HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-01-16; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved ITEM #2 Corrects* MINUTES MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 PLACE OF MEETING: Georgina Cole Library Community Room 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive CALL TO ORDER: Chair Bill Kamenjarin called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Bradley, Kamenjarin, Lignante, Swette and Tarman Absent: None Also Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Phyllis Johnson representing NSDCGS Carolyn Taylor, League of Women Voters observer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held December 19, 2007 were approved with one correction to the list of members present. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Swette asked if the statistics for public computer use would be a factor in the budget for next year and did these figures indicate a need for the Library to provide more public access computers? Library Director Pizzuto responded that this was the first month that the Library had captured the statistics and the results probably were not representative of the overall annual use. The Library would prefer to continue to collect the data and then analyze the figures over a longer period of use before making any large assumptions about the distribution of use. She added that changes in location for any of the public access computer might prove difficult as the facilities themselves restrict the locations and numbers of computers. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of January 16, 2008 Meeting Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the Board could have this information for the next couple of months and Library Director Pizzuto responded that it was the Library's intention to include the statistics on a quarterly basis in the technology report and Trustee Kamenjarin responded that would be satisfactory. Trustee Kamenjarin referenced the City's change to a new voicemail system and that he has difficulty in getting out of the recorded message tree to a number up in the Administration section. Library Director Pizzuto responded that the City is still working out some issues with the new system and the Library was asking for some changes to the tree as well. Trustee Swette added that on the occasion when he has used directory assistance the number they give him each time is different, and Library Director Pizzuto responded that the Library has the direct number listed for each of the public service areas and that the number released by the operator at any given time is solely at the individual's discretion. The Library will provide administrative phone numbers for the Library Board use to ensure ease of access to staff. CARLSBAD READS TOGETHER: Community Coordinator Jessica Padilla Bowen distributed screen-shots of the website promoting the Carlsbad Reads Together program for 2008 and containing a list of the programs that have been confirmed, including a performance by a group from Ghana. She added that there are more programs in the planning stages. Copies of the books have been received, with the Friends of the Library purchasing an additional 75 copies to add to the collection. In addition, Taffy Cannon has been collecting titles by Alexander McCall Smith received as donations in the Friends of the Library bookstore, allowing the Library to expand its collection even more. A number of his books have also been purchased in Spanish. The final details of Alexander McCall Smith's appearance are being worked out and will include a question and answer session, book signing and books for sale. She added that the Library is working on providing the lecture via closed circuit to the Gowland Meeting Room and possibly the City Council Chambers, in order to accommodate a larger audience. The Resource Guide is being prepared and will be available earlier than in previous years. The Guide will include information about Botswana since that is the setting for the books and the Library is partnering with the San Diego Wild Animal Park to bring some animals from Africa for a program before one of the movies. A separate group, Pacific Animal Production, will be bringing their Out of Africa show to the Cole Library in conjunction with the movie schedule for that location. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of January 16, 2008 Meeting Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the Library would be promoting the program with banners this year and Community Coordinator Padilla Bowen responded that the City now has permanent display structures for special events and she is exploring with Recreation the possible use of the display spaces as the dates for our program overlap with their Extravaganza Event. BUDGET CALENDAR FOR FY 2008-09: Library Director Pizzuto pointed out that although the calendar in the packet was marked "draft" it has now been confirmed as the final schedule. Management Analyst Mast reviewed significant deadlines on the calendar to include the Department Budgets due in Finance on February 25th, and reported that the Leadership Team had approved the index rate for this next fiscal year as 3.8% which represents an increase of 2.5% for inflation and 1.3% growth and is the same for all departments. Library Director Pizzuto added that more information on the budget would be forthcoming at future Library Board meetings. CALTAC MEMBERSHIP & SOUTHERN WORKSHOP: Library Director Pizzuto announced that the membership for the Trustees has already been renewed for the next year and called the Board's attention to the workshop scheduled for March 15th at the Orange Public Library and History Center. A copy of the program for the workshop was provided in the packet and Library Director Pizzuto asked that any Trustee who was interested in attending should let the Administrative Secretary know by February 8th in order to meet the registration deadline. LIBRARY LEARNING CENTER UPDATE: Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that the crew is working on the final coat of stucco for the building and most of the drywall is up with the exception of the ceiling, all of which the Board will see during the tour scheduled to immediately follow this meeting. She will be meeting with Human Resources tomorrow to review the applications received for the Principal Librarian recruitment. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the project was still on schedule to which she responded in the affirmative. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of January 16, 2008 Meeting DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that in accordance with the Brown Act, the Board may not discuss or take any action on an issue raised during Public Comment. She added that she did want to provide some information on the Schulman Auditorium use which was a question raised by a speaker during Public Comment at the last meeting. Preliminary statistics for the 2007 calendar year indicate that the Schulman Auditorium was in use 44.6% of the available hours, for events, set-up and take-down connected with the events, janitorial service and equipment maintenance and repair. She added that everything that occurs in the Schulman Auditorium must be supported by staff because of the technology and oversight of the space; therefore, for the Library to increase the usage of the auditorium would most likely require the addition of staff. The Library routinely looks at all the services as part of the budget process to determine needs for reallocating staffing or resources among the various existing services the Library has to offer. At this point the Library does not feel that supporting additional programs and services in the auditorium outweighs the need to support other Library services because the auditorium is already pretty well utilized. Library Director Pizzuto added that the Media Services annual report would be an agenda item in the spring and would contain more detailed information about the use of the Gowland Meeting Room and the Schulman Auditorium. Trustee Bradley asked if the speaker from the last meeting would be supplied with this information and Library Director Pizzuto responded that he would be notified when the Media Services report would be on the agenda and that she would also contact him by telephone to relay the current information to him. Library Internet Filtering - Library Director Pizzuto reported that the City Council had received an inquiry from a member of the public, James Lambert, requesting a meeting with the Council to discuss the lack of filtering of the Children's internet computers in the Library. Mr. Lambert has met separately with the Mayor and Council Members Kulchin and Packard with the Library Director also attending. The City is still processing some of the questions and concerns that Mr. Lambert shared and he has offered to provide the Council with what he believes to be legal opinions and findings that suggest to him that the Library should change its policy on open internet access. Library Director Pizzuto continued that the Board of Trustees will be kept informed and the item will be on the agenda of a future meeting after the Library has received appropriate opinions from the City Attorney's office. Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of January 16, 2008 Meeting Trustee Swette asked if Mr. Lambert or his children had experienced any specific incident and Library Director Pizzuto responded that he had not, but had generally inquired about the Library's policy. Recruitments - The Principal Librarian recruitment closed recently and Deputy Library Director Smithson will be meeting with Human Resources tomorrow to look at the pool of applicants. The Media Services Production Technician oral board was conducted last week and departmental interviews will be schedule in early February. Library Technician Susan Gutierrez, who has been the technician in the Local History Room, recently completed her Master of Library and Information Science degree and has accepted a position with the San Diego County Library. She will be leaving the end of this month. The Library will be recruiting on an interim basis to fill the part time position while making an assessment of what the appropriate level of staffing should be for the Local History room. Sirsi Relocation of Server - The current physical location of the servers has been sold and Sirsi is forced to relocate the equipment. A new location has been chosen and on February 1st and overnight into the morning of February 2nd, the Library servers will be relocated, creating a change in the IP addresses. Both City IT staff and Library technology staff are assigned to monitor that transition with the hopes of very little if any impact on the public. FOUNDATION REPORT: Reporting for the Foundation, Trustee Jerry Tarman advised that the Foundation Board met with the newly selected officers who primary focus for the year is the capital campaign. They are engaging the services of a new company to provide training and support for the running the capital campaign. The annual Home Tour committee has already accepted four homes in north Carlsbad, one on the beach, and is looking for one in south Carlsbad to add to the tour. Tickets for the tour are now available on the Foundation's website along with a package deal that includes a luncheon at the historical Kruetzkamp house catered by Viggiluchi's. They are also promoting the event in print on the City's calendar, in the Community Services Guide and in the current issue of Carlsbad Magazine. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Library Director Pizzuto reported that the Friends of the Library have not met since the last meeting of this Board. Library Board of Trustees Page 6 Minutes of January 16, 2008 Meeting __ _ NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Reporting for the Genealogical Society, Phyllis Johnson reviewed the highlights of the January programs. She additionally announced the beginner classes for genealogy research will begin again on February 9th. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Kamenjarin referenced an article in the year-end double issue of the New Yorker magazine on the decline in literacy and reading in America. He asked that a copy of that article be provided to the members of the Board. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 4:30 PM and the all attendees were invited to take the tour of the Library Learning Center project. A Cissie Administrative Secretary