HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-02-21; Library Board of Trustees; Minutes(Approved: MINUTES ITEM #2 MEETING OF: . LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: February 21 , 2007 PLACE OF MEETING: Carlsbad City Library 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Chair Rob Swette called the meeting to order at 4:02 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Bradley, Lignante, Swette, and Tarman Absent: Trustee Kamenjarin Also Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Devin Castel, Library Business Systems Specialist Gordon Hoard, NSDCGS liaison Carolyn Taylor, League of Women Voters observer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the December 20, 2006 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Trustees complimented several programs being offered in Children's and Reference and discussed the possibilities of a partnership with the Chamber of Commerce to promote the new Small Business Club at the Dove Lane location. CARLSBAD READS TOGETHER: Library Community Coordinator Jessica Padilla Bowen distributed an overview of some of the Library programs including book discussion groups, a lecture and the film series for the Carlsbad Reads Together program this April. The Library worked closely with the Gallery to prevent any duplication of programming since we share a similar theme of examining the holocaust. The Gallery exhibit opens on Mach 25th and they are hosting a holocaust survivor panel that first day. Some of those speakers will be invited to attend some of the Library's subsequent book discussion groups. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of February 21, 2007 Meeting The final details are being worked out for the Library key event which will be a live video conference with the author, Elie Wiesel, from his New York office, to be offered in the Schulman Auditorium Due to the time difference between the two coasts and Mr Wiesel's availability, the video conference would take place at 1 pm Pacific Daylight Savings Time and therefore the Library is hoping to be able to tape the conference for a second later viewing It is anticipated that the early afternoon event will not draw as large a crowd as the Ray Bradbury event last year. The Gallery and Library are jointly promoting the events in their advertising and are each preparing resource guides that include information about both programs. The Library resource guide is aimed at all ages while the Gallery resource guide is primarily for students of those teachers who bring their classes to the gallery Information is available on-line and updated as needed and local area book stores are promoting the program as well RFID UPDATE: Library Director Pizzuto asked Library Business Systems Specialist Devm Castel to report on the progress of this large project He explained that Phase I was installation of the conveyor belt at Dove Lane which has been installed, tested and in use by the public. Phase II was bringing up the work stations for the Circulation desks at Dove Lane, Cole and Centre where the RFID readers were installed. This Phase is also completed Phase III will be the push out a limited number of the self-check units for the public use and we anticipate this Phase will be completed by March first The final two Phases, IV and V, are the activation of the security gates, on March 8th and the installation of the remaining self-check units that will be placed in more remote areas of the Library. Library Management Analyst Cheryl Mast reported that the training is on-going for Library staff as each Phase is rolled out and trained staff are available on the floor to assist the patrons with the new equipment Library Management Analyst Mast added that although not really a part of the RFID project, the Library is investigating some software that will allow patrons to use debit and credit cards at the self-check unit Also worth noting is the new cashier system for staff at the Circulation desks to accept debit/credit card payments Library Director Pizzuto concluded the report by explaining that the conveyor belt allows the processing of returned material much more quickly than before and the introduction of the staff workstations in Phase II allows the staff to much more quickly check out materials for the patron The third step allows the patrons to check the materials out for themselves but much more efficiently than the old self-check The final step involves handling fines and fees in a more efficient manner. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of February 21, 2007 Meeting The Board discussed the "self-serve" holds pickup and its popularity with the patrons Library Director Pizzuto added that an interesting unintended consequence of placing the holds out on the floor for patrons to pick up has been the surge in the number of holds being placed. This has created a huge workload due to the quantity of holds now being processed by the staff BUDGET FY2007-08: Library Management Analyst Mast distributed a copy of the budget schedule for this year and explained that the preliminary budget for the Library was being submitted to Finance later this month. She also reviewed the guidelines and policies for budget preparation for FY2007-08, reporting no real significant change in the policies this year with the exception of the cap on the contingency funds The Board discussed the impact of the cap on the contingency funds Library Director Pizzuto explained that the Library traditionally used carry forward funds to manage and plan for large projects, like RFID The process would now involve requesting the funds as a capital outlay project She added that it is more appropriate for the City to manage the centralized funds to best meet the City's overall needs. PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT: Library Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that the Library uses four performance measures to provide information for the City's overall performance measurement program and the information is included in the City's State of Effectiveness Report. An analysis of each of the measures, State Library Ranking, Library Operating Cost, Citizen Satisfaction and Growth Management/Libraries, was included in the agenda packet and Library Director Pizzuto provided a brief overview of this year's results The Board discussed several aspects of the analyses and the variety of ways that different libraries gather and report information in an effort to measure the value of Library service and patron satisfaction. CALTAC WORKSHOP: Information on the workshop was sent to the Trustees at home by CALTAC and Library Director Pizzuto asked if any of the Trustees were planning on attending Library Trustee Bradley will be attending CHANGE IN BOARD MEETING TIME: Chair Swette said he had asked for this item to be added to the agenda for discussion because of the difficulty in gathering a quorum for the meeting He noted that two of the Trustees often have a difficult time getting to a 4 00 PM meeting due to their jobs Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of February 21, 2007 Meeting There was some discussion but the issue was carried over for discussion at a later meeting when all five Trustees would be present DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Balanced Scorecard - Library Director Pizzuto reported the next phase of the Strategic Planning process involves looking at the balanced scorecard in relation to the Strategic Planning but the process has been delayed due to a death in the consuitant's family. This unforeseen delay will probably push out the overall Strategic Planning Process to summer rather than spring. Library Learning Center - There have been some difficulties with the concrete pad on which the modular for HeadStart will be installed The contractor is working on a revised construction schedule to attempt to make up the lost time and meet the original February completion date Gowland donation - In December the Library received another donation from Library benefactors George and Patricia Gowland in the amount of $20,000 in support of the collection. The Gowland's asked for no public recognition for the donation. Memorial Service in Auditorium - Library Director Pizzuto reported that also in December the Library had an unusual request which we were able to meet. The request was to hold a memorial service for long-time Carlsbad resident and prolific author, Dona Meilach, the Schulman Auditorium and scatter her ashes here at the Library. Staffing news - The Cole Library has a new full time Reference Librarian, Jacqui Petri, as of January 29th Ms. Petri has been a substitute Reference Librarian at both Carlsbad Library locations for some time so is not new to the staff but has now joined us as a full time employee Sr Children's Librarian Audrey Jones has accepted a position out of state and will be leaving the Cole next month. Futuring Conference - Library Director Pizzuto announced that several Library staff members would be attending the conference next week FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Library Director Pizzuto announced that the Friends have been making some changes in their Board and have decided that they will not provide a representative to the Library Board meetings in the future. The Friends currently do not have a board member who can attend the meetings and have decided that the Library Director, who attends their meetings, can report on their behalf to the Library Board Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of February 21, 2007 Meeting NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: NSDCGS Board Liaison Gordon Hoard announced two new tutorials being offered by the Genealogy staff at the Cole Library; one provides small group assistance with individual research and the other offers hands-on assistance in using the genealogy collection. Flyers have been produced with information about the service and other events. The Family History Fair in Escondido is scheduled for March 3rd and he also reported that the Society's e-bay book store is proving to be very successful FOUNDATION REPORT: Library Trustee Mane Bradley announced that last month's meeting was canceled due to a lack of a quorum LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Chair Rob Swette announced that the Library Board is tasked with providing liaisons to other boards and committees, including the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation, Community Grants Committee and the Gallery Committee Usually appointed in July, the appointment to the Gallery Committee was overlooked at that time and he asked that the appointment be added to the agenda for the next meeting. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:39 PM Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #3 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for December 2006 Systemwide ... 1. The 18th Annual Magee Park Poets Poetry Anthology went on sale on December 6th at a poetry reading and party at Schulman Auditorium. Poets published in the Anthology read their works and celebrated together after the reading. The Anthology had its largest number of submissions this year - almost 500 poems - and has been selling well. 2. The Library held two family holiday concerts in December. One featured Zydeco and blues musicians the Bayou Brothers in the Schulman Auditorium on December 10th and the second featured South American harpist Alfredo Rolando Ortiz at the Cole Library on December 17th. Both concerts were standing-room only. 3. The Library hosted two nights of the Carlsbad Playreaders' "A 1940s Radio Christmas Carol," loosely based on Charles Dickens' classic, on December 4th and 5th in the Schulman Auditorium. 4. Staff are preparing displays to be at the Dove, Cole, and Centra locations in early 2007 commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Carlsbad City Library as its own separate city library as well as the 40th anniversary of the Cole Library building. RFID... 5. Audiovisual items from the Centre de Information and the Adult Learning Program were RFID tagged by the Technical Services staff and the Adult Learning Program tagging is completed. a. RFID equipment orders were placed for delivery to the library in January, 2007. b. The Cole circulation desk was re-worked and received a new counter top. c. The Dove circulation area renovation was started in mid-December and anticipated completion is January 16th. d. Conference calls between library staff and staff from the RFID vendor, Integrated Technology Group, were held in order to stay on target with the project. Adult Learning ... 6. Volunteer Ann O'Neil and learner Ramon Gomez were the featured speakers at the San Diego Council on Literacy's Chairman's Circle event. The Chairman's Circle was held at the James S. Copley Library in La Jolla and raised $190,000 to support programs in its Literacy Network. 7. A roof leak in Suite N shut down that computer lab for 2 Vi days. One high school period was cancelled due to the leak. No adult pairs were cancelled, and no equipment was damaged. A seam was sealed by the roofers, which held up during heavy rains that occurred 2 days after the repair. Monthly Library Reports for December 2006 Page 2 Centre de Information ... 8. On December 3rd Centre staff members participated in the Holiday Tree Lighting event in downtown Carlsbad. Carlsbad Evening Rotary Club and the City of Carlsbad Community Services Department presented this community event. During the event, Lizeth Simonson read a holiday story several times in both English and Spanish to groups of children and adults. Each reading was followed by a craft activity related to the story. 9. To celebrate the holidays, children and adults enjoyed making ornaments on December 7th and 8th to decorate the Christmas tree at the Centra de Informacion and some to take home. Santa visited the Centro de Informacion on December 14th and children of all ages came to have their picture taken with Santa. Children also received a new book donated by the Friends of the Library as a gift for the holidays. CCL, Dove Lane ... 10. The Carlsbad City Library Hour's December TV programming was the Media Services produced "A 1940's Radio Christmas Carol," this program was the 2nd year it was performed. It's a depiction of a lively radio drama set in the New York broadcast studios of WOV on a snowy December evening in 1942. This program was presented'to a live audience in the Schulman Auditorium as well as produced as a TV program by the Media Division and shown on Community Cable Channel 3 (Time Warner.) Library programs also are regularly shown on KOCT Oceanside on Del Mar Access TV 11. December highlights in Dove Childrens were the holiday programs: the Trim-a- Tree program on December 12th attracted 25 children, the Hanukkah program on December 13th attracted 73 children and adults and the Visit with Santa, which took place on December 15th, attracted 196 children and adults. 12. December's Pizza and a Movie program for young adults was held on December 15th. 23 teens attended and watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. 13. On December 5th, Reference Librarian Darin Williamson spoke to eight City employees on "Internet Searching—Tips and Tricks" at a Brown Bag Program sponsored by the Human Resources Department. 14. Circulation and Information Desk personnel and operations were moved into temporary locations during the construction and modifications for RFID. The check- out desk was moved to the Information Desk area. The Information Desk was moved to a temporary desk near the entrance, and Check-in was done in the Technical Services division's area. Materials sorting, organizing, and storage were handled in the Gowland Meeting Room. Staff enjoyed the change and excitement of this period being different from the normal routine. Monthly Library Reports for December 2006 Page 3 Georgina Cole ... 15. Departmental interviews took place on December 18th for finalists for the Librarian l/ll position created by the retirement of Cole reference librarian, Kathy Ragland. Final hiring processes are proceeding and the candidate selected should be on board by the end of January. A reception in honor of Kathy's retirement was held on December 6th 16. The North San Diego County Genealogical Society (NSDCGS) donated $23,730 to the Library for the purchase of American City Directories: Segment II, 1851-1880. 17. The North San Diego County Genealogical Society met once in December for its annual business meeting and holiday luncheon. New officers were installed: Dorothy Miller, president, Gordon Hoard, vice-president, Marvine Read, secretary, and Maureen Gates, treasurer. Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson and Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol attended. 18. Library Technicians Jan Mongoven, Ann Montgomery, andJudy Michaels completed a shelf-labeling project for the Genealogy stacks. After attending Joan Frye Williams' presentation earlier in the year, they identified a way to make it easier for patrons to navigate through the stacks. They selected appropriate sign holders, designed the signs, printed, and installed them. 19. Children's programs were fewer in historically quiet December but still quite well- attended. Highlights included a visit from Santa Glaus, a holiday craft program resulting in a decorated Christmas tree for the Cole Library, the Passport to Adventure program highlighting Russia, and a well-attended holiday gift-making program for teens. The Knit-n-Needles group, led by Library Assistant Pat Hatfield, donated handmade blankets to Casa de Amparo this month. 20. Circulation pages, under the guidance of Children's and Circulation staff, have moved Children's videos, audiobooks, Spanish-language materials, and JYA books to new locations within the Children's area to increase their visibility. The JYA books are now located across from the YA books creating a more defined Teen Zone. Staff and patrons really like the new look. 21. Children's Library Assistant Pat Hatfield will be leaving the Children's Division to pursue other career goals. Pat's official last day will be February 17th. A job posting for the Library Assistant position was released mid-December with an application deadline of January 17th. Learning Center... 22. Construction work continues. The parking lot was paved during December and foundation work for the modular is in process for that building to be placed during January. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - DECEMBER 2006 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) • Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Dec-05 9,473 64,698 31,574 10,661 3,761 28,195 17,513 5,067 162/117 476/122 1,5997* 131/* 8 131 3 36 51 1,982 4,649 655 4,045 4,451 '458 458 66 2,514 17 903.1 Nov-06 10,052 70,346 36,238 12,711 5,404 29,630 19,063 6,933 171/47 653/145 1,9267* 5,404 22 446 8 147 109 2,885 11,284 667 6,397 13,429 277 3,262 93 3,343 19 1,130.75 Dec-06 8,671 61,769 33,248 10,421 5,176 26,973 14,236 4,137 112/71 518/99 1,6637* 1077* 6 183 4 55 62 2,037 11,262 541 5,203 13,970 211 3,473 77 3,271 9 789.9 * Not reported. ** Telephone Notification not reported last year. ITEM #3 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for January 2007 Systemwide ... 1. The Library's Winter Jazz Series, sponsored by the Friends of the Library, kicked off on January 14 in Schulman Auditorium. Pianist Mike Garson performed with jazz vocalist Rachel Lauren for a crowd of 145. 2. The poetry writing workshop continues to draw a growing number, with nearly 40 attending the program on Sunday, January 21 at Cole Library. 3. The January film series proved very popular, drawing more than 500 people for the three films (Memoirs of a Geisha, The Da Vinci Code and Flyboys). 4. Children's Services Senior Librarian, Audrey Jones, and Centro Supervisor, Lizeth Simonson attended the Santiago Library System Performer's Showcase in Yorba Linda. The showcase presented auditions from 34 performers who perform in libraries and schools throughout Southern California and information and a performers list with names of many more performers. These lists and showcase are used to select library program presenters for various programs throughout the year and for Summer Reading Program. RFID... 5. The RFID sorter/conveyor is working in the Dove circulation area, automatically checking in and sorting items. The remainder of the RFID equipment will be phased-in during February. 6. Equipment installation and training for Radio Frequency Identification began the week of January 22. Staff from our contracted vendor, Integrated Technology Group (ITG) worked with library and City IT staff all week. 7. Senior Circulation Supervisors and Deputy Library Director Dave Curtis met with Michael Evans from ITG to set up the language patrons will see on the monitors while using the self-check machines. Centro Supervisor, Lizeth Simonson, is working on modifying the Spanish translation of this same language. Adult Learning ... 8. The Adult Learning Program welcomed our two new AmeriCorps members: Ila Schmidt and Geoff Armour. Ila has been a Carlsbad resident for over 22 years and has been active in many areas as a community volunteer while working outside the home and raising a family. She is among the select group of runners who have participated in the Carlsbad 5000 every year since its beginning! Geoff Armour and his family moved to Carlsbad in 1975, where Geoff spent the next 30 years with the Carlsbad City Library. He retired recently as the Library's Assistant Director and enjoys travel, bike riding, reading, and writing poetry. Monthly Library Reports for January 2007 Page 2 9. Library Technician Erin Thomas facilitated the first meeting of our new Learners' Book Club. Four learners and two tutors attended the introductory meeting and received a print and audio copy of Seedfolks, the club's first selection. The group will meet monthly on the 4th Tuesday. Centre de Informacion ... 10. Members of the English Learner Advisory Committee from Magnolia Elementary School held their meeting at the Centre on January 25. Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson spoke to the group about library services in general, homework assistance, and children's programs at the Carlsbad Libraries. 11. Lizeth Simonson attended the monthly meeting of the Carlsbad Youth Enrichment Services (Y.E.S.) at the Barrio Museum in Carlsbad on January 17. Michelle Davis, Community Development Coordinator, spoke regarding the resources and history of North County Health Services. She also described their largest volunteer program that focuses on reading to patients in the waiting rooms at all their clinics. 12. On January 18th, two multi-session computer classes in Spanish began at the Centro: one for keyboard'ing and one for Microsoft Word. The two groups meet on Thursday mornings at 9:00 and 10:00 before the Centro opens to the public. CCL, Dove Lane ... 13. The Carlsbad City Library Hour's January TV programming was the Media Services produced "Vocal Recital" by the Carlsbad Chinese-American Club. This program was presented to a live audience in the Schulman Auditorium as well as produced as a TV program by the Media Division and shown on Community Cable Channel 3 (Time Warner.) Library programs also are regularly shown on KOCT Oceanside on Del Mar Access TV. 14. During January, the Children's Division held the three-'part program entitled "Sinister Sharks," which was presented by instructors from the San Diego Natural History Museum. 211st and 2nd graders attended this informative series and both parents and children thoroughly enjoyed it. 15. On Jan. 18th Darin Williamson spoke to a group of about 80 librarians at a Serra"2007 Summer Reading Program Workshop. His topic was how to best utilize teens as volunteers in the SRP. 16. A new Investment Club for library patrons was started on Jan. 16th, facilitated by Darin Williamson. The purpose of the club is to serve as a forum for members to share ideas and information, and utilize the Library and its investment tools. 17 people attended the inaugural meeting and the decision was made to break into two groups, one meeting on the second Tuesday of the month and the other meeting on the third Tuesday. 17. Darin Williamson is facilitating a new Small Business Club which will meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month. 2 people attended the first meeting which provides an opportunity for people to share ideas, strategies and sources of information. Monthly Library Reports for January 2007 Page 3 Georgina Cole ... 18. Jacqueline (Jacqui) Petri began work as a Librarian II in Cole Reference on January 29. Jacqui comes 'to the Carlsbad City Library from the Escondido Public Library where she was also a full-time reference librarian. Jacqui had worked part-time for Carlsbad for several years. 19. Cole Children's Services Library Assistant Pat Hatfield has retired and library staff is working with Human Resources to fill her position. We received over 60 applications by the deadline of January 19; interviews will be held in February. 20. Children's programs resumed their regular schedules in early January after a short break over the holidays. Even with the late start and the holidays, there were 33 programs this month with almost"650 children and parents in attendance. Highlights were the magic show with 81 people in attendance and the Passport to Mexico program, conducted by a family from Mexico that regularly attends our after school activities. 21. January was a very busy month for Genealogy Programs with large numbers participating in all programs. Senior Librarian, Mary Van Orsdol, presented a talk to the North San Diego County Genealogical Society (NSDCGS) Computer Group on January 9 on "Clusty.com" with 87 people in attendance. Margaret Read's Saturday Beginning Genealogy Class had 17 students. On January 23, Ann J. Miller presented a talk to NSDCGS on "Overcoming Obstacles" with a standing-room only crowd of 107 people. 22. The Genealogy Division received the 452 microfilm roll set of United States City Directories from 1851-1880. The set was donated to the Library by the North San Diego County Genealogy Society with money from the estate of Marie Quisenberry, long-time Carlsbad resident and member of NSDCGS. The cost was $23,730. 23. Part-time reference librarian, Missy Shaw, is arranging to have the Lost Boys of Sudan present a program in May in conjunction with her book club's discussion of They Poured Fire on Us from the Sky. Learning Center... 24. Construction work continues. Foundation work for the Head Start program modulars needed to be re-done as it was not installed according to the approved plans. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - JANUARY 2007 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Jan-06 13,494 78,498 42,260 15,772 2,529**** 8,803**** 8,680**** 0#*** 155/178 684/174 1,9427* 1267* 18 331 4 56 69 1,890 7,041 861 4,028 5,312 202 660 80 3,390 19 1,034.25 Dec-06 8,671 61,769 33,248 10,421 _, - 5,176 26,973 14,236 4,137 112/71 518/99 1,6637* 1077* 6 183 4 55 62 2,037 11,262 541 5,203 13,970 211 3,473 77 3,271 9 789.9 Jan-07 12,682 74,663 15,738*** . - 14,004 - 6,577 35,516 21,984 8,084 180/44 665/104 1,9097* 1207* 33 500 6 58 99 2,521 13,807 852 7,070 14,822 323 3,796 85 4,213 14 1,312.3 * Not reported. ** Telephone Notification not reported last year. *#*Door count through Jan 13; malfunction. **** Cole Library in modular 1/3/06-1/31/06. ITEM # 7 Library Department- STATE LIBRARY RANKING THE OUTCOME Top quality Library services. THE MEASUREMENT The Library Development Services Bureau of the California State Library collects statistical data annually from all California libraries. There are 12 basic ratings based on this data that appear annually in CALIFORNIA LIBRARY STATISTICS covering data from the previous fiscal year. The State uses seven population categories for public library rankings; however, the State revised the population ranges in these seven categories this year. Carlsbad is one of 20 libraries in the 70,000 to 100,000 population category. (In previous years, this category was 60,000 to 100,000 population.) WHAT THE DATA MEANS Measurements used in this rating system are basic to all public libraries and, when related to per capita levels of activity, is an accurate way to compare the Carlsbad City Library to other top quality libraries in California. High index ratings are an indicator of excellence and establish benchmarks for both internal and external comparisons. DEPARTMENTS INVOLVED Library. BENCHMARK The Carlsbad City Library will be ranked above the 90th percentile among public libraries in the state in cities of 70,000 to 100,000 populations. For 2006, the 90th percentile equates to a ranking of third or better. RESULTS The benchmark was achieved by reaching an averaged ranking of first. Carlsbad remained ranked number one, Which is the same ranking as last year among the 20 city libraries in California in the 70,000 - 100,000 population category. (Due to the revised population categories this year, the total number of comparable libraries decreased from 33 to 20 in the 70,000 - 100,000 range.) BENCHMARK 5™ or higher 2001 4TH 2002 2ND 2003 JST 2004 1st 2005 1st 2006 1st 8 ANALYSIS Carlsbad was ranked against 19 other libraries in 12 measurement categories. Compared to the previous year, Carlsbad improved its ranking in 4 categories (Librarian FTE, Circulation per capita, Reference Questions per capita, and Registered Borrowers). Carlsbad stayed the same in all other categories this year. The table below shows how Carlsbad ranks with the top rated public libraries in California in the key measurement categories: Top Library Rankings Based on 2005-06 California Library Statistics Librarian FTE Total FTE Expenditures per cap. Volumes Microforms Audio materials Videos Periodicals Circulation per cap. Ref. Questions per cap. Library attendance > Registered borrowers TOTAL: RANK: Carlsbad 1 1 1 4 1 1 3 1 3 1 4 3 24 JST Newport Beach 2 3 3 3 2 - 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 31 2ND Mountain View 3 6 5 5 5 3 4 7 1 , 5 3 5 52 3RD Redwood City 4 4 2 9 4 4 1 4 4 12 10 12 70 4TH Whittier 7 8 8 1 6 7 8 3 10 4 8 1 71 5TH Livermore 5 2 6 7 NR 11 6 9 5 9 5 7 72 6™ NR = Not Reported ACTION PLAN Staff will continue to analyze collection use, patron suggestions, and phasing of new technologies to see if they lead to any changes in the Library's performance. Staff will also analyze the value of tracking and measuring categories, such as collection holdings, that are more connected to multiple branches in larger geographical areas. These may not be as valid as per capita measures as indicators of quality or performance. Future measurements may also need a weighting system, so that emphasis can be placed on categories that are more significant than others. POINT OF CONTACT Cheryl Mast, Management Analyst (760) 602-2014, Camast@ci.carlsbad.ca.us. 10 Community Services LIBRARY OPERATING COST THE OUTCOME Efficient use of Library resources and reporting of public value derived from delivery of Library services. THE MEASUREMENT The Library has identified several measures over the rast^year to analyze efficient use of financial resources and support from trie community through volunteer hours. Each measure will be explained iii trie Analysis section of this report. .^ Circulation Services: ^.•/-' 1. Cost for a Clerk to perform a check-out session (average transaction time = two minutes). 2. Percentage for the cost of Circulation Services compared tot,the -total library operating costs. Cost per Capita - total Library operating costs divided by Carlsbad population. Value of Volunteer Hours - number of volunteer hours contributed to Library multiplied by the California Average Rate per Hour for volunteers. WHAT THE DATA MEAN These cost efficiency and public value measures provide information for staff to monitor and track over time, with the purpose of improving efficiency and reporting value to citizens. DEPARTMENTS INVOLVED Library BENCHMARK For all cost measures, the Library desires to meet anticipated increases in demand for library services with the same or greater levels of efficiency and library user satisfaction. Annual Volunteer Hours Donated: 10,000+ 11 RESULTS Circulation Services Clerk Cost per Check-Out = $.41 per transaction Percentage for Circulation Services Costs/Total Library Operating Costs = 12% Cost per Capita = $88.20 Value of Volunteer Hours = $286,419 ANALYSIS Cost per Transaction Measure: An average time was collected for each transaction at both Dove and Cole Libraries. The number of items checked-out per session varies. This average time was multiplied by the average hourly rate (including direct and indirect costs) for Clerk staff serving the public. These calculations provided the total cost per transaction amount. This is the first year for creation of this measure, with the intent to compare this result against future results after radio frequency identification (RFID) equipment is installed. It is the Library's expectation to decrease the total staff costs for providing check-out services as a result of implementing this RFID equipment. Percentage of Service Area Costs Compared to Total Library Operating Costs: The total expenditures for the Circulation service area was divided by the total library operating costs to determine a percentage value. With the implementation of RFID equipment usage, it is the Library's expectation to decrease the percentage over time. Cost per Capita: The Library's total expenditure costs were divided by the total population number for the city of Carlsbad. It is the Library's priority to efficiently deliver services that the community members desire with a high degree of satisfaction. Value of Volunteer Hours: This year the Library experienced an unprecedented donation of time by volunteers due to the Library's new technology installation project, radio frequency identification. Every item in the Library's material collection had a tag inserted into it. It is the Library's intent to disclose the value of the time donated by the public. The 2005-06 California average volunteer rate per hour is $20.29. ACTION PLAN The Library has developed and implemented a balanced scorecard, which is available at www.carlsbadlibrary.org. The purpose of this scorecard is to assist Library staff in identifying and evaluating service delivery standards and cost effectiveness, which ultimately should impact customer satisfaction. Similar 12 analyses will occur over the next year for the Reference and Children's Service areas, covering services delivered by each area. One specific type of transaction measurement will be answering reference questions, a core library service. Staff will continue to develop the measures and targets established, and create new measures for additional services provided by the Library. POINT OF CONTACT Cheryl Mast, Management Analyst (760) 602-2049, CAmast@ci.carlsbad.ca.us. 13 Learning, Culture, and Arts LIBRARY SERVICES - CITIZEN SATISFACTION THE OUTCOME High level of citizen satisfaction with Library services. THE MEASUREMENT The library has worked over the past year to expand several customer satisfaction measures. These measures include surveying customers by telephone, intercept (in-person), and mystery shopping experiences. Each type of survey method will be explained in the Analysis section of this report. The measurement for the citywide telephone survey consists of results to the question, "How do you rate the City's library services?" The measurement for the intercept (in-person) survey reports results to asking visitors to rate library services in eight categories. The measurement for mystery shopping surveys provides results for seven categories experienced at the Dove and Cole" libraries. WHAT THE DATA MEANS These measures of how the citizens and visitors rate their level of satisfaction with the city's library services provides staff with a better understanding of the effectiveness and customer satisfaction with city programs. DEPARTMENTS INVOLVED Library BENCHMARK In all surveys, 90% of respondents.- rate satisfaction with Library services as "Good or Excellent". RESULTS Telephone survey: BENCHMARK 90% 2000 96% 2001 96% 2002 97% 2003 97% 2005 97% 2006 98% 14 Intercept survey: Chart 29: Ratings of Current Visit Staff friendliness Staff help Staff availability Staff knowledge of collections Reference & info services Study space and seating Collection arrangement Computer availability M :b • J "'<'I I*K , S Mmm, •1 *|WMy »:*»;-:4 ^ 3 1 19 18 26 28 1 J 1 < •I 1 23 32 • -V ' **»! -,,-; , •1 25 - • <'A • tx 1 1 8.' , •'• . , • : ?9 ?8 72 69 65 -. • , 57 55 I i • 1 '. •!' 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Pe rce nt H Poor « Fair D Good D Excellent Mystery shopping surveys: BENCHMARK Overall 90% 2006 94% Mystery Shopping Service Categories 15 ANALYSIS The Library expanded efforts this past year in gathering user opinions through additional methods other than the annual telephone survey of city residents. This year, data was collected through three specific methods: an intensive telephone survey conducted by the Social and Behavioral Research Institute (SBRI) at California State University San Marcos, an intercept survey of library visitors (results analyzed by SBRI), and through mystery shopping experiences. User opinions are very important to the Library, who wishes to provide the services customers want while providing those services in an efficient manner. The data gathered provided the Library with information as to what degree customers are satisfied with current services, and what additional services customers would like offered in the future. More detailed information about these data, and additional performance measures can be found in a document called the Library's Balanced Scorecard. The Balanced Scorecard will be published soon and will be placed on the Library's website at www.carlsbadlibrary.org. More specific information about the measures addressed in this document follows. Citywide Telephone survey - this is the fifth year that the City has asked its residents how they rate their satisfaction with Library services. The trends shown by the survey reflect significant positive ratings from the public at large (less than 1% of the survey respondents rated City Library services as poor). The consistency and level of the rating is worth noting (over 95% for the past six years). Intercept survey - the chart shows library visitor participants' ratings of services in eight categories. All service categories were rated either good or excellent by eighty percent (80%) of library visitors. Separating the categories into related areas, staff-related services rated over ninety-five percent (95%) satisfaction with visitors. Space availability rated eighty-eight percent (88%), collection arrangement eighty-nine percent (89%), and computer availability rated eighty percent (80%) satisfaction leyels with visitors. The library has recently added sixteen (16) walk-up computer stations at the Dove Library to improve computer availability at that site. Mystery shopping - sixteen mystery shopping experiences were conducted January through June, 2006. Overall, shoppers rated library facilities at ninety-four percent (94%) satisfaction in several categories including Building, Exterior, Interior, Staff Interaction, Computers, Reference or Information Desk, and Children's Collection. Mystery shoppers specifically identified cleanliness, clear signage including staff name tags, ease of computer use, and overall customer service expectations met. All raters scored the library at 7 or above, on a scale of 1-10, with eighty-seven percent (87%) scoring the library at 9 or 10. 16 ACTION PLAN The Library staff continues to expand on the Balanced Scorecard, which identifies, among other things, services or amenities the customers want but which may not be currently offered. This data will used in developing the next Strategic Plan for Library Services, and ultimately should reflect in a continuation of a high degree of satisfaction of the library's patrons. POINT OF CONTACT Cheryl Mast, (760 602 2014), CAmast@ci.carlsbad.ca.us. 17 Library Department- GROWTH MANAGEMENT/LIBRARIES THE OUTCOME Adequate facility space to house library services and resources. THE MEASUREMENT Square footage per capita. The current Growth Management Standard is 0.8 square feet of library space per capita. WHAT THE DATA MEANS Space (leased/owned, public/non-public) is a standard library measurement of customer use and satisfaction and includes collection space, seating, meeting rooms, staff areas, technology, and other public facility, needs. A performance standard for library facilities was adopted by the City Council in 1986 as part of the Growth Management Program's Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan. This standard was originally developed at that time based on surveys of other libraries of comparable size and based on related standards (such as volumes per capita) set by the American Library Association. DEPARTMENTS INVOLVED Library. RESULTS The Library acquired a new facility location in 2004, which is referred to as the Learning Center. This location currently contains a building with 5,723 square feet of space that is not occupied nor being used for library services to date. Renovation began at this site in September 2006 to expand the facility in order to house the Adult Learning and Centre de Informacion programs. The Library owns three facilities and leases two facilities, for a total of 96,874 square feet of leased and owned space. Owned: Dove Library 64,OOO s.f. Cole Library 24,352 s.f. Learning Center 5,723 s.f. Leased: Adult Learning 1,359 s.f. Centro 1,440 s.f. Based on the benchmark standard and assuming a January 2006 estimated population of 98,600, the library is currently 17,994 square feet in excess of the standard. ANALYSIS When the Adult Learning and Centre de Informacion programs move into the renovated and expanded Learning Center facility, their leased space will be eliminated with a net result of 2,201 square feet of additional owned space. Carlsbad's population would need to reach about 121,093 before it would trigger the need for expanded library space. City staff has projected build-out population to reach 118,600 in the year 2020. It is unlikely the City's population will trigger the Growth Management Plan requirement to add additional space to the Cole Library by 2020. However, structural conditions may require the Cole Library to be reconstructed prior to the year 2020. A 1998 feasibility study conducted at the Cole Library indicated several structural and building code issues to be addressed within a reasonable time, including such items as American's with Disabilities Act (ADA), mechanical, and electrical requirements. The City has already included a building replacement project within the Capital Improvement Program budget, currently scheduled between the years 2016-2021. ACTION PLAN Staff will continue to monitor population growth projections, trends in library use, customer service issues, impacts of new technology, and how all of these relate to space needed for resources and services. POINT OF CONTACT Cheryl Mast (760) 602-2014, camast@ci.carlsbad.ca.us.