HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-01-21; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved; MINUTES ITEM #3 MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 PLACE OF MEETING: Georgina Cole Library Community Room 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive CALL TO ORDER: Chair Bill Kamenjarin called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, Kamenjarin, and Swette Absent: Trustee Lignante Also Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Carol Naegele, Principal Librarian Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Devin Castel, Library Business Systems Specialist Marg Kealey, NSDCGS Liaison Carolyn Taylor, League of Women Voters observer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Swette/Bradley the minutes of the regular meeting held December 17, 2008, were unanimously approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Bradley asked about the location of Spanish language parenting magazines at all the Library locations and Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that she was certain there were several at the Learning Center. Trustee Benson mentioned the difficulties with the door counters and asked whether the plan was to try to fix the existing counters at all the facilities or to replace them using a different method. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of January 21, 2009 Meeting Library Director Pizzuto responded that both of those were possibilities and the Library has put a placeholder in the budget planning for 2009-10 in an effort to explore alternative technologies for door counting. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the door numbers for the Learning Center had doubled those from the two programs last year or was the larger number due to problems with the counter itself. Principal Librarian Carol Naegele responded that in the past the Centre de Informacion did not count those individuals who came for programs or classes prior to the regular open hours, therefore the numbers are not actually comparable. Both Trustees Benson and Bradley commented on the learners" goals achievements reached this past year in the Literacy program. There was a discussion of the variance in the statistics over the months and the impact of holidays and reduced hours. The Trustees also discussed the economy and recent news stories about libraries having no funds for acquisitions. STRATEGIC INITIATIVES WORKPLAN: Library Director Pizzuto provided the Board with an overview of the history of the Strategic Directions beginning with the workshop with Joan Fry Williams in November of 2006 during which the Library decided on Strategic Directions instead of a more traditional five year strategic plan. The Strategic Directions would allow the Library to routinely look at new opportunities, especially in technology, and to identify on a regular basis those opportunities that fit within the strategic directions and plan initiatives to work on year to year instead of following a list of to-do's that might stagnate over a five year period. She further explained that in May of 2007, staff attended a workshop to learn the process of workplanning around strategic initiatives as it is a fairly detailed task of taking an initiative and developing a workplan around how to achieve it; however, shortly thereafter staff became completely engaged with the opening of the Learning Center which was already identified as a primary initiative. It was not until the Learning Center opened in August that staff was able to get back to the task of looking ahead. Library Director Pizzuto then reviewed the initiatives the Library anticipates pursuing in the next fiscal year, which is the precursor to developing the budget and planning the use of staff time. The Board discussed specifics of several of the proposed initiatives and "next steps" as well as ways in which the Library Board can assist. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of January 21, 2009 Meeting Library Director Pizzuto advised that the actual process of determining specific tasks will begin in the next fiscal year so that some items will be very tangible and known as we enter the fiscal year and there will be others that will unfold over the course of the year. As more detail is developed she will bring that information back to the Board. She concluded the discussion by stating the last step will be to communicate to the public the Library's Strategic Directions and Priority Initiatives and we anticipate putting some information on the website as well as employing other methods of publicizing the information. DOVE LANE PARKING LOT UPDATE: Library Director Pizzuto referred the Board to the drawing included in their agenda packet and announced that the first phase of the needed improvements to the Dove Lane Facility parking lot is currently in the bid process. This portion of the project involves the creation of a drive-through for the book drops at the northeast entrance to the parking lot. The two existing drive-up book drops will be relocated from their current positions to this location which is safer, more visible and more easily accessed. CALTAC WORKSHOP: Library Director Pizzuto offered the opportunity to the Trustees to attend the CALTAC Southern Workshop at the Torrance Library on March 14th and asked that they let Library Administration know by February 9th if they would like to attend in order to make the early bird registration deadline. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Budget information - Library Director Pizzuto announced the proposed spending reductions for the current fiscal year will be presented to City Council at their January 27th meeting and the Library has not received any information or instructions on the budget for 2009/10. Volunteer Recognition - At the last meeting interest was expressed about learning more about how the Library recognizes volunteers and additional information will be provided at the March meeting. Library Director Pizzuto added that at that time she will also have information about this year's recognition event traditionally held during April to coincide with National Volunteer Week. Credit/debit card acceptance at the self-checks - This as a follow up item to last month's information about testing Authorize.net, the software that is needed to allow the use of credit/debit cards at the self-checks. Library Director Pizzuto advised that staff is involved in the testing process with the software that passes the financial information Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of January 21, 2009 Meeting through and it will take several weeks to test the actual transactions before we know if the gateway will provide us with all the reports and financial information we need. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Benson reported that he had attended his first meeting and advised that the majority of the time was spent in discussing the budget and expenses for the newsletter. Also discussed were the capital campaign and a possible fund raising event. Trustee Swette mentioned that there is currently no way to make donations online and no information on the Foundation's website about where to send one. Trustee Benson will share this perspective with the Foundation. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto reported that the Friends met last week and heard a similar presentation from the Library and Arts Foundation presenting the DVD and an overview of the campaign in terms of taking the DVD out to service organizations. In a similar manner, the Foundation asked the Friends group for their suggested contacts in service organizations and individuals who might be willing to view the DVD and have a conversation around endorsing the campaign. There was also discussion of a donation that was made through a Carlsbad High School program of discarded and unsold children's books to be sent to Uganda. She added that the Friends periodically support such projects when they have an abundance of materials that either have not sold or are selected for discard. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Society Liaison to the Board, Marg Kealey reported on the Society's upcoming trip to Salt Lake City to do research at the Family History Center. She also reported on upcoming events including the Spring Seminar on March 28th at the Carlsbad Senior Center. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Swette asked for an update on Carlsbad Reads Together 2009 at the next Board meeting. Trustee Bradley mentioned that this Board continues to be an Honor Board with CALTAC as the Library pays the annual membership fee. Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of January 21, 2009 Meeting PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, (Swette/Benson) the meeting was adjourned at 5:12 p.m. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM # 4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for DECEMBER 2008 Systemwide ... 1. The Library hosted a poetry reading and celebration for the release of the 20th annual Magee Park Poets Anthology. About 70 people attended and many anthologies were sold. The Anthologies are printed with the support of the Friends of the Carlsbad Library and are available for sale at the Friends Bookstore and at Circulation. 2. The Library hosted several holiday concerts. About 60 people attended a jazz holiday concert featuring local performers the Susanna Kurner Trio at Cole Library. A packed auditorium enjoyed Flamenco holiday music by the David Maldonado Group on December 14. 60 people at the Learning Center enjoyed a holiday guitar performance by David Maldonado followed by a talk from poet and educator Francisco X. Alarcon. 3. An evacuation drill was held on December 9 at all three library facilities with the coordination and support of the City's Emergency Preparedness Coordinator and the Fire Marshall and his staff. This was the first active test of the Library's Disaster Plan which was rewritten last year. Lessons were learned at all three sites. 4. Various staff at all Library and Arts sites shared unique information from their areas with Board members at the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation's Annual Retreat on December 2. CCL, Dove Lane ... 5. In the Children's area, the Book Nook has been transformed into a "Family Focus Center" with parenting books, magazines, board books and easy readers. Collections have been re-arranged, making browsing much easier. We have received a great deal of positive feedback from our patrons about the changes. 6. December's Children's programming included traditional "Trim-A-Tree" make and take craft on December 2, followed by Santa's Visit on December 12 (which attracted 276 participants). Then on December 15, Raggle Taggle presented a musical program on Winter Holidays around the World. The Hanukkah program on December 17 was attended by enthusiastic children and adults, who sang along as they learned all about the holiday. 7. December's Pizza and a Movie featured a screening of the teen fantasy film Stardust. Eighteen young adults attended. Georgina Cole ... 8. The North San Diego County Genealogical Society met in December for its annual business meeting and holiday luncheon. New officers were installed and the Society's new president is Gordon Hoard. 9. Amy Davis organized and presented to four groups from the Learning Center's high school a program about the Carlsbad History Room and Carlsbad history. These presentations were initiated through an expressed interest by the students in Carlsbad History. The students were transported to the Cole Library for the presentations. Monthly Library Reports for December 2008 10. The Tuesday Evening Book Club read "Ishmael" by Daniel Quinn. Twenty-three people attended the discussion led by Librarian Missy Shaw. Library Assistant Elyse Roy also attended the meeting and will be taking over the group starting in January. 11. Children's and Teens programs were clustered in the early part of the month based on school holiday schedules. Highlights included musician Craig Newton and his Musical Holiday Revue, Santa's visit, and the holiday storycraft. Holiday stories were read to the over 125 young children and young at heart while they waited to have their picture taken on Santa's lap. 12. Cole Circulation Library Technician Dan Wood completed his master's degree in Library and Information Science from San Jose State University's program in Fullerton, CA. Learning Center... 13. Statistics for attendance and circulation were down for both Literacy Services and Bilingual Services during the holiday season due to multiple factors. First, heavy rains deterred patrons from coming as many of them walk, take the bus, or have concerns about driving in inclement weather. Second, many of the tutors and learners take time off during the holidays due to children being out of school, travel for the holidays, or changes in work schedules. 14. The Learning Center's door counter (which measures visits to the Library) is getting bumped during the day, which stops the counter from registering and skews the monthly statistics. City Facilities staff are working on a more secure mount. 15. Three Learning Center staff members participated in the Holiday Tree Lighting ceremony in downtown Carlsbad. During the event, Lizeth Simonson read a holiday story in English and Spanish to different groups of children and adults. Each reading was followed by a craft activity related to the story. 16. Bilingual holiday programs included making ornaments for home and the Learning Center tree, a Christmas concert with David Maldonado followed by a program with poet and educator Francisco Alarcon, and a visit by Santa Glaus to the Learning Center where children could have their picture taken and receive a free gift book donated by the Friends of the Library. 17. The Learner book club discussed Skipping Christmas. This was the final book club facilitated by AmeriCorps member lla Schmidt. Next month's book is Holes and Literacy Assistant Deanna Bougher will be the new facilitator. 18. Continuing literacy learner programs included Writing on the Computer 1, the conversation group, and Writing and Communication class. A new curriculum, Reading and Understanding Maps, was introduced. 19. Several in-service opportunities were provided to the volunteer literacy tutors through brown bag sessions presented by Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott and Carlsbad High School teacher Judy Gaitan. 20. The two new AmeriCorps members, Deborah Fernau and Leslie Rodwick, completed their starting paperwork and are ready to begin their service on January 2. The outgoing AmeriCorps volunteers for the past two years, Geoff Armour and lla Schmidt, were honored Monthly Library Reports for December 2008 with other Southern California AmeriCorps members at the "Life After AmeriCorps" celebration held at the Heritage Park Library in Irvine. Both will be continuing as tutors in the Literacy program. 21. December was an exciting month, with literacy learners achieving 26 of their literacy goals. Two learners in particular stand out: • One learner wanted to read Christmas stories to his grandchildren. He and his tutor worked especially hard on this goal, as the learner is at a very beginning level. The pair even came in on a Friday, which is not their regular day. Upon closing, the pair was seen standing under a light at the front of the building, continuing to read! The learner was able to read two books to his grandchildren on Christmas Day. • Five years ago, one of our learners was so afraid that she drove around the block many times before she came in for her initial orientation. Now she has completed all of her goals, including reading books, searching the Internet, regularly using the library, and writing letters. As she has completed all of her literacy goals, she has volunteered to be.a greeter volunteer for our building. In addition, she volunteers at the Senior Center. We are very proud of our learners' accomplishment. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - DECEMBER 2008 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Learning Center (began Aug 2008; formerly Centro/ALP) Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Dec-07 11,560 63,941 28,169 8,638 5,674 27,055 17,633 6,939 179/50 687/102 1.798/* 115/* 10 210 7 94 84 1,934 11,143 583 6,704 23,827 178 6,980 63 2,471 21 1,192.75 Nov-08 12,965 71,641 30,148 7,928 7,441 30,329 16,113 5,835 305 1,292 3,420 280 31 326 10 111 88 2,153 12,429 690 7,064 33,113 221 9,839 60 2,062 20 1,078.15 Dec-08 12,197 70,336 32,111 8,977 6,718 28,645 15,221 4,717 659 1,310 3,967 528 19 513 10 93 89 ,_ 2,646 13,134 651 9,662 33,764 201 10,040 62 3,008 18 1,010.25 * Not reported. *** Door counter not working properly for one week. ITEM # 5 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Strategic Directions Position the Library as an active leader in the areas of learning, cultural arts, and enjoyment of reading. Position the Library as an active partner with other agencies in the areas of economic development and public safety. Position the Library as an active provider of information and model of best practices in the areas of transportation, healthcare, and the environment. Offer convenient and responsive library service. Offer personalized and flexible library service. Promote and celebrate books and reading. Develop and diversify library collections to sustain/satisfy a broadening range of residents' needs and interests. Continually update and refresh Library programs and services to engage all segments of the community. Build community by connecting Carlsbad residents with the City, with the Library, and with one another. Update staff tools and technologies. Perform as an information access point and information outlet for the City. Improve Library facilities. Update technology infrastructure. Develop and retain effective Library staff. Maintain the Library's reputation for excellence and top ranking compared to other libraries serving similar communities. Diversify fiscal support sources. Realign budget with priorities identified each year Jan 009 1/20/2009 Strategic Directions WorkPlan In Development 2009-10 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Position the Library as an active leader in the areas of learning, cultural arts & enjoyment of reading Assess how programs are supported: staffing, contracts, etc. Position the Library as an active partner with other agencies in the areas of economic development & public safety Collaborate with organizations supporting smal! businesses & skill-building for youth & adults Offer convenient & responsive library service Laptop computers for in-iibrary usage CARLSBAD^ CITY LIBRARY 1/20/2009 Offer personalized & flexible library service Evaluate new functionality enabled by Sirs! upgrade Determine what "high touch" means in library services Promote and celebrate books & reading Add staff at Learning Center to deliver on early childhood & family literacy Develop & diversify library collections Offer downloadable materials CARLSBAD^ CITY LIBRARY Continually update & refresh Library programs & services to engage all segments of the community Emphasize services appealing to teens and younger adults Build community by connecting Carlsbad residents with the City, the Library & each other Market under-recognized services & resources Increase website functionality Update technology infrastructure Offer wireless printing CARLSBAD */ CITY LIBRARY 1/20/2009 Develop and retain effective Library staff Connect employees with development opportunities for targeted growth Diversify fiscal support sources Pursue revenue sources with highest potential Realign budget priorities identified each year institutionalize annual review of strategic directions CARLSBAD / CITY LIBRARY