HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-04-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: MINUTES ITEM #3 MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 PLACE OF MEETING: Library Board Room - Carlsbad City Library 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Chair Bill Kamenjarin called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, Kamenjarin, Lignante, and Swette Absent: None Also Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Carol Naegele, Principal Librarian Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Marg Kealey, NSDCGS Liaison Carolyn Taylor, League of Women Voters observer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On a motion by Trustees Kamenjarin/Bradley the minutes of the regular meeting held March 18, 2009 were unanimously approved. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Swette commented on the attendance at Library programs and Library Director Pizzuto responded that the Library has been tracking attendance as one of the statistics indicating increased usage of the Library which is most likely directly attributed to the economic environment and the increased use of low-cost or no-cost activities in the community. Both Trustees Bradley and Benson expressed interest in receiving more information on the Transborder Library Forum pre-conference attended last month by Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson. Library Director Pizzuto suggested putting the item on the agenda for a future meeting and expanding the item to include an overview of the Library's bilingual services and outreach in general. Trustees Kamenjarin and Bradley had some questions about the work on the drain in the atrium at the Cole Library and Library Director Pizzuto explained that the larger plants, including the tree will be removed, the surface re-graded and drain cleared. She Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of April 15, 2009 Meeting added that the plants had overgrown the area and some would be replaced with varieties and sizes more suitable. The Carlsbad Arboretum Society will again be involved with the planting of the area. Trustee Benson asked about the significant increase in the use statistics for the Library Learning Center and Principal Librarian Carol Naegele responded that the numbers were accurate and could be directly attributed to activities at the schools (Read America program) and the increased use of the meeting spaces at the new facility. Many of the stakeholder interviews for Envision Carlsbad took place at the Learning Center and the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation held a Lunch and Learn in pursuit of its fundraising campaign. She added that they also hosted several tours of the facility including one by the Sister City delegation from Japan. LIBRARY BOARD ORDINANCE REVISION: Library Director Pizzuto explained that both the recent training for liaisons to Boards and Commissioners and the City becoming a Charter City prompted the staff to review the Library Board ordinance to determine that it is in compliance and continues to guide the activities of the Library Board of Trustees appropriately. Deputy City Attorney Paul Edmonson reviewed the proposed revision for current legal accuracy reflecting changes in legislation and practice as well as being consistent with similar elements of the ordinances for other Boards and Commissions within the City. Library Director Pizzuto then reviewed the strikeout version of the ordinance with the Board. Following the review and by proper motion, Trustees Benson/Kamenjarin, the Board approved the language for the ordinance revision to move forward for City Council approval. BUDGET STATUS REPORT: Library Director Pjzzuto reported that the Library met with the Finance Department to review the Library's 5% reduction list in preparation for the Leadership Team's review of submitted proposals for reductions across the City, scheduled to take place next week. WEBSITE REDESIGN: Library Director Pizzuto reported that work continues on the redesign with a soft launch scheduled for late June or early July. Community Coordinator Jessica Padilla Bowen distributed examples of the City's home page and reported that the Volunteer office is putting together a group of volunteers to conduct a usability study of the Beta site prior to the actual launch. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of April 15, 2Q09 Meeting CARLSBAD READS TOGETHER: Community Coordinator Jessica Padilla reported on the large attendance and participation in the events so far, and the anticipated crowds for the two author events next week. She added that the copies of the book in the collection continue to circulate and local book stores have reported a good number of copies sold. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Personnel updates - Library Director Pizzuto reported that the Library has submitted a request to fill the Principal Librarian position which will be vacated in June. Because of the controlled hiring freeze currently in effect in the City, the Leadership Team will make the determination based on overall City need. The open position in Media Services, the result of the retirement of Bill Richmond this June, will be frozen and Community Coordinator Jessica Padilla Bowen will be managing that division in addition to the Library programs and graphics in the interim. The plans for a restructuring and merging of those two divisions was submitted to the Leadership Team and approved as to concept. The transition will take a number of months to complete and will include an assessment of needs as well as skills. Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel has been out this week attending the Sirsi/Dynix Super Conference in Dallas to bring back the latest developments and options that will be available for the next upgrade to our current system. CORE Centralized Cashier System - In the last two weeks the Library has been implementing the CORE cashier system which allows payment of fines and fees by debit and credit card at the circulation desks. Microsoft Outlook - The City migrated to Outlook during the month of March which also resulted in a change in email addresses city-wide. Collection - The change in the loan periods for larger DVD sets and CDRoms, approved by this Board at a previous meeting, have been made in the system and video games are now available for check-out. Facility Improvements - The work on the atrium at the Cole Library is scheduled to begin on April 21s and the drive-through book drop island at the Dove Lane location is under construction currently. Library events - The annual Volunteer Recognition event was attended by more than 200 guests, including the Mayor and two Council Members. The annual Hourly Employee Recognition event is scheduled for May 15th at the Senior Center. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of April 15, 2009 Meeting _ FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Benson reported that at the last meeting there was no quorum and therefore no business was conducted; however, they did receive the latest information on the Castles of Carlsbad Home Tour and plans for the mini-golf fundraiser. Library Director Pizzuto added that tickets for the Castles of Carlsbad tour will go on sale tomorrow at two Library locations, Dove Lane and Cole. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto reported that that the Friends met in March when they appointed a nominating committee for the slate of officers to be voted on at the June annual meeting. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Board Liaison Marg Kealey reported on the membership numbers as well as attendance at the recent Spring Seminar. She reviewed upcoming programs and announced the genealogy classes will resume in April. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Kamenjarin asked for updated statistics on Unique Management's materials recovery efforts. Deputy Library Director Curtis responded he would provide the latest figures next month. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the Library had any new information on the case against the patron who was arrested for the theft of videos from the Library. Deputy Library Director Curtis responded that we did not have any information and that the Police Department will not keep the Library advised of the status of the case. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:03 p.m. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for MARCH 2009 Systemwide ... 1. In March, the Library's film series screened films to complement the Cannon Art Gallery's newest exhibit, Cardinal Points, featuring works by Latin American and Latino artists. More than 300 people attended the films Buena Vista Social Club, Real Women Have Curves and Bella and the Gallery stayed open late to accommodate film patrons. 2. The Library partnered with a teacher from Carlsbad High School's newly-formed Film Academy to present films about World War II that supported the Academy's curriculum. Three movies, Bataan, So Proudly We Hail and Memphis Belle, were shown in Schulman Auditorium and a local WW II fighter pilot was the special guest speaker on the final evening. 3. On March 4, the Library hosted local author M.L. Malcolm in conjunction with the First Wednesday Book Club. About 30 people listened as Malcolm shared a PowerPoint presentation on the historical significance of her book, Silent Lies. 4. On March 16, 30 writers attended the poetry writing workshop at Georgina Cole Library. 5. On March 28, the Library hosted a talk with Taffy Cannon titled Getting Organized: Myth vs. Reality. Approximately 65 people attended the one-hour event at Georgina Cole Library. 6. Circulation staff members at all sites have been training for the new cashiering system which will be launched in April. 7. All City employee email accounts migrated to MSOutlook in March. The City IT. department is working to resolve the last few remaining issues. 8. The Carlsbad City Library has been awarded, through a competitive process, an invitation to send a select team to Get Involved: Powered by Your State Library, a two- day institute to be held in San Francisco on May 5 and 6. This workshop is designed to prepare libraries to engage highly skilled and baby boomer volunteers. The Carlsbad team consists of three library employees, the City Volunteer Coordinator, and one volunteer. CCL, Dove Lane... 9. Patrons were invited to stop by the Children's Reference Desk and get a prize in celebration of Dr. Seuss's birthday on March 2. Pencils with pencil grips decorated with Seuss characters were a big hit. 10. Science Saturday on March 14 had almost 50 parents and children get a chance to try on a bee suit and draw different insects. Monthly Library Reports for March 2009 11. On March 13, Celia Lawley, the "Fiddle Girl" entertained the Storytime Theater attendees. 12. The Patchwork Players presented Tales of the Emerald Isle to an audience of 59 adults and children on March 19. 13. Susan Simpson, Mary Salvato and Lisa White worked with the library's major materials vendor, Baker and Taylor, to consolidate accounts in order to reduce freight charges recently imposed by B&T. Several accounts were combined, and freight charges will be kept to a minimum. 14. February's "Library Hour" program was Super Science Saturday II. 15. On March 4, the First Wednesday Afternoon Book Club featured a discussion of the historical novel, Silent Lies. The author, M.L. Malcolm, attended along with 32 other , readers. 16. The March Pizza and a Movie Night was held on March 19 and featured the 2008 animated film, Kung Fu Panda. 21 teens attended. Georgina Cole ... 17. March brought various building issues to Cole including plumbing issues and malfunctioning doors. In April, drainage problems in the atrium will be resolved. This project will be supported by both City Parks and Facilities and will require removal and relocation of plants and soil. 18. The move of the computer classes taught by Cole Reference staff members to the Learning Center computer lab (capacity of 8 students per class) has proven to be mutually beneficial. Cole staff have a better instructional setting at better times of the day and Learning Center staff and patrons have the additional programs on site. No Cole patrons have reported it to be a struggle to attend at the Learning Center and they, too, seem to enjoy the lab setting. Four Basic Internet classes were taught with a total of 15 students; one Internet Tips and Tricks class with 6 students; one e-mail class with 5 students; one Basic Word class with 7 students; and one Find a Job Online class with 8 students. 19. The Thursday Afternoon Book Club met on March 12 and discussed "The Audacity of Hope," by Barack Obama. Librarian Kimiko Morita led the meeting attended by 11 members. 20. The Tuesday Afternoon Book Club met on March 3 and discussed "The Black Swan: the Impact of the Highly Improbable," by Nassim Taleb. 13 people attended the meeting led by Library Assistant Elyse Roy. 21. On Saturday, March 7, Genealogy Library Technician Ann Montgomery participated in the Escondido Family History Fair. She gave two presentations about the Carlsbad City Monthly Library Reports for March 2009 Library Genealogy Division and its collections. About 50 people attended these sessions. 22. Dr. Seuss' birthday (March 2) was celebrated with a special "Fun with Cat in the Hat" performance from storyteller Mary Holma. She dressed as the Cat in the Hat and told Dr. Seuss stories to the kids. Story Craft continued the Dr. Seuss celebration featuring "Horton Hears a Who" with participants making elephant ears during the program. 23. St. Patrick's Day was celebrated with a visit from Celia Lawley (aka the Fiddle Girl). Kids and adults both attended this festive event which featured fiddling, clogging and singing. 24. Culture Craft (a revised version of Passport to Adventure highlighting literature and traditions from various countries) focused on France this month featuring bilingual English/French stories and had 32 participants. Library Technician Melissa Kamenjarin prepared and presented the program which included teaching participants how to say common words, how to count to 5 in French, make a craft related to the story, and learn a little about French culture. Learning Center ... 25. The 2009 Adult Learner Leadership Institute (ALLI) had its third session on March 21 at the Learning Center. Guest speaker Judy Widener gave a workshop on public speaking skills. The ALLI participants will use those skills at the April session when they give a 3 to 5 minute videotaped talk on a topic of their choice. 26. Literacy Services Supervisor Carrie Scott participated as a panel member at the California Library Literacy Services (CLLS) new coordinator's meeting held in Buena Park on March 6th. Approximately 25 literacy coordinators, library directors, and State Library staff attended. 27. Bilingual Services Supervisor Lizeth Simonson was invited to participate at the Transborder Library Forum Pre-conference 2009, a project of the Serra Cooperative Library System. The Forum focuses in librarians and library services in border regions between the US and Mexico. Lizeth was part of a panel that presented information about Bilingual Programming for children, adolescents and adults to librarians from public and county libraries. 28. On March 30, Lizeth Simonson gave a presentation at Parent Night at Valley Middle School. Information about the library Homework Zone at all three locations, the All Star Reading Club, adult computer classes, and children's programming was distributed. 29. On March 5, a total of twenty-four participants from the three Spanish language computer classes completed their eight-week courses, receiving a certificate of completion for their accomplishments. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - MARCH 2009 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Learning Center (began Aug 2008; formerly Centro/ALP) Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Mai -08 13,346 74,960 34,135 11,752 7,956 33,531 19,080** 9,796 223/17 1,489/139 2,625/* 165/* 35 575 13 169 126 2,862 13,712 854 7,937 26,279 236 7,704 94 3,173 20 1,381.4 Feb-09 14,480 72,794 33,182 8,667 8,955 31,663 16,503** 5,094 520 1,218 4,369 398 40 515 9 86 109 3,055 13,625 918 8,833 35,545 339 10,751 86 3,854 15 1,462.95 Mar-09 16,296 82,328 37,914 9,078 9,170 35,733 17,810** 6,907 1,052 2,229 5,526 828 23 566 12 112 94 2,605 15,828 958 10,021 36,503 414 11,165 102 3,902 21 1,702.9 * Not reported. ** Door counter not working properly.