HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-05-23; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: MINUTES ITEM #2 MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 PLACE OF MEETING: Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1 775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Chair Rob Swette called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Bradley, Kamenjarin, Lignante. Swette, and Tarman Absent: None Also Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Barbara Chung, Sr. Librarian, Children's Services Gordon Hoard and Marg Kealey, NSDCGS Carolyn Taylor, League of Women Voters observer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the Library Board of Trustees meeting of April 18, 2007 were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Library monthly reports and statistics for April were received without question. SUMMER READING PROGRAM PREVIEW: Library Director Pizzuto introduced Sr. Librarian Barbara Chung, head of Children's Services at the Dove Lane facility, who screened the PSA's for this year's Summer Reading Programs titled, "Get a Clue @ your Library" , for the younger children, and "You Never Know" for the teens. The program this year begins on June 18th and continues through the summer to August 3rd, and the Library expects more than 3,000 children and teens to participate, based on the numbers from last year. She added that the program has great support from community sponsors who donate prizes for the children to earn by reporting on the books they have read. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of May 23, 2007 Meeting Library Director Pizzuto added that this year the Library is again participating in a consortium using the same theme as libraries in thirty other states, which provides the professional PSA's, and an entire manual of ideas for programs and booklets as well as clip art. Chair Swette asked if the Library promoted the program at the local schools and Sr. Librarian Chung responded that we did not. She added that the information is posted on the website and the Library has had such a response over the years that there has been no need for any additional promotion. REVISED STAFF BORROWING POLICY: Library Director Pizzuto explained that from time to time there is a need to update the Library's policies, and in this case the need arose as a result of the installation of RFID which has resulted in a few changes in how the staff checks out their material. The Board was provided with copies of the current policy and the proposed new policy. Library Director Pizzuto explained that the Library was rewriting the Policy & Procedures Manual with a new format and pointed out the only significant change is the requirement for all items to be checked out either at the Circulation Desk or using one of the self-check machines. This change was necessary as the checking out process now includes the deactivation of the security tag. There was some discussion of the restrictions placed on staff borrowing and Library Director Pizzuto explained that the purpose of the restrictions is to insure that the public has first access to all new materials in the collection. By proper motion and vote the Board approved the revised policy unanimously. STRATEGIC PLANNING UPDATE & BALANCED SCORECARD: Strategic Plan - Library Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that just prior to their last meeting the staff had received the draft document from Joan Frye Williams and since then have been reviewing the document and identifying and prioritize the many possible initiatives that the Library wants to pursue. The staff has spent a significant amount of time already on the process, deciding how many initiatives to undertake, and also asking what might have been missed with relation to the library industry as a whole. Although the process is not yet complete, she added that the planning process is still on track to move ahead to Phase III, developing the work plan for the initiatives this summer. Library Director Pizzuto explained that over the last year or more the Library staff has been very engaged in managing multiple projects simultaneously which revealed the need for some additional training and support in project planning. Plans are currently underway to bring Joan Frye Williams back in June or July to conduct this training. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of May 23, 2007 Meeting Balanced Scorecard - Library Director Pizzuto presented the final document to the Board and thanked them for their suggestions for improvement on the draft version. She added that the scorecard had been simplified from the draft version and was presented to the City Council at their study session last week. The purpose was to get their input as to whether it is a tool they can use as they are talking about the Library or to ask questions about the Library's performance. Library Director Pizzuto added that this is the last version of the scorecard in its present form, as it will be integrated into the strategic plan. She added that it has been extremely helpful to the staff in identifying ways to present library performance measures and report the results. Library Director Pizzuto asked the Board to try out the scorecard as a resource to describe what the Library is doing and to communicate to the community the value of the Library. She asked for feedback on its usefulness. There was considerable discussion of the scorecard and how it relates to the strategic plan and performance measures. Trustees Swette and Kamenjarin expressed concern that the measures did not capture the huge impact of Library programs on the community or the "Library changes Lives" element of services. Library Director Pizzuto explained the need to look at the Library from a fiscal perspective, what it costs, what it nets, and the product it delivers. Library Director Pizzuto explained that initially the scorecard contained three times as many measures as the final version and it became obvious that there were too many, and it would take too much time to measure all areas. To that end, the staff settled on the broader measures that best represented the business of the Library. BUDGET UPDATE: Library Director Pizzuto reported that the Library's proposed budget was presented to the Leadership Team and was approved to move forward. Management Analyst Cheryl Mast added that there are no indicators that the budget will not be approved as submitted and following a public workshop, the budget will go to City Council for adoption on June 26, 2007. CARLSBAD READS TOGETHER RECAP: Library Community Coordinator Jessica Padilla Bowen referenced the post program worksheet which was contained in the packet, pointing out that more than 600 people attended the various events during the program, and distributed a summary of the evaluation forms collected following most of the events. Highlights of the event this year were the video conference, which was the first one done here at the Schulman, an additional Wednesday night film at the Cole Library and a Spanish Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of May 23, 2007 Meeting language component at Centra (with learners in the Adult Learning Program participating for the first time), all funded by the Friends of the Library.. The Board discussed the comments on the evaluation forms from the public, especially those asking for more advertising of the events and providing the program more frequently than once per year. Library Director Pizzuto pointed out that the public continues to express a strong interest in programming but at some point the Library has to balance its resources between programming and other services. The other challenge is maintaining a balance between the programs the Library offers and the availability of the space to outside individuals, as the demand for the Schulman Auditorium continues to increase. Currently the Library has programs scheduled well into 2008. Advertising and promoting the program and events was evident in the binder of press releases and newspaper articles shared with the Board. Circulation statistics revealed that the additional copies of the book (also funded by the Friends and added to the 12 copies already in the collection) were checked out approximately 400 times between January and May. Trustee Kamenjarin suggested an earlier roll-out for next year and a collaborative effort with the teachers to get students involved; he also suggested partnering with a non-chain bookstore to promote the event, and possibly display banners throughout the City during the program. Community Coordinator Padilla Bowen announced that she had approached a local bookstore but the smaller store did not feel they could get involved this year. Borders continues to partner with the Library in promoting the event. LIBRARY LEARNING CENTER UPDATE: Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that Head Start has moved into the modular building and construction on the main building has begun. She distributed some photos of the site showing the building demolished down to the framing and explained that the contractor discovered termite damage in the framing which will require replacing much of it. She added that the contractor did not believe the framing work would delay the overall timeline and it is anticipated that the additional cost will be offset by savings on materials from deductive change orders. MEETING DATES AND TIME: This item was carried over from the last meeting at the request of the Board. Trustee Kamenjarin initiated the discussion acknowledging that he and Trustee Swette were .the two members having issues with the current schedule due to their employment. Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of May 23, 2007 Meeting The Board agreed that the meeting time should remain during regular working hours, and not evenings, but after a lengthy discussion of other days of the week, the Board could not arrive at a day that worked any better than Wednesday. There were several suggestions about types of meeting reminders and a lengthy discussion about a possible requirement to respond to confirm attendance each month, but there was no agreement on a new procedure. Chair Swette summarized the discussion and the Board agreed that the meeting dates and times would continue as scheduled and members should call the Library in the event they will not be able to attend. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Fire Alarm at the Dove Lane facility - Library Director Pizzuto briefed the Board on the recent fire alarm during a concert in the Schulman Auditorium. The cause of the alarm was from smoke in the server room, again, and the source was traced to the UPS (uninterrupted power source) for the Library's critical systems. The UPS was scheduled for replacement and the bidding process was underway but because of the alarm, an emergency purchase order was prepared and the replacement was ordered at a cost of approximately $70,000. Library Director Pizzuto said that no interruption in public service is anticipated when the replacement is installed. The evacuation of the auditorium went very smoothly and the response from the Fire Department as well as Facilities and IT staff was great. Saturday morning at opening the Library was without telephones and computers but by mid-day the problem had been identified and the contractors and facilities staff had all systems back up and running. Sirsi Upgrade - Our sales representative from Sirs/Dynex was in town today and hosted demonstrations and discussions for staff at both Cole and Dove Lane about the upgrade to our automated system. The upgrade is scheduled for the fall, and while there is no change in the functionality with the upgrade, there is a significant difference in the look and feel. The upgrade does not affect the Library's catalog, just the staff side of the system. Library Director Pizzuto explained the next step is to load the upgrade onto the test server for staff to become familiar with the changes, use the program in a test environment and identify any problems. The test instance will also be used to train the staff. Library Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that routinely the information contained in the test server, which is a snapshot of the production side, is refreshed so that there is no old information stored; however, in order to use the test instance for training, etc. with the upgrade, it will not be possible to refresh the data from the point when we load the new software in June until after we go live with the upgrade in approximately October. Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel joined the meeting at this point to answer any questions from the Board, and explained that the data in the test server could not be Library Board of Trustees Page 6 Minutes of May 23, 2007 Meeting refreshed once the upgrade is loaded because the production side will still be using the older version. There were questions regarding circulation records of the patrons and the retention of the information in the system, some generated by the accidental delivery of overdue notices via email from the static information in the test server several months back. Library Director Pizzuto explained that since that incident the Library has implemented safeguards for accessing information on the test server to prevent it from happening again. Business Systems Specialist Castel added that information in the production side is sometimes kept for six to twelve months, depending on the status of the items on the account, and the logs of information are necessary in the event we need to rebuild the system and for business purposes. Library Director Pizzuto added that the Library is in the process of evaluating all records retained and for what purposes and purging those for which we have no need. She added that circulation records are a special classification and are not subject to the Public Records Act. Downloadable E-books and Audio-books - Library Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that she previously had announced that it was looking very promising that the Library would be using Net Library as the vendor for delivering downloadable books but unfortunately we only recently found out that Net Library is no longer going to be adding new customers. There doesn't seem to be any information about what wilt be happening with the product and the Library has decided to wait for more information before moving forward with other possible vendors. In the meantime, the Library has received the first shipment of another form of audio book, the Playaway, which does not require downloading them. Deputy Library Director Curtis passed around a couple of the devices as Library Director Pizzuto explained that staff is developing processing and circulation procedures for the Playaway and expect them to be available for check-out in the next couple of months. Trustee Kamenjarin asked staff to provide some statistics on the percentage of the Library users who use books on tape or books on CD. Courtesy Reminder Notices - The Library is testing the email notices for courtesy reminders in advance of the due date and if all goes well, the Library will begin sending the 2- day advance notices in June. Senior Librarian for Cole Children - The departmental interviews for the position were concluded yesterday and we anticipate making a selection within the next few days. All of the candidates interviewed live in state. Library Board of Trustees Page 7 Minutes of May 23, 2007 Meeting _ FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Bradley announced that recently appointed City Council Member Julie Nygaard submitted her resignation from the Board. No figures are available yet on the Castles of Carlsbad tours this year but several of the host homeowners have offered their homes for other fund-raising events for the capital campaign. A committee of Board Members is preparing to speak to local service organizations to promote the Capital Campaign by explaining the purpose of the Library Learning Center and the programs and services it will provide to the community. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Outgoing Liaison Gordon Hoard introduced Marg Kealey who will be replacing him in that position and announced that the Society is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year and has several events planned for the 460 members. The Library is continuing to provide the tutorial on Thursday afternoons which has been consistently drawing fifteen to twenty participants, while the monthly meetings are attended by between eighty and one hundred members and guests. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: None PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:45 PM Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #3 Monthly Library Reports for April 2007 Systemwide 1. The Library Volunteer Recognition Dinner was held on April 19th at the Senior Center. The event was attended by 80 plus volunteers, City Council members, including the Mayor, Library Board members, and Library staff who expressed their appreciation of the Volunteers and all that they provide. Dan Bennett, president of the San Diego International Children's Film Festival, presented a few short films that delighted all those in attendance. 2. The Library hosted Carlsbad Reads Together during the month of April, in conjunction with National Library Week (April 15 through 21). Carlsbad Reads Together events included seven book club discussions, three film screenings, a lecture and the video conference with Night author Elie Wiesel. More than 600 people participated in the Carlsbad Reads Together events throughout the month. The response was extremely positive and many patrons filled out surveys to provide feedback and suggestions. 3. The Library was chosen by the California Arts Council to host California Poet Laureate Al Young for his tour in April, in honor of National Poetry Month. On Sunday, April 22 in Schulman Auditorium, Al Young read with local poet Steve Kowit and after the reading, they both signed copies of their book. Approximately 70 people attended. Library Media Services taped the readings for a future Library Hour. 4. The Cole Library hosted Taffy Cannon on Tuesday, April 24 at 7pm for a talk and signing of her new mystery, Blood Matters, Approximately 35 people attended. 5. Several staff members from all Library locations attended an Infopeople-sponsored workshop held at a branch of the San Diego County Library about retailing and wayfinding in libraries. The knowledge gained should help Carlsbad Library staff make decisions about how to better serve the patrons. CCL, Dove Lane 6. A representative from our RFID vendor, ITG, made a service call to attend to oil leaking from the book return conveyor. The repair was made with minimal impact to operations. 7. The first evening program in the Children's Garden was a special family storytime that took place on March 26th, as part of National TV-Turnoff Week. The lights in the gazebo made this program- possible and it was great to have the extra seating thanks to the newly installed fourth bench. 8. April's Pizza and a Movie Night was held on April 6th and featured a showing of the musical "Grease." 24 teens attended. Monthly Library Reports for April 2007 9. 60 people attended a Rock the Library concert held in the Ruby G. Schulman auditorium on April 19th. The featured band was Bremen Court, an alternative band that played original songs and had previously competed in Carlsbad's 2007 Battle of the Bands. 10. Carlsbad City Library Hour's April TV programming was the Media Services produced "Noel Jewkes". This Schulman Auditorium event was presented to a live audience as well as produced as a TV program by the Media Division and shown on Community Cable Channel 3 (Time Warner). Library programs also are regularly shown on KOCT Oceanside on Del Mar Access TV. Georgina Cole Library 11. Tables and chairs in the New Books/Periodicals area were re-arranged in order to provide a better place for laptop users to work (tables near power sources). Several staff members assisted in the moving of furniture which seems to be a positive change for the patrons. 12. The application period for the Senior Librarian for Cole Children's closed during April. An oral board panel was scheduled for May 1 and departmental interviews will be held for the top candidates in late May. Staff in Cole Children's is now working on filling their vacant part-time positions. 13. A PC Management "Nerve Center" was installed at the Children's Reference Desk. This will provide the Children's staff and patrons with additional sign-in abilities. Previously, the Cole adult computer area had the only nerve center in the building. 14. As part of Cole's "Mostly Mondays" programming for teens, a teen event was offered each Monday in April with the exception of Carlsbad School District's Spring Break. Other teen programs included two meetings of the Teen Scene, an advisory group facilitated by Library Tech Nicki Rudden. A core group seems to be committed and enthusiastically decorated the YA area. 15. For our "Totally Tuesdays" programming geared towards grades K-5, Cole Children's provided a Spring/Easter themed StoryCraft, a "Passport to Adventure" program focusing on the Bahamas, and The Patchwork Players as special performers to celebrate National Library Week. Other school-age programming included the popular K-9 Tales on the Library's front lawn. 16. The Genealogy Division presented several excellent workshops during April. One of their new classes is providing a hands-on follow-up class to the monthly North San Diego County Genealogical Society Computer Group presentation. Senior Librarian, Mary Van Orsdol presented a class about how to use the online database, NewEnglandAncestors.org, which 76 people attended. This was then followed with the hands-on program two days later where 13 people received assistance in using the research tool. Another excellent program was on April 24 in which Dr. Stephen Baird of UCSD presented a program to NSDCGS titled "The Monthly Library Reports for April 2007 Science of Human Reproduction: Implications for the Future of Genealogy." 94 people attended. Adult Learning Program 17. Approximately 120 tutors and learners with their families and friends attended our annual celebration honoring their accomplishments on April 22. Everyone enjoyed delicious food from Pat & Oscar's, desserts from Pronto's Gourmet Market, and calculator portfolios to take home. Mayor Pro Tern Ann Kulchin, Library Director Heather Pizzuto, 6 learners, and 2 tutors inspired the attendees with their words. 18. Several programs based on learner needs are being offered: volunteer Susan Allen has started a new session of the Banking Skills class that was developed by former AmeriCorps member Margaret Bradley, volunteer Floyd Henry is currently developing a small group class on "Everyday Math," and a survey of health literacy needs was completed in anticipation of participating in the San Diego Council's Health Literacy initiative. 19. The Adult Learning Book Club is continuing to read Night as a part of Carlsbad Reads Together program. Centre de Inf ormacion 20. On April 17 Lizeth Simonson attended the monthly meeting of the Carlsbad Youth Enrichment Services (Y.E.S.) at the Harding Community Center. Staff members from Carlsbad Recreation Department gave a presentation to the audience about youth programs and special events for teens. Lizeth informed the audience about teen programs at Carlsbad City Library and Georgina Cole Library. Flyers about these programs and the teen calendar were distributed to the audience. 21. As part of Carlsbad Reads Together, Spanish-speaking patrons enjoyed an evening at the Centro of socializing, refreshments, and a lively discussion in Spanish of the book Hanna's Suitcase on April 17. Learning Center' 22. During April, Head Start moved from the main building into their new classrooms on the east side of the Learning Center property. Their play area is still temporary. Landscaping, the parking lot completion, and their final play area will be installed during final phases of the project. Construction work on the main building began in late April, after Head Start moved out, with significant demolition work taking place. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - APRIL 2007 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Apr-06 11,788 74,041 38,743 13,952 6,199 30,655 20,089 6,785 176/172 905/118 1,8287* 1897* 32 404 10 277 86 2,431 8,318 784 5,533 7,673 258 1,389 120 4,058 45 1,025.15 Mar-07 12,937 76,105 30,419** 15,218 7,182 36,976 27,052 12,212 208/67 1,350/124 2,0137* 1757* 46 637 10 150 115 3,475 15,288 779 7,378 16,410 325 4,398 89 4,747 13 1,435 Apr-07 12,498 74,900 33,687 14,756 6,638 32,713 22,358 7,513 250/72 1,100/131 1,9417* 2007* 40 527 14 176 103 2,041 13,953 825 5,925 17,235 325 4,723 79 3,240 19 1,252.75 * Not reported.* * New door counter started 2/7/07; not accurate. ITEM # 5 STAFF BORROWING 1 STAFF BORROWING Purpose: Fairness of Access to Patrons Security of Materials POLICY: Library staff will follow all existing circulation policies and procedures, including policies on due dates and renewal limits, in their use of Library materials. A basic principle the Library observes is not giving staff any privileges or advantages that interfere with the primary goal of serving the public. In support of this principle, the following policies apply: • Staff may not place holds on items that are on order. These items have a call number beginning with XX and a home location of ON ORDER in Workflows. In the Library's catalog, the status will be ON-ORDER. This policy is designed to help insure that the public is given a priority over staff for access to popular new materials. • New materials must be allowed to go on the public shelves before staff can check them out. This policy is designed so that the public is given the opportunity to see the new materials first. • Staff may not check out new videos/DVDs until the videos are a month old (check the date on the "NEW" sticker on the spine), and must wait one month before placing a hold on fiction videos. • Staff must observe renewal limits and due dates. Staff may not override holds placed by others when renewing items checked out to themselves. • Staff must always check out materials in their possession, either for home or office use. All items must be checked out at the Circulation desk or using the Library's self-check machines. All items must be returned to Circulation or the book drops for checkin. This policy is designed to promote fairness of access and the accuracy of the database and to ensure that the RFID security tags are set properly. As a courtesy to other Library users, items checked out by staff must be returned promptly. Staff are responsible for the replacement cost of lost or damaged items. Both full and part-time employees may choose to have their personal library account changed to a Staff User Profile. This change is made by the Circulation Supervisors at each location. Staff status cannot be extended to family or friends. Abuse of this policy may result in loss of the staff user profile and disciplinary action. An employee who is no longer on the active payroll should be returned to a Public profile. See procedures under DEPARTING EMPLOYEE PROCESSING. P & P\STAFF BORROWING 4/07 STAFF BORROWING PRIVILEGES 1 STAFF BORROWING PRIVILEGES Library staff will follow all existing circulation policies and procedures in their use of Library materials. A basic principle the Library observes is not giving staff any privileges or advantages that interfere with the primary goal of serving the public. In support of this principle, the following policies apply: • Staff may not place holds on items shown as ON ORDER in the Library's catalog. This policy is designed to help ensure that the public is given a priority over staff for access to popular new materials. • New materials must be allowed to go on the public shelves before staff can check them out. Staff may not check out new videos/DVDs until the videos are a month old (check the date on the red sticker on the spine), and must wart one-month before placing a hold on fiction videos. This way the public is given the opportunity to see the new materials first. • Staff must always check out materials in their possession, either for home or office use. Library staff is not charged fines for overdue materials, although they will receive overdue notices as a reminder to return items. As a courtesy to other Library users, items should be returned promptly. Staff is also not charged an insurance fee for borrowing videos/DVDs. These privileges are not transferable to family or friends. Staff is responsible for the replacement cost of lost or damaged items. Reviewed and approved without change by Library Board November 19, 2003 P & P\STAFF BORROWING PRIVILEGES 11/03 swH o 13 i- V) 3 ^ <-0> CS 5 13 13 5>-P 1/1 TS3D ^ ^ cs "si ^ ^j ^ 13 O CS o J ^ o CS 13 13o cs \_13P- 13o 3D cs cs TS ^v/1 Oo I/I Q csi cs CS1cs-P (Si V _} cs TS CS vfl CSo 13 QO 'TS O CS '-'I 4-JCS 1 CS\--P Q -P v/1 5o ics TS c^ p Q 3D-p 13 ^. 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The objective of the program was to encourage everyone who lives, works and goes to school in Carlsbad to read and discuss Elie Wiesel's Night. Yes, the proposed objective was met. More than 600 people of all ages attended our various events throughout the month of April. Discussions were very lively, with a lot of participation, and topics discussed included personal stories from Holocaust survivors, people whose family and/or friends had survived the Holocaust, and even a patron who had liberated a Concentration Camp during World War II. Attendees also discussed current events and what role they can play in promoting peace. Measurable outcomes: • The program grew with one additional film screened, adding a Cole film screening to the three Dove films. • Coordinating with Gallery exhibition, "Impossible to Forget: the Nazi Camps Fifty Years After," also added to Carlsbad Reads experience. • The Adult Learning Program held their first Carlsbad Reads Together reading group for Night. • Despite not having the Carlsbad Reads Together author for an on-site visit, the program attendance was still very high and rivaled last year's. • The Carlsbad Reads Together Resource Guide expanded four pages to allow for information about the Gallery exhibition as well as two pages devoted to teen and children's Holocaust resources. • For the book discussions, 92 people attended. Lizeth's Carlsbad Reads book club grew in its second year. • For the four film screenings, we had approximately 365 people attend. • For the live video conference and re-air of the conference, approximately 126 people attended. • For the April 15 lecture, 50 people attended. • The Library had a successful partnership with Cal State San Marcos (CSUSM). CSUSM Professor Alyssa Sepinwall served as moderator for the video conference. • Circulation for Night after program publicity began is estimated at 294. • We received 62 evaluation forms from participants. Comments were overwhelmingly positive and are included after this report. Resources used: • We had a Carlsbad Reads Together committee of 10 staff members and three Friends of the Library representatives who meet regularly to choose the book and plan events. • Media Services also provided technical support for the video conference, video conference re-air, April 15 lecture and films. They also filmed and edited the footage . from the video conference with Elie Wiesel. • Jason Medina and Jessica Padilla Bowen worked on graphics and marketing materials for the program. Reference staff wrote content for the Resource Guide. Jessica wrote and sent out press releases for the program and coordinated overall publicity, including photos. Marketing efforts: • Bookmarks, resource guides • Bi-monthly calendar of events • Film posters, Have You Read It? Posters, video conference event posters • Web site included program info, event info, author info and resource guide • Posters, flyers and resource guides distributed at the Library locations and Borders • Resource guides distributed via mail to local synagogues and schools • Resource guides distributed through Gallery, to teachers interested in Gallery • Other cross-marketing with Arts Office • Ad in March/April Carlsbad Magazine • Four ads in North County Times the first week of April • Press releases distributed to local outlets Suggestions for change: Outreach: • Everyone agreed having more students and young people participate would be positive. This may require more outreach to schools. Library is just beginning to send information for school PTA email lists and will continue this effort. Research other ways to tap into school district's email system. • Library has purchased ALA's new CDs which allow us to create our own READ posters. Library could do a promotion with students and feature them in their own READ poster with the chosen book. Library could create eye-catching displays and/or great giveaways. • Research including the information in school's quarterly newsletters. • Ask that Teen Librarians poll teens who regularly attend Library programs and ask why didn't they participate and what would make them want to participate? • Create a commemorative poster for each year of Carlsbad Reads Together. For Books: • Create a sticker to designate the Carlsbad Reads books as that year's selection (similar to books with "Oprah Book Club" stickers). For book discussions: • Create book club posters to match the other promo posters for consistent branding. • If guest speakers are invited to book discussions, as was the case with Holocaust survivor Yaja Boren at the April 12 discussion, ensure they know amount of time for talk or consider inviting them to participate in another forum, so group has time to discuss book. Films: • Five Wednesdays in April 2008 allow for expansion of the film program, if desired. Opportunities for future collaboration: • Keep Cal State San Marcos in mind as a possible partner. • Library will consider applying for National Endowment for the Arts' "The Big Read" grant for April 2008. Grant must be matched. • Depending on book selection, explore collaborations with local schools. • Carlsbad's used book store, Farenheit 451, has suggested their open to collaborating and selling books for events, if timing works for them. Other comments: Per last year' suggestions, ticketing policy for Elie Wiesel video conference was established well ahead of time and included on all materials produced by the Library. Including a film at Cole Library brought a different group of moviegoers to the Library. Group wants to continue to include a Carlsbad Reads Together film screening for Cole. Ads in Carlsbad Magazine and North County Times increased visibility of program and should be continued.