HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-12-19; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesITEM #2 Approved: MINUTES MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 PLACE OF MEETING: Board Room - Carlsbad City Library 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Chair Bill Kamenjarin called the meeting to order at 4:28 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees, Kamenjarin, Swette and Tarman Absent: Trustees Bradley and Lignante Also Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Devin Castel, Library Business Systems Specialist Marg Kealey, NSDCGS Carolyn Taylor, League of Women Voters observer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held November 14, 2007 were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Kamenjarin commented on the apparent success of the Unique Management Services materials recovery service, with over $2,000 in past due fines paid and over $5,000 worth of materials returned to the Library in this first month. Trustee Kamenjarin also asked why the Homebound Service is being managed by the Reference Division instead of by Circulation and if there was a way in which to increase the numbers of patrons participating. Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that the service is a form of reader's advisory which is typically a service provided by the Reference Librarians. As for increasing the number of participants, she said that staff is currently working on improvement to the Library's web page and only recently created a dedicated telephone Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of December 19, 2007 Meeting line and voicemail box for the service. She pointed out that the activity reported for the program in this packet only represented the activity during the month of November and not the total number of patrons who utilize the service. OCTOBER CONFERENCES SUMMARY: Library Director Pizzuto asked the two Deputy Library Directors to review some of the highlights from the brown bag lunches attended by the Library staff to share experiences and information gained from the recent California Library Association Conference. Deputy Library Director Curtis also shared information from the Internet Librarian Conference attended by two Library staff members who also participated in the brown bag lunches' information-sharing. Library Director Pizzuto explained that conference attendance is a good method to boost training and staff development as there is not a lot of professional training in the library environment other than at conferences. She added that the next conference that will be attended by a number of staff members will be the American Library Association in June 2008, in Anaheim. Trustee Swette asked if there were any sessions devoted to measuring the effectiveness of Libraries. Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that she and Library Director Pizzuto attended the roll out of the Public Library Association's (PLA) tool kit for describing the value of libraries and expressing how libraries benefit the community in tangible terms. Library Director Pizzuto added that there will be an expanded session on the tool kit and how to use it in your local community at the PLA conference in Minneapolis in March and she will be attending the two-day session. LIBRARY PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Library Director Pizzuto introduced this item by reminding the Board that this is how the Library measures its performance within the context of the City of Carlsbad and these measures have been used annually. She asked Management Analyst Cheryl Mast to go over one or two differences in the measures from previous years. Management Analyst Mast reviewed each measure reminding the Board that there could be a change in the State Library ranking this year in that the City has exceeded the 100,000 population mark putting the Library into a different category for comparison. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of December 19, 2007 Meeting Trustee Kamenjarin had questions about the Cost per Capita report and Management Analyst Mast explained that because the growth rate in the City was less than 5%, but the budget was increased by 5%, it made it appear that the costs for services increased. Trustee Kamenjarin then asked if the goal was to drive down the operating costs and Library Director Pizzuto responded that the current goal is to understand what it costs to do business and to determine how we can modify our costs when possible to do so and still maintain our customer satisfaction level. The Board discussed at length the dangers associated with putting a price on services and customer satisfaction that could be misused by advocates with a different agenda and Library Director Pizzuto explained the need for the Library to measure those costs in order to relate them to the value it gives to the community. TECHNOLOGY QUARTERLY REPORT: Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel reviewed this report with the Board, explaining that this particular quarterly report covers four months instead of three in order to bring the report quarters into alignment with the fiscal year quarter cycle. He also explained that the report was developed to meet the needs of various audiences and therefore contained very technical information on the Library's web page including catalog usage, top browsers, and top public Internet categories. Other information contained in the report includes equipment performance status, incident logs and response times, and the number of public computer sessions and hours of usage, by location. Trustee Swette asked if the Library could provide statistics to the Board that would show the utilization compared to availability for the public computers to determine if the Library needed to provide more hardware. Library Director Pizzuto responded that the Library only recently calculated about how many hours out of each day the computers were occupied and could provide this information to the Board. The Board discussed the need for additional bandwidth and expressed dismay at the amount of bandwidth consumed by web advertisements. The Board agreed that they would like to see this report each quarter and would like for it to include the information on utilization and availability as a routine. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of December 19, 2007 Meeting LIBRARY LEARNING CENTER UPDATE: Deputy Library Director Smithson circulated the most recent photos of the construction and reported that the stairs and windows were being installed and the stucco was being applied. She also had on hand the color board for the interior materials and finishes. The Board expressed an interest in a tour of the facility and Library Director Pizzuto responded that she would try to schedule a visit following next month's meeting, but it would be dependent upon having access to the second floor. The Board asked if the project was still on schedule and Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that although the contractor continues to estimate they will be finished by the end of February, a more likely date will be the first of April for all the construction and the opening still set for late summer. CARLSBAD LIBRARY AND ARTS FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Tarman reporting for the Foundation announced their annual retreat was held December 4th and all the Board members signed a commitment to support the goals of the Board. The Richard Glazier concert on Dec 8th was a collaborative event with the Friends of the Arts and the Museum of Making Music, and included a reception in the great hall of the Library. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Budget - The Library is in the preliminary stages of preparing for next year's budget which will be due at Finance in February. The budget schedule/calendar has not been finalized and will be provided to the Board when available. Economic indicators at this point in the State suggest a conservative approach as there are a number of indicators that are very volatile, and it's difficult to tell but it does appear that there could be some negative impact on revenue for the City. Salary Survey - Results from the Human Resources-conducted salary survey indicate that our starting salaries for part time positions are within the current market but identified a need to increase the top of the ranges for the positions utilized in the Library. This gives the Library the ability to increase salaries based on budget and cost of living. Last year the minimum wage increase caused the Library to have to initiate salary increases at the beginning of the calendar year. However, it has been the practice for several years to make salary adjustments during the budget process, on a fiscal year basis, and the Library has decided to return to that practice to initiate any wage changes. Recruitments - Currently the Library has two recruitments underway for Library full time staff. The Principal Librarian position for the Library Learning Center was extended through the holidays in hopes of increasing the pool of applicants. It is a very Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of December 19, 2007 Meeting unique position and HR will be expanding the marketing of the position and allowing more time for those individuals to apply. The recruitment for the Media Services Production Technician closed this week and the oral board is scheduled for January 7th. Sirsi Upgrade - The previously reported minor adjustments still needed on the catalog following the Sirsi upgrade included restoring the enriched content, which has been completed leaving the only the issue of increasing the font size on the individual entries in the catalog. Marketplace - Reported last month were some of the changes planned for the marketplace approach to make services more accessible and user oriented. Already there is a new countertop being constructed for the two self-check units at Dove Lane and on January 3rd the Cole Library will receive some slat-wall shelving and additional display units to increase marketing of materials. New signage has been installed to direct patrons to the new location for holds and new books, and changes in the Dove Lane parking lot and traffic patterns are beginning to take shape to allow a change in the location for the drive-up book drops, handicapped parking and improved delivery access to the gallery. The parking lot project would involve Capital Improvement Project (CIP) funds, and is dependant on receiving cost estimates in sufficient time to include the CIP request with the coming fiscal year's budget submissions, but submission does not mean it would be funded next year. Restoration of Public Library Fund (PLF) - The Library has received a letter from the California Library Association to those who support libraries, encouraging a letter-writing campaign to legislators urging the restoration of the Transaction Based Reimbursement funding (TBR) and the Public Library Fund (PLF) that the Library receives annually. Both of the funds were cut significantly when the Governor signed the State Budget. Although restoration of the funds does not seem likely given the current situation, CLA is in hopes that these letters will prevent any further cuts next year. Copies of the letter were distributed to the Trustees with the instruction that the Library Board may not write the letters as a board, but the Trustees as individuals may do so. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Library Director Pizzuto reported that the Friends last met on November 19th at which time they approved the Library's request for Summer Reading Program funding as well as a $500 memorial donation for Evelyn Pullen Philip, who passed away at her home in Arizona a few months ago. She was a long time member of the Friends and someone who was instrumental in setting up the Library and Arts Foundation. The Friends heard a report from the committee formed to look ahead at the future of Carlsbad Reads Together and its funding going into the next year. The committee made some recommendations that the Friends Board accepted and voted on; Library Board of Trustees Page 6 Minutes of December 19. 2007 Meeting __ approving up to $10,000 for speaker honorariums and allowing the Library to pursue other partners for the program if additional funds are needed. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Liaison to the Board, Marg Kealey reported that membership is still on the rise and the annual meeting held on December 4th included installation of the new officers. She also provided highlights from this month's programs and information for upcoming events, including the annual trip to Salt Lake City by many of the members. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Swette asked that an update on Carlsbad Reads Together be added to the meeting agenda for next month. PUBLIC COMMENT: Norman Duncan, 7013 Via Coello, addressed the Board expressing his concerns on what he believes to be the under-utilization of the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:45 PM Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #3 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for NOVEMBER 2007 Systemwide ... 1. In November, Carlsbad City Library began using Unique Management Services, Inc., a materials recovery service. Library Circulation staff members are seeing a good response from the patrons that are receiving this additional notification of long-overdue materials. Staff members are quickly adapting and are learning more about the process and how to handle the UMS-initiated interactions. During November, UMS accepted 276 account submissions from the Library's database. Eighty-seven of the contacts have resulted in patrons taking action to return materials and pay fines. During this first month the Library received over $2,001.05 in fines and fees paid and accepted the return of long- overdue materials valued at $5,237.77. 2. The Library hosted writer, broadcaster and speaker Richard Lederer on Tuesday, November 13th at 7pm in the Schulman Auditorium. About 90 people enjoyed Mr. Lederer's presentation of a treasury of fascinating facts about U.S. Presidents from his new book, Presidential Trivia. 3. The Library's Cinema Society of Carlsbad continued on November 10th with its bi- monthly weekend film matinees featuring prestigious foreign and independent films. Approximately 100 people enjoyed the Danish film Pauline and Paulette. 4. In celebration of Children's Book Week, the Children's Divisions held several special programs on November 6 featuring author Kathleen Duey. Ms. Duey presented three programs at Dove, two in the morning which were well attended by school groups and one in the evening. The author also presented her program at the Georgina Cole Library in the afternoon. A prolific author with titles for children and teens, Ms. Duey was an engaging speaker, who combined storytelling and questions and answers to keep her audiences, young and old, enthralled. 5. Library locations participated in In-N-Out Burger's "Food for Thought" reading program. From October 13 to November 24 children between the age of 4 and 12 participated in this program and earned free In-N-Out food. By the end of the program over 550 kids had participated at Dove, Cole, and Centro with over 700 certificates earned (participants were able to earn more than 1 certificate). 6. Several newspapers picked up the Library's press release asking for Homebound and Homework Zone volunteers as well as shelf readers for Dove. Volunteer Coordinator Amy Bennett has been fielding inquiries and hopes to have the open positions filled soon. 7. Reference Librarian Jacqui Petri coordinated the implementation of an additional service for library book club attendees. Book titles listed on the Library's book club web page now link directly into the catalog for patrons to check availability and place holds. Monthly Library Reports for November 2007 CCL, Dove Lane ... 8. The November Pizza and a Movie evening was held on November 30th. 16 teens enjoyed pizza and a screening of the animated film, The Corpse Bride. 9. Carlsbad City Library Hour's November TV programming featured the "Nancy McCallion Concert/' recorded live in the Schulman Auditorium. This Schulman Auditorium event was presented to a live audience as well as produced as a TV program to be shown on Community Cable Channel 19 (Time Warner.) Library programs also are regularly shown repeatedly on KOCT Oceanside and on Del Mar Access TV. Georgina Cole ... 10. The Homebound Program has recently transitioned from being served by the Circulation Division to being served by the Reference Division. Librarian Kimiko Morita is working with Volunteer Coordinator Amy Bennett to update and coordinate services. During November, 44 items were delivered to 18 homebound Carlsbad residents by 10 volunteers. 11. The Carlsbad History Room gave a tour of the resources offered to a representative of the Julian Historical Society and the representative plans to return with their Board of Directors. An interesting inquiry came from the Czech Republic, requesting photos and background information on the Carlsbad Mineral Well and statue of John Frazier. A staff member from the Missile Defense Agency asked about verification of a possible school opened in 1905 in Carlsbad that trained Chinese for the army. The History Room had numerous other inquiries from community groups and City staff. 12. Reference Librarian Karen Maynor taught four Basic Internet classes with 11 learners/- Library Technician Dan Wood taught three Internet Tips & Tricks classes with 8 learners and one Email class with 3 learners. 13. The Tuesday Evening Book club met on November 5 and discussed "Mountains Beyond Mountains" by Tracy Kidder. Fifteen people attended the meeting, led by Librarian Missy Shaw. The Thursday Afternoon Book Club met on November 7 to discuss "The Inheritance of Loss" by Kiran Desai. Four members attended the meeting, led by Reference Librarian Kimiko Morita. 14. The Genealogy Division and the North San Diego County Genealogical Society sponsored several well-attended programs in November. On November 13, Debbie Horton spoke to the Computer Genealogy Group on "Publishing Your Family History: For Family or Money?" with 72 people attending. On Saturday November 17, Margaret Read held an all-day Beginning Genealogy Class and 21 people attended. On November 21, Jean Wilcox Hibbens spoke to NSDCGS on "Shaking the Myth" with 87 people in attendance. 15. The North San Diego County Genealogical Society donated $2,500 to the Carlsbad City Library for a 2-year subscription to Footnote.com , an online service providing subscription-based accessed to digitized images of original historical documents. Monthly Library Reports for November 2007 16. Cole Children's Division continues to utilize volunteers to supplement programming. The Homework Zone was staffed by 4 volunteers, working 16 hours total; the Saturday Stories program was presented by 4 volunteers totaling 4 hours; two additional volunteers helped with the storycraft program for 3 hours during the month. 17. Cole Children's Division sponsored 50 programs for children and teens during November with a total attendance of 1,039. Fewer programs were offered with local school districts closed during Thanksgiving week and the Library being closed for three holidays. Adult Learning... 18. Carlsbad City Library Adult Learning Program has been selected by the State Library as a second site of the Adult Learner Leadership Institute. The four-month Institute, sponsored by the State Library, is presented by adult learners for adult learners. Attendees, who are nominated by their local literacy programs, build self-esteem while acquiring public speaking, decision-making, and advocacy skills. The session of the Institute in Carlsbad is scheduled to begin in mid-January and will be held on 7 Saturdays in the Cole Library Community Room. 19. The Adult Learning Program Book Club enjoyed Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom. 20. The Adult Learning Program office area experienced another roof leak caused by the heavy rains on November 30. Fortunately, no damage was incurred other than the wall and paint. The building manager and the roofer were notified. Centre de Inf ormacion ... 21. Access to Centro is now available from the parking lot in front of the modular (north side). The construction at the Senior Center is now completed and the fence has been removed from the parking area. This main parking area has been blocked for the construction/renovation since August. 22. On November 1st, a program celebrating the "Day of the Dead," a Mexican tradition, was held at the Centro. Children of all ages iced and decorated skulls made out of sugar 23. On November 7th, the Home-Base Head Start parent meeting was held at the Centro. Children listened to a bilingual story-craft, with parents participating. During the meeting Coordinator Lizeth Simonson informed the parents about library services, the Homework Zone, and children's special programs for the month of November and December. 24. On November 15th and 16th marked the conclusion of three computer classes offered in Spanish at the Centro de Informacion. The eight participants completed the eight-week courses and each participant received a certificate of completion. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - NOVEMBER 2007 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Nov-06 10,052 70,346 36,238 12,711 5,404 29,630 19,063 6,933 171/47 653/145 1,926/* */* 22 446 8 147 109 2,885 11,284 667 6,397 13,429 277 3,262 93 3,343 19 1,130.75 Oct-07 13,049 75,201 33,387 13,875 7,264 32,526 21,937 8,864 181/61 967/143 1,909/* 179/* 29 417 11 168 127 2,675 13,164 837 7,286 22,520 275 6,544 104 3,954 21 1,124.6 Nov-07 12,355 71,759 28,809 10,795 6,282 28,211 18,166 7,303 223/61 763/138 1,805/* 165/* 32 289 5 45 96 1,993 11,444 724 7,088 23,244 258 6,802 62 3,437 18 1,245.6 Not reported. 10/9/07 ITEM # 5 Library Department- STATE LIBRARY RANKING THE OUTCOME Top quality Library services. THE MEASUREMENT The Library Development Services Bureau of the California State Library annually collects statistical data from all California libraries. The data is collected in August, following a June 30th fiscal year end. The State Library subsequently publishes the data, which distributes about one full year later. For example, data published in July 2007 is based on 2005-06 data collected. There are 12 basic ratings derived from State- collected data that appear annually in CALIFORNIA LIBRARY STATISTICS. The State uses seven population categories for public library rankings. On occasion, the State has revised the population ranges in these seven categories. In the California Library Statistics 2007 report, Carlsbad is one of 19 libraries in the 70,000 to 100,000 population category, which covers data within the 2005-06 fiscal year. WHAT THE DATA MEANS Measurements used in this rating system are basic to all public libraries and, when related to per capita levels of activity, is an accurate way to compare the Carlsbad City Library to other top quality libraries in California. High index ratings are an indicator of excellence and establish benchmarks for both internal and external comparisons. DEPARTMENTS INVOLVED Library. BENCHMARK The Carlsbad City Library will be ranked above the 90th percentile among public libraries in the state in cities of 70,000 to 100,000 populations. For 2007, the 90th percentile equates to a ranking of second or better. RESULTS The benchmark was achieved by reaching an averaged ranking of first. Carlsbad remained ranked number one, which is the same ranking as last year among the 19 city libraries in California in the 70,000 - 100,000 population category. (From last year, the total number of comparable libraries decreased from 20 to 19 in the 70,000 - 100,000 range.) BENCHMARK 5™ or higher 2001 4TH 2002 2ND 2003 1ST 2004 1st 2005 1st 2006 1st 2007 1st ANALYSIS Carlsbad was ranked against 18 other libraries in 12 measurement categories. Compared to the previous year, Carlsbad improved its ranking in 2 categories (Volumes and Library Attendance). Carlsbad dropped slightly in 4 categories (Librarian FTE, Expenditures per capita, Microforms, and Circulation per capita), and stayed the same in all other categories this year. The table below shows how Carlsbad ranks with the top rated public libraries in California in the key measurement categories: Top Library Rankings Based on 2005-06 California Library Statistics Published July 2007 Librarian FTE Total FTE Expenditures per cap. Volumes Microforms Audio materials Videos Periodicals Circulation per cap. Ref. Questions per cap. Library attendance Registered borrowers TOTAL: RANK: Carlsbad 2 1 2 3 2 1 3 1 4 1 3 3 26 1ST Santa Monica 1 2 1 1 11 2 5 2 6 3 1 4 39 2ND Newport Beach 3 4 4 5 1 4 2 4 2 2 4 6 41 3RD Mountain View 4 7 7 6 5 3 4 7 1 5 5 7 61 4TH Redwood City 5 5 3 10 4 7 1 5 3 12 8 12 75 STH Whittier 8 9 10 2 6 8 10 3 8 6 11 1 82 6TH ACTION PLAN Staff will analyze the value of the twelve measuring categories in July 2008, and update the categories to reflect measurements that are appropriate to Carlsbad City Library performance. Staff will monitor future changes in rankings as Carlsbad moves into the 100,000+ population category during fiscal year 06-07 which will affect results published in July 2008. Measurements may need a weighting system, if beneficial, so that emphasis can be placed on categories that are more significant than others. Staff will review and determine action after the July 2008 data is reviewed. POINT OF CONTACT Cheryl Mast, Management Analyst (760) 602-2014, CAmast@ci.carlsbad.ca.us. Library Department- GROWTH MANAGEMENT /LIBRARIES THE OUTCOME Adequate facility space to house library services and resources. THE MEASUREMENT Square footage per capita. The current Growth Management Standard is 0.8 square feet of library space per capita. WHAT THE DATA MEANS Space (leased/owned, public/non-public) is a standard library measurement of customer use and satisfaction and includes collection space, seating, meeting rooms, staff areas, technology, and other public facility needs. A performance standard for library facilities was adopted by the City Council in 1986 as part of the Growth Management Program's Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan. This standard was originally developed at that time based on surveys of other libraries of comparable size and based on related standards (such as volumes per capita) set by the American Library Association. DEPARTMENTS INVOLVED Library. RESULTS The Library acquired a new facility location in 2004, which is referred to as the Learning Center. This location currently contains a building under construction which originated with 5,723 square feet of space that is not occupied nor being used for library services to date. Renovation began at this site in September 2006 to expand the facility in order to house the Library's Adult Learning and Centre de Informacion programs. The Library owns three facilities and leases two facilities, for a total of 96,874 square feet of leased and owned space. Owned: Dove Library 64,000 s.f. Cole Library 24,352 s.f. Learning Center 5,723 s.f. Leased: Adult Learning 1,359 s.f. Centre 1,440 s.f. Based on the benchmark standard and a January 2007 population of 101,337, the library is currently 15,804 square feet in excess of the standard. ANALYSIS When the Adult Learning and Centre de Informacion programs move into the renovated and expanded Learning Center facility (estimated August 2008), their leased space will be eliminated with a net result of 2,201 square feet of additional owned space. Carlsbad's population would need to reach about 121,093 before the Growth Management Standard would trigger the need for expanded library space. City staff has projected build-out population to reach 120,597 in about year 2020. It is unlikely the City's population will trigger the Growth Management Plan requirement to add additional space to the Cole Library by 2020. However, structural conditions may require the Cole Library to be reconstructed prior to the year 2020. A 1998 feasibility study conducted at the Cole Library indicated several structural and building code issues to be addressed within a reasonable time, including such items as American's with Disabilities Act (ADA), mechanical, and electrical requirements. The City has already included a building replacement project within the Capital Improvement Program budget, currently scheduled between the years 2016-2021. ACTION PLAN Staff will continue to monitor population growth projections, trends in library use and services/resources offered, customer service issues, impacts of new technology, and how all of these relate to space needed for resources and services. POINT OF CONTACT Cheryl Mast (760) 602-2014, CAmast@ci.carlsbad.ca.us. Community Services LIBRARY OPERATING COST THE OUTCOME Efficient use of Library resources and reporting of public value derived from delivery of Library services. THE MEASUREMENT The Library has identified several measures over the past year to analyze efficient use of financial resources and support from the community through volunteer hours. Each measure will be explained in the Analysis section of this report. Circulation Services: 1. Cost for a Clerk to perform a check-out session (average transaction time = 2 minutes). 2. Percentage for the cost of Circulation Services compared to the total library operating costs. Reference Services: 1. Cost for a Reference Librarian to answer an adult reference question (average transaction time = 3.06 minutes). 2. Percentage for the cost of Reference Services compared to the total library operating costs. Cost per Capita - total Library operating costs divided by Carlsbad population. Value of Volunteer Hours - number of volunteer hours contributed to Library multiplied by the California Average Rate per Hour for volunteers. WHAT THE DATA MEAN These cost efficiency and public value measures provide information for staff to monitor and track over time, with the purpose of improving efficiency and reporting value to citizens. DEPARTMENTS INVOLVED Library BENCHMARK For all cost measures, the Library desires to meet anticipated increases in demand for library services with the same or greater levels of efficiency and library user satisfaction. Annual Volunteer Hours Donated: For 2007, increased to 16,000 hours (2006 benchmark was 10,000+ hours.) RESULTS Measure Circulation Services Clerk Cost per Check-Out (per transaction) Percentage for Circulation Services Costs/Total Library Operating Costs Reference Services Librarian Cost to Answer Adult Reference Question (per transaction) Percentage for Reference Services Costs /Total Library Operating Costs Library Operating Cost per Capita Value of Volunteer Hours 2005/06 $ 0.41 12% NM NM $ 88.20 $ 286,419 2006/07 $ 0.48 11% $ 3.55 14% $ 95.82 $355,145 NM = Not Measured ANALYSIS Circulation Cost per Transaction Measure:An average time was collected for each transaction at both Dove and Cole Libraries. The number of items checked-out per session varies. This average time was multiplied by the average hourly rate (including direct and indirect costs) for Clerk staff serving the public. These calculations provided the total cost per transaction amount. This is the second year using the measure. Last year the baseline was established without Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). This year, RFID equipment was installed but full implementation is yet to be realized. It is the Library's expectation to decrease the total staff costs for providing check-out services as a result of implementing this RFID equipment completely. The decrease in total staff costs might be achieved by increasing patron use of self check machines in addition to decreasing the number of staff within the Circulation division. However, while total staff costs might decrease and the percentage of the total Library operating costs will decrease, the Clerk cost per transaction is likely to remain about the same or increase because staff will be handling the more complicated transactions. Reference Cost per Transaction Measure: An average time was collected for each transaction at both Dove and Cole Libraries. The depth and scope of adult questions answered per session varies. This average time was multiplied by the average hourly rate (including direct and indirect costs) for Reference Librarian staff serving the public. These calculations provided the total cost per transaction amount. This is the first year the Library has used this measure, with the intent to compare this result against future results. Percentage of Circulation and Reference Service Area Costs Compared to Total Library Operating Costs: The total expenditures for the Circulation and Reference service areas were divided by the total library operating costs to determine a percentage value. With the implementation of RFID equipment usage, it is the Library's expectation to decrease the Circulation percentage over time. Cost per Capita: The Library's total expenditure costs were divided by the total population number for the city of Carlsbad. Last year, the Library made a significant investment in technology providing us the capability of handling more activity, and to accommodate future increases in population while carefully managing operating costs. In addition, Carlsbad's population growth rate is disproportionate to current budgeting methodology rates. This has resulted in an increase to cost per capita. It is the Library's priority to efficiently deliver services that the community members desire while maintaining a high degree of satisfaction. Value of Volunteer Hours: The last two years, the Library has experienced an unprecedented donation of time by volunteers due to the Library's implementation of new technology, Radio Frequency Identification. Every item in the Library's material collection had a tag inserted into it. The Library hopes to continue this higher level of community volunteerism. It is the Library's intent to disclose the value of the time donated by the public. The public's contribution of time allows the Library to deliver expanded services that otherwise would not be provided. The 2006-07 California average volunteer rate per hour is $21.59. ACTION PLAN With the implementation of RFID technology, circulation services are transitioning toward increased use of self service and reduced use of staffed services. Staff will investigate a self-payment system at self- checks between January-June 2008. If feasible, this will result in higher use percentages for self check equipment. While the use of staffed stations may decline, the types of transactions requiring staff assistance may evolve toward complex transactions, which likely will result in longer checkout transactions. This expanded time co-mingled with higher personnel costs may result in higher costs per transaction. To better capture the overall cost of providing circulation services as more transactions are completed at self-checks, the Library will adjust this measure to calculate the cost of all circulation transactions whether performed by Clerks or at self-checks. This will allow the Library to track the expected decrease in total staff costs for providing check-out services as a result of implementing RFID completely. The Balanced Scorecard reporting tool, available at www.carlsbadlibrary.org, has propelled the Library toward more complex approaches of analyzing and reporting out efficiencies and values. The scorecard will not be continued in its current format, but the concepts and many of the scorecard measures have been incorporated into the next Strategic Plan for Library Services, and ultimately should be reflected in a continuation of a high degree of satisfaction of the Library's patrons. The Library expanded the analyses this year to include the Reference Service area. Answering reference questions is a core library service, similar to circulating materials. Next year, analyses will include the Children's Service area. Staff will continue to develop the measures and targets established, and create new measures for additional services provided by the Library. POINT OF CONTACT Cheryl Mast, Management Analyst (760) 602-2014, CAmast@ci. carlsbad. ca. us Learning, Culture, and Arts LIBRARY SERVICES - CITIZEN/CUSTOMER SATISFACTION THE OUTCOME High level of citizen satisfaction with Library services. THE MEASUREMENT The Library instituted expansion of several customer satisfaction measures last year, with an intention to repeat two measures bi-annually due to the associated expenses. These expanded measures include surveying citizens by telephone, customer in-person surveys (intercept) and mystery shopping experiences. The Library telephone and intercept surveys will be conducted bi-annually. The Library will participate in the citywide telephone survey of residents and request mystery shopping experiences on an annual basis. The measurement for the citywide telephone survey this year consists of results to the following questions: • Would you say you are satisfied, dissatisfied or neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with the City's efforts to provide library services? • On average, how often have you, or someone in your household, visited one of the Carlsbad City Library facilities in the last 12 months? The measurement for the Library's telephone survey, when utilized, asks the residents of Carlsbad more in depth questions regarding their use of the libraries and their satisfaction with that use than the citywide annual telephone survey. The corresponding Library intercept survey, when utilized, reports results from asking library visitors to rate services utilized. The measurement for mystery shopping surveys provides results for seven categories experienced at the Dove and Cole libraries. WHAT THE DATA MEANS Measures of how the citizens and visitors rate their level of satisfaction with the city's library services provides staff with a better understanding of the effectiveness and customer satisfaction with city programs. DEPARTMENTS INVOLVED Library BENCHMARK In all surveys, 90% of respondents rate satisfaction with Library services as "Good or Excellent" or "Very Satisfied or Somewhat Satisfied", depending on the criteria used for each survey. RESULTS Telephone survey: BENCHMARK 90% 20OO 96% 2001 96% 2002 97% 2003 97% 2005 97% 2006 98% 2007 96% ANALYSIS The Library participated in the citywide telephone survey conducted this fall. In addition to satisfaction opinions, the library requested frequency of library use and, if applicable, reasons for not using the library. User opinions are very important to the Library, which wishes to provide the services customers want while providing those services in an efficient manner. Citywide Telephone survey - this is the seventh year that the City has asked its residents how they rate their satisfaction with Library services. The trends shown by the survey reflect significant positive ratings from the public at large (less than 1% of the survey respondents rated City Library services as poor). The consistency and level of the rating is worth noting (over 95% for the past six years). Mystery shopping - fifteen mystery shopping experiences were conducted January through June, 2007. Overall, shoppers rated library facilities at ninety-five percent (95%) satisfaction in several categories including Building, Exterior, Interior, Staff Interaction, Computers, Reference or Information Desk, and Children's Collection. Mystery shoppers specifically identified cleanliness, clear signage including staff name tags, ease of computer use, and overall customer service expectations met. All raters scored the library at 8 or above, on a scale of 1-10, with one hundred percent (100%) scoring the library at 9 or 10 for overall impression. ACTION PLAN The Library staff continues to seek customer input to better understand services or amenities the customers want but which may not be currently offered. In lieu of offering additional services to customers, the Library may need to focus resources on those services in high demand while diminishing or eliminating lesser-used services. In addition, the Library continues to research methods to expand measurement of performance through accessing State Library and other national resources. The Balanced Scorecard reporting tool, available at www.carlsbadlibrary.org, has propelled the Library toward more complex approaches of analyzing and reporting out efficiencies and values. The scorecard will not be continued in its current format, but the concepts and many of the scorecard measures have been incorporated into the next Strategic Plan for Library Services, and ultimately should be reflected in a continuation of a high degree of satisfaction of the Library's patrons. The expanded measures of surveying library customers by telephone and intercept surveys are scheduled to be held in the spring of 2008. Results of those surveys will be published in the 2009 State of Effectiveness Report. POINT OF CONTACT Cheryl Mast, Management Analyst (760 602 2014), CAmast@ci. carlsbad. ca. us. ITEM #6 Carlsbad City Library Technology Report About this report The following report covers information between the months of June-September. The data that is contained in this report, is meant to provide an overview of use and performance regarding the Library's various technologies. Below you will find the con- tents for the last four months. Contents Library Web Usage Catalog pg. 2 Top Browsers pg. 2 Website pg. 3 Content Areas pg. 3 System Monitoring & Public Computer Use SirsiDynix Performance Status pg. 4 Client Care Ticket Summary pg. 4-5 Public Computer Sessions pg. 5 Public Computer Type pg. 5 Helpdesk Ticket Summary pg. 6 EMSc & VEMS Outages pg. 6 RFID Hardware Issues pg. 6 Monthly Wireless Use pg. 7 Dove Public Internet Utilization pg. 7 June-September 2007 Summary Carlsbadlibrary.org/Arts/Media Usage Totals Location Carlsbadlibrary.org Arts Media Services Pageviews 284,597 33,808 15,635 Top Public Internet Categories Category Web Advertisements Search Engines/Portals Social Networking Email Shopping Computers/Internet Arts/Entertainment Reference Business/Economy News/Media Page Views 1,038,747 605,738 570,725 367,846 293,238 230,593 201,312 167,220 159,108 124,117 Total Bytes 8.48G 5.34G 17.91G 6.24G 2.53G 3.04G 5.72G 3.78G 2.04G 1G Requests 21% 12.45% 11.55% 7.55% 5.9% 4.65% 4% 3.45% 3.25% 2.5% June-September 2007 Summary Integrated Library System (ILS) Performance Status Issue Planned outage Planned outage Planned outage Date 7/20/2007 7/22/07 9/23/07 Time Down 7:00 PM to 7:30 PM 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM 12:00 AM to 3:00 AM Description System maintenance. System maintenance. System maintenance. ILS Incident Log Incident (Number indicates the incident ID) 196868 228731 236708 238962 238991 239624 239765 239770 240254 240476 240477 241689 240476 242149 243080 243091 244743 244744 Received 6/13/06 3/21/07 6/6/07 6/28/07 6/28/07 7/6/07 7/9/07 7/9/07 7/12/07 7/16/07 7/16/07 7/27/07 7/16/07 8/1/07 8/10/07 8/10/07 8/27/07 8/27/07 Closed 6/14/07 6/28/07 6/29/07 7/20/07 7/16/07 7/10/07 8/1/07 7/31/07 7/24/07 7/27/07 8/13/07 8/8/07 8/17/07 8/29/07 8/30/07 Description NOTE changing the from field in emailed notices. Add another SIP connection. Need to take out "closed library" message. OPAC error 28 creating queue cannot create mes- sage. Self-checks not connecting to sip2. 9xx ordering. OPAC down - "Page cannot be displayed". Strange numbers and symbols in iBistro content. Unable to send email to SirsiDynix. Need the 2dayadvanced notice text to be modified. All emails to Sirsi are bouncing. SIP outage currently affecting services. Need the 2dayadvanced notice text to be modified. Need current SIP2 configuration information. SaaS site needs to upgrade Unicorn to GL3.1. mlrcirc ran twice - error "Records are currently in use". SPORADIC iBistro searching problem. SIRSI.NET - .GIF changed in top right corner of OPAC. June-September 2007 Summary ILS Incident Log Continued... Incident 245140 245142 245883 247195 Received 8/30/07 8/30/07 9/7/07 9/20/07 Closed 9/17/07 8/30/07 9/21/07 Description -fold notified during sus- pension. Portal incident. Unicorn receipts. Browse not going to cor- rect place in author index. PC Management Session & Environment Use: Four Month Totals Location Dove Adult Lab Career Center Email Walkup Children's Centre All Cole Adult Email Children's This table does not reflect offline use. Sessions 5,818 440 5,109 11,247 2,342 1,121 9,624 1,397 3,511 Minutes Used 362,423 35,164 49,554 395,980 125,379 54,722 425,628 15,850 169,382 Computer Type Summary: Four Month Totals Computer Type Adult Lab PC's Career Center Centra Children Lab PC's Email Walkup Sessions 15,442 440 1,121 5,853 6,506 11,247 Minutes Used 788,051 35,164 54,722 294,761 65,404 395,980 Eune-September 2007 Summary Monthly Help Desk Ticket Log Locations Total Cole 73 ALP 1 Centre 3 Dove 100 Culminating Totals 191 EMSc Database and VEMS Server outages Issue Scheduled outage. Scheduled outage. Unexpected out- age. Scheduled outage. Scheduled outage. Unexpected out- age. Date 6/18/2007 7/16/07 8/1/07 8/8/07 8/20/07 9/10/07 Downtime 2:00 AM 2:00 AM 8:30 AM 9:30 AM 2:00 AM 8:00 AM Description Microsoft updates. Microsoft updates. System was in a hung state for the night. Both database and webservers were down. Microsoft updates. System was down for 8 hours. RFID Equipment Issues Issue Diverter outage Date Resolved 8/21/07 Downtime Varied Description Problems with the first and second diverter. Both units were replaced. Impacts were felt for one week.