HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-02-20; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: MINUTES ITEM #2 MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 PLACE OF MEETING: Board Room - Carlsbad City Library 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Chair Bill Kamenjarin called the meeting to order at 4:02 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Bradley, Kamenjarin, Swette and Tarman Absent: Trustee Lignante Also Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Devin Castel, Library Business Systems Specialist Marg Kealey, NSDCGS Carolyn Taylor, League of Women Voters observer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held January 16, 2008 were approved with changes. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Kamenjarin asked for a status report on the number of learners on the waiting list for the literacy program. Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that at times the list has been as large as 20 to 30 waiting but that currently it is at its historic low with probably ten learners waiting for a tutor. She added that those learners waiting for the one-to-one match-up with a tutor are invited to join some of the group sessions while they are waiting. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if there was on-going recruitment for more tutors and Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that the program has regularly scheduled training sessions for tutors for which we actively recruit; however, the actual space available for the pairs is limited. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of February 20, 2008 Meeting Trustee Kamenjarin noted the number of patrons waiting for computers at the Cole location and asked if there were plans to increase the number available. Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that the Library is asking for one more computer in the budget for 2008-09. Currently there are three stand-up stations providing access to the catalog as well as some sit-down ones in the computer lab. Plans are to convert two of those catalog computers to add Internet access and add one more stand-up machine for catalog searching. Trustees Kamenjarin and Swette asked if any consideration was being given to an interim solution and Library Director Pizzuto explained that ultimately the solution will be increased space for computers through the opening of the Library Learning Center. With the availability of wireless access and added electricity in the Cole building, we've increased our capacity by accommodating additional laptop use. Trustee Kamenjarin suggested allowing patrons to use the computers up in Genealogy for Internet access during non-peak hours and Deputy Library Director Smithson agreed that was an option but that routinely the reduced availability of the Internet access computers occurs in the early afternoon, when all the areas of the Library are busy. Library Director Pizzuto explained that once the Library Learning Center opens, the number of Library computers in north Carlsbad will be closer to the number available at the Library on Dove Lane. Trustee Tarman questioned the large number of programs and attendance reported for the Cole Library in the month of January and Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that the numbers are correct as many of the programs are held back-to-back in order to accommodate the number of attendees. The Board discussed the increase in the use statistics for the month of January and what impact, if any, the opening of the new library in Encinitas might have. PUBLIC INTERNET USE: Library Director Pizzuto explained that this item on the agenda is informational, not requiring any action by the Board, but brought before them to refresh their memory of the current policy in view of the inquiry and concerns expressed by a patron, Mr. Lambert, to the Mayor and City Council Members last month. She offered to respond to any questions from the Board on the existing policy as well as update them on the status of current Internet management activity, research, and best practice review efforts undertaken. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of February 20, 2008 Meeting She added that to-date the Library has not had any further correspondence from Mr. Lambert but that subsequent to the first complaint, the City Attorney has again reviewed the policy and has found no changes in laws or legislation that would in any way change the opinion provided to the Library in 2004. Library Director Pizzuto explained that currently the Library electronically monitors all Internet use. Daily reports are produced listing sites accessed on computers in the children's areas that fall into two specific categories: nudity and pornography. These reports are provided to the Deputy Library Directors for review and when appropriate they request a log which will identify the actual amount of time spent at the site which helps in determining if the hit was accidental or intentional. Deputy Library Director Curtis reported that in a typical month there are about 1500 children's sessions on the Internet and last month the Library found it necessary to ask for logs only four times. Three of those four sessions resulted in a "first warning letter" sent to the child and parents. While the fourth was identified as a site meeting the monitoring system's definitions of nudity or pornography, upon further investigation it proved to be falsely classified. There was some discussion of receiving reports for all the Internet access computers and Library Director Pizzuto responded that the Library is testing this particular approach to see if it will serve our purpose. She added that the challenge is not violating First Amendment Rights while protecting the safety of children. To that purpose, the Library does not want to over-monitor and is trying to use the least invasive method to identify and respond aggressively to inappropriate use. Trustee Kamenjarin asked for information about other libraries' practices in Internet monitoring and filtering. Library Director Pizzuto responded that this is not a new topic. The issue of filtering and Internet access is a decade-old discussion in libraries as to what is the best way of managing Internet use in a public facility. This Library has requested information from other libraries on their use of filters, their non-use of filters, current filtering capabilities and best practices for managing the Internet in public libraries. She continued that the San Jose Public Library is facing a similar issue where a member of their City Council had requested its library look at filtering and currently they are in the stage of analysis and review of filtering software. They have recently tested several products and have shared their conclusions with the library community. The San Jose Library has also received an expression of concern from the ACLU indicating their position that it is inadvisable to filter. Clearly there are two sides to the issue and it is very important for the Library to consider all the angles before considering any policy changes. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of February 20, 2008 Meeting Trustee Swette expressed concern over the possibility of inadvertent access to inappropriate sites by children and Library Director Pizzuto explained that the Library would like to avoid any inadvertent access but the dilemma is that research currently shows that filtering devices attempting to block the inadvertent also block constitutionally protected material. She continued that there may never be the ability for either a human being or an automated system to keep ahead of how people chose to use the Internet to distribute information and images. Trustee Swette asked if the Library could provide statistics that would indicate the number of inappropriate site visits in relation to the total number of site visits overall. Library Director Pizzuto responded that we could provide those numbers but that it was important to remember that some of the sites showing up on the report identified as nudity or pornography are inaccurate because the filters work off terminology not visual images. LIBRARY BRANDING PROJECT: Community Coordinator Jessica Padilla Bowen reported that she has been working on a committee for the City's branding project for a little over a year, looking for a way to brand City services and the Library decided to also take a look at its logo in conjunction with the opening of the Library Learning Center. The Library has been working with the same consultant being used in the City-wide level project. The Library team has been meeting with the consultant to discuss the messages of customer service specific to this Library and what we have to offer. The goal is to come up with the new logo by the end of the fiscal year and in time for the opening of the Learning Center but that depends on how many iterations the designer needs to bring to the group. In response to an earlier question, Library Director Pizzuto added that we will be bringing the Board several samples of the possibilities before any decisions are made. PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND ALLOCATION: Library Director Pizzuto advised that the attached letter shows the amount of PLF funds the Library will receive this year and pointed out the State's budget cuts continue to reduce the allocation. She reminded the Board that the California Library Association has issued an appeal to contact representatives in Sacramento to try to protect the fund from any greater reductions. UNIQUE MANAGEMENT UPDATE: Deputy Library Director Curtis reported that during the three month trial period with this materials recovery service we averaged $2,000 in cash collections each month and $6,000 in returned materials. The Library has entered into a contract with Unique Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of February 20, 2008 Meeting Management and will begin to send the long-overdue accounts (up to three years) which represents an additional 1100 past due accounts, spread out over the next three months. Trustee Kamenjarin asked about an amnesty day and Library Director Pizzuto responded that it is an organizational decision as it represents a waiving of fees, giving away public funds. LIBRARY LEARNING CENTER UPDATE: Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that the exterior stucco is finished and the contractor is installing drywall and windows. The next notable project will be the installation of the playground equipment for Head Start. Grand Opening plans are in preliminary development and likely dates are one of the first two Saturdays in August. She also reported that the recruitment for the Principal Librarian did not net a significant pool of applicants and the Library, with advice from Human Resources, has chosen to close the recruitment for now and instead hire an interim Principal Librarian for a limited term. The Library offered the position to Carol Naegele, who recently retired from Oceanside Public Library as their Principal Librarian. The recruitment for the Community Outreach Supervisor position for the literacy program will probably be announced in early March. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Sirs! Migration - At the last minute, the date for the migration to the new remote server was pushed back at the request of Sirsi, but was successfully completed by Monday, February 4th. The test server is still not up as our internal system administrator has been out of the country on vacation. The City's IT staff was quick to change their overnight schedule from Friday as originally planned to Sunday with less than 2 hours' notice of the change, for which the Library is very grateful. Recruitment on Media Services Production Technician - Departmental interviews were conducted at the beginning of the month and the final selection and reference checks are underway. Foundation gift - The Foundation has received a gift of $25,000 representing the first naming opportunity gift for the capital campaign. Knox and June Williams have chosen one of the Community Coordinator offices as a memorial to their son, Drue. The agenda bill for approval of the naming request is expected to be on the agenda for the City Council on March 4th. Library Board of Trustees Page 6 Minutes of February 20, 2008 Meeting Departmental Goals - One of the Library goals for this year was to create an improved method and process for responding to public input and increased use of that feedback to monitor trends in services. The customer comment card has been redesigned and is in use on a trial basis at the Dove Lane facility. The next step will be to look at the process for how we handle the information we receive on the card and create the most effective system for routing the information to appropriate individuals to take action and archiving the information for tracking purposes. Public Library Staff Education Grant - This Library has applied for these grant funds for several years on behalf of part time Library employees completing their Masters degree in Library and Information Science. The grant is through the California State Library and we have had a number of part time employees successfully compete for these funds. The Library is applying again this year and has at least three employees who have expressed an interest in applying. Audio system upgrade in Schulman Auditorium - A major capital project this year was improvement to the audio system and the Library has chosen a vendor and will begin the upgrade next week. Every effort is being made to prevent the upgrade from interfering with scheduled programming. Book donation - Local author John Corcoran is one of the graduates of the Library's Adult Learning Program and has written his second book and provided advance copies for the Library Board trustees and the Mayor and City Council. Mr. Corcoran has been on the media circuit with interviews on Channel 10, CNN, BBC and some discussion about Inside Edition. The Library has received requests for information and possibly interviews with our literacy staff. City's General Plan Update - As part of the update for its general plan, the City has requested that the chair and vice chair of this Board participate in their Community forum. CARLSBAD LIBRARY AND ARTS FOUNDATION: Trustee Tarman reported that he attended the February 5th meeting where they discussed managing the capital campaign, looking at available options, approved the operating budget for the year and received an update on the Castles of Carlsbad home tour. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Library Director Pizzuto reported that at their meeting on January 21st the Friends decided to open the book store, on a trial basis, on Sundays during the month of February. Library Board of Trustees Page 7 Minutes of February 20, 2008 Meeting _ NORTH SAN DIEGO COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Board Liaison Marg Kealey reported their membership is up to 523 as they celebrate their 40th anniversary year. She reviewed the programs held in January and February. She announced that the evening class on genealogy research will begin again on February 25th. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Bradley commented that she liked the new customer suggestion card and Trustee Kamenjarin offered some input on the design of the card and what does and does not work in his experience in measuring customer satisfaction. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:28 PM Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #3 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for January 2008 Systemwide ... 1. The Serra Cooperative Library System's 4th Annual Summer Reading Program (SRP) Conference was held at the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane on January 24th. All youth services library staff in San Diego and Imperial Counties were invited to this event in which librarians presented ideas for planning and implementing a successful program. Carlsbad Library staff members Amy Jordan, Barbara Chung, and Amanda Eisman presented at the conference; their featured topic was how the Carlsbad Library accepts, trains and makes use of SRP volunteers. Participants asked many questions following the presentation and it was requested that Carlsbad place its application and training materials on Serra's SRP wiki for the library community to review or use as a template. The 2008 Summer Reading Program theme for children is "Catch the Reading Bug" and the theme for teens is Metamorphosis@your library. 2. On Sunday, January 16th, the Library hosted a poetry writing workshop led by Joseph Milosch. The workshop was at maximum capacity, with more than 40 local poets attending. 3. The Library had its first meeting with branding consultant and designer Bennett Peji, to begin work on designing an updated Library logo. The design effort is being executed in tandem with a Citywide goal to design a new City logo. 4. The Library hosted local authors J. Strkyer Meyer and Deke Houlgate for a discussion led by Taffy Cannon. Approximately 24 people attended the talk and signing. CCL, Dove Lane... 5. The Children's Division hosted Ms. Frizzle on January 10th. Her interactive program about bees was enjoyed by parents as well as children. 6. January's Science Saturday was about flight. The new program attracted 27 children and adults, as well as a photographer from a local newspaper. Photos in the paper have resulted in the San Diego Air and Space Museum contacting Fred Vrabel to explore possible collaborations. 7. January's Pizza and a Movie program was held on January 25th. 16 teens were treated to pizza, drinks and a screening of the Disney animated film, Meet the Robinsons. 8. Reference staff members conducted Library tours for two different groups in January. On January 4th, librarian Dione Sobin gave a tour to four members of a local writers' group, and on January 16th, librarian Leila Dooley gave one to a group of ten students from the Army/Navy Academy. Each group was given a general overview of the building, a lesson on using the Library Catalog, and an introduction to the databases and other services offered by the Library. Monthly Library Reports for January 2008 9. January's TV programming featured "Ross Karre", recorded live in the Schulman Auditorium. Library programs are regularly shown repeatedly on Time Warner community cable television (channel 19), KOCT Oceanside and on Del Mar Access TV. Georgina Cole ... 10. As part of the Library's "Marketplace" project, new display pieces were installed at the Cole Library including "slat-wall" end panels, and mobile octagon-shaped "wedding cake" pieces in both the adult and children's areas. 11. The Cole Adult Computer Lab continues to be very busy with queues of 6 to 9 people waiting most afternoons. We are evaluating the possibility of converting one or two of our catalog computers into Internet stations. 12. Reference Librarian Karen Maynor taught 4 Basic Internet classes with a total of 19 learners. Library Technician Dan Wood taught 2 Internet Tips and Tricks classes with 14 learners and 2 E-Mail classes with 9 learners. 13. The Tuesday Evening Book Club had 16 members attend the discussion of "The Sparrow" by Mary Doria Russell led by Librarian Missy Shaw. 14. The Thursday Afternoon Book Club had 9 people attend the discussion of "Marley and Me" by John Grogan by Librarian Kimiko Morita. 15. History Room part-time Library Technician Susan Gutierrez completed her MLIS in December and has accepted a position as a full-time Librarian I with San Diego County Library's Vista Branch. Susan has worked in the History Room since it was established in 2000. Staff created a DVD with Susan presenting an overview of the collections and procedures for staff training purposes. 16. Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol presented a lecture on the Library's new subscription database Footnote.com to the Computer Genealogy Group on January 8 with 88 people in attendance. The follow-up hands-on workshop two days later had 12 participants. 17. On January 22, guest speaker Anne Miller presented a lecture on "Evaluating Genealogical Sources" to the North San Diego County Genealogical Society with 90 people in attendance. 18. The Cole Youth Services Division offered a total of 59 programs in January for children and teens with a total attendance of 1,559. Toddler Storytime attendance is increasing 63 toddlers and parents in one session. Also very popular was this month's Passport to Adventure highlighting Peru with guest presenter, Jason Medina, from the Programs and Graphics division. Adult Learning... 19. The AmeriCorps final report for 2007 was completed and submitted. AmeriCorps members Ha Schmidt and Geoff Armour have both returned for their second (and Monthly Library Reports for January 2008 final) terms of service. Approximately one-third of state-wide AmeriCorps members are returning, which is a record for California Library Literacy Services. Interim Literacy Coordinator Carrie Scott and AmeriCorps members attended the annual AmeriCorps training held in San Diego. 20. The first session of the Adult Learner Leadership Institute was held at the Cole Library Community Room. Eleven learners representing the Carlsbad, Escondido, and Oceanside literacy programs attended the day-long workshop presented by two adult-learner facilitators. Centre de Informacion ... 21. On January 16th, Lizeth Simonson attended the monthly meeting of the Carlsbad Youth Enrichment Services (Y.E.S.) at the Barrio Museum in Carlsbad. Mr. Robert Rivas from Encuentros Leadership of North County spoke to the audience about how this organization is helping young adults to stay in school and how other community organizations can help to reduce the number of students that drop-out of High School or College. The meeting ended with announcements from other community organizations including comments from Cole Children's Senior Librarian Marsha Weeks who discussed opportunities for teens at the Library. 22. On January 10th, two computer class series taught in Spanish began at the Centra. The two groups meet on Thursday mornings before the Centra opens. Writing on the Computer 1: Keyboarding and Writing on the Computer 2: Microsoft Word. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - JANUARY 2008 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Jan-07 12,682 74,663 15,738** 14,004 6,577 35,516 21,984 8,084 180/44 665/104 1,909/* 120/* 33 500 6 58 99 2,521 13,807 852 7,070 14,822 323 3,796 85 4,213 14 1,312.3 Dec-07 11,560 63,941 28,169 8,638 5,674 27,055 17,633 6,939 179/50 687/102 1,7987* 1157* 10 210 7 94 84 1,934 11,143 583 6,704 23,827 178 6,980 63 2,471 21 1,192.75 Jan-08 14,149 78,628 34,141 12,908 7,001 33,229 21,424 9,085 188/38 881/177 1,809/* 1607* 34 516 8 97 102 2,728 13,462 828 7,469 24,655 268 7,248 92 3,597 26 1,305 * Not reported. ** Door count through Jan 13; malfunction. 10/9/07 ITEM # 4 PUBLIC INTERNET USE Purpose: Fairness of Access to Patrons Upholding Citizens' Rights Intellectual Freedom POLICY: The Library offers public access computers at all of its full-service facilities. Internet access, as well as a variety of software applications, is made available on these computers. • All patrons must have a signed Carlsbad City Library Internet & Computer User Agreement on file, as well as a library account in good standing in order to use a public access computer. • Children (under the age of 18) must have parental consent to use a public access computer. • Visitors who do not qualify for a library card may use the computers for a maximum of two weeks with a user agreement on file. Internet access on public access computers is unfiltered. Illegal activities are not permitted. Prohibited or suspicious activities will be investigated and information collected in the course of an investigation will be handled confidentially. The computer privileges of patrons engaged in activities contrary to the Library's computer use policies may be suspended for one year. Additional guidelines and restrictions for use of the computers are outlined in a handout Carlsbad City Library Public Access Computers, available at the Reference, Computer Lab and Information desks. Some computers are specifically designated for particular applications or user groups, for example: job and career research; express email checking; guaranteed access for children. Policies and procedures related to public access computers are regularly reviewed and updated due to changing legislation and court challenges related to Internet access. *Approved by the Library Board of Trustees - January 21, 2004 ITEM # 6 CALIFORNIA .STATE LIBRARY FOUND F. D 1850 MEMORANDUM TO: Public Library Directors cc: Fiscal Officers System Coordinators FROM: Susan Hildreth State Librarian of California DATE: January 15,2008 SUBJECT: Public Library Fund Allocations, 2007-08 The certification process of local revenue for the allocation of the 2007-08 Public Library Fund (PLF) has been completed and allotment payment to local libraries has been initiated at the level of $14,360,000, as appropriated in the FY 2007-08 enacted state budget. The list of public libraries qualifying, together with their PLF allocations for 2007-08, is attached. Four (4) libraries did not qualify in this cycle for a PLF allotment due to non-submission or inability to meet the required maintenance of effort. Allocations for those libraries are shown as "0" in columns 4 and 5. If you have questions or need further information, please contact Ira Bray at (916) 653-0171, email ibray@library.ca.gov. Attachment 11822-1 Library - Courts Building P.O. Box 942837 Sacramento, CA 94237-0001 PUBLICLIBRARY FUND FY 2007/2008 (Payment Based on Population) At 100% Funding Public Library Alameda Alameda Co. Alhambra Alpine Co. Altadena L.D. Amador Co. Anaheim Arcadia Azusa City Banning library District Beaumont L.D. Belevedere-Tiburon Benicia Berkeley Beverly Hills Brawley Buena Park L.D. Burbank Burlingame Butte Co. Calabasas Calaveras Co. Camarena (Calexico) Carlsbad City Carmel (Harrison) Cerritos Chula Vista Coalinga-Huron U.S.D. Cotton Colusa Co. City of Commerce Contra Costa Co. Corona Coronado Covina Daly City Del Norte Co.L.D. Dixon Public Library District Downey City El Centra Population FY 07/08 75,254 527,926 89,488 1,261 55,205 38,435 345,556 56,556 48,640 30,816 52,893 11,031 27,916 106,347 36,084 25,694 82,452 107,921 36,801 218,069 23,652 46,028 37.552 101,337 4,053 54,943 227,723 28,496 51,797 21,951 13,494 938,513 146,164 22,957 49,720 106,160 • 29,341 25,907 113,587 42,071 Local Appropriation 3,212,991 26,190,338 2,383,338 356,071 2,275,704 910,677 11,228,762 2,918,489 1,278,095 1,035,466 750,000 1,292,931 1,106,186 13,217,248 9,269,399 484,357 2,099,533 5,903,942 3,397,286 2,680,193 1,374,600 591,116 789.853 9,354,275 879,465 5,634,650 7,448,499 1,018,000 1,407,267 565,738 3,002,685 26,032,478 3,008,951 2,132,420 3,264,036 174,992 1,032,499 2,630,099 545,116 Meets MOE Y/N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Total Cost of PLF Program 1 x $2.686 202,132 1,418,009 240,365 3,387 148,281 103,236 928,163 151,909 130,647 82,772 142,071 29,629 74,982 285,648 96,922 69,014 221,466 289,876 98,847 585,733 63,529 123,631 100,865 272,191 10,886 147,577 0 76,540 139,127 58,960 36,245 2,520,846 392,597 61,663 0 285,146 78,810 69,586 305,095 113,003 Proportionally Funded Allocation 1 X .38413849359 28,908 202,797 34,376 484 21,206 14,764 132,741 21,725 18,684 11,838 20,318 4,237 10,724 40,852 13,861 9,870 31,673 41,457 14,137 83,769 9,086 17,681 14,425 38,927 1,557 21,106 0 10,946 19,897 8,432 5,184 360,519 56,147 8,819 0 40,780 11,271 9,952 43,633 16,161 1/10/2008 FinPtF07 (3).XLS