HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-06-20; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: MINUTES ITEM #2 MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 PLACE OF MEETING: Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chair Jerry Tarman called the meeting to order at 4:02 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Bradley, Kamenjarin, Lignante, and Tarman Trustee Swette arriving at 4:12 PM. Absent: None Also Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Marg Kealey, NSDCGS Carolyn Tayfor, League of Women Voters observer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Trustee Marie Bradley asked for one correction and some changes in the Foundation report with regard to Foundation Board members speaking at local organizations to talk about the Library Learning Center and capital campaign. The Board then unanimously approved the minutes as amended by Trustee Bradley. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Tarman offered congratulations to the Library Media Division on their first place award in the recent NATOA competition and commented Dove Lane Reference on the outstanding participation at recent teen programs. He also had compliments for the "Passport to Adventure" series at the Cole Library, having attended several of the sessions with his grandson. Trustee Kamenjarin commented on the attendance numbers for programs at Cole and Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that the seating capacity is limited. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of June 20, 2007 Meeting Trustee Kamenjarin also asked for more information on the "People Count" and Circulation totals in the statistics report. He expressed concern that the numbers could reflect that the collection at the Cole location is not meeting the needs of the patrons. Library Director Pizzuto offered several possibilities for the disparity including the large number of patrons using the non-circulating Genealogy collection. Staff will analyze the information both current and past and present the findings at the next meeting. ELECTION OF CHAIR & VICE CHAIR FOR FY07-08: By proper motion and vote the Board elected Trustee Kamenjarin to serve as Chair and Trustee Tarman to serve again as the Vice. APPOINTMENT TO CARLSBAD LIBRARY & ARTS FOUNDATION FOR FY07-08: Trustee Bradley offered to continue to serve in this capacity and her offer was unanimously accepted. LIBRARY LEARNING CENTER: Deputy Library Director Smithson passed around recent photographs of the site where new steel beams and power conduit have been installed. The project is moving ahead and is on schedule for a May 2008 completion and August 08 grand opening. Library Director Pizzuto added that the project team has been working on the staffing and operational plan for the merge of Centra and Adult Learning as well as addressing several issues with regard to the opening day collection and identifying the Learning Center Collection in the catalog. The Board accepted the offer for a tour of the site following the next meeting, scheduled for the Cole Community Room. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Budget - The proposed City budget for FY07-08 was presented to City Council last night and the public workshop is scheduled for tonight at Faraday. UPS (Universal Power Source) Replacement at Dove Lane - The replacement unit is scheduled to be installed on July 13 with minimal impact on operations. The staff computers will be affected but not the public access ones. The Library is taking this opportunity to make some determinations as to what devices will be connected to the new UPS. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of June 20. 2007 Meeting Staff Training Event - June 5th - The annual training event was very successful according to the feedback from those in attendance and the update and revision of the Library's Disaster Plan continues with input from the Division Heads of the Library. Strategic Planning Process - The team continues to work and refine the draft and narrow the number of initiatives for next year. The draft is scheduled for review by the Division Heads at their meeting tomorrow before finalizing the list of 2007-08 initiatives. Trustee Swette asked how many of the proposed initiatives will cost money and were the costs included in the Library budget for the year. Library Director Pizzuto responded that this year's initiatives were identified based on Library priorities. Many of these either do not require additional funding or have already been funded as existing priorities. She continued that next year the process would be slightly different and the Library would build the budget accordingly. Playaway - Three of the four shipments of these audio books have been received and are in processing in Technical Services now. Courtesy notices - During the course of testing advance email notices, the test server crashed and prevented further testing. The server is now back up and the testing is underway again. Senior Librarian (5) Cole - The new Division Head for Cole Children's is Marsha Weeks who began this week. The Board will have the opportunity to meet her at the next Library Board meeting scheduled for the Cole Community Room. ALA Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. - Both Library Director Pizzuto and Deputy Library Director Smithson will be attending the conference June 21 - 27th. Among the programs offered and of particular interest will be the presentation by Joe Matthews on the Balanced Scorecard and the inaugural RFID Users Group meeting hosted by our vendor, ITG. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Bradley reported that the Foundation received a report on the Gartner and Cannon endowments and the disbursement from the Cannon endowment to the Gallery for this year. 1 ;ckets soid for the home tour totaled a little less than 800 producing a net of $18,000 e id the date for next year's tour has been set for May 3rd. 7'ie Foundation is still actively pursuing grant funds as well as updating their web site v 'h information about all the Board Members. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of June 20, 2007 Meeting Trustee Swette asked for the status of the Capital Campaign for the Library Learning Center. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Society Liaison Marg Kealey reported the membership now totals 485 and the programs and workshops continue to draw large numbers of participants. She added that the Boy Scouts can now earn a merit badge for taking the teen classes on genealogy research taught by Margaret Reed at the Cole Library. She called the Board's attention to the scheduled programs contained in the newsletter and Trustee Kamenjarin expressed an interest in obtaining either a recording or transcript of the June 26th program, "Passenger Lists - Did They Really Come on That Ship?" LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Kamenjarin referred to an article in "The Voice" about books needed in the aftermath of Katrina and Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that the City of Carlsbad had actually adopted a city in Mississippi and had sent truckloads of supplies and the Friends of the Library had contributed boxes of books for libraries in the affected area. Trustee Swette commented on the display of at least 100 concrete plaques at the Charlotte, N.C. library attesting to the value of the Library. Trustee Kamenjarin, speaking for the entire Board, thanked Trustee Swette for the great job he has done as the Chair of this Board. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 4:50 PM. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #3 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for May 2007 Systemwide ... 1. The Carlsbad City Library recognized and honored part-time staff members at the 12th annual event sponsored by the Staff Development Committee and held on May 18th at the Senior Center. Awards were given to 64 part-time employees for 3, 5, 7, and 10 years pf service. Staff, Library Board Trustees, and City officials were present to express their appreciation to all of the Library's part-time employees. This year's theme was based on "The Wizard of Oz" incorporating the sub-themes "no one can fill your shoes" and "you are the heart, brains, and courage of the library." 2. Cole Library hosted authors Judy Bernstein and Benson Deng for a discussion and signing of their book They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky: the True Story of Three Lost Boys from Sudan on May 1 at 7pm. The discussion was in conjunction with the Cole Library's Tuesday evening book club led by part-time reference librarian Missy Shaw. Approximately 50 people attended. 3. Carlsbad City Library hosted author Gayle Brandeis in the Gowland Meeting Room for a talk and signing about her new book Self Storage on May 2 at 2pm. The discussion was in conjunction with the Library's First Wednesday book club and was attended by approximately 21 people. 4. On May 24 at 7pm, author and Oceanside resident Victor Villasenor (Rain of Gold) discussed and signed his books in the Schulman Auditorium before a crowd of 80 people. 5. Community Coordinator, Jessica Padilla Bowen, finished volunteer teaching for Junior Achievement and the City of Carlsbad's CityStuff program. She spent an hour a week for six weeks teaching third graders at Aviara Oaks Elementary about Carlsbad. 6. The Library's volunteer support person, Amy Bennett, and the City's Volunteer Coordinator, Sue Irey, presented a training session for City staff who supervise volunteers. Over 30 City staff members participated including four Library employees. Feedback from participants was very positive. This training was presented as a foundation to developing a stronger volunteer program by empowering staff to engage volunteers as a team with staff, therefore enhancing services to the community. 7. Five Library staff members attended a two-day workshop in Torrance, "Leading from Any Position," sponsored by the California Library Association's Monthly Library Reports for May 2007 Management Section: Wilma Kuhn and Nancy Ludwig from Circulation, Karen May nor from Reference, Ally son Goodwin from Children's, and Kamling Tsang from Technical Services. 8. Summer Reading Program preparation geared up in May. Volunteer applications were available beginning May 1 and due on May 25 with completed applications received this year approximately double from what has been received in past years. A joint Summer Reading Program meeting for Children's staff from all facilities was held to go over last minute details for the program including volunteer training materials, reading logs, weekly incentives, weekly drawing prizes, performers, and programming information. 9. Representatives from Newport Beach Public Library visited with Carlsbad City Library staff on May 30th to learn more about our RFID implementation, use, and lessons learned thus far in our experience. CCL, Dove Lane... 10. Public Works Day was held in the North parking lot on May 23rd. Dove Children's staff members conducted three story times during the course of the very popular annual event. Approximately 60 children and parents participated in our story times. 11. The All Star Readers, the weekly after-school reading club for grades 1-3, celebrated reading 1647 hours this year with a party on May 30th. 12. Young Adult Librarian Darin Williamson organized three "Rock the Library" concerts in May featuring bands that competed in this year's City-sponsored Battle of the Bands competition. The winning band from that competition, Full Revolution, drew a large crowd of 120 to hear their mix of metal, rock and blues music. The other two bands, Light of Doom and The Skank Agents, drew large audiences as well. 13. Thirty teens attended May's Pizza and a Movie night featuring a screening of the film, Napoleon Dynamite. 14. Carlsbad City Library Hour's May TV programming was the Media Services produced "Breman Ct". This Schulman Auditorium event was presented to a live audience as well as produced as a TV program by the Media Division and shown on Community Cable Channel 3 (Time Warner.) Library programs are also regularly shown on KOCT Oceanside and on Del Mar Access TV. 15. On May 24th, Carlsbad City Library received FIRST PLACE in the "Performing Arts" category for a Schulman Auditorium concert video produced by the Media Division. The STAR Awards recognize excellence in government programming in Monthly Library Reports for May 2007 California and Nevada. The awards are held annually at the SCAN NATOA Spring Conference held in Santa Monica. Entries are rated on content, creativity, and technical quality. Placing 2nd was County TV of San Diego and 3rd was the City of Santa Monica. Georgina Cole ... 16. The Genealogy Division's programs continue to be popular and well attended. May's unique presentations included a staff presentation on county histories, an all-day-Saturday beginning genealogy class with 14 attendees, 82 participants in the Genealogy Computer Group's presentation on "Surname Lists on Rootsweb" with a hands-on follow-up session two days later, and a NSDCGS panel discussion, "Control Your Clutter: Organizing Your Data So You Can Find IT" with 78 attendees. 17. Several school groups came to the Library for tours by the Children's staff and received information regarding the Library's Summer Reading Program. One group was a surprise—having scheduled their tour for the Library on Dove Lane but going to Cole! 18. Two very successful teen programs at the Cole Library included a Mother's Day craft and a special teen songwriting program. The craft event went very well and the teens asked if they could have a similar program for Father's Day (which will now be held on June 15); several mothers commented to library staff that they were touched that materials were provided for the teens and said they loved their gifts. The teen songwriting event was also a great success. The songwriter leading the program, Mary Dolan - a local rock musician, made a huge positive impact and the teens have been asking for a repeat program. Mary led the teens as a group in writing lyrics for a song, used her acoustic guitar to help them write the accompanying music, then took their song and recorded it at her home. She burned CDs for each, printed out the lyric sheets, delivered the final product to the Library and called all of the teens personally to tell them it was ready. 19. Programs for the Children's Division's "Totally Tuesdays" geared towards grades K-5, included a Mother's Day themed Story Craft, a "Passport to Adventure" program featuring Germany, and Stu Mulligan's Music and Juggling. Other school-age programming included the popular monthly K-9 Tales on the Library's front lawn. 20. The History Room had many interesting requests for research and photos including requests from City Departments, commercial businesses, educational institutions. One of the most interesting requests came from the Tom Hanks/Steven Spielberg production company requesting information and photos for background research to use in set creation for the mini-series "Band of Brothers 2". Monthly Library Reports for May 2007 Adult Learning ... 21. On Sunday, May 6, the Carlsbad City Library Team took part in the Union-Tribune Race for Literacy. They walked or ran 4.8 miles under beautiful, sunny skies to support the literacy programs of the San Diego Council on Literacy (which included Carlsbad's Adult Learning Program). Helen Lindner was the Team Captain and Carrie Scott volunteered for her 16th year. City and Library staff and friends and families combined to make the largest literacy-program sponsored team with over 80 team members. 22. Former learner Curtis Luster joined the Adult Learning Program as a San Diego Council on Literacy AmeriCorps member. He will serve 300 hours through mid- September focusing mainly on outreach to learners and tutors. Carrie Scott and Curtis met with Marilyn Campbell, who is coordinating presentations at the San Diego County Fair. Curtis has been selected as one of the featured "heroes" — everyday people doing extraordinary things. He will speak at 4:00pm on Thursday, June 14, at the Fair. 23. AmeriCorps Volunteers Geoff Amour and Curtis Luster staffed an Adult Learning Program booth at the Carlsbad Street Fair on May 6 making contact with over 1,000 community members. Centre de Information ... 24. Several regular programs concluded for the school year: All-Star Readers, Puros Cuentos y Pan Dulce, bilingual storycraft programs, and the parents' group for Home-Base Head Start. All participants were invited to bring their children to the library and participate in the Summer Reading Program. 25. Four computer classes in Spanish ended at the Centro de Informacidn on May 10 and 11. The fourteen participants completed the eight-week courses and each participant received a certificate of completion. 26. The parking lot in front of the Centro de Informacion has been fenced off due to the construction for expansion of the Senior Center and Recreation Administration offices. Access to the Centro is available from Harding Street and staff and patrons can park in the Pine Avenue Park parking lot. Construction is expected to last until November. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - MAY 2007 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours May-06 11,310 70,997 38,542 13,631 6,761 30,520 20,910 6,604 201/98 717/116 2,004/* 162/* 32 509 12 488 108 3,276 9,052 683 3,041 8,356 165 1,554 113 5,503 25 1,498.6 Apr-07 12,498 74,900 33,687 14,756 6,638 32,713 22,358 7,513 250/72 1,100/131 1,94 1/* 200/* 40 527 14 176 103 2,041 13,953 825 5,925 17,235 325 4,723 79 3,240 19 1,252.75 May-07 12,656 76,403 33,161 14,232 7,189 31,451 24,978 9,735 234/52 699/124 2,344/* 172/* 37 450 12 403 102 3,002 14,440 775 7,652 18,010 273 4,996 84 4,026 10 1,140.5 * Not reported. Audio Materials Circulation/Total Circulation = 15% Average (Over 11 months of FY 2006-07)