HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-04-16; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved ITEM #2 - — - MINUTES MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 PLACE OF MEETING: Georgina Cole Community Room _ 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive _ CALL TO ORDER: Chair Bill Kamenjarin called the meeting to order at 4:06 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Bradley, Kamenjarin, Swette and Tarman Absent: None - Trustee Lignante arriving at 4:12 pm Also Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Carol Naegele, Principal Librarian Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Devin Castel, Library Business Systems Specialist Marg Kealey, NSDCGS Liaison Carolyn Taylor, League of Women Voters observer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held March 19, 2008 were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Swette had questions about attendance at the new 4th Tuesday Teen Workshop and Deputy Library Director Curtis responded that as a new program only in its second month, we were happy with the numbers. The workshop topics will change each month so attendance will probably vary with each topic. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the workshops could be video-taped and Deputy Library Director Curtis responded that taping the workshop would require releases from the participants but that the Library does have the capability of creating PSA about research tips, etc. Trustee Swette commented on the Adult Learners participating in the Carlsbad Reads Together program this year. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of April 16, 2008 Meeting Deputy Library Director Smithson commented that the Centra patrons were also participating by reading the Spanish translation and Library Director Pizzuto added that it was one of the benefits of selecting a book for the program that is accessible to the general community. Trustee Tarman has a question about the internship program at Carlsbad High School in which Sr. Librarian Barbara Chung took part. Deputy Library Director Curtis explained that Ms. Chung was asked to participate by conducting mock interviews for the participants in the program but the Library was not directly involved it the program. Trustee Bradley expressed interest in having more information about the program, specifically the interview experience provided. BUDGET SUMMARY REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto reported that the Library has submitted the budget for initial review by the Finance Department. Library Management Analyst Cheryl Mast distributed copies of the summary page reporting no significant changes for FY08-09 budget. Trustee Swette asked why there was an increase in personnel costs when the number of FTE is reduced, and Management Analyst Mast responded that there are the annual salary increases and the increase in benefit costs. Library Director Pizzuto added that this is what the Library budgets for the next year but does not necessarily spend, depending on vacancies and open positions during the year. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if there would be changes to hours and personnel with the opening of the Learning Center and Management Analyst Mast responded that initially there would not be any changes in hours in following the City's mandate of no new or expanded programs. Library Director Pizzuto added that over time the Library would be analyzing usage and demand to assess any needs for change in hours of operation and staffing levels. She added that because the original construction project was submitted without additional FTE called out, the Library is working within our means to staff the facility and redeploying FTE resulting from RFID implementation as opportunities arise. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the Adult Learning Program is currently open on weekends and Principal Librarian Carol Naegele responded that the program operates during the evening but not on weekends. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of April 16, 2008 Meeting Trustee Bradley asked about the feasibility of using high school students as volunteers in the Learning Center and Library Director Pizzuto responded that the Library already uses volunteers in many capacities and that with the opening of the Learning Center there would be more opportunities. Management Analyst Mast called the Board's attention to the budget breakdown by Library Division showing actual expenditures for the current fiscal year and the allocation for the next. She added that there were no anticipated major capital outlay expenditures and the Dove Lane Parking Lot project is on the City's Capital Improvement Project (CIP) list waiting on a decision from the Leadership Team as to funding. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if funds to cover large repair costs were included in the Library budget, such as an HVAC issue, and Library Director Pizzuto explained that routine maintenance costs for City facilities are included in the Public Works budget and in the case of a larger unexpected cost the money would probably come out of the Library's contingency fund or the General Fund, depending on the amount required. Trustee Swette asked if the Library could use the contingency funds to cover additional staff and longer hours at the Library Learning Center and Library Director Pizzuto explained that the contingency money can only be used for one-time costs, not for additional staff or ongoing programs. The Board then discussed the amount showing in the budget as Gifts and Bequests and Friends of the Library and Management Analyst Mast explained that the numbers represent anticipated donations for the purpose of budgeting. By proper motion and vote the Board approved the submitted budget for FY08-09. TECHNOLOGY REPORT: Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel reviewed the highlights of the most recent technology report covering January through March of 2008. The Board was particularly interested in the disparity of wireless Internet use with the number of users at Cole significantly higher than at Dove Lane. Deputy Library Director Smithson suggested that both the number of wired computers available for public use as well as the Cole's proximity to Interstate 5 are probably factors. Business Systems Specialist Castel added that wireless access at the Dove lane location was problematic during this period. Also of interest were the top categories of sites visited on the Internet by Library patrons and total utilization of computers available. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of April 16, 2008 Meeting Business Systems Specialist Castel explained that trying to use the number of "sessions" to analyze computer usage is difficult as different areas count "sessions" in different ways and the length of sessions vary. Library Director Pizzuto added that it makes it very difficult to analyze utilization by facility for the same reason. Trustee Swette pointed out that the reason the Board asked for this information in the first place was to determine if the Library has adequate computer resources for the patrons. Library Director Pizzuto responded that the answer is pretty complex as it is necessary to look at the hybrid of how often and how long the computers are used and Business Systems Specialist Castel is looking at a weighted utilization percentage. She added that the Library is looking forward to the day when the City develops a data warehouse and the Library has offered to be the beta site for the City's IT Department. The data warehouse would allow us to take information from disparate systems and connect the dots between the systems to measure their success and usage. We anticipate this will allow us to draw more complex and detailed analyses from the numbers. Right now we take information from one system and connect it to information from another in a very manual way. PLA CONFERENCE REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto reported that she and three other Library staff members attended the Public Library Association's conference in Minneapolis last month. She distributed a summary of the major themes of the conference and the schedule of break-out sessions offered, and advised the Board that many of the handouts and copies of the presentations were available online. She explained that the Conference is held every two years offering the very best opportunity for networking and material purely of interest to public libraries. Library Director Pizzuto, Deputy Library Director Curtis and Deputy Library Director Smithson provided the Board with a brief overview of the various workshops they attended. LIBRARY LEARNING CENTER: Principal Librarian Carol Naegele reported that the parking lot is paved and the concrete work is done around the tot lot, and the Board will be able to see these and more physical changes during the tour scheduled to follow this meeting. Meanwhile, she has been working with Technical Services for the remapping of the two collections (Centra and Adult Learning) in the catalog, and securing bids on the moving costs. The Centra is scheduled to close on July 11 , the Adult Learning Program will Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of April 16, 2008 Meeting _____ close July 18th. Both will move into the new facility on July 22nd. The actual grand opening date is still unconfirmed as it is dependant on the delivery of the furniture. Principal Librarian Naegele added that there seems to be increased interest in the Learning Center as the opening date gets closer. Library representatives recently attended a Rotary luncheon where Library Director Pizzuto made a presentation, and also a recent YES meeting, where there were numerous questions about the facility. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the Learning Center would be open prior to the Grand Opening celebration. The tentative opening date is August 23 which would mean the Centra would be closed for six to seven weeks and the Adult Learning program suspended for a month. Principal Librarian Naegele responded that they are looking for alternative sites for the tutors and learners to meet but the Learning Center will be undergoing continual testing of equipment by the IT staff and training of the staff on all the new technology incorporated into the facility. Deputy Library Director Smithson explained that the time necessary for testing of the technology is more difficult than when the main Library moved to Dove Lane because it requires removing the computers from their current locations and reinstalling them at the new location. The computers in the new Library were all brand new and installed without any impact on operations at the old location. Trustee Swette asked about the Summer Reading Program for the Centra children and Principal Librarian Naegele responded that they would be able to participate at Centra for four weeks. Deputy Library Director Smithson added that the families enrolled at the program at Centra would be sent a special invitation to participate in the events at the Cole Library while Centra is moving. Library Director Pizzuto remarked that there would also be some special summer programs after the opening. Trustee Kamenjarin expressed concern over the length of time the two programs would be closed and Library Director Pizzuto explained that the patrons would be encouraged to use the Cole and that we are fortunate that it is close by. Principal Librarian Naegele added that both the user groups are so excited about the new facility and looking forward to the grand opening that there have been no complaints about the length of time needed to make the move and transition the equipment. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: CRT - Library Director Pizzuto reminded the members of the Board to get their tickets for the Alexander McCall Smith appearance for Carlsbad Reads Together. Recruitments - The Media Services Technician position was filled last month by previous part time employee, Mike Holloway. The Community Outreach Coordinator recruitment closed last week and the oral board is scheduled for next Thursday. The Library Board of Trustees Page 6 Minutes of April 16, 2008 Meeting Children's Librarian l/ll is currently underway, with review of the applications scheduled for April 25 followed by the oral board around May 1st. Resident/user survey - The Library is working with BW Research, the company the City has used most recently for the City-wide survey, to develop our resident/user survey specific to Library services. The survey has been conducted every two years and staff is working with BW Research to narrowly define our specific goals for this year to include feedback on how residents and Library users are knowledgeable and using our literacy program and learning services, on recent changes in how we deliver services and how we might better market those services. Public Internet management update - Mr. Lambert appeared at the City Council meeting on April 8th and addressed the Council under Public Comment to again raise the issue of filtering at the Library. He expressed the same concerns he had put into writing and a video of the meeting is available on the City's website. In addition, the Library received a call from an individual, who would not share her full name, regarding this issue and it appeared from the conversation that this individual is not knowledgeable of our services and policies, and is not a Library user. An update on the Library's research into best practices analysis and options available with regard to Internet management will be on the May Library Board agenda. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Tarman reported that the Foundation held a reception last Sunday for the Castles of Carlsbad home tour homeowners, past and present. The Foundation has decided that all the funds from this year's event will be designated for the Learning Center Capital Campaign. The Foundation Board has met with Peder Norby for advice in marketing the campaign and his suggestion was to engage a variety of community organizations to announce their endorsement of the Learning Center which would ideally lead to broad community financial support. To that end, the Foundation is looking for a producer to create a short video to raise the consciousness of the community about the Learning Center and the Foundation's support of this project. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto reported that the Friends met last month and approved the Library's request for $11,800 to be used toward start-up equipment and the grand opening of the Library Learning Center. Library Board of Trustees Page 7 Minutes of April 16, 2008 Meeting NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Liaison Marge Kealey reported an increase in the membership and shared with the Board a newspaper article from the North County Times about the large beginner class recently taught by Margaret Read. She also reported on the recent Spring Seminar, attended by over 70 people, and the other programs held throughout the month. She also took the opportunity on behalf of the members to express their appreciation for Ancestry.com, provided by the Library as a free on-line database for use in the Library. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: At the meeting last month the Trustees were given a spreadsheet detailing the collection development budget and usage of various formats. The Board had asked for a more detailed breakdown and that information was subsequently sent to them. Trustee Kamenjarin had some questions clarifying this additional information and wanted to know the usage/cost percentages for traditional materials versus alternative formats. Library Director Pizzuto explained that the current information does not include on-line database usage but only information on circulating materials. She suggested adding Sr. Librarian Simpson to the agenda for the next board meeting and asking her to prepare the information being requested. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:32 PM ( UL/^L^JL. Cissie Seorton Administrative Secretary