read Week (sponsored by YALSA, a division of the American Library Association). Forty teens participated in the Library's Read for Chocolate program at Dove by writing a book review in exchange for a candy bar. Also at Dove, Pizza and a Movie was held October 20 and featured a screening of The Ring with 29 teens in attendance. At the Cole Library, a Teen Read Week contest had 46 teens turning in 72 reviews of books they had read. Cole also sponsored an exciting Battle of the Books program in which four teams of students competed to see who knew the most about the 12 books selected for the competition. The teams were so good that the contest ended in a tie, despite three tie-breaker rounds. 7. All Carlsbad City Library locations are participating in a reading program called "Food for Thought" or in Spanish, "Alimento para el pensamiento". Carlsbad City Library and many other Serra Library System libraries have participated in this program for many years. The program is for children ages 4-12, runs from October 14th to November 25th, and is sponsored by In-N-Out Burger. 8. Three Library staff members Devin Castel (Business Systems Specialist), Karen Maynor (Cole Reference), and Dione Sobin (Dove Reference) participated in the Internet Librarian Conference in Monterey October 23-25. 9. RFID: • At Cole, the circulation staff workstations were moved two feet forward as a first step in the renovation of the circulation work area. At Dove, a pre-bid meeting was held with contractors. Bids for the Dove circulation area renovation will be opened on November 2nd. • RFID tagging continues at the Centre de Information, and should be completed by mid- November. Monthly Library Reports for October 2006 Carlsbad City Library, Dove Lane ... 10. The 7th Annual Library Information Fair for Educators (L.I.F.E.), took place on Saturday, October 14. An estimated 400 adults and children attended the event which featured a number of outstanding exhibitors, ranging from the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation to Mission San Luis Key. 11. October brought the return of the Children's Division's All Star Readers program (reading club for 1st - 3rd graders) and the launch of two new programs for 4th - 6th graders: Book Explorers Book Club and Library Research Skills Workshop (for parents and kids in those grades). 12. Darin Williamson participated in Carlsbad High School's College Night on October 10 and spoke with 80-100 students and parents. He promoted Library and Internet resources for college information including the online database College Source. 13. Teen programming (in addition to Teen Read Week) included a Day of the Dead sugar skull program on October 23 and a Halloween pumpkin carving program on October 30 with about two dozen teens attending each program. Georgina Cole Library... 14. The Cole Reference Division sponsors two monthly book clubs for adults and attendance at the clubs is increasing, maintaining about 15-20 participants per meeting. 15. Children's Services presented 26 preschool, 6 teen and 13 school-age programs this month, with over 1200 people attending the events. Highlights included the Knit-n-Needles program, teen karaoke, and Passport to Australia. The popular trees from our Summer Reading Program decorations are turning colors for Fall and one now has a large "spider", complete with web, inhabiting it. 16. The Genealogy Division hosted several programs in October including the following: Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol presented the 4th in the Library Skills for Genealogists series with the topic for October being Reference Sources for Genealogy. John Carpenter spoke to the Computer Genealogy Group on "Family Tree DNA" and had 87 people in attendance. A panel of NSDCGS members (Dan Fults, Fred Spong, Floyd Smith, Dorothy Miller and Mary Van Orsdol) spoke to the NSDCGS on "Preparing for Salt Lake City." Sixty-three people attended this discussion which prepares genealogists for research trips to the Family History Library in Utah. Learning Center ... 17. The Hard Hat Ceremony for the Learning Center to celebrate the kick-off of construction took place on Wednesday, October 4, 2006. The event included speeches from the mayor and council members, Board of Trustees and Foundation representatives, and inspiring comments from an ALP learner and a teen user of the Centre. Adult Learning ... 18. Fourteen-year tutor Betty Groves was selected for the North County Philanthropy Council's volunteer award from all nominees in the City of Carlsbad. She will receive her award at a luncheon to be held November 2. Monthly Library Reports for October 2006 19. AmeriCorps Member Margaret Bradley held an Easy Voter Guide workshop on October 11. 20. Volunteer Bin Dawson developed a new Public Speaking course, which she is currently teaching to learners. 21. Stacey Wiegleb and Carrie Scott presented at the 10th annual Adult Learner Conference sponsored by the San Diego Council on Literacy. Centre de Informacion ... 22. On October 14th, Centro staff Gisela Rivera and Lizeth Simonson (and Helen Lindner from Adult Learning) participated in the seventh annual Library and Information Fair for Educator (L.I.F.E.) at the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane. Information about children's programs at Centro, literacy programs, and the Learning Center were distributed to the public. 23. Programs presented at the Centro included a bilingual show called "Mariachi Magic of Reading" for children and adults celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month and a special Halloween puppet program called "Goblins Night Out" on October 26. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - OCTOBER 2006 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Oct-05 11,424 73,217 39,386 13,710 5,754 33,440 20,450 6,738 185/210 721/195 1,8857* 147/* 20 475 11 369 93 3,446 8,596 820 3,244 2,835 ** ** 106 4,196 23 1,189.25 Sept-06 11,166 72,405 38,618 13,953 6,263 31,360 19,303 6,975 137/50 745/1 1 1 2,045/* 141/* 27 541 8 197 76 2,435 12,502 930 5,567 12,061 398 2,640 105 4,030 16 1010.6 Oct-06 11,509 73,301 39,967 13,235 5,945 30,932 21,252 5,854 189/74 1,049/123 2,225/* 145/* 30 452 11 233 87 3,446 13,429 701 6,084 12,762 345 2,985 99 4,631 22 904 * ALP not reported. * * Telephone Notification not reported last year. ITEM # 6 2006 Library Strategic Planning Process Steering Committee Members Member Special Perspective Lisa Hildabrand, Assistant City Manager Marie Bradley, Library Board Trustee Jerry Tarman, Library Board Trustee Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Peter Gordon, Arts Office Manager Cheryl Mast, Management Analyst Jessica Padilla, Community Coordinator Devin Castel, Business Systems Specialist Glynn Birdwell, Senior Librarian Carrie Scott, Interim Literacy Coordinator Greg MacLellan, Production Technician Elyse Roy, Library Assistant Ayesha Lewellen, Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation Beth Hulsart, Friends of the Library City direction Library direction/community Library direction/community Library direction Library direction Library direction Arts Office/City direction Financial management Communications/marketing Technology Library staff Library staff Library staff Library staff Community/support group Community/support group Support Staff: Dan Wood, LibraryTechnician MLIS Student Carlsbad City Library Strategic Planning Process - Phase I Steering Committee Initial Workshop November 1-2, 2006 Public Works Maintenance & Operations Board Room 5950 El Camino Real Joan Frye Williams, Consultant Agenda Wednesday. 2:00-5:30 pm • Welcome and introductions • The strategic planning process • Expectations for this session • Planning context o Carlsbad's "personality" as a city o Review of City mission, vision, values o Review of City Council goals and priorities o Review of library's mission, vision, values • The library's assets o Facilities o Collections o Technology and other resources o People - staff, volunteers o Intangibles - traditions, reputation, brand • Current library service mix and resource allocation Carlsbad City Library Strategic Planning Process - Phase I Steering Committee Initial Workshop November 1-2, 2006 Public Works Maintenance & Operations Board Room 5950 El Camino Real Joan Frye Williams, Consultant Agenda Thursday. 9:00am-4:00pm • Looking to the future o Demographic trends o Technology trends o Staffing trends o Demand for existing services o Demand for emerging services o Upcoming challenges • Strategic positioning - lead, collaborate, supplement, or defer? o Re: city goals and priorities o Re: quality of life issues o Re: other public and private sector service providers o Re: comparable communities and their libraries • Priority setting o Which library services to emphasize o Where to build capacity • Next steps