HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-11-18; Library Board of Trustees; Minutesjroved:ITEM #3 MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, November 18,2009 Library Board Room Carlsbad City Library, 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad, CA 92011 CALL TO ORDER: Chair Marie Bradley called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Staff Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, Hulsart, Lignante and Swette None Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Callie Ahrens, Principal Librarian Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Devin Castel, Library Business Systems Specialist Lisa Irvine, City Finance Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On a motion by Trustees Benson/Swette the minutes of the regular meeting held October 21, 2009 were approved as submitted (5/0). MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Both Trustees Bradley and Benson commented on the addition of the database Mango and Trustee Benson asked for some usage statistics sometime in the future. Trustee Lignante asked for additional information on the "Day of the Dead" celebrations at the Libraries and the origin of the custom. Library Director Pizzuto advised that the Library wishes to discontinue the statistics on e-mail and telephone notification explaining that when these services were first offered in 2005 the Board was interested in determining whether these represented viable alternatives to the mailed notices. Since Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of November 18, 2009 Meeting 2005, 100% of the activity has been on the increase so at this point the Library has concluded that these methods are well established communication methods and will discontinue collecting the activity statistics, unless the Board has any objections. She offered the Board the opportunity to identify any other statistics to include in the monthly report that might be helpful, noting that requests for additional information need not be presented at this particular time, but at any time in the future. There were no objections from the Trustees and the item did not require any formal action by the board. Trustee Lignante questioned the huge increase over last year's number in the in-house use of materials count at the Learning Center and Principal Librarian Ahrens explained that in the previous year the staff was performing a manual count and that during the current year they are using the automated system to count the materials left out but not checked out. Deputy Library Director Curtis added that although this method of counting the material (used at all three facilities) is more accurate, it is extremely labor intensive, and collects information no longer included in the State Library report. For those reasons, the Library will probably cease to collect and record those numbers in the near future. CITY 2009-10 BUDGET UPDATE: Library Director Pizzuto introduced City Finance Director Lisa Irvine who provided an in-depth PowerPoint update of the City's budget for the current fiscal year and the 10 year financial forecast. She explained that the economy has affected the City of Carlsbad's revenue resources and the drop in revenue will require some adjustments, but that the City has been preparing for this recession for several years and is therefore in a much better position financially than most. She continued that the recession is not going to end very quickly and economists agree that although it appears to be pretty close to being over, the recovery will not be as quick as it was in the 1970s. QUARTERLY TECHNOLOGY REPORT: Business Systems Specialist (BSS) Castel provided the quarterly report on technology usage in the Library explaining that the wireless statistics were missing from this quarter due to an upgrade taking place in the structure and the tool needed to capture the stats is not yet in place. He added that he hopes to have the wireless statistics as well as web site hits by the next quarterly report. BSS Castel advised that he has also removed the bandwidth-use bar graph from this report since the peaks and maximum usage times seem to have remained fairly consistent quarter to quarter; however, should the patterns change, he would again include this in the report. BSS Castel then reviewed the information on PC Management sessions and utilization and the difference between the two measurements. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of November 18, 2009 Meeting Trustee Swette asked about the utilization in some areas and the possibility of relocating or repurposing some of the PCs, or purchasing additional ones. BSS explained that the increase in the Dove Lab particularly is a direct result of a repurposing some PC's. Library Director Pizzuto further explained that the Library converted some of the PCs from catalog- only to Internet access which reduced wait time in some areas but there are other areas where we have no way to meet the demand. That is the case at the Cole Library where we have provided all the PCs that the building's infrastructure can support and are now looking at other ways to increase access. One idea the Library is pursuing on a trial-basis is to provide a leaner laptop that can be used wirelessly in the building. She explained that repurposing or repositioning Library PCs is on-going based on annual trends, but what won't change very easily is the amount the Library can spend on computers. STRATEGIC INITIATIVES FOR FY2010-11: Library Director Pizzuto explained that earlier today the senior Library staff had participated in a brain storming effort, evidence of which was still posted on the walls of the Board Room. She explained that the group began with the current strategic directions, used the advice provided by this Board at its last regular meeting and developed some alternative language for some of the directions. The strategic initiatives were the next focus and the discussion was not finished but will be concluded at the regular Division Heads meeting tomorrow morning, Thursday November 19th. The final versions of the strategic directions will be provided to the Board at their next meeting, together with the initiatives being considered for next year. She concluded that until we have more information on the budget for next year the list cannot be finalized, but will be brought back to the Board once the Library can finally determine its capacity to accomplish the proposed initiatives. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto provided the following updates to the Board: CLAF Mini-golf - The average door count for a Sunday is about 600 for the four-hour period, but on Sunday, November 8th, the Library opened two hours earlier and the door count exceeded 1200. The Library staff did not receive any complaints or negative feedback from this first mini-golf event, and there were no injuries or damage. The CLAF committee has not had their recap meeting and therefore there are no figures available on resulting revenue. Sr. Librarian recruitments - The recruitment process continues with the scheduling of the departmental interviews. Mango - This new database was recently added and the Library has plans for downloadable audio books to be available early next year. An in-depth overview of those two new resources will be scheduled for a future Board meeting. CLA Annual Conference - Thirteen Library staff members attended portions of the annual conference in Pasadena last month despite a challenging budget year. Many attended a single day and were able Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of November 18, 2009 Meeting to use the city vehicle for carpooling. The overall theme of the conference was maintaining positive momentum during difficult economic times, sustaining services where possible and preserving a sense of humor. As is the Library's usual practice, brown bag sessions are planned where those staff who attended can share information with those who did not. Door Counters - The Library has selected a vendor for the replacement door counters, Walker Wireless, and will purchase one set of counters to test at all locations before purchasing additional sets. Public Art - The joint first responders training facility art component will be available for previewing as part of the public art process, at various locations, the Cole Library being the first, followed by the Library on Dove Lane. Vacation - The Director will be on vacation next week and Deputy Library Director Curtis will be the acting Director in her absence. FOUNDATION REPORT: The primary focus of the meeting was the upcoming mini-golf event at the Library but Library Director Pizzuto added the Foundation did establish a slate of officers for the next year. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart announced that the Friends will be holding their annual holiday book sale on December 7th & 8th and honored their volunteers with their annual luncheon event on October 30th. NSDCGS REPORT: Board Liaison Marg Kealey reported their membership numbers are up and this Society is one of the largest in the country. She reviewed the programs from the previous month and reminded the Board that they are invited to attend the annual Holiday Luncheon at the Lake San Marcos Country Club on December 8th. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Bradley announced that Trustee Benson recently accepted a position with National University Headquarters as the Executive Director of Extended Learning. Trustee Bradley commented on the experience and historical knowledge available from Trustee Lignante and his long association with the Library. Trustee Swette advised that the Community Grants Committee had completed its work for the year and their recommendations were being presented to City Council sometime in December. Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of November 18, 2009 Meeting Trustee Lignante commented on his involvement with the wounded Marines and the Base Commander at Camp Pendleton with regard to the donation of some of his court room drawings, and encouraged other Board members to personally consider these causes. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Lignante/Benson), the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for October 2009 Systemwide... 1. On October 1, Captain Book performed magic, presented a chest of books, and stressed the importance of reading during a visit to the Library Learning Center. Each child took home a book. The Kiwanis Club of Carlsbad generously donated a treasure chest filled with books and will help maintain the collection of free books for the Learning Center. Jessica attended the October 13 Kiwanis meeting to thank the group and report back on the success of the event. 2. The Library hosted poet and literary legend Yevgeny Yestushenko on October 8. Over 200 people attended the talk and provided great feedback on this rare opportunity to hear an acclaimed poet read his work. 3. On October 13, the Library hosted author Richard Lederer who discussed his new books, A Treasury for Dog Lovers and A Treasury for Cat Lovers. Approximately fifty people listened to the talk and attended the book signing. 4. On Oct. 18, 25 people attended a poetry writing workshop with local teacher Jill Moses at Georgina Cole Library. 5. The History Room sponsored 2 History Mystery events. At Georgina Cole Library, 9 children attended and at the Dove Library, 6 attended. The History Mystery night was a program for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. Each team had a set of history questions to solve in a race against the other teams, using materials (many original) from the history room. After all of the teams completed their questions, the children shared their favorite questions and answers. The evening also included a get-to-know you game at the beginning of the evening, and ended with Scooby Doo mysteries and snacks. 6. A new online database, Mango Languages, was added to the collection. This will help many patrons learn a new language, especially those who are frustrated by the wait to use the Rosetta Stone language learning CDROMs. 7. The annual favorite "Food for Thought" reading incentive program sponsored by In-N-Out Burger began October 10 and runs through November 21. Children may earn up to three certificates good towards a free cheeseburger for every 5 books they read. 8. Sirsi 3.3 upgrade went very smoothly for us. 9. A volunteer orientation took place on October 17 at the Dove location and had 14 in attendance. Staff is currently interviewing applicants for Dove, Cole and the Learning Center opportunities. The next orientation is planned for January 16 at Cole. Monthly Library Reports for October 2009 CCL, Dove Lane... 10. On October 6, Teen Services Librarian Darin Williamson attended High School College Night. He spoke to 125 students about services available through the Carlsbad City Library to help them prepare for and find the right college. 11. Two holiday-themed programs were held for teens in October. On October 19, ten teens attended a Day of the Dead program and decorated traditional sugar skulls. A pumpkin carving program was held just in time for Halloween on October 26.14 teens attended this program and carved some very creative jack o' lanterns. 12. Teen Read Week (October 18 - 24) was once again marked by the Read for Chocolate program. Teens that wrote book reviews received a candy bar for each review turned in to the Reference Desk. Teens wrote a total of 23 book reviews. 13. The Childrens' division hosted Raggle Taggle, who performed a rollicking Buccaneer Halloween Pirate Show on October 19 in the Schulman Auditorium to the delight of the 145 adults and children who attended. 14. Children enjoyed the Make and Take Halloween craft on October 29 and the traditional Halloween costume parade following both Storytime Theater programs on October 30. Georgina Cole... 15. October's Culture Craft featured Latino stories and a craft in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. Story Craft's theme was Halloween. A sugar skull craft workshop was held to celebrate Dia de los Muertos. A screening of The Corpse Bride was held for some Halloween fun. 16. Two "Spooky Preschool Storytimes & Halloween Parade" programs were held the last week of October and were well attended (45 in attendance on October 28 and 50 on October 29). The kids were able to trick-or-treat at the different service desks. 17. The 3rd annual HalloTEEN late night teen event was held on October 30. Twenty-six teens attended and participated in a variety of activities such as pumpkin decorating, mummy wrapping and other ghoulish games. Learning Center... 18. The Learning Center hosted a Read for the Record event on October 8. This annual national event aims to create the world's largest shared reading experience by having readers reading the same book to children on the same day. This year's book was "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." This local effort was led by AmeriCorps members Shirley Betters, Leslie Rodwick, and Ben Russak, who partnered with Bilingual Services to host two special Read for the Record story times for Head Start children. The guest readers Monthly Library Reports for October 2009 were two learners from Literacy Services, Gloria D. and Gloria R., who read to 40 children. Thanks to the generosity of the event's sponsors, free copies of the book were given to the participants. 19. On October 6, Lizeth Simonson met with Dr. Jane Hartman, School Principal at Jefferson Elementary School to converse about Homework Zone and to open communication and collaboration between Homework Zone tutors and Jefferson school teachers. Dr. Hartman expressed her gratitude to the Library for this valuable service we provide to the children and their families in our community. Ms. Simonson provided Homework Zone flyers to the school to be distributed to the parents at the Parent School Night. 20. Three Carlsbad learners were honored at a luncheon in Pasadena on Oct. 31 for their achievement in the State Library's Writer to Writer challenge. This annual event invites adult learners to read a book that has influenced their lives and then write a letter to the author. Four winners, eight runners-up, and 30 finalists were selected in four writing categories from 188 entrants from adult learners throughout the state. Carlsbad learners Ramon G. and Camila R. were selected as runners-up in the Beginning category, and leaner Nyla H. was chosen as a finalist in the Intermediate category. 21. On October 27, a program celebrating the "Day of the Dead," was presented at the Leaning Center. Children and adults learned about the customs and folklores associated with this holiday and decorated skulls made out of sugar. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - OCTOBER 2009 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Learning Center (began Aug 2008) Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities E-Mail Notification New Users Outbound Notices (Hold, Overdue 1 & 2) New Users Cumulative Total (Began August 2005) Telephone Notification New Users New Users Cumulative Total (Began December 2005) Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Oct-08 13,754 73,026 33,526 9,195 7,856 31,640 16,750 5,974 833 1,832 4,942 198 43 666 11 97 124 3,342 13,864 818 8,627 32,423 272 9,618 72 2,766 16 1,239.55 Sept-09 15,237 77,555 33,483 8,238 10,791 33,845 14,828 6,707 1,071 1,280 4,775 610 39 602 8 70 67 2,102 17,599 909 10,102 51,236 385 13,413 82 3,021 15 1,694 Oct-09 14,478 78,217 34,502 9,100 10,166 34,906 17,406 6,649 1,117 1,572 5,025 540 40 444 13 128 117 3,048 14,633 776 10,163 52,012 303 13,716 80 3,344 5 1,725.65 ITEM # 6 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Technology Report July -September 2009 PC Management Sessions Location Dove Adult Lab Dove Adult Lab 2 Dove E-mail Dove Walk-up Dove Children's Cole Adult Cole E-mail Cole Children's Learning Center Children's Lab Learning Center Adult Lab Total # of Computers 20 3 4 4 9 12 1 8 7 7 Sessions Apr- Jun 2009 9,348 1,295 6,095 4,038 1,848 10,155 1,283 2,595 1,326 1,831 Sessions Jul -Sep 2009 11,416 1,395 6,695 4,101 1,885 11,644 1,565 3,054 1,466 1,866 Pet of Change 22% 8% 10% 2% 2% 15% 22% 18% 11% 2% Apr-Jun/Jul-Sep Percentage of change Figure 1. Sessions PC Utilization Averages Location Dove Adult Lab Dove Adult Lab 2 Dove E-mail Dove Walk-up Dove Children's Cole Adult Cole E-mail Cole Children's Learning Center Children's Lab Learning Center Adult Lab Total # of Computers 20 3 4 4 9 12 1 8 7 7 Utilization Apr-Jun 2009 71% 80% 29% 57% 22% 78% 24% 35% 35% 56% Utlization Jul-Sep 2009 81% 80% 32% 62% 23% 86% 29% 41% 32% 58% Pet of Change 10% 0% 3% 5% 1% 8% 5% 6% -3% 2% 12% Apr-Jun/Jul-Sep Percentage of change * Figure 2. Utilization Top Public Internet Categories Apr-Jun 2009 Jul-Sep 2009 Category Streaming Media/MP3s Web Advertisements Social Networking Search Engines/Portals Reference E-mail Computers/Internet Business/Economy Arts/Enterainment Percentage of use 14% 14% 13% 9% 6% 4% 4% 3% 2% Category Streaming Media/MP3s Social Networking Search Engines/Portals Reference E-mail Computers/Internet Business/Economy News/Media Arts/Entertainment Percentage of use 16% 13% 9% 6% 4% 4% 3% 3% 3%