HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-09-19; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesITEM #2 MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, September 19, 2007 Georgina Cole Community Room 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive CALL TO ORDER: Chair Bill Kamenjarin called the meeting to order at 4:02 PM. ROLL CALL: Absent: Also Present: Present: Library Board Trustees Bradley, Kamenjarin, and Tarman Trustees Lignante and Swette Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Sr. Librarian, Children's Division, Barbara Chung Sr. Librarian, Cole Children's Division, Marsha Weeks Marg Kealey, NSDCGS Carolyn Taylor, League of Women Voters observer Prior to addressing the formal agenda, Deputy Library Director Smithson introduced the newest Cole Library staff members: Senior Librarian and Cole Children's Division Head, Marsha Weeks, Cole Reference Librarian Jacqui Petri, and Cole Children's Library Assistant Amy Jordan. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the Library Board of Trustees meeting of August 15, 2007, were approved with corrections. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Trustees commented on several items of interest including the adult learner who was a recent finalist in the State Library Writer-to-Writer contest and the Summer Reading Program at the Centra that included all family members instead of just the children. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of September 19, 2007 Meeting Trustee Tarman asked for a status report on the roof repairs at the Colonial Mall and Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that the work has been completed. SUMMER READING PROGRAM RECAP: Sr. Librarians and Children's Division Heads Barbara Chung and Marsha Weeks donned their "story-teller" hats and in typical story-time fashion delivered the statistics on this year's Summer Reading Program. The total number signed up for this year's program was 3,612 and they read and reported on a total of 1,230,783 pages. Systemwide there were a total of 131 programs attended by 7,183 children and teens. The Board received a handout with the statistics broken out by facility, and Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the Library captured residency information on the children participating. Sr. Librarian Chung responded that currently that information is not collected but could easily be collected next year if the Board requested it. The Trustees asked if the support for the program was adequate and if the collection was sufficient to handle the ever-increasing numbers. Sr. Librarian Chung responded that the Friends of the Library are always very generous in their support of this annual program as well as many of the local merchants who donate prizes for the participants. As for the collection, she said that some of the more popular collections are in constant use but that it was exciting to see the children come into the Library to select a book to read for fun, and not as an assignment. Library Director Pizzuto asked if the theme for next year had been determined and Sr. Librarian Chung said it had, it's insects and the title will be "Catch the Reading Bug". BOARD APPOINTMENTS: The Trustees discussed the two appointments which had been tabled at the last meeting. Trustee Kamenjarin had received a message from Trustee Swette offering to serve on the Community Grants Committee for this year and that offer was accepted by the Board. Trustee Tarman volunteered to serve again on the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation Board and the Board accepted his offer as well. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of September 19, 2007 Meeting NOVEMBER MEETING DATE: The regular meeting date for November would be the week of the Thanksgiving holiday and the Board had been previously polled for availability. No formal motion was presented but the Board was unanimous in their decision to move the meeting forward by one week and reschedule the November meeting to November 14th at the Dove Lane facility. LIBRARY LEARNING CENTER: Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that the construction was still on schedule with some interior wall framing in place and the electrical conduit and plumbing pipes going in this week. She added that in the next few weeks the contractor will be starting on the stucco exterior, the roof and the installation of the elevator. Trustee Tarman asked if there had been any complaints from HeadStart with regard to the construction noise and Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that the primary complaint is the parking situation when the construction trucks are in the lot. She added that HeadStart only has a few items remaining on the "punch-list" for the modular buildings. Library Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that immediately following this meeting they were scheduled for a site visit and tour. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: California Public Library Organizations- This updated publication from the State Library was distributed to the members of the Board. Retirement of City Manager - The City Manager Ray Patchett has announced his retirement and his last City Council meeting was last night. The Assistant City Manager Lisa Hildabrand has been appointed as Interim City Manager and will take over those duties on September 22nd. At this time there are no known changes to the Library's day-to-day operation but we anticipate there will be a change in the reporting structure. The City estimates it may take six months or more to recruit and hire for that position. Trustee Kamenjarin had questions about the impact on the budget process for next year but Library Director Pizzuto responded it was too early to determine. GL3.1 Upgrade - The upgrade to the Sirsi automated system is scheduled for the holiday weekend, beginning Sunday evening , October 7 , which requires bringing down the system. The full upgrade may require the system to be unavailable all the way through Thursday, October 11th, but we are hoping to be back up by Tuesday with all systems available. Signs have been posted advising the public that the catalog will Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of September 19, 2007 Meeting not be available during that time and extensive testing of the upgrade and its interaction with all the automated systems has been underway in an effort to resolve any issues in the test environment. By the end of October the test server will be refreshed and the data contained will continue to be refreshed on schedule. City's Technology Road Map - The Leadership Team continues to review the document and all technology projects will remain on hold until they have completed the review and approved the plan. Unique Management Collection Agency - The Library is scheduled to begin using the agency November 1st by sending those accounts 45 days overdue with total fines and fees of $25 or more and involving lost items. Following the initial batch of overdue accounts, the Library will continue to send accounts to collection based on more criteria that is still being developed. November 1st also marks the initiation of the $5 lost item fee and changes in the refund policy. Carlsbad Reads Together 2008 - The committee has made a tentative selection of the author for next year, dependant on the Friends of the Library approval to fund the program next year at their meeting tomorrow. If approved, the author will be Alexander McCall Smith and the book, The #1 Ladies Detective Agency. Mr. Smith is a very popular author and this book is on the best seller list and scheduled to be released as a movie in the early spring of 2008. He is available to come and speak in April as he will be on a tour of several libraries on the west coast at that time. Remaining programming surrounding this selection will be developed in the approaching months. This selection is lighter than more recent selections, which was one of the objectives of the committee this year and we anticipate this title and all of his books will have wide appeal. State Library Directors' Orientation - Both deputy directors will be attending this 2- day workshop in Sacramento which is open to directors as well as assistant and deputy directors. The orientation provides the opportunity to be exposed to all the State Library programs and grants as well as to meet colleagues from other libraries. Annual State Library Report - Library Management Analyst Mast is just finishing the report which is due next week and the entire report will be presented to the Library Board for discussion at the next regular meeting. Literacy Grant Annual Report - This report was completed last month and will also be on the October Board agenda for review. Friends of the Library - The Friends have not met since the last Library Board meeting. Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of September 19, 2007 Meeting FOUNDATION REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto reported that the Foundation is focusing on increasing the Board and two individuals were offered membership at the last meeting and accepted: Carolyn Grant from the Museum of Making Music and T. J. Strobel, local realtor. The Board is looking to add six more members. The Foundation is having its website redesigned and the Library has been working with the Foundation to update the web page on the City's website that links out to the Foundation website. Work is also being done to build a new web page featuring the Library Learning Center which will also link out to the Foundation's website for information about the capital campaign. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Society liaison Marg Kealey reported that membership has reached 498. She reviewed the highlights of programs in August, including their annual pot luck, and previewed the programs for September. The annual fall seminar is scheduled for September 29th where four members of the Society will share their case studies. In response to a question from this Board at the last meeting, Ms. Kealey had asked if the Society taped any of the programs and was advised that the Society has not chosen to spend their funds for that purpose. She added that she was not sure if the technology was available in the Council chambers where they routinely meet. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: None PUBLIC COMMENT: None present ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 4:43 PM. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #3 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for August 2007 Systemwide... 1. On Sunday, August 5th, the Library hosted a concert in the Schulman Auditorium with songwriter and vocalist Nancy McCallion. Approximately 80 people enjoyed hearing her duo with guitar, slide guitar and two-part harmony vocals. 2. Approximately 400 people attended the August films which highlighted actress Meryl Streep. North County Times columnist Ann Zivotsky led pre- and post-film discussions. 3. Local poet and teacher Veronica Baker gave a poetry reading at Cole Library on Wednesday evening, August 8th for a group of 20 people. 4. In preparation for the Sirsi upgrade planned for early October, a majority of staff computers in the Library were upgraded to accommodate the requirements of the system. 5. The Summer Reading Program concluded on August 3rd with the over 3,600 participants reading over 1.2 million pages. End-of-the-program celebrations were held at the Library on Dove Lane, the Cole Library, and the Centra de Information on Wednesday, August 8th. Detailed information from each site is included below. CCL, Dove Lane... 6. On Aug. 21st the Library's Investment Club, facilitated by reference librarian Darin Williamson, resumed after a summer hiatus. There were 8 participants. 7. The August Pizza and a Movie Night was held on Aug. 24 and featured a screening of The Empire Strikes Back. Eight teens attended. 8. Carlsbad City Library Hour's August television programming featured the "Magee Park Poets," with performances, programs, and lectures recorded live in the Schulman Auditorium. The program, which included performances by Poet Laureate Al Young, and award winning poet Steve Kowit, was produced as a TV program by the Media Services Division to be shown on Community Cable Channel 19 (Time Warner). Library programs also are regularly shown on KOCT Oceanside and Del Mar Access TV. 9. The End of Summer Reading Program Party took place on August 8th and attracted 396 children and adults. Attendees were able to listen to stories in the garden, make a hat with the Rad Hatter and have a snack in the meeting room. 10. On Aug. 8th the Summer Reading Program concluded with a party for the Teen SRP volunteers. Thirty-five attended and participated in a white-elephant swap meet. Georgina Cole... 11. Library staff members are beginning to incorporate brown-bag lunches around InfoPeople Webcasts. Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol made arrangements for our first group viewing on August 7th for the webcast "Understanding Today's Boomer Library Consumer." Seven staff members attended with generally positive feedback. Monthly Library Reports for August 2007 12. On Tuesday, August 14th, Claire Santos-Daigle spoke to the Computer Genealogy Group about "Digital Imaging Editing." To follow up on that workshop, Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol, Library Technicians Ann Montgomery, Judy Michaels, and Margaret Read, and volunteer Janette Shiels led a "Hands-on-Tutorial" on August 16th. The session was held in the Cole Library Community Room. Participants brought in their own lap top computers, scanned images, and editing software. They worked on learning and using skills discussed by Claire Santos- Daigle. 13. Carlsbad History Room staff member, Susan Guitierrez created a display about Ann L'Heureux for the new photo display cabinet mounted on the wall outside the History Room. 14. Cole Library had a total of 1,000 kids and teens sign-up for the 7-week Summer Reading Program. A total of 396,728 pages were read and SRP volunteers listened to a total of 5,234 reports. The hard work from the staff and volunteers was appreciated by all of the participants. 15. The end of Summer Reading Program Party was held the morning of August 8th with 299 kids and adults in attendance. Party festivities included a Dumbledore Magic Show, face painting, wizard hat and magic wand crafts, games, balloons and snacks. Our SRP Volunteer Appreciation Party was held that same day in the afternoon. Adult Learning... 16. Three learners from the Adult Learning Program served as judges for the annual Writer-to-Writer Challenge sponsored by the State Library. This annual event invites adult learners from library literacy programs throughout the state to write a letter to an author who has influenced their lives. Adult Program participant Abel G. was selected as a finalist. Abel's letter to author Anna Fienberg was selected from over 140 entries as one of 11 finalists in the Intermediate Level of the challenge. 17. Annual reports for fiscal year 06-07 were completed and submitted to the State Library and ProLiteracy Worldwide. 18. Re-roofing continues at the office building in which the Adult Learning Program is located. It is hoped that the new roof will prevent the leaking that the Program has experienced the past 2 years. The re-roofing noise has been extremely disruptive with several pairs having to move and/or cut lessons short due to the noise. Centro de Informacion ... 19. A very successful Summer Reading Program concluded with a final party for participants on August 8th. Centro de Informacion had a total of 255 participants: 15 babies, 174 children, 27 teens, and 39 adults. Together they read 68,877 pages in the seven-week reading program. This year Centro staff included babies' participation in the program to promote family literacy in the community. 20. Summer Reading volunteers were recognized at an appreciation event on August 10th at the Centro de Informacion. The eleven bilingual volunteers dedicated 291 hours to the program and listened to a total of 2,100 reports from participants. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - AUGUST 2007 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Total Summer Reading programs (Jun X -Aug X) Total Summer Reading program registrations Total Summer Reading program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Aug-06 11,219 74,204 40,587 14,611 6,922 32,743 20,614 6,984 148/67 500/125 1.985/* 1327* 22 376 3 41 9 1,484 116 3,462 6,483 18,023 857 6,383 11,131 257 2,242 67 2,821 12 1,076.45 July-07 14,097 86,647 43,058 18,561 7,080 35,877 23,106 9,369 178/63 1,226/123 2,364/* 282/* 28 375 8 340 49 1,885 12,085** 1,069 7,965 19,962 401 5,704 72 3,600 15 2,751.55 Aug-07 12,988 74,994 34,135*** 16,321 7,030 31,937 21,365 8,490 169/39 715/126 2.127/* 217/* 32 364 6 82 21 815 131 3,612 7,183 15,632 936 7,484 20,898 283 5,987 71 2,133 20 1,426.25 * Not reported. *** Door counter errors for a few days. ** Dove Lane stats are off due to a PC upgrade in the adult lab.