HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-08-19; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved ITEM #3 MINUTES MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 PLACE OF MEETING: Library Board Room Carlsbad City Library -1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Chair Bill Kamenjarin called the meeting to order at 4:08 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, Kamenjarin & Lignante Absent: Library Board Trustee Swette Newly appointed but unsworn Trustee Beth Hulsart was introduced at this time. Also Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Devin Castel, Library Business Systems Specialist Marg Kealey, NSDCGS Liaison Carolyn Taylor, League of Women Voters observer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On a motion by Trustees Benson/Bradley the minutes of the regular meeting held July 15, 2009 were unanimously approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Bradley expressed interest in the pilot program at Dove Lane to provide volunteers to assist with new library card registrations during periods when the circulation desk is very busy. Trustee Kamenjarin asked for the reason behind the decision to interfile the non-fiction DVDs with non-fiction print and Deputy Director Curtis explained that the purpose was to provide the patron with all formats in one location that contained the information they were seeking. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of August 19, 2009 Meeting Trustee Bradley asked about the status of the search for new door counters and Library Director Pizzuto reported the money had been budgeted and staff was investigating options that would be more reliable than the mechanical devices currently in use. QUARTERLY TECHNOLOGY REPORT: Business Systems Specialist (BSS) Devin Castel reviewed some of the highlights of the report which was distributed in the agenda packet. Of particular interest was the noticeable drop in bandwidth use which BSS Castel explained was due to a problem with the hardware for the patron network during which time the traffic was routed through the staff network. The Board expressed concern over the increasing demand for bandwidth and BSS Castel explained that the increasing demand was due largely to the increased use of streaming video and social networking sites that require huge amounts of bandwidth. When asked if there were plans to increase the bandwidth again, Library Director Pizzuto responded that the City's IT Department will be making that decision as the issue is city-wide, and the costs would be reflected in the ISF (inter-service fee) charged to the Library the following year. WEBSITE UPDATE: Library Director Pizzuto explained that the Board would be viewing the test format for the Library's new web pages which are in the final stages of design. Community Coordinator Jessica Padilla Bowen went over the highlights of the new Library homepage design which includes a second navigation toolbar specific to the library and a series of shortcuts to frequently used areas of interest. Trustee Bradley shared with the Board her experiences as part of a group of individuals who participated in the usability testing of the site. The testing involved a list of 25 tasks they were asked to perform by navigating through the entire City website without using the search option. Community Coordinator Padilla Bowen advised that the last group of usability testers is scheduled for the last week of August after which the site will be rolled out to City staff in order for them to familiarize themselves with the changes and be better prepared to assist the public in navigating the site in September or October. The Board expressed interest in capturing the number of hits and overall usage of the website and BSS Castel responded that the new system will capture significantly more information than currently available to the Library. Library Director Pizzuto added that the Library will need to sort through the information to determine what is useful to the Library. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of August 19, 2009 Meeting DEPARTMENTAL GOALS FY09-10: Library Director Pizzuto referenced the list of departmental goals distributed with the packet and asked if there were any questions. Library Trustee Kamenjarin asked for additional information on the Technology Replacement Plan and BSS Castel explained that the first phase of the goal is to investigate what is available or will be available that will enhance the way we do business now. Library Director Pizzuto explained that the Library's contract with its major automation vendor will be due for renewal in two years and several other contracts are being considered for extension or amendment so that they may all be due at the same time. That will allow the Library the option to choose different solutions, to take advantage of blended technology solutions or move to a more complete system. She added that the current economic situation, when there are no major projects scheduled, provides a perfect time for the Library to research options and be prepared to make the decision when the time arrives. Trustee Benson was interested in the Marketing of Under-recognized Services and Deputy Library Director Smithson explained the initial focus will be on services offered at the Learning Center and in making sure the community is aware of what is currently available. Trustee Bradley asked for more information on the Library Organizational Restructuring Opportunities and Library Director Pizzuto explained that about 25% of Library full-time staff is eligible for retirement. The City is taking a look at how best to structure to be as efficient as possible and in a like manner when the Library realizes changes in staffing we should be looking ahead at where we need to maximize staffing or change the way in which our organization can best provide service. ELECTION OF PRESIDENT & VICE PRESIDENT: President Kamenjarin suggested continuing this item for another month at which time there should be a full Board appointed and sworn, and Trustee Benson suggested the same action for the next item on the agenda. By proper motion to continue both items (Kamenjarin/Benson) and vote the Board unanimously agreed. APPOINTMENTS TO CLAF BOARD & GALLERY COMMITTEE: See Item above. This item continued until September board meeting. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of August 19, 2009 Meeting DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto provided the following updates to the Board: Library Anniversaries- The 1-year anniversary of the opening of the Learning Center will be celebrated on August 27th and the 10-year anniversary of the opening of the Dove Lane facility on September 25th. Each location will have a number of displays depicting the opening events and attendees will receive commemorative book marks. The celebrations will be low-key with no formal ceremony in view of the current economic climate. Graphics operation move- The relocation of the Library's graphics operation is in the final stages with wiring and cable installation currently underway. The date for the physical move is being coordinated with facilities and IT. Facility improvements - At the Dove Lane facility the acoustical panels have been installed in hopes it will make a major difference in the carrying of sound, especially in the great hall. Also in progress are the curb improvements to eliminate an identified safety risk. The final design will be shared with the Board at the next meeting. At Cole, the countertops in the public restrooms have all been replaced, and at all locations the non-fiction DVD's have been interfiled with the print collection which has resulted in new space for large print materials and audio items. PLSEP grant - The Library received notice from the State Library that one of the four applicants from our Library has been selected from the 178 statewide applicants to receive an award of $5,000 from the Public Library Staff Education Program grant. MiniGolf FORE the Library - An FAQ for Library staff was distributed and a "Save the Date" notice was in the latest Community Services Guide for this event which will take place on Sunday, November 8th. Wireless access in the Library - The City's IT Department is exploring a method of delivering wireless access in the Library to improve that service. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Benson reported that at the last meeting the Board received a report from Arts Office Manager Peter Gordon on the TGIF concert series. The Board also discussed the plans for the MiniGolf event in November and the Castles of Carlsbad home tour next May. Finally, the Board discussed the need for additional members following a recommendation from Social Ventures Partners of San Diego, an organization that advises non-profits on organization development and building capacity. Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of August 19, 2009 Meeting FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto reported that the Friends have not held a meeting since this Board last met. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Liaison Mary Kealey's written report was presented to the Board in her absence. Information included highlights of the August and September programs as well as the upcoming Fall Seminar and the schedule of evening genealogy classes beginning next month. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Kamenjarin took this opportunity to make his farewell comments, highlighting the many changes in the City and Library over his ten years of service on this board and expressing his appreciation for being allowed to serve. PUBLIC COMMENT: None ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, (Lignante/Bradley) the meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for JULY 2009 Systemwide ... 1. On July 11, three-time Emmy Award-winning photojournalist and documentarian Dave Banks visited the Library to share video clips of work showcasing everything from trekking across the Sahara Desert to hanging off cliffs in Australia. Approximately 130 people attended the event and many stayed after to participate in a question-and-answer exchange with Mr. Banks. 2. The Cole summer concert featured local favorites the Bayou Brothers playing Zydeco music on July 12. About 55 people attended the hour-long performance. 3. Community Coordinator Jessica Padilla Bowen, along with Programs and Graphics staff and Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott staffed a library outreach booth at the Carlsbad Triathlon Health Fair held on July 11. Over 110 people stopped by the booth to receive information on programs and services at the libraries. 4. Plans were finalized for implementing the interfiling of non-fiction DVDs with non- fiction books at all Library locations. The transition will occur in early August. 5. The Library's Disaster Team distributed supplies to all Library sites to be used to care for both people and materials in emergency situations. Three Library staff members attended a Care & Shelter training exercise led by the City Emergency Preparedness Coordinator David Harrison. The City's preparations to host shelters were presented and discussed. 6. The Library began using volunteers to alleviate library card lines during busy periods at the Library on Dove Lane and in testing the library's new web site. Summer Reading Program 7. July marked the middle portion of the Library's seven-week Summer Reading Program. 8. My Classics Adult Summer Reading program continues to be popular with patrons. At the Cole Library, there were 124 entries during July and 4 weekly winners of $20.00 gift cards to Barnes and Noble. The Dove Adult SRP had 104 participants and also awarded a weekly winner. 9. The Learning Center's participants almost tripled from what they enrolled in past years at the Centra de Informacion with 76 babies, 315 children, 50 teens, and 93 adults reading. The Learning Center's volunteer force doubled to handle the increase. The Literacy program's first year venture into summer reading has had 45 book reviews submitted with 84% of those from learners. Monthly Library Reports for July 2009 10. The kids' summer reading theme, "Be Creative @ Your Library," was the focus of the children's programs at all three sites in July which included a juggler, a music from around the world program, a musical comedy presentation, a visit with hands-on workshops from author Elisa Kleven, and a puppet show. 11. Cole Library presented both a Kids' Late Night with a balloon artist and games and a Teen Late Night "Twilight Party." 12. The Library on Dove Lane hosted their annual sleep-over with 62 overnight guests on July 25. 13. The Learning Center presented an interactive creative arts program. 14. The Summer Reading Program for teens continued throughout the month of July with 180 young adults signed up. CCL, Dove Lane ... 15. Programming was very popular in July. The average attendance at the special programs in the Schulman Auditorium was 164. The average attendance for Family Movie Nights was 148. The regular story times attracted great crowds, as did the Make-n-Take Crafts. 16. On two occasions, techs from Integrated Technology Group paid visits to work on the conveyor. Techs replaced some parts and did some computer software changes which have made the sorting process a lot more reliable. 17. Teen Services Librarian Darin Williamson hosted two talent competitions for young adults in July. On July 9, Carlsbad Idol competition featured 9 vocal acts performing to an audience of 100. The winner sang "Chasing Pavements" by Adele and performed an original composition on the guitar. On July 23, there was a dance competition featuring 12 performers and 9 acts with an audience of 100. The winning act was a jazz dance performed to the Erin McCarley song "Sticky- Sweet." 18. July's Pizza and a Movie Night for teens was held on July 16. The Steven Spielberg adventure classic Raiders of the Lost Ark was featured. 12 teens attended. Georgina Cole ... 19. Genealogy staff, in partnership with the North San Diego County Genealogical Society, supported two workshops in July. On July 14, Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol gave a presentation, "Digital Books for the Genealogist," to the NSDCGS Computer Genealogy Group with 91 attendees. On July 28, Jean Wilcox Hibben spoke to the NSDCGS on "Deliveries in the Rear" with 89 attendees. Monthly Library Reports for July 2009 20. Genealogy staff presented two "Focus On..." small group sessions: State Archives on July 7 and Footnote on July 21 with 15 and 12 attendees respectively. 21. Cole Reference staff taught 7 computer classes open to the general community at the Learning Center during July. Learning Center ... 22. Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson, met with the Serra Multilingual Book Fair Committee to finalize plans for the fair which will be held October 23th at the Encinitas library. 23. The Literacy program presented a free book give-away which has put 157 books in the hands of their adult learners. The free books were workbooks purchased with the state literacy grant, last year's excess book club books, and donations of new books that were received by the Library. 24. Oral Board interviews were held during July for the Principal Librarian position. Departmental interviews will be held in August. 25. Library literacy learners met significant goals during July. Among them, 5 learners read a book, 3 learners wrote a letter, 1 obtained a library card, 1 can now write numbers for checks, and 1 learned how to search help-wanted ads online. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - JULY 2009 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Learning Center (began Aug 2008; formerly Centro/ALP) Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours July-08 16,461 85,208 41,780 14,532 9,106 39,281 18,032** 9,417 163/42 755/31 2,050/* 315/* 25 468 10 363 98 3,126 12,842 1,091 8,792 29,741 289 8,770 70 3,819 10 2,671 June-09 15,429 84,715 38,381 10,059 10,438 36,173 21,808** 6,806 942 1,519 4,239 675 34 585 6 53 38 1,352 14,028 924 9,472 48,276 447 12,382 74 4,616 10 2,230.3 July-09 18,067 89,841 45,448 10,567 10,823 39,769 22,923** 7,666 924 2,051 5,581 724 28 502 17 532 102 3,276 14,792 1,066 10,386 49,342 352 12,734 88 3,547 29 3,327.75 * Not reported. ** Door counter not working properly. ITEM # 5 CARLSBAD Technology Report April-June 2009 CITY LIBRARY About this report The data in this report is intended to provide an overview of public use of Information Technology-in the Carlsbad City Library. This reports covers the months of April to June 2009. Contents Public Computer Sessions pg. 2 Public Computer Utilization pg. 2 Website pg. 2 Top Internet Categories pg. 3 Monthly Wireless Use pg. 3 Public Bandwidth Utilization pg. 3 Carlsbad City Library - Technology Report April - June 2009 PC Management Sessions Location Computers Sessions Computers Sessions Jan - Mar Jan - Mar Apr-Jun Apr-Jun 2009 2009 2009 2009 Dove Adult Lab Dove Adult Lab 2 Dove E-mail Dove Walk-up Dove Children's Cole Adult Cole E-mail Cole Children's Learning Center Children's Lab Learning Center Adult Lab 20 3 4 4 9 12 1 8 7 7 8,900 927 7,294 6,328 1,614 10,495 1,559 2,712 1,104 1,698 20 Oj 4 4 9 12 1 8 7 7 9,348 1,295 6,095 4,038 1,848 10,155 1,283 2,595 1,326 1,831 PC Utilization Average Computer Type Computers Utilization Computers Utilization Jan - Mar Jan - Mar Apr - Jun Apr - Jun 2009 2009 2009 2009 Dove Adult Lab Dove Adult Lab 2 Dove E-mail Dove Walk-up Dove Children's Lab Cole Adult Lab Cole E-mail Cole Children's Learning Center Children's Lab Learning Center Adult Lab 20 3 4 4 9 12 1 8 7 7 64% 58% 37% 78% 20% 82% 34% 36% 30% 49% 20 3 4 4 9 12 1 8 7 7 71% 80% 29% 57% 22% 78% 24% 35% 35% 56% Carlsbadlibrary.org/Arts/Media Usage Statistics Location Page Views Page Views Jan - Mar Apr - Jun 2009 2009 Carlsbadlibrary.org Arts Media Services *Problem with logs 219,240 14,907 5,225 N/A* N/A* N/A* Carlsbad City Library - Technology Report April - June 2009 Top Public Internet Categories January - March 2009 April - June 2009 Web Advertisements Social Networking Search Engines/Portals Streaming Media/MP3s Reference E-mail Computers/Internet Business/Economy Arts/Entertainment 15% 13% 10% 10% 7% 6% 4% 4% 3% Streaming Media/ MP3s Web Advertise- ments Social Networking Search Engines/ Portals Reference E-mail Computers/Internet Business/Economy Arts/Entertainment 14% 14% 13% 9% 6% 4% 4% 3% 2% Wireless Location Totals Location Users Users Jan - Mar 2009 Apr - Jun 2009 Cole Dove 2,610 2,053 3,009 2,178 Dove Public Bandwidth Utilization *Not including wireless January 2009 - June 2009 July 2008 - June 2009 Library Departmental Goals FY09/10 Goal (Italics = not Lib goal ) (r)= resource Marketing of under-recognized services (Under-recognized services are marketed to specific user groups, resulting in increased awareness & additional usage of services) Sharepoint migration of website (Complete move to SharePoint, allowing for enriched personalized website experience) Library is recognized as a valuable City resource (Design an internal campaign to engage and educate City staff about resources and tools at the Library, and how to use them) Library Technology Replacement Planning: Phase 1 (Explore next generation library automation solutions) Part-time hiring and recruiting practices (Part-Time recruiting efforts in the Library & Arts Office are effectively & legally executed by well-trained staff) Revenue Generating Ideas (Revenue-generating ideas accepted by department from previous year are implemented.) Dove Parking Lot Improvements (Complete Parking Lot Phase 1 items) Library Organizational Restructuring Opportunities (Potential opportunities for realignment of staffing are identified and ready for action as turnover is experienced.) Library Contracting Process Assessment (Assessment of Library staff's experiences with contract procedures; efficiencies identified.) Effective Citywide customer service ( City has a concept & design of system to make the service experience easier & more effective for staff and customers city wide) Social media use (Communications Dept : Baseline assessment of City presence in new and social media outlets. Strategic plan for use of new and social media. City policy on use of new and social media.) Team Members Suzanne Jessica Dave Jessica Dave Suzanne Jessica ( r ) Heather Devin ( r ) Gordon (IT) Suzanne Tonya (Arts) Donna (HR) Heather Cheryl Cheryl Heather Donna (HR) Cheryl Dave Jessica