HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-06-17; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved:ITEM #3 MINUTES MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 PLACE OF MEETING: Library Learning Center - 3368 Eureka Place CALL TO ORDER: Chair Bill Kamenjarin called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, Kamenjarin and Lignante Absent: Library Board Trustee Swette Also Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Carol Naegele, Principal Librarian Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Devin Castel, Library Business Systems Specialist Marg Kealey, NSDCGS Liaison Carolyn Taylor, League of Women Voters observer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Trustees Kamenjarin/Bradley the minutes of the regular meeting held May 20, 2009 were unanimously approved with one addition. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Benson asked for additional information on the Hispanic Network and the service providers involved. Trustee Kamenjarin commented on the number of hourly employees recently recognized for their years of service the majority of whom had worked for the Library for more than five years. Trustee Kamenjarin also expressed interest in the increase in circulation at all three locations and Library Director Pizzuto responded that the Library is now seeing circulation numbers trend up, again signifying increased usage of the Library. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of June 17, 2009 Meeting BUDGET RECAP: Library Director Pizzuto reported that the budget for FY2009-10 was adopted by the City Council last night for the most part, explaining that the Council had decided on a 1- year moratorium on increases in many fees, including library. She also advised that immediately following the Board meeting last month, the City Manager and Council were provided this Board's action and minute summary regarding the fee increase proposals. Management Analyst Mast then shared the City's current 10-year forecast and explained that presently no plans had been shared to implement further reductions during FY09-10 but that the forecast suggested a need for additional reductions in FY10-11. The forecast is updated frequently to reflect changing economic conditions. REVENUE OPPORTUNITIES: Library Director Pizzuto explained that one of the Library's departmental goals for this year was to identify possible revenue opportunities and the executive summary of that process was attached to the agenda packet. Deputy Library Director Curtis and Management Analyst Mast then responded to a variety of questions from the Board relative to library core services and ideas explored for revenue generation. The Board also offered several suggestions for further investigation as to feasibility. VOLUNTEER CONFERENCE: Deputy Library Director Curtis provided a brief overview of the recent conference he attended with the City's Volunteer Coordinator, another Library staff member and a Library volunteer. The conference, hosted by the State Library, focused on the recruitment and effective use of highly skilled retired individuals as volunteers. Trustee Benson announced that he is slated to attend the National Conference on Volunteering and Service later this month and commented that this focus was in line with national trends in volunteer use. He shared several websites that might be helpful to the Library on volunteer use as well as potential grants that enhance volunteer opportunities. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR: By proper motion (Kamenjarin/Bradley), the board voted to continue this item as well as the next until their next meeting in hopes that they would have a full board present. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of June 17, 2009 Meeting APPOINTMENT FOR CLAF LIAISON & GALLERY COMMITTEE: See action taken on this item in combination with item above. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Principal Librarian recruitment - The 1st review of applications is underway with the oral board tentatively scheduled for July. Other recruitments - There have been several openings for hourly positions within the Library and recruitments have been primarily internal to offer the opportunities to current employees. These positions were not affected by the reduced FTE in the budget. Facility Improvements - The fire alarm system is being replaced at the Cole Library beginning this week, following the discovery that it was not working during the last Library evacuation drill. Acoustical material is being installed in the great hall of the Dove Lane facility and in the Gallery to reduce the noise levels. The damaged plant material in the Children's Garden at the Dove Lane facility is being replaced along with some additional "rabbit proofing" for the fence line. Donations - The Library has been the recipient of several donations in the recent weeks: $1,000 from the Carlsbad Lions Club for material for hearing and sight impaired; $50,000 from the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation towards their Learning Center commitment; $70,560 from the Friends of the Library in addition to a pledge of direct support in the amount of $33,110. Suspension of Internet privileges - For the very first time, the Library has permanently suspended a patron's Internet privileges as the result of repeated violations of the Library's Internet User policy. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Benson reported that at the last meeting the Foundation received an update on their investments and discussed the plans for the mini-golf fund-raiser, now scheduled for November 8th, with the reception the evening prior. The Foundation Board reiterated their offer to the Library Board to take the campaign into their private homes in order to share the information on the Learning Center, and will provide the DVD as well as a facilitator for the discussion. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of June 17, 2009 Meeting Trustee Bradley asked about the proceeds from the Castles of Carlsbad tour this year and Library Director Pizzuto responded that the Foundation realized a $20,000 profit from the event. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto reported that the Friends' Board approved the Library's recent request for funds and support and accepted the slate of officers for the next year. Their annual meeting is scheduled for June 25th at which time the membership will vote on the new officers. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Board Liaison Marg Kealey reported on the success of the seminar which she presented and provided the board with the schedule of upcoming programs. She added that the dates for the next session of beginner and refresher genealogy classes have not been determined. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Kamenjarin complimented Principal Librarian Carole Naegele on her remarks at the recent Annual Learner and Tutor Celebration event and also commented on the remarks from Lynda Jones, former Adult Learning Program coordinator. Trustee Kamenjarin also congratulated Principal Librarian Naegele on her first place award at the recent "On Your Own Time" competition at the Cannon Gallery and on behalf of the entire Board thanked her for her efforts these past many months during the construction and opening of the Learning Center. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Bradley/Benson), the meeting was adjourned at 5:17 p.m. A \ U.9**^' Cissie Se^aon Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for MAY 2009 Systemwide ... 1. All public computers at all library sites now have the Microsoft Office 2007 suite installed. This installation occurred over a two-week period in May. Staff computers had transitioned several months earlier so public services staff were prepared to instruct the public on the new features now available. In addition, two volunteers have been assisting patrons with the transition in the adult and children's public computer areas at the Learning Center. Instructional classes have also been revised to reflect the updated software. 2. The Library's Staff Development Committee hosted the 14th annual Hourly Employee Recognition Party at the Senior Center on Friday evening, May 15. Always a "themed" event, this year had a fun baseball theme, "In Celebration of our All-Star Team!" Awards were given based on years of service as a part-time employee. We also celebrated our first-ever 30-year award given to periodicals clerk Nina Brower. 3. The California State Library presented a two-day Institute, "Get Involved: Powered by Your Library," in San Francisco in early May. Carlsbad City Library was accepted to participate by competitive application in this program which concentrated on engaging high level volunteers in new ways to benefit both the library and the community. A team of five staff participated: Deputy Library Director Dave Curtis, City Volunteer Coordinator Sue Irey, Children's Librarian Missy Shaw, Community Outreach Coordinator for Literacy Services Carrie Scott, and Learning Center and Cole Children's volunteer Philippa Hill. This team is now in the process of developing a work plan based on the information learned at the Institute, (http://www.librarv.ca.gov/lds/qetinvolved.html) 4. Caroline Arnold, children's author and illustrator, was invited to Carlsbad to help the libraries here celebrate National Children's Book Week. Ms. Arnold visited and shared her writing experiences and her work several times over two days in May at both the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane and the Georgina Cole Library. School groups filled the Schulman Auditorium the morning of May 15, 20+ children and adults attended an after-school program at the Georgina Cole Library and Ms. Arnold was also a special guest at the Science Saturday Program on May 16, which attracted 30 children and adults. 5. The Children's areas celebrated Asian Pacific American Heritage Month in May with book displays and decorations. On May 5, Culture Craft at the Georgina Cole location focused on Japan's national holiday known as "Children's Day." Participants listened to Japanese folktales and made origami cats and dogs. The Dove Lane location enjoyed a visit from Carrie Higgins on May 1. Ms. Higgins' program of songs and stories from China, India and Korea was interactive, informative and entertaining for her audience of 17 children and adults. Monthly Library Reports for May 2009 6. Staff at all locations are making final preparations for the Summer Reading Program which begins June 22. Outreach visits to schools and PTA events as well as many class visits inside the libraries to share and promote the summer activities have been a primary focus in May. 7. Thirty-two people attended the May poetry writing workshop at the Georgina Cole Library led by local poet and teacher Lenny Lianne. CCL, Dove Lane... 8. Teen Services Librarian Darin Williamson hosted two Rock-the-Library Concerts in May featuring bands that had competed in the City's Battle of the Bands contest earlier in the year. The winning band from that competition, Tan Sister Radio, played their self-described blend of "the Clash and Bob Dylan" before a crowd of 78 people in the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium on May 1. On May 7, the alternative rock band, One Way Flight, performed before a crowd of 8.5. 9. On May 30, the Library and Cultural Arts Office partnered to offer a Family Open Studios Plus. Families were invited to tour the current Cannon Gallery exhibition, participate in a puppet-making activity and attend Tears of Joy Puppet Theatre's presentation of Stellaluna. Stellaluna author Janell Cannon signed books in the courtyard and Mysterious Galaxy sold books, with 30% of the proceeds going to the Friends of the Library. More than 200 people attended the performances and nearly 200 puppets were created. 10. On May 11, the Carlsbad Playreaders closed the spring season with a reading of The Women of Manhattan, directed by New Village Arts' Kristianne Kurner. Approximately 150 people attended the reading. The Carlsbad Playreaders fall season begins in September. 11. The new drive up book drop island was completed. Staff continues to monitor the volume and capacity of the drops to determine emptying schedules. This is now the sole placement of drive up book return at the Dove Lane location. 12. In Children's, volunteers donated 18.5 hours for Homework Zone and Saturday Stories. 13. On May 19, Teen Services Librarian Darin Williamson attended Career Day at Diegueno Middle School. He spoke about librarianship as a career and about the services of the Carlsbad City Library to a total of 60 students in 2 classes. Georgina Cole ... 14. The Tuesday Evening Book Club met on May 5 to discuss Perfume by Patrick Suskind with 14 members attending. The Thursday Afternoon Book Club met on May 14 to discuss When You Are Engulfed in Flames by David Sedaris with 6 members attending. Monthly Library Reports for May 2009 15. Cole Reference staff have continued into their fourth month providing computer instruction to the public at the Learning Center. Classes are regularly at or near capacity of 8 students. Classes taught include Basic Microsoft Word, Basic Internet, email, and Internet tips and tricks. 16. The Genealogy Division and the North San Diego County Genealogical Society presented two major programs: • Marge Keeley spoke to NSDCGS on May 26 about the "ABCs of School Records." This was a wonderful program about the underused records with 87 people in attendance. • Gina Filibert Ortega spoke to the Computer Genealogy Group on May 12 on "Using Google" with 74 people attending. Learning Center... 17. The All-Star Readers Club (after-school reading club for students in 1 st-5th grades) held their last meeting of the school year. Twenty-four participants received awards for reading a total of 281 hours. 18. The Adult Learner Leadership Institute (ALLI) graduation ceremony was held at the Carlsbad Senior Center on May 30. Eight of the eleven graduates and their families participated in the event. Learner facilitators Lupe Green and Nyla Henry led the five-month program and spoke at the graduation. Additional speakers included Principal Librarian Carol Naegele and learner Maria Wright. Approximately 60 guests celebrated the achievements of these learners. 19. Three Literacy volunteers have been recruited as new "volunteer greeters". Two of these are learners who are not only helping the Learning Center, but also fulfilling their personal literacy goal of becoming a volunteer. 20. The Hispanic Network Breakfast meeting was held at the Learning Center on May 29. The group is composed of service providers who serve Hispanic youth and their families in north San Diego County. Principal Librarian Carol Naegele and Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson welcomed the group of 55 participants and gave a brief summary of Learning Center services. Carol provided a tour after the breakfast. 21. The Library once again had a team participate in the Race for Literacy in Balboa Park on May 3. Library Technician Helen Lindner recruited and organized the team of over 50 participants with Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott volunteering as Team Captain for the 18th year. 22. Yamada Enterprises modified the shelving downstairs to provide more open space and line-of-sight visibility to the self-checkout desk and also to provide more shelving space for the adult fiction and nonfiction collection areas. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - MAY 2009 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Learning Center (began Aug 2008; formerly Centro/ALP) Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours May-08 12,423 71,027 32,905 10,279 7,342 31,340 15,006** 9,023 259/71 850/120 2,4157* 285/* 27 428 13 490 106 2,465 12,965 699 7,863 27,772 223 8,227 104 4,838 17 1,326.03 Apr-09 15,604 80,538 35,272 8,403 8,678 33,304 17,527** 5,914 946 1,547 4,530** 497 37 505 11 117 114 3,076 13,786 842 9,849 37,345 327 11,492 96 3,897 18 1,593.7 May-09 14,251 78,817 34,763 8,323 9,133 31,763 18,226** 6,082 953 1,186 4,477 419 37 436 11 243 99 2,353 13,963 731 10,007 47,352 443 11,935 101 4,979 27 1,460.05 * Not reported. ** Door counter not working properly. ITEM # 6 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY REVENUE OPPORTUNITIES EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION In 2008, in accordance with the Library's Strategic Direction to "Diversify fiscal support sources", staff embarked upon a project to explore revenue generation within the context of the Library's roles and mission, and bring forward viable opportunities to bolster fiscal support. Simultaneously, the economic climate was deteriorating. The City's interest in exploring ideas and approaches to strengthen the City's revenue stream gained momentum. The Library continued its analysis of various revenue options and opportunities and weighed them against our mission and vision, and our role in the community. FEE PHILOSOPHY Library staff researched the library's ability to expand or introduce services that could add value and be sustainable when resources are limited, ramifications of raising fines and fees, and what services should be fee-based. It was determined that the Library needed to establish criteria against which to assess when a fine, fee or cost recovery is appropriate and in alignment with the Library's purpose, its goals and the City service context. The Library Director determined focal direction to keep basic library services free and charge for convenience and value-added services. Thereupon, based on research, exploration of what other libraries are doing and the laws that apply to library service, a distinction was determined between core and non-core programs and services. The Library's philosophy is that core services should be delivered free of charges. Core services are those services and deliverables supporting the notion that the Library is to provide for and support reading, information, learning and culture. To fit within the category of "core", the service or product is to be available to, usable by, and benefit an overwhelming majority. Providing a core service or material can be considered a public good. Examples include circulating books, offering adult and children's' programs and events, and providing computer access. Non-core services are certain items or services provided by libraries that are available to, and utilized by, few individuals. Non-core items and services could be defined as convenience-based deliverables. Fees are assigned because the use of the item benefits the individual or group, or because the item is not considered essential to those primary roles of the library. Examples include offering meeting rooms, loaning equipment, and printing. IDEAS EXPLORED Readily Actionable Fee increases to balance increased costs of providing service Fees for new services based on Library's philosophy Maximize partnerships/donations Research Necessary Notarization services Postal delivery of materials Vend machines Food & beverage vendors Further Determination Necessary Website link to donations Expanded room rentals: study rooms, gallery, garden REVENUE OPPORTUNITIES EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Page two IDEAS RECOMMENDED Fee increases: After consideration of many options, staff focused on those services where costs were significantly higher than existing fees. There was also focus on offsetting costs of providing the convenience of a debit/credit payment option. After market comparison of fees charged by other libraries, costs of delivering services, and consideration of Carlsbad City Library's experiences and constituency, the Library Director accepted three recommendations for fee increases: • Interlibrary Loan increase from $2 to $5 • Reserve Non-Pickup Fee (per item) from $.50 to $1 • Audio Visual Insurance Fee (per item) from $.75 to $1 (including new video game collection) Maximize partnerships/donations: Many libraries currently use this model as a revenue-generation method. Several programs and services are already heavily supported by the Friends and the Foundation. It is recommended to continue to foster and facilitate these organizations to underwrite Library programs and services. Food and beverage vendors: As part of our efforts to make the Library comfortable and inviting, the Library now allows food and beverages. Access to these items is a frequently requested convenience that staff has looked into extensively. After consulting with libraries that provide a food service, too broad a range of service models and perspectives existed to easily pinpoint how the Carlsbad City Library might successfully provide a food service. Further, data on resulting revenue was inconclusive. The most successful models emanate from dedicated space that was part of the original design of a library. Staff has contacted several local vendors, but none has shown an interest in providing food and beverage service at this time. The Library Director connected with the City's Economic Director and Planning Director about this topic and found there is potential in providing a license for limited concessions to a vendor at the Dove Library. This concept is currently being explored with La Costa Coffee. RESEARCH OR FURTHER DETERMINATION Other ideas are still pending, and require more extensive research/analysis. While they are not currently a priority, they are still potential initiatives in order to diversify fiscal support of the Library.