HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-11-19; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesITEM nz MINUTES MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 PLACE OF MEETING: Community Room Georgina Cole Library - 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive CALL TO ORDER: Chair Bill Kamenjarin called the meeting to order at 4:06 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, and Kamenjarin and Tarman Absent: Trustees Lignante and Swette Also Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Devin Castel, Library Business Systems Specialist Marg Kealey, NSDCGS Liaison Carolyn Taylor, League of Women Voters observer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On a motion by Trustees Benson/Bradley, the minutes of the regular meeting held October 15, 2008 were unanimously approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS FOR OCTOBER 2008: Trustee Benson asked if the Library had set a target number for the "people count" for the new Learning Center and Library Director Pizzuto responded the Library had not because the facility provides such a unique array of services there wasn't another one in the State with which to compare it. Deputy Library Director Smithson added that just looking at the number of people coming through the door (people count), the total for the month was more than twice the combined total for the Centre de Informacion and Adult Learning Program when they were in separate locations. This number may fluctuate as use by patrons settles into routine patterns. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of December 19, 2007 Meeting Trustee Kamenjarin asked for more details on the In-N-Out annual "Food for Thought" reading program. Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that there were about 200 children who participated. Library Director Pizzuto added that the Library has taken part in this program for many years as it is a simple process and totally funded by In-N-Out. Participants turn in their reading logs for free food vouchers, and can earn up to three vouchers each. Trustee Kamenjarin also asked about marketing for the Toddler Time and Library Director Pizzuto responded that there had been an article in the North County Times recently and asked Community Coordinator Jessica Padilla Bowen to send the link for the article to the Trustees. Trustee Benson asked about school tours of the Library and Deputy Library Director Curtis responded that primarily the teachers call and request the tours, which predominantly include students from the schools within walking distance as there is no school bus service in Carlsbad. The Trustees discussed various ways to market the Library tours to all the schools in the area and ways in which to assist with the transportation for those too far away to walk. Library Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that Carlsbad children attend schools in four different school districts. APPOINTMENT OF BOARD REPRESENTATIVE TO THE CARLSBAD LIBRARY & ARTS FOUNDATION BOARD: This item was on the agenda from last month, as the result of Trustee Lignante's resignation from the position. Trustee Benson volunteered to represent this Board and the Trustees accepted his offer unanimously. ECONOMIC IMPACTS ON THE LIBRARY BUDGET: Library Director Pizzuto reported that due to the state of the economy, the City recently reviewed its projected revenue for the year and anticipates the revenue will not meet previous projections.. All City Departments were asked to submit a plan for a 5% reduction in the current year budget, possibly to carry over to the budget for FY2009-10. She advised that the Library had submitted its proposal and begun initiating reductions immediately. The 5% reduction in the Library budget represents a $.5 million, a good portion of which will be taken from the materials budget which she hopes to augment with additional donations from the Friends of the Library and community members. Also included in the reduction are admin costs and office supplies. She added that at this time there are no plans for a reduction in staff or a hiring freeze. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of December 19, 2007 Meeting Library Director Pizzuto continued that the 5% reduction is anticipated to not impact Library services to the point that patrons would notice substantial changes but that further reductions in the budget would definitely have impact on service delivery. Additional information will be shared with the Board as reductions are finalized. TECHNOLOGY QUARTERLY REPORT: Library Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel presented a report on some of the highlights of the quarterly report which was distributed with the agenda packet. He provided charts indicating the top ten internet sites used by our patrons and the amount of bandwidth they use. The Library is operating at maximum use more often than desirable and is working with AT&T to double the bandwidth for public access. The Trustees discussed possible options for maybe blocking web advertising, the biggest consumer of bandwidth, or restricting access to sites that use large amount of band-width. Business Systems Specialist Castel advised that the challenge would be to determine how to identify the ads and in some cases blocking them could prevent a page from loading. REPORTS ON CONFERENCES & STAFF TRIANING: Library Director Pizzuto reported that a number of staff members had recently attended several conferences and the Library's annual staff training event took place this past month as well. Community Coordinator Jessica Padilla Bowen had attended the international Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Conference in Detroit, where she heard a variety of speakers addressing innovations in news and information delivery. Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel reported on the topics discussed at the Internet Librarian Conference in Monterey. Library Director Pizzuto and several other Library staff members attended the annual California Library Association conference in San Jose where a key topic was sustaining Library services in the current economy and the value of strategic planning. Deputy Library Director Curtis provided the Board with information about the annual staff training event which focused on Plus Customer Service. He provided them with key evaluation results and summarized comments from the forms submitted following the all-hands morning session. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of December 19, 2007 Meeting DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Staff Evacuation Drill - The drill is scheduled to take place at all Library locations on the morning of December 9th at 8:30 a.m., prior to the facilities being open to the public. Representatives from the Carlsbad Fire Department will be on hand to observe the drill and provide recommendations for any improvement. Carlsbad Reads Together. 2009 - The book has been selected by the committee and final approval for the funding is being sought from the Friends of the Library before any announcement is made public. Details will follow at the next Library Board meeting. EMS Upgrade - The EMS (event management system) upgrade was successfully completed, primarily affecting the staff-use side making the interface easier for this web-based program. City Web re-design - The City expects to have a soft roll-out of the new website in January, after the migration to Outlook from GroupWise. The Library has played a key role in the overall development and is represented by several Library staff on various committees. Principal Librarian - Carol Naegele is recovering from her recent surgery and anticipates returning to work in early December. Part-time staff - The Library has recently lost several part time staff members to San Diego County Library and UCSD. CARLSBAD LIBRARY & ARTS FOUNDATION REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto reported that at their last meeting the Board participated in an extensive conference call with their financial advisor at Fidelity, and based on the assessment provided and the state of their investments the Board did not make any changes to their investment policy. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto announced that the Friends of the Library were meeting tomorrow. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Liaison to the Board, Marg Kealey, announced that the Fall Seminar was a huge success, raising $900. Membership continues to increase, having reached 537, and attendance at the seminars and programs remains steady. Beginner and refresher classes in genealogy research recommenced on November 8th and she reminded the Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of December 19, 200.7 Meeting Trustees that they are invited to the annual Holiday Party at the San Marcos Country Club on December 9th. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Bradley expressed appreciation for the copies of the PR pieces included in their monthly mailing. PUBLIC COMMENT: None ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion,, (Bradley/Benson) the meeting was adjourned at 5:29 PM. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for OCTOBER 2008 Systemwide ... 1. Library staff participated in the annual in-service training day on Tuesday, October 28. Highly-recommended customer service consultant, Susan Berk, presented "Setting the Stage for Service" in the morning for all staff. All Library locations were closed from 9:00-1:00 to accommodate this event. In the afternoon, Ms. Berk worked with Division Heads on ways to incorporate the concepts she presented. 2. All three Library locations are participating in In-N-Out's annual "Food for Thought" reading promotion program from October 11 to November 22. Youth between the ages of 4 and 12 read books and can trade in their reading logs for In-N-Out food. Several parents have told staff how much they appreciate this program. One family in particular has four children and the mom relayed to staff how nice it was to be able to treat the whole family to dinner with only having to spend a few dollars. 3. Volunteer Coordinator Amy Bennett conducted her monthly orientation for potential volunteers with 11 people in attendance resulting in 9 interviews. With the upcoming holidays, the next volunteer orientation is scheduled for January 17, but individual orientations can be accommodated before that time. We have seen some delays in placing volunteers due to the broken LiveScan machine at the Police Department. A new machine became available in late October. 4. The Library is now offering a new online database, Oxford Art Online, available at home or in the Library for searching for articles written about art as well as artist biographies, thematic timelines, and images. 5. The Library hosted jazz guitarist Gene Bertoncini for a concert on October 26. Nearly 200 people enjoyed the performance featuring jazz standards and popular hits. 6. Children and adults celebrated National Hispanic Heritage Month at the Library with Alina Mendez on October 8. Ms. Mendez delighted audiences of all ages with her performance of traditional dances, fables, and costumes from Latin America. Ms. Mendez told stories, danced traditional folk dances and got a number of audience members up and dancing at performances at each location. CCL, Dove Lane ... 7. On Oct. 7 Darin Williamson spoke to 80 students at Carlsbad High School's College Night about the Library's databases, with an emphasis on College Source. 8. Teen Read Week was October 12-18 and featured a "Read for Chocolate" program. Participating teens were given chocolate bars in exchange for written reviews of favorite books. Thirteen teens participated. Monthly Library Reports for October 2008 9. On Oct. 27, Teen Services Librarian Darin Williamson held a Halloween pumpkin carving program for teens. Ten teens carved jack-o-lanterns to take home. 10. October's TV programming featured The Na Palai Coast Trio, a Peter Sprague concert recorded live in the Schulman Auditorium. Library Auditorium programs are regularly shown on Time Warner Cable's community TV channel 19, KOCT Oceanside and on Del Mar Access TV. 11. The Children's Division conducted four school tours during the month of October. 12. Librarian Julie Conklin and Library Assistant Fred Vrabel presented at the Children's Division hosted Educators' Open House on October 2. The event was well-attended by area teachers. Georgina Cole ... 13. The Genealogy Division and North San Diego County Genealogical Society co- sponsored the annual Fall Seminar on Saturday, October 18. 83 people attended the program, "Sharing Your Family's Story." Three members of NSDCGS and Library Technician Jan Mongoven spoke about very different ways of publishing a genealogy/family history. The program was a great success as evidenced by the fact that all participants stayed through the full all-day program. On October 14, Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol and Library Technicians Ann Montgomery and Judy Michaels presented a panel discussion of "Social Networking for Genealogists" at the NSDCGS Computer Group with 68 people in attendance. On October 28, Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol spoke to NSDCGS about the Genealogy Collection and about the parts of the collection that the NSDCGS Book Committee emphasizes in its purchasing. 14. The Tuesday Evening Book Club read "My Sister's Keeper," by Jodi Picoult with 16 members attending the discussion led by Librarian Missy Shaw. Missy has accepted a full-time position in the Cole Children's Division and Library Assistant Elyse Roy will assume liaison to this book club beginning in January. The Thursday Afternoon Book Club read "Suite Francaise," by Irene Nemivrovsky. Nine members attended the discussion led by Librarian Kimiko Morita. 15. Children's and Teen Services at Cole had many special activities during the month. • A special Firefighter Visit at Preschool Storytime on October 8 to coincide with Fire Prevention Month with a whopping attendance of over 100 parents and preschoolers. Firefighters talked about fire safety, read stories to the kids and handed out fire helmets and coloring books. Kids were able to tour the fire truck in the Library parking lot after the program. • A Dia de los Muertos craft using plastic, sugar-skull like skulls that light up. We had 33 kids ranging in grades 1-5 participate in the program. • HalloTEEN was held again this year on the evening of Friday, October 24. It is the annual slightly scary event held after the Library closes. This year all attendees were girls and had a great time with the (fake) blood and gore. Monthly Library Reports for October 2008 • A sing-a-long screening of High School Musical to tie-in with the release of High School Musical 3 in the theaters with 21 kids and parents attend this event. 16. Toddler Time is still very active with an average attendance of 51 per session for the month of October. Preschool Storytime had an average attendance of 41. S.M.A.R.T. Babies had an average attendance of 23 per session. Learning Center ... 17. On October 23 the Learning Center hosted a visit with author Victor Villasenor. Mr. Villasenor gave an inspirational talk to the audience about his youth years and discussed his latest book "Crazy Loco Love." More than 130 people attended the standing-room only event. 18. Although many issues with the new Learning Center building have been resolved, there are still some outstanding. One example is the elevator—it became stuck again this month. Although no one was trapped, assurances need to be in place that the elevator is reliable. 19. The Literacy Program now has 60 matched pairs. Monday morning sessions are the busiest and staff working together to use of the downstairs homework rooms for sessions before 11:00 a.m. 20. Two literacy tutor orientations and one tutor training were completed and we hope to see another surge of interest as the paid advertising in the Pennysaver resumed in October (funded by the State Grant). Additional non-tutor volunteers are still needed as we've had some turnover in the door greeter volunteer positions. 21. Literacy small group programs continued, including the conversation group, Writing and Communication class, CHS and adult tutor brown bags, and a holiday budgeting class. 22. Recruitment is continuing for two part-time AmeriCorps positions available for 2009 to work with the Literacy program. There are 2 current tutors and 1 prospective tutor who are serious about applying. Community Outreach Coordinator Carrie Scott is working with the AmeriCorps coordinator about the possibility of securing a third AmeriCorps position. 23. On October 15, Community Outreach Coordinator Lizeth Simonson attended the monthly meeting of the Carlsbad Youth Enrichment Services (Y.E.S.) at Harding Community Center in Carlsbad. Vista Community Clinic present a program called "Teen Cyber-lnternet Educators." Teen Cyber Educators is a peer to peer education program that empowers teens to teach teens how to protect themselves while online. Handouts where distributed to the audience. 24. The Serra System sponsored their annual Multilingual Book Fair at the Oceanside Public Library on October 24. Lizeth Simonson, a member of the Multilingual Book Fair Committee, worked the day before helping vendors set up as well as at the fair. Monthly Library Reports for October 2008 Fifteen local vendors offered books and audio materials in various languages. Librarians and teachers from several counties and the public in general attended the book fair. 25. Learning Center staff welcomed a new Homework Zone volunteer: Judith Schumacher. During October, 193 children received assistance with their homework. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - OCTOBER 2008 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Learning Center (began Aug 2008; formerly Centro/ALP) Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Oct-07 13,049 75,201 33,387 13,875 7,264 32,526 21,937 8,864 181/61 967/143 1,9097* 179/* 29 417 11 168 127 2,675 13,164 837 7,286 22,520 275 6,544 104 3,954 21 1,124.6 Sept-08 13,450 73,040 32,497 9,106 8,160 32,315 17,277 6,524 857 1,492 3,134*** 497 31 440 9 95 89 2,617 13,509 932 8,271 31,605 306 9,346 89 3,135 14 1,389.75 Oct-08 13,754 73,026 33,526 9,195 7,856 31,640 16,750 5,974 833 1,832 4,942 198 43 666 11 97 124 3,342 13,864 818 8,627 32,423 272 9,618 72 2,766 16 1,239.55 * Not reported. *** Door counter not working properly for one week. ITEM #7 Carlsbad City Library Technology Report About this report The following report covers information between the months of July-September. The data that is contained in this report, is meant to provide an overview of use and performance regarding the Library's various technologies. Below you will find the con- tents for the last three months. Contents Website Page Views pg. 2 Top Internet Categories pg. 2 Monthly Wireless Use pg. 2 Public Computer Utilization pg. 2 Public Computer Sessions pg. 3 Public Bandwidth Utilization pg. 3 July - September 2008 Summary Carlsbadlibrary.org/Arts/Media Services Usage Statistics Location Carlsbadlibrary.org Arts Media Services Page Views 214,186 26,932 4,851 Top Public Internet Categories Category Web Advertisements Social Networking Search Engines/Portals Reference Email Streaming Media/MP3s Computers/Internet Business/Economy Shopping Games Percentage of use 14.7% 11.3% 9.8% 9.0% 6.4% 5.8% 4.2% 4.1% 3.6% 3.4% Wireless Location Totals Location Cole Dove Users 2,167 1,634 PC Utilization Average Computer Type Dove Adult Lab Dove Career Center Dove E-mail Dove Walk-up Dove Children's Lab Cole Adult Lab Cole E-mail Cole Children's Centra (July) Learning Center Children's Lab (Aug - Sep) Learning Center Adult Lab (Aug - Sep) *This table does not reflect offline use. Computers 12 2 4 12 9 10 1 8 5 7 7 Utilization 57% 48% 26% 71% 16% 77% 32% 39% 49% 22% 31% July - September 2008 Summary PC Management Sessions Location Dove Adult Lab Dove Career Center Dove E-mail Dove Walk-up Dove Children's Cole Adult Cole E-mail Cole Children's Centre (July) Learning Center Children's Lab (Aug - Sep) Learning Center Adult Lab (Aug - Sep) This table does not reflect offline use. Computers 12 2 4 12 9 10 1 8 5 7 7 Sessions 5,133 821 5,414 11,363 1,224 9,092 1,586 2,751 199 298 473 Dove Public Bandwidth Utilization *Not including wireless May 2008 — September 2008 Unit = percent. Capacity = loo percent • PEftK C3 flVG November 2007 — September 2008 60- Unit = percent. Capacity = 100 percent • PEflK n flVG Report on Conferences and Staff Training . 2008 PRSA International Conference Detroit October 25-28 Building relationships using traditional public relations tactics and using new media (blogs, wikis, twitter, etc.) Keynote speakers such as Mitch Albon (/Tuesdays with Monrie) and Craig Newmark (Craig's List) internet Utilizing Web 2.0 tools in a library environment Looking ahead to next generation library catalogs NOVEMBER U-17, Z008 SAH JOSl. (UlfOMIA CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Setting the Stage for Service 2S, 10QH To be announced "Plus Service" standards Building specific standards and scripts Htfl g F:\LIBRARY BOARD\ Agenda\Report on Conf attchmnt -ll-08.doc 00