HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-02-18; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: Approved: MINUTES ITEM #3 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, February 18, 2009 Board Room - Carlsbad City Library 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Vice-chair Marie Bradley called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Also Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, and Lignante Trustees Kamenjarin and Swette Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Peter Gordon, Arts Office Manager Carol Naegele, Principal Librarian Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Devin Castel, Library Business Systems Specialist Marg Kealey, NSDCGS Liaison Carolyn Taylor, League of Women Voters observer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On a motion by Trustees Benson/Bradley the minutes of the regular meeting held January 21, 2009 were unanimously approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Both Trustees Benson and Bradley commented on how pleased they were with the addition of the computer classes at the Learning Center and asked if the schedule had been finalized. Trustee Bradley had questions about the new RFID tags and Business Systems Specialist responded that the old tag had been phased out and the new tag is more durable. He added that the Library does not anticipate having to replace the old tags in the current collection. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of February 18, 2009 Meeting Trustee Bradley asked about the title selection for the Literacy book club and Principal Librarian Naegele responded that the book club participants actually select the title and the book must be available in paperback and in audio format in order to meet the needs of the various levels of the learners participating. LEARNING CENTER DONATED ARTWORK: Arts Office Manager Peter Gordon reminded the Board that this item was brought to them back in August of 2008 at the beginning of the City's process for donated artwork. Having gone through the process of Arts Commission and public review, he advised that the Arts Office had received 100% approval of the piece and for its installation at the Library Learning Center. The item has been on loan during the process and on display in the Learning Center; however, Arts Office Manager Gordon added that the exact installation point within the Learning Center has not been determined. The lobby area has some interior design elements not yet completed which need to be considered in determining the best location for the piece. The agenda bill for the formal acceptance and approval for installation of the artwork is tentatively scheduled for the City Council meeting of March 24th BUDGET GUIDELINES & SCHEDULE FOR FY2009-10: Library Director Pizzuto advised the Board that the Library had been directed to submit a budget reduced by 5% over the mid-year expenditure reduction resulting in an overall reduction of 10% less than what was submitted last year. Library Management Analyst Cheryl Mast reviewed the guidelines and timeline for submittal of the Library's budget for FY2009-10. The Trustees expressed concern over possible reductions in services and Library Director Pizzuto responded to their questions but emphasized that the Library was in the middle of putting the figures together and would have a better idea of the impacts of the reduction later in the month. She added that the preliminary budget would be submitted by the next regular meeting of this Board. The Board also discussed possible sources for additional funding such as community partnering and applying for grants and increasing facility use fees. TECHNOLOGY REPORT: Library Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel reviewed the highlights of the Quarterly Technology Report which was included in their agenda packet. He pointed out that eight of the walk-up computers at the Dove Lane facility had been added to the PC Management system requiring the user to sign up for a session and limiting their session when there are patrons waiting for an available computer. He also called the Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of February 18, 2009 Meeting Board's attention to the usage statistics at the Learning Center which have doubled since his last report. Trustee Benson requested that future reports include the statistics from the previous quarter for comparison. CARLSBAD READS TOGETHER: Library Community Coordinator Jessica Padilla Bowen distributed a list of events planned for this year's program and emphasized that the author event had been expanded to two appearances this year, one in the afternoon at the Cole Library and another at the Schulman Auditorium in the evening. Tickets will be required for these events and will be reserved for the Board if requested. The resource guide will be available next week and both the resource guide and schedule of events will be available on the Library's webpage. She added that the title is not available in Spanish but that the Library Learning Center Bilingual Book Club will be reading a book with a similar theme. FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS UPDATE: Library Director Pizzuto advised the Board that there were a few facility improvements completed this year as they are necessary for either safety or to correct existing conditions. Those include the following: • At the Dove Lane facility, the first phase of the parking lot improvement, the drive-through book drop, is moving ahead through the contract process. • At the Cole Library there are several areas of the sidewalk that are being either replaced or leveled to eliminate a tripping hazard and the atrium is being reworked due to flooding problems which are causing water to seep into the Library. Parks is also trimming several trees and shrubs on the west side of the building. • At the Learning Center the RFID gates have been installed as well as the silent alarm buttons at the public service desks. PROPOSED CHANGE IN LOAN PERIOD: Library Director Pizzuto explained that there has been strong patron feedback on the loan periods for CD-ROMs and the larger DVD and video sets. Currently neither of these item types can be renewed and it is difficult to get the benefit from an instructional CD-ROM or view multiple discs or tapes within a week's time and therefore staff is Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of February 18, 2009 Meeting recommending changing the loan period for these two item types from one week to three weeks, with no renewal. By proper motion and vote (Benson/Lignante) the Board unanimously approved the change in loan periods from one week to three weeks for both CD-ROMs and DVD and video sets containing more than three discs or tapes. Library Director Pizzuto thanked the Board for their approval and advised that it would take time to implement the changes in the catalog, anticipating that the new loan period would become effective within the next sixty days. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Media Services - Library Director Pizzuto announced the retirement of Media Services Specialist Bill Richmond, effective this June, and reminded the Board that there is a managed hiring freeze in effect for the City. She continued that the Library will take this opportunity to review the manner and level of services being offered and consider alternatives for providing these services more efficiently. Deputy Library Director Curtis will be overseeing the operation during this period with no disruption in services planned or anticipated. Board preferences for receiving materials - Library Director Pizzuto explained this is a follow-on to the discussion held at the last meeting offering the Board the option to receive information electronically in lieu of mailed packets. She asked that each Trustee decide on their preferred method and let the Library staff know of their decision at the next meeting. Of the three members present, Trustees Benson and Bradley asked for the information to be sent electronically and Trustee Lignante asked for his to be sent in the mail. Public Library Staff Education Program (PLSEP) - Library Director Pizzuto announced that the City Council has given approval for the Library to apply for these grant funds from the State Library which provides tuition assistance for library school students. This Library has applied for these funds on behalf of our hourly employees every year since the program's inception and many of our staff members have benefited from receiving the grant funds. It is anticipated that we will again have a number of applicants for the grant. Debit/Credit cards at self-checks - Library Director Pizzuto reported that testing for debit/credit card acceptance at the self-check locations has continued over the past month and the systems are working successfully but the current software applications do not have sufficient reporting functionality. The Library's RFID vendor has agreed to do additional development of custom reporting to capture transaction information. Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of February 18, 2009 Meeting Sirsi-Dynix - Library Director Pizzuto advised that the planned installation of the upgrade scheduled for late summer has been postponed in consideration of installing a later version of the upgrade. The Library is considering offering to become a beta test site for testing the later version. Video games - Library Director Pizzuto announced the addition of video games to the collection. The games will circulate using the same policies as videos and DVDs including the 75 cent insurance fee. It is hoped that the addition of this medium to the collection will increase library usage by the teens and young adult population. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Benson reported that the Foundation is investigating the possibility of a "mini- golf fundraiser which has been very successful for other Libraries. The Castles of Carlsbad committee is looking for one more house to add to this year's tour as well as sponsors of the event. Trustee Benson also reported that the Albertson's Preferred Community Partners cards for the Foundation have expired and cardholders need to go online or obtain a replacement card to re-establish their donor recipient preference. Other items of discussion included adding information to their webpage on where to send donations and the availability of the DVD for in-home gatherings. This suggestion had been raised at a previous Library Board meeting and the Foundation agreed to make the DVD available to small groups provided a member of the Foundation could also be present to give the accompanying presentation. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto announced that the Friends had not held a meeting since this Board last met. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Board liaison Marg Kealey reviewed upcoming events planned and added that this year's spring seminar on researching adoption records ties in with Carlsbad Reads Together and is listed in the resource guide. She also mentioned that the genealogy classes will begin again in February. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Bradley asked for an update on the recent theft of Library DVD 's and Library Director Pizzuto responded that an arrest had been made but the Library has no further information. Library Board of Trustees Page 6 Minutes of February 18, 2009 Meeting _ PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Benson/Lignante) the meeting was adjourned at 5:23 p.m. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for JANUARY 2009 Systemwide ... 1. Staff computers at all Library locations have been upgraded to Microsoft Office 2007. Public machines will be upgraded in the very near future. This will allow staff to be prepared to instruct and assist the patrons with the changes. 2. January's volunteer orientation provided an exciting group of applicants with many talents— several have advanced science, computer, and professional degrees and experience. Most have been interviewed and several have been placed. 3. Library supervisors Lizeth Simonson, Barbara Chung, and Marsha Weeks attended the Santiago Library System Performer's Showcase in Yorba Linda. The showcase presented auditions from performers who book appearances in libraries and schools throughout southern California. 4. January's "Library Hour" program was Los Pinguos. Library Auditorium programs are sometimes recorded and aired on Time Warner Cable channel 19, KOCT Oceanside and on Del Mar Access TV. 5. Approximately 30 people attended the first Magee Park Poets poetry writing workshop of the year, held at Cole Library on January 11. 6. The first Cinema Society film screening of the year featured Academy Award-winning film The Counterfeiters on January 11. Nearly 180 people attended and many stayed after the film for the post-discussion. CCL, Dove Lane ... 7. After the tagging equipment was modified, Technical Services began using the new module 370 RFID tags. A comprehensive test using the new tags on all new books for two weeks is under way. 8. January saw the return of regular preschool and school-age programming, as well as two special programs. The Pajama Party on January 15 was a big hit with all 22 attendees, one of whom wanted to know if we did it every week! The Chinese New Year program on January 30 was attended by 26 enthusiastic children and adults, who danced, did crafts and learned about the holiday. 9. On January 24, Librarian Darin Williamson assisted Recreation staff with the City's annual Teen Scene & Battle of the Bands. The winning band, Tan Sister Radio, will perform in a concert in the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium in the spring. 10. January's Pizza and a Movie evening for teens was held on Thursday, January 29. 16 teens enjoyed the Academy Award nominated, animated film Wall-E. Monthly Library Reports for January 2009 Georgina Cole ... 11. The Genealogy Division was very busy in January with many well-attended programs. Topics included Websites for Immigration/Naturalization Research and "Grandpa Was in Jail?" (covering lesser used genealogy record groups including prison records). Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol presented the first three of the five session series, "Library Skills for Genealogists" The first three session topics were "Evidence: What Is It and Where Do I Get It?" "Source Citation for Genealogists," and "Library Catalogs and Digital Books" and had attendance of 146 people for the three classes. 12. The Genealogy Division received a large donation of genealogy books from long-time NSDCGS member Ruth Buman. The books focus on early California and early San Diego. 13. Computer classes that have been taught at Cole will now be taught at the Learning Center by Cole Reference staff at a variety of times. A schedule will be forthcoming. These classes include Internet Basics, Internet Tips and Tricks, E-mail, and Microsoft Word. In addition, once a month Librarian Jacqui Petri will teach a special topics class such as resume writing, job hunting, holiday letter writing, etc. 14. Library Technician Amy Davis conducted two presentations for 26 participants of a Carlsbad High School architecture class on the history of the area, the Library's History Room and Carlsbad architectural history. 15. Thursday is early release day for Carlsbad Unified School District. The Cole Children's Division has added an additional volunteer-staffed Homework Zone session from 1-3 p.m. to accommodate the students' needs. 16. Cole Children's has added the services of an additional volunteer—a "Marketing Assistant." She has been assisting Library staff in decorating the picture book area and maintaining our various book displays. The Children's area now has a fantastic castle scene featuring literary characters that would not have been possible without assistance from our volunteers. 17. The Children's StoryCraft program in January featured a Chinese New Year theme. The highlight of the month was a visit from the Magic School Bus' Ms. Frizzle who talked about dinosaurs and entertained an audience of 118. Learning Center ... 18. The North County Times interviewed one of the learners in the Literacy program. The resulting article featured a front-page photo of the learner with her tutor. 19. Three levels of computer classes in Spanish began, including Keyboarding, Word, and Internet/Email. 20. The 2009 Adult Learner Leadership Institute had its first session on January 24 at the Learning Center. This 6-session program is facilitated by learners for learners. It focuses on teaching leadership, advocacy, and presentation skills. The two facilitators are current Carlsbad learners and graduates of last year's Institute. Fourteen other learners from four literacy programs (Carlsbad, Oceanside, Escondido, and Newport Beach) are participating. Monthly Library Reports for January 2009 21. The Learner book club discussed Holes in January. Next month's book is The Bridges of Madison County. Literacy Assistant Deanna Bougher is facilitating the book club with AmeriCorps member Deb Fernau. 22. A variety of building issues were addressed this month including carpet cleaning, repairs on several doors, and pest management. In addition, the final set of community room tables were delivered and the window shades were installed in the staff lounge and program area restroom. 23. Learners continue to strive to meet their literacy goals. This month saw several significant accomplishments, including learning how to read medicine labels, using a recipe to make a meal, using a calculator to add whole numbers and dollar amounts, and writing a letter to a mother and grandmother. One learner is halfway through a fourteen chapter book—when finished, it will be the first time he has ever read an entire book. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - JANUARY 2009 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Learning Center (began Aug 2008; formerly Centro/ALP) Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Jan-08 14,149 78,628 34,141 12,908 7,001 33,229 21,424 9,085 188/38 881/177 1,809/* 160/* 34 516 8 97 102 2,728 13,462 828 7,469 24,655 268 7,248 92 3,597 26 1,305 Dec-08 12,197 70,336 32,111 8,977 6,718 28,645 15,221 4,717 659 1,310 3,967 528 19 513 10 93 89 2,646 13,134 651 9,662 33,764 201 10,040 62 3,008 18 1,010.25 Jan-09 15,363 76,150 34,468 9,203 9,107 33,385 19,068 6,492 551 1,389 4,183 382 41 734 8 90 116 3,130 15,166 863 8,610 34,627 372 10,412 65 2,293 14 1,325.05 * Not reported. *** Door counter not working properly for one week. ITEM # 7 Carlsbad City Library Technology Report About this report The following report covers information between the months of October - December. The data that is contained in this report, is meant to provide an overview of use and performance regarding the Library's various technologies. Below you will find the con- tents for the last three months. Contents Public Computer Sessions pg. 2 Public Computer Utilization pg. 2 Website pg. 2 Top Internet Categories pg. 3 Monthly Wireless Use pg. 3 Public Bandwidth Utilization pg. 3 Ectober - December 2008 Summary PC Management Sessions Location Dove Adult Lab Dove Career Center Dove E-mail Dove Walk-up Dove Children's Cole Adult Cole E-mail Cole Children's Learning Center Children's Lab Learning Center Adult Lab *This table does not reflect offline use. Computers 12 2 4 12 9 11 1 8 7 7 Sessions 5,010 729 5,569 10,360 1,403 9,070 1,335 2,197 1,022 1,377 PC Utilization Average Computer Type Dove Adult Lab Dove Career Center Dove E-mail Dove Walk-up Dove Children's Lab Cole Adult Lab Cole E-mail Cole Children's Learning Center Children's Lab Learning Center Adult Lab This table does not reflect offline use. Computers 12 2 4 12 9 11 1 8 7 7 Utilization 60% 46% 27% 66% 16% 75% 26% 29% 58% 40% Carlsbadlibrary.org/Arts/Media Usage Statistics Location Carlsbad library .org Arts Media Services Total Page Views 164,089 10,617 4,135 October - December 2008 Summary Top Public Internet Categories Category Web Advertisements Social Networking Search Engines/Portals Reference Streaming Media/MP3s E-mail Computers/Internet Business/Economy Shopping Arts/Entertainment Percentage of use 15% 11% 1% 7% 7% 6% 4% 4% 4% 4% Wireless Location Totals Dove Public Bandwidth Utilization *Not including wireless July 2008 — December 2008 Location Cole Dove Users 2,171 1,629 January 2008 — December 2008 ITEM # 7 ao N u c 15,N 5 Q. Eo O 0) Q.j>^ 0 Q. 0 O CD ^^(0 CM V. 0) c 0)o o <D (0O 0) o Q i^*^ CM ^vCO (O CM Q. 3i i 0) o Q ; ^*10 (0 "5 "o O 'ro E <D O •v O J^N, ' c Q) O o^ 00 10 Pkc 0 2 O O -J ^^o *•» 0 -I <uaO U -M a OJ u^ ,-Qr3 PU O H 0to 3 *»- O 0 0) c o 0 Q. Ca t e g o r y 0^h*. •^^^r to ve r t i s e m e n t .Q i *>&0^ ^ le t w o r k i n g ^. 75 "o0 CO ^oo^ ^ 15t- En g i n e s / P o i Se a r c h o^•^ 0 O Re f e r e n o^^ CO CL ng M e d i a / M l St r e a m i o^ CD iLU o^ ^ :e r s / l n t e r n e t •*• 3 Q. 0 O o^^ is / E c o n o m y Bu s i n e s o^^ O) 'o. Q.o CO o^ ^ te r t a i n m e n t Ar t s / E n i o N QJaV-l u OZ-VO ITEM # 10 Qg cc <o cu i £ f? °< cuI Q-<j <" r\ ^LJ tO LU CUto _co ~ S £a:a. : cro "i _CU T3c o3 1o O. O CL -ao'i_cu Q. Cro_O •4— ICcui_l_Z3u to Ecu4-» to_^cucu mV ' 1 J^cucu vH to O C£L\ Q U ro 5cu•ccui_ oc to^.cucu m "ro cuccui_ oc ^icucu rH toUvj T3 *y^" J crox:4-> cu o E DOC 'ro^^j^^cou to ,!-„,!* CUto Q > Q toT3O'i_ CU Q. Cro_O T3 CU-accu4->Xcu cu_c4-> 4->ro cucu-Mto H M— O •o roo QQ ro Oi_ Q. to-aCU :T4_i roro T3 .9- oy (U 'E .Ero -c ui -ti cu> +Ju £cu cu Eoucu o ±J (/»-1 IB 5 'S+-• 4J >• J5 ^ Ero .u ucuOLtoQ. CUO 01c cu ccua. to o