HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-08-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved -13-3. COT ITEM #2 MINUTES MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 PLACE OF MEETING: Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Chair Bill Kamenjarin called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Bradley, Kamenjarin, and Tarman Absent: Trustees Lignante and Swette Also Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Devin Castel, Library Business Systems Specialist Marg Kealey, NSDCGS liaison Karen McGuire, Wm. D. Cannon Gallery Curator Carolyn Taylor, League of Women Voters observer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the June 20, 2007 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Bradley commented on the final numbers for program attendance and complimented the staff on the quality and variety of programs continually offered. ANNUAL GOALS - 2007-2008: Library Director Pizzuto reviewed the list of management goals for this fiscal year, including those currently listed as "place holders" and explained to the Board the review of all technology projects currently underway by the IT Department. Once the City's Leadership Team approves the IT Roadmap, goals involving technology and IT support will be finalized. Library Director Pizzuto pointed out that the majority of the goals represent projects and activities the Library has been interested in pursuing. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of August 15, 2007 Meeting Trustees Tarman and Kamenjarin both commented on the goal to look at the parking lot at Dove Lane and the handicapped parking location again. Library Director Pizzuto responded that the Library has consistently received complaints about the location of the handicapped parking spaces as well as the location of the book drops. She said a third issue staff is working to resolve is the need for delivery access at the back of the gallery so that the tractor-trailer trucks delivering some exhibits would not have to park out front. LIBRARY STRATEGIC PLAN: Library Director Pizzuto explained that the Strategies and Initiatives for 2007-08 came out of the planning process with consultant Joan Frye Williams. The Management Team and Library Division Heads reviewed all the preliminary feedback from the Steering Committee and looked at all the potential initiatives the Library might undertake and integrate those initiatives with the balanced scorecard format. As a result, the draft Strategic Plan will represent a combination of these strategies and initiatives and measures that are based on the various perspectives of the balanced scorecard. Currently the Library staff is identifying the different initiatives they will work on planning. Once the work plans are developed they will be integrated and then prioritized. Library Director Pizzuto continued that there is a real possibility that the Library will not be able to achieve all these initiatives within one year but it does provide the tool to craft the budget to accomplish future initiatives. Trustee Bradley commented that the Library should consider changing the parking lot at Dove Lane to diagonal parking spaces instead of 90° and Trustee Tarman responded that diagonal spaces require more room. Library Director Pizzuto added that currently the Library barely meets the minimum parking standards but that Public Works will be looking at the layout again. Trustee Kamenjarin commented on the apparent requirement for Librarians to now be "futurists" with changes in technology every few months and applauded this library for staying current. Library Director Pizzuto responded that was one of the challenges, and one reason for not developing a five-year specific list of projects, not knowing what the future might bring. Instead, the approach was to set directions that would help guide us to make a decision to do one thing and perhaps not another. She added it is a learning process to plan strategically this way. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of August 15, 2007 Meeting DISPLAY GUIDELINES FOR LIBRARY & GALLERY: Library Director Pizzuto introduced William D. Cannon Gallery Curator Karen McGuire who provided an overview of the recently developed guidelines for displays and exhibitions in the Libraries and the Gallery. Curator McGuire pointed out that the criteria for Gallery exhibitions was established some time ago and is much more stringent than those for Library displays. The Gallery hosts 5 exhibitions a year: 1 or 2 are traveling exhibitions, "pre-packaged" exhibitions from other galleries; 1 or 2 are theme exhibitions of California artists; a biannual juried exhibition open to all San Diego artists; an invitational exhibition for four San Diego artists selected from the biannual exhibition. Curator McGuire explained that the Library displays North County artists and the requirements are not as stringent. Library exhibitions generally change each month and there is currently about a 2-year lead time for artists to request a time to display their art. In addition to the Cannon Gallery, there is the Sculpture Garden, located behind the Cultural Arts Office, which provides an annual exhibition. Trustee Kamenjarin asked several questions regarding the selection of the traveling exhibitions Gallery Curator McGuire responded that the Gallery only looks for museum- quality, but also must take into consideration the costs associated as well as the square footage required. Library Director Pizzuto explained that the Library has received questions over the years about how decisions are made on what goes into the Gallery as well as what is displayed in the Libraries and there is a high demand for exhibition space. For that reason these guidelines were developed and will be provided to anyone who requests information in the future. LIBRARY LEARNING CENTER: Deputy Library Director Smithson shared photographs taken today at the site showing the framing 50% completed, and reported the 3-phase power is scheduled to be connected next week. She offered the Board an on-site tour following their meeting in September which is scheduled for the Cole Library Community Room. QUARTERLY TECHNOLOGY REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto introduced Library Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel who used the laptop and projector to highlight portions of his quarterly report. BSS Castel explained that the report captures some of the outcomes from all the technology the Library has available. The report is looking at everything from the Library catalog system Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of August 15, 2007 Meeting usage to the website, the tech web browsers using our catalog, PC management use, Xerox responses to service calls, and the number of incidents requiring service from Sirsi. This information has been useful in identifying needs at the various facilities, such as bandwidth for the internet and wireless accessibility. The Board expressed interest in the number of hits to the webpage and the usage of the catalog and BSS Castel explained those charts and statistics in detail. The Board also asked for clarification as to terminology in the report and discussed the statistics pertaining to Internet usage and ways in which to meet the growing need for more access, especially at the Cole. APPOINTMENTS TO COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANT COMMITTEE AND CARLSBAD LIBRARY AND ARTS FOUNDATION: There was some discussion among the Trustees regarding the appointments and by proper motion and vote this item was continued until the next meeting when hopefully all the Trustees will be present. CARLSBAD LIBRARY & ARTS FOUNDATION REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto reported that the Foundation was currently working on increasing the Board Membership from the current ten to eighteen members. The Board is also working on updating their web site regarding several current activities and has purchased a new software package which will greatly enhance the use of their donor data base for everything from mailing lists and invitations, to dollars donated for various projects. Library Director Pizzuto also reported that the most recent review of the Foundation's investments show that the overall earnings still remain in the 5-5.5% or greater annual growth which represents the Foundation target for investments return. The last order of business at the meeting was the decision to decline the offer of donated artwork. The work is a contemporary abstract piece offered for their use and the Foundation determined that it would not have a use for a piece of art. The piece was also offered to both the Library and the Cultural Arts office and collectively they determined that a piece of art as a donation is not easy to either use or sell. The offer of the artwork prompted the Foundation to consider crafting a policy for handling future gifts and donations other than cash. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Door count- Library Director Pizzuto brought this back in response to questions which arose at the last Board meeting concerning the relationship between the door count and circulation statistics. She reported that staff had taken a look at several months and then over several years' statistics for the month of May, comparing the door count and circulation. The initial conclusion is that the cause of the disparity could be from a number of variables. The trend Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of August 15, 2007 Meeting ___^_ appears to have only begun in March, the month in which new gates were installed on all doors. Prior to that, there were issues with the door counter at Cole, the west doors did not have a working counter and the east side was often inaccurate. Another factor that might have impacted those numbers is the increase in genealogy programs, bringing more people into the building than in the past. It appears that this may be a trend and we will be looking at how the door count is settling out, especially at the Cole where there are actually two counters on the same door. Another question which arose last month was whether or not the size and content of the collection at Cole was meeting the needs of the patrons in that area and Library Director Pizzuto advised that the Collection Development Statement was being revised this fall and would be brought to the Library Board upon completion. The Collection Development Statement will explain how we determine collection make-up based on the demographics of the community and the use at each of the facilities. Library Director Pizzuto explained that ultimately one thing we cannot change is the size of the building and what it can hold so we are limited by sheer square footage. The ratio is about 2:1 in size and space between the Dove Lane Library and the Cole Library, which is very close to the circulation statistics ratio. Restraining Order - The Library had requested and been awarded a permanent restraining order for one of our patrons, Kelvin Bynes, who was involved in combative and threatening incidents over a period of several days in July at the Cole. Mr. Bynes is restrained from entering any Carlsbad Library facility for three years. It is reported that Mr. Bynes has been involved in similar incidents at other libraries in the area. Courtesy email notice - The courtesy email notice function has been tested and the notices are being sent two days in advance of the item coming due. PC's being replaced - IT is replacing the staff computers in preparation for the upgrade to Sirsi, which is tentatively scheduled for October but dependant on the IT Technology Roadmap mentioned previously. One of the requirements for the upgrade was increased memory on the staff machines, and we were able to accommodate that requirement in conjunction with the routine replacement cycle. CORE- The Finance Department has been working with Library staff on the installation of an automated cashier system which will allow us to track fines and fees and eventually allow us to take debit and credit card payments. Collection agency - The Library has entered into a contract with Unique Management Services, a collection agency that deals exclusively with collections for libraries and has an excellent reputation for customer service. The tentative start date is early November and we are currently developing materials announcing use of a collection service as well as the new Library Board of Trustees Page 6 Minutes of August 15, 2007 Meeting $5 lost material fee and change in refund practices, instituted at the beginning of this fiscal year. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the Library's unpaid fines and lost items were in excess of $10,000. Library Director Pizzuto responded that the amount is significantly more than that and initially only those accounts with a long time overdue balance of more than $25 will be sent to the agency and an FAQ is being prepared for the patrons. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Library Director Pizzuto reported that the Friends' annual meeting was held in June and they elected the slate of officers for the next year. The only change being the office of Treasurer. The Friends honored a number of long-time volunteers at the event. On July 17th the City Council officially accepted the Friends gift of $44,950 cash contribution and $28,675 in direct support. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Liaison to the Board, Marg Kealey, announced that membership in the society has reached 495 and they anticipate reaching 500 by the 40th Anniversary pot luck scheduled for August 22nd at the Carlsbad Senior Center. She reviewed the highlights of the programs held in June and July and announced the classes starting in September and the plans for the fall seminar on September 29th. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: None PUBLIC COMMENT: None ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:19 PM Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary Staff Reports for the Meeting of:' ITEM #3 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for June 2007 Systemwide... 1. On June 5th, the Library held its 4th annual Employee Training Day. The Libraries were closed from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This year's topic was emergency preparedness. Carlsbad Fire Department Division Chief Chris Heiser addressed 150 staff members about the Library's and Library employees' roles in a disaster. Staff was also updated with general news and events concerning the Carlsbad City Library. 2. The Carlsbad Reads Together committee has begun meeting to plan the next program for April 2008. Suggestions for books were solicited from Carlsbad Reads 2007 participants and additional suggestions are being taken in the Libraries and will be taken online through the Library's web site. 3. The Summer Concert series kicked off on June 17th with flamenco/jazz/classical musicians David Maldonado Group. Nearly 200 people attended the concert and response was overwhelmingly positive. 4. Summer Reading Program... The Library kicked off the annual Summer Reading Program on June 18th. • Cole Library was off to a strong start with 719 children and teens signed-up during the first two weeks. 86 trained volunteers spent 411 hours listening to 1,605 reports during the same time frame. • This year, due to the record number of volunteers who signed up (180), all members of the Dove Children's Staff assisted in the training sessions which took place before the start of the SRP. By June 29th, 1,444 children had registered to participate, with 2,652 reports made. • The Centra de Informacion signed up 182 patrons of all ages during June. CCL, Dove Lane ... 5. This month's Pizza and a Movie night was held on June 15th and featured a screening of The Chronicles ofNarnia. 19 teens attended. 6. The first of three teen talent competitions to be held this summer occurred on June 28th. "So You Think You Can Dance" featured nine acts, dancing in a wide range of styles, competing before an audience of 100. 7. Carlsbad City Library Hour's June TV programming was the Media Services produced "Full Revolution". This Schulman Auditorium "Rock the Library" event was presented to a live audience as well as produced as a TV program to be shown on Community Cable Channel 3 (Time Warner.) Library programs are also regularly shown on KOCT Oceanside and on Del Mar Access TV. Monthly Library Reports for June 2007 Page 2 GeorginaCole ... 8. The Library's Homebound book delivery program is being revised under the direction of Cole Reference Librarian Kimiko Morita. Currently there are 11 Homebound volunteers and 17 homebound patrons participating in the program. During June, 75 items were delivered to these patrons by volunteers. Kimiko is working with Library Volunteer Coordinator Amy Bennett to develop the program, recruiting both new volunteers and discovering new patrons in need of Homebound services through visits to retirement homes and posters in both the library and the Senior Center. 9. One of the best Genealogy presentations of the year took place on June 26th. Joan Lowrey spoke to NSDCGS on "Did They Really Come On That Ship?" Ms. Lowrey presented seven case studies that illustrated the need to understand how and why passenger lists were created in order to analyze the information correctly. 98 people attended. 10. The hands-on follow-up sessions that the Genealogy Division initiated earlier this year have proven to be popular. Genealogy staff and volunteers work with small groups in the Library a few days after a larger auditorium-style presentation. During June, 20 people attended the June 6th "What Next" session on church records and 17 people attended the June 14th follow-up "Hands-on Tutorial" about WorldCat.org. This WorldCat.org hands-on session followed a presentation on June 12th by Robyn Gage of UCSD Library who spoke on that topic to the Computer Genealogy Group with 68 people in attendance. 11. A group of five genealogy volunteers worked 116 hours and completed the indexing of the City Directories on microfilm. The volunteers reviewed over 450 microfilm rolls and listed all of the cities and communities included in each of the city directories. 12. Marsha Weeks joined the Cole Children's Division on June 18th as the new Senior Librarian for Children's Services. Marsha comes to us from the Whittier Public Library where her most recent position was as Branch Services Librarian at the Whittwood Branch. Marsha has a lot of energy, enthusiasm, ideas, and initiative— we are excited to have her on our team. 13. As library staff and local schools prepared for Summer Reading Program, the Cole Children's Division hosted five school visits in June: three tours each consisting of twenty 2nd graders from Buena Vista Elementary School, one tour for forty 6th graders one tour of sixty 6th graders both from Valley Middle School. All groups were well behaved and enjoyed learning about the Cole Library and the upcoming summer programs. 14. Anjan Chidambaram, a Summer Reading Program volunteer at Cole, had an article she wrote, "Being a Role Model is Satisfying," describing the joys of being an SRP volunteer at the Library published in the San Diego Union-Tribune on June 29th. Monthly Library Reports for June 2007 Page 3 15. In conjunction with Summer Reading Program, Cole Library hosted a Teen Late Night @ the Library event on June 29th and had 35 people attend the program. It was presented by the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center in which a crime scenario was depicted requiring the teens to analyze evidence found at the crime scene. The program concluded with a "Make New Friends" Bingo game, pizza, sodas, and ice cream. Adult Learning... 16. AmeriCorps member Curtis Luster, Sr. spoke at the San Diego County Fair as one of the featured "heroes"—everyday people doing extraordinary things. He also attended the Open House of the Vista Library's literacy program, one of our referral sources. 17. Thirteen tutors and staff members attended the 17th annual Tutor Conference sponsored by READ/San Diego. The conference offered an opportunity for participants to choose from over 20 workshop topics to learn new teaching techniques and practice tutoring skills. 18. AmeriCorps members Geoff Armour and lla Schmidt attended the AmeriCorps mid- year Conference in Sacramento. Interim Literacy Coordinator Carrie Scott presented 3 sessions on integrating technology into the curriculum. The highlight of the 2-day conference was a tour of the State Library and a presentation of some of the items in the special collection by Curator Gary Kurutz. 19. Carrie Scott was nominated Vice President of the Literacy Section of the California Library Association. 20. Adult learners Robynne K. and Wil M. graduated from the Henry Huffman Leadership Institute on June 9th at the Corona Public Library. Robynne and Wil were among 22 adult learners throughout Southern California who were nominated by their local programs and accepted into the six-month program sponsored by the State Library. Attendees built self-esteem while acquiring public speaking, decision-making, and advocacy skills. Centre de Informacion ... 21. On June 18th, the Summer Reading Program 2007 began at the Centra de Informacion. In addition to the children, teens, and parents, babies (under 3 years old) are also participating in the program this year. Parents read to their babies and then report to our volunteers what they read to them. By June 30th volunteers enrolled 125 children, 6 babies, 22 teens, and 29 adults. 22. 11 bilingual middle school students are assisting the Centra staff in enrolling and taking reports from Summer Reading Program participants. 23. During the month of June two special programs were presented at the Centra as part of the Summer Reading Program: "Swazzle," a puppet show, on Thursday, June 21st; and "Mad Science," on Thursday, June 28th. These programs were well attended by adults and children of all ages. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - JUNE 2007 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours June-06 11,185 76,335 42,536 14,188 J 6,121 31,457 21,180 7,173 205/97 821/148 2,1591* 200/* 26 329 6 113 45 2,433 8,596 959 5,414 9,315 193 1,747 76 4,851 11 1,634.15 May-07 12,656 76,403 33,161 14,232 7,189 31,451 24,978 9,735 234/52 699/124 2,344/* 172/* 37 450 12 403 102 3,002 14,440 775 7,652 18,010 273 4,996 84 4,026 10 1,463.15 June-07 12,485 77,631 36,782 16,254 6,880 32,111 22,019 9,474 205/43 1,047/119 2,375/* 278/* 29 385 10 237 40 1,835 13,598 883 7,285 18,893 307 5,303 108 5,639 29 1,918.7 Not reported. ITEM #3 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for July 2007 Systemwide... 1. Playaway digital audio books went out onto the shelves for the patrons to check out in late July. 123 titles were placed on the shelves and within two weeks, nearly 80 percent of them have been checked out. 2. On Sunday, July 15th, the Library hosted a poetry writing workshop led by local poet and teacher Janet Baker. Approximately 30 people attended the free workshop, which was sponsored by the Friends of the Library. 3. On July 23rd, the Library again utilized Joan Frye Williams, and conducted a Strategic Work Planning workshop. This workshop was held at the City's Safety Center and was attended by those Library staff members that are likely to lead teams that will plan work identified in the Library's Strategic Plan. Providing tools and enhancing skills will better enable staff in their efforts to achieve desired results. Attendees seemed to enjoy the content and the presenter. 4. Summer Reading Program - July is very busy with the Summer Reading Program. • Dove had over 2,000 children sign up and keeping up with prizes every week was challenging due to the large numbers of children coming in to report. On July 28th, Dove Children's hosted the successful Library Sleepover, which attracted 29 children and 19 adults. • The Cole Children's Division has enjoyed 996 children and teens participating in the program. SRP volunteers have listened to 4,914 reports and logged in 629.5 volunteer hours. CCL, Dove Lane... 5. On July 3rd, Darin Williamson held an ice cream social for the Summer Reading Program's teen volunteers; 14 attended. 6. Teen Services hosted two talent competitions for young adults during the month of July. On July 12th, 10 singers competed in the Carlsbad Idol vocal competition before an audience of 100. The winner sang Kristin Chenoweth's "Taylor the Latte Boy." On July 26th, there was an open Teen Talent Show which also featured 10 competitors demonstrating a variety of talents from instrumental performances and dancing to jump rope skipping. This time an audience of 120 saw an Irish step dancer win the top prize. 7. This month's Pizza and a Movie program was held on July 27th. 24 teens attended, ate pizza and watched a film based on the YA fiction favorite, Eragon. 8. Carlsbad City Library Hour's July television programming featured the Treasure on the Island, a play by students from a local acting class. This Schulman Auditorium event was performed live to a full house as well as produced as a TV program by the Media Services Division to be shown on Community Cable Channel 19 (Time Warner). Library programs also are regularly shown on KOCT Oceanside and Del Mar Access TV, Monthly Library Reports for July 2007 Page 2 thereby extending viewing audiences beyond those audience members who are able to attend a live Schulman Auditorium event. GeorginaCole ... 9. The Carlsbad History Room continues to meet the high demand for copies of photographs from community. Two authors used the Carlsbad History Room collection for projects on Victorian houses and Hosp Grove. Carlsbad Magazine requested information on the Carlsbad High School 50th anniversary, the Flower Fields, and Luther Gage. 10. The Carlsbad History Room schedule was changed in order to be open when patrons are most likely to come in and to utilize Carlsbad History Room staff more effectively. 11. The Reference Department staff continued with its Adult Programming. Librarian Karen Maynor taught three Basic Internet classes with a total of nine attendees. Librarian Kimiko Morita taught one Internet Basic class with two attendees. Library Technician Dan Wood taught two Email Basics classes with five attendees and two Internet Tips and Tricks classes with four attendees. 12. The Second Thursday Book Club read / Feel Bad About My Neck by Nora Ephron. 10 people attended the discussion on July 12th led by Librarian Kimiko Morita. The Tuesday Evening Book Club read It's Not About The Bike by Lance Armstrong. 14 people attended the discussion on July 3rd led by Librarian Missy Shaw. Adult Learning... 13. AmeriCorps members Geoff Armour, lla Schmidt, Curtis Luster, Sr., and volunteer Bastien Atterbury represented the Adult Learning Program at the Health Expo on July 7th. The purpose was to inform the community about the Library's Adult Learning services. 14. AmeriCorps member Curtis Luster, Sr. represented the Adult Learning program at the San Diego Council on Literacy's Open House. 15. Carrie Scott attended the San Diego Council on Literacy's Network planning meeting, the Executive/Finance Committee meeting, and the Board of Directors meeting. Ms. Scott was appointed to serve on the Audit Committee. Centre de Inf ormacion ... 16. The Summer Reading Program was in full swing at Centra de Informacion. By July 31st, Centra staff had enrolled 15 babies, 174 children, 27 teens, and 38 adults in the Summer Reading Program. 17. On Friday, July 13th, the four participants in "Writing on the Computer II: Word Processing," a computer class in Spanish, completed the eight-week course. At the end of the last class, each participant received a certificate of completion. They also enrolled in the next course, called "Writing on the Computer III: Internet and E-mail" that will start in September. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - JULY 2007 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours July-06 11,859 85,638 49,942 17,494 6,430 34,318 21,053 7,613 171/62 719/88 2,038/* 1827* 15 275 6 91 69 3,897 7,036 959 5,719 10,274 238 1,985 56 3,369 10 2,765.25 June-07 12,485 77,631 36,782 16,254 6,880 32,111 22,019 9,474 205/43 1,047/119 2,375/* 278/* 29 385 10 237 41 1,845 13,598 883 7,285 18,893 307 5,303 108 5,639 29 1,918.7 July-07 14,097 86,647 43,058 18,561 7,080 35,877 23,106 9,369 178/63 1,226/123 2,364/* 282/* 28 375 8 340 49 1,885 12,085** 1,069 7,965 19,962 401 5,704 72 3,600 15 * Not reported. ** Dove Lane stats are off due to a PC upgrade in the adult lab. ITEM # 4 Library Goal assignments 2007-08 City Brand Jessica Padilla Bowen RFA System (place holder) Dave Curtis (resource) Labor Negotiations for GE Heather Pizzuto (resource) CEMAT (City Emergency Mgmt Action Team) Bill Richmond Dove Lane Library Parking Lot Heather Pizzuto Cheryl Mast Automated Agenda Bill Process (place holder) Cheryl Mast Implement Photo Goal (place holder) Dave Curtis Bill Richmond Library Learning Center Suzanne Smithson Jessica Padilla Bowen CommServ Video & Brochure Jessica Padilla Bowen Performing Arts Version "On Your Own time" Bill Richmond (resource) Redesign Customer Comment Process Dave Curtis Suzanne Smithson Community Donations to Library Suzanne Smithson Cheryl Mast F:\GOALS\2007-2008\Library Goals 07-08 for LibBd.doc 8/8/2007 ITEM # 5 Carlsbad City Library: Preliminary Strategies and Initiatives for 2007-2008 Position the Library as an active leader in the areas of learning, cultural arts, and enjoyment of reading. Maior Initiatives: . Improve outreach and collaboration with the Arts Office and Recreation Department, local educational institutions, and other community organizations and partners . Create library tools to support learning and incorporate multiple methods of learning - participatory, interactive • Increase support of cultural events and creative programs Position the Library as an active partner with other agencies in the areas of economic development and public safety. Major Initiatives: . Provide targeted programs and space for youth in collaboration with other service . Collaborate with organizations that support small local businesses and building job skills for youth and adults (such as the Chamber of Commerce and the Economic Development Department). . Collaborate with City departments on disaster preparedness, response, recovery Position the Library as an active provider of information and model of best practices in the areas of transportation, healthcare, and the environment. Maior Initiatives: . Provide selected/packaged information and learning products on a full range of quality f}f liff^ I^^IJPS . Model the City's priorities in transportation, healthcare and environmental best practices Offer convenient and responsive library service. Maior Initiatives; • Make it easy to find things (marketplace) • Improve speed and reliability of service • Analyze aligning open hours with community needs Offer personalized and flexible library service. Major Initiatives: • Offer customizable user accounts, profiles • Train staff in needs of different generations and cultures • Offer "high touch" customer service options Promote and celebrate books and reading. Major Initiatives: • Expand programs to encompass childhood, family, and adult literacy • Connect people with books tailored to their interests Develop and diversify library collections to sustain/satisfy a broadening range of residents' needs and interests. Major Initiatives: • Offer new media and formats (including downloadable audiobooks & e-books) • Provide public access to historic photo collection Continually update and refresh Library programs and services to engage all segments of the community. Major Initiatives: • Provide more family programming • Target underserved age groups in outreach and programs • Explore outreach, programs and collections for speakers of other languages Build community by connecting Carlsbad residents with the City, with the Library, and with one another. Major Initiatives: • Increase marketing and promotion of Library brand and services • Increase community gathering places, including group study areas • Engage community virtually using current web technology (Web 2.0/3.0) Update staff tools and technologies. Major Initiatives: • Develop strategic technology plan • Explore new library usage measures, statistics • Improve telecommunications using new technologies and equipment Perform as an information access point and information outlet for the City. Major Initiatives: • Collaborate with other City departments to facilitate citywide communications and become a recognized government information resource • Increase our role as the City's research resource • Provide City access to internal photos Improve Library facilities. Major Initiatives: • Complete Learning Center • Redesign Dove parking lot Update technology infrastructure. Major Initiatives: • Increase bandwidth to support video, etc. • Develop seamless integration of different systems to support user • Explore facility-wide wireless access for staff and public Develop and retain effective Library staff. Major Initiatives: • Create depth in existing employee pool • Provide coordinated training • Develop library knowledge management and training portal Maintain the Library's reputation for excellence and top ranking compared to other libraries serving similar communities. Major Initiatives: • Regularly survey library users and citizens for feedback; use feedback to actively adjust service delivery • Strengthen culture of innovation and change Diversify fiscal support sources. Major Initiatives: • Explore fundraising options, including community/corporate partnerships • Explore new models for donating • Explore revenues for valued-added services Realign budget with priorities identified each year Major Initiatives: • Identify, evaluate and plan reductions of less-used services and products o Copy Services o CassettesA/HS tapes o Back issues of periodicals o Newspapers - steady to declining • Explore shared cost/cost recovery models Carlsbad City Library Technology Report ITEM #8 March-May 2007 Summary About this report The following report covers information between the months of March-May. The data that is contained in this report, is meant to provide an overview of use and performance regarding the Li- brary's various technologies. Below you will find the contents for the last three months. Contents Library Web Usage Catalog pg. 2 Top Browsers pg. 3 Website pg. 3 Content Areas pg. 3 Public Computer Usage Sessions pg. 4 Computer Type pg. 4 System Monitoring Xerox Service Summary pg. 4 Client Care Ticket Summary pg. 5 Other Reported Sirsi Issues pg. 5 Helpdesk Ticket Summary pg. 6 EMSc & VEMS Outages pg. 6 RFID Hardware Issues pg. 6 Monthly Wireless Use pg. 7 Dove Public Internet Utilization pg. 7 Carlsbad City Library Technology Report March-May 2007 Summary Monthly iBistro Statistics Sites 9,695 Visits 29,464 Pages 1,248,062 Hits 5,610,317 Daily Average iBistro Statistics Hourly iBistro Patterns March-May Visits 1,365 Pages 40,692 Hits 182,970 Hourly usage for March 2997 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 II Hourly usage for Rpril 2687 2. 3456 7 8 9 10 11 12 1314131617 1819202122 23 Hourly usaga for M«y 2BB7 0 12 3 4 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 _L3 16 17 18 3^ 20 21 22 23 J March-May 2007 Summary Top 3 Browsers to Access iBistro Rank 1 2 3 Overall Percentage 36.81% 7.33% 4.19% Browser Internet Explore 6 Internet Explore 7 Mozilla./5 Carlsbadlibrary.org/Arts/Media Services/IMLS Web Usage Location Carlsbadlibrary.org Arts Media Pageviews 182,938 12,389 7,627 Top Public Internet Categories Category Web Advertisements Search Engines/Portals Email Shopping Computers/Internet Open Image/Media Search Arts/Entertainment Business/Economy Reference Adult/Mature Content Page Views 1,148,565 706,827 347,785 333,577 306,236 235,268 219,200 201,635 173,080 167,017 Total Bytes 10.06G 6.23G 6.73G 2.90G 12.07G 4.84G 5.20G 2.78G 3.82G 7.14G Requests 20.6 % 12.7% 6.3% 6.0% 5.5% 4.3% 4.0% 3.6% 3.1 % 3.1% March-May 2007 Summary PC Management Session & Environment Use Location Dove Adult Lab Career Center Email Walkup Children's Centre All Cole Adult Email Children's Table does not reflect off- line use. Sessions 5,818 440 5,109 11,247 2,342 1,121 9,624 1,397 3,511 Minutes Used 362,423 35,164 49,554 395,980 125,379 54,722 425,628 15,850 169,382 Computer Type Summary Computer Type Adult Lab PC's Career Center Centra Children Lab PC's Email Walkup Sessions 15,442 440 1,121 5,853 6,506 11,247 Minutes Used 788,051 35,164 54,722 294,761 65,404 395,980 Xerox Service Summary Service Calls 43 Resolved 41 Unresolved 2 March-May 2007 Summary Sirs! Client Care Incident Log Summary Incident 196868 226221 228731 229080 229544 231065 231298 231597 232007 233735 234015 234468 234795 Received 6/13/06 2/27/07 3/21/07 3/22/07 3/27/07 4/11/07 4/13/07 4/17/07 4/21/07 5/8/07 5/10/07 5/15/07 5/17/07 Closed 4/30/07 3/30/07 4/30/07 4/19/07 5/1/07 4/24/07 4/21/07 5/16/07 5/30/07 5/22/07 5/24/07 Non-Client Care Sirs! Related Issues Issue Cole Nerve-Center Workflows Outage Outage Date 2/20/2007 5/16/07 Resolved 4/24/07 5/16/07 Description Workflows access on the Cole Nerve-Center remains unavailable. Sirsi.net lost access to their DNS servers. (March-May 2007 Summary Monthly Help Desk Ticket Log Locations Total Cole 87 ALP 5 Centro 1 Dove 98 Library Wide Totals 191 EMSc Database and VEMS Server outages Issue Scheduled outage Scheduled outage Scheduled outage Scheduled outage Scheduled outage Scheduled outage Date 3/13/2007 4/5/07 4/5/07 4/12/07 5/14/07 5/28/07 Downtime 7:33am- 7:40am 3:00am- 3:05am 2:00am- 2:05 am 2:00am- 2:05am 2:00am- 2:05am 2:00am- 2:05am Description VEMS DST patch reboot. NOTE: database server did not need a reboot for the DST patch. Database server, EMSCWebOlv: Reboot after Microsoft patches. Database server, MSDEOlv: Reboot after Microsoft patches. Database server, MSDEOlv: Reboot after Microsoft patches. Microsoft patches applied to data- base server. Microsoft patches applied to data- base server. RFID Hardware Summary Issue Compressor leak- ing oil Security pedestal false alarms at Cole. Date Resolved 4/14/2007 Unresolved Downtime 2:30pm- 3:00pm Description An oil leak was identified with the RFID conveyor system. The leak was first believed to coming from motor. It was later identified that the leak was coming from the compres- sor system. The issue was quickly resolved. Staff identified and monitored false alarms coming from the east en- trance at Cole. A solution is still being worked on. March-May 2007 Summary Monthly Wireless Totals Location Dove Cole Users 1,849 1,721 Dove Public Internet Utilization EHEJ llHzatlon _*J|Past90dtna _#J| Threshold Max 205 142 108 10 (GiO/1 /GigabitEthemetO/1) Line Utilization > Thursday, March 8, 2007 16:59:45 PST •ednesday. June 6, 2007 16:59:45May jui Unit = percent. Capacity = 100 percent • PEflK OftVG 1 day da