HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-04-18; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: SY ITEM #2 MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES April 18, 2007 Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chair Jerry Tarman called the meeting to order at 4:04 PM. ROLL CALL: Present- Absent: Also Present: Library Board Trustees Bradley, Lignante and Tarman Library Board Trustees Kamenjarin and Swette* Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Bill Richmond, Library Media Services Specialist Greg MacLellan, Library Production Technician Marge Kealey representing NSDCGS Carolyn Taylor, League of Women Voters observer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the March 21, 2007 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were approved a submitted. * Library Board Trustees Kamenjarin and Swette arrived shortly after the approval of the minutes. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Tarman asked if the Adult Learning Program currently had a waiting list of learners for tutors and Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that currently there are about twenty on that list. One of the challenges the program faces is space to accommodate additional tutors/learners, but in the meantime some of those on the waiting list are participating in small group classes. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of April 18, 2007 Meeting Trustee Tarman asked about the time commitment for a volunteer tutor and Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that it requires a total of 3 hours a week; two 1.5 hour sessions. Trustee Kamenjarin asked about the construction schedule for the Library Learning Center and Library Director Pizzuto responded that we are waiting for a revised schedule and that a complete update on the project will be covered under today's agenda item 7 MEDIA SERVICES ANNUAL REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto introduced Media Services Specialist Bill Richmond and Production Technician Greg MacLellan and distributed copies of the Library Media Services annual report. Media Services Specialist Richmond and Production Technician MacLellan then walked the Board through a PowerPoint presentation covering program activities, usage statistics and video production during Fiscal Year 2005-06. The presentation was followed by a video containing segments of various programs held in the Auditorium during that period. Chair Swette asked how many booking were made using the on-line registration software and Media Services Specialist Richmond responded that since its implementation last fall about 60% of the 300 to 400 total bookings were performed online. Chair Lignante asked what methods were used to publicize the events and Library Community Coordinator Padilla Bowen responded that Library events are publicized online, in the Library calendar of events, on flyers and with press releases to local newspapers. The marquees at the entrances to the auditorium are made available for all events. Trustee Kamenjarin commented that the revenue appeared to have dropped and Media Specialist Richmond responded that the Library and City use of the facilities increased which does impact availability for outside use and the revenue. Trustee Tarman asked about staffing and Media Specialist Richmond responded that his Division is comprised of two full time employees and a number of part time staff who work various shifts, including many evenings as they average about 18 evening programs a month. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of April 18, 2007 Meeting BUDGET FY 2007-08: Library Director Pizzuto explained that the proposed budget has been submitted to the Finance Department for preliminary review and will be presented to the Leadership Team in early May. The budget will go to City Council in June for approval. Library Management Analyst Cheryl Mast distributed copies of the Budget Summary for the entire Library as well as a spreadsheet breaking it down by Division. Library Director Pizzuto explained that there are no significant changes in operation; the Library is not undertaking any major changes in services. Library Management Analyst Mast pointed out the reduction from the 5% index to a 2% net increase over last year's budget as a result of the commitment to reduce part-time FTE by 8 with the implementation of the RFID technology. Library Director Pizzuto pointed out the 18% increase this year for the collection and explained that a portion of that will be used to create an opening day collection for the Library Learning Center. The Board had several questions about the goal statement, "Enhance the Library's visual identity" which suggested some change in the language. The Board also discussed the carry forward limitations for contingency funds, the changes in personnel costs for next year, the estimated period for cost recovery for the RFID equipment and the break out as to types of material being added to the collection. By proper motion and unanimous vote, the Board approved the submitted budget. CARLSBAD READS TOGETHER: Library Community Coordinator Jessica Padilla Bowen reminded the Board that the video conference with author Elie Wiesel is scheduled to take place tomorrow at 1:00 pm. She added that the Media Services Division has been working with the crew back in New York and there is a backup plan in place should there be a problem with the video feed They have conducted several tests with no problems, and therefore do not anticipate any tomorrow. Ms. Padilla Bowen reported good participation and heavy attendance and at all the earlier events. She added that attendees included many local residents who are survivors of the Holocaust and some who were part of the military that liberated the camps, and were willing to share their stories with the groups. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of April 18, 2007 Meeting The Library has been fortunate in the wide spread publicity about the program this year and has been asked to write a piece for the North County Times. The Board had questions about the anticipated crowd for the video conference and the availability of the video of the session. Ms. Padilla Bowen explained that we did not have a release from Mr. Wiesel for a cablecast of the event but will have a video of the conference, including the comments from the moderator from Cal State San Marcos, which will be shown in the Schulman Auditorium this Saturday. LIBRARY LEARNING CENTER: Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that HeadStart has relocated into the modular building and will be open for the children on Monday, April 23rd. The next phase will be the demolition of portions of the main building. Although the contractors are behind schedule due to the delays with the modular building, they have not formally asked for an extension. The Library is waiting for a revised construction calendar and anticipates an opening date in August of 2008 instead of May or June. Trustee Swette asked what impact, if any, the delay would have on the Adult Learning Program, specifically the current lease. Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that the lease is currently a month-to- month lease and that the Adult Learning Program has been a long-time tenant in the building and we do not anticipate any problems. MEETING DATES AND TIMES: Library Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that this item was carried over from last month so that all the Board members would have the opportunity to discuss preferences for meeting dates and times that would accommodate their schedules, and assure a quorum. The Board discussed various options for changes in days of the week or times of day but agreed to continue the issue for further discussion at the next meeting. CARLSBAD FUTURING CONFERENCE: Trustee Bradley reported on the recent presentation by futurist Ed Barlow at several sessions hosted by the City for staff and members of the Boards and Commissions. She said the focus was on changes taking place in the world by 2017, and how to anticipate and prepare for changes in the way we do business and provide service Library Director Pizzuto added that the Library had compiled a list of books in the collection that were suggested reading material by Mr. Barlow. Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of April 18, 2007 Meeting CALTAC WORKSHOP: Trustee Bradley also reported on the recent CALTAC workshop she attended in Huntington Beach. Although very unstructured and low-key, she said the opening program focused on "building your trustee tool kit" and the guiding principles. One session included newly appointed trustees and library directors who were encouraged to present topics for discussion from the floor and then broke out into small groups to discuss each topic. Trustee Bradley added that after hearing several libraries talk about fundraising for their libraries and the lack of financial support from their cities, she felt very fortunate that this Library is so well supported not only by the City Council but by the community at large and the Friends of the Library and Library & Arts Foundation. Trustee Bradley asked the Board if they would be interested in hosting a CALTAC workshop in the future but Chair Swette responded that Carlsbad is not considered as "easily accessible" for the four counties in the southern part of the State. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Strategic Planning Timeline - The new timeline has been developed and staff is looking at the draft strategic plan which merges of the balanced scorecard concepts with the strategic planning process outcomes from the steering committee that met last November. The management staff is reviewing it now to determine how to prioritize some of the initiatives and the service responses we might undertake, and also to check the proposed directions against the library industry to see if we are missing anything. Following that discussion, the revised draft will be brought to the Library Board and the Steering Committee along with a new timeline for the rest of the process. The next phase is to create staff groups to plan the work around those initiatives, which will probably take the process into the summer. Challenged Materials - At the last meeting the Board discussed some concerns expressed by patrons regarding some materials in the collection and an exhibit. Subsequent to that the Board received a copy of this months ALTA publication, The Voice, in which there is a reference to a highly recommended tool for preparing for challenges to materials in the Library collection. We have a copy of that publication available for the Board upon request, but not as a circulating item in the collection. The Library responded to the patrons who expressed the concerns and to date have not heard anything further from either patron. Serra Regional Retreat for Library Directors - May 10th and 11th are the dates for this regional retreat in Julian and Library Director Pizzuto will be participating in the event to discuss the way regional reference services are delivered going into the future. Library Board of Trustees - Page 6 Minutes of April 18, 2007 Meeting This discussion is a result of a State-wide survey and study of how reference services are provided on a regional basis throughout the State. June 5 half-day Employee Training event - In the past few years we have done this annually and it involves closing the Library until 1:00 pm on that date. There will be a variety of topics discussed as part of that training and information on the closure is being prepared well in advance. Audio and E-books - The staff is working with the vendor NetLibrary, currently used by the Oceanside Library and a variety of other libraries, to make audio and e-books available. We are currently testing their product with no problems so far, and if all goes well we hope to offer e-books and audio books in late June 2007. Senior Librarian recruitment - The recruitment for the Children's Librarian at the Cole Library closed last week and the oral board is being scheduled for the first week in May. • Lynda Jones retirement - Sr Librarian Lynda Jones will be honored next Tuesday at the City Council Meeting receiving a proclamation for her many years of service. Although she retired as the Adult Learning Coordinator back in September, it was under some very severe health concerns, and at her request, we did not bring forward a proclamation at that time Her health has since improved and she is very involved in the community and working with the Foundation on the Library Learning Center capital campaign. Cannon Endowment donation - Also at their next meeting, the City Council will accept the donation of the annual disbursement of funds from the Cannon Endowment through the Library and Arts Foundation. The Foundation will probably take that opportunity to speak about the capital campaign, the endowment funding opportunities and the Gartner Endowment as well as the Home Tour on May 5th. FOUNDATION REPORT: No report. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Ms Kealey needed to leave before the meeting concluded. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Tarman had been asked by a patron to pass on how very much they were impressed with our Library Director and the program on the Holocaust. Library Board of Trustees Page 7 Minutes of April 18, 2007 Meeting _ Trustee Swette asked if Senior Librarian Lynda Jones would be attending the Adult Learning Annual event on Sunday and reminded the Board they were invited to attend. Trustee Tarman also reminded the Board that tomorrow night, Thursday, April 19th, is the Volunteer Appreciation Event for Library volunteers, to which they were all invited. Library Director Pizzuto added that the California Poet Laureate would be appearing at the Schulman Auditorium immediately following the Adult Learning Program event. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 6:08 PM Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #3 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for March 2007 Systemwide ... 1. RFID is now fully functional at Cole, Dove and the Centre de Informacion including security gates and all self-check machines. ITG representative, Craig Chandler, made a service call to the Library on Dove Lane to make some adjustments to the convey or/sorter system. He added guides to center books on the belt and also changed the angle of the belt's incline. These adjustments have improved the operability of the machine. 2. The 14th Annual Multicultural Arts Festival was held at all library sites the week of March 3-9. This annual event is presented by the Carlsbad City Library and the Carlsbad Cultural Arts Office and sponsored by Carlsbad's Friends of the Library, Friends of the Arts, and Sister City Committee. Events included puppet shows, story times, music programs, dance, poetry, participatory activities, and crafts. In addition to the Library locations, special events were also held at the Harding Community Center and the Carlsbad Cultural Arts Center including a presentation from the La Jolla Playhouse. 3. The Library hosted North County Times columnist Tom Morrow on March 22 at the Cole Library for a discussion about his new book, For Love of Their Country. Mr. Morrow donated a portion of the proceeds from books he sold that evening to the Friends of the Library. 4. The Library's March film series in the Schulman Auditorium, featuring new releases Marie Antoinette, Flags of Our Fathers, and Blood Diamond, drew a nearly full-house crowd for each screening. 5. An orientation was held for potential library volunteers on March 10 in the Gowland Meeting Room at Dove. Monthly orientations will continue on the second Saturday of each month at rotating library locations presented by Administrative Assistant Amy Bennett, Volunteer Services. Adult Learning ... 6. The Adult Learning Program is diligently working to recruit and train new tutors. Ads have been placed in local publications and a booth was held at the Carlsbad 5000 Expo and Race on March 24 and 25 (the booth had approximately 600 visitors each day). Monthly Library Reports for March 2007 7. A reporter with Today's Local News interviewed one of our tutor/learner pairs. The article ran in both Today's Local Neivs and The San Diego Union-Tribune. Many calls were received in response to this article. Centre de Informacion ... 8. The Centre de Informacion participated with the other Library locations in the Multicultural Festival in early March. 9. A new series of computer classes at the Centre began in March. There are currently four classes being taught before the Centro opens; each class has five students (the number of computers available). CCL, Dove Lane ... 10. Senior Children's Librarian Barbara Chung made a Specialist Visit at the Model Moms Club at Legoland on March 29th. 11. A participatory drum circle for teens led by B.J. Morgan of the Museum of Making Music was held on March 5th. 22 teens attended. 12. March's Pizza and a Movie evening was held on March 9th. 32 teens attended to see the Japanese anime film classic, Nausicaa. 13. Carlsbad City Library Hour's March TV programming was the Media Services produced "Zane Musa Quartet". This live Schulman Auditorium was presented to a live audience as well as produced as a TV program by the Media Division and shown on Community Cable Channel 3 (Time Warner.) Library programs also are regularly shown on KOCT Oceanside on Del Mar Access TV. Georgina Cole ... 14. Senior Librarian for Children's Services, Audrey Jones, resigned (effective March 23) to move to Iowa with her family. Glynn Birdwell, Senior Librarian for Reference Services has been working with Children's staff during the interim period while they are without a Senior Librarian. The recruitment for a new Senior Librarian is currently in process. 15. The new full-time Library Assistant for Children's Services, Amy Jordon, was hired and officially started March 12th. 16. Cole Children's Library Technician Nicki Rudden had her first meeting of "Teen Scene" on March 22nd and had 14 teens participate. (This is a re-organized version of the teen book club.) Teen Scene will meet every other Thursday afternoon to discuss books, magazines, programming and teen issues. Monthly Library Reports for March 2007 17. The Genealogy Division had many successful programs during March. The highlight was the annual Spring Seminar held on Saturday, March 24 in which the Genealogy Division and NSDCGS welcomed Sharon DeBartolo Carmack, a nationally-known genealogy speaker. She conducted this year's seminar which focused on writing one's genealogy. Learning Center 18. Construction work continues. The modular buildings for the Head Start program were installed during March on the East side of the Learning Center property. When installation is complete in April, Head Start will move from the main building into their new home and construction work on the main building will commence. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - MARCH 2007 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Mar-06 13,959 82,797 44,991 15,234 6,536 32,691 20,384 7,713 164/231 1,312/129 2,348/* 153/* 36 577 6 50 119 4,209 9,296 906 5,937 6,889 274 1,131 108 5,856 24 1,3965 Feb-07 12,068 70,213 19,057**** 13,555 6,546 32,986 20,321 9,997 220/66 890/139 1,6417* 1661* 38 457 6 87 117 2,879 13,168 809 6,448 15,631 277 4,073 84 4,705 10 1,351.85 Mar-07 12,937 76,105 30,419**** 15,218 7,182 36,976 27,052 12,212 208/67 1,350/124 2,0 13/* 175/* 46 637 10 150 115 3,475 15,288 779 7,378 16,410 325 4,398 89 4,747 13 1,435 * Not reported. ** Telephone Notification not reported last year. *** Door count through Jan 13; malfunction. **** New door counter started 2/7/07, not accurate ITEM # 8 City of Carlsbad Board & Commissions -Meeting Days and times Board/Commission City Council Arts Commission Beach Preservation Commission Community Television Foundation Design Review Board Historic Preservation Commission Housing Commission Library Board of Trustees Parks & Recreation Commission Planning Commission Senior Commission Sister City Committee Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Day 1st four Tuesdays 1st Thursday 2nd Tuesday 2nd Thursday 4th Monday 2nd Monday 2nd Thursday 3rd Wednesday 3rd Monday 1st & 3rd Wednesdays 1st Thursday 2nd Wednesday 1st Monday Frequency Weekly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Bi-monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Semi-monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Meeting time 6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. Friends of the Library - Board Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation Board Carlsbad Lib & Arts Found. Executive Committee 3rd Thursday 1st Tuesday Thursday prior to Board meeting Bi-monthly - Jan-Jun & Sep -Dec Monthly Monthly 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. F \LIBRARY BOARD\Bds & Comm meet dates.doc 4/10/07