HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-05-21; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved -'*'&*** ITEM #2 MINUTES MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 PLACE OF MEETING: George & Patricia Gowland Meeting Room Carlsbad City Library - 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Chair Bill Kamenjarin called the meeting to order at 4:02 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Bradley, Kamenjarin and Tarman Absent: Trustees Lignante and Swette Also Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Carol Naegele, Principal Librarian Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Susan Simpson, Senior Librarian Devin Castel, Library Business Systems Specialist Marg Kealey, NSDCGS Liaison Carolyn Taylor, League of Women Voters observer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Trustee Kamenjarin the minutes of the regular meeting held April 16, 2008 were unanimously approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Tarman requested additional information on the results of the presentation to the High Noon Rotary. Trustee Kamenjarin requested a viewing of the PSA on the Learning Center and Library Director Pizzuto responded that this clip and the one for the Summer Reading Program will be scheduled for the Board to view at the June Board meeting. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of May 21, 2008 Meeting COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT FOLLOW-UP REPORT: At the Library Board meeting last month, the Board received a report on the circulating collection which divided the collection into five categories and identified for each category, the number of items, annual circulation and related costs. At that time the Board asked for similar information on the on-line databases provide by the Library. Sr. Librarian Susan Simpson distributed the statistics for the twenty-seven on-line subscriptions as a follow-up to the original report. She began by explaining that although the report shows an average cost per use of $.91, the "use" is defined differently by each database provider; some report it as a page view, some report each research topic as a new use and some use each log-in or session. She added that some of the sites do not differentiate between in-house and remote usage, but many of the databases that are reporting this show higher use remotely than in-house. Trustee Kamenjarin asked how the Library determined how much of the budget to spend on printed material and how much on databases. Sr. Librarian Simpson responded that this is done through ongoing evaluation by the Reference materials selection committee who meet monthly to select materials and look at needs for print versus on-line access. Even the standing orders for Reference materials are evaluated and over the past year there has been a reduction in the amount of reference print materials because we can provide that information either through the databases or from websites. LIBRARY INTERNET MANAGEMENT REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that in January of this year a member of the public brought his concerns to the City Council about the Library's policy and how the Library currently manages Internet access. His specific concern was the potential for children to access pornographic material and his suggestion was for the Library to filter Internet access for children. She continued that whenever anyone expresses concern about the Library's policies, we take that very seriously; particularly if the concern suggests that there is an issue of safety. After the current policy was again reviewed by the City Attorney's office, the Library took a look at the current environment, practices of other libraries, and current day technology. The City Attorney's office reported there has been no change in legal statutes or case law that suggests that the Library's policy needs to be changed from a legal standpoint. Library Director Pizzuto presented a detailed review of the research, best practices and other exploration the Library has undertaken with regard to the Library's current Internet Policy. She stated that in addition to the use of electronic monitoring reporting on Internet use by children, which identifies inappropriate site visits, the Library provides numerous classes on Internet safety, bookmarks containing Internet safety tips, and Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of May 21, 2008 Meeting informational materials that cover Internet safety issues, such as social networking, blogging, and dealing with cyber-bullies. The Library also requires children under the age of 12 to be accompanied by an adult when using a computer and adults are restricted from using computers in children's areas except when working with a child. A report from the monitoring software indicates that the occurrences of inappropriate activity are insignificant in relation to overall use (less than 1/10th of 1%). Also covered in her report was information on various filtering products available at this time, including their effectiveness, accuracy, and costs associated with the implementation. Library Director Pizzuto concluded her presentation with the staff recommendations to continue the electronic monitoring in use now; to implement an intermediary page that would pop up to warn the user that the site they are asking for may violate the Library's Internet User Agreement and viewing it could result in the suspension of their computer privileges; and to duplicate the disclaimer language currently contained in the policy statement in the signed agreement form as well. The Board had several questions with regard to the electronic monitoring in use, the types of reports generated, the methods the staff uses for validating sites listed as inappropriate and the ability to follow-up with the patron. Board comments were positive as to the staff recommendations, especially the addition of the intermediary page, and as the staff recommendations did not represent a change in the current policy, no formal Board action was required. MEDIA SERVICES ANNUAL REPORT: Media Services Specialist Bill Richmond introduced Bonnie Crane, the new Library Media Production Technician prior to delivering his report. The annual report contained information on the usage of the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium and George and Patricia Gowland Meeting Room in the prior fiscal year, identifying the number of hours the facilities were in use, the number of events scheduled and number of attendees. Also provided was information on the total revenue generated by the Media Division and information on their video production followed by a viewing of collection of highlights from some of those events. ARTS SCULPTURE ITEM: Arts Office Manager Peter Gordon explained to the Library Board that this past year he and Gallery Curator Karen McGuire had been researching ways in which the temporary sculptural exhibitions located within the sculpture garden could be made more visible and accessible to the public. He said that a considerable amount of time and budget is Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of May 21, 2008 Meeting spent on planning, publicizing and installing the exhibitions, which are very high quality and receive a good amount of publicity in the local paper, but there is not much attendance and they believe this is primarily due to the current location. The staff has investigated possibilities for strategically relocating those exhibitions for higher visibility and accessibility in other parts of the City but have determined that the current location is the best choice; however, they would like to expand the artistic reach and impact to the entire area including the Arts Office as well as the Cole Library. Arts Office Manager Gordon distributed a site plan outlining the proposal to install on the front lawn of the Arts Office, two new works of art offered as donations to the City, and three temporary sculptural works in the greenbelt of the Georgina Cole Library along Carlsbad Village Drive. They would continue with exhibitions in the sculpture garden, adding as appropriate a mural to the western wall of the garage. The recommendations also include the revitalization of the sculpture piece "Contemplation" currently installed at the Cole Library, improving the current signage between the Library and the Arts Office and providing a hand-out with information about the sculptural pieces. Gallery Curator Karen McGuire explained that expanding the artwork would refresh the area and also draw visitors to the larger art location. She added that the proposal is for these particular pieces of sculpture as they are already in the City's permanent sculpture collection, and that it would only require the pouring of three concrete pads in order for them to be securely installed. Arts Office Manager Gordon added that the proposal will have to be presented to the City's Leadership Team for permission to proceed with the recommendations but the Arts Office would like input from this Board on the concept before they move forward. The Board discussed the traffic pattern for that section of Carlsbad Village Drive, traffic accident history and the possibility that the art might create a distraction. Also of concern was the possibility of damage or vandalism to the sculpture pieces. Their general reaction to the concept, however, was positive. SUMMER READING PROGRAM PREVIEW: Sr. Librarian Barbara Chung presented the Board with their Summer Reading Program shirts imprinted with this year's theme "Catch the Reading Bug @ your Library", explaining that the program is scheduled to run the usual seven weeks beginning June 16 at both Dove Lane and the Cole Library locations. The Centra will have an abbreviated program due to the closure of the Centra on July 11th in preparation for the move into the new Library Learning Center. Sr. Librarian Chung offered thanks to the Friends of the Library who each year underwrite the Summer Reading Program donating nearly $50,000 this year for t-shirts, Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of May 21, 2008 Meeting programs & performers, prizes and incentives the children can earn for reading through the summer. She spoke on the various age levels of the anticipated 3,000 participants and the huge success the Library has had in the past in recruiting teen volunteers to listen to the reading reports from the participants. LIBRARY LEARNING CENTER UPDATE: Principal Librarian Carol Naegle reported that the construction phase of the project should be completed by the end of the month and the shelving is scheduled to be installed next week. The interior work is for the most part completed, the parking lots are finished and the landscaping is underway. The remaining furniture and fixtures have either been ordered or are in the approval stage of the process with anticipated delivery dates in mid-August. The announcement to the public about the closing dates for the Centra and the Adult Learning Program is scheduled for next month but waiting for confirmation of the furniture delivery dates to finalize a grand opening celebration date of August 23rd. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library Recruitments - Library Director Pizzuto announced that in addition to new employee Bonnie Crane, introduced earlier, Carrie Scott, who has been serving as the Interim Literacy Coordinator was selected and has accepted the position as Community Outreach Supervisor for Literacy Services at the new Library Learning Center. Interviews for the Librarian l/ll position in Children's are scheduled for this week and recruitments are underway for a variety of part-time openings at both locations. Library Surveys - The telephone survey of residents has been developed and could begin as soon as next week. The intercept survey of Library patrons is scheduled for mid-June and will not be conducted by Library staff this year, but rather by members of the company with whom the Library has contracted for this service. Library budget for FY2008-09 - The Library has not received any significant questions about the budget during the review process and the next milestone dates are June 12th for the City to present the budget for public feedback and June 24th for the adoption of the budget at the City Council Meeting. Adult Learning Program Annual Celebration Event - Library Director Pizzuto encouraged the Trustees to attend the event for which they should all have received invitations, being held on Sunday, June 1st. Library Board of Trustees Page 6 Minutes of May 21, 2008 Meeting FOUNDATION REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto reported that the Board ratified the contracts for three individuals to assist with the fundraising campaign; a videographer to produce a video/DVD that the Foundation Board can use to make presentations to community groups; a grant writer to pursue specific grants most likely to generate the greatest funds; an executive coordinator who will be working about 20 hours a week and assisting the Foundation in increasing its communication and managing the fund raising campaign. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto announced that their last meeting was postponed until May 29th due to a lack of a quorum. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Society Liaison Marg Kealey reported that the membership is still growing and she reviewed the highlights of the May programs. She distributed the class schedule and also called the Board's attention to the information contained in the monthly newsletter, especially the overview of the early "movers and shakers" of the Society featured this 40 anniversary year. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Kamenjarin reported that he attended the Annual Recognition Celebration for Library Hourly Employees last week and was impressed with the number of people who are on staff and have been consistent employees for many years. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: On a motion by Trustee Tarman, the meeting was adjourned at 5:50PM. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary