HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-05-20; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved:ITEM #3 corrected MINUTES MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 PLACE OF MEETING: Community Room - Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive CALL TO ORDER: Chair Bill Kamenjarin called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley and Kamenjarin Absent: Library Board Trustees Lignante and Swette Also Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Carol Naegele, Principal Librarian Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Devin Castel, Library Business Systems Specialist Marg Kealey, NSDCGS Liaison Carolyn Taylor, League of Women Voters observer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On a motion by Trustees Bradley/Benson, the minutes of the regular meeting held April 15, 2009 were unanimously approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the atrium work at the Cole had been completed and Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that the construction portion had been completed and that the Carlsbad Arboretum Society is working with Parks to select some additional plants for the perimeter. Trustee Bradley expressed an interest in becoming actively involved in that project and intends to contact the Arboretum Foundation. Trustee Kamenjarin commented on the continued inaccuracy of the door counters and Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel responded that the counters are easily Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of May 20, 2009 Meeting knocked out of alignment so that the counters are not registering correctly and staff only just realized that when there is direct sunlight coming through the doors, the beam for the counter cannot register anything at all. Library Director Pizzuto added that we will continue to have an issue with the inconsistency until the Library can replace the counters, and funds for that purpose are in the FY2009-10 Library budget. TECHNOLOGY REPORT: Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel provided an overview of the highlights of the Library's technology usage report for the first quarter of the calendar year. The Trustees had several questions with regard to the bandwidth and the impact on Internet access and speed when the usage is at 80% and more. Business Systems Specialist Castel responded that looking at the top Internet categories used by the Library patrons there has been a steady increase in social networking and streaming MP3s and media, and although the Library has recently increased the bandwidth, it will most likely need to be increased again. The Trustees also expressed concern over the high demand for available computers, especially at the Cole Library and Library Director Pizzuto responded that the usage statistics are in line with current library trends and the demand will probably continue to increase in the future. She added that opening the Learning Center and relocating computer classes previously taught at Cole to the Learning Center was helping to absorb some of the demand but it may be necessary to look at expanding the open- hours of the Learning Center to meet the need in the future. Library Director Pizzuto stated that the Library is initiating a pilot program at the Cole location, funded by the Friends of the Library, offering a laptop computer that can be checked-out for use inside the facility but that will access the wireless network, which does not impact network bandwidth. The Board also had several questions about the costs related to increased bandwidth and any limits to what we could provide. SUMMER READING PROGRAM: Senior Librarians Barbara Chung and Marsha Weeks provided the Board with an overview of the themes for this year's Summer Reading Program which has been expanded to include opportunities systemwide for adults and infants to participate and receive reading incentives. Deputy Library Director Smithson explained that the staff is creating lists of favorite books from staff and patrons that will then be incorporated into bookmarks available at the public desks. She distributed the nomination forms for the Board to recommend Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of May 20, 2009 Meeting their favorite books and explained that this is an expansion of last summer's very successful "Hot Picks and Cool Reads" promotion. Principal Librarian Carol Naegele added that the learners in the Library's Literacy Program at the Learning Center will be participating in the Summer Reading Program this year for the first time. BUDGET FOR FY2009-10: Library Director Pizzuto presented the Board with the Library's final budget submittal for FY2009-10 explaining that this represented the budget that had been through the internal review by the Leadership Team and the City Manager's office and will be presented to the City Council as part of the overall City budget. Library Management Analyst Cheryl Mast reviewed the changes from the preliminary budget previously presented to the Board and explained the areas that were affected by the 2.7% reduction. Library Director Pizzuto added that the majority of the reductions would not directly and significantly affect services and that while the Library would experience some reduction in staffing, we would also be looking at maximizing our part-time staffing. The Board expressed concern over the reduction in the materials budget and Library Director Pizzuto responded that the Library had requested funds from the Friends of the Library to offset some of the reduction while choosing to eliminate some standing orders, such as print copies of out-of-state telephone books, and items used infrequently that contain information obtainable elsewhere. Trustee Kamenjarin asked what impact the reduction in the collection might have on the public and Library Director Pizzuto responded that possibly a longer wait for items on hold or new popular items as the Library would order fewer copies of the same title. By proper motion (Kamenjarin/Benson) the Board unanimously approved the revised budget for submittal to the City Council for approval. PROPOSED CHANGES TO LIBRARY FINES & FEES: Library Director Pizzuto explained that annually as part of the budget process, the Library considers whether fines and fees are set at the correct level and every two years conducts a fairly intensive review. She added that this year the Library had a goal to explore revenue generating opportunities which caused us to look at not only the market but also the concept of how the Library targets revenue or cost recovery opportunities. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of May 20, 2009 Meeting The Library Board was then presented with a schedule of fee increases for meeting facilities as well as specific Library services and asked for Board approval of what will be submitted for Council approval. Although presented as one agenda item, the Board chose to move on them as separate items. After much discussion, the Board unanimously approved the increased fees for Library meeting facilities. The Board was initially opposed to all three suggested increases in the Library Services area but after receiving an in-depth explanation on the service, the actual costs to the Library, fees charged by neighboring libraries and utilization statistics on the Inter- Library Loan service, they approved that fee increase as proposed (from $2 - $5.) The Trustees expressed concern over the Library Borrowing - Audio visual Insurance Fee increase and why a fee is charged at all. Library Director Pizzuto responded that it is an insurance fee which limits patrons' responsibility for replacement costs should an item be damaged or lost. She explained that this is a benefit to the patron and traditionally the fee goes back to a time when videos were substantially more expensive to replace. She added that last year at this time the Library had submitted a proposal to eliminate the insurance fee and initiate an extended-use fee in its place but the proposal was rejected administratively. Library Director Pizzuto directed the Board's attention to the explanation of the proposed fee increase on the schedule, as a method to collect some of the additional costs arising out of the use of debit and credit cards for Library transactions at the service desks and self-check machines. Trustee Kamenjarin stated that San Diego County Libraries do not have a fee for video check-out and Library Director Pizzuto explained that the County has suspended their fee for video check-out but has not dropped it entirely, and a survey of libraries within the regional network indicates that several libraries charge a similar fee. Trustee Kamenjarin suggested that to charge the fee is philosophically wrong and hypocritical because the reality is that we are charging this as alleged insurance fees to insure a product that now costs maybe 20% of what it did when this policy was instituted. He suggested that the Library increase the overdue fee for videos instead. Both Trustees Kamenjarin and Bradley voted no on the motion to approve this fee. Trustees Kamenjarin and Bradley expressed concern over the Library Book Reserve Fee stating the fee appeared to be punitive in nature.f note that this item is incorrectly titled and has since been revised in the budget document. The actual fee is for failing to pick up an item on hold (reserve).] Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of May 20, 2009 Meeting Trustee Bradley expressed concern over charging a fee when the failure to pick up the item was due to unforeseen circumstances and Library Director Pizzuto explained that the patron has several options when requesting a "hold" on materials, such as a vacation extension and specifying the most convenient location for pick up. Library Director Pizzuto explained that this adjustment is actually to offset the labor in retrieving the items and notifying the patron unnecessarily. This increase would not cover all costs for these activities. Trustee Kamenjarin responded that the Library is a service organization and that is what people love about our Library. Both Trustees Benson and Bradley asked how often items are not picked up on time and Library Management Analyst Mast responded that the average number of items on hold and not picked up is 750 per month. Trustee Kamenjarin expressed his concern that patrons would be irate with this increase and the circulation staff would experience the brunt of it. Trustee Kamenjarin asked who was responsible for recommending fee increases and Library Director Pizzuto responded that the Library is responsible for analyzing its own fines and fees, doing its own market survey and submitting those to the City. She added that we ask for the Board's approval in concept but ultimately it is the City Council who makes the decision. Trustee Benson asked if the proposed increases had to be submitted with the budget and if so when, as he would like to table any vote until he could hear from other segments both outside the Library and from Library staff. Library Director Pizzuto explained that the City Council will see the budget at the June 2nd Council Meeting, followed by a public workshop on June 4th and adoption of the final budget on June 16 , all of which are before the next regularly scheduled Library Board meeting. A motion to approve the Book Reserve fee (for non-pick up) did not receive a second and no further action was initiated on this particular fee. STRATEGIC INITIATIVES: Library Director Pizzuto explained that working with what was now the proposed budget for next fiscal year, the Library took another look at the strategic directions and analyzed the costs and staffing ability to accomplish each. The revised list which was included in the agenda packet represents the work that can be accomplished with available resources in the next fiscal year. Library Board of Trustees Page 6 Minutes of May 20, 2009 Meeting Library Director Pizzuto pointed out some of the examples of the changes and answered questions from the Board. Of particular interest to the Board was the pilot program for providing a laptop computer which can be checked out for use within the building at the Cole Library. CARLSBAD READS TOGETHER RECAP: Library Community Coordinator Jessica Padilla Bowen referenced the report attached to the agenda packet adding that there were more than 100 evaluations returned. The Board was complimentary on all the elements of the program and offered several suggestions for the future. Community Coordinator Padilla Bowen advised that the committee has already begun plans for the 2010 program with the focus on either a local author or a classic. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library Ordinance Revisions - The final revisions for the ordinance have been made by the City Attorney's office and the revised ordinance is scheduled to be introduced at the City Council meeting on June 2nd with adoption the week following. Annual Literacy Learner Celebration- Board invitations should have already been received for the June 7th event being held at the Senior Center. Principal Librarian position - Following the approval to fill the position, an internal recruitment was initiated followed by the external recruitment which closes mid-June. The Library does not anticipate having the position filled until August. New book drop island at Dove Lane - The project has been completed and the book drops installed together with new signage directing the patrons to the new location. Hourly Employee Recognition event - This annual event held last month was well attended and included a first-time recognition of a 30 year hourly employee. Video theft update - The individual was charged with the theft and pled guilty to a misdemeanor charge. The case is therefore concluded and restitution was not included as part of the sentencing. The Library has suspended this individual's library privileges. FOUNDATION REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto reported that the major topic on the agenda at the last meeting was a report from the CPA who conducts their annual audit on the ability to disburse funds from the endowment accounts. Following the review of their investment policies, she reported that their policies and practices were very solid. The CPA recommended that the Foundation seek legal advice on management of endowment funds to include Library Board of Trustees Page 7 Minutes of May 20, 2009 Meeting _ seeking approval from the donor to make disbursements if the market rate falls below the original value of the gift. Also discussed at the meeting were preliminary figures from the Castles of Carlsbad tour but final numbers will not be available until the next meeting. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto reported there had been no meeting since this board last met but that the Friends' next meeting was scheduled for tomorrow at which time they would be reviewing the Library's funding requests. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Society liaison to the Board, Marge Kealey, reported on upcoming programs and announced that the summer schedule of beginner and refresher genealogy classes has not been released. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Kamenjarin asked if all the comments from the evaluation forms from the Carlsbad Reads Together events had been collected into a single document, and if so, could the Board have a copy. Library Trustee Bradley commented on the letter she received from a learner in the Library's literacy program inviting her to attend their annual celebration event. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, (Benson/Bradley) the meeting was adjourned at 5:54 p.m. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for APRIL 2009 Systemwide ... 1. On April 19, the Library partnered with the Museum of Making Music for a concert in the Schulman Auditorium featuring jazz musicians the Kendra Shank Quartet. More than 200 people attended. 2. Fourteen people attended the April poetry reading featuring local poets Charlene Baldridge and Lenny Lianne at the Georgina Cole Library. Carlsbad Reads 3. The Library promoted its fifth community-wide "Carlsbad Reads Together" program during the month of April. Library book clubs read and discussed Firoozeh Dumas' memoir, Funny in Farsi. Programs, workshops, and movies all focused around the themes in the book. Ms. Dumas came to Carlsbad on April 23 and spoke in the afternoon at the Cole Library and in the evening at the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane. 4. As Funny in Farsi has not yet been translated into Spanish, the Learning Center hosted a Spanish language book discussion of Julia Alvarez's book, How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents - a book with similar themes. Two learners in the literacy program provided materials for the downstairs display case featuring beautiful books, artwork, clothing, and handicrafts from their native Iran. 5. Cole Children's Services presented a Persian-themed Culture Craft in which children created Persian tiles. Dia de los Ninos/Dia de los Libros 6. Cole Children's Services celebrated Dia de los Ninos with Patchwork Players presenting stories from Latin America. The Learning Center celebrated with a craft program and free book giveaway. The event was very well attended by children of all ages and their families. At Dove, on April 30, Children were invited to dress as their favorite book character, but although only two children did, all 23 adults and children enjoyed stories, a craft and refreshments. 7. All three Library sites implemented the City's computerized cashiering system during April. Each week a different library location went "live." Staff from the City's Finance Department and Library Administration were on site to assist with the implementations. This new system allows for fines and fees to be paid via credit/debit cards in addition to cash or check. 8. The Volunteer Appreciation Event on April 2 was a great success with more than one hundred Library volunteers attending and being recognized for their selfless service to the community. Also in attendance were honored guests including the Monthly Library Reports for April 2009 Mayor, Council Members Ann Kulchin and Keith Blackburn, the City Manager, and Library Board Trustees. Volunteers from all programs (homework zone, literacy, homebound, circulation, graphics, etc.) enjoyed a nice dinner, words of appreciation, and a series of short films presented by film critic, Dan Bennett. 9. On April 13, 11 library staff members attended Shelter Worker Training, The Red Cross provided great information on how emergency shelter locations are chosen and how a shelter is run. Should there be a need in the City, staff from all around the organization, including the Library, will be well prepared to provide help. CCL, Dove Lane... 10. April's Pizza and a Movie Evening was held on April 9. 21 teens attended and enjoyed the 2007 action thriller, The Bourne Ultimatum. 11. 2009's first Rock the Library Concert, organized by Teen Services Librarian Darin Williamson, was held on April 16 in the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium. The featured band, Bigg Nife, was one of the winning bands at the annual City of Carlsbad Battle of the Bands. 12. Childrens celebrated National Library Week with a "Book Swap" and held "Bingo for Books" to mark TV Turnoff Week. There was a full house for "Bingo for Books" on April 21, 42 adults and children. Every child won a book. Georgina Cole ... 13. Extensive work was completed to repair drainage issues in the Cole Library atrium. Lighting, seating, and additional plants will complete the project in the next few months. The Library will continue to work with the Parks Department and the Carlsbad Arboretum Foundation for support and advice regarding plant material and with the Friends of the Library for seating and tables. 14. The Cultural Arts Office coordinated the pouring of concrete foundations in the grass median between Carlsbad Village Drive and the Cole Library parking lot. These will be the future home of City-owned sculptural pieces by Benbow Bullock that will be installed in June. The foundations were created in such a way that the sculptures can be changed in the future. 15. Noah Tafolla, creator of the local PBS program "Wonderland," used many photos from the Carlsbad History Room collection to create his most recent San Diego County neighborhood program on Carlsbad. The program continues to be re- broadcast and the schedule is available on the PBS website. The Library is in the process of acquiring copies of the program to add to our collection. 16. The History Room acquired an extensive collection of Allan O. Kelly papers and books. Mr. Kelly was influential in the early growth of Carlsbad. Library Technicians Amy Davis and Aspen Hill are sorting and processing the materials. Monthly Library Reports for April 2009 17. Children's Services celebrated Earth Day with a storycraft program which featured stories and information about recycling and an earth-themed picture frame craft as well as the Solana Center presenting an "EcoKid Workshop" where kids in grades K-5 learned about protecting oceans and wildlife. Learning Center... 18. The 2009 Adult Learner Leadership Institute (ALLI) had its fourth session on April 18th at the Learning Center. The ALLI participants put their new public speaking skills to use by preparing a 3 to 5 minute videotaped talk on a topic of their choice. Feedback was provided to each participant during a practice session before they were videotaped. The Institute will be complete by the end of May with graduation set for May 30. 19. During April learners in the literacy program met 35 of their goals. Some examples: many read entire books, several checked out items from the Library, two obtained their first library cards, one got a job, one learned how to write a check, and one learned how to write in cursive, two learned how to read a map, and one passed her citizenship exam. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - APRIL 2009 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Learning Center (began Aug 2008; formerly Centro/ALP) Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Apr-08 13,205 72,755 33,586 12,380 7,440 33,017 16,432** 9,080 285/57 1,401/122 2,872/* 262/* 28 411 10 236 128 3,123 13,316 794 7,962 27,073 300 8,004 90 3,564 22 1,379.25 Mar-09 16,296 82,328 37,914 9,078 9,170 35,733 17,810** 6,907 1,052 2,229 5,526 828 23 566 12 112 94 2,605 15,828 958 10,021 36,503 414 11,165 102 3,902 21 1,702.9 Apr-09 15,604 80,538 35,272 8,403 8,678 33,304 17,527** 5,914 946 1,547 4,530** 497 37 505 11 117 114 3,076 13,786 842 9,849 37,345 327 11,492 96 3,897 18 1,593.7 * Not reported. ** Door counter not working properly. ITEM # 5 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Technology Report January - March 2009 The data in this report is intended to provide an overview of pub he use of Information Technology in the Carlsbad City Library. Thus reports covers the months of January to March 2009. Contents Public Computer Sessions Public Computer Utilization Website Top Internet Categories Monthly Wireless Use Public Bandwidth Utilization Pg-2 Pg-2 Pg-2 Pg-3 Pg-3 Pg-3 Carlsbad City Library - Technology Report 1 January - March 2009 PC Management Sessions Location Computers Sessions Computers Sessions Oct - Dec Oct - Dec Jan - Mar Jan - Mar 2008 2008 2009 2009 Dove Adult Lab Dove Career Center Dove E-mail Dove Walk-up Dove Children's Cole Adult Cole E-mail Cole Children's Learning Center Children's Lab Learning Center Adult Lab •SjjF-3fr3if*?.- ( 2 "' ' •' 4 ';, •- '; v " . 12 '. - ; r ' • _ 9 , n i • . ' 8;, ,' " . - 7 7 SAW "' 729 .5,569 10,360 1,403 9,070 1,335 2,197 1,022 1,377 20 3 4 4 9 12 1 8 7 7 8,900 927 7,294 6,328 1,614 10,495 1,559 2,712 1,104 1,698 PC Utilization Average Computer Type Computers I (ili/ation Computers I'tilization Oct- Dec Oct- Dec Jan - Mar Jan - Mar 2008 2008 2009 2009 Dove Adult Lab Dove Career Center Dove E-mail Dove Walk-up Dove Children's Lab Cole Adult Lab Cole E-mail Cole Children's Learning Center Children's Lab Learning Center Adult Lab 12-:" :" > 2 . 4 12 : 9 11 1 8 7 7 60% 46% 27% 66% 16% 75% 26% 29% 58% 40% 20 3 4 4 9 12 1 8 7 7 64% 58% 37% 78% 20% 82% 34% 36% 30% 49% Carlsbadlibrary.org/Arts/Media Usage Statistics Location Oct - Dec 2008 Page Views Jan - Mar 2009 Carlsbadlibrary.org Arts Media Services 164,6*89 10,617 4,135 219,240 14,907 5,225 Carlsbad City Library - Technology Report January - March 2009 Top Public Internet Categories October - December 2008 January - March 2009 -Category Percentage of use Category Percentage of use Web Advertisements Social Networking Search Engines/Portals Reference Streaming Media/MP3s E-mail Computers/Internet Business/Economy Shopping Arts/Entertainment 15% 11% 10% 7% 7% 6% - 4% 4% 4% 4% Web Advertise- ments Social Networking Search Engines/ Portals Streaming Media/ MP3s Reference E-mail Computers/Internet Business/Economy Arts/Entertainment Shopping 15% 13% 10% 10% 7% 6% 4% 4% 3% 3% Wireless Location Totals | Location lasers ^ ^ J^^ ^^^H Cole Dove 2,171 ., 2,610 1,629 2,053 Dove Public Bandwidth Utilization *Not including wireless November 2008 - March 2009 April 2008 - March 2009 5/20/2009 PC Utilization Average 1Computer Type Computers Utilization Computers Utilization I Get- Dec Oct- Dec Jan - Mar Jan - Mar 1 2(108 2008 2009 2009 1 Dove Adult Lab Dove Career Center Dove E-mail Dove Walk-up Dove Children's Lab Cole Adult Lab Cole E-mail Cole Children's Learning Center Children's Lab Learning Center Adult Lab iiv*£ ' :1 2 '''••••' "• ",' I '• . '. 12 .-:',' '- • 9'\ ,-• "•"• I.--.-W - riV"., -:'.": I ^-t-'t. 8 7 -'.- 7 °SjJ ;•;£?;- ' >• -*1 ' so% *6% 27% 66% 16% 75% 26% 29% 58% 40% 20 3 4 4 9 12 1 8 7 7 64% 58% 37% 78% 20% 82% 34% 36% 30% 49% I Utilization Average Computer Type Computers Utilization Computers Utilization Oct- Dec Oct- Dec Jan - Mat Jan - Mar 2008 2008 2009 2009 Dove Adult Lab > Dove Career Center ' Dove E-mail Dove Walk-up ' Dove Children's Lab Cole Adult Lab =• 3ole E-mail Cole Children's ^earning Center Children's Lab ^earning Center Adult Lab 12 2 • . 4 12 ;' •"'•' 9 11 : 1 8 7 7 : 60% 46% 27% 56% 16% 75% 26% 29% 58% 40% 20 3 4 4 9 12 1 8 7 7 64% 58% 37% 78% 20% 82% 34% 36% 30% 49% 5/20/2009 Top Public Internet Categories 1October - December 2008 January - March 2009 1 Category Percentage of use Category Percentage of use 1 WebAdveitiJeiBeats "*•• , * ',£_ ' *:t""f^- , "' *sociaimtwokpv -;;g Search Engines/Portals Reference,,/* " ', ,}-' ' :„; - : ,iju" ,. ."».-,;'1(./-^ ; Streanang%&ja/ttp3s ; • E-mail Computers^l^et * , '- - "-' ' -"' r tC _*~* i- * " -' ^ Busme^i<^S(w«y * ,'" Shoppjsg" f „ ^ Arts/EntertainriieBt ' -' 15%::'-:' " '' ;|4/i-- W;\\' ' ' I0%? ,. 5, '~<°'\ <?r -,'*•' <«./;-»>•).''•'' ^%«- • . 7%".-sT*"" 6%, .-.-- ' « > -' ' ^^,.' t§fvj;-m ^<v-., , 4C" - ' Web Advertisements Social Networking Search Engines/Portals Streaming Media/MP3s Reference E-mail Computers/Internet Business/Economy Arts/Entertainment Shopping 15% 13% 10% 10% 7% 6% 4% 4% 3% 3% Top Public Internet Categories 1October - December 2008 January - March 2009 1 Category Percentage of use Category Percentage of use 1 Web Advertisements Social Networking Search Engines/Portals Reference Streaming Med}a/MP!|5> E-mail , , , Computers/Internet Business/Economy Shopping Arts/Entertainment i5^' : 11% 10% -• ' ,"• 7% 7% 6% : , 4% 4% - 4% 4% Web Advertisements Social Networking Search Engines/Portals Streaming Media/MP3^> Reference E-mail Computers/Internet Business/Economy Arts/Entertainment Shopping 15% 13% 10% 10% 7% 6% 4% 4% 3% 3% ITEM # 7 00 00in wi 3«M fM CO on" en rH O en ininr-l cn"inCM VDin o -co-•to-•co-to- vP ro»_ OJ ro tt 03 .O to <DCD"O 00oofM m -co- CM «* 00 ^m ^ 00 3^5 o •CO- CM OOr-J^ oo" •co- IX00 VOoO) •(A CMin*d- fN?en •LO- sp rsioq in "ro3 CM fM . 6 ccoto O)Q. .. cI/) OC =o O > o Oc Sro c JO 4->3 O o.nsO c T3 ITEM # 8 Library Fee Changes for Fiscal Year 2009-10 Fee Library Borrowing - Audio visual Insurance fee - per Video/DVD Positions the Library to absorb additional costs for introduction of debit/credit payment which may be a critical factor in receiving approval to proceed, while also remaining within the market among libraries for this service. Gamble is that authorize.net may be rejected, in which case, pull fee increase proposal and replace with alternate proposal to create extended use fee of $2 per day and eliminate insurance fee Library Interlibrary Loan Purpose is to partially subsidize costs, no less a commitment to providing universal access to materials without regard to the jurisdiction where they're located Library Book Reserve Fee (per item) Fee for non-pick up of "holds"; entirely convenience, keeps materials available rather than on hold shelves Current Amount $ 0.75 $ 2.00 $ 0.50 Proposed Amount $ 1.00 $ 5.00 $ 1.00 Library Board Agenda for May 20, 2009 0>0>u. "SO)cra£ O '•""'.'itS,' %^J lHy$y '(SFftV*j?-y#%;IBjig'-Mj^? Itf:;|jjj. 0> O) raP*^HO h*oU. Co(0ra0)£ _ U 1/1 UJ0a: 9S^Q3g5 £ S CO< i LUOguj " CO "- UJ fc o LU UJ 0 LU_l D Q LU I OCO UJ LU O <LL CO LU O £ LU CO Q UJ LU CA T E G O m CO COO 0. UJ Q m CO 0i_ O O) 5JCO O ooCM OQ. 0Q 0O)CO ECOQ 75>c 'c COJD O CO UJ -J o LU UJ £ ^OL O Oo s °0 m < zOsoo 0CM o~o oO) 10 r^ 10 CD 10"m' 0 CO o"ci o CM if)t — O z E 13 'l_ O_-f^ T3 < C CO E 3 oCO oLO cS 3^ otfr Q$2, 0 CO cT CM' 0 CM tf) 0 o1 z^ o z Eoo(T U)c '•4— •00 ^^.a -ac. JO ^o 0 oCQ i/Tc:.oV-*(C'(Jo1/1 0)c 5 O OJ E O •£u c 00 OJ to HI ro ^<" ^ §• tCO (U . . Q. QJ O t*_ ro ^ ro8 |« ? x S£ « ^ 1^ &S? | o3 ro I - 00 co c (OCut) 2a. cro "aJ caj;a'to £ coc (_> 'roQ.iC 0 •^M—0^_ Q. L O14-. 4->Oc 4-» ai•a roE ~^o 'ma. _4-» M_ OL_ Q.^!_ OM— 4-« O C 4^Cai•a ^\MJ ~V 4-»CCDT3'to CDi_ 4-^ *'"ok.a. i!_a 4— 'Oc 4-» ro 4-»<L) 4-»££"*^-ou.Q. t. OM— ^ro 'ui_aiE Eo 4^ "5Q. wTI/)cuc 'vi3n ro uL. 01 E E0u CD CD CD>- >- -aT3 -o ';/;ro ro cuX3 JD vi^ to gL ro ro °U U Z CD U Q C U (U C <" -g V '^ SO) Occ z Schedule A CLASSIFICATION OF APPLICANTS Each application will be reviewed by the Department staff and classified into a category depending on the type of organization and the intended use. The Department activities have first priority for the use of the facilities. The classifications are listed in order or priority with classification "A" first, classification "B" second, etc. The City attempts to accommodate all groups; however, there is a limited number of facilities. Unfortunately, the demand exceeds the supply. For that reason, a priority classification system for use was established. CATEGORY A. B. C. D. E. F. G DESCRIPTION Carlsbad Parks and Recreation activities; Co-sponsored activities; other City departments Carlsbad resident: not-for-profit civic, not- for-profit social organizations (non-paid management - no voting board member can be paid); any organization sponsoring a public forum or candidates night; public education Carlsbad resident: not-for-profit civic, not- for-profit social organizations (paid management); private educational institutions Non-resident: not-for-profit educational, not for profit civic and not-for profit social organizations; resident private parties; and locally organized groups whose normal place of meeting is located in the City of Carlsbad. Carlsbad resident: commercial, business, profit making organization, non-resident private party activities Non-resident: commercial, business, political, profit making and religious organizations Senior Athletics: Any senior athletic group that is 55+ EXAMPLES Friends of the Library, Carlsbad Book Fair, Recreation and Lap Swim, Swim Lessons, Masters Swim Program Carlsbad Rotary, La Costa Youth Organization, Carlsbad Softball Association, Carlsbad Youth Baseball, Boy Scouts, Carlsbad Homeowner's Associations, Carlsbad Unified School District Boy's and Girl's Club, Property Management Associations North County AA, YMCA, resident religious and political groups, Mira Costa Carlsbad Inn, non-resident parties, weddings or receptions Trade shows, company training, meetings, seminars, scuba shops, commercials or photo shoots North County Senior Softball League ITEM # 9 CARLSBAD *l CITY LIBRARY Strategic Directions 2009-10 Position the Library as an active leader in the areas of learning, cultural arts, and enjoyment of reading. Major Initiative Increase support of cultural events and creative programs. • Streamline program support including staffing, graphics production and contracting process. Position the Library as an active partner with other agencies in the areas of economic development and public safety. Major Initiative Collaborate with organizations that support local businesses and building job skills for youth and adults (such as the Chamber of Commerce and the Economic Development Department). • Partner with internal and external organizations to market existing business and employment resources. Offer convenient and responsive library service. Major Initiative Improve in-library access to computers. • Pilot in-library laptop borrowing at Cole Library. Offer personalized and flexible library service. Major Initiative Offer customized user accounts, profiles. • Implement select features in catalog upgrade to enhance individual usability. Promote and celebrate books and reading. Major Initiative Optimize programs to encompass childhood, family and adult literacy. • Provide systemwide staffing support of Learning Center services and programs. Develop and diversify library collections to sustain/satisfy a broadening range of residents' needs and interests. Major Initiative Offer new media and formats. • Pursue downloadable audio books and e-books. MAY 2009 Build community by connecting Carlsbad residents with the City, the Library, and one another. Major Initiative Increase marketing and promotion of Library brand and services. • Increase marketing of under-recognized services and resources; target market to specific user groups. Major Initiative Engage community virtually using current web technology (Web 2.0/3.0). • Complete move to SharePoint, allowing for enriched personalized website experience. Perform as an information access point and information outlet for the City. Major Initiative Increase our role as the City's research resource • Design an internal campaign to engage and educate City staff about resources and tools at the Library, and how to use them. Update technology infrastructure. Major Initiative Develop seamless integration of different systems to support user. • Explore next generation library automation solutions. Develop and retain effective Library staff. Major Initiative Create depth in existing employee pool. • Implement standardized recruiting, hiring and training employment process for hourly staff. Diversify fiscal support sources. Major Initiative Explore fundraising options, including community/corporate partnerships. • TBD by Fiscal Year's End Realign budget with priorities identified each year. Major Initiative Annual strategic direction review institutionalized. • Implement annual review of Strategies and Initiatives, aligned with budget calendar. MAY 2009 ITEM # 10 VCARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Community Services Program Review Worksheet Program Title: Carlsbad Reads Together 2009 featuring Firoozeh Dumas' Funny in Farsi "Where Did I Come From and How Did I Get Here?" - March 28 Book Discussions: April 1, 2, 7, 9, 21 and 27 Film Series featuring movies about the American immigrant experience: April 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29. Early Immigrants to Carlsbad program - April 4 Evening of Persian Music and Dance -April 18 at 7pm Firoozeh Dumas Author Visit - Thursday, April 23 at 3 p.m. (Cole) and 8 p.m. (Schulman Auditorium) Memoir writing program - April 25 Did the program meet the proposed objectives? icKaHtnreaH The objective of the program was to encourage people who live m, work m and visit Car *ad to read and discuss the same book at the same time. Yes, the proposed objective was met More than 800 people of all ages attended our various events throughout the month of April and circulation was high ^forth books. Discussions were lively, with attendees sharing on the themes of immigration, family, memoirs, and cultural perceptions. Measurable outcomes: . More than 800 people attended the various Carlsbad Reads Together events. . As of May 4, Funny in Farsi was checked out approximately 344 times and Laughing Without An Accent (Dumas' second book) was checked out 61 times. . Borders Books & Music Carlsbad reported strong sales in their store for Funny m Farsi . The program grew with one additional film screened at the Library Learning Center for the first . Partnership with the Persian Cultural Center included a full-page ad in their bi-monthly newsletter! inclusion on email blasts; assistance coordinating an evening of Persian music, dance and food; and loan of display materials for Dove Library. . Thus far, we have received 1 05 evaluation forms from participants. Comments are very positive. Resources used: • We had a Carlsbad Reads Together committee of 10 staff members and three Friends of the Library representatives who met regularly to choose the book and plan events. • Media Services provided technical support for the author talks, films and evening of music and dance. They also filmed the Auditorium talk for archival use. • Jason Medina and Jessica Padilla Bowen worked on graphics and marketing materials for the program. Reference staff wrote content for the Resource Guide. • Jessica wrote and sent out press releases for the program and coordinated overall publicity. Marketing efforts: • Ad in Winter Community Services Guide . • Resource guides distributed at the Library locations and Borders • Bi-monthly calendar of events • Film posters, author event posters/fliers • Web site included program info, event info, author info and resource guide • Resource guides distributed through Persian Cultural Center • Four ads in North County Times the first week of April • Press releases distributed to local outlets • Email invites sent to Persian and/or multicultural groups at UCSD/MiraCosta Suggestions for change: Outreach: • Will continue to work on having more students and young people participate. • Research hanging Carlsbad Reads banners throughout the City (depending on funding). For Books: • Go back to including a sticker to designate the Carlsbad Reads books as that year's selection (similar to books with "Oprah Book Club" stickers). Opportunities for future collaboration: • Keep Cal State San Marcos in mind as a possible partner. They were unable to provide question moderator this year. • Library will consider applying for National Endowment for the Arts' "The Big Read" grant for April 2011 (to be submitted in 2010). Grant must be matched. Other comments: Several evaluation forms suggested a local author for Carlsbad Reads Together 2010. Selection committee is reviewing several books by local authors. Selection will be made in the fall. Program review submitted by: Jessica Padilla Bowen Date: May 12, 2009