HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-11-14; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 PLACE OF MEETING: Georgina Cole Community Room 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chair Jerry Tarman called the meeting to order at 4:01 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Bradley, Swette, and Tarman Absent: Trustees Kamenjarin and Lignante Also Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Phyllis Johnston, NSDCGS Carolyn Taylor, League of Women Voters observer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the October 17, 2007 meeting were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Swette asked for more information on the Internet Librarian Conference and Library Director Pizzuto responded that those members of the staff who attended that conference had only returned this past week. The Library Division Heads meeting is scheduled for tomorrow which is the first opportunity the staff will have to share what they learned at both the California Library Association and Internet Librarian Conferences. She added that in addition to discussion at the Division Heads Meeting, there will be several opportunities for the staff to exchange ideas and information gathered at the conferences at "brown bag lunches" to be held at both Library locations. Library Director Pizzuto also reported that last month the Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel attended a Library technology conference and Community Coordinator Jessica Padilla attended one on public relations. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of November 14, 2007 Meeting Trustee Swette asked about impacts on the Library from the recent firestorm and Library Director Pizzuto responded that the Library had closed at 3 PM on Monday afternoon when the entire City closed down but was able to remain open the rest of the time and continue to provide services. She added that some staff members were evacuated from their homes as a result of the fire and unable to get to work but fortunately none of them lost their homes. Additionally, several Library staff members participated in providing services at the Carlsbad High School evacuation center by conducting story-times and children's activities as well as accepting donations and supplies, and directed evacuees to appropriate locations. Trustee Swette commented on the new program in the Children's Division at Dove Lane, the "Science Saturday" program and Deputy Library Director Curtis responded that the program was created after an extensive survey, primarily of fathers, about interest and participation potential. The first program was well attended and plans are to explore a different science topic each month and coordinate the program with the San Diego Natural History Museum to provide related display material and hands-on activities. Trustee Tarman commended the Library for the community outreach at the Carlsbad High School "North County College Night" where Library Assistant Amy Jordan introduced the attendees to the online databases available at the Library including Learn-a-Test and CollegeSource. MARKETPLACE PROJECT: Library Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that for the past couple of years the Library has had a departmental goal of exploring ways the Library could improve its customer accessibility by enhancing the layout and delivery of services, which the library community loosely refers to as the "marketplace" approach. At the conclusion of the two years of work, the Library refined a set of priority items to work on and this item is on the agenda to bring the Board up to date on the progress. Deputy Library Director Curtis explained that he serves on the Marketplace Team which consists of a cross-section of employees, both full and part-time, representing all the facilities. Initially the team met and brainstormed ideas relative to the priority items and then divided into sub teams to concentrate on six specific areas: heat, light, sound and electrical; environment; display; signage; promotions; customer service. Each sub team then developed a list of projects relative to their specific areas and presented them to the entire team for discussion. Members of the team have visited other libraries as well as retail establishments with an eye for what makes experiences in those locations a success. They have read the relevant literature and attended workshops and symposiums. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of November 14, 2007 Meeting They have worked on a wide variety of ideas and some of the results of this effort are the installation of additional electrical outlets at the Cole Library, improved signage, the addition of plants, and some custom-order shelving and display furniture. One of the changes the team has been working on is to allow food and drink in the Library and after extensive research and discussion the team has decided to recommend the change. Library Director Pizzuto added that the team had placed an inquiry on the listserv used by the California library community to exchange information and received a number of responses from other libraries as to what type of food and drink policies are in place and also their experiences. The trustees had several questions as to what types of food and drink as well as the potential for damage to the collection and electronic devices. Deputy Library Director Curtis responded that the team had discussed those issues and were proposing several limitations, such as only single-serving sizes in closed containers, nothing noisy or aromatic as to disturb other and restricting food and drink from computer areas, the local history room, genealogy, the gallery and the auditorium. Trustee Bradley asked if the Library planned on providing food and beverages for sale and Library Director Pizzuto explained that currently providing a cafe within the Library was not yet under consideration but may be in the future, and added that this discussion was a perfect segue into the next agenda item. POLICY REVISIONS: Library Rules of Conduct - Library Director Pizzuto presented the Rules of Conduct which had been modified to reflect the change in language to allow food in the Library (Item #13 on the document.) Also provided to the Board are the internal procedures to enforce the Rules of Conduct as informational only. By proper motion and vote the Board approved the revised Rules of Conduct as submitted. Staff Borrowing - Library Director Pizzuto explained that this policy was being brought back to the Board to approve some additional language identifying the recently adopted lost item and materials recovery fees. By proper motion and vote the Board approved the revisions to the Staff Borrowing policy as presented. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of November 14, 2007 Meeting __^____ LIBRARY LEARNING CENTER: Library Director Pizzuto brought the Board up to date on the current construction status of the project. The roof is near completion and the stucco will soon be applied along with the installation of the elevator and stairways. The construction supervisor anticipates completion of the construction by the original estimated date of February 2008. The furniture and fixtures are orders are being finalized and that phase of the project is also on schedule. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Tarman reported that the Foundation's investments are doing well and as a result the Foundation will be issuing a check from the Gartner fund in the amount of $15,000 to sponsor additional cultural programs in the auditorium in 2008 and a Richard Glazier concert on December 8th for previous donors and supports. The Foundation has elected a new president for 2008, Trudy McGrath, and scheduled its annual retreat for December 4th. Other items covered at the meeting included an update on next year's home tour and the new portraits of this year's hosts, and the purchase of a new database program for tracking and contacting donors. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Reporting structure - Library Director Pizzuto announced that with the appointment of an interim Assistant City Manager, Warren Schafer, the Library will no longer be reporting to Deputy City Manager Jim Elliott. Mr. Schafer was formerly the City Manager of Encinitas and had served in several capacities for the City of Poway before he retired. The City estimates it will take about six months to recruit and hire a new City Manager and Mr. Schafer will continue as the interim Assistant City Manager during that time. Conference attendance reports - Highlights from the various conferences attended by Library staff will be provided at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. Unique Management Services - Deputy Library Director Curtis explained the process and method for sending to Unique the accounts which meet specific criteria, over 45 days past due. To date two reports have been sent to Unique. The first report contained 169 accounts, representing accounts meeting the criteria in the last 45 days. The second report contained an additional 24 accounts which had met the criteria within the last week. From the total of 193 letters sent, 18 patrons have returned material and paid fines and fees, and 24 are being "skip-traced" for correct addresses. Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of November 14, 2007 Meeting ^^^^ Trustee Swette asked for examples of the collection letters being used by Unique for the Library and Deputy Library Director Curtis offered to provide them at the next meeting. Library Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that currently the Library is in the trial period with Unique and will be assessing the success rate in order to make a decision about continuing with the service. Initially the results are very promising. Deputy Library Director Curtis added that Unique will be providing reports generated from their office at the end of the month and they guarantee a certain level of returns in the contract. Recruitments - Library Director Pizzuto reported that a candidate for the Senior Office Specialist position at the Cole Library had been selected and would be announced following the required physical. Still open are the recruitments for the Principal Librarian for the Library Learning Center and the Media Services Technician, both closing in December. Holiday Closings - In accordance with annual practice, the City and Library will be closed Thursday and Friday, November 22 and 23 for Thanksgiving; Christmas Day and New Year's Day. The Library will close at 5PM on both Christmas and New Year's Eves. Library Director Pizzuto asked the Trustees to confirm that they will be available to attend the next regularly scheduled meeting of this Board on December 19th and to notify the Library should their availability change. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Library Director Pizzuto reporting for the Friends activity announced that they had not met since this Board last met but that on the agenda for tomorrow's meeting is the approval for Summer Reading Program funding for next year. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Phyllis Johnston reporting for Society Liaison Marge Kealey announced that the October program was cancelled due to the Fire Storm but they hope to reschedule. She also previewed upcoming programs and events reminding the Board that they are invited to the Annual Holiday Luncheon & Meeting on December 4th at the Lake San Marcos Country Club. Library Board of Trustees Page 6 Minutes of November 14, 2007 Meeting LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Swette asked for an update on Carlsbad Reads Together and Community Coordinator Jessica Padilla Bowen responded that the committee is investigating some programs that would provide patrons with information about Botswana, and additional copies of the entire series have been ordered, including Spanish-language editions. Arrangements are still in the early stages for the author visit including decisions about ticket handling as the Library anticipates a large crowd similar to the visit from Ray Bradbury. Trustee Sweete had a suggestion that the Teen area biographies collection be segregated from the Teen general collection to mirror the adult and children's collections. Trustee Swette also reported on the Community Grants Committee activity as the Library's representative for this year. They held their final meeting and prepared their recommendations for the Council but the number of applicants for this year's grants was considerably smaller than when he last served in this capacity. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Deputy Library Director Curtis announced that the Carlsbad City Library Media Division entry into the national NATOA awards garnered Honorable Mention in their category. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 4:49 PM > Cissie Sexfon Administrative Secretary ITEM #3 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for OCTOBER 2007 Systemwide... 1. On October 8th and 9th, the Library successfully upgraded the Sirsi integrated library system to the long anticipated GL3.1, Java based platform. A great deal of effort went into the preparation for this upgrade and many people worked very hard to facilitate this major change without significant incident. The Library was closed on Monday, October 8, for Columbus Day and on Tuesday, October 9, went "live" with the upgraded system around 1:00 p.m. The Computer Labs had only 1 day of manual sign-ups. Some issues with iBistro are still being worked on, including display of enhanced content. 2. Many Carlsbad City Library employees from nearly all divisions attended the annual California Library Association Conference, held October 26-29 at the Long Beach Convention Center. While few attended all four days, most went for one day or two days and attended workshops, programs, and vendor exhibits. Workshops attended included information on new research tools, library leadership, internet applications of library services, author discussions, summer reading program ideas, and specific program-based workshops. 3. Jacqui Petri from Cole Reference and Dione Sobin from Dove Reference attended the Internet Librarian Conference in Monterey from October 29 - November 1. 4. Community Coordinator, Jessica Padilla Bowen, attended the 2007 Public Relations Society of America's (PRSA) International conference in Philadelphia October 20-23. 5. Carlsbad City Library locations served as a resource during the local fires the end of October with many evacuees visiting and using library computers to stay connected with their families and jobs. The libraries remained open all week except for late afternoon on Monday, October 22 when services closed at 3:00 p.m. Several staff members (approximately 14) assisted at the shelter set up at Carlsbad High School, by assisting with general manpower needed and by taking children's storytimes and craft programs to the school. All staff were very impressed with how well organized (and well-stocked) the Evacuation Center was and by how giving and supportive the residents of Carlsbad were during the firestorms. Though the Libraries stayed open, several programs were canceled including a genealogy program, Monday afternoon's teen programs at both Cole and Dove, and Adult Learning Program's movie night and literacy classes. Adult Learning did also close early on Tuesday, October 23 and Wednesday, October 24. Near the end of the week, program attendance seemed to increase (see Cole Children's notes below) and residents were pleased that the libraries were open and available. 6. Library locations are participating in In-N-Out Burger's "Food for Thought" reading program. From October 13 to November 24 children between the age of 4 and 12 can participate on this program and earn free In-N-Out food. By the end of October over 150 participants had signed up at the Cole Library. 7. Nearly 30 people attended a poetry writing workshop on October 14th at the Cole Library led by San Diego poet Jackleen Holton. Monthly Library Reports for October 2007 8. More than 200 people attended the Library's Buster Keaton film series. The Library screened The Navigator (October 17th), Go West (October 24th) and Speak Easily (October 31st) in Schulman Auditorium. Robert Keaton, Buster Keaton's grandson, answered questions from the audience following each film. Local pianist Bryan Verhoye performed live piano accompaniment for The Navigator and Go West. 9. The Library hosted percussionist Ross Karre for a concert in the Schulman Auditorium on Sunday, October 28th. Seventy people attended and several students stayed after to try out Ross' instruments. CCL, Dove Lane... 10. The Early Literacy Stations in the Children's area were made available to children and have been used a lot, with uniformly positive feedback from our patrons. 11. The Children's Division held the first of the Science Saturday programs on October 6th. Developed by Library Assistant Fred Vrabel, each monthly Science Saturday program will explore a different scientific topic. Aimed at Dads and kids (with Moms welcome, too), the first program attracted 16 adults and children. 12. The Reference Division celebrated Teen Read Week Oct. 14 - 20 by having a Read for Chocolate Program. Teens wrote reviews of books they had read, and earned candy bars as a reward. 41 teens participated. 13. October's Pizza and a Movie Night was held on October 19th. 20 teens attended and saw a screening of the Jack Black film Nacho Libre. 14. On October 29th, Teen Services Librarian Darin Williamson hosted a Halloween pumpkin carving session for young adults. Nine teens participated. 15. On October 30th, a Day-of-the-Dead sugar skull decorating program was held in the Library with 13 teens participating. The program had been postponed from October 22nd. 16. Carlsbad City Library Hour's October TV programming featured the "David Maldonado Concert," recorded live in the Schulman Auditorium. This Schulman Auditorium event was presented to a live audience as well as produced as a TV program to be shown on Community Cable Channel 19 (Time Warner.) Library programs also are regularly shown repeatedly on KOCT Oceanside and on Del Mar Access TV. 17. Production Technician, Greg MacLellan, from the Library's Media Division, has taken a position in the Public Works Department of the City. He started in Public Works on October 29th. 18. Media Services Manager Bill Richmond attended the 27th Annual NATOA Conference, "Promoting Community Interests in Communications" held from October 2nd through October 5th in Portland, Oregon. NATOA's awards program recognizes the best of government access programming produced locally all across the nation. The Library is pleased to have received an HONORABLE MENTION in the "Overall Excellence" category for the "Carlsbad City Library Hour" series for budgets of under $100,000. Monthly Library Reports for October 2007 Georgina Cole ... 19. There were 7 computer classes taught by Reference staff during October with a total of 25 participants. Classes are offered at 8:00 a.m. before the Library is open to the public. Reference staff is looking into other ways to provide instruction at other times that would be convenient for participants unable to meet at that time. 20. The Tuesday Evening Book Club met on October 2 to discuss The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards. Fifteen members attended the discussion led by part-time Reference librarian Missy Shaw. The Thursday Afternoon Book Club met on October 11 and discussed March by Geraldine Brooks. Six members attended the discussion led by Reference librarian Kimiko Morita. 21. The Carlsbad History Room received a donation of 100 rolls of film of various newspaper stories for the 1980's Blade Tribune. 22. In site improvements at the Cole Library, tackable wall panels were installed in the adult Computer Lab area. Not only is this a visual improvement, it is also helping as a noise absorber. 23. Genealogy Library Technician Ann Montgomery spoke to the NSDCGS Computer Group on October 9 about Family Search website and changes that have been and will be made to the site. 87 people attended and 10 people attended the hands-on follow-up session on Family Search site on October 11. 24. Children's Library Assistant Amy Jordan attended the "North County College Night" held at Carlsbad High School on October 9th from 5-7 pm. She spoke with about 75-100 students about the online databases offered through the Library (particularly Learn-a-Test and CollegeSource). 25. Though the local fires affected library and program attendance on Monday, October 22nd and Tuesday, October 23rd, by Wednesday, October 24th parents and children came back in droves: Preschool Storytime had a 28% increase in attendance from the previous Wednesday. In fact, total attendance for Preschool Storytime during the week of the firestorms received an increase of 72% over the previous week. Staff also noticed that parents spent more time in the Children's area after Preschool Storytime than usual. Some parents told staff how grateful they were that the Library was open so that they had someplace to take their children. 26. Teen Read Week took place October 14-20 with 37 teens submitting book reviews for the Library's Book-a-palooza program. 27. Cole Children's Awesome Art was very interesting this month. Library Technician Jean- Paul duMouchel created a large outline of the Mona Lisa painting and then divided the outline into squares. Each child received a square (not knowing what it was a part of) and colored it. Jean-Paul assembled the squares when the kids were finished to create a mosaic version of the Mona Lisa. Monthly Library Reports for October 2007 28. On October 10th, the Mother-Daughter Book Club discussed their first book, Kira-Kira by Cynthia Kadohata. MDBC participants were shown the blog that Marsha created for them (http://colemdbc.blogspot.com/). The MDBC blog features selected titles, links to the Library's catalog to check title availability and other discussion group resources. Mothers and daughters are able to post their comments about the books (moderated by staff, of course). Some of the teens even posted original haikus as an homage to Kira-Kira. 29. Teen programs for October ended with HalloTEEN on Friday, October 26th from 6-8 p.m. (after the Library closed!) with 29 teens attending. The evening included pumpkin decorating contest, balloon relay race, mummy wrap contest, an episode of the Twilight Zone, and some very creepy cuisine. Adult Learning... 30. Adult Learning Program staff members Helen Lindner, Judy Widener, and Carrie Scott attended the California Library Association's conference for the first time. Judy and Helen focused on the Literacy track; Carrie attended the CLA Literacy Section meeting and was appointed to the CLA membership committee. 31. Carrie Scott presented for her 11th consecutive year at the San Diego Council on Literacy's annual Learner Conference on October 6. Carrie is currently serving as a board member for the San Diego Council on Literacy. 32. On October 6, Helen Lindner drove 2 of the Adult Learning Program's Writer-to-Writer participants and their guests to the awards ceremony in Glendale. Contest finalist Abel G. was one of the attendees. 33. The Adult Learning Program Book Club enjoyed Tuck Everlasting. Unfortunately, movie night had to be canceled due to the fires. 34. The Adult Learning Program is working hard to more comfortably accommodate our tutors and learners before the Learning Center opens. City Facilities staff rotated the study carrels so that we could add an "overflow" station to the classroom. This move had the added benefit of making the textbooks more accessible. 35. The economy is having a noticeable effect on our program. Some examples are: a learner dropped because he could not afford gas money, a tutor took a part-time job, and another accepted a full-time position. But most noticeable is the increase in the number of "limping" pairs—pairs who are matched on paper, but are meeting sporadically and often with last- minute cancellations. Many of these limping pairs are the result of learners accepting more responsibility on the job, taking a second job, accepting overtime, and/or agreeing to be on call. The danger with this situation is that the learners will not make the progress they would like, and the tutors may get frustrated because they are unable to plan their lives. Staff members have needed to intervene much more frequently than during the same period last year to ensure that learner goals are met, tutors are satisfied with their experience, and program requirements are being met. Monthly Library Reports for October 2007 Centre de Informacion ... 36. On October 4th, during National Fire Prevention week, the Centre de Informacion, in conjunction with the Carlsbad Fire Department, conducted an adult educational presentation at Jefferson School cafeteria. Cindy Long, Public Education Program Coordinator for the CFD, spoke to the audience about fire safety rules to prevent fires at home. 37. Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson gave a presentation in English and Spanish at the Centre de Informacion to a group of parents with children enrolled in the Head Start Home- Base Program on October 3. Lizeth promoted family literacy and encouraged the parents to visit any of the three Carlsbad City Library sites. The story time schedule was distributed to the audience. 38. The Multilingual Book Fair was held at Martin Luther King Community Center in National City on October 18th. Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson, a member of the Multilingual Book Fair Committee, worked at the fair where fifteen local vendors offered books and audio materials in various languages. Librarians and teachers from several counties as well as the general public attended the book fair. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - OCTOBER 2007 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Oct-06 11,509 73,301 39,967 13,235 5,945 30,932 21,252 5,854 189/74 1,049/123 2,225/* 1457* 30 452 11 233 87 3,446 13,429 701 6,084 12,762 345 2,985 99 4,631 22 966.3 Sept-07 13,329 75,163 33,647 14,377 6,850 30,952 23,248 9,498 172/59 674/140 1,7147* 1257* 30 423 9 95 83 2,025 14,991 785 6,576 21,683 282 6,269 77 3,954 8 1,004.75 Oct-07 13,049 75,201 33,387 13,875 7,264 32,526 21,937 8,864 181/61 967/143 1,9097* 1797* 29 417 11 168 127 2,675 13,164 837 7,286 22,520 275 6,544 104 3,954 21 1,124.6 Not reported. 10/9/07 ITEM # 5 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY RULES OF CONDUCT To keep the Library safe and pleasant for everyone, the following activities and behaviors are PROHIBITED: 1. Smoking in the Library (Carlsbad Municipal Code 6.14.030). 2. Soliciting or panhandling either inside the Library or on surrounding City property [California Penal Code 647(c)]. 3. Assault on patrons or staff (California Penal Code 242). 4. Threatening, disturbing, offending, intimidating, or harassing others, including staff [California Penal Code 602. l(b)]. 5. Bicycles in the Library and riding skateboards or similar forms of transportation in the Library or on Library property (Carlsbad Municipal Code 10.58.030). 6. Theft, abuse, vandalism, or mutilation of library facilities, equipment, or materials (California Penal Code 490.5 & 594). 7. Misusing restrooms for purposes of bathing or washing clothes. 8. Being in the Library without wearing shoes and a shirt. 9. Leaving children unattended by a parent or authorized adult. 10. Bringing animals into the Library except those certified to assist a patron with a disability. 11. Lying on the floor or sleeping. 12. Bringing luggage, bedrolls, or large containers unrelated to Library use. Any items not prohibited should not block aisles or seating areas. 13. Food or drink in the Librarythat disturbs others, or in restricted areas or that disturbs others, T 14. Use of cell phones that disturbs others. 15. Bodily hygiene that is offensive and disturbing to others. Persons who violate these rules will be asked to stop such actions and may be asked to leave the Library. Persistent violations of these rules may also result in suspension of Library privileges. Suspensions will be for a definite time period, not to exceed 12 months. The length of a suspension will be determined by the Library Director or other designated staff and will apply at all Library facilities. Police will be called in cases of criminal or legal violations. Approved by the Library Board of Trustees on April 21, 2004 FOOD & BEVERAGES IN THE LIBRARY FOOD AND BEVERAGES IN THE LIBRARY Purpose: Enjoyment of the Facility POLICY Food and non-alcoholic beverages are allowed in most parts of the Library, subject to the following guidelines: • Beverages are to be in containers with secure lids. • Personal servings of food are allowed in appropriate scalable containers. • Food items that may disturb library users (i.e. aromatic, noisy foods) or may damage library materials should be consumed outside the Library. • Food and beverage related refuse should be disposed of properly. • Customers are expected to promptly clean up their spills and messes. • Customers should immediately report sizable spills needing staff attention. Due to the sensitive nature of some materials, food and beverages are not permitted in these areas of the Library: • Near Library electronic equipment (computers, photocopiers, printers, etc.) • Cole Library Genealogy floor • Cole Library Carlsbad History Room Procedure Library staff will be attentive to customer needs and make Library users aware of guidelines as needed. Customers refusing to abide by food and beverage guidelines may be asked to leave the Library. Library Administration or designee will have final authority on what food and drink is allowed in the Library. SEP 07 STAFF BORROWING 1 STAFF BORROWING Purpose: Fairness of Access to Patrons Security of Materials POLICY: Library staff will follow all existing circulation policies and procedures, including policies on due dates and renewal limits, in their use of Library materials. A basic principle the Library observes is not giving staff any privileges or advantages that interfere with the primary goal of serving the public. In support of this principle, the following policies apply: • Staff may not place holds on items that are on order. These items have a call number beginning with XX and a home location of ON ORDER in Workflows. In the Library's catalog, the status will be ON-ORDER. This policy is designed to help insure that the public is given a priority over staff for access to popular new materials. • New materials must be allowed to go on the public shelves before staff can check them out. This policy is designed so that the public is given the opportunity to see the new materials first. • Staff may not check out new videos/DVDs until the videos are a month old (check the date on the "NEW" sticker on the spine), and must wait one month before placing a hold on fiction videos. • Staff must observe renewal limits and due dates. Staff may not override holds placed by others when renewing items checked out to themselves. • Staff must always check out materials in their possession, either for home or office use. All items must be checked out at the Circulation desk or using the Library's self-check machines. All items must be returned to Circulation or the book drops for checkin. This policy is designed to promote fairness of access and the accuracy of the database and to ensure that the RFID security tags are set properly. As a courtesy to other Library users, items checked out by staff must be returned promptly. Staff are responsible for the replacement cost of lost or damaged items including all associated fees. Both full and part-time employees may choose to have their personal library account changed to a Staff User Profile. This change is made by the Circulation Supervisors at each location. Staff status cannot be extended to family or friends. Abuse of this policy may result in loss of the staff user profile and disciplinary action. An employee who is no longer on the active payroll should be returned to a Public profile. See procedures under DEPARTING EMPLOYEE PROCESSING. P & P\STAFF BORROWING Nov 074^07