HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-08-20; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved ^ ' ITEM #2 MINUTES MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 PLACE OF MEETING: Library Learning Center - 3369 Eureka Place CALL TO ORDER: Chair Bill Kamenjarin called the meeting to order at 4:02 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Bradley, Kamenjarin, Lignante, Swette and Tarman Absent: None Also Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Carol Naegele, Principal Librarian Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Peter Gordon, Arts Office Manager Phyllis Johnston for NSDCGS Carolyn Taylor, League of Women Voters observer Following the roll call the Trustees took a quick tour of the completed Learning Center facility to familiarize themselves with the layout prior to the Grand Opening on Saturday, August 23, 2008. Following the tour the Board celebrated retiring Trustee Jerry Tarman's ten years of service on this board. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Trustee Tarman, the minutes of the regular meeting held June 18, 2008 were unanimously approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the "Cool Picks" favorites reads submitted in July were being compiled into a resource document for patrons and Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that a list was being prepared and would be available at the Reference desks. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of August 20, 2008 Meeting SUMMER READING PROGRAM RECAP: Sr. Librarians Barbara Chung and Marsha Weeks joined the meeting to provide an overview of the program including comparison statistics between last year and this year participation numbers and responded to the Trustees questions. Sr. Librarian Weeks suggested that the increase in numbers was partially due to the changes in the Library Rules of Conduct, allowing food and drink in the facilities. She also contemplated that the Library had become a destination for many moms and children instead of just a place to drop off or pick up books, given the economic environment. Sr. Librarian Chung shared a thank you letter and card received from one family who participated in all aspects of the program. Library Director Pizzuto took this opportunity to introduce the two newest Children's Librarians, Julie Conklin and Terry Kling. Trustee Swette asked about services to children other than the Summer Reading Program and Sr. Librarian Chung explained that there are programs all year long for all ages. Sr. Librarian Weeks added information about Teen Read Week sponsored by the American Library Association and our own "Chapters for Chocolate" program, appealing to the middle school patrons. Library Director Pizzuto suggested that as the Library redesigns our website we have new opportunities to reach out electronically to stay in touch with our patrons. LIBRARY GOALS FOR FY2008-09: Library Director Pizzuto directed the Board's attention to the list of goals and desired outcomes provided in their agenda packet. Members of the staff then presented a brief overview of each of the goals and responded to any questions from the Trustees. Library Director Pizzuto completed the presentation with the assurance that the Library will keep the Board updated on the individual projects. DONATED ART WORK FOR THE LEARNING CENTER: Arts Office Manager Peter Gordon distributed a copy of the Policies and Procedures in place for accepting artwork donated to the City of Carlsbad. He reviewed the steps involved as related to the art piece currently on loan and displayed in the lobby of the Learning Center and responded to questions from the Trustees. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of August 20, 2008 Meeting ^^^^^ Library Director Pizzuto explained that no action was requested from the Board at this time but that after public review and comment, the Board would be asked for their support for the item to go forward to City Council to accept the piece for display at the Learning Center. SELECTION OF CHAIR. VICE CHAIR AND FOUNDATION REPRESENTATIVE: Library Director Pizzuto explained that this item had been postponed from the previous meeting until the two open positions on the Board were filled; however, at this time the Library has not heard that an appointment is imminent. Trustee Tarman may not serve another term, having served the maximum allowed under the municipal code but Trustee Bradley has asked to be reappointed to serve another term. Following some discussion, Trustee and current Chair Kamenjarin agreed to serve another term as the Chair and Trustee Bradley was nominated and accepted the position of Vice Chair. Trustee Lignante agreed to serve as liaison to the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation Board. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Audio Upgrade in the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium - The project has been completed to include the new assisted listening devices for patrons. Library Surveys - B. W. Research has completed the surveys and the Library has received the preliminary results and findings. The complete report is due in the next few weeks and will be shared in a presentation to this Board probably at the October meeting. The results of the surveys is critical to determining whether the strategic initiatives are still on track or adjustment are indicated as a result of changes in the community. American Library Association Conference - The conference was held the last weekend in June and fifteen of the Library staff attended. As is customary, the Library scheduled a series of "brown-bag" luncheon seminars to share material and information with those who did not attend. A schedule of the sessions was provided to the Board. Learning Center Grand Opening and Foundation event - A reminder was providedof the Saturday special ribbon cutting event for the public and the invitation to the barbecue sponsored by the Foundation that evening. The formal program Saturday morning is expected to last only about 30 minutes. FOUNDATION REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto reported that the meeting was primarily focused on the final plans for the barbecue on Saturday, the purpose of which is to provide an opportunity to Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of August 20, 2008 Meeting network with various civic organizations in the community; to encourage them to endorse the campaign and provide the opportunity for the Foundation to address their memberships. The Foundation will also have a staffed information table at the Grand Opening event. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto announced the Friends held their annual meeting on June 26th at the Library on Dove Lane. The program consisted of highlights of Library programs funded by the Friends this past year and also honored several of their long-time volunteers. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Phyllis Johnston reporting for the Society provided an overview of last month's programs and a preview of topics for up-coming events. She extended an invitation to the Board to attend the annual pot luck dinner being held tonight at the Senior Center at 5:30 p.m. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Bradley praised the new handout containing information on all the Library book clubs. Trustee Tarman spoke about his long involvement with the Board and his appreciation for having been given the opportunity to serve. Library Director Pizzuto announced that the Mayor and City Council will honor Trustee Tarman at the Counci PUBLIC COMMENT: Tarman at the Council Meeting on September 16th. None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:24 p.m. Cissie Se'xton Administrative Secretary ITEM #3 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for June 2008 Systemwide ... 1. In June, the Library's Carlsbad Film Series featured a "Page to Screen" theme for movies based on books. This popular program had a full house for the screening of The Kite Runner and audiences of about 150 each for Atonement and The Golden Compass. 2. In June, the Library's summer concert series kicked off with Los Angeles-based musicians Quetzal. Nearly 200 people enjoyed songs performed in English and Spanish by these popular performers. 3. Twelve people attended the June poetry reading featuring San Diego poet and teacher Jim Moreno. 4. The American Library Association Annual Conference was held in Anaheim over the last week of June. A number of staff attended the conference including Deputy Library Director, Suzanne Smithson and Library Director, Heather Pizzuto. 5. The Friends' Annual Meeting was held on June 26. Staff enjoys this opportunity to thanks the Friends for their work, contributions, and the great impact they have on the Library. 6. The newly organized library web pages went live on June 27. 7. The Summer Reading Program was launched at all Library sites on Monday, June 16. All locations are reporting high levels of participation. CCL, Dove Lane ... 8. Children's programs started up again the week of June 16 and were uniformly well- attended. Regular programs included Book Babies, Step Up to Storytime, Storytime Theater and Saturday Stories, as well as a special Make and Take Craft. In addition, there were two special programs in the Auditorium: Swazzle Puppeteers on June 20, which attracted an audience of over 200 and the Patchwork Players on June 25 which was attended by over 100 children and adults. 9. Collection Development and Acquisitions Librarian Susan Simpson was the guest speaker at a meeting of the Publishers and Writers of San Diego on June 28. She addressed 59 attendees about how libraries select and order books and other materials. There was a lively Q&A following the talk. Monthly Library Reports for June 2008 10. On June 26, YA Librarian Darin Williamson hosted "Carlsbad Idol: A Singing Talent Show" for 7th through 12th graders. A total of nine acts performed before an audience of 120. The winner sang "Yesterday" by the Beatles. 11. On June 30, the summer programs kicked off with an Ice Cream Social for teens. 27 attendees enjoyed a variety of delectable treats. 12. June's TV programming featured "Bolga Zohdoomah", recorded at a live concert held in the Schulman Auditorium. Library programs are regularly shown on Time Warner's community cable channel 19, KOCT Oceanside and on Del Mar Access TV. 13. The authority control project, the loading of corrected bibliographic records and matching authority records from Marcive has been completed. On Friday, June 20, the records were loaded; on Saturday, June 21, the database was reindexed. The process went smoothly. Georgina Cole ... 14. Reference Librarian Karen Maynor spoke to Women's Heart, a group of women with heart disease, about the type of health resources they can find at the library. She also spoke at the San Diego African-American Genealogy Society focusing her talk on the Library's genealogy resources. 15. Amy Davis conducted the first of two History Room presentations for students of the architecture and design class at Carlsbad High School. The hour long presentation included general information regarding the History Room and its resources as well as the history of local buildings. 16. Beginning on June 2 and running four consecutive Monday evenings, Margaret Read taught the Beginning Genealogy Class. Between 12 and 15 people attended each evening. 17. The Summer Reading Program is once again proving to be quite popular. Cole Children's Services has trained and is scheduling 87 middle and high school ages student as Summer Reading Program Volunteers. During June these volunteers logged 524 hours of service and support to the Summer Reading Program. 18. Special SRP performances were very well attended in June. Kick-off performer, Swazzle, drew 105 people and Patchwork Players performed the following week with 92 in attendance. 19. A trial run of a new concept for storytime for the very young is being tested out this summer. Senior Librarian Marsha Weeks has wanted to offer a "Book Babies" program (similar to the one at Dove) since she started but wanted a program that would accommodate all caregivers, even those with older siblings. To address this issue, staff decided to offer two storytimes at the same time in the Community Room: one for babies and one for 18 months through age 5. This "Side-by-Side Monthly Library Reports for June 2008 Storytime" is comprised of "Movers & Shakers" (presented by Library Assistant Amy Jordan) for the older kids and "Book Babies" (presented by Marsha) for the 6-18 month-old crowd. This way, the caregiver can have special bonding time with baby while the older child participates in a fun program just for them, feeling secure that the caregiver is in the same room. Feedback has been very positive for the "Book Babies" program and we are considering incorporating the concept into our line-up of regular programs for youth. Adult Learning ... 20. Tutors, learners, staff, dignitaries, and friends of the Adult Learning Program attended the Annual Celebration held on June 1. The 141-seat Senior Center was filled to capacity. The highlight of the event was the presentation of the President's Volunteer Service Award to long-time tutor Betty Groves. Five learners shared their moving stories, and AmeriCorps member Geoff Armour wrote amusing limericks for the staff. Since we are outgrowing the Senior Center, we are considering holding next year's event (25th anniversary!) at another venue. 21. Two learners have completed reading a book—one for the first time ever; another for the first time following a stroke 4 years ago. Centra de Inf ormacion ... 22. On June 16, the Centra de Information began Summer Reading Program 2008. Parents, children, teens, and babies are participating in the program which will be four weeks instead of the usual seven with the Centra's move to the Learning Center. Families are reading in the library or at home and then reporting to our volunteers what they read. By June 30, volunteers enrolled 126 children, 30 babies, 25 teens, and 33 adults. 23. Twelve bilingual Junior High and High School students are volunteering at the Centra enrolling and taking reports from children, babies, teens, and adults who are participating in the Summer Reading Program. 24. During the month of June two programs were presented at the Centra as part of the Summer Reading Program: "Swazzle," a puppet show, on Friday, June 20, and "Mad Science," on Tuesday, June 24. These programs were well attended by adults and children of all ages. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - JUNE 2008 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours June-07 12,485 77,631 36,782 16,254 6,880 32,111 22,019 9,474 205/43 1,047/119 2,375/* 278/* 29 385 10 237 41 1,845 13,598 883 7,285 18,893 307 5,303 108 5,639 29 1,918.7 May-08 12,423 71,027 32,905 10,279 7,342 31,340 15,006*** 9,023 259/71 850/120 2,4157* 285/* 27 428 13 490 106 2,465 12,965 699 7,863 27,772 223 8,227 104 4,838 17 1,326.03 June-08 13,118 75,600 35,946 13,370 7,079 34,203 12,954*** 8,238 321/62 1,292/84 3,545/* 350/* 26 397 10 231 45 1,190 12,869 878 7,508 28,650 254 8,481 85 4,232 18 2,390.25 * Not reported. *** Back door counter blocked, location to be changed. ITEM #3 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for July 2008 Systemwide ... 1. The Library partnered with the Arts Office for a Family Open Studio Plus event on Saturday, July 26 from 11am to 2pm in the Library's Courtyard and Schulman Auditorium. To complement the industrial-themed work of Kenneth Capps: Metered, featured in the Cannon Art Gallery, percussionists and teaching artists Ross Karre and Fabio Oliveira helped kids make their own soundtrack for the film "The Red Balloon." After the 30-minute film screening, kids took turns playing Ross and Fabio's many instruments, which included a gong and numerous drums. 2. The Cole Library summer concert on Sunday, July 27 featured Django Mussette, a guitar and accordion duo playing French music. Nearly 70 people attended the event. 3. Thirty people attended the July poetry writing workshop led by San Diego poet and teacher Jill Moses. The group included a mix of experienced and new poets of all ages. 4. The Reference Divisions' summer display "Cool Picks" highlighting favorite reads of staff and patrons has been very popular with most of the books checked out and more recommendations coming in. CCL, Dove Lane ... 5. Children's programs were well attended. In fact, three programs reached capacity in the Schulman Auditorium. These three programs were: Juggler David Cousin, John Abrams' Animal Magic and Joe Mystic's Harry Potter themed Magic Show. 6. Throughout July, teens enrolled in the Young Adult Summer Reading Program reported on their reading to the Reference Librarians and received prizes and entries for the weekly raffles. Raffle prizes ranged from movie tickets to a skateboard. 7. YA Librarian Darin Williamson hosted two talent shows in July. The first, on July 6 was a dance competition that featured nine acts; the winner was an Irish Step Dancer. That was followed by a general talent contest on July 24 which also had nine entrants; the winner was a juggler. 8. July's Pizza and a Movie Night was held on July 17 and featured a screening of the 2002 release Spider-Man. 21 teens attended. Monthly Library Reports for July 2008 9. July's TV programming featured "Gabriella" recorded at a live concert held in the Schulman Auditorium. Library programs are regularly shown on Time Warner's community cable channel 19, KOCT Oceanside and on Del Mar Access TV. Georgina Cole ... 10. The Summer Reading Program was still going strong in July. Final statistics will be included in the August report. At Cole there were over 1300 participants in all age groups with over 400,000 pages read. These numbers reflect a 29.3% increase in SRP sign-ups at Cole over last year (includes total sign-ups for Kids, Teen and Baby SRP programs). For the children's program at Cole (not including teens or babies), there was an 11.75% increase in sign-ups, a 26.34% increase in reporting and 13.39% increase in the number of pages read over last year. Staff felt the increase in reporting as prizes ran out every week and leftover prizes from 2007 were used to fill in the gaps. 11. The Summer Reading special events were very popular this year with most all programs attracting well over 100 participants. Most popular programs included Dr. Sue's Traveling Insect Zoo, David Cousin-Juggler, John Abrams Animal Magic, Mad Science, and the Harry Potter Birthday Bash complete with live music from wizard rocker, "Marked As His Equal." 12. With Cole Library's inclusion of a reading program for children under 3 this summer, a new storytime for babies program was given a trial run this summer. The SMART Babies program (Sing Move Animate Rhyme Touch) started with 8 people on its first day in mid-June and grew to 55 people by the end of July. 13. History Room Library Tech Amy Davis conducted a History Room presentation for 20 students of the Architecture and Design class at Carlsbad High School on July 16. 14. There were 130 out-of-area visitors in the Cole Computer Lab in July. Reference staff created a map of the United States which shows the home states of our visitors. 15. July had several successful Genealogy programs including Joan Lowrey's presentation on July 8 to 84 participants of the Computer Genealogy Group on "Finding Living Relatives." On July 22, Barbara Renick spoke to the NSDCS on "11 Layers of Research on the Internet" with 104 people in attendance. Adult Learning ... 16. The Adult Learning Program closed on Friday, July 18. With this closure, all volunteer tutors and learners are "on vacation" with the exception of AmeriCorps members who may meet their learners and groups at pre-arranged times in the Cole Community Room. Headed into the break, there are 2 tutors and 6 learners waiting. In addition, many other tutors and learners were on hold for scheduling Monthly Library Reports for July 2008 reasons other than the closure. All of these tutors and learners will be treated with high priority as the Library Learning Center comes online. 17. Small group classes are on hiatus for the move with the exception of the Book Club and Writing and Communication. Both small groups will be meeting at Cole during the break. 18. AmeriCorps member Geoff Armour and volunteer Bastien Atterbury organized and staffed a booth at the Carlsbad Heath Expo on July 12. The purpose was to distribute information to the community about the new Library Learning Center. 19. Packing was completed the week of July 14 - July 18 thanks to the staff and 16 volunteers. Adult Learning continued to be "open for business," during final packing which allowed pairs to accomplish over 60 instructional hours during the week. Centre de Information ... 20. A very successful Summer Reading Program concluded on July 11 at the Centre de Informacion. Program participants totaled 32 babies, 131 children, 28 teens, and 38 adults. Together they read 59,118 pages in the four-week reading program. Twelve bilingual volunteers dedicated 178 hours to the Summer Reading Program and listened to a total of 1,436 reports from participants. 21. During the month of July two programs were presented at the Centra as part of the Summer Reading Program: Insects and Their Arthropod Relatives on Wednesday, July 2, and Getting Buggy with Sparkles the Clown on Thursday, July 10. 22. The Centra de Informacion closed its doors on Friday, July 11, to spend the next week packing and preparing for moving day on July 22. Learning Center... 23. The move from the Adult Learning Program and the Centra de Informacion officially took place on Tuesday, July 22. The last week of the month was spent unpacking, relabeling, sorting, and organizing in preparation for furniture and equipment arriving in the following weeks. 24. Plans for the August 23 Grand Opening celebration were finalized and invitations were sent. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - JULY 2008 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Centro/ALP Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours July-07 14,097 86,647 43,058 18,561 7,080 35,877 23,106 9,369 178/63 1,226/123 2,364/* 282/* 28 375 8 340 49 1,885 12,085** 959 5,719 10,274 238 1,985 56 3,369 10 2,765.25 June-OS 13,118 75,600 35,946 13,370 7,079 34,203 12,954*** 8,238 321/62 1,292/84 3,545/* 350/* 26 397 10 231 45 1,190 12,869 878 7,508 28,650 254 8,481 85 4,232 18 2,390.25 July-08 16,461 85,208 41,780 14,532 9,106 39,281 18,032*** 9,417 163/42 755/31 2,050/* 315/* 25 468 10 363 98 3,126 12,842 1,091 8,792 29,741 289 8,770 70 3,819 10 2,671 * Not reported. ** Dove Lane stats are off due to a PC upgrade in the adult lab. *** Back door counter blocked, location to be changed. ITEM # 6 the Reading Summer Reading Program Statistics 2008 Participants Centre* *4 weeks only Cole Cole Dnvp TaneTeens Dove Lane Do^ne 229 1,218 118 2,174 191 Reports 1,436 5,991 466 11,787 795 Pages Read 59,118 338,298 80,206 828,026 126,157 Programs 99 57 14 Program Attendance 190 3,034 93 3,917 516 F \LIBRARY BOARD\Monthly Reports\Summer Reading Statistics 2008.doc 2008 SRP TOTALS (with percentages) Participants 3930 (up 9% from 2007) Reports 20,475 (up 10% from 2007) Pages Read 1,431,805 (up 16% from 2007) Programs 181 (up 38% from 2007) Program Attendance 7,750 (up 8% from 2007) Looks like our patrons "Caught the Reading Bug!" i ITEM # 7 Library Goals for FY2008-09 Goal Short Name: Library Branding: Phase II GOAL OUTCOME STATEMENT: Coordinated rollout of new Library logo in conjunction with design and printing of new library materials and Library web site redesign. Goal Short Name: Dove Lane Parking Lot Improvements - Design & Construction GOAL OUTCOME STATEMENT: Book drop service island created in the front parking lot at Dove Library along with possible handicapped parking relocation and ramp improvements; and delivery accessibility provided between north parking lot and back of Gallery. Goal Short Name: Maximizing Library Partnership with City Departments GOAL OUTCOME STATEMENT: The Library's resources - both staff and materials - are well utilized by City departments. The Library is integrally involved in City service delivery and contributes effectively to citywide initiatives. Goal Short Name: Non-book Library Assets Management GOAL OUTCOME STATEMENT: A Collections Management Policy for the Library's "non-book" materials Goal Short Name: Library & Arts Part-time Staff Recruiting Practice Review GOAL OUTCOME STATEMENT: Part time recruiting efforts in the Library and Arts Office are effectively and legally executed by well-trained staff. Goal Short Name: Performance Contracts GOAL OUTCOME STATEMENT: Increased volume of performance contracts resulting from new endowment funds are efficiently processed for both City Attorney's Office and Library Department. Goal Short Name: Revenue Opportunities GOAL OUTCOME STATEMENT: Viable revenue generating opportunities are explored through new Library services and/or re- evaluated existing services. Goal Short Name: Library Strategic Initiatives Workplan GOAL OUTCOME STATEMENT: The Library's strategic plan is revisited and communicated to staff and stakeholders. Prioritized initiatives are incorporated into the Library's workplan over subsequent years, and reflect current and future directions. Goal Short Name: Technology-based Meeting Methodology GOAL OUTCOME STATEMENT: Recommend a solution allowing virtual meeting attendance from remote locations for Library Department that meets staff needs while maximizing efficiencies. Strive to ensure the recommended solution is scalable for citywide use. F:\GOALS\2008-2009Y2008-09 Final forms\For the Library Board.doc POLICIES AND PROCEDURES RELATED TO THE DONATION OF WORKS OF ART TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Background Ordinance No. 1279, Chapter 2.18 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code states that the Arts Commission shall have power to "review and make recommendations upon all works of art to be acquired by the City, either by purchase, gift or otherwise, and their proposed locations." As the City of Carlsbad grows, more and more people are interested in contributing to the cultural life of the City through the donation of one or more works of art. Carlsbad City Library and Leo Carrillo Ranch are two examples of sites to which artworks of cultural significance have been donated. There are instances, however, where work may be significant but not appropriate to accept: the work may be too costly for the City to install, or no appropriate site can be found, to list just two examples. The City wishes to encourage donations of works of art, but at the same time it must be sensitive to its fiduciary and stewardship responsibilities as well. Objectives • To provide uniform procedures for review and acceptance of gifts (or long-term loans) of works of art or works of cultural or historic significance to the City of Carlsbad. • To vest in a single city agency the responsibility for ensuring management and maintenance of the City's public art collection • To facilitate placement of works of art in City facilities or on City land • To maintain works of art displayed by the City of Carlsbad • To provide appropriate recognition of donors of works of art to the City of Carlsbad Procedures for Consideration of a Donation Offer The Donor notifies the Arts Office in writing of his/her desire to donate an artwork or a work of cultural or historic significance to the City, providing as many details as possible about the proposed gift. Information regarding the proposed gift is then presented to the Acquisitions Committee, which develops a recommendation on the acceptability of the gift of artwork based on criteria which may include: • Its aesthetic quality " The professional credentials of the artist • Its suitability for public display in terms of vulnerability to vandalism, safety, costs of site preparation, installation, maintenance and insurance, and technical feasibility Revised 4/3/08 • The most appropriate site for its installation and the ability of the recipient department to maintain the site and the work • Monetary value of artwork through a bona fide appraisal provided by the donor The recommendation of the Acquisitions Committee is then brought forward to the Arts Commission. If the Arts Commission rejects the donation offer, it is returned to the donor. If the Arts Commission decides to move forward on the donation offer, the work (a model and/or drawings) is put on public display for review and comments from the public. The public's comments are brought back to the Arts Commission, which considers the matter for a second time. If the Arts Commission rejects the donation offer at this point, it is returned to the donor. If the Arts Commission approves again, the Arts Office writes an agenda bill for City Council and includes the Arts Commission's recommendation to accept the donation offer. City Council makes the final decision whether to accept the gift or not. Acquisitions Committee The Acquisitions Committee will be appointed by the Arts Manager and the Arts Commission and will generally have five to seven members, consisting of: • One or two Arts Commissioner, one serving as Chair • Two or three regional artists/art professionals • One community representative at large • One representative of City Department whose locale is a potential site for installation of artwork Documentation of Donation Once the donation is accepted by City Council, the artwork becomes part of the City's Art in Public Places Collection. Upon acceptance of the art donation/gift, the Arts Office will complete an accession report along with a conservation record. Revised 4/3/08 ALA Brown Bag Lunch Chats Bring your lunch and discuss what Library staff learned @ ALA Thursday July 31st 12:00-1:00, Dove Board Room Tech Services & Reference Topics *t» KamlingTsang E-Book selection, acquisition, and access *J» Laura Coleman E-Content solutions for public libraries; RDA (resource description and access) <• Kimiko Morita Business reference resources <• Jacqui Petri Charlotte and Mecklenberg Counties service award Open source software in public libraries <• Karen Maynor Library connectivity for public access, bandwidth issues, and potential resolutions <• Suzanne Smithson Urban Libraries Council; mystery shopping; customer service; library space; programming... Tuesday August 5th 12:30-1:30, Cole Community Room Children's & Reference Topics •> Marsha Weeks Children's services and programming, emphasis on early literacy <* Barbara Chung Children's services; services to Spanish speakers •> Glynn Birdwell Redesigning and repurposing library spaces; collection development ideas «> Elyse Roy "Google to the Next Level"; "Black Belt Librarian" Wednesday August 6th 12:30-1:30, Dove Board Room Children's & Tech Services Topics *J» Marsha Weeks Children's services and programming, emphasis on early literacy <• Barbara Chung Children's services; services to Spanish speakers * KamlingTsang E-Book selection, acquisition, and access *J* Laura Coleman E-Content solutions for public libraries; RDA (resource description and access) Heather may attend one or more of the sessions depending upon her schedule