HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-09-16; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved:ITEM #3 MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, September 16, 2009 Library Learning Center 3368 Eureka Place CALL TO ORDER: Vice-Chair Marie Bradley called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, Hulsart, Lignante and Swette Absent: None Also Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Callie Ahrens, Principal Librarian Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Marg Kealey, NSDCGS Liaison Carolyn Taylor, League of Women Voters observer Following the roll call, Vice Chair Bradley introduced newly appointed Trustee Beth Hulsart and invited her to share some information about herself. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Trustees Lignante/Benson, the minutes of the regular meeting held August 19, 2009 were unanimously approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Benson commented on the number of patrons utilizing the Learning Center and asked about the patron to employee ratio. Library Director Pizzuto responded that the Learning Center relies on a huge number of volunteers. Staffing levels there are different than the other two libraries. To deliver all of the planned services projected for the Learning Center, additional staffing will be needed. Trustee Bradley asked about the planned replacement of the door counters and Library Director Pizzuto responded that the Library's Business Systems Specialist has identified Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of September 16, 2009 Meeting _^__^_ a possible replacement and is currently checking references on the distributor and communicating with locations where the solution is in use. SUMMER READING PROGRAM RECAP: Senior Children's Librarian Barbara Chung was on hand to respond to questions about the statistics submitted in the agenda packet. Trustee Swette expressed interest in more detailed demographic information on the participants and Library Director Pizzuto explained that we only collect information necessary to run the program, and information such as resident/non-resident is not something we ask. The Board discussed the large increase in the number of participants, reports and pages read, especially in the adult and baby programs which were offered at all three locations for the first time this year. Trustee Benson asked if there were any identifiable trends and Library Director Pizzuto responded that the statistics continue to indicate that usage of the Library and its program attendance continues to rise. DOVE LANE PARKING LOT PROJECT UPDATE: Library Management Analyst Mast provided the Board with a drawing of the plans to remove the curb between the two handicapped ramps at the front entryway, and the light fixtures that would be added to the bollards already located there. She also provided a sample of the unique concrete and glass material that will be installed to make the transition from parking lot to courtyard. The Board asked about the cost of the project and how long it would take. Library Director Pizzuto explained that the curb had been identified as a trip and fall hazard previously and the funds, $125,000, had been set aside from last year's budget to make the improvements. Management Analyst Mast added that the bids would be opened on October 8th and that a period of 10 to 12 weeks would be identified, within which the project would be completed. CARLSBAD READS TOGETHER UPDATE: Library Director Pizzuto reported that the Carlsbad Reads Together (CRT) Committee, composed of Library staff and representatives of the Friends of the Library, had made its final decision and selected John Steinbeck's "Travels with Charlie" for next year's program. Preliminary plans include the usual films and music, book club discussions, and a possible play-reading of "The Grapes of Wrath", as well as a visit with the author's son, Thomas Steinbeck. She added that the title is available not only in print but also in audio and translated into Spanish, and the gallery exhibit will be about books. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of September 16, 2009 Meeting ELECTION OF PRESIDENT & VICE PRESIDENT: By proper motion and vote the Board selected Trustee Bradley as the President (Lignante/Hulsart) and Trustee Benson as the Vice President (Swette/Bradley) for fiscal year 2009-10. AGENDA ITEMS 9 & 10 APPOINTMENTS: TO CLAF BOARD AND GALLERY COMMITTEE: Trustee Lignante asked to continue to serve on the Gallery Committee and the Board unanimously agreed. Trustee Hulsart was asked to serve as liaison the Carlsbad Library and Arts Board and agreed. TO SERVE ON COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES GRANT COMMITTEE: Trustee Swette agreed to represent the Board on the committee this year. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto reported on the following: Dove Lane facility 10-year anniversary - The event is planned for Friday, September 23rd beginning with a cake-cutting at 3:30 in the courtyard. Some Council Members will be attending as well as individuals who served on the Library Board at the time of the planning and grand opening of the facility. Senior Librarian position in Reference - The internal recruitment was announced by Human Resources with a closing date of September 25th. Business Systems Specialist - BSS Castel will be out of the office for about a month on paid family leave and birth of his first child, but will be back in the office for the planned upgrade of the Library's automation system the weekend of October 11th & 12th. New City web page - The new webpage will be rolled out to the public on Monday, September 21st. Graphics relocation - The space previously occupied by Media Services at the Dove Lane facility has been reorganized and now includes the graphics equipment and personnel. Inter-filed non-fiction DVD's- The project to interfile the non-fiction DVDs with the print materials has been completed which has provided some additional shelf space. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of September 16, 2009 Meeting . Lost Items Refunds - With the integration of the centralized cashiering program, CORE, the Library is now able to issue refunds at the service desks to patrons who are returning items previously listed and paid for as "lost". Cash refunds are available for up to $30 and anything larger can be credited to a credit or debit card (Visa or Master Card only). If the patron chooses, they can request a check instead of crediting a card; however, the City charges a $25 fee for issuing a check. FOUNDATION REPORT: No report. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto advised the Board that she resigned her voting position on the Friends of the Library Board having completed research that identified a voting position on the Board represented a conflict of interest. She explained that at the time she submitted her resignation she expressed hope that the Board would restore the Library Director's position to non-voting status when they review their Bylaws this year, as previously dictated in earlier bylaws. Meanwhile, Trustee Hulsart will be reporting on the Friends of the Library activities as future Library Board meetings. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Board Liaison, Marg Kealey provided information on their Fall Seminar as well as information on current programs. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Benson asked if the Library had seen a measurable increase in the door count during the recent heat wave and following the article identifying the Library as a "Cool Zone", and Deputy Library Director Curtis reported no noticeable increase at this location. PUBLIC COMMENT: None ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Benson/Lignante), the meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. x // _ Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for AUGUST 2009 Systemwide ... 1. Beginning August 10, all Library sites began the transition to incorporate non- fiction DVDs within the non-fiction book collections. The moves are now complete for adult and children's collections and the library's online catalog reflects the location changes. 2. The Summer Reading Program ended on August 7 with end-of-summer-reading- program celebrations for participants and volunteers on August 10 and 13. This is the first year that the Carlsbad City Library has provided programs for babies, children, teens, and adults at all three library sites. (Statistics page is included in the Board packet) 3. The monthly orientation meeting for prospective library volunteers was held on August 22 at the Library on Dove Lane. Fourteen community members attended resulting in 11 interviews. Current focus for volunteer recruitment is to fully staff all Homework Zone positions for the school year. 4. The Library partnered with the San Diego International Children's Film Festival to serve as the first north county screening location on Saturday, August 8. Nearly 200 families attended throughout the day. 5. The Library participated in the second round of usability testing of the new city website that is set to launch in late September. The Library provided eight volunteers for the testing, including one Library board member, two Friends of the Library and several regular Library volunteers. CCL, Dove Lane ... 6. On August Q, Teen Services Librarian Darin Williamson hosted a Teen Talent Show for young adults in grades 6 through 12. Sixteen acts competed for prizes before an audience of 150 in the Schulman Auditorium. Guitarist Julian Garcia won the top prize playing his own untitled, original composition. 7. The return of the Rad Hatter marked the End of SRP Party on Monday, August 10 and all 382 attendees had a great time. 8. Sound absorbing panels were installed in the great hall to improve the acoustics in the Library. The Cannon Art Gallery also had some panels installed. Georgina Cole ... 9. The History Room staff is continuing to integrate photographic images received from the Media Services collection into the History Room collection. The History Monthly Library Reports for August 2009 Room provided photo displays for Cole Library which included the history of the Summer Reading Program and for the Library on Dove Lane which included photos of historic Carlsbad. 10. The two "Focus On" genealogy small group workshops had a total of 24 participants. One workshop focused on Footnote (database of scanned historical documents) and the other workshop focused on PerSI (Periodical Source Index - subject index covering a variety of genealogical and historical periodical articles). 11. The two larger genealogy workshops included a presentation to the Computer Genealogy Group by Dorothy Miller about "Excel 2007 for Genealogists" with 89 people in attendance and a presentation by Tom Gordinier entitled "Oh, Brethren, Where Art Thou?" about the history and genealogy resources of the Brethren Church. Learning Center ... 12. Over one hundred visitors attended the Learning Center's one year anniversary open house held the evening of August 27. Visitors included City officials, Library staff members, learners and tutors, library patrons, families, and community members. Attendees enjoyed cookies and drinks, a bilingual storytime by volunteer Carol Naegele and Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson, music by "En Fuego", coloring activities, Scrabble games, and access to the computers. 13. The Literacy program participated in the Summer Reading Program for the first time, receiving 51 book review entries, 86% of which were from learners. Submitted reviews have been incorporated into the collection display. 14. Senior Librarian for Reference Services at the Dove Lane facility, Callie Ahrens, was selected as the new Principal Librarian of the Library Learning Center. Callie is tentatively scheduled to start on September 21. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - AUGUST 2009 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Learning Center (began Aug 2008) Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance SRP Events Summary (data incl. in monthly categories) SRP Attendance Summary (data incl. in monthly categories) Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Aug-08 12,717 73,869 31,445 10,388 7,952 31,838 15,328 8,346 137* 544* 945* 127* 25 561 3 37 35 959 181 7,750 13,035 932 8,609 30,673 270 9,040 52 1,732 13 578*** July-09 18,067 89,841 45,448 10,567 10,823 39,769 22,923** 7,666 924 2,051 5,581 724 28 502 17 532 102 3,317 14,792 1,066 10,386 49,342 352 12,734 88 3,547 29 3,327.75 Aug-09 14,954 81,337 37,360 8,923 9,402 34,184 19,241** 6,680 1,035 1,115 3,720 635 34 515 4 231 28 1,593 194 8,328 14,847 985 10,431 50,327 294 13,028 61 3,134 9 2,146.95 * One week of Learning Center operation, including Labor Day. ** Door counter not working properly. ***Literacy tutor hours reduced due to move to Learning Center. Participants Reports Pages Read Program Completion 7 reports, earned t- shirt 10 reports, earned book gift-card Number of Programs Program Attendance End of SRP party (all ages) Volunteer Hours Summer Reading Program 2009 BABIES PROGRAM CHILDREN'S PROGRAM Dove Cole LLC Total Dove Cole LLC* Total TEENS PROGRAM ADULT PROGRAM GRAND Dove Cole LLC Total Dove Cole LLC Total TOTAL 215 85 76 376 2,241 1,193 317 3,751 182 132 51 365 104 226 93 330 - - 361 - - 6,494 12,608 7,415 1,718 21,741 1,117 860 348 2,325 796,229 598,619 58,784 1,453,632 221,287 156,595 32,594 410,476 117 59 40 216 1,110 517 114 1,741 — — 18 877 400 86 1,363 92 74 25 31 42 —•73 33 58 100 12 382 576 200 1,158 Programs at the LLC were not age specific and were attended by adults and children alike. 191 42 48 27 117 21 1,166 1,386 — 2,552 2,638 1,859 729 5,226 442 108 — 550 1,795 1,815 587 4,197 358 23,312 32 36 4,822 24,785 1,893,914 2,180 1,534 194 8,328 1,158 4,197 Htfl 01 2009 SRP TOTALS* (with percentages) *Participants 4,492 (up 14% from 2008) *Reports 24,427 (up 19% from 2008) *Pages Read 1,870,602 (up 31% from 2008) Programs 194 (up 7% from 2008) Program Attendance 8,328 (up 7% from 2008) *For comparison these "totals" do not include adult participation numbers since there are no statistics from last year. (The adult program was a pilot program last year and not offered at all facilities.)