HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-12-20; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved ITEM #2 MINUTES MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: December 20, 2006 PLACE OF MEETING: Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chair Jerry Tarman called the meeting to order at 4:05 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Bradley, Kamenjarin, and Tarman with Chair Swette arriving shortly thereafter Absent: Trustee Lignante Also Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis; Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Gordon Hoard, NSDCGS liaison Carolyn Taylor, League of Women Voters observer Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation President Jim Comstock and Vice President, Trudy McGrath APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the November 15, 2006 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: There was no discussion of the reports and no questions from the Trustees on any of the information provided. Item #4, the report from the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation, was slipped to await the arrival of Chair Swette. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of December 20, 2006 Meeting LIBRARY STRATEGIC PLANNING: Library Director Pizzuto referenced the previously distributed draft notes from the November 1 and 2 workshops and asked for questions. Trustee Kamenjarin asked what steps were being taken to replace the estimated one quarter of library staff that will retire within the next ten years. Library Director Pizzuto responded that one of the initiatives this Library has undertaken is to strongly support new librarians entering the profession and in this library alone there are eleven students in the Masters of Library and Information Science program. This Library assists them in getting funding for their education so they can continue to work here and also pursue their Masters degree. The Library has also done some very competitive recruiting by attending the 2'004 California Library Association conference along with three representatives from the City's Human Resources Department. Library Director Pizzuto further explained that in the past few years the Library has added staff members with skills and talents in other areas than Library Science, creating a stronger administrative team. CARLSBAD LIBRARY & ARTS FOUNDATION CAPITAL CAMPAIGN: Library Director Pizzuto introduced Foundation President Jim Comstock and Vice President Trudy McGrath who distributed copies of the Foundation's new capital campaign brochure for the Library Learning Center. President Comstock explained that the Foundation has been working with consultant Janie Anderson to formulate the plan for the campaign and that Ms. McGrath is the chairperson for the Strategic Planning Committee. President Comstock reported on newly recruited members of the Foundation Board and the success of the Foundation Board's annual retreat which featured John Corcoran, a well-known alumnus of the Carlsbad City Library Adult Learning Program. Ms. McGrath explained some of the strategies being used as they enter what she called the "quiet phase" of the campaign and the different approaches being used in contacting potential donors. She added that the Foundation is also seeking grant money for the campaign. Ms. McGrath concluded the presentation by pointing out that the "Castles of Carlsbad" home tours had been highly successful in creating the identity and making a name for the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation in the community. She said that it generated Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of December 20, 2006 Meeting an interest in the Foundation which resulted in the addition of some new Board members, and as this is a working Board, they were still looking to increase their size. Trustee Kamenjarin asked what has happened to the proceeds from the Brownley estate and would the Foundation receive the funds? Library Director Pizzuto responded that she was not sure of the status of the sale of the Brownley property but that the City Council would make the decision as to how that money will be used. There were some questions from the Trustees about identifying prospective donors and the overall process and Ms. McGrath and Mr. Comstock answered them. RFID CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: Library Director Pizzuto" announced that the contract was signed for the construction to prepare for the installation of the equipment, most of which is here in the Dove Lane facility where the conveyor belt will be located. The construction has been underway at both locations, with the work at the Cole primarily the reconfiguration of the Circulation counter to allow for the self-check machines. Construction here at Dove Lane will continue until probably mid-January. The Public Service circulation functions are being conducted in the same location previously occupied by the Information Desk staff, and a temporary Information Desk was installed on the opposite wall. The behind the scenes circulation functions, check- in and sorting, are being handled in spaces being shared in Technical Services and in the Gowland Meeting Room for the time being. Library Director Pizzuto explained that in preparation for the arrival and installation of the new equipment, the Library has received a self-check unit and has set up an actual lab to test both the staff side and the public version of the equipment. She explained this will allow us to identify any issues with regard to integrating the equipment with the Library's automated system before the planned "go live" in late February. She invited the Trustees to join her at the conclusion of this meeting for a walk-around tour of the construction area down in Circulation. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: California State Library Survey - (in response to a question from the Board at the November meeting about reporting juvenile borrowers in the survey.) Staff researched the issue and learned that the State Library uses the California Department of Finance demographics to determine population and that number is not broken out into age groups. Those Libraries that break out borrowers into age groups, 5-9 and 10-14, use a different source of statistics and calculate percentages to apply to the numbers reported Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of December 20, 2006 Meeting by the Department of Finance. This same method could be used by the Carlsbad City Library and we may consider estimating borrowers in that manner sometime in the future; however, we would not want to report on a population number based on a different count than that used by the State. Balanced Scorecard - (The draft of the final version of the balanced scorecard for 2006-07 year was distributed.) The format was very different from the complex Excel spreadsheet presented to the Board last year. This version has been reduced to those measures for which we had data this year and had arrived at a target, and includes key highlights from 2005-06. Feedback from the Board is requested as to whether the scorecard is understandable and whether the type of information provided in the scorecard is of value to them as they talk about the Library. The final version will be presented to the City Council. The Board had several questions about the scorecard to include to whom it will be distributed and its primary purpose. Library Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that at the beginning of the process there was a stake holder group involved and part of the IMLS grant requirement will be to present the final product to that same group and ask if it is a valuable communication tool and measurement of our successes. The Board discussed the document at length and had suggestions for changes in the layout, language and content. Library Learning Center - Construction delays have postponed the placement of the modular building for Head Start and they will not be able to move over the holidays; however, the lot is paved and the foundation is being prepared with placement and move now anticipated to take place in mid-January. Minimum Wage & Part Time Salary Range Adjustment - At the meeting last night the Council approved an adjustment in the part time salary ranges effective January 1, 2007. The minimum wage change that takes affect in January was the trigger for the agenda bill going forward which also included the changes in the ranges as recommended by the Library following a market survey conducted by Human Resources earlier in the year. The proposed adjustments were anticipated and built into the Library budget for FY06-07. The second increase in the minimum wage as approved by the Governor will take affect in January of 2008 and prior to that time a market survey will be conducted by the City to determine if additional adjustments are warranted. Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of December 20, 2006 Meeting Roof Leak at ALP - The last rain storm resulted in a leak in the new roof at the Colonial Mall in the Adult Learning suite. Water had apparently pooled in the ceiling light fixture in the computer lab and then spilled out onto the floor. There was no damage to any Library equipment or furnishings, no interruption in services and the leak in the roof has been repaired as well as the interior damage to the building. Centro Power outage - Last week the Centre was switched from overhead power entry to underground without much advance notice. The Centro was able to switch over to a generator for the one day it took to make the switch and was able to continue to provide service to the patrons. VEMS - The virtual event management system used by Media Services to book the auditorium and meeting room at the Dove Lane facility has been successfully installed and now available for users to view the entire calendar for available dates and book the rooms on-line. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Bradley reported that she was not able to attend the Foundation retreat and had nothing to add to the information presented previously by CLAF President Comstock and Vice President McGrath. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Not represented. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Society liaison Gordon Hoard reported on the huge success of their newly established on-line book store which was established to sell their duplicates and other publications usually sold at the book fair and seminars. The Society made $1,000 in the first month. He also reported that the City Council formally accepted the $23,730 donation from the Society to the Library for the purchase of microfiche. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Tarman mentioned that he had borrowed several books recently that were in need of new bindings and that when he returned them he pointed it out to the Circulation clerk but wondered if there is a process for identifying items in need of repair. Library Director Pizzuto explained that the condition of the item is checked during check-in as well as when the staff does weeding of the collection. Library Board of Trustees Page 6 Minutes of December 20, 2006 Meeting Chair Swette asked that the Carlsbad Reads Together project be added to the agenda for the next meeting. He would like the staff to specifically speak to the issues raised last year following the Ray Bradbury appearance and the "ticketing" issues. Library Director Pizzuto responded that the project was not on the agenda for this month as the committee working on this year's events were looking for funding and have not identified speakers or presenters but will have more information for the Library Board January meeting. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:07 PM Cissie Seorton Administrative Secretary ITEM #3 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for November 2006 Systemwide ... 1. On November 1st and 2nd, selected staff, board members, Friends and Foundation members, and City management staff came together as the Strategic Planning Steering Committee with Joan Frye Williams to work on Phase 1 of Carlsbad City Library's strategic plan. Notes from this two day session are being compiled and will be distributed in December. 2. The November Magee Park Poets poetry reading featuring Veronica Cunningham attracted 15 people to the Cole Library on Wednesday, November 8th. The annual Magee Park Poets Anthology is now on sale. 3. RFID: Retrospective tagging for the circulating collection is almost complete. The audio-visual items from The Adult Learning Program and the Centre de Informacion will be RFID-tagged by the Technical Services staff during December. Cole staff continue to tag the audio-visual items there. 4. A contract was awarded for the renovation of the circulation area at Dove Lane and Facilities staff will complete most of the work at Cole. Work is expected to begin in December. 5. Staff members from the RFID vendor, Integrated Technology Group, visited in November to discuss the installation of equipment. Installation of the check- in/sort conveyor in the Dove Lane circulation area and the new security gates were well covered. 6. Children's Book Week: The Children's Divisions at the Cole Library and the Library on Dove Lane hosted three programs with local children's author, Edith Fine, on November 14 and 16. All of Ms. Fine's presentations were engaging and informative and she did a great job of involving her audiences. 7. The California Library Association Conference was held November 10-13 in Sacramento. Library Director Heather Pizzuto, Senior Librarian Glynn Birdwell, and Children's Librarian Amanda Eisman attended the annual conference. 8. Ill items were delivered to the Homebound. Adult Learning ... 9. Candidates were interviewed for the 2 open California Library Literacy Services AmeriCorps volunteer positions. Two current Adult Learning Program tutors were selected: Ila Schmidt and Geoff Armour, who is also the former Assistant Monthly Library Reports for November 2006 Library Director. Ila and Geoff will start their volunteer service on January 8, 2007. Centre de Information ... 10. The staff of the Centre de Informacion participated in many outreach activities in November. Lizeth Simonson attended the bi-annual meeting of the Hispanic Network at Mira Costa College in Cardiff. This group of community members and service providers meets twice a year to network about the needs and resources for Hispanic youth and their families in North San Diego County. Centre staff members Angelina Canseco and Beatriz Flores participated in an alternative community Christmas celebration at the Pilgrim Congregational Church. Members of the church donated books to the Centre de Informacion. 11. On November 16th, the eight participants from the two computer classes in Spanish completed the eight-week courses. Each participant received a certificate of completion. CCL, Dove Lane ... 12. The Carlsbad City Library Hour's November programming, produced by Media Services, featured "Carmen Barreiro", featuring the Latin American musician playing Venezuelan harp, accompanied by her brother Gabrielle on acoustic bass. This event was recorded live in the Schulman Auditorium, and shown on Community Cable Channel 3 (Time Warner). Library programs are also aired on KOCT Oceanside and Del Mar Access TV. 13. November's Pizza and a Movie featured a screening of the Japanese anime film, Castle in the Sky. Thirteen teens attended the event. 14. On November 8th, 85 people attended a concert featuring the hard rock band "The Last Revival", winners of the 2006 Carlsbad Battle of the Bands, in the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium. Georgina Cole ... 15. An Oral Board panel interviewed the top candidates for a Librarian I/II position on November 30. This recruitment is to replace Cole Reference Librarian Kathy Ragland who will be retiring in December. Final interviews are scheduled for December and the new librarian should be on board in January. 16. The Children's Division conducted 43 programs in 27 open days. One unique program that has become popular is Knit-n-Needles. The group has learned how to knit and has made enough squares to put together a very colorful blanket that will be donated to a local shelter. Monthly Library Reports for November 2006 17. The Genealogy Division again presented a variety of well-attended workshops including "General Reference Sources for Genealogists" presented by Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol (the last in a series of classes on Library skills for Genealogists), a workshop for the Computer Genealogy Group on "Microsoft Word for Genealogists/' (74 attended), an all-day Beginning Genealogy Class attended by 15 students, and also a workshop entitled "Forensic Genealogy" in which presenter Colleen Fitzpatrick detailed ways of identifying and dating photographs (87 people attended). Learning Center ... 18. Construction work continues with mostly infrastructure work during November. Library staff are currently working on a collection development plan and shelving configuration. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - NOVEMBER 2006 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Nov-05 10,826 69,844 35,342 11,877 5,317 31,834 19,496 6,164 190/158 795/178 1,6907* 134/* 21 243 6 56 66 2,185 7,660 961 4,370 3,796 ** ** 69 1,999 17 1,232.20 Oct-06 11,509 73,301 39,967 13,235 5,945 30,932 21,252 5,854 189/74 1,049/123 2,225/* 145/* 30 452 11 233 87 3,446 13,429 701 6,084 12,762 345 2,985 99 4,631 22 966.3 Nov-06 10,052 70,346 36,238 12,711 5,404 29,630 19,063 6,933 171/47 653/145 1,9267**/* 21 431 8 147 109 2,885 11,284 667 6,397 13,429 277 3,262 93 3,343 19 1,130.75 * Not reported. ** Telephone Notification not reported last year. ITEM #6 Carlsbad City Library December Construction Information In mid-December, the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane will be undergoing improvements. During this approximately three-week construction period, we anticipate the work may be noisy at times. Earplugs will be available at the check-out areas, upstairs Reference Desk and Information Desk. A limited number of study rooms are available and can be reserved at the Reference Desk. The Georgina Cole Library at 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive is also open for those who need a quieter place to study or work. Thanks for your patience while we make improvements! Why is the Library undergoing construction? The Library is preparing to add new self check-out stations. This requires that our current check-out area be reconfigured to add the new machines. What can patrons expect when the new self check-out machines are in place? Check-out is expected to be much faster because multiple items can be processed at one time. Check-in is also expected to be faster, so patrons will spend less time waiting for each item to be handled and for materials to get back on the shelves. Staff will be on hand to assist patrons in their use of the new self check-out stations, if needed Patrons can continue to receive full-service checkout if they desire. We hope to have the self check-out stations ready for patron use in March 2007. Will this change how materials are returned? The book drop in the Dove Library lobby will be permanently closed. Patrons will be able to continue to return books at the curbside book drops and the book drops just outside the Library's front doors. Returns at Cole will remain the same. How long will construction take place? Construction is anticipated to last three weeks. Will the Library be open regular hours during construction? Yes, all Carlsbad City Library locations will be open regular hours. Will services be impacted? No books and other materials can be checked out as usual. At the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane, the check-out location will move to the current location of the Information Desk (downstairs in front of the magazines). Will the other Library locations be affected? The Cole Library will have a couple of days of construction in late December This construction will have minimal impact on the checking out of library materials. 12/4/06