HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-10-21; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved ITEM #3 MINUTES MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 PLACE OF MEETING: Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad CA 92011 CALL TO ORDER: Chair Marie Bradley called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, Hulsart, Lignante and Swette Absent: None Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Peter Gordon, Cultural Arts Office Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES; On a motion by Trustees Hulsart/Benson the minutes of the regular meeting held September 16, 2009 were unanimously approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Hulsart asked about the upgrade to. the Library's automated system and Library Director Pizzuto responded that it was very successful and was completed by 4 PM Tuesday, October 13th. The Trustees had some questions about the North County Philanthropy Council Volunteers of the Year event and the City's nomination of a library volunteer. Library Director Pizzuto explained that usually the City nominates only one volunteer to be honored at the event. Deputy Library Director Smithson added that this particular volunteer has worked at the Learning Center as well as the Cole Library and was one of the individuals who along with library staff members attended the State Library sponsored volunteer training workshop In San Jose in May of this year. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of October 21, 2009 Meeting Trustee Swette asked for more information on the Eagle Scout project and Deputy Library Director Curtis explained that the individual himself contacted the Library with his proposal and met with the City's Parks Maintenance personnel for approval. Trustee Swette asked about the number of high school students participating in the program at the Learning Center and Deputy Library Director Smithson explained that there are usually fifteen or sixteen in each of the two classes for a total of thirty-five. Trustee Benson asked for additional information on the high school text books in the Library and Library Director Pizzuto responded that the "leaner" books represent a significant investment by the schools and they have been providing them to us for many years. Deputy Library Director Smithson added that the Library also has the K-8 books for in-house use and many students rely on them during after school hours to complete homework. Trustee Benson commented on the valuable outreach provided by the learner sharing her story at both the Citizen's Academy and City Council Meeting. Library Director Pizzuto acknowledged that the opportunity for the learner to speak to the City Council provided a unique opportunity to demonstrate the personal impact of the program, and that including a learner in the Library's segment of the Citizen's Academy would probably continue whenever possible. Trustee Bradley asked about the outreach to parents from Jefferson, Magnolia and Buena Vista Elementary Schools and Deputy Library Director Smithson explained that Community Outreach Supervisor Simonson has traditionally worked with this group as the majority of the students are within walking distance of the Learning Center. REQUEST FOR REMOVAL OR RELOCATION OF PUBLIC ARTWORK: Library Director Pizzuto explained that this item became a topic of interest when a member of the public expressed concern to our staff about one of the Deloss McGraw paintings displayed at the entrance to the Children's area. Although no formal complaint was filed, the Library looked for the correct process to use in responding to the concern and realized there was none in place. The Library then requested Cultural Arts Office Manager Peter Gordon to develop a process. She further explained that apparently a process had not been needed in the past due to the tremendous amount of planning and scrutiny involved in the selection of public art. Cultural Arts Office Manager Peter Gordon then explained that he has been working with the Arts Commission to develop a policy and procedure, modeled after the Library's Collection Development Statement section on challenged material. Although the art is contained in the Library, the Arts Commission is responsible for review and recommendation to the Council on public art. He then summarized the procedures contained in their initial draft. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of October 21, 2009 Meeting The trustees presented their personal views on the proposed processes but no action by this board is required. Cultural Arts Office Manager Gordon advised that he would return with the final version of the policy and procedures once it is approved by the Arts Commission. STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS: Library Director Pizzuto reviewed the process used in establishing the Strategic Directions and asked the board for any suggestions for refinement to the Directions before the Library staff moves forward with identifying the strategic initiatives for the next fiscal year. Trustee Bradley suggested that the Library consider the demographics of the City in the marketing approach and Trustee Hulsart added that the Library staff offers an in-house expertise which may not be known throughout the community. Trustee Swette suggested emphasizing the Library as a learning environment as well a source of entertainment and Trustee Benson identified the need for the Library to connect with the Community by providing the latest technology tools and resources to deliver services, such as social networking. Library Director Pizzuto advised that the Library's Division Heads would be meeting next month to review the Strategic Directions and then identify priority initiatives that will deliver on those directions. That list of initiatives will be shared with this board as well as the Friends of the Library and the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation and finalized during the budget preparation for next year. STATE LIBRARY REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto advised that the annual report has been filed with the State Library and a copy provided to the Board. Library Management Analyst Cheryl Mast had prepared a list of some significant changes from the previous year's reports and responded to questions from the Trustees. MINI-GOLF REPORT; Library Director Pizzuto advised that the President of the Foundation had expected to be present for this report but has car problems and will not be able to attend. In her place, Library Director Pizzuto provided some pertinent information about the final plans. The Library will be open for extended hours on Sunday, November 8th and marketing of the event has been extensive with flyers and posters throughout the community and in the Libraries, information on the Library and Foundation websites and a sample hole set up at the entryway. In addition to the golf, the event will include food for purchase, activities for children and a silent auction. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of October 21, 2009 Meeting ___^ The Foundation has also planned an event for sponsors and the media on the Saturday night before the event. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto provided updates on the following: Senior Librarian position- the internal recruitment has been extended for a week in an effort to establish a list of qualified candidates for consideration in the event of any future openings. The applicants have also been sent a supplemental questionnaire to be completed prior to the scheduling of any interviews. Parking lot project - the bids were received by the City's Engineering Department and are under review. No timeline for the project has been established but it will be after the first of the year. New website- feedback on the website continues to be received and there are ongoing efforts to take care of small improvements and to respond to suggestions for future improvements. Staff members have been trained and given rights to make daily changes to the content which represents an increased workload and confirmed that the website will be a continuous effort. Social networking - the City has just established an Administrative Order to guide the use of social networking tools and the Library will join the City in its effort to do some social networking on a trial basis. The City has just established a Twitter account and the Library will follow with its own Twitter account specific to programs, events, and activities. Bill Kameniarin proclamation - the presentation of the proclamation for past Trustee Bill Kamenjarin will be at the October 27th City Council Meeting. City structure realignment- the City Manager announced today that as part of this realignment and restructuring of the City for greater efficiencies, she has appointed previous Community Development Director, Sandra Holder, to serve as the interim Assistant City Manager for approximately a six month period following the retirement of Jim Elliott, currently acting in that capacity and to whom the Library reports. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Hulsart reported that the focus of the meeting was the Mini-golf fundraiser and the Castles of Carlsbad event. The Castles committee working on the tour is having difficulty in identifying homes to be featured and would welcome any suggestions. Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of October 21, 2009 Meeting FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart also reporting for this group, advised that their book sale on October 3 & 4 at the Cole was a large success and the Holiday Book sale is scheduled for the Dove Lane facility, along with silent auction, and she will report the dates as soon as they are finalized. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY; Liaison Marge Kealy reported that their fall seminar was a huge success with 75 attending. She provided information on the October and November events, and announced that the refresher genealogy classes would resume on November 14th. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Benson asked if there would be "Trick or Treating" at the Library and Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that treats would be available at the public service desks and in conjunction with storytimes. Trustee Bradley commented on the significant improvements to the Library and City websites. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Benson/Hulsart), the meeting was adjourned at 5:24 p.m. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for SEPTEMBER 2009 System wide... 1. Library staff continued to test and prepare for library system upgrade scheduled for Monday, October 12. 2. The City of Carlsbad's nominee for the North County Philanthropy Council's 2009 Volunteers of the Year is library volunteer Philippa Hill. Philippa currently volunteers at the Learning Center in the homework zone and for the Georgina Cole Library Children's division working on displays. She started her volunteer work at the Carlsbad City Library three years ago as a literacy tutor. 3. The Homework Zone (drop-in homework assistance program for K-12 students staffed by volunteers) resumed at all three Library sites on September 14. 4. The Library began accepting poems for the 21st annual Magee Park Poets Anthology, printed annually with support from the Friends of the Library. By the end of September, more than 60 poems had been entered. 5. Cole Library hosted a poetry reading on September 27 featuring local poets Jill Moses and Claudia Poquoc. Fifteen people attended. 6. The new City and Library Web sites launched on September 21 after a year of hard work, preparation and usability testing. Staff have been training on our new content management system and now have the ability to update the site on a daily basis. CCL, Dove Lane... 7. The Dove anniversary party on September 25 was attended by approximately 90 people. Attendees enjoyed a welcome from Library Director Heather Pizzuto and Council Members, live music, refreshments, historic displays and activities for kids including face painting and coloring. 8. A meeting was held with Nirav Mehta, the young man who will be installing a xeriscape garden in a corner of the Children's Garden as his Eagle Scout project. Children's Library Barbara Chung, Deputy Library Director Dave Curtis, and Parks Supervisor Paul Harrison met with Nirav on September 11 to review all aspects of his project, which will be a fine, educational addition to the Children's Garden. 9. The September Pizza and a Movie program was held on September 17. 25 teens attended and enjoyed a screening of the Disney animated feature, Bolt. Monthly Library Reports for September 2009 Georgina Cole ... 10. The Genealogy division presented five workshops in September: two small group "Focus On" workshops by staff, two North San Diego County Genealogical Society programs ("My Ancestors Were from England" with 78 attendees and "Online: How You Get There Does Matter" with 86 attendees) and the annual Fall Seminar. The Fall Seminar, "Unexpected Journeys" was held at the Carlsbad City Senior Center on September 26 with 71 people attending. There were four speakers, all members of NSDCGS, Dorothy Miller, Wayne Anderson, Margaret Read, and Carol Baird. 11. Children's staff obtained copies of the current Carlsbad High School textbooks for use within the library. The High School annually loans the textbooks to the Library for in-house use by CHS students. 12. September was National Library Card Sign-up Month. Children who showed their Library card at the Children's Desk were able to choose a prize from the Pirate Booty Chest. In celebration of Talk-Like-a-Pirate Day, CultureCraft featured a Caribbean theme full of pirate lore. StoryCraft featured stories and crafts about Johnny Appleseed. This program was heavily attended because a local school gave out an assignment for students to listen to a Johnny Appleseed story and make a related craft. 13. The Cole Children's area has been decorated to celebrate NASA and the 40th anniversary of Apollo, complete with planets, UFOs and a rocket! A speaker from the Mars Society of San Diego gave a presentation on the Mars Rover and brought robotic models of the rover for children to play with. 14. The Mother-Daughter Book Club program was renamed to BookSmack and will now include both teen girls and boys and a parent. Learning Center... 15. Callie Ahrens officially began her new position as Principal Librarian on September 21. 16. A family-based cultural program was presented at the Learning Center on September 24. Pinata-on-a-stick was presented for children and parents to enjoy making pinatas and learning about this traditional custom from Mexico, Central and South America. 17. Three 8-week computer class series taught in Spanish began in September. Writing on the Computer 1: keyboarding Writing on the Computer 2: word processing Writing on the Computer 3: internet and email. Monthly Library Reports for September 2009 18. On September 28, Learning Center staff members Lizeth Simonson and Virginia Velati welcomed several groups to the Learning Center. Information about library services in general, homework assistance, children's programming, and how the libraries can support their families in the process of learning English were delivered to three different groups. One was a group of parents and their children from Jefferson, Magnolia, and Buena Vista elementary schools and the other two were groups of parents from Head Start Homebase Program. 19. The Carlsbad High School partnership began its school year at the Learning Center on September 8. Thirty-five students are working with 15 volunteer tutors to improve their reading, writing, and vocabulary skills. 20. Literacy learner Nyla H. shared her story as a learner to both Citizen's Academy participants (September 24) and the City Council (October 6). She did an amazing job! 21. Reference librarians Jacqui Petri and Heidi Wyner presented Word 2007 classes for sixteen volunteer literacy tutors to update their knowledge from Word 2000. 22. Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott attended the San Diego Council on Literacy's Executive/Finance and Board meetings. She began her term as Co- Vice Chair of the Board. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - SEPTEMBER 2009 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Learning Center (began Aug 2008) Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Sept-08 13,450 73,040 32,497 9,106 8,160 32,315 17,277 6,524 857 1,492 3,134* 497 31 440 9 95 89 2,617 13,509 932 8,271 31,605 306 9,346 89 3,135 14 1,389.75 Aug-09 14,954 81,337 37,360 8,923 9,402 34,184 19,241* 6,680 1,035 1,115 3,720 635 34 515 4 231 28 1,593 14,847 985 10,431 50,327 294 13,028 61 3,134 9 2,146.95 Sept-09 15,237 77,555 33,483 8,238 10,791 33,845 14,828 6,707 1,071 1,280 4,775 610 39 602 8 70 67 2,102 17,599 909 10,102 51,236 385 13,413 82 3,021 15 1,694 * Door counter not working properly. 10/15/09 ITEM # 6 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Strategic Directions • Position the Library as an active leader in the areas of learning, cultural arts, and enjoyment of reading. • Position the Library as an active partner with other agencies in the areas of economic development and public safety. • Position the Library as an active provider of information and model of best practices in the areas of transportation, healthcare, and the environment. • Offer convenient and responsive library service. • Offer personalized and flexible library service. • Promote and celebrate books and reading. • Develop and diversify library collections to sustain/satisfy a broadening range of residents' needs and interests. • Continually update and refresh Library programs and services to engage all segments of the community. • Build community by connecting Carlsbad residents with the City, with the Library, and with one another. • Update staff tools and technologies. • Perform as an information access point and information outlet for the City. • Improve Library facilities. • Update technology infrastructure. • Develop and retain effective Library staff. • Maintain the Library's reputation for excellence and top ranking compared to other libraries serving similar communities. • Diversify fiscal support sources. • Realign budget with priorities identified each year l:\Strategic Planning\Strategic Directions.doc CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Strategic Initiatives 2009-10 Position the Library as an active leader in the areas of learning, cultural arts, and enjoyment of reading. Major Initiative Increase support of cultural events and creative programs. • Streamline program support including staffing, graphics production and contracting process. Position the Library as an active partner with other agencies in the areas of economic development and public safety. Major Initiative Collaborate with organizations that support local businesses and building job skills for youth and adults (such as the Chamber of Commerce and the Economic Development Department). • Partner with internal and external organizations to market existing business and employment resources. Offer convenient and responsive library service. Major Initiative Improve in-library access to computers. • Pilot in-library laptop borrowing at Cole Library. Offer personalized and flexible library service. Major Initiative Offer customized user accounts, profiles. • Implement select features in catalog upgrade to enhance individual usability. Promote and celebrate books and reading. Major Initiative Optimize programs to encompass childhood, family and adult literacy. • Provide systemwide staffing support of Learning Center services and programs. Develop and diversify library collections to sustain/satisfy a broadening range of residents' needs and interests. Major Initiative Offer new media and formats. • Pursue downloadable audio books and e-books. MAY 2009 Build community by connecting Carlsbad residents with the City, the Library, and one another. Major Initiative Increase marketing and promotion of Library brand and services. • Increase marketing of under-recognized services and resources; target market to specific user groups. Major Initiative Engage community virtually using current web technology (Web 2.0/3.0). • Complete move to SharePoint, allowing for enriched personalized website experience. Perform as an information access point and information outlet for the City. Major Initiative Increase our role as the City's research resource • Design an internal campaign to engage and educate City staff about resources and tools at the Library, and how to use them. Update technology infrastructure. Major Initiative Develop seamless integration of different systems to support user. • Explore next generation library automation solutions. Develop and retain effective Library staff. Major Initiative Create depth in existing employee pool. • Implement standardized recruiting, hiring and training employment process for hourly staff. Diversify fiscal support sources. Major Initiative Explore fundraising options, including community/corporate partnerships. • TBD by Fiscal Year's End Realign budget with priorities identified each year. Major Initiative Annual strategic direction review institutionalized. • Implement annual review of Strategies and Initiatives, aligned with budget calendar. MAY 2009 ITEM # 7 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY State Library Survey Fiscal Year 2008-2009 FAST FACTS Total Operating Income, p. 3, question #305 o Decrease of approximately $650,000 o Represents citywide budget reductions Adult Literacy Program Expenditures, p. 3, question #503 o Increase of approximately $275,000 o Information Technology interservice-fimd charges o Reflects new building with strong emphasis on technology o Fifteen (15) additional computers Virtual Visits to Library Website, p. 5, question #860 o Virtual visits include a user's request of the library web site or catalog from outside the library building regardless of the number of pages or elements viewed o This is the first year the state required this information be reported o Continued website analysis with the migration to SharePoint 10/15/09